Annex 1 to 42 C-14/RTSC/Key Developments EB/Oct 09/10(d)
EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE ITF London, 22-23 October 2009 Item 10 (d) of the Agenda:
The Executive Board (October 2007) instructed the General Secretary to set up a working group to propose guidelines for the signing of global framework agreements (GFAs). The members of the working group include Oystein Aslaksen (Norsk Lokomotivmannsforbund), Tim Beaty (IBT), Owen Herrnstadt (IAMAW), Peter Lovkvist (Swedish Transport workers), Martin Mayer (TGWU) and Rod Pickette (MUA). The group worked by email and conference call to develop the guidelines. The working group believes that the following points should be noted by the executive board in considering the draft guidelines: • A GFA is just one tool in developing an effective strategy for dealing with and organising in multinational companies. GFAs should be set within a wider strategy for strengthening unions in global transport companies. These guidelines do not provide that strategy but confine themselves to setting a basic standard required for an effective GFA. • In many cases the ITF strategy should involve looking at all the main companies operating in a specific market, aiming to sign GFAs with each of them. • There should be an awareness that only a narrow range of companies is likely to sign a high standard GFA. The ITF should aim for a smaller number of high quality GFAs rather than a large number of weak or meaningless GFAs. • The ITF will need to allocate sufficient human and financial resources to monitor and implement GFAs effectively. • The ITF should establish an expert group to monitor the application of the standards set in these guidelines, and to provide advice for the general secretary prior to the signing of any GFAs. The group would also review the processes and strategies in the ITF for signing and implementing GFAs.
RECOMMENDATION 2. The EB is invited to comment on and approve the attached GFA guidelines and to consider the proposal to set up an advisory group.