Delivering for Scilly | Issue 13 | November 2023

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Delivering for Scilly Read our end of season round-up as Scillonian III enters her maintenance period. £100,000 raised Our generous customers have donated the milestone amount.

Positive feedback Read our amazing customer feedback from a busy season.

Steamship St I S L E S O F S C I L LY


Isles of Scilly

Delivering for Scilly

Welcome to the autumn issue of Delivering for Scilly magazine, full of the latest Company news. It has been a busy, eventful and, at times, challenging year so far. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, as always, for your continued commitment.

Turn to page 6 to read about Skybus Captain Richard Ashby’s retirement after 25 years of service

Find out the latest on our vessel replacement project on page 12

We have now raised more than £100,000 for the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust. Read about it on page 9

Find out what our customers have been saying about us on pages 10-11


Supporting charity flights

On 4th October our Passenger Relations Team issued a milestone 500,000th ticket using our online booking system Book It, which was introduced in January 2016.

St Petrocs donation We donated a pair of day trip tickets for Scillonian III as a raffle prize for St Petrocs, a charity working to end homelessness in Cornwall. The event, held in September, raised more than £11,000. Amanda Taylor, from St Petrocs, said: “Thank you so much

We are delighted to have hosted helicopter

for your support and contribution, we are so

pleasure flight operator Adventure 001 at Land’s

grateful. This will make a huge difference for many

End Airport again in 2023, helping to raise

people experiencing homelessness.”

£50,000 for Cornwall Air Ambulance. Once again, we supported the Cornwall Summer

Pendennis cricket match

Special Event, which has been running for 13 years, with free landing fees at the airport. The

A team of cricketers from Pendennis Shipyard

scenic flights operated from Land’s End in August

travelled to the Isles of Scilly in June for a charity

and we have agreed to support the flights again

match, supported by the Isles of Scilly Steamship

in 2024. Jess Sadler from Adventure 001 said:

Group. Pendennis Shipyard has now raised around

“The Cornwall event has been a great success and

£10,000 for the Sunrise Appeal, which raises

we are delighted to be donating a further £50k

money to support the Sunrise Centre, Cornwall’s

to the Cornwall Air Ambulance this year. This

oncology unit based at the Royal Cornwall Hospital

wouldn’t have been possible without your help so


thank you.”

Isles of Scilly Steamship Company Limited, Steamship House, Quay Street, Penzance Cornwall TR18 4BZ

T +44 (0) 1736 334240 Editor Marketing Team

Delivering for Scilly is produced by Isles of Scilly Steamship Group inhouse communications team.

Delivering for Scilly

With grateful thanks to all team members who’ve helped contribute articles and photos. Opinions expressed are the authors’ and not necessarily those of the company. Whilst every effort is made to ensure total accuracy Isles of Scilly Steamship Group cannot be help responsible for any errors or omissions within this magazine.

Wind energy

103rd AGM

End of season round-up On Wednesday, 11th October we held our 103rd AGM at On the Quay, St Mary’s followed by our first community update event on our vessel replacement project, which was attended by around 300 people throughout the two hours. We would like to thank everyone involved in the preparation, communications, delivery and on the day engagement with the community. It was all handled professionally and with exceptional care. The feedback from attendees of both events has been excellent and very positive, especially on the new vessel designs. It was a good opportunity to engage with the community on the wider social aspects of the Company and our community values, which led to our decision to re-open the St Mary’s office.

October saw our last Skybus flights of 2023 from Exeter and Newquay, officially marking the end of another successful season for both routes. We carried almost 10,000 passengers between the two routes this season and celebrated more than 30 years of flying from each airport. Skybus has flown from Exeter to Scilly since May 1991 and from Cornwall Airport Newquay since June 1992. This year we operated up to three flights a day, six days a week from Exeter and one flight on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays from Newquay. Due to adverse weather conditions, Scillonian III’s final sailing of the year was earlier than expected, on 31st October and marked the end of her 46th season. She carried almost 120,000 passengers and 7,000 dogs in 2023. Our passenger ferry will now undergo a period of maintenance in Penzance to prepare her for 2024 – with her first sailing scheduled for 18th March. Every winter, Scillonian III undergoes vital works to ensure she remains in working condition. All the ship’s systems are tested, surveyed and passed, including onboard fire protection systems and lifesaving equipment. Engineering work, deep cleaning, painting and repairs all take place over the maintenance period, before she undergoes sea trials in Mounts Bay prior to her first sailing.


New Company appointments

Jeanette Ware Islander Jeanette Ware has been appointed as our new Islands Operations Manager, strengthening our management team on Scilly.

Jeanette moved to the islands in September 2007 when she married into a Scillonian family. Along with her husband Duane, they have five children and three grandchildren.

A well-known member of the community, Jeanette joined the Steamship Group in March 2016 as Operations Manager for Island Carriers.

She previously worked for Sibleys, and prior to moving to the islands, worked with children with learning disabilities.

As well as overseeing both Island Carriers and St Mary’s Quay, Jeanette will provide management support to all the Company’s island-based employees. She said: “I am extremely excited to become Islands Operations Manager. It’s a completely new role for me and I feel it’s really important for the Steamship Group to have a senior manager who is a familiar face on the islands. I feel I can – and already am – make a big difference. “I’m well placed to do the job as I’m in the unique position of being able to advocate for both the Company and the community and can see things from both perspectives. “Although I work for the Steamship Group, my life is here too and when I retire I plan to continue living here. I’m loyal to the community and want what’s best for Scilly.” Delivering for Scilly

Following the announcement of the re-opening of the office on St Mary’s, Jeanette will play an active role in getting it ready to be re-opened and will be working on this as a priority. She will also be present to meet with the community in the office and answer questions. Stuart Reid, Chief Executive of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group, said: “Our Company was formed more than 100 years ago by islanders, and we are proud to have Jeanette as our Islands Operation Manager. “Her hands-on approach and dedication to the local community make her an intrinsic part of the Steamship family. This is fantastic news for islanders. “Our focus has always been to deliver an exceptional customer experience for our passengers and Jeanette shares this passion and commitment.”

Here are just a few of the dozens of lovely comments we’ve had on Jeanette’s appointment on social media:

Congratulations Jeanette you have always been super efficient and helpful! Good luck in your new role.

Congratulations Jeanette, well deserved. I know you will do a wonderful job.

Couldn’t ask for a better person for the job. Well done Jeanette.

Fantastic news, congratulations Jeanette. Opening up the Steamship office is a great call too.

Andrew Fogden

Justin White

In August we appointed Andrew Fogden as our first Freight and Commercial Manager – a new role within the Company.

Justin White has been appointed as the new Master of the Gry Maritha.

Andrew, who recently relocated to Cornwall from Buckinghamshire, will take responsibility for freight services to the Isles of Scilly, a vital part of our year-round lifeline link. He will manage the current day-to-day freight operation for the 2,200 residents and 500 businesses on the Isles of Scilly whilst driving revenue growth, securing new opportunities and delivering innovative infrastructure projects, including identifying a new freight depot in Penzance. Andrew has previously held management positions for logistic companies in the South East of England and has many years of experience in freight contract negotiations. He said: “I was attracted to the role because of the combination of operational management and the commercial side of the business. I am delighted to join the Steamship Group and become part of the lifeline service it delivers for Scilly.” Stuart Reid, Chief Executive of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group, said: “We are delighted to welcome Andrew to the Company and would like to take this opportunity to wish him every success in his new role.”

Justin, 37, who joined the Gry as Chief Officer in June 2022, was promoted following Jack Glasson’s resignation. He said: “This is my first role as Master and I’m delighted, and proud, it’s on the Gry Maritha. I’ve had a fantastic first year with the Steamship Group and that is mostly because of the people I work with. “The job is a brilliant mixture of cargo operations and sailing. Although it’s a short journey over to Scilly, it feels more like deep sea than coastal sailing and gives plenty of opportunities to test my navigation skills.” Justin was a beach lifeguard for the RNLI until a decade ago, when he decided on a career change and joined the Merchant Navy. He grew up far from the sea in the South Wales Valleys, but annual family holidays to Cornwall made him realise he was naturally drawn to the ocean. He said: “I always had an affinity with the sea and when I worked as a lifeguard I met a lot of people in the Merchant Navy. I’d never really considered it as a career before that, but I’m so glad I did.” Justin spent ten years working for Maersk on container ships, where he moved up the ranks

and was about to start a job as Chief Officer when he noticed an advert to join the Steamship Group last year. “I moved to Newquay in 2017 as my career meant I could live wherever I wanted,” said Justin. “When I was away travelling the world I realised I was happiest in Cornwall and wanted to work closer to home. “I’ve never regretted joining the Steamship Group. The Gry is such an important ship to the islands and it’s a privilege be part of that.” The Gry Maritha has been the Isles of Scilly’s faithful freight ship since 1989, when she was purchased by the Steamship Group to further support the islanders with a dedicated yearround freight service and has been serving the islands ever since. The Gry is 123ft long, can carry 450 tonnes of cargo on three decks, and has a crew of ten. The Group is currently undertaking a major project to replace both the Gry and passenger ferry Scillonian III to meet the future demands of the community, businesses and visitors. Stuart Reid, Chief Executive of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group, said: “Justin has been a real driver in improving onboard standards and we are delighted to announce his appointment as Master. We’d like to take this opportunity to wish him every success in his new role.” 5

Farewell Captain Richard Ashby After 25 years’ dedicated service, Skybus Captain Richard Ashby flew his final passenger flight on 3rd November. Richard, 60, will retire after completing more than 30,000 landings and safely flying tens of thousands of passengers between St Mary’s and the mainland. His final flight into Land’s End Airport was accompanied by the traditional water canon salute as a mark of respect from the airport’s fire appliance. Richard initially joined the Company in 1991 until 1995, when he left to join British Midland. He was re-employed as Head of Training in June 1998 and subsequently appointed Chief Pilot in 2001. Richard has been instrumental in the development of Skybus over the past 25 years. He has accumulated 7,000 hours flying the Twin Otter; 7,000 hours flying the Islander and trained 104 pilots. Stuart Reid, Chief Executive of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group, said: “Over the past 10 years of knowing Richard, he has always led from the front and is hard-working, dedicated and highly respected by the community and industry peers. “He will be greatly missed by all his friends and colleagues at Skybus and we would like to wish him the very best in his retirement.”

Delivering for Scilly

Captain Cliff Ward Head of Training Captain Cliff Ward has been appointed as Head of Training for Skybus and will take on the role from November following Captain Richard Ashby’s retirement. Cliff joined the Company as a First Officer in 2006 and was quickly promoted to Captain on the DH6 Twin Otter in 2007. By 2012 Cliff had gained his instructors’ certificate on both the BN2 Islander and DH6 Twin Otter and in 2016 gained his examiners’ approval enabling him to conduct flight examinations of pilots. His love of flying stems from spending his childhood living near the edge of Heathrow Airport, listening to Concorde taking off and landing. Cliff started flying gliders in 1990, before moving on to gain his private pilot’s licence in fixed wing aircraft, followed by his commercial licence. He lives with his wife Deb and two daughters Georgia, 17, and Gracey, 12, in Trewoon, near St Austell. Cliff missed the birth of his firstborn, Georgia, as he was away in Scotland on his first Type Rating Test on the DHC-6 with Richard Ashby in February 2006. He recalls: “Richard had to come and find me to tell me my wife was in labour. We’ve had a long and successful career together and I consider him a friend. “Every day is a different challenge with Skybus – there is never a dull moment, and it makes the job really interesting. “Skybus is like a small family, I consider them friends as well as colleagues. We all get on really well at Land’s End Airport – Skybus ops, the engineering team, all of us. That’s the beauty of being part of a small group. “It’s more than a job, it’s something I get up in the morning and I love doing. It’s better than a job and beats working in an office any day. “I am looking forward to continuing the high standard of training and flight safety that Skybus pilots have instilled over the decades.” 7

St Mary’s office re-opening

Our friendly and knowledgeable team, including Islands Operations Manager Jeanette Ware, will be on hand every Monday to Saturday to answer any questions, queries or concerns. The office will be open from 10am to 2pm Monday to Saturday. People are welcome to use the office for freight, travel or general enquiries; help with travel disruption or any last-minute changes; paying freight and Island Carrier bills or any travel enquiries. We still encourage people to book online where possible, but will be there to help anyone who isn’t able to do so. As well as Jeanette, the office will be staffed by Amy Hart and Ellie Jane. Jeanette said: “The re-opening of the Hugh Street office is a most welcome addition to the already great services that we have to offer. “We have been working hard to get it ready for the community and visitors alike, and there is a different feel to the office – it is brighter and more welcoming.

We’ve been working hard behindthe-scenes and are excited to let you know our St Mary’s office reopened on Monday 13th November. We listened to feedback provided at our 103rd AGM and the community engagement event in October and decided to re-open the office.

Delivering for Scilly

“We hope everyone can use it as a hub for anything related to the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group. Our dedicated team are really looking forward to seeing friends old and new coming through the doors again. “Please feel free to pop in at any time for a chat. The kettle will be on!” The office will also be home to a permanent exhibition on our vessel replacement project, which is open to all.


£100,000 raised! We are pleased to announce we have now helped to raise more than £100,000 for the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust and we couldn’t be prouder. Over the past four years our generous customers have donated the milestone amount by making a voluntary donation when booking travel through our website. Since 2019, we have donated a total of £100,397 to the Wildlife Trust, with more than £31,000 being raised so far this year alone. The Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust is dedicated to keeping Scilly special - managing 700 hectares of land, 85km of paths, 170 scheduled monuments and protecting island wildlife. Julian Branscombe, Chief Executive of the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust, said: “We’re so grateful for the amazing support from so many of the travellers on Skybus and Scillonian III.

This funding is a big part of the lifeblood that enables us to do so much to keep Scilly special. “Just about everything we do – managing precious natural habitats, saving rare species, undertaking surveys, organising volunteering, clearing footpaths and looking after archaeological sites – is enabled by these wonderful donations. Thank you!” Each year the Steamship Group gives back thousands of pounds to the local community, supporting a huge range of groups, good causes, sporting events, subsidised travel for island residents, medical flights and off-island freight. Stuart Reid, Chief Executive of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group, said: “The Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust is a wonderful charity whose mission is close to the hearts of all at the Steamship Group – and we are delighted our customers feel the same.

“We know our passengers are attracted to the islands because of their unspoilt beauty and natural wonder and we want to thank them once again for their generosity in helping us to raise such a meaningful amount of money.” We introduced the same method of support for The Island Haven, a charity aiming to provide a place to stay on the mainland for islanders undergoing medical treatment, in October 2021. The current fundraising total has topped £21,000. The Island Haven will provide a “home from home” near the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro for the use of islanders and visitors to Scilly when they need it most. They may need a place to stay during prolonged outpatient treatment, or their family, friends or carer may need a place to stay to accompany their loved ones. 9


Customer A brief email to share my personal thanks to one of your staff members. Neil was based dockside at Penzance on Monday, 9th Oct and attended to me when I’d tripped and cut my hand open outside the terminal before boarding the ferry. He was very calm, good humoured and did an excellent job patching me up before ensuring I got on the ferry safely. Superb customer service, particularly given how busy he would have been. It was much appreciated and I’m glad to say the hand is well on the road to recovery. I’ve made a donation to Cornwall Air Ambulance as a gesture of my appreciation.

Our customers are at the heart of eve share some of our recent comments wit to all our employees for making th

I would like to send thanks to your park and ride colleague Diane for helping with my lost luggage. I left it in the transfer taxi. Diane hunted it down and arranged for the taxi to return it to me.

Thank you for the effective customer service and commitment to getting us home safely.

I wanted to write in to just say how brilliant the crew on board Scillonian were on 13th August. My family and I were on a day trip, and it was a little bit of a bumpy crossing over and as a result there were quite of lot of seasick passengers. The crew were kind and caring and were regularly checking on people and promptly cleaning any mess which made it a lot more of a pleasant crossing than it may have been. They all did a fantastic job, thank you.

Delivering for Scilly

Thank you for your help. Also, can you please pass on my regards to the whole team on the telephone, check in and crew. You have all been ace.

Following our recent trip with your Company I just wish to express my gratitude for the wonderful service we received from everyone involved in getting my wife and I to and from the Isles of Scilly. The attentiveness of your staff contributed to a most enjoyable few days break. Perhaps it was Isles of Scilly Travel that even arranged for the magnificent weather!


erything we do and we’re delighted to th you here. A big thank you, as always, hese comments so commonplace.

Received refund to credit card and wanted to thank you for the way this matter has been handled, quickly, efficiently and without fuss. I will certainly be telling all I meet of the excellent service your company offered with this matter and will only bring forward our next trip to our favourite islands.

I just wanted to let you know we travelled on the first crossing of the day on Saturday 15th July and the sea was incredibly rough. Your staff were phenomenal, calm, pleasant and with constant smiles of empathy and support whilst cleaning and assisting passengers efficiently and effectively. I genuinely could not believe how many people they helped and how positive they were about the whole experience despite it clearly being an incredibly challenging environment to work in. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to write this, but I hope you realise how exceptional your staff are as they made my 4 and 7-year-olds smile despite feeling unwell.

A big thank you to all the Isles of Scilly Travel team at St Mary’s Airport, the quay crews at St Mary’s and Penzance and the crew of Scillonian, who all made a frustrating day a lot easier. Thank you all so much for taking such good care of my elderly mum. She was treated with kindness and compassion by everyone we came into contact with. Wonderful service, thank you all. May I also thank the airport café team and Island

Your staff managed a busy and difficult weekend excellently. It was my first time on the IOS and will see you next year. Thank you. Special credit to the lady on the Exeter flight, booking in on Tuesday at the airport (she lives near the Mermaid pub and works on a farm on Sunday). A lovely helpful lady who summed up my experience of the islands – relatable, beautiful, kind and cheerful.

Transfers for their kindness. Teamwork at its best!


Careers convention with Five Islands Academy In October, we took part in a careers convention at Five Islands Academy on St Mary’s, as part of the school’s careers week. Chief Executive Stuart Reid and Marine Superintendent Tom Weise attended the convention, which included a community engagement event and two workshops with years 10 and 11, on maritime careers. Tom said:

It was great to hear from three students who would be interested in pursuing a career within the Merchant Navy once leaving education. There was a lot of interest in the new vessel designs, with a push to be able to watch Netflix on board the replacement freight vessel, and to ensure we continue to offer bacon baps!

Captain Victoria Bolitho also hosted two school visits on board Scillonian III, and has been presented with various pictures drawn by the children. Thank you to all who took part!

Delivering for Scilly

New Vessels Update We’ve held a series of community engagement events on each island, updating residents with the latest news on our vessel replacement project. The events were an opportunity for the community to meet with our new vessel project team and discuss the detailed designs, propulsion systems and the improvements that the new vessels will deliver. We presented a selection of proposed indoor and outdoor seating for Scillonian IV and the passenger lounge of the new cargo vessel, encouraging attendees to sit and provide feedback on what was important. Our objective is a modern, comfortable seating option with the ability to charge electrical devices.

The video then takes the viewer around the outside of the ship, showing the new modern looking design, the exterior seating areas and boarding entry points, including a view from beneath the waterline to show the deployed anti-roll fins which will stabilise the vessel.

to manufacturers of propulsion systems in Norway and electric containers in Plymouth and how we’re progressing with the new cargo vessel and Lyonesse Lady II. If you have any questions or queries on the project, please do not hesitate to ask.

The video then takes the viewer through the embarkation doors and around the interior of the vessel. You will notice the spacious modern inside seating areas with improved viewing points and onboard catering. We have also issued the third in our series of regular community newsletters giving an update on the project, which can be found on our website.

We also released a first look at the proposed interior layout of Scillonian IV, with a CGI walkthrough. The video can be viewed on our website and gives a virtual 3D experience of the vessel.

It includes a summary of the main areas of work as we progress with the project, including Chris Lingham’s appointment as project manager and his shipyard visit to Piriou Vietnam; Piriou’s three-day visit to the Steamship Group; the project team visit

Stuart Reid

Judith Piper

David Redgrave

Victoria Bolitho

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Financial Officer

Scillonian III Master

Scillonian III Master

Tom Sexton Gry Maritha Master

Ben Jenkins Lyonesse Lady Skipper

Tom Weise Marine Superintendent (DPA)

Chris Lingham Technical Superintendent

Sharon Sandercock

Sian Matthews

Marketing & Communications Manager

Executive Assistant


Transporting for XOcean In September, the Gry Maritha successfully shipped four uncrewed surface vehicles (USV) to Scilly ahead of a three-month project for ocean data company XOcean. The USVs - worth £250,000 each – had to be loaded and shipped with extreme care, and the freight team had several calls with XOcean prior to transporting to ensure they were happy with our loading procedures and handling methods. XOcean is utilising the USVs to conduct a bathymetric survey of ~2,200km of seabed, within the southern sector of the Western Approaches. The survey is being conducted to map the seafloor on behalf of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) in order to better understand the seabed and support safer maritime navigation and better use of the marine environment. Data collection will continue through the winter months with USV pilots and surveyors remaining safely onshore monitoring progress 24/7 via satellite broadband. Delivering for Scilly

Freight maintenance Our workhorses Gry Maritha and Lyonesse Lady underwent their six-monthly maintenance refits in October, ensuring they are kept in good working order for the winter months ahead. The Gry entered Penzance Dry Dock on Sunday 15th October for two weeks of work, including bottom and tail shaft surveys and a laser scan of the hull. The scan was completed by Hayle company Ultrabeam Hydrographic, aiming to determine the exact location of the pallet hoist on Gry Maritha, to confirm the working range for the pallet hoist on the new freight vessel. Work completed in dry dock included pressure washing the underwater areas of the vessel, a full re-application of antifouling, polishing the propellers and pulling the port tail shaft for

a scheduled survey from Lloyd’s Register. Also found to be needing work were repairs to the side door for the pallet hoist hatch, the crane/ windlass and the manoeuvring system. Thank you to Nick James and Paul Stevens who drove the tail shaft and bushes to Avonmouth for repairs, which were completed quickly and swiftly returned to the vessel with help from our freight department. Andy Fogden and Jeanette Ware arranged an external contractor to deliver the parts back overnight, allowing installation as soon as possible. The Gry was out of dry dock as planned on 31st October, but delayed by Storm Ciaran into service. Whilst the Gry Maritha is out

of service there is minimal requirement for the Lyonesse Lady so the opportunity is taken to maintain this vessel at the same time. Work on the Lyonesse included painting and seal works, swapping the port main engine with a spare, pressure washing the hull, replacing two cutlass bearings, a six-monthly crane inspection, replacing all anodes and servicing of all firefighting equipment. She was then sea trialled and back in service on 30th October.

We’d like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to the teams onboard for their assistance with the refit.


Five Islands Academy Sponsorship In September we announced our support for Five Islands Academy on St Mary’s with 200 Scillonian III tickets – giving pupils the chance to compete in sporting events on the mainland throughout the academic year. With tight school budgets, the sponsorship means island children can take part in a variety of competitive sporting events they otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford to get to. The first event, in October, saw two teams from years five and six heading to the Small Schools Football Competition 2023 at St Mewan, with many of the players making their school debuts. It will be followed by tennis, Delivering for Scilly

tag rugby, athletics and girls’ football events.

competitions for this academic year.

In the past the Steamship Group has sponsored travel to sporting events in the mainland on a smaller scale, with Five Islands Academy winning the Cornwall Schools Games in tennis, rugby, athletics and football.

“It will enrich our physical education offer by allowing children from all of our island bases to experience challenge and enjoyment in competitions on the mainland.”

The school keeps costs down by sleeping at Mounts Bay Academy, also part of the Leading Edge Academies Partnership. Teacher Adam May, from Five Islands Academy, said: “We are delighted and grateful to have the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group as a major sponsor for our travel to sporting events and

Stuart Reid said: “We are delighted to be sponsoring the pupils at Five Islands Academy in this way. It’s one of the ways we are giving something back to the island community we are so proud to be a part of. “We look forward to seeing the children in the spotlight and wish them the very best in their sporting endeavours.”

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