2023 First Year Guide

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This publication is provided free of charge from the Deakin Law Students' Society (DLSS) on the understanding that the editors, all contributors, and any other persons related to this publication are not responsible for the actions of the readers based on the information, errors or omissions in the publication. The views given in the publication do not necessary represent the views of the editors, DLSS, or Deakin Law School

This publication is subject to Copyright. Except where permitted under the Copyright Act; no part of this publication may in any form or by any means (electronically or otherwise) be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any person without special written consent of the Deakin Law Student Society.


Design + Editor: Chrissa Karouzakis

Editor in Chief: Zoe Ellis


Email: Secretary@deakinlss.org

Instagram: @deakinlss

Facebook: Deakin Law Students' Society

Linked In: Deakin Law Students' Society

Website: Deakin Law Students' Society


DeakinLawStudents' Society

What is the Deakin Law Students' Society?

The Deakin Law Students' Society (DLSS) is a student-run organisation, operating on the behalf of all Deakin University Law Students. The DLSS is one of Deakin's biggest and longest-standing societies, with a primary goal of maximising the university experience for all law students. The DLSS has many portfolios, and runs various activities, events and competitions to help you all enjoy your university experience beyond academics.

University is more than just studying, and the DLSS is here to help you all enjoy your time at university, and make longlasting memories you can carry with you beyond the completion of your degree.

Find us at https://www.deakinlss.org/

Becoming a Member:

The Deakin Law Students' Society membership costs just $5 and can be renewed annually.

Becoming a member comes has huge benefits!


Discounted tickets for DLSS Events; An Email Subscription to the DLSS; Access to Exam Revision Sessions; Voting Rights at our Annual General Meeting; and Much, much more!

Be sure to also follow us on social media to learn more about upcoming events and opportunities through the DLSS!

President'sWelcome Julia Fittipaldi

Dear First Years,

First and foremost, congratulations are in order. You have made it this far, well done. Whether you have freshly completed Year 12, or taken a longer road to get here, getting to your first day is an impressive achievement on its own. While, undoubtedly, you have moved mountains to get here, you have only just begun.

The DLSS is a student-run organisation, aimed at providing Deakin Law students with a platform to explore their legal interests, make lifelong connections and leave university confident and prepared for the legal profession. We achieve this through our incredible events, publications and our renowned competitions. But you'll have plenty of time to learn about that later. For now, let's focus on navigating your first weeks as a new law student.

For most, undertaking a university degree is anything but easy, and while you might be feeling anxious, about the road ahead, there are a few things you can do to ease the transition.

Make some friends: The pivotal moment in my university experience was making friends. I enrolled to do a Mooting Competition in 2020 in the hopes of being paired with someone and meeting new people... also it was lockdown and I was bored. Fast forward to 2023, and I am the President of the DLSS and I've met people that have changed my life (probably) and shaped my Uni experience (definitely). .

Try everything, until something sticks: In time, everyone finds their own 'groove' with their classes and study habits, So try an array of study methods, and

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then see what sticks. Make sure to find what works for YOU. Don't be too hard on yourself if you're overwhelmed at first.

Make use of the resources available to you: This one is pretty self-explanatory. However for context, I am the Queen of shooting myself in the foot because I fail to sufficiently look through all the unit materials. Things like practice exams and seminar notes are GOLD MINES. This is a lesson which took me much too long to learn. There are also fantastic campus resources such as counselling, course coordinators and even doctors and physios.

Social stuff: Do all the social stuff. Seriously, just give it a go. Best case, you find something you really enjoy and worst, you have a new fun anecdote. There are few places on Earth quite like university, in that endless social experiences are constantly architected solely to entertain you. Join a few clubs and actually GO to their picnics, sign up to play for a Deakin sport, enrol yourself for a DLSS competition, or do cheerleading or theatre, go to all the O-week bar-hops and parties and pizza mixers. Even if you're nervous, just put your shoulders back and walk up to people and say 'Hi'. I guarantee you'll be fine.

If you're still overwhelmed, the DLSS is an excellent place to start. We host events to guide you from your first day at University to your last. Answering questions like "How do I take notes?" to "How do I get a Clerkship?". We have so many initiatives engineered for aiding first years in navigating the social and academic nuances of Law School, and we're looking forward to meeting you all.

With care and admiration, Julia.

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DirectorofSponsorship:GabrielStripp+Courtney McKenzie



Activitiesfostersocialinteractionsbetween studentsandruninformalsocialevents,allowing studentstotakeabreakfromthebusylifeoflaw school.Keepaneyeoutthisyearforeventssuchas theBarHop,FirstYearLawCampandLawBall!



ForanyActivityrelatedinquiries,contactMilla atdirector-activities@deakinlss.org


CommercialCareersprovidesinformationand opportunitiestostudentsinterestedinpursuinga careerincommerciallaw.Besuretolookoutfor 'PracticeAreaPanels'andthe'MeettheProfessionals' events,whichwillhelpwithnetworkingandmeeting lawyersalreadyworkinginthecommerciallawfield!


Officers:EmilyHajicosta,JimHan,JoshuaHerington, NehaVellu

ForanyCommercial-Careersrelatedinquiries, contactKathrynatdirector-commercialcareers@deakin.org

CommunicationsisresponsibleformanyDLSSpublications suchastheFirstYearGuide,DamagesIncurred,EtCetera,the SkillsGuideandtheWeeklyDLSSnewsletter!Thereare opportunitiesavailableforstudentstocontributetoDamages IncurredandEtCetera,sofeelfreetocontactus!


Officers:JordanCook,ChrissaKarouzakis, ChamodhiPolwatta

ForanyCommunicationsinquiries,contactZoeat director-communications@deakinlss.org


TheCompetitionsportfolioisthegatewayforyoutodelveinto theworldofpracticallegalexperiencewhilstundertakingyour lawdegree.Theystrivetocreateuniqueopportunitiesforyou toapplyfirst-handlegalknowledgeinthesefunandexciting competitions!Besuretogetyournameoutthereandmake themostofyourfirstyearbyengagingincompetitions. Theyareforeveryone!


Officers:KostantinosKritikos,KatiaKrivanek, NathanNotley,AlexPoynton,AngusRichards

ForanyCompetitionsinquiries,contactAdamat director-competitions@deakinlss.org



TheEducationPortfolioconnectsthestudentbody,the UniversityandtheLawSociety.Thisportfolioaimstoensure thatstudentshaveapositiveacademicexperienceby creatingeventsthatfallunderthethreepillarsofAcademics andStudySupport,Wellbeing,andExamRevision.



ForanyEducationinquiries,contactMariettaat director-education@deakinlss.org


TheEngagementPortfolioisabrandnewportfoliofocusingon creatingandcementingconnectionswithintheDeakinLaw cohort.Theyareinvolvedinpromotingpositivityoncampus, andwilloftenbeinteractingwithcurrentDeakinstaffand studentstoensurethatalllawstudentsarebenefitingfromtheir legaleducation.



ForanyEngagementinquiries,contactNicholasat director-engagement@deakinlss.org


TheIndustryCareersPortfoliocoversallareasoflawoutside Commercial,andaimstoprovidestudentswithunique networkingopportunitiessuchastheBarristerShadowing Program.Theportfolioproducestheincrediblepodcast'Before theCourt',andrunsfantasticeventsincludingan'Eveningwith Professionals',-besuretocheckthemout!


Officers:ConnorHardcastle, IsabelleSchinagl,EmilieYoung

ForanyIndustryCareersinquiries,contactBailiejeanat director-careers@deakinlss.org


TheMarketingPortfolioisresponsiblefortheimageofthe DLSSthroughthemanagementofalloftheDLSSSocial platforms,promotionofalltheeventsbyeachportfolio throughouttheyear,andthedesignanddistributionofDLSS merchandise.



ForanyMarketinginquiries,contactBethat director-marketing@deakinlss.org


TheSocialJustice&EquityPortfolioupdatesthestudentbody regardingcontemporaryissuesanddevelopmentsinthelaw, anddiscussesthelegalitiesoftopicalsocialjusticeissues.Keep aneyeoutforthe'GenderandLGBTQIA+DiversityintheLaw' event,the'VolunteeringintheLaw'expo,the'ClimateChange andtheLaw'panelandthe'LegalAdvocacyandReform'panel!




ForanySocialJusticeandEquityinquiries,contactLauraat director-sje@deakinlss.org


TheMemoisapublicationthatwillappearontheDLSSwebsite underthe'Publications'icon.Ifyouwantmoreinformationoneach oftheportfolios,andthepeopleinvolvedintheDLSS,feelfreeto checkourourMemo!


Joining a portfolio is a great way to become a more interactive member of the DLSS! It will give you the opportunity to directly contribute to all the events, competitions, activities and publicationsorganisedbytheDLSS,whilstassistingyouinmaking heapsofnewfriendshipsthatcouldlastyoualife-time.

Portfolioapplicationstendtoopentowardstheendofeachyear,so be sure to follow our Social Media pages to be informed of when applicationsopen,andhowtoapply!



Ifyouneedanyhelpfindingroomsandbuildingsoncampus, youcandownloadthe'LostonCampus'apponyourphone. Thisappwillallowyoutoenteranybuilding/roomnumberin, andgiveyoudirectionstothatspecificlocation.


LTrefersto'LectureTheatre'andisnotabuildingname.Ifyou needdirectionsonhowtolocateaLectureTheatre,ontheLOC app,clickonthecategorylabelled'LectureTheatres'andtap theoneyouneed.

Thisappalsohasdirectionstowardsbathrooms,foodplaces, bars,labs,Uniservices,parking,sportfacilitiesandstudy spaces.











BoxHillStation:LilydaleandBelgraveLines (The Deakin Shuttle Box 201 runs every 20 minutes from Box HillStationtoDeakinUniversity)


Ifyouareafulltimestudent,visitthebelowwebsitetoaccess the form to gain a Myki Student Concession Card. The completedformneedstobetakentoatrainstationservice desk to obtain a Concession ID. Take this ID with you wheneveryouuseyourConcessionCardonPTVtoavoida fineandtogetstudentratesontravel.




AtDeakinUniversity,through'Cell-O-Park'appyoucanpayfor parking.




ThevPermitsystemandvPermitapp, allowsyouaccessto long-termparkingpaymentoptions.



Visithttps://www.deakin.edu.au/aboutdeakin/locations/campuses/parking formoreinformationregardingparkingatUniversity.

ThereareparkingoptionsavailablefromboththeBurwood HighwayandElgarRoadEntriesintoDeakin.AsaLawstudent, youmayhaveclassesinBuildingLB,whichisaccessible throughtheElgarRoadentrytocampus(Gate3)


Textbooks are required for almost all Law Units at Deakin University. After unit sites are released, a section is usually presentoutliningweeklyreadingrequirementsthatalignwith thetopicsyouarestudying.

ThereisnobookshopatDeakinUniversity,howeveryoucan accessdigitalcopiesofalmostallrequiredtextbooksthrough the 'Deakin University' Library webpage. You can access this throughDeakinsyncbyclickingonthe'Library'tab.

IfyoutypeyourunitcodeintotheLibrarysearchmechanism, it will allow you to access all the required textbooks for that unit.Sometextbookscomeunder'prescribedreadings'whilst others are only 'suggested' or 'recommended'. 'Prescribed Readings'mustbecompletedtofullygrasptheunitcontent, however 'suggested' and 'recommended' readings are only usedtofurtheryourstudies.


Many online textbooks accessed through the Deakin Library only have a limited number of concurrent users. We recommend taking notes on all the essential parts of the textbooks for reference during exams as there is no guarantee you will be able to access a textbook during an open-bookproctoredexam.


We recommend buying second-hand textbooks as new copiescanbeextremelyexpensive!Justmakesureyouget themostup-to-dateedition!







Asalways,whenbuyingtextbooksonline,completenecessary checkstomakesuresellersaretrustworthytoavoidscams.



The library website contains books, peer-reviewed journal documents,andmanyotherusefuldocumentswhichcanhelpyou whencompletingyourstudies.

YoucanalsobookboothsandspacesontheLibrarywebsiteifyou requireaquietplaceorstudyorhavegroupassignmentsyouneed tocomplete.


TheLIVhavealibrarythroughwhichyouaccessjournalarticlesthat canassistyouinyourstudies


Youcanjoinastudysupportsessionwhichcanprovidesupporton onlinelearning,referencing,academicwritingandskills.


TheDLSSSocialMediapagesprovideinformationonExamRevision sessionsforcertainLawunits.Besuretofollowusonsocialmediato knowwhentheseareandforwhatsubjectstheyarebeingoffered!


Thereisalegalmentorprogramthatyoucanalsojoin.Thiswillpair you up with more senior law students who can assist you in your journey throughout your first year. Your legal mentor is not your tutor, however, so while they can provide you with information on howtostudy,theycannothelpyouwiththecontentitself.


StudentVIPisawebsiteforstudentswheretheycanaccesscheap textbooksandhelpfultutors.Youcancreateamembershipforfree to access these services! Just make sure you are up to date on Deakin's Academic Integrity policy so you don't accidentally engageinacademicmisconduct.



Complete the weekly readings: It's extremely easy to fall behind on readings during Law School so try to complete readings in the specified weeks in the Unit Planner. If you have any questions about the readings, be sure to ask your lecturers for help!

Don't Skip Classes: As soon as you start skipping classes, it's unlikely you will ever go back. Numbers in classes decrease every week. Be sure to attend classes for the opportunity to ask questions, form relationships with lecturers and other students, and to be as prepared as possible!

Study Together: Studying is always more bearable when you're studying with friends. Hold each other accountable, compare notes, and ask each other questions on the unit content.

Spend Time Making Good Notes: In Law school, most exams are open book. As such, you want notes that are succinct, easy to navigate and straight to the point. You don't want to spend time in exams searching for content. Ensure you have a glossary to make this easier!

Ask Question: Your lecturers are always there to help you! Reach out and ask questions if you have any! Use the discussion board to do this as well! Read other student's posts on the discussion board as they may have already asked similar questions that you need answers for or bring something new to your attention.


Contact Hours: The number of hours you are expected to spend at University

Credit Point: A unit in which a study point is allocated. As a general rule, one unit will give you one credit point. You must complete a certain amount of credit points to complete your degree. You can find these on your course planners. If in doubt, book a meeting with a law advisor to ensure you're meeting your credit requirements.

Lecture: A presentation which provides you with content and information.

Seminar/ Tutorial: These are your more hands-on classes. In law, these usually involve a set of questions that will be released weekly. These seminars will go through the answers to questions involving the content from the lectures.

Unit: the name for your subjects.


Know the Content: Attend lectures/ seminar/tutorials and ask questions! Assignments are based on the information you learn at lectures/tutorials. Make sure you take note on how lecturers answer questions regarding the content and replicate this in your assignments.

Make a Plan: Always plan out how you are going to complete your assignment, and plan out how many hours you are going to designate to your assignment each day. Following a plan will help reduce stress and ensure you complete your assignment well before the due date.

IRAC: Issue, rule, application, conclusion. This format is required for almost all law assessments at Deakin . Learning this format and utilising it in your answers is a great way of setting yourself up for success during Law School!

Referencing: Make sure you reference as you go. Leaving references until the end can lead to you forgetting crucial references and getting references mixed up. This can then become an issue with academic integrity and plagiarism. Referencing as you go ensures that you don't have extra stress added onto the end of an assignment, and ensures better accuracy. Referencing at Law School is consistent with the AGLC 4, so be sure to use this guide!


Practice Questions/ Exams: Complete practice exams and practice questions. Make sure you know how to generally answer every questions that could come up and have answer structures ready that you can easily utilise during an exam.

Time Yourself: In 2023, most Deakin Law Exams are 2 hour, open book exams. Make sure you adhere to time constraints so you are able to access all questions. Before your exam, look at how many questions you are required to answer and the mark break downs for each question (this is provided to you before the exam). Take note of how long you have to spend on each question and stick to these guidelines during your exam.

Know your Notes: Most Law Exams are open book, however be sure to look at the exam information that will be released to confirm this before your exam. In open book exams, there is not enough time to search through notes to find the relevant information. Make sure you know where everything is, and have a glossary that you can use to easily find key cases/ legislation.

Utilise the 'Try-it-out' Features for Online Exams: Most online exams happen through 'Proctero'. This can involve a lengthy set up process, so be sure to follow your lecturers advice and set up this process well before your exam. Also utilise the 'Try it out' options to practice using 'Proctero' to avoid technical issues during your exam


Uni can become difficult and overwhelming.

The most important thing is to know that you are not alone and that help is always available. No matter what issues you're experiencing, there are many support systems available at Deakin to help you, and we have a few tips ourselves.

Here are some tips that may help you stay on top of your wellbeing needs:

Step Away From the Books: Go for a walk, go to the gym, hang out with friends. Give yourself a mental break from studying and assignments and do something else for yourself! This will help you feel refreshed and avoid any potential burn out.

Work-Life Balance: Continue activities outside of University. Participate in sport, music, acting, etc. as a much needed break from your studies. Be sure to focus on yourself as well as your studies.

Plan Out Time for Yourself: As well as organising and planning time for studying and assignments, put 'metime' in your planner! This will ensure that you are getting time to relax so that you don't feel like you're sacrificing your own life for your studies.

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Deakin'sWellbeingServices:Deakin University'snewLawBuilding(LB)is nowhometoaWellbeingCentre.This includesapsychologist,and physiotherapy,andprovidesaccessto doctors,vaccinationsandmedical certificates.Deakinalsohasagymyou canutilisetostayuptodatewithyour fitnessneeds.


Seefriendsregularly:Unicanbetough tonavigatealone,somakesureyou haveotherpeopleinyourcorner.Talk tofriends,familyandothertrusted peopleinyourlifetoensurethatyour mental,physical,socialandemotional healthandwellbeingisasgoodasit canbe.Don'tbeafraidtoaccess servicesifneeded!

Formoreresources,checkouttheDLSS Wellbeingpageat




During Law school, networking allows you to meet professionals and develop connections. It's a good idea to create a page on 'Linked-In' and utilise it to maintain contact with professional connections who can assist you during University and into the future.

Reach out to firms through Linked-In, introduce yourself, ask questions and offer to buy individuals a coffee to talk about their work and your interests.

DLSS also hosts events such as 'Meet the Professionals' in which you will be able to connect socially and learn from people already in the legal field. To find out when such events will occur, be sure to stay up to date with the DLSS website, and our social media pages!


One way of gaining legal skills and practical knowledge is through volunteering. Community Legal Centres run on volunteer contributions and are often looking for people. Be sure to check out the websites of your local CLC's and offer to become a general volunteer which can enhance your skills and make you more employable into the future.

WIL Units:

Every student most complete at least one 'WIL' unit as part of your Law Degree. These units involve 'Work Integrated Learning', where you will work with legal professionals and become an active member of the legal field. WIL units provide you with the opportunity to work at law firms, Community Legal Centre's or Research Assistant's to obtain a taste of real-world legal work.


Most new law students have never stepped into a law firm before. It can be daunting trying to figure out what to wear, what's appropriate and what can be classified as formal enough for certain legal work-places. We're here to help you out!


This refers to a mode of stress that is between jeans and a suit. This can include button down shirts without ties, blouses, neat pants and mid-length skirts. Brighter colours, simple patterns and bolder jewellery can also be worn. Shoes must still be somewhat professional and are usually dark-coloured.


This is the mid-point between smart-casual and formal corporate clothing. Shirts should be neutral colours and present neatly. Jumpers and blouses should also be kept tidy and clean. Chinos, trousers, and mid-length skirts can all be worn. Shoes must be work-place appropriate and professional-looking. Jeans are generally off limits.

Corporate Wear:

This is appropriate for highly-professional workplaces and going to Court. Suits with light coloured shirts are suitable, with ties, belts and dress shoes for men. For women, a suit, a light coloured shirt or blouse, blazer, knee-length skirt, pants and closed toe dress shoes are appropriate.

Buying/ Finding Corporate Clothing:

You can find Smart and Business clothing at shops such as Target, Kmart or Big W. You can also find clothes at online shops for cheaper amounts. Regarding Corporate wear, you might have to spend a little more money. You can always go to op-shops, or check out places such as Forever New, Department stores: David Jones, Myer, Gazman, etc. Op shops can also be a great place to have a look!


Step 1: LLB or JD

The first step of becoming admitted to practice is to complete your Bachelors of Law or Juris Doctorate. Whilst completing these, you will complete 11 units known as the 'Priestley 11'. These law units are the same across all universities and courses in Australia, and must be completed and passed to become a lawyer. You will also be able to study electives on top of these.

Step 2: Completion of PLT

PLT refers to Practical Legal Training. After you complete your LLB or JD, this is the necessary next step before you can be admitted to practice law. A PLT can be completed through a traineeship with a legal firm / Public System / Community Legal Centre, or through a specialist institute such as Leo Cussen of the The College of Law.

Step 3: Gain Admission!

The last step is to gain admission to practice. You will be admitted to practice by the Victorian Legal Admissions Board. This requires you to provide evidence that you are a 'fit and proper' person suitable for the profession. In this step, you must disclose any past conduct that might make you unfit for practice, including speeding fines, Myki tickets and parking fines. Don't worry just yet...it's not quite as scary as it sounds! (Or maybe it is...but that's a problem for later).


Get Involved

With University comes so many opportunities to develop your skills and gain real-world knowledge in the law and everything that comes with it. Join competitions, attend events and join clubs and societies!

Looking back at your University time, you want to be satisfied that you made the most of your years, beyond just academics and studying. Use this opportunity to make friends and meet new people. Coming along to activities such as the Bar-Hop, First Year Law Camp, Law Ball and Competitions will ensure that your university experience will be as enjoyable as possible

First Year Representatives:

We will be looking for two First Year Representatives to be a part of the DLSS! This will be advertised on our social media pages and on our websites which will include instructions on how to apply, and your roles if successful.

Make sure you keep an eye out! Joining the DLSS provides an opportunity for amazing friendships and significant character development with the ability to meet legal professionals and work with like-minded individuals.

Our First Year Reps often move on to hold important positions in the DLSS committee. They are actively involved in bettering the law experience for law students and will become a voice for their cohort.

Good Luck!

Good luck for your first year of law and be sure to follow the DLSS Social Media pages to stay up to date with everything law related which will better your university experience.

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