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Meet our Human Resources (HR) Managers
Helen McGrandles, HR Manager, LYIT
I am looking forward to being part of an environment that will constantly be evolving and growing into the future and also having the opportunity to collaborate across the CUA, share experiences and contribute to the success of the transition period for the HR Function.
What does your current role involve?
In addition to my responsibilities as HR Manager for LYIT, I am the chair of the CUA HR subgroup. I was also recently appointed as the chair of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) working group for HR negotiations. I was previously a dedicated member of the management negotiation team with the TUI representatives, who successfully negotiated the MOU to ensure academic staff support for the TU merger. I worked on the LYIT EDI steering committee, which undertook the completion of the gender task force report and initiated steps towards gender equality. I was also a member of the tender evaluation group for the new TU President’s recruitment process.
What is the CUA HR subgroup working on to be ready for designation day?
Our current priorities include working on a cease and rehire project for designation day. All staff must be closed off on our HR systems and rehired. The three HR managers are also working together on a new TU organisational structure using a shared service model.
What will be done post-designation to harmonise policies, processes, and systems?
We need to collate and review existing HR policies and procedures across all three institutes and develop new TU policies in collaboration with colleagues and staff unions.
How will the TU improve the staff and student experience?
The TU will attract students from a wider geographical area as well as high calibre research candidates and staff in specialised areas with diverse backgrounds.
Collaborated with EDI Managers on the gender action plans and the delivery of significant training seminars.
Shared best practice on HR policies and procedures.
Collaborated on the CUA risk registrar.
Worked with EDI Managers drafting the new TU’s policy and procedure on sexual misconduct.
Collaborated on the preparation of the designation day plan.
Meet our Human Resources (HR) Managers (contd.)

Sinead Donnellan, HR Manager, GMIT
A shared purpose will make us stronger. I am looking forward to working in collaboration with my LYIT and IT Sligo colleagues to achieve our goals.
What does your current role involve?
Supporting the growth and development of GMIT through the management of HR activities, including resourcing, pay and benefits administration, pensions, and employee relations.
What is the CUA HR subgroup working on to be ready for designation day?
To ensure we are ready for designation day in April, we have set up a dedicated project team to lead the work on integrating our systems and aligning the work practices of each partner institute of the TU.
What are the critical successes of the HR subgroup to date?
Managers have worked together to create job descriptions, advertise and recruit team members, agree on working roles and consult with external service providers.
What will be done post-designation to harmonise policies, processes, and systems?
This is a substantial change project. To be successful, we need to focus on “Define, Design and Deliver” so that we clearly define what is required of HR in the new TU. We need to design a model of how this will look and fit to best serve the needs of the TU, and also deliver on that change in conjunction with all stakeholders.

Meet our Human Resources (HR) Managers (contd.)

Rod Toner, HR Manager, IT Sligo
I am looking forward to actively contributing to building upon the individual strengths of each partner institute to become a technological university of distinction.
What does your current role involve?
As HR Manager, I am a member of the IT Sligo senior management team with overall accountability for all aspects of human resource management in the institute. I am interested in EDI, so I was delighted to be part of IT Sligo’s SAT team, which achieved Athena SWAN Bronze accreditation in 2020.
Aside from IT Sligo-specific activities, since joining the institute in September 2019, a significant facet of my role has involved partnering with colleagues in GMIT and LYIT and actively participating in a variety of fora related to pre and post TU designation activities. This has also included engaging with peers in other TU consortia for shared learning.
What is the CUA HR subgroup working on to be ready for designation day?
The current focus of the subgroup is ensuring updates to the HR system (CoreHR) are completed on time. CoreHR is the data repository for all staff information. A dedicated project team of HR and Finance staff from all three institutes was formed to work on system integration for the new TU. Payroll integration is the first project for completion.
What will be done post-designation to harmonise policies, processes, and systems?
In merging the three institutes into one university, we will adopt best practices in policies and processes from all three organisations. As with all large-scale change projects, it is essential to engage and consult with staff to solicit their ideas, keep them informed and address their queries and concerns at the earliest opportunity.
How will the TU improve the staff and student experience?
The new TU will broaden the breadth and composition of study and research on offer, attract a more diverse range of students and staff and lead to enhanced career opportunities for staff.
Human Resources (HR) Subgroup Key Actions in Preparation for Designation Day
Consolidating the checklist for all activities to be completed for designation day.
Cease and rehire project. All sta to be ended on the HR system (CoreHR) and rehired.
HR Managers are working together on a future TU organisational structure using a shared service model.
Updating the HR system (CoreHR) in order to run a successful payroll in the first month (April 2022) of the new TU.