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Repurpose Your Catalog into Derivative Assets

Keeping SEO Top of Mind When Producing Catalogs

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a critical component of any modernday online marketing strategy. But with eCommerce and product catalogs and lookbooks, it is a competitive advantage.

Utilizing good SEO practices in everything you do can help to improve your visibility in search engines and attract organic traffic, while poor SEO practices can have a negative impact by making it harder for people to find your business.

When you enhance your website with catalog flipbooks, it’s important to know how those file types are going to impact your site’s SEO and ensure that your updates are actually improving, not hurting, your website ranking.

That’s why we stay up to date with Google’s latest updates and algorithms to ensure our file formats are optimized to provide our clients with the best possible tools to help with SEO visibility: Article Stories are AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) optimized to help with SEO.

Large graphics and slow webpage load times can negatively impact your SEO standing. For mobile readers, create Issuu Article Stories to engage your readers and have improved discoverability. AMP is an open-source, Google-supported project guaranteed to make sure your pages load quickly and look stunning.

Transforming your content with beautiful, interactive, and visually pleasing assets, so you can engage with your audience. SEO is tied to user experience (UX). As search engines continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, more and more emphasis is being placed on good UX.

Our format is embeddable into your website or blog.

You can optimize the page it is embedded on and, through your other marketing campaigns, send people to your own website instead of a thirdparty hosting solution.

You provide the content you know is going to be exciting and engaging with your audience, and we’ll help you transform it into an even more powerful SEO tool so people can discover your brand and your business will grow.

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