tlsl!ÍF International 77terr.r'ice ManasNr..¿t Fo'.n APPROVED EMER6I¡.¡C cHAPT€RAGREFITIÉNT This agGénentis ro.mállydraftedto wetcomethe itSMF per! as an El\4ERelNG CHAPTER,á memberof theifSMFlnter.aío.allhsMFt)movemént. As an offciallyre.ogn¡sedand approvedEme€;ngChapter,ifSMF peru ¡s e¡t¡dedto enjoy:hé beflettsot beinga memaerof the ifSMFlcómmuñity, to participate in and cont.ibute to ts a¡t¡vities and aor.rseihe t ademark,"ISMF-tT ServiceManagement Forum",whrch16prctectedgtoballyto frstiy, ident¡t thék Chaple.and s€co¡dtya¡towthe Chapterlo trade usina the trad;marK in recognition o: that stala¡s. ln fefurn,the Chapteracceptsr€sponsibihty for ádheringto certain obligaiions aadtules,as déscdbed belaw. Obligat¡ons.T¡e Chapteragr.esto: 1. Conicrmlo the mfe pr¡ñciples of the ,!SMFmovenrent i¡ prcmotngánd suppofii.gbestp¡aclicein tT SerJicel\Ianagenent, lpho:dingjis reputation as a teadinsauihoñty on n S€r,i;ewanlgemenr ano maintaining itsindependence ard ¡o!-foFprofit ststus_ 2. l\¡ainlain lho highprofessional image€ndsla¡dardsof theglobalíÍSMFcommun'ty. 3. Complywjil lie exislingPoliciesand Procedsres of itsMn as iheseafieciihe Chapters and as may be a.n€ndediñ the tutu.efol¡owingapprovalandaccepianceby añ agreedriajo iy of ihe Chapterc 4. h cooperat¡onrrith iiSlVFt,respectand protecl€ lrademarks andInteectuatp|opertyRrghts(tpR)ow.ed 5y indivldualiSMF chapters añditSwIFl andrecognise thatits¡/Ft sha be the tewaid oia jtal4F,re]ated fadeÍra.¡Gand logosas well as ltSMFttPR tor iheir protec{ion worldwide and on behatfot lhe itst\¡F ChapiersCommüniiy.Ihe,Chapteragreesalsonotto ássignthe trademark to a.y thirdparty,whhoullhe expresspermission of llSMFi. 5. Takethe necessarystepsio moveforwardanthe itstvlFtChapterMatur¡tylr,lodeland seek for fu Chapter accfeditationañd beyondin lhe sstebliahéd,mefrsm€s, 6. Padicipatein alld contributeto the activitiesoi r¡StVFtcommitteesor wo,kingparties. 7. Provide¡iS[¡Fl with a quarterty@portthat inctl]desa summaryol ihe Chapier'sma:n actjvities, achievemenls,contribution;an annüa:rcpsrt wilh an aldited lnancial gatement.,nemlershiostatisticsand .evenue¡gures,bus:nessplanwith P&Lanalysis,tocatma*et ana,ysisand Boardmembernamesa¡d contacldeiails,wilh updaiesas changesocc]]r 8. ltleetall ¡nanciálob:igat¡ons of the Chapté.10iisf\,,lFl andto its own supptiers and customers tn a iimdy 9. Notit the ilSMFl Secretadatof any ¡Rapp.opriate behaviourby membersor ottrer ciapters that may be delrimentálto thegloba,ISMFnovemeniandcommun¡ty. 10. Noi enierinto€nyag¡e€ments, confactsor otherobligaltlon in the nameoi or on b€hatfof tistv/tFt andsha,l nol ir¡plyahatii is rep¡esentiñg of otheMisespeaklng on behatfot,i{St\IFl, anyfuttowitSMFCtapteror thé globa',ilSL4F c¡mmunity to a¡y lhkd partiesunlsssexpressly aühodsedto do so 'r writ'¡giy i1S[¡Ft,who shall,in ium, sfive to 6nsu€ that iniemationalco¡tractso¡ obligationsheve*ttle o. no negatve ¡mpactson Chaple¡s. '11. Informthe ilSI'¡Fl Secrelariatimmedíately of anyactualor anl'cipaieddiñiqlttiesin meetiñgtheseobtiga¡ons.
is entefedintooñ behalfofthe,ISMFP6ruChapterby sig Thisagreément
Positiofr +l4l ral¿4b ?Was14'€An Datel A/- /7- Z2/Z Director Chapter Relations andl\ra*e¡ng itSMFlrfemational
V 6 (AED)
^ño CAF€\H
Pósifio Pr¿€5lt)6^,+€ Jua,"ln t) trtcl;v71
oate: z a/41lzrl1
- itsl/F ChaÉier Chairmañ
N o v2 0 1 1