DLSS 2024
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Design&Editor: MadeleineFrench
EditorinChief: JordanCook CONTACT
you to our sponsors
President’sWelcome................................................................................................... 4 WhatisDLSS?................................................................................................................. 6 GetInvolved!......................................................................................................................8 HerbertSmithFreehills...............................................................................................10 TraveltoDeakin..............................................................................................................12 GettingAround...............................................................................................................13 StudyResources.............................................................................................................14 CollegeofLaw..................................................................................................................16 TipsandTricks.................................................................................................................18 Mentors..............................................................................................................................20 LegalExperience...........................................................................................................21 Admission..........................................................................................................................22 Careers................................................................................................................................23 LawInstituteofVictoria............................................................................................24 WhatisCorporateWear?.........................................................................................26 Wellbeing..........................................................................................................................28 CONTENTS
president’s welcome
Firstly, I want to offer my sincere congratulations. Regardless of if you have come straight from Year 12 or taken a more circuitous route, getting into Law School is bynomeansasmallfeatanditisimportant to recognise such a fantastic achievement Now that you're embarking on this exciting journey, the real adventure is just beginning, and I couldn't be more excited to welcome you to the DLSS Allow me to offer a glimpse into the myriad of opportunities awaiting you at Deakin, extending far beyond the confines of your lawdegree.
The DLSS is a student-run organisation, aimed at providing Deakin Law students with a platform to explore their legal interests, make lifelong connections and leave university confident and prepared for the legal profession. We do this by conducting eventsrunbyournumerousportfolios,releasingavarietyofpublicationsandhosting a range of legal competitions. Embarking on a law degree can undoubtedly be daunting, as it's perfectly normal to feel a bit overwhelmed However, fear not, as there are several steps you can take to not only pave the way for success but also injectsomeenjoymentintoyouracademicjourney
Engage in as many opportunities as you can! It may seem straightforward, but the path to involvement varies for everyone Whether it's participating in law competitions, attending First Year Law Camp, or simply showing up to all your classes in person, taking that initial step can be intimidating However, I assure you that it will pay off in countless ways. When I arrived at Deakin, I didn't know a soul. By pushing myself beyond my comfort zone and getting involved, I formed genuine friendships and transformed university from a place I had to go to into a placeIwantedtobe.
DeakinLawStudents’ SocietyPresident2024
Take full advantage of the resources at your disposal Looking back, I truly wish I had realized the wealth of resources available to students when I first started. Beyond the standard facilities offered by Deakin University, the Library is an invaluable resource. Legal research is a significant aspect of the degree, and it's completely normal not to have mastered it right away Instead of struggling as I did, investing some time in exploring research guides on the Library website or attending DLSS study sessions will not only save you time but also improve your academicperformance
Feelingoverwhelmediscompletelynormal,sodon'tbetoohardon yourself The best advice I can offer is to focus on running your own race. I understand it's easier said than done, but constantly comparing yourself to others, whether it's regardinggrades, extracurricularactivities,oranythingelse,willonlydetractfrom your university experience. It's no secret that law school presents its challenges, but I assure you that even during the toughest times, success is possible
Experiencing feelings of stress and time constraints is all part of the learning curve. Give yourself the chance to discover study habits that work for you and allowyoutomaximiseyourdegreeexperiencewhilestillenjoyingyourself
Lastly, in a shameless plug, I must emphasise that the DLSS is indeed a valuable resource to tap into as you commence your degree. I encourage you to dedicate some time to explore the DLSS website, peruse this guide, and browse through the events page to discover the myriad opportunities available. Whether you're seeking social connections or career guidance, rest assured that we host events designed to addressyourqueriesand interests.
WelcometoDeakinandIlookforwardtomeetingasmanyofyouas possible
what is dlss?
The Deakin Law Students’ Society (DLSS) is a student-run organisation, operating on behalfofallDeakinUniversityLawStudents.TheDLSSisoneofDeakin’sbiggestand longest-standing societies, with a primary goal of maximising the university experience for all law students. The DLSS has many portfolios, and runs various activities, events and competitions to help you all enjoy your university experience beyondacademics
University is more than just studying and the DLSS is here to help you enjoy your timeatuniversity.Itisourhopethatyoucanmakethemostoutofyourexperiencein Law School and make long-lasting memories and friendships you can take with you beyondthecompletionofyourdegree
A Deakin Law Students’ Society membership costs just $5 and can be renewed annually Becomingamemberscomeswithhugebenefits!
DiscountedticketsforDLSSevents; AnemailsubscriptiontotheDLSS; AccesstoExamRevisionSessions; VotingrightsatourAnnualGeneralMeeting;and Much,muchmore!
what is dlss?
Joining a portfolio is a great way to become a more interactive member of the DLSS! It will give you the opportunity to directly contribute to all the events, competitions, activities and publications organised by the DLSS, whilst assisting you in making heapsofnewfriendshipsthatcouldlastyoualifetime
Portfolio applications tend to open towards the end of each year, so be sure to follow our social media pages to stay informed of when applications open and how to apply!
CuriousaboutthepeopleandportfoliosthatmakeuptheDLSScommitteefor2024? Checkoutourpublication‘TheMemo’ontheDLSSwebsite!
Each year, the DLSS hires two students to fill the positions of our First Year Representatives. In this role you will have the chance to advocate for First Year studentsandorganiseeventsforyourcohortwhilstreportingtoourVP,Bailiejean.All students in their first year of law can apply and they will be selected by their peers to filltheroleduringTriOne.
The best opportunity to meet new people before the year starts is at our first social event of the year, our annual Bar Hop! This year, our theme is ‘Swing & Serve’, so come in your best tennis or golf outfits and get ready to make meaningful connections with your cohort and other year levels before starting Tri One! Locations arerevealedthedaybefore&ticketsarealreadysellingfastsogetinquick!
Our well loved First Year Law Camp is the best way to strengthen your friendships with your cohort whilst making new friends. In your first year, FYLC is an absolute must!!Anallexpensesincludedweekendawaywithlotsoffunactivitiesplanned,our FYLCisafanfavouritetorelax,havefun,meetlotsofDLSSCommitteemembersand, thisyear,getyourcompetitivesideout!(Nospoilers…)
Our Law Ball is the most anticipated and biggest evening of the year! Hosted at Crown Palladium later in the year, it is the perfect opportunity to get dressed up and dancethenightawaywithallofyourfriends!
Our Boat Party is hosted at the end of T2 Exams and is the best send off of the year youcouldaskfor!
get involved!
get involved!
Junior Moot is the perfect opportunity for First Year students to become involved in competitions run by DLSS! This competition is specifically aimed at first and second year students and focuses on Contract Law. Mooting provides many opportunities to develop your advocacy skills, but more importantly, to hone your ability to interpret legal facts and law, and apply them in a practical forum. Even if competing isn’t something that interests you, attending the Junior Moot Grand Final which will be held at Clayton Utz is a great way to network and become more familiar with competitions!
Another competition we recommend for First Year students is Client Interview! This competition requires minimal preparation and does not involve you competing againstanotherteamorfacingquestionsfromthebench.Itissimplyyourteam,your clientandajudgeasyouworktoobtainasmuchkeyinformationfromyourclientas possible!
The Competitions Portfolio runs a number of other competitions throughout the year which are open to all students including Bail Application and Witness Examination
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We’re proud to say that we put people first. Our firm is built on a diverse culture, reflective of the societies in which we live and work. That’s why inclusivity is key to our success. At Herbert Smith Freehills, you’ll be valued for what makes you different and accepted for who you are. We recognise the power of diversity and inclusion to drive innovation, collaboration and business outcomes. So, whether it’s working on the latest advancements in digital law, taking part in some of the biggest mergers and acquisitions around, or helping people through our extensive pro bono work – you’ll develop the skills to solve the most complex challenges in thoughtful and innovative ways.
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There’s no single path to becoming an exceptional commercial lawyer. We look beyond your academic record and your technical aptitude. We’re focussed on finding people who have the curiosity to explore all the angles and the empathy to place themselves in their client’s shoes.
In line with our 10 Actions for Change we are proud to use the Rare Contextual Recruitment System (CRS). The CRS allows us to understand each applicant’s achievements in the context that they have been gained. We understand that not every candidate’s achievements look the same on paper – and we want to recruit the best people, from every background.
Clerkship program
We select many of our graduates through our vacation clerkships. During this immersive experience, you’ll receive hands-on practical experience, as you work on some of the diverse challenges facing the team you’re collaborating with.
You will gain a deeper understanding of life at the firm and what your future could look like if you join us. Some key features include the opportunity to:
• Sit within a specific team, delivering real work for key clients
• Before you join, submit a preference for a team to tailor your experience
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We offer a range of summer and winter clerkships across our Australian offices. If you have queries about graduate or vacation clerk positions, please visit our website: vacation-clerkships or contact one of our graduate recruitment consultants.
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BoxHillStation(LilydaleandBelgraveLines) (TheDeakinShuttleBus201runsevery20minutesfromBoxHillStation)
Ifyouareafull-timestudentyoucangetaConcessionMykifordiscounted faresonpublictransport.Fillouttheapplicationformfoundonlineandtakeit toatrainstationservicedesktoobtainaConcessionID TakethisIDwithyou wheneveryouuseyourConcessionMykionPTVtoavoidafine
Youcangetalong-termparkingpermitthatismanagedthroughthevPermit app:
Visithttps://wwwdeakineduau/about-deakin/locations/campuses/parkingfor moreinformationonparkingatDeakin
travel to deakin
getting around
Printing on campus is easier than you might think. There are printers scattered around campus including in LC and the Library. You can also download software to print from your own device!
For more info visit: https://wwwdeakineduau/students/ new-students/digital-setup/printingon-campus
It can be quite confusing getting your head around room numbers! Here’s an example:
Building LC - Floor 2 - Room 105
‘Lost on Campus’ provides you with directions to any building or room number!
Fun fact: LT refers to ‘Lecture Theatre’ and is not a building name If you need directions on how locate a Lecture Theatre, on the LOC app, click on the categorylabelled'LectureTheatres'andtaptheoneyouneed.
Lost on Campus also has directions for bathrooms, food places, bars, labs, universityservices,parking,sportfacilitiesandstudyspaces.
SafeZone is a free app that connects you with security services 24 hours a day. You can send your name and location to security in an emergency, ask for assistanceorfirstaid,requestanescort,receiveimportantupdatesandmore!
study resources
Every course at Deakin has a University Handbook that sets out your core and elective units and, most importantly, your course rules! Here you can also find yourcoursemapwhichsetsoutyourdegree.Ifyouareeverunsureaboutyour units and the course rules you can always reach out to Student Central who canprovideyouwithinformationandhelpyoucompleteyourcoursemap
The library website contains books, peer-reviewed journal documents, and many other useful documents which can help you when completing your studies. You’ll also be able to find useful resource guides that can help you hone your research, referencing and study skills. Follow the ‘resource guides’ tabonthelibraryhomepagetouncovertheseincrediblematerials
You can also book booths and spaces on the library website if you require a quietplacetostudyorhavegroupassignmentsyouneedtocomplete.
Unistart is a forum of resources that you can find on your Cloud Deakin or DeakinSync (where you also find your unit pages) Here you will find welcome information, learning modules, discussion forums, checklists, general informationonunits,assessmenttipsandorientationsessions.
Deakin has also created workload planners, study planners and assessment plannerstomakeorganisationeasyforyou!Checkthemoutat:
The DLSS social media pages provide information on exam revision sessions for certain law units Be sure to follow us on social media to know when these areandforwhatsubjectstheyarebeingoffered!
study resources
Check out our Skills Guide for detailed overviews of the resources available to law students as well as information on how to develop your research and referencingskills!
Student VIP is a website for students where you can access cheap textbooks, notes,andhelpfultutors Youcancreateamembershipforfreetoaccessthese services! Just make sure you are up to date on Deakin’s Academic Integrity policysoyoudon’taccidentallyengageinacademicmisconduct.
Check out the resources page on the Judicial College of Victoria website for overviews of legal principles, processes and laws as well as interesting discussionsonvariousareasoflaw.
The LIV have a library through which you can access journal articles that can assistyouinyourstudies.
Typing notes during lectures can sometimes lead to mindlessly jotting down everything the lecturer says. Try switching it up and handwriting your notes instead. It forces you to actively engage with the material and focus on the important points. If handwriting isn’t your thing, aim to only type up the key points to stay focused.
Attend Your Tutorials
Tutorials are important for applying what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios. Even if they’re not mandatory, attending tutorials regularly is highly recommended. Skipping tutorials may leave you struggling in exams because you haven’t practiced applying the law.
and readings. Make sure to type up these notes so you can refine them as you go. Closer to exams, create condensed notes focusing on key principles and cases to streamline your study sessions. It’s common for students to spend too much time making their notes look nice, which leaves them with less time to actually study. To avoid this, review your material weekly to deepen your understanding.
Get Involved Early
Don’t wait too long to dive into extracurricular activities or seek work experience. Getting hands-on experience in the legal field early on can give you a leg up when you start job hunting. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to develop essential skills and expand your network. Even if you don’t have legal experience yet, jump at any opportunity that comes your way—it’ll pay off down the road!
Starting law school is more like a marathon than a sprint. Take these tips on board, stay organised, and don’t forget to enjoy the ride!
By the College of Law
Follow these tips to create more effective and organised notes, making your efficient and your exam preparation a breeze:
Prepare Ahead
It might sound basic, but preparing before class is crucial. Read the assigned materials and review your previous notes. This sets the stage for what you’ll learn next, allowing you to focus on new concepts during the lecture.
Organise Your Notes
Keep your notes organised. Date each entry, give lectures clear titles, and use subtitles when needed. Avoid writing on random pieces of paper; instead, use a dedicated notebook or folder on your laptop to keep everything in one place.
Choose Your Method
Whether you prefer typing or writing by hand, stick to what works best for you. But watch out— laptops can be distracting. Handwriting can help you be more selective about what you note down and stay focused.
Be Selective
You don’t need to write down every word the lecturer says. Focus on key points and concepts you’re not familiar with. Look out for emphasis, repetition, definitions, and anything written on the board. These are usually indicators of important information.
Abbreviate Wisely
Use abbreviations to speed up your notetaking. Make sure they’re meaningful to you and consistent throughout. For example, use “HCA” for High Court of Australia or “SC” for Supreme Court.
Review Within 24 Hours
Type up your notes within a day of the lecture. This helps reinforce your memory and understanding of the material. Studies suggest that reviewing within 24 hours can help you remember up to 80% of the information.
Follow these tips to master the art of note-taking and elevate your study skills.
tips and tricks
1 Createastudyplan:Everyonestudiesdifferently Figureoutwhatworksfor you,planitoutandstayorganised.Whenwillyoudothereadings?Howwill youtakenotes?Whenwillyoucompletetheseminarquestions?
2. Complete the weekly readings: It is so easy to fall behind, especially with such a heavy workload However, try to stay up-to-date on your readings and notessothatyoudon’tgetstressedandoverwhelmedlaterinthetrimester!
3 Don’t skip classes: Attending lectures and seminars will help you keep an active engagement that will allow you to learn at your best. If you start skipping it’s unlikely you’ll ever go back so stay engaged, ask questions and form relationships with your lecturers and fellow students! This way you will getthemostoutofyourstudiesatUni.
4. Ask questions: There can be so many nuisances, tricky terminology and complicated principles in law. Whenever you come across something in the readings or lectures that you don’t understand take a note of it and ask! The bestplacetodothisisinyourseminars.
5 Complete the seminar questions: One of the first things that can slip is completing the seminar questions. Prior to class do your best to complete the seminar questions as it keeps you thinking about the content. If you feel you don’thavetime,readoverthequestionssoyoufeelpreparedforclassandtake quicknotesordotpointsandanyquestionsyoumighthave.
1 Know the content: Attend lectures and seminars and ask questions Make sure you take note on how lecturers answer questions or how they want you to approach questions. Try to replicate this in your assignments. Completing the seminar questions is another great way to get your head around the style ofquestionsyoumayface.
2. Make a plan: Don’t wait until the last minute to do your assignments! Good legal writing takes time and drafting. Try to start your assignments as early as possibleandtakeitstepbysteptoeasethestress
tips and tricks
3 IRAC: Issue, rule, application, conclusion This format is required for almost all law assessments at Deakin throughout your degree. Make sure you understandthismethodandcanutiliseitwellinyourwriting Practicingthisis agreatwaytosetyourselfupforsuccessduringLawSchool!
4 Referencing: Make sure you reference as you go Leaving it to the end can complicate and mix up your references. Depending on how good you are at referencing these marks can either be easy to get or can result in a worse mark than you would otherwise deserve Referencing at Law School is consistent with AGLC 4, so familiarise yourself with this guide and practice usingit.
1. Practice Questions/Exams: Complete the practice exams and questions available to you. Make sure you know how to generally answer the range of questions that may come up and have structures ready so that you can utilise themduringtheexam.
2.TimeYourself:BeforeyourexamcheckyourExamInstructionstodetermine your time constraint and marks allocated. Work out how long you should spend on each question and limit yourself to ensure you move on with enough time to finish the exam. Undertake timed practice exams to get an ideaofhowtoapproachyourexamontheday.
3. Know your notes: Although comprehensive notes may be beneficial to you throughout the trimester, concise notes that are easy to navigate are so importantforexams Makesureyouknowwhereeverythingisandhowtofind theprinciples,casesandlegislationyouwillneedtostatetogetthemarks.
4. Revision sessions: Revision lectures and DLSS revisions sessions contain the most useful tips on how to approach and undertake exams and assessments. You don’t just need to understand the content but also know how to answer an exam question concisely and accurately to ensure you are hitting all the marks.
TheLawPeerMentorshipprogramisanothergreatresourcetoassistyouin your transition into Deakin. The program will pair you up with more senior law students who can assist you in your journey throughout your first year Your legal mentor is not your tutor, however, so while they can provide you with information on how to study, they cannot help you with the content itself
meetwithyourmentorandasmallgroupofnewstudentseveryweek makefriends getstudysupport
accessinformationtohelpyoutransitionintoDeakin askquestionstohelpyoubecomefamiliarwithuniversitylife
This mentoring program runs every trimester during weeks one to five on campus and online It is available to all business and law students and is a funandeasywaytostartyourlifeatDeakin!
For more information visit
legal experience
During Law School, networking allows you to meet professionals and develop connections It’s a goof idea to create a page on LinkedIn and utilise it throughout your degree and professional life to maintain contact with professional connections who can assist you during University and into the future Reach out to firms through LinkedIn, introduce yourself, ask questions andoffertobuyindividualsacoffeetotalkabouttheirworkandyourinterests.
DLSS also hosts events such as ‘Meet the Professionals’ in which you will be able to connect socially and learn from people already in the legal field. To find out when these events run be sure to stay up to date with the DLSS website andsocialmediapages.
One way of gaining legal skills and practical knowledge is through volunteering. Community Legal Centres run on volunteer contributions and are often looking for people. Be sure to check out the websites of your local CLC’s and offer to become a general volunteer which can enhance your skills andmakeyoumoreemployableinthefuture.
Everystudentmustcompeteatleastone‘WIL’unitaspartoftheirlawdegree. These units involve ‘Work Integrated Learning’, where you will work with legal professionals and become an active member of the legal field. WIL units provide you with the opportunity to work with law firms, CLCs or Research Assistantstoobtainatasteofreal-worldlegalwork.
admission to practice
Aspiringlawyersmustbe‘admitted’totheSupremeCourtRollbefore enteringtheprofession Youwilllearnmoreabouttheprocessduringyour degree,however,hereisabriefoverview:
The first step of becoming admitted to practice is to complete your Bachelor of Law or Juris Doctorate. Whilst completing these, you will complete 11 units known as the ‘Priestley 11’. These law units are the same across all universities and courses in Australia and must be competed and passed to become a lawyer.Youwillalsobeabletostudyelectivesontopofthese.
PLTreferstoPracticalLegalTraining AfteryoucompleteyourLLBorJD,thisis the necessary next step before you can be admitted to practice law. A PLT can be completed through a traineeship with a legal firm/Public System/ Community Legal Centre, or through a specialist institute such as ACAP, Leo CussenortheCollegeofLaw.
The last step is to gain admission to practice You will be admitted to practice bytheVictorianLegalAdmissionsBoard.Thisrequiresyoutoprovideevidence thatyouarea‘fitandproper’personsuitablefortheprofession Inthisstepyou must disclose any past conduct that might make you unfit for practice, includingspeedingfines,Mykiticketsandparkingfines.
You may know exactly where you want to take you law degree after you graduate. However, those who are still unsure or questioning which pathway youwilltakeafteryourdegreeyouarenotalone!
Whether you are just curious or want to investigate more about a career that mayinterestyou-therearesomanyresourcesaroundyou.
DeakinTalentisanincrediblecareersandemploymentserviceavailabletoyou throughout your degree and beyond! Here you will find everything from resume and cover letter writing guides and templates, online workshops and developmentprogramsaswellasjobsandinternshipsboardssoyoucankeep trackoftheopportunitiesavailabletoyou.
The DLSS Commercial Careers portfolio holds a range of events throughout theyeartoprovideinformationandopportunitiestoDeakinlawstudentswho have an interest in Commercial Law Keep you eye out for events including panels,informationsessions,careerfairsandMeettheProfessionals.
The DLSS Industry Careers portfolio provides students with information and opportunities to learn about the areas of law outside Commercial Law. If you are interested in other areas of law including Criminal Law, Family Law, Sports Law and Personal Injury Law keep up with our socials throughout the year for whentheseeventswillbeheld!
TheLIVhavearangeofcareerresourcesincludingjobboards,newslettersand information about various legal careers. You can join the LIV for free and accessheapsofamazingresources.
Whether you are a law student or a recent graduate, commencing your legal career can seem overwhelming. We understand this and through LIV membership you can unlock the resources you need for your future career.
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There is much more to being a lawyer than what you learn at law school. Build important skills, knowledge and connections now to prepare for your career in law.
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what is corporate wear?
Most new law students have never stepped into a law firm before. It can be daunting trying to figure out what to wear, what’s appropriate and what can be classified as formal enough for certain legal workplaces. We’re here to help youout!
This refers to a mode of dress that is between jeans and a suit This can include button down shirts without ties, blouses, neat pants and midlength skirts Brighter colours, simple patterns and bolder jewellery can also beworn.Shoesmuststillbesomewhat professional and are usually darkcoloured.
This is the mid-point between smart-casual and formal corporate clothing. Shirts should be neutral colours and present neatly. Jumpers and blouses should also be kept tidy and clean Chinos, trousers, and midlength skirts can all be worn. Shoes must be workplace appropriate and professionallooking Jeansaregenerallyofflimits
what is corporate wear?
This is appropriate for highly professional workplaces and going to Court Suits with light coloured shirts are suitable, with ties, belts and dress shoes for men. For women, a suit, a light-coloured shirt or blouse, blazer, knee length skirt, pants and closed toe dressshoesareappropriate.
You can find smart and business clothing at shops such as Target, Kmart or BigW.Youcanalsofindclothesonlineatacheaperpricepoint.
For corporate wear, you might have to spend a little more money. You can always go to op-shops or check out places such as Forever New or Portmans. DepartmentstoressuchasDavidJones,Myer,Gazmanetc canalsobeagreat placetohavealook!
The most important thing is to know that you are not alone and that help is always available. No matter what issues you’re experiencing, there are many supportsystemsavailableatDeakinsopleasemakethemostofthem!
Herearesometipsthatmayhelpyoustayontopof yourwellbeingneeds:
Go for a walk, go to the gym, hang out with friends Give yourself a mental breakfromstudyingandassignmentsanddosomethingelseforyourself!This willhelpyoufeelrefreshedandavoidanypotentialburnout.
Continue activities outside of University. Participate in sport, music, acting, etc. asamuchneededbreakfromyourstudies.Besuretofocusonyourselfaswell as your studies Keeping active, maintaining a healthy social life and ensuring you plan out time for yourself are all important in maintaining your mental health.
As well as organising and planning time for studying and assignments, put ‘me-time’ in your planner! This will ensure that you’re getting time to relax so thatyoudon’tfeellikeyou’resacrificingyourownlifeforyourstudies.
University can be tough to navigate alone, so make sure you have other people in your corner. Talk to friends, family and other trusted people in your life to ensure that your mental, physical, social and emotional health and wellbeingisasgoodasitcanbe.
Simple things like ensuring you have enough sleep, keeping active and eating healthycanmakeaworldofdifference.
DeakinUniversity’snewLawBuilding(LB)isnowhometoaWellbeingCentre. This includes a psychologist and physiotherapy, and provides access to doctors, vaccinations and medical certificates. Deakin also has a gym you can utilizetostayuptodatewithyourfitnessneeds.