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AEBIOM, 25 associations biomass in Europe! J.M. Jossart, AEBIOM secretary


Founded in 1990, AEBIOM (European Biomass Association) currently groups together 25 national biomass associations from all over Europe, which work together to further develop bioenergy.

Great challenges do still however face bioenergy which should more than double before 2010 according t o t h e E u ro p e a n C o m m i s s i o n ,

WOOD ENERGY N°2 / 2003

General Direction for Energy. On the one hand, solutions in the heat sector should be better explored, on the other, agricultural policies should allow this sector to develop the non alimentary outlets more widely and freely. Finally, the policy of reducing greenhouse gases is equally strategic for bioenergy in order for it to economically improve the intrinsic advantage of carbon recycling. The European Biomass Association AEBIOM - is a non-profit-making association which defends the interests of the bioenergy sector. Founded in 1990, AEBIOM currently groups together 25 national biomass associations (including ITEBE) based in the European Union, in central and eastern Europe. Each of these associations has its own members, thus AEBIOM represents more than 3000 different companies and organisations all over Europe.

AEBIOM has many activities: - An information network between members, - Circulation of information, particularly through the Biomass News (issue 11 published in February 2003), - Awakening of European institutions, essentially the Commission and the Parliament, to bioenergy through participation in discussion groups and writing of positions (12 publications available on website), - Coordination of European projects (4 projects described on website), particularly concerning the circulation of information through the AEBIOM network and its members, - The organisation of the European B i o m a s s D a y s , c o o rd i n a t e d b y CARMEN (Germany, a member of AEBIOM), which each year, during the last week of September, repres e n t a c h a n c e t o o rg a n i s e a n d coordinate national events, such as open doors in companies or in bioenergy plants, conferences… In 2002, 434 activities were organised in 10 different countries. - Re c e n t l y A E B I O M j o i n e d t h e NGO* CarbonFix to create a workgroup on climate change, with the aim of finding an adequate place for bioenergy in the mechanisms set up following the implementation of the Kyoto protocol, - AEBIOM has begun creating the European Bioenergy Business Forum (EBBF) which is organising a high level conference on European legislation supporting bioenergy at the heart of the European Pa r l i a m e n t , o n 1 3 a n d 1 4 November 2003. Bioenergy has good prospects and AEBIOM is ready to coordinate efforts for this purpose, to benefit everyone.


Each year members of AEBIOM hold two assemblies offering the chance to create a clear vision of bioenergy in Europe and to act accordingly.

European politics have a fundamental influence on the development of bioenergy, creating more or less favourable conditions for its development. In fact, bioenergy is central to several policies such as energy, environment and agric u l t u re . T h e W h i t e Pa p e r o n renewable sources of energy or the re c e n t E u r o p e a n d i re c t i v e o n renewable electricity, although indicating non compulsory objectives, act as the driving force behind many local initiatives. Let’s hope the future directive on biofuels also arouses the interest of member states and local operators.


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