wednesday june 30 th 2010
Programme wednesday june 30th 2010 CompagnieTheater CompagnieTheater Frascati 1 grote Zaal kleine Zaal
Frascati 2
ITs Award Show followed by Afterparty Leroy Rey, Phil Horneman, Lady la Coco, Floris van der Vlugt, Laurens Priem 21.00 - 03.00 (page 3-4)
SNDO witness Combined presentation 16.00, 55 min. (page 13)
AFK speed date 13.00 - 17.00 (page 4)
SNDO witness 17.00, 60 min. (page 13)
Frascati 3
Cosas humo 19.00 45 min. (page 11)
Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Programme change
music theatre
No Changes
ITS AWARDS: And the winner is… Tonight’s the night: the ITs Award Show 2010! A night to look forward to, but at the same time, it represents the end of the festival. There are seven prizes to be handed over, including the ITs Ton Lutz Award for the most promising director. Apart from the obvious credit that comes with the prize, the winner also receives 4500 Euros. Additionally the ITs Parade Parel (the absolute gem of all performances, chosen by a jury), the ITs Choreography Award, the ITs Guest Award, the ITs Playwriting Award, the Kemn-A-ward for most outstanding actor or actress, and the ITs Award – the festival’s prize awarded by the audience – will be presented. It
may sound a little strange to award creativity with a prize. The prizes at the Award show should be regarded as an extra incentive for the new crop of stage artists. The entire ITs Festival is, after all, aiming to be a steppingstone for the graduates of Dutch artistic professional training programmes. Many of today’s big names started out here at ITs Festival. Tonight’s grand question is: who will be following in the footsteps of previous winners like Carice van Houten, Wende Snijders or Jeroen van Koningsbrugge? (HdJ)
The daily Festival news ITs Festival Amsterdam
TEN ONDER ITS IMPRESSION Five actresses sitting in their own territories. The performance starts with a monologue. Storytelling. Each voice is interrupted by the next. Four desperate
women are confessing, while one of them is just “digesting”. Suddenly they explode in anger. Hecuba, Andromache, Helena, Cassandra and an intriguing fifth fe-
male Deus ex Machina character – who appears to be both their goddess and their housekeeper – are doing their last ritual dance. But they have forgotten the dances they used to do! The Trojan War war has destroyed these women. (GM)
wednesday june 30th 2010
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Today will start cloudy and grey, but eventually the sun will shine. Temperature: 24 degrees.
AWARD SHOW Today is the last day of ITs Festival Amsterdam 2010. So get ready for the Award Show, starting at the Compagnietheater, 09.00pm. Entrance is free. After the show, make sure you dance with all of us at the closing party.
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Transitions Dance Company (GB): last years winners of the ITs Guest Award.
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Colophon Writing staff: Michiel Bulthuis (MB), Mustafa El Faroog (MeF), Eveleen Hamers (EH), Jasmina Ibrahimovic (JI), Henk de Jong (HdJ), Ilona de Jong (IdJ), Asja Krsmanovic (AK), Adi Lucic (AL), Getoarbe Mulliqi (GM), Anna Peschke (AP), Jodean Sumner (JS) Translator: Roos van de Wardt Editor in chief: Daniël Bertina (Domein voor Kunstkritiek) Coordinator: Ingrid Straathof (ITs Festival) Project leader: Nynke Oele (Domein voor Kunstkritiek) ITs Guest Award Photo: Deen van Meer Graphic design: Tirza Teule Printed by: Copy Copy Amsterdam Made possible by: SNS Reaal Fonds and Stichting NORMA. Funded by:
This work programme has been funded with support from the European commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which is made of the information contained therein.
ITsDaily_30juni.indd 1
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EXERSISES FOR A HERO “What is crying? That might be a question that I ask in my work and then explore in the making process,” thoughtful choreographer Magdalena Ptasznik (SNDO) says. “When I’m creating a piece, I look for the best way in which to portray my research question. SNDO trains you to become a
theatre maker, but you need your own body to explore every element to the full. That’s why I enjoy playing my own performances. After all, the part is written for – and by – me!” she says, smiling. “By doing it myself, I’m really getting to know myself.” She frowns. “On the other hand,
TODAY’S TREAT! Cosas, a choreograpy by students of the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, at 7pm, Engelenbak. Be there!
it’s a valuable experience when you’re working with others, because then you have to leans someone else’s language, which results in reflecting upon yourself. You’re forced to think about what’s important to you. Others may have the ability to upcycle you work, as
it were – rather than recycle it!” She interrupts herself: “I tend to overanalyse, don’t I?” Again, that beguiling smile. What can we expect from her presentation on Wednesday? “Well, it’s called Exercises for a Hero. I’ll let the rest of the performance speak for itself.” (JI)
30-06-2010 13:06:56
wednesday june 30 th 2010
General director of ITs Festival Amsterdam:
Jacqueline van Benthem Today is the final day of ITs 2010 and it’s about high time to send out a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who has contributed to the festival’s success. First of all, to all students, from home and abroad, who put their heart and soul into their productions, but also to the schools, teachers and supervisors who have cherished all that talent. Also, like every other year, we couldn’t have done it without the efforts of our volunteers. And, last but not least: the funding that financed this year’s ITs – particularly SNS Reaal Fonds and Gemeente Amsterdam. Their generous financial support has made it possible for ITs to realise even more international exchange projects, which has turned ITs into more than merely a national festival. Thanks to arrangements with more and more international festivals we are able to invite more foreign students, and as a result Dutch productions will be invited to complete their programmes. Plenty of reasons to look back at ITs 2010 and be very content. And, of course, to turn the closing party and Award Show – tonight at Compagnietheater – into an unforgettable festivity, even if your production did not win! Enjoy!
wednesday june 30 th 2010
MET WORTEL EN TAK & SCHIJT (GELUIDLOOS, MAAR TOCH GEHOORD) “The first performance had a cabaret-thing going on. The monologues were simple and funny. Just the talking of a thirty-year-old woman doing various sketches. Everyday life situations with a good dose of honesty,” Hendrike remarks. “The second performance was different,” Saskia says. “The band (drums, piano, double-bass, accordion and singer) was doing an excellent job with a contemporary interpretation of groovy old pub music. The lyrics were pretty complex and abstract: she was choking trying to get some air. She gave us an honest recital of her ups and downs, revealed the dark and bright sides of our selves. The second performance had a darker atmosphere than the first one, but both blended really well in a great night of music theatre.” – Saskia ten Kate & Hendrike Bleumink (AL)
ITS INTIMATE “Try to get the best out of every situation.” That is the advice of actress Bracha van Doesburgh to the participants of ITs Festival. Bracha, who is co-hosting the ITs Awards with actor Waldemar Torenstra, continues. “If you believe in yourself and stay positive, things will start to happen for you.” Reminiscing over some past awards that she has won, Bracha tells me of the prize that she received, the Best Female Performer Award, at a film festival – not be named. “The prize was a huge table placemat… Not only was it a really obscure prize to win, but the thing itself was also incredibly ugly! I had to hide it in my bedroom.” Waldemar
has however not been quite so lucky. “I’m not much of a prize man. I have never won an award. So it will be like a sweet revenge for me, to give them all away.” But he feels that being asked to
host the award ceremony is an honour. Waldemar’s advice to the graduates? “See yourself as an entrepreneur, don’t just wait by the phone. Just keep making your theatre!”
Afterparty PHIL HORNEMAN & LEROY REY Wednesday will be the last day of ITs Festival! This also means the last afterparty. And that saddens us
HET ONTWAKEN Review A young mother is lying in the middle of the kitchen floor, hands spread out. Drops of blood next to her face. Facing away from the audience, she says: “I cut off my fingers!” She wakes up slowly and realises that the alarm clock did not go off. This is Het Ontwaken, a cabaret like solo by Aafke Kloppenburg (Codarts). She has a deep cut in her forehead, which she, strangely enough, doesn’t see. In the following early morning frenzy, she loses her keys, on top of everything that is already going on already. The attempt to retrace her steps causes great confusion: suddenly she’s drinking detergent and eating biotex. As it turns out: her husband has murdered her. For the first time in her life she spoke back to him when she commented on the fact that he spends all his time on the factory boss and football. At the end of the performance the woman puts on a monologue that resembles an indictment, or an appeal. “Us women are nothing but a comfortable mattress. A piece of furniture.” The man and the woman are presented as caricatures – the audience with a similar caricatural pamphlet. (EH)
“A nt me h s i n u
is a
MODERN DANCE h s i n pu ent” PART 2 m Review Mathematics, a strange tango that is ‘sizably challenged’, an exercise in philosophy, expressions of water, and an office party. Modern Dance: part 2, by Palucca Schule Dresden, is as much of a visual challenge as it is technically complex. Left with such ambiguity, we are able to consider simply the moments that resonate the most. A dancer tells us “A punishment is a punishment,” while the other dancers proceed to push and pull each other around the stage with excellent precision and control. These technical movements are in contrast with the notions of pain we might associate with punishment. The dancers in the spotlight alternate between make rigid movements and relaxing on the floor. They separate the physical and the vocal: the dancers on either side of the stage speak into microphones and make sounds that come with exertion, followed by a sigh. When the actors climb on each other’s shoulders and the entire ensemble resembles a collage of human totems, the performance takes on something ritualistic. Then we witness a fluidity of movement against a background of sonic noise and radio fuzz. In his blend of different dance styles, there is something to enjoy for everyone. (JS)
all. It’s up to DJs Phil Horneman and Leroy Rey to undertake the arduous task of turning it into a legendary party. Wicked Jazz Sounds, the style Horneman developed himself, is a mix of jazz, soul, funk hip-hop, house and drum ’n bass. “A bit of a blend,” according to Horneman. “The Wicked Jazz style allows for jazz’s warmth and dance’s untamed energy to meet. You can expect liveliness and a good atmosphere – in short, a smashing party!” Apart from their danceable jazz mix, the men will bring along a couple of musicians who will join the DJs live on stage. Two turntables and a lot of microphones – they will bring the house down! Check ‘m out at 11pm at Compagnietheater!
ITsDaily_30juni.indd 2
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30-06-2010 13:06:59