A year of diversified initiatives at cinfo
Embracing change, equipping professionals and organisations
2023 has been a significant year for cinfo, marked by active participation and adaptation to the changing global cooperation landscape.
This annual report outlines our key initiatives, which range from promoting career opportunities for current and future professionals in the sector, to equipping organisations and their staff with the resources and training they need to manage change in their field.
In these pages, you’ll discover how cinfo:
• Empowered professionals and organisations through coaching, career guidance, and tailored capacity-building solutions.
• Advocated for a more equitable future in the sector by promoting locally led practices and dismantling power imbalances.
• Explored future competencies in international cooperation to equip professionals for success in the sector.
• Bridged the generation gap by exploring innovative strategies for knowledge transfer within NGOs, ensuring valuable expertise isn’t lost.
• Strengthened Swiss representation in multilateral organisations by connecting top talent with relevant opportunities.
• Grew the cinfo Talent Pool, focusing on mid to senior-level professionals, ensuring a strong pipeline for the sector.
• Supported the next generation of talent by advocating for youth programmes and fostering diverse skill sets.
Learn more about our journey as we explore the diverse ways in which cinfo is working to build a more collaborative, effective, and future-proof global cooperation sector.
Your cinfo team
Evolving together: cinfo’s journey towards hybrid work
The way we work is being fundamentally reshaped, and the international cooperation sector is no exception. Recognising this shift, cinfo embarked on an internal journey in 2023 to implement a hybrid working model.
Embracing a new approach
Our decision to adopt a hybrid model stems from our desire to adapt to the evolving work landscape and to foster a more collaborative working environment. This approach, fully supported by our Co-Directors since 2023, Irenka Krone-Germann and Urs Stauffer (who lead in a topsharing capacity), combines the strengths of both agile and hierarchical structures.
A key aspect of our hybrid model is to foster a culture of clear communication and collaboration. By establishing well-defined decision-making processes, meeting formats, and roles and responsibilities, we aim to optimise workflows and increase overall efficiency.
In addition, the model allows us to harness the full potential of our team. By making a better use of everyone’s skills, talents and expertise, we aim to create a more engaged workforce.
The Hybrid Task Force
To ensure a smooth transition, cinfo has set up a dedicated Hybrid Task Force. This interdisciplinary team, supported by the expertise of an external agency, acts as a resource for cinfo staff. The task force advises colleagues on navigating unclear processes and actively looks for areas for improvement within the new model.
Changing mindsets
One of the biggest hurdles in implementing a hybrid model is the cultural change it requires. Traditional hierarchical structures need to be reconciled with the core principles of agile processes, where everyone is an actor and contributor. This requires encouraging individual responsibility in each team member to suggest adjustments and optimisation of the model.
Furthermore, a key challenge is to harmonise elements of the previous system, such as hierarchical structures, with the new, more selforganised approach. Identifying where these two systems meet and diverge is crucial to fostering a collaborative and efficient working environment.
A work in progress
The transition to a hybrid working model at cinfo is an ongoing process. The organisation actively seeks feedback from staff to identify areas for improvement and to ensure that the new system meets the needs of both the organisation and its employees.
Stay tuned for the next chapter in cinfo’s hybrid work journey.

cinfo helps professionals and organisations navigate the future of global cooperation
In the complex and shifting landscape of global cooperation, cinfo equips individuals and organisations with the skills and resources they need to succeed. We foster dialogue, collaboration and learning, creating a space where they can approach their full potential and influence their work in the sector positively. 2023 was no exception.
Shifting dynamics, rising challenges
The global cooperation sector is facing a confluence of complex challenges. Demographic shifts, environmental degradation and political instability all require a more collaborative approach. Humanitarian aid and long-term development efforts must work even more collaboratively to address these issues effectively. Organisations and individuals need to be prepared to manage their work as safely and purposefully as possible.
In addition, a growing emphasis on partnerships with the Global South, including regional ties and South-South cooperation, requires the dismantling of outdated hierarchical structures. A more inclusive approach is essential for effective collaboration.
Building skills for the future
In 2023, cinfo addressed these and other challenges through a multi-dimensional approach. Through career guidance, we supported professionals at every stage of their journey. Whether they were an experienced NGO worker or an aspiring UN staff member, our career counselling services provided a safe space for reflection and exploration. Through one-on-one
sessions, we helped them identify their strengths and gain insights to chart a realistic course that matches their aspirations. Along the way, we also provided coaching to equip professionals with the skills and strategies to navigate challenging work environments and foster greater effectiveness, independence and ownership in their roles.
In parallel, through workshops and events, we helped organisations and professionals meet the evolving challenges of the sector. Our offers included:
• Tailored solutions: Our bespoke workshops and coaching addressed very specific needs, such as helping teams stay safe, overcoming roadblocks or integrating new skills into the workforce.
• We revisited the concept of localisation, empowering professionals to take ownership and integrate more equitable processes into their organisations. The ‘Your journey to a more locally led practice’ workshop series provided participants with the tools for introspection and dismantling unconscious bias, and gave them concrete assessments to guide the implementation of different locally led approaches.
Collaboration is the compass
The ‘Your journey to a more locally led practice’ workshops served as a springboard for Immersion Day, a deeper exploration of this transformative approach. Similarly, the positive feedback from our career advice and other coaching sessions underlines the value of cinfo’s holistic approach.
Charting the course together
cinfo remains committed to providing a platform for peer-to-peer learning and exchange on critical topics like localisation. In 2024 and beyond, we will continue actively seeking feedback from participants, clients and partners to ensure that our career & capacity-building offers remain relevant and responsive to the ever-evolving needs of the sector.

Immersed in localisation: cinfo rethinks roles for a more equitable sector
Last November, cinfo’s 2023 Immersion Day addressed a key issue in global cooperation: localisation. This event aimed to encourage participants to reflect deeply on their role in promoting equitable partnerships between actors from the global North and South.

Why localisation matters
The concept of localisation, also known as decolonisation of the sector, emphasises local ownership and empowers local actors to take a leading role in the humanitarian and development initiatives that concern their communities. This shift from externally driven agendas to locally designed solutions recognises the critical value of local knowledge and expertise in creating sustainable change.
The challenge: bridging the gap
Despite years of discussion, there remains a gap between theory and practice. Local actors often face barriers:
• Meeting the strict requirements of northern organisations and donors
• Undermining their expertise
• Reliance on intermediaries that drain valuable resources
A call for systemic change
“Our vision at cinfo is to propose a systemic change approach that combines personal and interpersonal reflection on power dynamics, privilege and unconscious bias with concrete tools and support for organisations in the system”, says Shazia Islamshah, Senior Advisor and Trainer.
Immersion Day: fostering reflection and action
Immersion Day, held at the Invention Ramp in Biel-Bienne and online, went beyond traditional formats. Participants explored the topic through presentations, workshops, individual reflection exercises and peer exchange.
Key takeaways:
• Shared understanding: The diverse mix of participants built a shared understanding of their individual roles within the system.
• Introspection as a catalyst: Reflection on values and biases emerged as a crucial starting point for change. Some

April 2024 captured the essence of the event and encouraged further reflection for participants and those unable to attend.
With the launch of our ‘Localisation Community Platform’ in June 2024, cinfo aims to enrich the dialogue and equip professionals and organisations with the tools they need to create a more effective, equitable and sustainable future for global cooperation.
Shaping the future: cinfo explores new competencies for international cooperation
Fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the Swiss international cooperation sector is a cornerstone of cinfo’s mission. In 2023, a key activity involved our EduCOP community of practice.
EduCOP brings together institutions offering education and training programmes and facilitates valuable discussions on best practices and emerging trends in the sector of international cooperation.
This activity was particularly important as it built on cinfo’s previous study on future trends and competencies in international cooperation. As the sector experiences rapid change, the competencies required by practitioners are also evolving. EduCOP addressed this challenge by exploring how educational programmes can adapt to equip future professionals with the necessary competencies.
In this context, competencies are like prerequisites...
Competencies combine knowledge, skills, and attitudes to help you perform well in your job. Knowledge is your subject-matter expertise. Skills are your abilities to put that knowledge into action. Attitudes are your tendencies and personality traits that influence how you apply your knowledge and skills.
Our focus: New teaching pedagogies and staff development strategies (TPSDS)
EduCOP initiated a multi-faceted exploration of ‘new teaching pedagogies’ for international cooperation education that will continue into 2024. This involved:
Our initial study identified these top competencies: collaboration and teamwork, adaptability and flexibility, systems thinking, and critical thinking. It’s important to remember that attitudes, which reflect your beliefs, feelings and biases, significantly shape your behaviour. 1 2
mapping existing practices by assessing the current offerings of various academic institutions
cinfo members actively exchanging ideas and exploring how to integrate these new approaches into existing curricula
cinfo, in recognising the potential of this topic, planning a larger survey to assess how universities and institutes of applied sciences are integrating these new teaching pedagogies and trends into their curricula

cinfo’s future Think tank will be a laboratory for new ideas and reflections.
Building a future think tank
cinfo’s commitment to exploring these new and effective teaching pedagogies aligns perfectly with our vision of establishing a future-oriented think tank. By analysing these approaches, cinfo can gain valuable insight into how to equip future professionals with the necessary competencies to excel in their work. This will open the door to exploring other important aspects, such as a person’s cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence (affective dispositions), and behavioural tendencies – all of which are essential for navigating the complexities and challenges of international cooperation.
The impact of new teaching pedagogies
The exploration of new teaching pedagogies has significant value. It underscores the importance of integrating key topics into the curriculum, such as the attitudes and behaviours needed to be effective in a changing international cooperation landscape.
Empowering the next generation
Ultimately, this focus on innovative teaching pedagogies fosters stronger partnerships within the international cooperation sector and paves the way for developing new strategies.
By ensuring that the training programmes are well equipped, cinfo is preparing the next generation to confidently face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Passing the torch: cinfo explores knowledge transfer in the NGO world
Recognising the concerns shared by many employers about the retirement of the ‘baby boomer’ generation, cinfo launched a project to explore knowledge transfer in NGOs. This initiative investigated the measures planned to mitigate the potential loss of institutional memory as these experienced professionals leave the workforce.
The imminent retirement of the current generation provided the impetus to look at the issue of organisational knowledge, gradually leading us to focus on knowledge transfer itself.
We interviewed knowledge management and HR specialists from a dozen cinfo member organisations. These discussions revealed a diverse landscape of knowledge management approaches influenced by factors such as organisational size, culture and staff turnover.
What did we learn?
The interviews raised several thought-provoking questions, such as
• Future-proofing knowledge: What knowledge will remain relevant in the evolving landscape of international cooperation?
• AI and knowledge: How will artificial intelligence affect our relationship with knowledge and its transfer?
• Non-transferable knowledge: Is there ‘gut’ or tacit knowledge that simply cannot be transferred?
• Letting go? Is there a time when holding on to past knowledge could hinder progress?
Impact and way forward
The interviews revealed an interest among member organisations in sharing ideas, practices and perspectives on knowledge management. cinfo is well-positioned to facilitate these conversations and provide guidance. We aim not to provide one-size-fits-all answers but to inspire members and provide a framework for reflection and action.
Challenges and solutions
A traditional report felt counterintuitive for a project focused on knowledge transfer. We wanted a more engaging and playful format that is easy to consume. Finally, the concept of a set of postcards emerged – a visually appealing format with QR codes that lead to more in-depth information. cinfo will reveal the postcards in 2024.
An archive paved with good intentions
A point of discussion during the interviews was the question of documenting past projects. Rather comically, at the same time, cinfo was cleaning up its own files due to the new data protection law. We discovered dusty, unused archives in forgotten corners, kept with the best of intentions – a veritable “graveyard of best practices”. It was a striking example of the illusion surrounding knowledge transfer.
Partnerships and longer term vision
cinfo members have been key stakeholders in this activity. Their involvement and insights have been invaluable. This project fits perfectly with our long-term goal of being a learning organisation –continuously improving our own practices while strengthening our networks.

Your passport to the UN: cinfo supports Swiss professionals
cinfo’s activities relating to ‘Swiss presence in multilateral organisations’ focus on bolstering Swiss representation within the United Nations system and in international financial institutions. A key activity in 2023 was the career event ‘Meet and network with UN HR specialists’, which took place on 27 October in Geneva. This event, followed by one-on-one meetings and a UNHCR boot camp on how to apply to the agency, served as the culmination of cinfo’s efforts.
cinfo brought together top Swiss talent with representatives of key UN agencies. With the Swiss government’s support, this event enabled meaningful information exchange and networking opportunities, ultimately strengthening the Swiss voice at the UN.
A win-win for all
The day returned positive results for all involved with happy clients and partners on all sides:
top Swiss candidates were connected with relevant UN partners and peers
UN agencies gained increased visibility of talented Swiss professionals
the Swiss government supported the career aspirations of its citizens
The impact: visibility and understanding
The event’s impact was twofold. First, it significantly increased the visibility of qualified Swiss talent within the UN partner network. Second, candidates gained valuable insight into best practices when applying for UN positions, thereby increasing their competitiveness in the recruitment process.
cinfo successfully facilitated these crucial connections
A key challenge was bringing together busy people scattered across the globe for a face-to-face event. cinfo addressed this by partnering with key stakeholders such as UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNV and the Swiss Mission to the UN. This collaboration ensured a constructive event for both Swiss talent and UN representatives.
Aligning with long-term goals
This activity perfectly aligns with the Swiss government’s and cinfo’s long-term goal of attracting and mobilising talent for multilateral partners. By increasing the visibility of Swiss talent and providing essential career development resources, cinfo strengthens Switzerland’s representation in multilateral organisations.
The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with participants calling it an “excellent opportunity” and expressing appreciation for the support provided. This feedback will influence our future activities, which will offer more opportunities for Swiss professionals to connect with multilateral partners.
Beyond the event: a broader engagement
This career event is just one part of our commitment to Swiss representation at the UN and multilateral development banks. Here are some other highlights from 2023:
Comparative study
cinfo conducted a study on how other member states support the UN careers of their nationals, providing valuable insight for future initiatives.
Action frameworks
Action frameworks were established with several multilateral organisations to foster closer cooperation and support for Swiss candidates.
WomIN+ community
cinfo launched WomIN+, a community specifically designed to support Swiss women in multilateral organisations.
Growing online community
The online community for Swiss professionals in multilateral organisations continued to flourish, providing a platform for dialogue and valuable information through newsletters and events.
Headhunting & mobilisation
cinfo is actively involved in various headhunting and candidate mobilisation activities on behalf of multilateral partners, thus further strengthening the pool of Swiss talent eligible for UN positions.
By implementing this multifaceted approach, cinfo continues to play a central role in ensuring a strong Swiss presence at the UN and in multilateral development banks, ultimately contributing to value-driven positive global change.
cinfo Talent Pool: a magnet for top talent in international cooperation
The cinfo Talent Pool and our recruitment activities play a crucial role in connecting skilled professionals with opportunities within the Swiss international cooperation sector. In 2023, we focused on attracting mid- to early senior profiles who increasingly recognise the value of the talent pool in advancing their careers.

cinfo targets professionals at all stages of their careers.
We actively seek to connect with a diverse pool of candidates to ensure that our partner organisations have access to the best talent for each position. The talent pool allows us to maintain these valuable connections.
The impact: filling critical roles
The focus on attracting senior talent has had a significant impact. cinfo has been able to identify, inform and support highly qualified candidates for a wide range of positions within our partner organisations. This ensures that critical roles are filled with qualified individuals with a wealth of experience in the sector who can make a real difference.
The result: a wealth of talent
The talent pool activities have delivered promising results. Around 5,000 of our 22,000 talent pool members now represent mid- to senior (more than five years of experience) or executive-level candidates. This creates a rich selection of experienced professionals ready to contribute their expertise to high-impact international cooperation projects.

Overcoming challenges: building trust
One challenge has been attracting talented professionals who are selective about the platforms in which they engage. cinfo has addressed this by connecting directly with these individuals, demonstrating the added value of the talent pool, and assuring them that they have full control over their data. This commitment to transparency and value has been instrumental in gaining the trust of senior candidates.
Aligning with long-term goals
This activity aligns perfectly with cinfo’s long-term goal of remaining a premier resource for identifying the best talent in the international cooperation sector. Maintaining a comprehensive and diverse talent pool allows us to match exceptional candidates with the right opportunities effectively. 5
Looking ahead: building on success
cinfo constantly strives to improve its services. Positive feedback and ongoing development efforts will shape future activities. This includes:
• Enhanced job portal and talent pool: cinfo is committed to further developing the job portal and talent pool to ensure they remain an attractive platform for professionals and employers.
• Increased sourcing activities: cinfo offers free services to member organisations, including a few hours per year of active sourcing within the talent pool. This involves identifying suitable profiles for urgent recruitment needs and sharing the contact details of interested candidates or making them aware of the opportunities. This service enables our partners to fill critical vacancies quickly and efficiently while benefiting from cinfo’s highquality talent pool and sourcing expertise for broader recruitment mandates.

Discover our free services
Investing in tomorrow: cinfo supports the next generation of international cooperation professionals
cinfo is proud to champion the future of international cooperation by fostering opportunities for recent graduates and young professionals. In 2023, we sought to promote existing talent programmes and advocate for creating new ones. This comprehensive approach responded to a critical need identified by stakeholders across the sector.
The impact:
Fifty young professionals advanced their careers in international cooperation through UN agencies (Junior Professional Officer (JPO) and UN Youth Volunteer (UNYV) programmes), NGOs and foundations (SDG Youth Programme).
These talented individuals bring fresh perspectives and knowledge to their roles, making a positive difference in their organisations’ efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We challenged assumptions... about the ideal candidate for a career in international cooperation, debunking the myth that only those with a ‘traditional international cooperation background’ can succeed and highlighting the value of diverse skill sets. We further underlined that competition in our young talent programmes is often less intense than expected.
Collaboration is key
To offer the diverse opportunities, we partnered with donors (Swiss government, private foundations) and host organisations (UN organisations, NGOs).
Looking ahead, we’re committed to continuous improvement...
based on valuable feedback from both young professionals and our partner organisations. Young professionals have asked for more administrative support, particularly concerning social security issues and networking opportunities. We’ll ensure they can work effectively with partners to meet their needs and organise more networking events.
Other activities
The positive feedback from partner organisations confirms that the programmes meet a real need for wellqualified young professionals. We’ll continue to expedite the effectiveness of the programmes while working with partners to strike a better balance between autonomy and guidance for young professionals.
To evaluate our efforts and those of our partners, and, above all, to find out how useful the programmes and the support they provide for young people are, we have carried out the following activities:
Tracer study
We conducted a tracer study to assess the impact of the UNYV, UNV and JPO programmes on the careers of Swiss nationals in the sector. This will allow us to refine our support and maximise the long-term benefits of these programmes.
Our mission to Southeast Asia included a visit to a UNV workshop. This provided valuable insights into the realities of expatriate life and the ongoing support UNV provides to UN Youth Volunteers throughout their assignments.
Outreach and information
We organised and participated in 15 outreach events, informing around 800 young people about career opportunities in international cooperation and equipping them with the knowledge and resources to pursue a career in the sector.
Access our reports in German and French
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Explore our 2023 financial statements
Scan the QR code to access the full 2023 financial statements.
The Swiss Centre of Competence for International Cooperation
Job Portal and Recruitment
HR Marketing
HR and Career Development
Rue Centrale 115 2503 Biel/Bienne
+41 (0) 32 365 80 02 info@cinfo.ch www.cinfo.ch