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ITs Festival Amsterdam

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Every year, at the end of June, the latest crop of performing artists will flood the city of Amsterdam. Graduating actors, dancers, mime artists, (film) directors and other performing artists, national and international, will make their first appearance at several professional theatres in the cityheart of Amsterdam. ITs Festival Amsterdam is the biggest European student festival where you can scout over 200 theatre talents in more than 50 unique productions. It is a wonderful opportunity to catch a glimpse of how the performing arts will look in the coming years. Alongside the productions, the festival programme is filled with inspiring debates, lectures and workshops, ending every day with the famous ITs afterparty. Be impressed by the great energy, sincerity and candour of the young theatre makers’ efforts to realise their dreams – straight from the heart and with unique faith and determination. The 23rd edition will take place from 21 – 28 June 2012.


Campaigns 2003-2012

January 22, 2013

ITs annual report 2012

November 15, 2012

ITs Beleidsplan 2013-2016

February 29, 2012

ITs annual report 2011

October 31, 2011

ITs magazine 2011

May 31, 2011

ITs annual report 2010.

October 31, 2010

ITs Daily

July 1, 2010

ITs Daily

June 17, 2010

ITs international flyer

February 9, 2010