Fundamentals of Hadoop Administration WhatisHadoopAdministration? When things operate in a group, we need a manager. In computer terms, the manager is called the administrator. This administrator or admin is accountable for the maintenance of the systems in the cluster. Who a database administrator or a DBA is to a database is analogous to Hadoop administrators and Hadoop clusters. The administrator is liable for the performance and accessibility of the systems on the cluster. Apart from this, the data present in the system and the jobs that run in it are also the administrator’s duty. He/she will be required to take on tasks like configuration, monitoring, backing up, trouble shooting, upgrades, deployment, job management etc.,. To start with fundamentals of Hadoop Administration one will be introduced to Hadoop framework, as basic outline about the tools and functionalities, its usages, history etc. All sorts of queries relating to why Hadoop is needed, what are its profits or advantages over the previous framework will be cleared to construct a strong foundation for the course. It will be compares with all available traditional file systems. Once we are done with the modules and architecture of this framework we move on to the next level of learning in the training. A lot of Hadoop Administration Online Course are available in the market for working professionals who can pursue with flexibility. In the next level one gets to study about the Hadoop Distribute File System, its overview, design and compatibility. Here the Hadoop cluster balancing can be acquired and recoveries due to component failures are understood. Once the recovery methods and balancing methods are implicit, planning of cluster and capacity on which it can work will be taught. The whole configuration of software and hardware is maintained here. Network topology is completed as well. The next stage after planning is deployment. There are various deployment types and distribution options for different kind of data access and scheduling. One learns about the most significant part that an administrator should always know that is the installation of Hadoop. After the deployment is done one has to work with Hadoop. This helps in different ways to access the file system which was created earlier. Another foremost tool of Hadoop framework is MapReduce engine. All the process and terminologies associated will be learnt at this level. One will be able to work with MapReduce after understanding how effective is this tool. Once a whole framework is setup and deployed, the cluster needs to be configured. Here everything related to the configuration is trained, that is, parameters and environment variables; include and exclude files for configuration which is the same as any other DLL file. The essence of this course lies in administration and maintenance of this Hadoop framework. One learns about the namenode and the datanode. The maintenance of checkpoint procedure and recovery procedure in cases of failure is equally significant. There is also a safe mode feature available which helps to understand the working without potential challenges. The admin work of adding and removing nodes is an indispensable part at this level. Hadoop Administrator must also know all sort of troubleshooting needed as well as monitoring of the framework. Hence certain best practices are prescribed in the training which needs to be followed. Hadoop administration Course in Bangalore are abundant and the market potential is immense.