Funny -Office

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Mobilpref S.p.A. si riserva il diritto di apportare ai propri prodotti le modifiche ritenute utili o necessarie, senza pregiudicare le caratteristiche essenziali dei prodotti stessi. Mobilpref S.p.A. reserves itself the right to effectuate any modifications deemed useful or necessary to its products, provided such modifications do not interfere with the essential characteristics of said products. Mobilpref S.p.A. se réserve le droit d’apporter les modifications jugées utiles ou nécessaires à ses propres produits, sans compromettre les caractéristiques essentielles des produits eux-mêmes.

Mobilpref S.p.A. Via Carlo Maccari, 1 Zona Industriale Baraccola Sud 60131 Ancona (AN) Italy t. +39 071.2906920 / f. +39 071.2866429 / www.

Design: solodesign A.D. e progetto grafico: Immagini: Virtual Design - TN Stampa: Grafiche Ricciarelli Edizione 01: 06.2015


Executive desk L2 M2BD - Coffè tab

08-09 Executive desk L2 N3BD – doors an M2AG

10-11 Executive desk L2 N3BD – doors an Meeting table L22 Storage units H88 side panels N2W

12-13 Executive desk L2 pedestal MFC N3 supporting metal - finishing top and N3BD - door pus

14-15 Executive desk L1 – doors and draw P100: desk top N doors N3BD - ha 16

Executive desk L2 Extension L100 P


Executive desk L2 Front extension L1 Storage units H21 and side panels N

18-19 Executive desk L2 Service unit: struc Meeting table Ø1 Storage units: stru panels N2AN 20

Executive desk L2 Service unit: struc


Executive desk L2 Indipendent side Drawers N2NO handles M2AG -

22-23 Executive desk su Service unit: struc Meeting table L22 Storage units H21

24-25 Executive desk L2 drawers e doors desk top N2WE handles M2AG -

26-27 Executive desk L2 N3RT - legs N3R top glass E1BD N3RT - handles M 28

Executive desk L2 Return side desk L Drawers N3BD -


Executive desk L1 – drawers N2AN - doors N2AN - h

30-31 Executive desk L2 handles M2AG Hanging bases a

32-33 Executive table L1 N3BD – drawers N3BD - doors N3 Hanging bases a

34-35 Executive desk su A1BD - Service u N3BD - Storage u

36-37 Executive desk L2 handles M2AG Executive table L2

38-39 Executive desk su aluminium A1AC side panels N2W M1NE - finishing top and structure N3NJ - d

40-41 Executive desk L1 doors H130: stru panels N3BD 42

Executive desk L2 top N2WE - legs


Executive desk L2 doors N3BD - Fin N3BD - supportin N3BD - handles M Upper cabinets L9

44-45 Executive desk L2 legs M2AG - Dra Storage units H88 panels N3RT - Ha – base N3BD - M

INDICE | INDEX | INDEX Direzionale | Managerial | Directionnel

pag. 06

pag. 20

pag. 42

pag. 48

INDICE | INDEX | INDEX Operativo | Operative | Operative

pag. 28

Riunione | Meeting | Réunion

pag. 110 Un progetto trasversale che introduce all’ufficio direzionale e approda all’operativo generando un nuovo livello estetico, risolvendo le più diverse esigenze di spazio e funzioni. Le richieste manageriali, le necessità operative sono in continua evoluzione con la contemporaneità del lavoro e trovano risposte adeguate in Funny. Flexibility and elegance are the key elements in the Funny series. This design cuts across boundaries, stepping into both management and operations offices and creating a new aesthetic level, addressing and resolving the widest possible range of functional and spatial demands. The requirements of management and the needs of the operations department are constantly evolving in step with changes in the workplace, and Funny has the right answer for all of them. Flexibilité et élégance: les raisons d’être de la gamme Funny. Un concept transversal qui fait entrer l’environnement directionnel et opérationnel dans une nouvelle dimension esthétique tout en répondant à tous les besoins en matière d’espace et de fonctionnalité. Funny répond de façon adaptée aux exigences directionnelles et aux besoins opérationnels, en constante évolution en fonction de l’activité.

pag. 54

pag. 65

pag. 72

pag. 82

pag. 88

pag. 98

Call-center | Call-center | Call-center

pag. 104

Reception | Receptions | Reception

pag. 116

LO SPAZIO DIREZIONALE HA UNA PROPRIA VALENZA: ESPRIMERE PRESTIGIO. Lo spazio direzionale ha una propria valenza: esprimere prestigio e risolvere reali necessità di lavoro. Le proposte Funny+ soddisfano tali richieste con le diverse proposte di sistemi d’arredo e soluzioni, ciascuna con una propria personalità e versatilità compositiva. La qualità del progetto, la scelta dei materiali, l’adattabilità del prodotto, la puntuale realizzazione rispecchiano la volontà di aiutare nello svolgimento del proprio operare. Management spaces have a value of their own: they convey prestige while addressing actual workday problems. The offerings from Funny+ meet these requirements with a number of furnishing systems and supporting structures, each with its own personality and versatility in terms of arrangement. The quality of the design, the selection of materials, the adaptability of the product, and meticulous execution reflect the goal of making it easier to do your job. L’espace directionnel a une fonction bien précise : exprimer le prestige tout en répondant à des besoins professionnels réels. La gamme Funny+ répond à ces exigences avec les différentes versions de systèmes de mobilier et de structures portantes, toutes modulables et dotées d’un caractère propre. La qualité du concept, le choix des matériaux, la polyvalence du produit et la réalisation irréprochable favorisent l’exécution des activités de direction.


FUNNY+: CIÒ CHE HA LA FORZA DI MUOVERE L’ANIMO A FARE O NON FARE, dire, pensare. Sistema di arredi direzionali che parte da un’ispirazione “minimal chic” per arrivare ad un contenuto tecnologico avanzato: i particolari e le finiture esprimono grande ricercatezza nella lavorazione e modernismo estetico. Funny+: something with the power to move the spirit to act or refrain from acting, to say and to think. A furniture systemfor executives inpired by a “minimal chic” style, with a technologically advanced content: finishing of the details bear witness to a dedication to sophisticated crafting and aesthetic modernism. Funny+ : quelque chose avec le pouvoir de déplacer l’esprit d’agir ou de ne pas agir, de dire et de penser. A cadres meubles systemfor inpired par un style “minimal chic” , avec un contenu de haute technologie : la finition des détails témoignent d’ un attachement à l’artisanat sophistiqué et modernisme esthétique.



SOBRIETÀ FORMALE, ERGONOMIA, FUNZIONE sono le basi da cui si sviluppa la scrivania pannellata. Soluzioni d’arredo caratterizzate da grande cura per i dettagli e accostamenti di materiali e linee di memoria domestica. Tutto ciò contribuisce a comporre luoghi di lavoro in cui stare bene con se stessi e con i propri collaboratori. Sober lines, ergonomics, and function form the foundation for the Funny+ wooden side desk. Furnishing solutions typified by a meticulous attention to detail and pairing of materials, and threads that echo the home environment. Everything flows together to create workspaces where you can work in harmony with yourself and your colleagues. Sobriété formelle, ergonomie et fonctionnalité sont les fondements du bureau avec côtés en bois de Funny+. Ces solutions d’aménagement se démarquent par le soin apporté aux détails et l’association de matériaux et de lignes à l’atmosphère chaleureuse. Tous ces éléments contribuent à créer des espaces de travail accueillants, que vous soyez seul ou avec vos collaborateurs.





PUREZZA DI LINEE E RAFFINATEZZA DI FORME caratterizzano le ampie superfici di lavoro; la vasta gamma di elementi aiuta i piccoli gesti del lavoro quotidiano. Dall’operatività singola, alla riunione, al contenimento, ogni componente risponde correttamente alle necessità quotidiane. Pure lines and refined shapes are the touchstone of these ample executive surfaces. The wide range of elements help make every little gesture easier throughout the working day. From working alone, to meetings, to organization, every component responds perfectly to the needs of an office. Les vastes surfaces directionnelles se distinguent par la pureté de leurs lignes et le raffinement de leurs formes ; le large éventail d’éléments favorise les petits gestes du quotidien. Du travail seul aux réunions, en passant par les espaces de rangement, chaque composant répond parfaitement aux besoins du travail.





LO SPAZIO LAVORO INTERPRETATO IN MODO MODERNO E NON CONVENZIONALE. Lo spazio lavoro interpretato in modo moderno e non convenzionale. L’originale accostamento di materiali e colori per dare vita a soluzioni d’arredo sempre funzionali e dalla forte personalità. A modern and unconventional interpretation of the working environment. The original pairing of materials and colors creates furnishing solutions that are always functional, with a strong sense of character. L’espace de travail réinterprété avec modernité et originalité. L’association audacieuse des matériaux et des couleurs crée des solutions d’agencement de caractère et toujours fonctionnelles.





LA TRADIZIONALE SCRIVANIA A QUATTRO GAMBE RIVISITATA e caratterizzata dall’originale disegno squadrato della struttura portante. La scrivania suggerisce emozioni e sensazioni in cui memoria e contemporaneità si fondono in un habitat le cui rigorose ed eleganti geometrie realizzano ambienti di alta classe. The traditional four-legged desk revisited – it shines thanks to the original trapezoid design of the frame. The desk suggests emotions and feelings that blend memories of the past with the present to create a habitat whose severe and elegant geometries create truly high-class environments. Le bureau traditionnel à quatre pieds revu et corrigé avec une conception originale, où la structure portante devient trapézoïdale. Le bureau évoque des émotions et des sensations où passé et présent se mêlent dans une dimension à la géométrie rigoureuse et soignée, source d’environnements élégants.









IL MINIMALISMO DELLA STRUTTURA PERIMETRALE in alluminio, il gioco materico e cromatico dei piani sono gli elementi che rappresentano un originale modo di interpretare e vivere lo spazio direzionale. Un progetto dalla forte caratterizzazione e senza limiti compositivi grazie ad una gamma completa di accessori e di complementi d’arredo. The minimalist structure of the perimeter is made of aluminium, playing with materials and color among the levels to deliver an original way of interpreting and experiencing an executive office. The design boasts a strong sense of character and has endless arrangement options thanks to a full line of accessories and furnishing pieces. La sobriété de la structure extérieure en aluminium ainsi que le jeu des matières et des couleurs des plateaux incarnent un espace directionnel interprété et utilisé avec originalité. Un concept de caractère aux possibilités de composition illimitées grâce à une gamme complète d’accessoires et de compléments d’aménagement.







ELEGANTE E RAFFINATO, DUTTILE E COMPLETO per rileggere l’ambiente executive con personalità. Una proposta con eloquente versatilità compositiva di un sistema creato per risolvere ogni necessità e dare un nuovo stile al lavoro quotidiano Elegant and refined, flexible and complete, the new Funny+ aluminium leg structure creates a strongly characterized executive environment. A proposal offering eloquent versatility in terms of arrangement. A system created to address any need and bring a new style to the working day. Élégante et raffinée, polyvalente et complète, la nouvelle structure avec pieds en aluminium de Funny+ crée un environnement directionnel unique. Une gamme aux possibilités de composition infinies. Un système créé pour répondre avec raffinement à tous les besoins du travail quotidien.





L’ELEGANZA DEI VOLUMI IN ARMONIA CON L’AMBIENTE PRESTIGIOSO. Una linea executive che si distingue per funzionalità e accostamenti cromatici e materici. La postazione di lavoro è caratterizzata dal volume del mobile di servizio portante e il gioco di riflessi del piano lavoro. Elegant shapes in harmony with a prestigious space. An executive line distinguished by the functionality of its color and material pairings. The key feature of the workstation is the shape of the base furniture and the playful reflections on the working surface. L’élégance des volumes en harmonie avec un environnement de prestige. Une gamme professionnelle qui se démarque par la fonctionnalité de ses associations de couleurs et de matériaux. Le poste de travail se distingue par le volume des dessertes et le jeu de reflets des plateaux.



FINITURE E SOLUZIONI TECNICHE IN PRIMO PIANO PER DARE IL GIUSTO RISALTO al progetto globale della collezione. Dettagli di un sistema funzionale per risolvere la connessione del proprio posto lavoro con il mondo. Funzionalità e razionalità; tutti i componenti sono predisposti per alloggiare cablaggi e cavi di alimentazione. Gonne frontali, porta-cpu, gambe intermedia canalizzata per ogni esigenza particolare. Finishings and technical solutions take center stage to truly celebrate the overall design of the collection. The details of a functional system are used to resolve the connection between one’s workstation and the rest of the world. A rational and functional approach: all components offer housings for cables and power cords. Front modesty panels, CPU-caddies, and ducted intermediate legs to satisfy any requirement. Finitions et solutions techniques de premier ordre mettent parfaitement en valeur le concept global de la collection. Détails d’un système fonctionnel pour reconnecter son poste de travail au monde. Fonctionnalité et rationalité: tous les composants sont conçus pour loger les câbles et les fils d’alimentation. Panneau frontal, desserte pour l’unité centrale, pieds intermédiaires avec logements pour câbles



LA COLLEZIONE DELLE SCRIVANIE EXECUTIVE comunica la sua forte personalità con una scelta di strutture in metallo molto semplici, ma nella logica della funzionalità e dell’evoluzione dell’operatività direzionale. Un’interpretazione della classica scrivania che predilige la leggerezza ma è capace di trasformarsi in un elemento di unione tra le molteplici funzioni operative. The executive desk collection conveys its strong sense of character by opting for very straightforward metal structures, yet with an approach that speaks volumes to the function and the improvement of management operations. An interpretation of the classic desk that prefers lightness, yet can turn into an element that brings together all the various working functions. Une proposition suggérant une image hautement technologique : des volumes primaires qui définissent une nouvelle géométrie du meuble. Les meubles suspendus permettant une modularité infinie grâce aux éléments ouverts ou avec porte et aux étagères avec support escamotable.







I PIANI LAVORO IN VETRO RETROLACCATO la varietà di forme e dimensioni, il gioco e l’accostamento dei colori e delle finiture permettono di adeguare lo spazio al proprio stile, favorendo la qualità del lavoro e della produttività. The worktops in lacquered glass, the variety of shapes and sizes, the game and the combination of colours and finishes allow to adapt the space to their own style, favouring the quality of work and productivity. Les plateaux en verre laqué la variété de formes et dimensions, le jeu et l’assemblage des couleurs et des finitions permettent d’ajuster l’espace au propre style, en favorisant la qualité du travail et de la productivité.





L’UFFICIO OPERATIVO È UN LUOGO IN CONTINUA TRASFORMAZIONE sia dal punto di vista compositivo, sia per l’utilizzo e aggiornamento continuo della tecnologia. Operatività singola o di gruppo, comunicazione e riunione, Funny risolve queste tematiche ed esigenze attraverso proposte semplici e complete. Dalla singola scrivania alle composizioni più complesse, dalla reception al call center, alla riunione, con Funny si progettano spazi ufficio in sintonia ed armonia con il benessere in ufficio. Operations offices are places of constant change, both in terms of their arrangement and in terms of their use and constant update of technology. Whether working individually or in a group, for communications or meetings, Funny has a simple and complete answer to these needs. From a single desk to more complex creations, from reception desks to call centers to conference rooms, with Funny you can design office spaces in synergy and harmony with office wellness. L’environnement opérationnel est un lieu en perpétuelle évolution du point de vue de l’agencement, de l’utilisation et des avancées technologiques. Travail seul ou en groupe, communication et réunion, Funny répond à ces besoins grâce à des gammes simples et complètes. Du bureau simple aux compositions plus complexes, de la réception aux centres d’appel en passant par les réunions, Funny permet de concevoir des espaces de travail propices au bien-être au bureau.



UN SISTEMA SEMPLICE E FUNZIONALE, ma al passo con i tempi. Funny interpreta lo spazio ufficio coniugando comodità ed evoluzione con la scrivania pannellata di gusto lievemente retrò. Composta da semplici elementi facilmente aggregabili dall’elevato rigore funzionale, risponde ad ogni necessità con una elementare logica compositiva. A simple and functional system that is in step with the times. Funny interprets office space by combining comfort, convenience, and evolution with a paneled desk with a decidedly retro vibe. Consisting of simple elements that are easily combined, and meeting a rigid functional standard, Funny responds to any need with a basic arrangement logic. Un système simple et fonctionnel, mais dans l’air du temps. Funny interprète l’espace de travail en conjuguant fonctionnalité et évolution avec son bureau à panneaux en bois d’allure rétro. Composé d’éléments simples facilement modulables mais d’une extrême rigueur fonctionnelle, il répond à tous les besoins grâce à sa logique de composition simplissime.









DALLA POSTAZIONE SINGOLA ALLE COMPOSIZIONI IN LINEA, Funny risponde con dinamismo ed essenzialità immediata ad ogni esigenza grazie alla versatilità degli elementi, degli accessori e delle aggregazioni. From an individual station to in-line arrangements, Funny has a direct, streamlined and dynamic answer to every need thanks to the versatility of its elements, accessories, and combinations. Du bureau simple aux modules alignés, Funny répond avec dynamisme et simplicité à tous les besoins grâce à la polyvalence de ses éléments, accessoires et modules.





PIANI RETTANGOLARI O SAGOMATI, SINGOLI O CONTRAPPOSTI, Funny si moltiplica all’infinito, creando postazioni funzionali ed efficienti, caratterizzate da diversi livelli di privacy e di condivisione dell’operatività aggregando semplici componenti. Rectangular or contoured, individual or contrasting, Funny multiplies infinitely, creating functional and efficient workstations characterized by various levels of privacy and workspace sharing by combining simple components. Avec ses plateaux rectangulaires ou modelés, simples ou opposés, Funny se multiple à l’infini, créant des bureaux fonctionnels et efficaces en modulant des composants simples, caractérisés par différents degrés d’intimité et de partage du travail.







LA GAMBA METALLICA CON FORMA MINIMALE, espressione di chiarezza e leggerezza costruttiva. Gli spazi operativi singoli sono efficienti, privi di barriere; nuovi luoghi di comunicazione e di operatività. The Funny metal U leg has a minimalist shape characterized by clear lines and a lightweight construction. The individual workspaces are efficient and free of barriers: new places for communication and operations. Le pied métallique en U de Funny se présente sous une forme minimale, qui exprime la clarté et la légèreté de la construction. Les espaces opérationnels autonomes sont efficaces, sans obstacle ; ce sont de nouveaux lieux de communication et de travail.







FUNNY SI MOLTIPLICA ALL’INFINITO creando postazioni funzionali ed efficienti, caratterizzate da diversi livelli di privacy e di condivisione. Pannellature e contenimento aggregati ai piani lavoro consentono di comporre isole di lavoro complesse pur mantenendo intatta una rigorosa armonia d’insieme. Funny multiplies infinitely, creating functional and efficient workstations characterized by various levels of privacy and sharing. Paneling and barriers joined with the surfaces make it possible to build complex work islands while still maintaining a strict overall harmony. Funny se multiple à l’infini en créant des postes fonctionnels et efficaces, caractérisés par différents degrés d’intimité et de partage. Les panneaux et les rangements associés aux plateaux permettent de composer des îlots de travail complexes tout en conservant une harmonie rigoureuse d’ensemble.



GLI ACCESSORI: PORTACAVI PER PIANI, GAMBE, canali passacavi, modesty panels, screens e paretine agevolano e completano l’operatività adeguando il posto lavoro alla continua evoluzione informatica. The accessories: table top-access, cable channels, front modesty panels, screens, and partitions to assist and complete office functions, adapting the workspace to the continuous evolution in information technology. Les accessoires (logement supérieur, passe-câbles, panneau frontal, écrans et cloisons) facilitent et complètent le travail en adaptant le poste à l’évolution constante de l’informatique.



SPAZIO E LUCE ESALTANO LA RAFFINATA ELEGANZA DELLA SCRIVANIA caratterizzata dalla grande superficie del piano vetro in colore per un arredo più direzionale. L’ampia flessibilità della collezione con gambe ad anello in evidenza nell’aggregazione dei doppi piani contrapposti e nella struttura accostata ai contenitori. Space and light enhance the elegance of the desk, characterized by the large surface of the coloured glass worktop for a more managerial furniture. The wide flexibility of the collection with ring legs featured in the aggregation of the front to front worktops and structure connected to the containers. Espace et lumière exaltent l’élégance raffinée du bureau caractérisée par la grande surface du plateau en verre coloré pour un ameublement plus directionnel. La vaste flexibilité de la collection avec piètement en forme d’anneau en évidence dans l’agrégation des plateau doubles opposés et dans la structure approché aux armoires.







PROGETTO FUNZIONALE E SEMPRE ATTUALE, al di là delle mode e degli stili, abbina il continuo evolversi del lavoro all’estrema duttilità dei componenti. Scrivania dotata di una struttura metallica semplice a “T” che prevede un rapido montaggio, caratterizzata da una trave per il facile alloggiamento dell’elettrificazione. A functional and consistently current design, beyond trends and styles, combines the on-going evolution of work with the incredible durability of the components. The desk features a new metal structure called “Tsquare” that assembles quickly, and is characterized by a beam set up to house all the electrical connections. Ce concept fonctionnel et toujours actuel, qui transcende les modes et les styles, suit l’évolution constante du travail grâce à l’extrême polyvalence de ses composants. Bureau équipé d’une nouvelle structure métallique en T, au montage rapide, équipé d’un logement pour le raccordement électrique.





POSTAZIONE PULITA E RIGOROSA risponde con dinamismo ed immediatezza ad ogni esigenza grazie all’accostamento degli elementi. Il semplice sistema di passaggio dei cavi consente una perfetta connessione in rete. A rigorous and clean workstation offers a dynamic and immediate answer to every need thanks to the pairing of elements. The simple cable channeling system makes it simple to connect to the network. Bureau sobre et rigoureux qui répond immédiatement avec dynamisme à tous les besoins grâce à l’agencement des éléments. Le système simple de passage des câbles permet une connexion parfaite en réseau.







CONFIGURAZIONI SINGOLE E AGGREGATE CON GAMBA A “T” SAGOMATA. Screens fra le postazioni creano situazioni aperte o chiuse in base all’autonomia necessaria per una corretta operatività. Single or combined configuration with the classic “T” leg. Screens between stations create open or closed spaces based on how much independence is needed to perform the work well. Configurations simple et modulées avec le pied classique en T. Des écrans entre les bureaux permettent de les ouvrir ou de les fermer selon l’autonomie nécessaire pour travailler efficacement.





LA FLESSIBILITÀ DI FUNNY CONSENTE SOLUZIONI INFINITE, tutte personalizzate. Colori, materiali e accessori rispondono alle molteplici esigenze con uno stile unico. Funny’s flexibility allows for infinite solutions, all of them customized. Colors, materials, and accessories can respond to a wide variety of needs with a unique style. La flexibilité de Funny permet des solutions illimitées, toutes personnalisées. Les couleurs, matériaux et accessoires répondent à tous les besoins avec une élégance unique.



L’INTEGRAZIONE DEI PIANI LAVORO E DELLE PARETINE consentono di creare postazioni call-centers funzionali ed efficienti, moltiplicabili all’infinito, che mantengono intatta la personalità e la flessibilità del progetto. The integration of work surfaces and panels makes it possible to create functional and efficient call-center stations that can multiply infinitely while maintaining intact the personality and flexibility of the design. L’intégration des plateaux et des cloisons permet de créer des postes de centres d’appel fonctionnels et efficaces, modulables à l’infini, tout en conservant la personnalité et la flexibilité du concept.







GRANDI SUPERFICI PER ACCOGLIERE E RIUNIRSI. La facile articolazione dei componenti, delle finiture e degli accessori permettono di creare con gusto e funzionalità ogni ambiente riunione, dal tavolo singolo al grande tavolo composto. Large surfaces for welcoming people and holding meetings. The easy articulation of components, finishings, and accessories makes it possible to create tasteful and functional meeting rooms, from an individual table to a large assembled table. De grandes surfaces pour accueillir et se réunir. L’articulation facile des composants, des finitions et des accessoires permet de créer, avec goût et fonctionnalité, n’importe quel environnement de réunion, de la table simple à la grande table composée.





LE GRANDI SUPERFICI IN ESSENZA sono interrotte dai “top access”, che raccolgono e nascondono i cablaggi e collegano la riunione con la rete. The broad surfaces in faced wood are dotted with table top access points that collect and hide cables and deliver network connections for the meeting. Les grandes surfaces en surfacé sont équipées de logements qui regroupent et cachent les câbles pour mieux connecter la réunion au réseau.



LA RECEPTION È IL LUOGO CHE RIVELA SUBITO IL CARATTERE e l’immagine di un’azienda. Le linee pulite, le ampie superfici, i volumi, accolgono e soddisfano le necessità operative di chi lavora. The reception environment instantly sets the tone and reflects the image of a company. The clean lines, broad surfaces and shapes are welcoming and meet the functional needs of the people who work there. La réception révèle immédiatement le caractère et l’image d’une entreprise. Les lignes sobres, les volumes et les vastes surfaces accueillent et répondent aux besoins des réceptionnistes.







I DIVERSI COMPONENTI E LA VARIETÀ DI FINITURE permettono di realizzare svariate soluzioni compositive che danno risposte immediate alle priorità funzionali, unitamente ad una elegante armonia estetica e formale. The different components and variety of finishes allow the creation of various compositions that give immediate answers to functional priorities, together with an elegant and formal aesthetic harmony. FR: Les différents composants et la variété de finitions permettent de réaliser compositions variées qu donnent réponses immédiates aux priorités fonctionnelles, ensemble à une harmonie esthétique élégante et formelle.





LE INFINITE SOLUZIONI REALIZZABILI CON QUESTO PROGETTO danno ampio spazio sia all’operatore che al visitatore. Il piano di lavoro può essere attrezzato con funzionali boxes multiuso, da posizionare a piacere sotto la mensola top. Endless solutions can be created with this design, offering ample space to workers and visitors alike. The work surface can be equipped with multipurpose functional boxes, arranged as desired below the top shelf. Les solutions de ce concept, déclinables à l’infini, créent de l’espace pour le réceptionniste comme pour le visiteur. Le plan de travail peut être équipé de caissons multifonctionnels, à positionner sous le plateau supérieur.







N3BD Bianco Dance White Dance Blanc Dance

N2AN Acero Nordic Nordic Maple Érable Nordic

N3RT Rovere Twist Durmast Twist Chêne Twist

N2NO Noce Walnut Noyer



N3OC Olmo Classic Elm Classic Orme Classique

N2GF Grigio Fango Mud Grey Gris Boue



M2BD Bianco Dance White Dance Blanc Dance

N2WE Wengè Wenge Wenge


M2AG Alluminio Goffrato Embossed Metal Alu Aluminium Gauffré

M1NE Nero Elegante Smart Black Noir Élégant

A1AC Alluminio Chimico Chemical Aluminium Aluminium Chimique

A1BD Bianco Dance White Dance Blanc Dance

A1AL Argento Lucido Glossy Silver Argent brillant


E1GF Grigio Fango Mud Grey Gris Boue

N2GN Grigio Nuvola Gray Cloud Nuage Gris

N2GT Grigio Tortora Dove Grey Gris Tourterelle

N2AN Acero Nordic Nordic Maple Érable Nordic

N3RT Rovere Twist Durmast Twist Chêne Twist

N2NO Noce Walnut Noye



N2GF Grigio Fango Mud Grey Gris Boue

M2BD Bianco Dance White Dance Blanc Dance

N2VP Verde Pistacchio Pistachio Green Vert Pistache

N2GZ Giallo Zucca Yellow Pumpkin Jaune Potiron

N2AA Azzurro Artico Artic Blue Arctic Blue

N2GF Grigio Fango Mud Grey Gris Boue


M2AG Alluminio Goffrato Embossed Metal Alu Aluminium Gauffré

M1NE Nero Elegante Smart Black Noir Élégant



E1GY Grigio Yoga Grey Yoga Gris Yoga

N3BD Bianco Dance White Dance Blanc Dance



E1BD Bianco Dance White Dance Blanc Dance



E1CT Cappuccino Cappucino Cappuccino

E1VA Verde Acido Acid Green Vert Acide

E1MS Marsala Marsala Marsala

V1BV Blu Vivo Sparkling Blue Blue Vif

V1MK Moka Moka Moka

V1NE Nero Elegante Smart Black Noir Élégant

E1BD Bianco Dance White Dance Blanc Dance

E1GY Grigio Yoga Grey Yoga Gris Yoga

E1GF Grigio Fango Mud Grey Gris Boue

E1CT Cappuccino Cappucino Cappuccino

E1VA Verde Acido Acid Green Vert Acide

E1MS Marsala Marsala Marsala

V1BV Blu Vivo Sparkling Blue Blue Vif

V1MK Moka Moka Moka

V1NE Nero Elegante Smart Black Noir Élégant


L 200 P 90 L 180 P 90

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 220 P 100

L 200 P 90 L 180 P 90

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 100 P 60

L 220 P 100

L 210 P 120

Ø 120

L 120 P 60

L 70 P 60

L 200 P 90 L 180 P 90

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 100 P 60

L 200 P 90 L 180 P 90

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 200 P 90 L 180 P 90

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 100 P 60

L 100 P 60

L 220 P 100

L 120 P 124 L 160 P 164

L 200 P 90 L 180 P 90

L 100 P 60

L 220 P 100

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 480 P 164

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

L 100 P 60

L 240 P 124

L 120 P 124

L 160 P 164

L 160 P 164


L 320 P 164

L 120 P 124

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190 L 200 P 90 L 180 P 90

L 120 P 124

Ø 105

L 240 P 124

L 200 P 90 L 180 P 90

L 100 P 60

L 120 P 124

L 160 P 164

L 220 P 100

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190

Ø 105

L 320 P 164

L 480 P 164

L 200 P 190 L 180 P 190



200 180 160 140 120 80


80 80 80 80 80 80


200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160


200 180 160 140 120 80


80 80 80 80 80 80



200 P 80 180 P 80 160 P 80 140 P 80 120 P 80 80 P 80


200 180 160 140 120




200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160


200 180 160 140

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140

180 P 60 160 P 60 140 P 60 120 P 60 80 P 60


200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160


200 180 160 140



180 P 60 160 P 60 140 P 60 120 P 60 80 P 60


200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160


200 180 160 140

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140


180 160 140 120

200 P 80 180 P 80 160 P 80 140 P 80 120 P 80 80 P 80


180 P 60 160 P 60 140 P 60 120 P 60 80 P 60


200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160


200 180 160 140


200 180 160 140 120 80


180 P 60 160 P 60 140 P 60 120 P 60 80 P 60


200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160


200 180 160 140

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140

L 324 P 160 L 244 P 160 L 284 P 160

L 324 P 324 L 324 P 244 L 284 P 284


200 180 160 140 120


180 160 140 120

L 200 P 164 L 180 P 164 L 160 P 164 L 140 P 164 L 120 P 164

L 180 P 124 L 160 P 124 L 140 P 124 L 120 P 124



180 P 60 160 P 60 140 P 60 120 P 60 80 P 60


200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160





164 164 164 164 164

80 80 80 80 80 80

200 P 80 180 P 80 160 P 80 140 P 80 120 P 80 80 P 80




200 180 160 140

200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140


200 180 160 140

164 164 164 164 164


124 124 124 124


200 180 160 140

200 180 160 140 120



164 164 164 164 164

164 164 164 164 164

200 180 160 140 120 80


200 180 160 140 120


164 164 164 164 164


180 160 140 120


124 124 124 124

80 80 80 80 80 80


180 P 60 160 P 60 140 P 60 120 P 60 80 P 60

L 200/180/160 P 180 L 200/180/160 P 160 L 200/180/160 P 140

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140






200 180 160 140 120


164 164 164 164 164


180 160 140 120

180 160 140 120



124 124 124 124

180 160 140 120


124 124 124 124

200 180 160 140 120 80


80 80 80 80 80 80

180 P 60 160 P 60 140 P 60 120 P 60 80 P 60

200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140

L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140

L 240 P 100 L 210 P 100

L 240 P 100 L 210 P 100

Ø 105


484 444 404 304 284 264


Ø 105

164 164 164 164 164 164


432 392 352 272 252 232


124 124 124 124 124 124


484 444 404 304 284 264


164 164 164 164 164 164


432 392 352 272 252 232


124 124 124 124 124 124


400 360 320 280 240


164 164 164 164 164


360 320 280 240


124 124 124 124


400 360 320 280 240


164 164 164 164 164


360 320 280 240


124 124 124 124


484 444 404 304 284 264


164 164 164 164 164 164



200 180 160 140

432 392 352 272 252 232



200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160


200 180 160 140

L 160 P 160 L 140 P 140 L 160 P 120


200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160 200/180/160


200 180 160 140

L 160 P 160 L 140 P 140 L 160 P 120

124 124 124 124 124 124

124 124 124 124 Ø 105



L 160 P 160 L 160 P 120 L 140 P 140

124 124 124 124

200 180 160 140 120



L 45 P 43 H 85 L 45 P 33 H 85

L 45 P 45 H 85 L 45 P 35 H 85

L 90 P 45 H 85 L 90 P 35 H 85

L 45 P 43 H 127 L 45 P 33 H 127

L 90 P 43 H 127 L 90 P 33 H 127

L 45 P 45 H 127 L 45 P 35 H 127

L 90 P 45 H 127 L 90 P 35 H 127

L 45 P 43 H 210 L 45 P 33 H 210

L 90 P 43 H 210 L 90 P 33 H 210

L 45 P 43 H 210 L 45 P 33 H 210

L 90 P 45 H 210 L 90 P 35 H 210

L 45 P 43 H 251


L 90 P 43 H 85 L 90 P 33 H 85

L 90 P 43 H 251

L 45 P 43 H 251

L 90 P 45 H 251

L 45 P 45 H 127 L 45 P 35 H 127

L 90 P 45 H 127 L 90 P 35 H 127

L 45 P 43 H 210 L 45 P 33 H 210

L 90 P 45 H 210 L 90 P 35 H 210

L 184 P 49,5 H 88

L 184 P 49,5 H 130

L 184 P 49,5 H 213

H 209

H 209

H 250

H 250

L 126 P 56 H 55

L 126 P 56 H 55

L 126 P 56 H 55

L 126 P 56 H 55

L 45 P 45 H 85

L 45 P 43 H 210 L 45 P 33 H 210

L 92 P 47 H 85

L 45 P 43 H 210 L 45 P 33 H 210

L 100 P 60 H 68

L 90 P 45 H 85

L 90 P 45 H 210 L 90 P 35 H 210

L 92 P 47 H 127

L 90 P 45 H 210 L 90 P 35 H 210

L 90 P 33 H 41,6

L 90 P 35 H 41,6

L 90 P 35 H 41,6

L 90 P 43 H 41,6

L 90 P 45 H 41,6

L 90 P 45 H 41,6

L 90 P 33 H 83,2

L 90 P 43 H 83,2

L 90 P 32 H 2,5 L 135 P 32 H 2,5 L 180 P 32 H 2,5

L 90 P 45 H 210 L 90 P 35 H 210

L 90 P 45 H 41,6

L 90 P 47 H 210

L 90 P 45 H 210

L 485 P 82,5 H 109

L 245 P 82,5 H 109

L 325 P 325 H 109



Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N3OC - fianco N3OC Cassettiera: N3OC - maniglie M2BD Tavolo basso L120 P60: piano N3OC - fianco N3OC Libreria a giorno H209 N3BD

08-09 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N3RT - fianco N3RT Mobile di servizio L126 P56: struttura N3BD – ante e cassetti N3RT - Top e fianchi di finitura N3RT - Porta CPU su ruote M2AG 10-11 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N2WE - fianco N2WE Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – ante e cassetti N2WE - Top e fianchi di finitura N2WE - Tavolo riunioni L220 P100: piano N2WE - piantana M2AG - Mobili contenitori H88: struttura N3BD - ante N2WE - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N2WE 12-13 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N3OC- fianco N3OC - Estensione con cassettiera N3OC – maniglie M2BD - Tavolo riunioni L220 P100: piano N3OC piantana M2BD - Mobili contenitori: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2BD top e fianchi N3OC - Basi e pensili sospesi L90: struttura N3BD - anta push&pull N3BD 14-15 Scrivania direzionale L180 P90: piano N2NO - fianco N2NO - Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – ante e cassetti N3BD - Top e fianchi di finitura N2NO - Tavolo riunioni L220 P100: piano N2NO - fianco N2NO - Mobili scorrevoli H88: struttura N3BD ante N3BD - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N2NO 16

Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N3BD - fianco N3BD Estensione L100 P60: piano N3BD - fianco N3BD


Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N2WE - fianco N2WE – gonna N2WE Allungo centrale L100 P60: piano N2WE - fianco N2WE - Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N2GN - ante N2WE - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N2WE – vetri V2VS



Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano E1GY – gambe M2AG Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – ante N3BD- Top e fianchi di finitura N3BD


Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano V1NE – gambe M1NE - Estensione L100 P60: piano V1NE - gambe M1NE - Cassettiera M1NE - Tavolo riunioni L160 P164: piano E1MS - gambe M1NE - Mobili contenitori H88: struttura N2GN - ante N2GN - maniglie M2AG - top N2GN Libreria H250: struttura N3NJ

92-93 Scrivania L180 P80: piano N3RT - gambe M2BD – copribase M3GW - Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N3RT - Top e fianchi di finitura N3RT - Cassettiera N3RT - maniglie M2AG - Gonna N3RT - Mobili contenitori H127: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - vetri V2VS Top N3BD - Mobili scorrevoli H213: struttura N3BD - ante N3RT - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N3RT


94-95 Scrivania L160 P80: piano N3BD - gambe M2AG – copribase M4AG Sopralzi: piano N3BD – struttura N3BD - Cassettiera N3BD - maniglie M2AG Porta CPU M2AG - Schermo divisorio N3BD Mobili contenitori H85: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - Top N3BD


Scrivania L180 P80: piano N3BD - fianco N3BD – carter passacavi M2BD Estensione con cassettiera L100 P60: piano N3BD - cassettiera N3BD Scrivania L160 P80: piano N3BD - fianco N3BD – carter passacavi M2AG - Mobile sottopiano L80 P40: piano N3BD - struttura N3BD – ante N3BD - Schermi divisori N3BD Mobili contenitori H85: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2AG - top N3BD

56-57 Scrivania L200 P80: piano N3RT - fianco N3RT – carter passacavi M2BD - Cassettiera M3BD Libreria a giorno H209 N3BD - Tavolo riunioni L240 P100: piano N3RT – fianchi N3RT Mobili contenitori H251: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2BD 58-59 Scrivania L180 P80: piano N2NO - fianco N2NO – carter passacavi M2AG Mobile sottopiano L80 P40: piano N2NO - struttura N3BD Tavolo riunioni Ø105: piano N2NO - piantana M2BD Mobili scorrevoli H213: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N2NO


Scrivania L160 P80: piano N3BD - gambe M2BD Estensione L100 P60: piano N3BD - gambe M2BD Cassettiera N2GF - maniglie M2AG - Schermo divisorio N2GF Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD – maniglie M2AG

Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N2AN - gambe N2AN – gonna N2AN Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N2AN - Top e fianchi di finitura N2AN

60-61 Scrivania piano compatto con cassettiera L160 P160: piano N2AN - fianco N2GF – carter passacavi M2AG - cassettiera N2AN - Schermi divisori N2GF Mobili contenitori: struttura N2GN - ante N2AN - maniglie M2AG - top N2AN

Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N2NO - gambe N2NO Allungo indipendente L100 P60: piano N2NO - gambe N2NO Cassettiera N2NO - maniglie M2AG Mobili contenitori H88: struttura N2NO - ante N2NO - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N2NO

62-63 Scrivania L180 P80: piano N3BD - fianco N2GF – carter passacavi M2BD Estensione L120 P60: piano N3BD - fianco N2GF - Cassettiera N3BD - maniglie M2BD Schermi divisori N2GF - Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD- maniglie M2BD

100-101 Scrivania L180 P80: piano N2AN - gambe M2BD Estensione L100 P60: piano N2AN - gambe M2BD Cassettiera N3BD - maniglie M2AG - Schermo divisorio N3BD Mobili contenitori: struttura N3BD - ante N2AN - Top N2AN

24-25 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N2WE - gambe N2WE Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti e ante N2WE - Top e fianchi di finitura N2WE Tavolo riunioni L220 P100: piano N2WE - gambe N2WE Mobili scorrevoli H130: struttura N3BD - ante N2WE- maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N2WE

66-67 Scrivania piano compatto L160 P160: piano N2AN - fianco N2AN - Schermi divisori N3BD Cassettiera N3BD - maniglie M2BD Mobili contenitori H85: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N2AN

24-25 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N3RT - gambe N3RT Estensione L100 P60: piano N3RT - gambe N3RT - Cassettiera N3RT - maniglie M2BD Tavolo riunioni L160 P164: piano vetro E1BD - gambe alluminio A1AC Mobili contenitori H130: struttura N3BD - ante N3RT - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N3BD – vetri V1GE Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano vetro E1BD - gambe alluminio A1AC Allungo DX L100 P60: piano vetro E1BD - gambe alluminio A1AC Cassettiera N3BD - maniglie M2BD Scrivania direzionale L180 P90: piano N2AN - gambe alluminio A1BD Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N2AN - Top e fianchi di finitura N2AN Mobili contenitori H130: struttura N3BD - ante N2AN - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N2AN

30-31 Tavolo direzionale L200 P90: piano N3OC - gambe alluminio A1AL Cassettiera N3OC - maniglie M2AG Tavolo riunioni L120 P124: piano V1NE – gambe alluminio A1AL Basi e pensili sospesi L90: struttura N3NJ - anta push&pull N3OC 32-33 Tavolo direzionale L160 P164: piano V1MK - gambe alluminio A1AL Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N2WE - Top e fianchi di finitura N2WE Mobili contenitori H130: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N2WE Basi e pensili sospesi L90: struttura N3BD - anta push&pull N3BD 34-35 Scrivania direzionale in appoggio L200 P90: piano N3BD - gambe alluminio A1BD Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N3BD - Top e fianchi di finitura N3BD Mobili contenitori H130: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2BD - top N3BD 36-37 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N3RT - gambe alluminio A1AC Cassettiera N3RT - maniglie M2AG Mobili contenitori H88: struttura N2GN - top N3RT Tavolo direzionale L220 P100: piano vetro E1GF - gambe alluminio A1AC 38-39 Scrivania direzionale in appoggio L200 P90: piano vetro E1BD/N2WE - gambe alluminio A1AL - Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N2WE - Top e fianchi di finitura N2WE Mobili contenitori H84: struttura N2GN - ante N2WE - maniglie M1NE - top e fianchi N2WE – base N3NJ - Pensili sospesi L90: struttura N3NJ - anta push&pull E1BD 40-41 Scrivania direzionale L180 P90: piano N3BD - gambe alluminio A1AC Mobili scorrevoli H130: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N3BD 42 43

96-97 Scrivania L160 P80: piano N3BD - gambe M2AG – copribase M3GF Penisole: piano N3BD – struttura M2AG - Cassettiera N2GF - maniglie M2AG Schermo divisorio N2GF Mobili contenitori: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - Top N3BD Scrivania piano compatto L160 P160: piano N3BD - gambe M2BD Cassettiera N2GF - maniglie M2AG - Schermo divisorio N2GF

64-65 Scrivania L160 P80: piano N3BD - fianco N3BD – carter passacavi M2AG - Sopralzi: piano N3BD – struttura N3BD - Scrivania L160 P80: piano N2GT - fianco N2GT Porta CPU su ruote M2AG - Schermi divisori N2GT Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N2GN - ante N2GT- maniglie M2AG Mobili scorrevoli H130: struttura N2GN - ante N2GT - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N2GT


90-91 Scrivania piano compatto L160 P160: piano N2GT - gambe M2AG – copribase M3GW Cassettiera N2GT - maniglie M2AG Schermo divisorio N2VP Porta CPU M2AG Mobili contenitori H85: struttura N2GN- ante N2GT - maniglie M2AG - top N2GT

50-51 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N3OC – gambe M2BD – gonna N3OC Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – ante N3OC - Top e fianchi di finitura N3OC Tavolo riunioni L320 P164: piano E1BD - gambe M2BD Mobili contenitori H130: struttura N3BD - ante N3OC - maniglie M2BD – ante vetro V1GE - top N3OC

22-23 Scrivania direzionale in appoggio L200 P90: piano N3OC - gambe N3OC Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N3OC - Top e fianchi di finitura N3OC Tavolo riunioni L220 P100: piano N3BD - gambe N3BD Mobili contenitori H213: struttura N3BD - ante N3OC - maniglie M1NE


89 Scrivania L160 P80: piano N2AN - gambe M2BD – copribase M3GF Estensione L100 P60: piano N2AN - gambe M2BD – copribase M3GF Cassettiera N2AN - maniglie M2AG Mobili contenitori H127: struttura N3BD - vetri V1GE - Top N2AN Mobili contenitori H85: struttura N3BD - ante N2AN - maniglie M2AG - top N2AN


18-19 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N2AN - fianco N2GF Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N2AN - Top e fianchi di finitura N2AN Tavolo riunioni Ø120: piano N2AN - piantana M2BD Mobili contenitori: struttura N3BD - ante N2AN - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N2AN 20

46-47 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano E1BD – gambe M2BD - Estensione L100 P60: piano E1BD - gambe M2BD - Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – ante N2WE - Top e fianchi di finitura N2WE - Tavolo riunioni L220 P100: piano N2WE - gambe N2WE Mobili scorrevoli H130: struttura N3BD - ante N2WE- maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N2WE Libreria H250: struttura N2WE - ante E1BD

Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N2WE – gambe M1NE Estensione L100 P60: piano N2WE - gambe M1NE Cassettiera N2WE - maniglie M1NE Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N3BD – gambe M2BD Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – ante N3BD - Top e fianchi di finitura N3BD Tavolo riunioni L220 P100: piano N3BD - piantana M2BD Mobili contenitori H84: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N3BD – base N3BD - Pensili sospesi L90: struttura N3BD - anta push&pull N3BD

44-45 Scrivania direzionale L200 P90: piano N3RT – gambe M2AG Estensione L100 P60: piano N3RT - gambe M2AG - Cassettiera N3RT - maniglie M2AG Mobili contenitori H88: struttura N2GN - ante N3RT - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N3RT Basi e pensili sospesi L90: struttura N3BD - anta push&pull N3BD – base N3BD Tavolo riunioni L220 P100: piano N3RT - piantana M2AG

136 136

68-69 Scrivania L160 P80: piano N2GN - fianco N2GN - Schermi divisori N2AA Tavolo tondo Ø 105: piano N2Gn – piantana M2AG Cassettiera N2GN - maniglie M2AG Mobili contenitori H251: struttura N2GN - ante N2GN- maniglie M2AG 70-71 Scrivania L180 P80: piano N3BD - fianco N3BD - Mobile sottopiano L80 P40: piano N3BD struttura N3BD - Sopralzi: piano N3BD – struttura N3BD - Schermi divisori N2VP Tavolo riunioni L210 P100: piano N3BD - fianco N3BD Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD 72

Scrivania L160 P80: piano N3RT - gambe M1NE - Estensione L80 P60: piano N3RT - gambe M1NE - Cassettiera N3RT - maniglie M1NE


Scrivania L180 P80: piano N2NO - gambe M2BD - Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N2NO - Top e fianchi di finitura N2NO - Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD ante N2NO - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N2NO

74-75 Scrivanie contrapposte L180 P164: piano N2GT - gambe M2AG - Porta CPU M2AG Cassettiera N2AN - maniglie M2AG - Schermi divisori N2AN Mobili contenitori H127: struttura N2GN - ante N2AN - maniglie M2AG - top N2AN 76-77 Scrivanie contrapposte L160 P164: piano N3BD - gambe M2BD - Porta CPU su ruote M2BD Cassettiera N3BD - maniglie M2AG - Schermi divisori N2GZ Mobile sottopiano L80 P40: piano N3BD - struttura N3BD Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2AG – vetri V2VS

102-103 Scrivania L160 P80: piano N2GT- gambe M2AG Estensione L120 P60: piano N2GT - gambe M2AG Cassettiera N2GT - maniglie M2AG - Schermo divisorio N2GT - Porta CPU M2AG Mobili contenitori H127: struttura N2GN - ante N2GT - vetri V1GE - Top N2GT 104-105 Schermi divisori: N2GN Piani: N2GN 106-107 Schermi divisori: N2GN Piani: N2AN 108-109 Schermi divisori: N2GN Piani: N3RT 110 Piano 1: N2GT Piano 2: N3RT Piano 3: N3BD Piano 4: N2AN 111

Tavolo riunioni L220 P100: piano N2NO - piantana M2BD Mobili contenitori H88: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N2NO

112-113 Scrivania L160 P80: piano N2AN - gambe M2AG – copribase M3GW Raccordo: piano N2AN Mobili contenitori H127: struttura N2GN - vetri V1GE - Top N2AN 114-115 Tavolo direzionale L160 P164: piano N3RT - gambe alluminio A1AC Mobili contenitori H88: struttura N3BD - ante N3RT - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N3RT 116-117 Schermi frontali: N2AN - Mensola: N2GF - Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N2GN - ante N2AN - maniglie M2AG - vetri V1GE - top e fianchi N2AN 118-119 Schermi frontali: N3BD Mensola: N2AN Scrivania: piano N3BD - gambe M2BD Box sottomensola N3BD Porta CPU su ruote M2BD Mobili scorrevoli H213: struttura N3BD - ante N2AN - maniglie M2BD - top e fianchi N3BD

78-79 Scrivanie L180 P80: piano N3BD - gambe M2BD - Mobile sottopiano L80 P40: struttura N3BD Sopralzi: piano N3BD – struttura N3BD - Cassettiera N3BD - maniglie M2BD Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD - maniglie M2BD

120-121 Schermi frontali: N2AN Mensola: N3BD LED Scrivania: piano N2AN - fianco N2AN – carter passacavi M2BD Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante N2AN - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N2AN

80-81 Scrivania L180 P80: piano N3BD - gambe M2BD - Estensione L80 P60: piano N3BD - gambe M2BD - Cassettiera N2GF - maniglie M2BD - Schermi divisori N2GF - Gonna N2GF Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante N3BD – maniglie M2AG

122 Schermi frontali: L1TS Mensola: N3BD Scrivania: piano N3BD - fianco N3BD – carter passacavi M2BD Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante L1TS - maniglie M2AG - top e fianchi N3BD


Scrivania L200 P80: piano E1GF – gambe M2BD Estensione L100 P60: piano E1GF - gambe M2BD Cassettiera M2BD


Scrivanie contrapposte L160 P164: piano N3RT - gambe M2BD - Schermi divisori N2AA Mobile sottopiano L80 P40: piano N3BD - struttura N3BD Mobili contenitori H85: struttura N3BD - ante N3RT - maniglie M2BD top e fianchi N3RT

84-85 Scrivania L180 P80: piano N2GN - gambe M2AG - Estensione L100 P60: piano N2GN gambe M2AG - Cassettiera N2GN - maniglie M2AG - Schermi divisori N2AA Tavolo tondo Ø 105: piano E1BD – gambe M2AG Mobili contenitori H127: struttura N2GN – ante N2GN – maniglia M2AG – top N2GN 86-87 Scrivanie contrapposte in appoggio L180 P164: piano N2AN - gambe M2BD Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N2AN - Top e fianchi di finitura N2AN Schermi divisori N2AN Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante N2AN - maniglie M2AG 88

Scrivania L160 P80: piano N2AN - gambe M2AG – copribase M3GW Estensione L100 P60: piano N2AN - gambe M2AG – copribase M3GW Cassettiera N2AN - maniglie M2AG Schermo divisorio N2AN

123 Schermi frontali e laterali: N2WE Mensola: E1BD Scrivania: piano N3BD Mobili contenitori H210: struttura N3BD - ante N2WE- maniglie M2AG 124-125 Schermi frontali: N3BD Mensola: N2NO Scrivani: piano N2NO - gambe M2AG – copribase M4AG Box sottomensola N3BD Cassettiera N3BD - maniglie M2AG Mobile di servizio: struttura N3BD – cassetti N3BD - Top e fianchi di finitura N3BD 126 Schermi frontali: N2AN Mensola: N2GT Scrivani: piano N2GT - fianco N2GT 127

Schermi frontali: N3BD Mensola: N2GF Scrivani: piano N3BD - gambe M2BD Box sottomensola N3BD Cassettiera N2GF - maniglie M2BD



Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3OC - side panel N3OC - Drawers N3OC - handles M2BD - Coffè table L120 P60: top N3OC – side panel N3OC - Bookcase H209 N3BD

08-09 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3RT - side panel N3RT - Service unit L126 P56: structure N3BD – doors and drawers N3RT - Finishing top and side panels N3RT - Mobile CPU stand M2AG 10-11 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N2WE - side panel N2WE - Service unit: structure N3BD – doors and drawers N2WE - Finishing top and side panels N2WE Meeting table L220 P100: desk top N2WE - supporting metal structure M2AG Storage units H88: structure N3BD - doors N2WE - handles M2AG - finishing top and side panels N2WE 12-13 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3OC - side panel N3OC - Extension with supporting pedestal MFC N3OC – handles M2BD - Meeting table L220 P100: desk top N3OC supporting metal structure M2BD - Storage units: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N3OC - Hanging bases and upper cabinets L90: structure N3BD - door push&pull N3BD 14-15 Executive desk L180 P90: desk top N2NO - side panel N2NO - Service unit: structure N3BD – doors and drawers N3BD - Finishing top and side panels N2NO - Meeting table L220 P100: desk top N2NO - side panel N2NO - Units with sliding doors H88: structure N3BD doors N3BD - handles M2AG – finishing top and side panels N2NO 16

Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3BD - side panel N3BD Extension L100 P60: desk top N3BD - side panel N3BD


Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N2WE - side panel N2WE – modesty panel N2WE Front extension L100 P60: desk top N2WE - side panel N2WE Storage units H210: structure N2GN - doors N2WE - handles M2AG - finishing top and side panels N2WE – glass V2VS

18-19 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N2AN - side panel N2GF Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N2AN - Finishing top and side panels N2AN Meeting table Ø120: desk top N2AN - supporting metal structure M2BD Storage units: structure N3BD - doors N2AN - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N2AN 20

Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N2AN - legs N2AN – front panel N2AN Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N2AN - Finishing top and side panels N2AN


Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N2NO - legs N2NO Indipendent side desk L100 P60: desk top N2NO - legs N2NO Drawers N2NO - handles M2AG - Storage units H88: structure N2NO - doors N2NO handles M2AG - finishing top and side panels N2NO

22-23 Executive desk supported by service unit L200 P90: desk top N3OC - legs N3OC Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N3OC - Finishing top and side panels N3OC Meeting table L220 P100: desk top N3BD - legs N3BD Storage units H213: structure N3BD - doors N3OC - handles M1NE 24-25 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N2WE - legs N2WE - Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers e doors N2WE - Finishing top and side panels N2WE - Meeting table L220 P100: desk top N2WE - legs N2WE - Units with sliding doors H130: structure N3BD - doors N2WEhandles M2AG - finishing top and side panels N2WE 26-27 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3RT - legs N3RT - Extension L100 P60: desk top N3RT - legs N3RT - Drawers N3RT - handles M2BD - Meeting table L160 P164: desk top glass E1BD - legs aluminium A1AC -Storage units H130: structure N3BD - doors N3RT - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N3BD – glass V1GE 28

Executive desk L200 P90: desk top glass E1BD - legs aluminium A1AC Return side desk L100 P60: desk top glass E1BD - legs aluminium A1AC Drawers N3BD - handles M2BD


Executive desk L180 P90: desk top N2AN - legs aluminium A1BD - Service unit:structure N3BD – drawers N2AN - Finishing top and side panels N2AN - Storage units H130: structure N3BD - doors N2AN - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N2AN

46-47 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top E1BD – legs M2BD - Extension L100 P60: desk top E1BD – legs M2BD - Service unit: structure N3BD – doors N2WE - finishing top and side panels N2WE - Meeting table L220 P100: desk top N2WE - legs N2WE Units with sliding doors H130: structure N3BD - doors N2WE- handles M2AG - finishing top and side panels N2WE - Libreria H250: structure N2WE - doors E1BD 48

Executive desk L200 P90: desk top E1GY – legs M2AG Service unit: structure N3BD – doors N3BD- finishing top and side panels N3BD


Executive desk L200 P90: desk top V1NE – legs M1NE - Extension L100 P60: desk top V1NE legs M1NE - Drawers M1NE - Meeting table L160 P164: desk top E1MS - legs M1NE Storage units H88: structure N2GN - doors N2GN - handles M2AG - top N2GN Bookcase H250: structure N3NJ

50-51 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3OC – legs M2BD – modesty panel N3OC Service unit: structure N3BD – doors N3OC - finishing top and side panels N3OC Meeting table L320 P164: desk top E1BD - legs M2BD - Storage units H130: structure N3BD doors N3OC - handles M2BD – glass doors V1GE - top N3OC


Desk L180 P80: desk top N3BD - side panel N3BD – cable carter M2BD Extension with supporting pedestal MFC L100 P60: desk top N3BD - Drawers N3BD


Desk L160 P80: desk top N3BD - side panel N3BD – cable carter M2AG Under desk unit L80 P40: desk top N3BD - structure N3BD – doors N3BD - Screen N3BD Storage units H85: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2AG - top N3BD


Desk L160 P80: desk top N3BD - legs M2BD - Extension L100 P60: desk top N3BD - legs M2BD - Drawers N2GF - handles M2AG - Screen N2GF Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N3BD – handles M2AG

104-105 Screen: N2GN Desk top: N2GN

62-63 Desk L180 P80: desk top N3BD - side panel N2GF – cable carter M2BD - Extension L120 P60: desk top N3BD - side panel N2GF - Drawers N3BD - handles M2BD - Screen N2GF Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N3BD- handles M2BD 64-65 Desk L160 P80: desk top N3BD - side panel N3BD – cable carter M2AG Open MFC shelf: desk top N3BD – structure N3BD - Desk L160 P80: desk top N2GT - side panel N2GT - Mobile CPU stand M2AG - Screen N2GT Storage units H210: structure N2GN - doors N2GT- handles M2AG Units with sliding doors H130: structure N2GN - doors N2GT - handles M2AG - finishing top and side panels N2GT 66-67 Corner desk L160 P160: desk top N2AN - side panel N2AN - Screen N3BD Drawers N3BD - handles M2BD - Storage units H85: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N2AN 68-69 Desk L160 P80: desk top N2GN - side panels N2GN - Screen N2AA - Round meeting table Ø 105: desk top N2Gn – structure M2AG - Drawers N2GN – handles M2AG Units storage H251: structure N2GN - doors N2GN- handles M2AG 70-71 Desk L180 P80: desk top N3BD - side panel N3BD - Under desk unit L80 P40: desk top N3BD - structure N3BD - Open MFC shelf: desk top N3BD – structure N3BD - Screen N2VP Meeting table L210 P100: desk top N3BD - side panel N3BD Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N3BD 72

Desk L160 P80: desk top N3RT - legs M1NE - Extension L80 P60: desk top N3RT - legs M1NE Drawers N3RT - handles M1NE


Desk L180 P80: desk top N2NO - legs M2BD - Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N2NO - Finishing top and side panels N2NO - Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N2NO handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N2NO

78-79 Desk L180 P80: desk top N3BD - legs M2BD - Under desk unit L80 P40: structure N3BD Open MFC shelf: desk top N3BD – structure N3BD - Drawers N3BD - handles M2BD Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2BD

36-37 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3RT - legs aluminium A1AC - Drawers N3RT handles M2AG - Storage units H88: structure N2GN - top N3RT Executive table L220 P100: glass desk top E1GF - legs aluminium A1AC

80-81 Desk L180 P80: desk top N3BD - legs M2BD - Extension L80 P60: desk top N3BD - legs M2BD Drawers N2GF - handles M2BD - Screen N2GF - Modesty panel N2GF Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N3BD – handles M2AG

38-39 Executive desk supported by service unit L200 P90: desk top glass E1BD/N2WE – legs aluminium A1AC - Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N2WE - Finishing top and side panels N2WE - Storage units H84: structure N2GN - doors N2WE - handles M1NE - finishing top and side panels N2WE – base N3NJ - Upper cabinets L90: structure N3NJ - door push&pull E1BD


Desk L200 P80: desk top E1GF – legs M2BD - Extension L100 P60: desk top E1GF - legs M2BD - Drawers M2BD


Desk with tops front to front L160 P164: desk top N3RT - legs M2BD - Screen N2AA Under desk unit L80 P40: desk top N3BD - structure N3BD -+ Storage units H85: structure N3BD - doors N3RT - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N3RT

44-45 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3RT – legs M2AG - Extension L100 P60: desk top N3RT legs M2AG - Drawers N3RT - handles M2AG Storage units H88: structure N2GN - doors N3RT - handles M2AG - finishing top and side panels N3RT - Hanging bases and upper cabinets L90: structure N3BD - door push&pull N3BD – base N3BD - Meeting table L220 P100: desk top N3RT - supporting metal structure M2AG

Corner desk L160 P160: desk top N3BD - legs M2BD Drawers N2GF - handles M2AG - Screen N2GF

60-61 Corner desk whit drawers L160 P160: desk top N2AN - side panel N2GF – cable carter M2AG - Drawers N2AN - Screen N2GF - Storage units: structure N2GN - doors N2AN handles M2AG - top N2AN

34-35 Executive desk supported by service unit L200 P90: desk top N3BD - legs aluminium A1BD - Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N3BD - Finishing top and side panels N3BD - Storage units H130: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2BD - top N3BD

Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3BD – legs M2BD - Service unit: structure N3BD – doors N3BD - Finishing top and side panels N3BD - Meeting table L220 P100: desk top N3BD - supporting metal structure M2BD - Storage units H84: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N3BD – base N3BD Upper cabinets L90: structure N3BD - door push&pull N3BD


102-103 Desk L160 P80: desk top N2GT- legs M2AG Extension L120 P60: desk top N2GT - legs M2AG Drawers N2GT - handles M2AG - Screen N2GT - Hanging CPU M2AG Storage units H127: structure N2GN - doors N2GT - glass V1GE - Top N2GT

76-77 Desk with tops front to front L160 P164: desk top N3BD - legs M2BD - Mobile CPU stand M2BD - Drawers N3BD - handles M2AG - Screen N2GZ Under desk unit L80 P40: desk top N3BD - structure N3BD Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2AG – glass V2VS


96-97 Desk L160 P80: desk top N3BD - legs M2AG – basecover M3GF Semicircular meeting: desk top N3BD – structure M2AG Drawers N2GF - handles M2AG - Screen N2GF Storage units: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - Top N3BD

58-59 Desk L180 P80: desk top N2NO - side panel N2NO – cable carter M2AG - Under desk unit L80 P40: desk top N2NO - structure N3BD - Meeting table Ø105: desk top N2NO supporting metal structure M2BD - Units with sliding doors H213: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2AG – fini shing top and side panels N2NO

32-33 Executive table L160 P164: desk top V1MK - legs aluminium A1AL - Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N2WE - Finishing top and side panels N2WE - Storage units H130: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N2WE Hanging bases and upper cabinets L90: structure N3BD - door push&pull N3BD

Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N2WE – legs M1NE - Extension L100 P60: desk top N2WE - legs M1NE - Drawers N2WE - handles M1NE

94-95 Desk L160 P80: desk top N3BD - legs M2AG – basecover M4AG - Open MFC shelf: desk top N3BD – structure N3BD - Drawers N3BD - handles M2AG - Hanging CPU M2AG Screen N3BD - Storage units H85: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - Top N3BD

100-101 Desk L180 P80: desk top N2AN - legs M2BD Extension L100 P60: desk top N2AN - legs M2BD Drawers N3BD - handles M2AG - Screen N3BD Storage units: structure N3BD - doors N2AN - Top N2AN

74-75 Desk with tops front to front L180 P164: desk top N2GT - legs M2AG - Hanging CPU M2AG Drawers N2AN - handles M2AG - Screen N2AN Storage units H127: structure N2GN - doors N2AN - handles M2AG - top N2AN


92-93 Desk L180 P80: desk top N3RT - legs M2BD – basecover M3BD Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N3RT - Finishing top and side panels N3RT Drawers N3RT - handles M2BD - Modesty panel N3RT Storage units H127: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - glass V2VS - Top N3BD Units with sliding doors H213: structure N3BD - doors N3RT - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N3RT

56-57 Desk L200 P80: desk top N3RT – side panels N3RT – cable carter M2BD - Drawers M3BD Bookcase H209 N3BD - Meeting table L240 P100: desk top N3RT – side panels N3RT Storage units H251: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2BD

30-31 Executive desk L200 P90: desk top N3OC - legs aluminium A1AL - Drawers N3OC handles M2AG - Meeting table L120 P124: desk top V1NE – legs aluminium A1AL Hanging bases and upper cabinets L90: structure N3NJ - door push&pull N3OC

40-41 Executive desk L180 P90: desk top N3BD - legs aluminium A1AC - Units with sliding doors H130: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2BD – finishing top and side panels N3BD

90-91 Corner desk L160 P160: desk top N2GT - legs M2AG – basecover M3GW Drawers N2GT - handles M2AG - Screen N2VP - Hanging CPU M2AG Storage units H85: structure N2GN- doors N2GT - handles M2AG - top N2GT

84-85 Desk L180 P80: desk top N2GN – legs M2AG - Extension L100 P60: desk top N2GN – legs M2AG - Drawers N2GN - handles M2AG - Screen N2AA - Round meeting table Ø 105: desk top E1BD – legs M2AG - Storage Units H127: structure N2GN – doors N2GN – handles M2AG – top N2GN 86-87 Desk with tops front to front supported by service unit L180 P164: desk top N2AN - legs M2BD Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N2AN - Finishing top and side panels N2AN Screen N2AN - Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N2AN - handles M2AG 88

Desk L160 P80: desk top N2AN - legs M2AG – basecover M3GW - Extension L100 P60: desk top N2AN - legs M2AG – basecover M3GW - Drawers N2AN - handles M2AG Screen N2AN


Desk L160 P80: desk top N2AN - legs M2BD – basecover M3GF - Extension L100 P60: desk top N2AN - legs M2BD – basecover M3GF - Drawers N2AN - handles M2AG Storage units H127: structure N3BD - glass V1GE - Top N2AN Storage units H85: structure N3BD - doors N2AN - handles M2AG - top N2AN

106-107 Screen: N2GN Desk top: N2AN 108-109 Screen: N2GN Piani: N3RT 110

Desk top 1: N2GT Desk top 2: N3RT Desk top 3: N3BD Desk top 4: N2AN


Meeting table L220 P100: desk top N2NO - supporting metal structure M2BD Storage units H88: structure N3BD - doors N3BD - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N2NO

112-113 Desk L160 P80: desk top N2AN - legs M2AG – basecover M3GW Linking element: desk top N2AN Storage units H127: structure N2GN - glass V1GE - Top N2AN 114-115 Executive table L160 P164: desk top N3RT - legs aluminium A1AC Storage units H88: structure N3BD - doors N3RT - handles M2AG - finishing top and side panels N3RT 116-117 Front screen: N2AN - Reception top: N2GF Storage units H210: structure N2GN - doors N2AN - handles M2AG - glass V1GE - finishing top and side panels N2AN 118-119 Front screen: N3BD - Reception top: N2AN Desk: desk top N3BD - legs M2BD - Box undertop N3BD Mobile CPU stand M2BD - Units with sliding doors H213: structure N3BD - doors N2AN handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N3BD 120-121 Front screen: N2AN - Reception top: N3BD LED Desk: desk top N2AN - side panel N2AN – cable carter M2BD Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N2AN - handles M2AG - finishing top and side panels N2AN 122

Front screen: L1TS - Reception top: N3BD Desk: desk top N3BD - side panel N3BD – cable carter M2BD Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors L1TS - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N3BD


Front screen: N2WE - Reception top: E1BD Desk: desk top N3BD Storage units H210: structure N3BD - doors N2WE - handles M2BD - finishing top and side panels N2WE

124-125 Front screen: N3BD - Reception top: N2NO Desk: desk top N2NO - legs M2AG – basecover M4AG Box undertop N3BD Drawers N3BD - handles M2AG Service unit: structure N3BD – drawers N3BD - Finishing top and side panels N3BD 126

Front screen: N2AN Reception top: N2GT Desk: desk top N2GT - side panel N2GT


Front screen: N3BD Reception top: N2GF Desk: desk top N3BD - legs M2BD Box undertop N3BD Drawers N2GF - handles M2BD

Mobilpref S.p.A. si riserva il diritto di apportare ai propri prodotti le modifiche ritenute utili o necessarie, senza pregiudicare le caratteristiche essenziali dei prodotti stessi.


Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N3OC - structure N3OC - Caisson: N3OC poignées M2BD - Table à café L120 P60: plateau N3OC - structure N3OC Bibliothèque H209 N3BD

08-09 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N3RT - structure N3RT - Meuble de service L126 P56: structure N3BD – portes et tiroirs N3RT – Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N3RT Porte CPU sur roulettes M2AG 10-11 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N2WE - structure N2WE - Meuble de service: structure N3BD – portes et tiroirs N2WE - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2WE Table de reunion L220 P100: plateau N2WE - Structure portante en métal M2AG Armoires H88: structure N3BD - porte N2WE - poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N2WE 12-13 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N3OC - structure N3OC - Extension avec caisson N3OC – poignées M2AG - Table de reunion L220 P100: plateau N3OC - Structure portante en métal M2BD - Armoires: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N3OC - Eléments de rangement suspendus L90: structure N3BD - porte push&pull N3BD 14-15 Bureau direction L180 P90: plateau N2NO - structure N2NO - Meuble de service: structure N3BD – portes et tiroirs N3BD - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2NO Table de reunion L220 P100: plateau N2NO - structure N2NO - Meubles porte coulissante H88: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N2NO 16

Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD Extension L100 P60: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD


Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N2WE - structure N2WE– voile de fond N2WE Extension central L100 P60: plateau N2WE - structure N2WE Armoires H210: structure N2GN - porte N2WE - poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N2WE – verres V2VS

18-19 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N2AN - structure N2GF Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N2AN - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2AN - Table de reunion Ø120: plateau N2AN - structure portante en métal M2BD Armoires: structure N3BD - porte N2AN - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N2AN

44-45 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N3RT – piètement M2AG Extension L100 P60: plateau N3RT - piètement M2AG - Caisson N3RT - poignées M2AG - Armoires H88: structure N2GN - porte N3RT - poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N3RT - Eléments de rangement suspendus L90: structure N3BD - porte push&pull N3BD – base N3BD - Table de reunion L220 P100: plateau N3RT structure portante en métal M2AG

Bureau L160 P80: plateau N2AN - piètement M2AG – basecover M3GW Extension L100 P60: plateau N2AN - piètement M2AG – basecover M3GW Caisson N2AN - poignées M2AG - Écran N2AN


Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau E1GY – piètement M2AG Meuble de service: structure N3BD – porte N3BD- top et panneaux de finition N3BD



Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau V1NE – piètement M1NE Extension L100 P60: plateau V1NE - piètement M1NE - Caisson M1NE Table de reunion L160 P164: plateau E1MS - piètement M1NE Armoires H88: structure N2GN - porte N2GN - poignées M2AG - top N2GN Bibliothèque H250: structure N3NJ

Bureau L160 P80: plateau N2AN - piètement M2BD – basecover M3GF Extension L100 P60: plateau N2AN - piètement M2BD – basecover M3GF Caisson N2AN - poignées M2AG Armoires H127: structure N3BD - verres V1GE - Top N2AN Armoires H85: structure N3BD - porte N2AN - poignées M2AG - top N2AN

50-51 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N3OC – piètement M2BD – gonna N3OC Meuble de service: structure N3BD – porte N3OC - top et panneaux de finition N3OC Table de reunion L320 P164: plateau E1BD - piètement M2BD Armoires H130: structure N3BD - porte N3OC - poignées M2BD – porte en verre V1GE - top N3OC 54

Bureau L180 P80: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD – carter passe-câbles M2BD Extension avec caisson L100 P60: plateau N3BD - Caisson N3BD


Bureau L160 P80: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD – carter passe-câbles M2AG Meubles sous le plateau L80 P40: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD – porte N3BD Écran N3BD Armoires H85: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2AG - top N3BD

56-57 Bureau L200 P80: plateau N3RT - structure N3RT – carter passe-câbles M2BD Caisson M3BD - Bibliothèque H209 N3BD Table de reunion L240 P100: plateau N3RT – structure N3RT Armoires H251: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2BD


Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N2NO - piètement N2NO - Extension indépendante L100 P60: plateau N2NO - piètement N2NO - Caisson N2NO poignées M2AG - Armoires H88: structure N2NO - porte N2NO - poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N2NO

58-59 Bureau L180 P80: plateau N2NO - structure N2NO – carter passe-câbles M2AG Meubles sous le plateau L80 P40: plateau N2NO - structure N3BD Table de reunion Ø105: plateau N2NO - structure portante en métal M2BD Meubles porte coulissante H213: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N2NO

26-27 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N3RT - piètement N3RT Extension L100 P60: plateau N3RT - piètement N3RT - Caisson N3RT - poignées M2BD Table de reunion L160 P164: plateau verre E1BD - piètement aluminium A1AC Armoires H130: structure N3BD - porte N3RT - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N3BD – verres V1GE

60-61 Plan compact avec caisson L160 P160: plateau N2AN - structure N2GF – carter passecâbles M2AG - Caisson N2AN - Écran N2GF Armoires: structure N2GN - porte N2AN - poignées M2AG - top N2AN 62-63 Bureau L180 P80: plateau N3BD - structure N2GF – carter passe-câbles M2BD Extension L120 P60: plateau N3BD - structure N2GF Caisson N3BD - poignées M2BD - Écran N2GF Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N3BD- poignées M2BD 64-65 Bureau L160 P80: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD – carter passe-câbles M2AG Rehausse: plateau N3BD – structure N3BD Bureau L160 P80: plateau N2GT - structure N2GT - Porte CPU sur roulettes M2AG Écran N2GT - Armoires H210: structure N2GN - porte N2GT- poignées M2AG Meubles porte coulissante H130: structure N2GN - porte N2GT – poignées M2AG top et panneaux de finition N2GT


Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau verre E1BD - piètement aluminium A1AC Retour coté L100 P60: plateau verre E1BD - piètement aluminium A1AC Caisson N3BD - poignées M2BD

66-67 Plan compact L160 P160: plateau N2AN - structure N2AN - Écran N3BD Caisson N3BD - poignées M2BD - Armoires H85: structure N3BD - porte N3BD poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N2AN


Bureau direction L180 P90: plateau N2AN - piètement aluminium A1BD Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N2AN - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2AN - Armoires H130: structure N3BD - porte N2AN - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N2AN

68-69 Bureau L160 P80: plateau N2GN - structure N2GN - Écran N2AA Table de reunion Ø 105: plateau N2Gn – piètement M2AG Caisson N2GN - poignées structure M2AG Armoires H251: struttura N2GN - porte N2GN- poignées M2AG

30-31 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N3OC - piètement aluminium A1AL Caisson N3OC - poignées M2AG - Table de reunion L120 P124: plateau V1NE – piètement aluminium A1AL - Eléments de rangement suspendus L90: structure N3NJ - porte push&pull N3OC 32-33 Table direction L160 P164: plateau V1MK - piètement aluminium A1AL Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N2WE - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2WE - Armoires H130: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N2WE - Eléments de rangement suspendus L90: structure N3BD porte push&pull N3BD 34-35 Bureaux soutenus par des meuble de service L200 P90: plateau N3BD - piètement aluminium A1BD - Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N3BD - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N3BD - Armoires H130: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2BD - top N3BD 36-37 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau verre N3RT - piètement aluminium A1AC Caisson N3RT - poignées M2AG - Armoires H88: structure N2GN - top N3RT Table direction L220 P100: plateau verre E1GF - piètement aluminium A1AC 38-39 Bureaux soutenus par des meuble de service L200 P90: plateau verre E1BD/N2WE - piètement aluminium A1AL - Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N2WE Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2WE - Armoires H84: structure N2GN - porte N2WE - poignées M1NE - top et panneaux de finition N2WE – base N3NJ Eléments de rangement suspendus L90: structure N3NJ - porte push&pull E1BD 40-41 Bureau direction L180 P90: plateau N3BD - piètement aluminium A1AC Meubles porte coulissante H130: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N3BD 42

Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N2WE – piètement M1NE - Extension L100 P60: plateau N2WE - piètement M1NE - Caisson N2WE - poignées M1NE


Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N3BD – piètement M2BD - Meuble de service: structure N3BD – porte N3BD - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N3BD Table de reunion L220 P100: plateau N3BD - structure portante en métal M2BD

86-87 Bureaux opposés soutenus des mueble de service L180 P164: plateau N2AN - piètement M2BD - Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N2AN - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2AN - Écran N2AN Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N2AN - poignées M2AG 88

Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N2AN - piètement N2AN – voile de fond N2AN Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N2AN - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2AN

24-25 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau N2WE - piètement N2WE Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs e porte N2WE - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2WE - Table de reunion L220 P100: plateau N2WE - piètement N2WE Meubles porte coulissante H130: structure N3BD - porte N2WE- poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N2WE

84-85 Bureau L180 P80: plateau N2GN - piètement M2AG - Extension L100 P60: plateau N2GN - piètement M2AG - Caisson N2GN - poignées M2AG - Écran N2AA Table de reunion Ø 105: plateau E1BD – piètement M2AG Armoires H127: structure N2GN – porte N2GN – poignées M2AG – top N2GN

46-47 Bureau direction L200 P90: plateau E1BD – piètement M2BD Extension L100 P60: plateau E1BD - piètement M2BD Meuble de service: structure N3BD – ante N2WE - top et panneaux de finition N2WE Table de reunion L220 P100: plateau N2WE - piètement N2WE Meubles porte coulissante H130: structure N3BD - porte N2WE- poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N2WE - Bibliothèque H250: structure N2WE - porte E1BD


22-23 Bureaux soutenus par des meuble de service L200 P90: plateau N3OC - piètement N3OC - Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N3OC - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N3OC - Table de reunion L220 P100: plateau N3BD - piètement N3BD Armoires H213: structure N3BD - porte N3OC - poignées M1NE

Écran N2AA - Meubles sous le plateau L80 P40: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD Armoires H85: structure N3BD - porte N3RT - poignées M2BD top et panneaux de finition N3RT

Armoires H84: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N3BD – base N3BD - Eléments de rangement suspendus L90: structure N3BD porte push&pull N3BD


70-71 Bureau L180 P80: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD - Meubles sous le plateau L80 P40: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD - Rehausse: plateau N3BD – structure N3BD Écran N2VP - Table de reunion L210 P100: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N3BD 72

Bureau L160 P80: plateau N3RT - piètement M1NE - Extension L80 P60: plateau N3RT - piètement M1NE - Caisson N3RT - poignées M1NE


Bureau L180 P80: plateau N2NO - piètement M2BD Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N2NO - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N2NO - Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N2NO - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N2NO

74-75 Bureaux opposés L180 P164: plateau N2GT - piètement M2AG - Porte CPU suspendu M2AG - Caisson N2AN - poignées M2AG - Écran N2AN Armoires H127: structure N2GN - porte N2AN - poignées M2AG - top N2AN 76-77 Bureaux opposés L160 P164: plateau N3BD - piètement M2BD Porte CPU sur roulettes M2BD - Caisson N3BD - poignées M2AG - Écran N2GZ Meubles sous le plateau L80 P40: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2AG – verres V2VS

Mobilpref S.p.A. reserves itself the right to effectuate any modifications deemed useful or necessary to its products, provided such modifications do not interfere with the essential characteristics of said products. Mobilpref S.p.A. se réserve le droit d’apporter les modifications jugées utiles ou nécessaires à ses propres produits, sans compromettre les caractéristiques essentielles des produits eux-mêmes.

90-91 Plan compact L160 P160: plateau N2GT - piètement M2AG – basecover M3GW Caisson N2GT - poignées M2AG - Écran N2VP - Porte CPU suspendu M2AG Armoires H85: structure N2GN - porte N2GT - poignées M2AG - top N2GT 92-93 Bureau L180 P80: plateau N3RT - piètement M2BD – basecover M3BD Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N3RT - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N3RT - Caisson N3RT - poignées M2BD - Voile de fond N3RT Armoires H127: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - verres V2VS - Top N3BD Meubles porte coulissante H213: structure N3BD - porte N3RT - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N3RT 94-95 Bureau L160 P80: plateau N3BD - piètement M2AG – basecover M4AG Rehausse: plateau N3BD – structure N3BD - Caisson N3BD - poignées M2AG Porte CPU suspendu M2AG - Écran N3BD Armoires H85: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - Top N3BD 96-97 Bureau L160 P80: plateau N3BD - piètement M2AG – basecover M3GF Plan de raccord: plateau N3BD – structure M2AG - Caisson N2GF - poignées M2AG Écran N2GF - Armoires: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - Top N3BD 98

Plan compact L160 P160: plateau N3BD - piètement M2BD Caisson N2GF - poignées M2AG - Écran N2GF


Bureau L160 P80: plateau N3BD - piètement M2BD Extension L100 P60: plateau N3BD - piètement M2BD Caisson N2GF - poignées M2AG - Écran N2GF Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N3BD – poignées M2AG

100-101 Bureau L180 P80: plateau N2AN - piètement M2BD Extension L100 P60: plateau N2AN - piètement M2BD Caisson N3BD - poignées M2AG - Écran N3BD Armoires: structure N3BD - porte N2AN - Top N2AN 102-103 Bureau L160 P80: plateau N2GT- piètement M2AG Extension L120 P60: plateau N2GT - piètement M2AG Caisson N2GT - poignées M2AG - Écran N2GT - Porte CPU suspendu M2AG Armoires H127: structure N2GN - porte N2GT - verres V1GE - Top N2GT 104-105 Écran: N2GN - Plateau: N2GN 106-107 Écran: N2GN - Plateau: N2AN 108-109 Écran: N2GN - Plateau: N3RT 110

Plateau 1: N2GT Plateau 2: N3RT Plateau 3: N3BD Plateau 4: N2AN


Table de reunion L220 P100: plateau N2NO - structure portante en métal M2BD Armoires H88: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N2NO

112-113 Bureau L160 P80: plateau N2AN - piètement M2AG – basecover M3GW Plan de raccord: plateau N2AN Armoires H127: structure N2GN - verres V1GE - Top N2AN 114-115 Table direction L160 P164: plateau N3RT - piètement aluminium A1AC Armoires H88: structure N3BD - porte N3RT - poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N3RT 116-117 Écran frontal: N2AN - Etagère: N2GF Armoires H210: structure N2GN - porte N2AN - poignées M2AG - verres V1GE - top et panneaux de finition N2AN 118-119 Écran frontal: N3BD - Etagère: N2AN - Bureau: plateau N3BD - piètement M2BD Box sous étagère N3BD - Porte CPU sur roulettes M2BD Meubles porte coulissante H213: structure N3BD - porte N2AN - poignées M2BD - top et panneaux de finition N3BD 120-121 Écran frontal: N2AN - Etagère: N3BD LED - Bureau: plateau N2AN - structure N2AN – carter passe-câbles M2BD - Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N2AN - poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N2AN 122

78-79 Bureau L180 P80: plateau N3BD - piètement M2BD - Meubles sous le plateau L80 P40: structure N3BD - Rehausse: plateau N3BD – structure N3BD - Caisson N3BD - poignées M2BD - Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N3BD - poignées M2BD

Écran frontal: L1TS - Etagère: N3BD Bureau: plateau N3BD - structure N3BD – carter passe-câbles M2BD Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte L1TS - poignées M2AG - top et panneaux de finition N3BD


Écran frontal et lateral: N2WE - Etagère: E1BD - Bureau: plateau N3BD Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N2WE- poignées M2AG

80-81 Bureau L180 P80: plateau N3BD - piètement M2BD Extension L80 P60: plateau N3BD - piètement M2BD - Caisson N2GF - poignées M2BD Écran N2GF - Voile de fond N2GF Armoires H210: structure N3BD - porte N3BD – poignées M2AG

124-125 Écran frontal: N3BD - Etagère: N2NO Bureau: plateau N2NO - piètement M2AG – basecover M4AG - Box sous étagère N3BD - Caisson N3BD - poignées M2AG Meuble de service: structure N3BD – tiroirs N3BD - Ajouter top et panneaux de finition N3BD


Bureau L200 P80: plateau E1GF – piètement M2BD Extension L100 P60: plateau E1GF - piètement M2BD - Caisson M2BD


Écran frontal: N2AN - Etagère: N2GT - Bureau: plateau N2GT - structure N2GT


Bureaux opposés L160 P164: plateau N3RT - piètement M2BD


Écran frontal: N3BD - Etagère: N2GF - Bureau: plateau N3BD - piètement M2BD Box sous étagère N3BD - Caisson N2GF - poignées M2BD

Design: solodesign A.D. e progetto grafico: Immagini: Virtual Design - TN Stampa: Grafiche Ricciarelli Edizione 01: 06.2015


Mobilpref S.p.A. si riserva il diritto di apportare ai propri prodotti le modifiche ritenute utili o necessarie, senza pregiudicare le caratteristiche essenziali dei prodotti stessi. Mobilpref S.p.A. reserves itself the right to effectuate any modifications deemed useful or necessary to its products, provided such modifications do not interfere with the essential characteristics of said products. Mobilpref S.p.A. se réserve le droit d’apporter les modifications jugées utiles ou nécessaires à ses propres produits, sans compromettre les caractéristiques essentielles des produits eux-mêmes.

Mobilpref S.p.A. Via Carlo Maccari, 1 Zona Industriale Baraccola Sud 60131 Ancona (AN) Italy t. +39 071.2906920 / f. +39 071.2866429 / www.

Design: solodesign A.D. e progetto grafico: Immagini: Virtual Design - TN Stampa: Grafiche Ricciarelli Edizione 01: 06.2015

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