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2023Tuscany’s push to verticalize and capture new markets


MILAN - Tuscany is consolidating a trend that emerged in 2022, namely the growth of international arr i v a l s « E s t i m a t e s s h o w t h a t i n 2023 we will return to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019, and probably even exceed them,» says Leonardo Marras, regional councillor for tourism «This year we will re-launch our offline and online promotional campaign and work with public and private players to guarantee efficient services, and we will be giving s u b s t a n c e t o t h e c o m m i t m e n t s made with foreign markets to help make them grow »


Tuscany’s promotional plan foresees a strong push for the verticalization of travel themes and for targeting specific countries, in particular in certain sectors such as wellness and long business stays «We a r e r e a d y w i t h n e w i d e a s f o r school, wedding and sustainable tourism, - adds Marras - and bike tourism and hospitality facilities for female travellers are also in the pipeline. In the coming months our tourist destinations will set in mo- tion projects financed by regional funds, collaborating with public and private concerns to maximize the effectiveness of our promotions »

«We have set up horizontal governance, - continues the councillor,and this allows for the continuous exchange of information both between the individual territories, and between the territories and the Region Within a year we will make a further qualitative leap with the realization of the projects launched with the contribution of regional resources Teaming up is not always easy, despite the efforts and great strides made in recent years. And paradoxically the wealth of content and proposals can also be a limit, but it is a challenging limit that makes us always feel proud to be in

Leonardo Marras

In the picture on the left Leonardo Marras, regional councillor for tourism

Tuscany and committed to doing better day after day »

Tuscany’s promotions will focus on Germany, France, Switzerland, Aus t r i a , a n d t h e U K , b u t a l s o o n Greece, Spain, and Poland, also through collaborations with countries that, like Tuscany, are part of the Necstour network «We are also looking at more distant markets,- Leonardo Marras concludes, -especially America, and we are also starting to open up to the Chinese market Currently our destinat i o n p o r t a l , v i s i t t u s c a n y c o m , i s available in five languages, Italian, E n g l i s h , G e r m a n , S p a n i s h a n d French

Wellness and business

Ready with new ideas for school, wedding and sustainable tourism bike tourism and hospitality facilities for female travellers

We will focus on Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria UK, but also on Greece Spain Poland

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