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DELIVERING FOR SCILLY Our missions, visions and values
Proud to be
In 2019, we rolled out our Mission, Vision and Values for the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company to help change the way we work and shape our future.
Our vision is the reason we are here: “Delivering for Scilly”. Our mission is the thing we want to do: “To be recognised for providing excellent transport services for Scilly”. Our values are we what stand for: “We have 8 key values that we aim to live up to”- safety, people focus, excellence, transparency, respect, trust, collaboration and community.
we are still committed to continuing our ambitions. Take a look at a few of our behindthe-scenes snippets from 2020 that stood out for us as demonstrating one or more of our values.

Throughout the
Covid-19 pandemic, the
whole of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company has contributed a huge team effort to ensure a lifeline service continues for the Isles of Scilly. From the travel centre team which has had to adapt and answer customer queries, reassure passengers and adopt new ways of working. Our office staff, and management teams working tirelessly behind the scenes. Our Skybus and Scillonian teams and the teams at Penzance and St. Mary’s Quay who worked hard to ensure lifeline transport services continued. Travel on the Scillonian III and Skybus changed with increased measure. Scillonian III saw the introduction of one-way systems on-board, baggage drop off and collections were changed to enable social distancing on the quays.
Island Carriers provided essential haulage services on the islands,
crews of the island freight vessels Lyonesse Lady and Swift Lady’ ensured supplies and post were transported between the five inhabited islands.
Throughout the first lockdown in 2020, the
crew of our freight ship Gry Maritha stayed on-board the vessel for the entire duration of their two week rotations to ensure freight supplies were delivered to the islands. During the initial lockdown period, every Thursday night the ‘NHS Clap’ could be heard up and down the country. Our Scillonian III and Gry Maritha crews coordinated efforts to show support for key workers along with other ships across the UK, by sounding their horns at 8pm on Thursday evenings. The ships’ horns added to the recognition and appreciation of all essential workers, from NHS staff to emergency services, supermarket employees and seafarers, who helped to keep the UK safe as well as stocked with essential food and medical supplies. And when the time came, we were honoured once again to deliver for Scilly, with transporting over hundreds of doses of the AstraZeneca Oxford vaccine by Skybus to St. Mary’s.
We need you to help us on our delivering for Scilly voyage
As our passenger, you have an important role to play too. We need to know what we’re doing well- and what we can improve on. And that’s where you come in. We need your feedback, your suggestions, and your ideas. If there’s an area we’re not living up to our promises- or if we’re going above and beyond- please let us know.