How to write a Superhero CV

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How to write a Superhero CV

Get suited up - your tech skills are needed! The technology sector is one of the fastest growing in the world, and your specialist knowledge; whether it’s in UX Design, HTML, or IT Systems, you are in demand. However, no matter how kickass your coding skills, or your mystical ability to fix unsolvable IT problems (even if the solution just turns out to be turning it off and on again...), your CV is the key to unlocking your very own epic saga as a Tech Superhero. So if you’re worried your CV is more Adam West in purple spandex than Nolan’s Dark Knight Returns, have no fear! Much like Christopher Nolan, we’re here to give your CV a complete reboot: so that instead of being silly, over-dramatic nonsense, it will be a well-constructed and serious piece of work your employers will love.

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How to write a Superhero CV

Proof-read and Spellcheck! We know this is a rookie mistake... but as a tech superhero in the making, it’s important to know why the spelling and grammar on your CV should be perfect. Bottom line: your tech skill is what you are being assessed on. BUT employers, and HR professionals go through multiple CVs every day. This means in the initial stages of filling a vacancy, a spelling error is enough for your application to be rejected. This is an easily avoidable mistake; so proof-read, and proof-read again. Additionally, you can get a side-kick: the Robin to your Batman, or the Mermaid-Man to your Barnacle-Boy, and get them to read through your CV. After all, others can spot a chink in your armour you may not have!

Use technical language to show your super-specialist knowledge Listen, we KNOW that superheroes won’t get anywhere without knowledge of hi-tech, specialist technology. After all, all the greatest superheroes like Iron Man, Batman, even Spiderman, would not have been heroes if they weren’t tech geniuses. Think of writing a tech CV in a similar vein: essentially, you need to remember employers want a demonstration of your tech powers. So don’t hesitate in showing off your techy knowledge using specialist terms. For instance, are you a skilled website developer with expert HTML and JavaScript skills? Don’t forget to write them out in bold, or highlight them in some way. This techy knowledge is your superpower: it will distinguish you from the everyday civilian. After all, not everyone can build an Arc Reactor in a cave (it’s what makes Tony Stark both a superhero AND a genius), and not everyone will be able to speak the language of the internet. But as a techie, you can, and you can highlight this knowledge in your CV.

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How to write a Superhero CV

Maintain a digital presence Even superheroes rely on social media to boost their profile: you know that Wonder Woman would have a top-notch Instagram feed. In fact, nowadays employers rely on social and professional networks to find out more about their tech superheroes. Having a traditional CV is simply not good enough anymore. We know that superheroes are used to hiding their real identity and keeping it on the down-low, but tech-superheroes operate differently. In order to maximise your notoriety, work on your web presence. Showcase your skills and expertise on tech networks and communities such as Github, Stack Overflow and Quora. Go the extra mile and show employers your tech superpowers, stand out from the crowd.

Show off your Superpower skills Oh, and don’t forget to have a section where you DEMONSTRATE your super-tech skills. It’s good to state you have knowledge of HTML, JavaScript etc., but to achieve true greatness, you have to demonstrate your working knowledge of these skills. For instance, under each main bullet point, you can elaborate what you can do with your coding skills: did you have to build a working website that was optimised for UX? Or if your expertise is in Systems Design, did you perhaps create firewalls that were an effective defence against hacking attempts? All these achievements are your claims to fame; make sure to include them in your CV. The world of employment may be scary, but armed with these tips to level-up your CV, you can transform yourself into the superhero your city definitely needs

Be warned! If employers see personal photos of your drunken self as an off-duty superhero... you are not only creating a bad impression; but also tanking your chances of getting the job. Tony Stark may be able to get away with being an alcoholic-playboy-billionaire in public because, well...he’s Tony Stark. But the rest of us need to be careful, we want to project the right balance between our professional and personal persona.

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