EUSEW 2013 - Focus on tools for private-public cooperation

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ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability European Secretariat

Local Climate and Energy Action ICLEI’s Role towards Low Carbon Solutions and SEAPs. Focus on tools for private-public cooperation. ICLEI Europe – Brussels office 26th June 2013

© ICLEI 2013


• Introducing “ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability” • Communities: challenges and the power to change • Offering practical support • Covenant of Mayors - SEAPs • Tools– Covenant Capacity • Private-public partnership showcases • Contact

© ICLEI 2013

Introducing ICLEI (I) Working with communities on urban sustainability

ICLEI supports cities and local governments to become sustainable. We consider a Sustainable Community to: â—?strive to reduce its per capita use of natural resources to a level that endangers neither local nor global ecosystems, and at the same time, â—?ensure that political, economic and social systems guarantee a high quality of life for everyone.

Š ICLEI 2013

Introducing ICLEI (II) Global to local, local to global

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI): • The only network of sustainable cities and towns operating worldwide. •Members: 1,220+ cities, towns, counties and their associations from 70 countries – representing 569,885,000 people. • ICLEI works through Campaigns, Initiatives and Projects. • Focus: quality, standards, practical support, working closely with local governments in their communities. • Our motto: “Local action moves the world”.

© ICLEI 2013

Introducing ICLEI (II) - active around the globe

● 15 offices plus satellite offices ● 150+ staff © ICLEI 2013

Communities with the power to change (I) Communities and energy: · In Europe 75% of citizens live in urban areas. Europe has ±500 million inhabitants, with +100,000 local governments (LGs). · Urban areas and energy – 80% of energy consumption and CO2 emissions come from cities. Growing trend. · Large % GHGs released from energy generation, distribution & use / food / waste (landfill, water and energy wastage). · Local impact on climate change (GHGs). · Local impact of climate change (storms, flooding, drought). · Respond: change in energy use & improve community resilience

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How do we work?

●Motivate and support LGs, their associations as well as regions to engage in local climate action. ●Provide assistance: information, guidance, training, tools, offering services and networking opportunities. ●Represent members and climate campaign participants, also conducting advocacy on their behalf in various fora.

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Offering practical support Action at local level: municipal operations and whole community

â—?Community Local Government Operations

Š ICLEI 2013

Covenant of Mayors and ICLEI Europe (I)

EU initiative launched by the Commission – DG ENERGY in 2008 to endorse and support local and regional authorities in the fight against climate change Voluntary commitment of signatories to meet and exceed the EU 20% CO2 reduction target through the implementation of a Sustainable Energy Action Plan

Š ICLEI 2013

Covenant of Mayors and ICLEI Europe (II)

> 4,500 signatories in 46 countries

> 170 supporting regions, provinces and networks Š ICLEI 2013

Covenant of Mayors and ICLEI Europe (III) Typical roles of Covenant Coordinator and Supporters: ● Technical Support ● Financial Support ● Organisation ● Funds ICLEI Europe as Covenant Supporter commits to: • Promote accession to CoM & provide support to members signing up. • Publicly recognize the CoM as a key element of policy • Facilitate exchanges ICLEI Europe as Covenant Supporter supports you through: ● Advising: on European regulatory, legislative and financial framework ● Offering: tailored services to signatories ● Influencing: feedback loops to CoM objectives and messages to context © ICLEI 2013

Tools and training (I) Expertise, innovation, visibility Š ICLEI 2013

Introducing Covenant capaCITY ● ICLEI Europe coordinates a 3-year, high-impact European capacity building project for local governments in 15 countries, with 3 main activities: ‐ An easy learning programme offered to local governments (local political leaders and municipal staff) ‐ ‘Train-the-trainer’ programme - inviting participation of representatives from: • local government associations & networks • energy agencies working with municipalities •Support 92 selected cities and towns – step-by-step SEAP development - empower LGs to join Covenant of Mayors. ●13 © ICLEI 2013

● Introducing a more significant involvement of stakeholders in the implementation and monitoring phase (steady consultation tables) ● Industry, Private Households and Mobility represent the largest part of your community’s emissions. ● Industry: now that you have a better grip on your community’s emissions, it might be the right time to involve/increase the role of local industrial entrepreneurship ● Finance: create Public Private Partnerships (including the use of Energy Saving Performance Contracting)

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Private-public partnership Showcases

RE:FIT – London ● London becoming a world leading low carbon capital city. ● Target: – carbon emissions by 60% by 2025.

– 40% of public sector buildings in London to be retrofitted by 2025.

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Public buildings are a significant contributor to London’s carbon emissions, contributing as much as 10% to its total footprint Building retrofitting scheme to support public sector organisations to reduce their carbon footprint and subsequent energy bills. Procurement for energy services by a group of pre-qualified Energy Service Companies (ESCos). Organisations cut running costs, energy consumption and carbon emissions The ESCo: – designs and implements energy conservation measures,. – guarantees the level of energy savings, offer a secure financial saving over the period of the agreement. This innovative model transfers the risk of performance to the ESCo.

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Private-public partnership Showcases

● 3enCult – Innsbruck ● Minimally invasive ventilation system for school buildings is being tested. The dual aim of this system is to preserve the architectural value of the building while guaranteeing scholars´ comfort.

● Two 3ENCULT partners: – The University of Innsbruck – The company ATREA, testing the first prototypes

● big advantage to combine together private expertise, research and public heritage.

© ICLEI 2013


● Laura Carniel:

© ICLEI 2013

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