November 2021
Students Supporting Students: The New TU’s Students’ Union The three Students’ Unions (SU) from GMIT, IT Sligo and LYIT have been working together for the last three years towards the establishment of a new TU SU. A CUA Students’ Union Subgroup was established in November 2018 and held its first meeting in December 2018. The subgroup is comprised of the CUA SU Presidents and SU Officers. The SU Managers/ Administrators were invited to join the group, in August 2020, to provide continuity as the SU officers change on an annual basis. The subgroup has engaged in a range of collaborative projects which support student engagement, welfare, and academic activities across the CUA and will serve as a strong foundation for the new TU Students’ Union.
Review of Students' Union Structures and Finance
Identifying Potential Collaborative Projects
Students’ Union Subgroup
Drafting a new Technology University Students' Union Constitution
Development and Delivery of a Cross Campus Mental Health Awareness Campaign
New SU Constitution Update The three Students’ Unions met in Letterkenny on the 5th of September 2021 with external consultant, Mike Day and worked on the new constitution. They also discussed election policies and staffing structures for the new TU SU. The group are now busy finalising the democratic structure of the new SU, developing a staffing structure, and negotiating a funding model with the parent institutes. They are also working on a new structure for class representative councils and officers.