CUA News

Page 11

February 2022

Meet our Human Resources (HR) Managers Helen McGrandles, HR Manager, LYIT I am looking forward to being part of an environment that will constantly be evolving and growing into the future and also having the opportunity to collaborate across the CUA, share experiences and contribute to the success of the transition period for the HR Function.

What does your current role involve? In addition to my responsibilities as HR Manager for LYIT, I am the chair of the CUA HR subgroup. I was also recently appointed as the chair of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) working group for HR negotiations. I was previously a dedicated member of the management negotiation team with the TUI representatives, who successfully negotiated the MOU to ensure academic staff support for the TU merger. I worked on the LYIT EDI steering committee, which undertook the completion of the gender task force report and initiated steps towards gender equality. I was also a member of the tender evaluation group for the new TU President’s recruitment process. What is the CUA HR subgroup working on to be ready for designation day? Our current priorities include working on a cease and rehire project for designation day. All staff must be closed off on our HR systems and rehired. The three HR managers are also working together on a new TU organisational structure using a shared service model. What will be done post-designation to harmonise policies, processes, and systems? We need to collate and review existing HR policies and procedures across all three institutes and develop new TU policies in collaboration with colleagues and staff unions. How will the TU improve the staff and student experience? The TU will attract students from a wider geographical area as well as high calibre research candidates and staff in specialised areas with diverse backgrounds.



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