Yearbook Demo

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The Yearbook Yearbook recognizes the best of the best. This annual volume features the most stunning and cutting-edge designs, themes, photos and coverage from the 2019 yearbooks. Let it inspire you to produce your school’s best book ever.

BEST OF 2019 4- 125 SHOWSTOPPERS 126 - 149 SPREADS 148- 19 5 PHOTOS 19 6 - 249 PACKAGES 250- 275 COVERS 276 - 28 7 HONORABLE MENTION 288- 3 01 INDEX 3 02- 3 03


The Yearbook Yearbook recognizes the best of the best. This annual volume features the most stunning and cutting-edge designs, themes, photos and coverage from the 2019 yearbooks. Let it inspire you to produce your school’s best book ever.

The Yearbook Yearbook recognizes the best of the best. This annual volume features the most stunning and cutting-edge BEST OF 2019 designs, 4- 125 themes, photos and SHOWSTOPPERS coverage from the 126 - 149 2019 yearbooks. Let it inspire you SPREADS 14819 5 your to produce school’s best PHOTOS book 19 6ever. - 249 PACKAGES 250- 275 COVERS 276 - 28 7 HONORABLE MENTION 288- 3 01 INDEX 3 02- 3 03


The books featured in YEARBOOK YEARBOOK come from schools across the country and beyond its borders. The outstanding work showcased here represents that regional diversity.

West Monroe, Louisiana

ADVISER: Carly McDuffle REPRESENTATIVE: Carrie Barnes

■ West Monroe High School’s Rebelaire staff takes big picture design to new levels, leaving the main subject in color while converting the background to black-and-white. The turquoise triangle woven into the photo reflects the Shaped theme and gives a three-dimensional look. Body text, effectively placed on the image, is reversed on a transparency for readability. Triangles used in the headline design and folios complete the integrated design.

WE ARE REBEL NATION Brant Harper (12) sounds a horn as Rebel Nation cheers the football team on to a victory. The feeling in the section on Friday nights is indescribable. We are all united in that moment, cheering on a common cause, and I will never forget how that feels. From Friday night football games to the events of homecoming week, West Monroe is anything but boring. The opportunities are endless for students to become involved in the culture and community of Rebels throughout the year. Photo by Tyler Dent


Mini-THON Description THON is the largest student-run philanthropic organization in the world, with all proceeds going to help fight pediatric cancer at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center. The motto of THON is FTK because everything is For The Kids. Whether we are approaching businesses for donations, putting in long hours planning Mini-THON, or standing without rest for 12 hours, the kids fighting cancer are our inspiration! Advisors Mrs. Bollinger Ms. Harper

Activities Prior to the event, we: raise funds, contact local companies and businesses to ask for donations, and attend community events to spread the word. Host activities during the night, such as a community hour, dodgeball tournament, tug of war, and an inflatable obstacle course!


11 MEMBERS Clubs

Reading, Pennsylvania




PAGES OF CASE MATERIAL MOCKTrial 80 Activities Takes on prosecution and defense roles in a case so that the manners of a court room can be role-played. Competes against other schools in court cases Studies lengthy court cases Learn about manners in the courtroom

Life Divider


ADVISER: John White REPRESENTATIVE: Matthew McLaughlin


It was a fun experience that allowed us to raise money for a great cause! Lyndsey Algeo


Description Mock Trial members learn how to read through a lengthy court case. They role play a court case to compete with other schools with real judges and lawyers acting as the jury. Advisor Mr. Reese

Page Designed by: Allie Cowan & Maddy Winters

ER l T ET e b e B IS R E LIF as a

NationalHonorSociety Description NHS is an established organization recognizing outstanding high school students in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character. Membership is by application at the end of the sophomore and/or junior years. Advisors Ms. Gajewski, Mr. Clark


Activities Leads guided tours for incoming freshmen Serves and ushers senior citizens for the annual spring musical and the fall play Prepares and sets up for Exeter Township Easter Egg Hunt Volunteers at Lorane for book fair, Family Fun Day, and Play Day



■ The Exeter High School staff extends the Pioneer’s By the Numbers theme throughout the book, here applying the bright colors and circle graphic from the cover to club pages. Circled numbers strategically placed across the spread enumerate club members, parent volunteers, and amounts of money raised through special activities. Color blocks separate coverage areas, providing backgrounds for group and action photos. Coverage highlights each group’s accomplishments.


Orlando, Florida

ADVISER: Amorette Rantanen REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Lunsford

■ Leading lines, repetition and the golden hour tones of sunrise make for a striking image in the Cypress Creek High School Crossings yearbook. The strong photo is in keeping with a cover photo showcasing the natural beauty of the school’s Orlando, Florida, location. The photographer showed initiative in covering an important part of the marching band experience, rising early for practice and competitions.

Mount Vernon, Illinois

ADVISER: Jamey VanZandt REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Hawkinson

Ram Nation welcomed students back at 8:10 am on August 16, 2018 for the most part. A select group of junior and senior students who decided to take 0 Hour P.E. arrived for their first class of the year at 7:17 am. On this day, the tradition of the First Day of School Pep Rally continued, allowing students to show that We Bleed Orange and Black by competing in class spirit competitions. One down side, as some students mentioned, was that this event could not be documented by students through photos and videos because cell phones were now banned. Some joked about recording the occasion on their new

Chromebooks, but this did not have the same effect. A new schedule change caused a removal of a class period from eight classes to seven. This change extended the periods to 48 minutes, and removed short day Tuesdays. These changes were difficult at first, but as time passed students adjusted to the changes and began to accept the new normal. There were even comments on the communication that was taking place between students. We realized that maybe,

We Bleed



2-3 Opening

Orange & Black

Our high school career encourages us to look deeper into ourselves and towards the people we will become by getting involved in new opportunities and unfamiliar situations. Over the course of four years, our true image that we put forth emerges through participation in activities, sports, and hobbies we enjoy. Our journey to complete this chapter in our lives will begin to

College Station, Texas


REVEAL our full potential.

■ The Argus staff creates a striking opening spread with a montage of duotone and colorized photos inset on sculpture of the Cumberland Valley High School mascot. The spread repeats the striking combination of brilliant red with shades of gray from the cover, while the use of photos within the mascot shape reflects the Reveal theme. Touches of red in the body copy and folios unite the spread. opening


■ Pops of brilliant orange in a black-and-white crowd shot bring to life Mount Vernon’s theme, We Bleed Orange & Black. On the opening spread of the Vernois, rule lines across the top further emphasize the school colors, as does the orange box enclosing a rail of black-and-white photos across the bottom of the spread. The photos and text alike showcase the groups, individuals and traditions that make up the school year.



imperdiet fringilla elit, sit amet malesuada arcu varius eget. Donec pharetra magna in eros bibendum volutpat. Aenean posuere sapien eu sem ullamcorper tincidunt. Ut enim magna, cursus a tellus ut, pulvinar laoreet orci. Proin eget justo libero. Cras ut metus dolor. Curabitur imperdiet leo eget leo consequat, id accumsan augue commodo. Etiam a erat ullamcorper, ultricies risus vitae, blandit ante. Phasellus interdum lorem quam, egestas varius ex molestie eu. Vivamus id diam convallis est placerat blandit. Sed ac urna scelerisque, porttitor felis a, laoreet erat. Mauris a massa diam. Nulla ultricies dolor consectetur est aliquam, vitae efficitur eros vestibulum. In lorem libero,

vulputate sit amet vehicula nec, lobortis nec justo. Morbi vulputate elit quis nisi feugiat, eget finibus dolor bibendum. Sed ut pharetra sem. Vestibulum interdum, nisi vitae fringilla egestas, urna quam malesuada arcu, sit amet molestie magna mauris in risus. Ut laoreet urna a risus dictum, maximus blandit tellus viverra. Fusce lorem orci, gravida nec viverra at, egestas et lectus. Sed pharetra porta dui vitae

vestibulum. Suspendisse pharetra velit nec tellus sodales ullamcorper. Sed dictum nisl erat, id volutpat eros porta in. Morbi congue pretium quam vitae convallis. Cras nec erat orci. Morbi fermentum lectus id magna tempus pulvinar quis vitae urna. Integer tristique elementum felis, in congue nisi convallis in. Phasellus eu odio

ASH! vitae elit finibus aliquam. Sed consequat placerat sapien. Pellentesque non metus ac turpis elementum elementum in eget leo. Mauris luctus placerat maximus. Proin faucibus sodales pharetra. Morbi facilisis ultricies iaculis. Quisque ipsum mi, placerat at tellus elementum, viverra gravida velit. Maecenas vehicula sollicitudin lorem, sed tincidunt neque lobortis et. Aenean ullamcorper gravida orci at ultrices. Maecenas tempor est vitae nisi posuere, vitae gravida mauris pulvinar. Sed ac turpis gravida mi egestas rutrum vitae

ac ex. Aenean finibus purus non metus posuere ultricies. In dignissim tristique massa, vitae egestas mi rhoncus sit amet.

“The team felt more like a family this year, which is what really motivated our winning season”

-Julie, Class of 2023

Maecenas sed neque vitae massa faucibus ullamcorper vel quis augue. Nunc a quam mattis, tempus tellus tempus, suscipit

augue. Morbi semper a tellus id ornare. Donec cursus nec est eu commodo. Praesent sodales

Aledo, Texas THEME: What You Don’t See BOOKNAME: Ledoian ADVISER: Emily Arnold EDITOR: Pepper Purpura REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

double-edged theme enables expansive coverage

The Ledoian staff challenged itself to dive deep into coverage with the theme What You (Don’t) See. The stories begin with the photos, but the details reside in expanded captions. Each caption tells a story. Engaging headline design draws readers into the copy and wellwritten leads engage them. By researching subjects and interviewing participants, the staff records the history and memories of the year. The well-planned photo coverage and designs add visual elements to complete the package.

NOTEWORTHY: 30+ recognizable faces on the

spread; mix of one, two, three, small group, large group photos; headline package includes tinted photo; sidebar reveals a secret behind a long-held tradition.

students’ experiences covered; cleverly-written overlines to captions; folio design; use of color as a unifying device; dynamic dominant photo collection.

NOTEWORTHY: Well-designed primary headline;

informative secondary headline; facts & figures in copy & captions; quote set off in black bar in copy; overlines link captions to pictures; sidebar on community service.

NOTEWORTHY: Athletes arranged for easy

recognition; closely cropped on all sides; teams identified on upper, left-hand corner; scoreboards run beside team photos in coordinated color bars; correct identification format.

8-9 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Multiple aspects of agriculture

Austin, Texas THEME: Embark BOOKNAME: The Constellation ADVISER: Sarah Walker EDITORS: Lauren Breach & Choe Leline REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

blended coverage in a chronological organization

Because the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders embraces the global community, The Constellation staff’s blended coverage is no surprise. The travel theme Embark allows the staff to showcase students’ education outside the confines of the building. Alternative copy, appropriately chosen to align with content, combines with traditional features to create complete, in-depth coverage.

NOTEWORTHY: Verbal/visual connection between

primary headline & dominant photo package; action/reaction photos; coordinated cool color; well-written feature includes storytelling quotes with unique student perspectives.

coordinate with cover; travel postcard look & tone; section designations include a teaser about section content; planned variations in font choices: script, serif & sans serif.

NOTEWORTHY: Well-written primary headline;

alternative copy in Q&A format; dominant photo package; includes upper & lower grades; blended coverage of variety of extracurricular clubs & activities.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; creative blended coverage of fall teams; use of map & interactive choices engage readers; well-researched routes and geographical features on map; revealing interactive feature.

12-13 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Student art in stamp shapes; colors

Arcadia, California THEME: Retrospect BOOKNAME: Aracdian ADVISER: Logan Maertens EDITORS: Sandra Tang & Steven Yu REPRESENTATIVE: Frank Ortiz

theme color palette creates continuity of design

By introducing a wide variety of visual motifs on the cover (patterns, shapes, colors), the Arcadian staff gives itself design elements to work with throughout the book. A yearbook, by nature, is a review of the year, but the emphasis on “retro” in the stacked type suggests coverage of derivative lifestyles and trends from the historical past. The traditions of the school are definitively retro. Student perspectives in quotes add personality to content.

NOTEWORTHY: Bold coverage of unconventional beliefs;

coverage concept visually connected to design; hexagonal shapes echoed in graphics for emphasis; quotes reveal personalities of students; engaging primary & secondary headlines.

in food, fashion & accessories; captures the diversity of the school community; theme-related graphics & colors repeated; storytelling quotes indicate one-on-one communication.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; novel

coverage of sophomore personalities; retro use of color on photos; color use in type coordinates with spread; handwritten placards create a very personal response.

NOTEWORTHY: Vibrant colors in shapes anchor

cut-out photos; overlapping elements create dimension in design; alternative copy emphasizes differences in leadership styles & positions; well-executed COBs.

14-15 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of trends & preferences

Bellaire, Texas THEME: Forward BOOKNAME: Carillon ADVISER: Andrea Negri EDITORS: Allison Clarke, Heather Huang & Skye Waterlad REPRESENTATIVES: Ryan Almon & Hal Schmidt

photo composition & content support message of spreads Introduced on the cover, a subtle

color palette and type treatment move the theme Forward. Because students buy the book to see photos of themselves and their friends, the Carillon staff includes 20+ faces on spreads, varies photo composition and selects storytelling pictures. Their captions support the stories with facts, figures and quotes. Spread designs showcase the coverage through the use of color and shapes.

NOTEWORTHY: Distinctive design for dividers; use

of theme color palette; table of contents for section; chronological coverage; use of layered transparent triangles, use of distinctive theme graphic; wide range of photo content.

bold color palette; coverage of recurring event with creative presentation; winner clearly dominant; all photos clearly identified; other awards & participants covered.

NOTEWORTHY: Storytelling quotes; use of color

backgrounds; student names in bold; verbal/visual connection between primary head & dominant photo; color used in type; copy focuses on what is new.

NOTEWORTHY: Exceptional treatment of group shots

run in index, cropped closely, identified correctly; other timely content included; theme graphics & colors repeated; bold senior names; all caps content; student quotes.

20-21 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread set apart with

Cypress, Texas THEME: What’s Next? BOOKNAME: Kodiak ADVISER: Samantha Berry EDITOR: Editorial Board REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

graphics & color create continuity

The Kodiak staff gave Bridgeland students something different their second year, a colorful, contemporary book that points to the future. For consistency and continuity, graphic touches create textures that repeat on spreads in every section. Introduced on the cover, a vibrant color palette appears on spreads to highlight and separate content and lead the reader from one aspect of a story to another.

NOTEWORTHY: Section content on dividers; stacked type with transparency, outline, color & texture; photos selected to support theme; well-research captions; copy adds specifics to theme development.

bar; shape of graphics repeats font look; secondary coverage module designed as mini spread with primary & secondary headlines, graphic & photo; theme-related module.

NOTEWORTHY: Well-placed pull quote draws reader into copy; well-written, specific copy with quotable quotes; color & texture used to anchor headshots; poll records student preferences; quote in folio area.

NOTEWORTHY: Primary head captures attention &

secondary head adds specifics; quotes genuinely expand coverage; internal spacing clearly defines content & leads reader through story; readable type on photo.

22-23 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Secondary head reversed out of color

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