David and Patrice Love Story Magazine

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OUR LOVE STORY How this princess found her true prince






Patrice Bailey

APRIL 29th 2016

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hoe of choice


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Love Blossoms


Say Yes To The Dress


Here Comes The Boys



Family Ties

Bridal Preparations



Guest Messages


April 29th 2016 |


“I Do”



The Road To Mr & Mrs

EDITOR Krystle Downie CREATIVE DIRECTOR Pauline Downie ART EDITOR Rickardo Watkins



Bridal Party

SENIOR COPYWRITER Chante Harris Donaldson CONTACT info@itsmymagazine.com www.itsmymagazine.com



The Bailey Story Begins...

The Cake


Party People 10 12 14 16 18 19 27 28

Bridal Preparation Say Yes To The Dress Here Comes The Boys Love Blossoms On This Day Get The Look First Glance Praise The Lord

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The Road To Mr & Mrs Family Ties Bridal Party The Venue They Wear Gold Swell Blue Is The Colour Speaker’s Corner The Cake

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We ♥ The Details Passion For Fashion Loved-Up Couples Award Guest Messages Jamaica Meets Nigeria The Honeymooners Our Future Family Meet Azaria Amor

itsmymagazine.com | April 29th 2016


Bridal A

lmost ever y girl dreams of having their own version of a fair y-tale wedding turned into a reality. Patrice is no exception and like a princess granted the chance to make her wishes come true, she grabbed the oppor tunity to indulge in bridal fancies of moodboards and planning char ts. Ever y princess has a Godmother and that came in the form of Cherice Livingstone of Livingstone Events, wedding co-ordinator and planning guru. Between them ever y detail from the style of hair and make-up to the colour of the bridesmaids shoes, the ladies had ever ything covered. Appearing as if she had stepped off the cover of Vogue magazine, Patrice’s preference was for timeless glamour. Her sculpted hair was styled in a sophisticated chignon with a classic, pin-curled side bun for the ceremony. For the reception, Patrice let her hair down (literally) and spor ted loose, tumbling curls cascading to one side. Hairstylist Kirby De-Boards, who specialises in wedding

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hair styling and the owner of Platinum Tresses , helped make sure that Patrice’s hair was styled to perfection throughout her big day. With make-up being just as impor tant, Patrice enlisted the help of highly respected make-up ar tist Paloma De-Boards to bring her flawless vision to life. Paloma’s top tip to Patrice and all bridesto-be is to “keep it simple, but have great coverage. Make sure you’re comfor table with the looks. Ensure you have a pre-wedding day trial and take pictures so you can see how you will look in pictures on the day.” Wearing a beautiful wedding gown that fits like a glove is a goal that ever y bride seeks to attain, which Patrice achieved with perfection. Commissioning a bespoke dress, ever y single detail was tailored and handcrafted to order by designer Cynthia of Oui Madam . Patrice showed Cynthia a picture of her dream dress and the designer worked her magic. Styled and poised, Patrice was ready to walk down the aisle adorned in her dream dress and newly beloved Louboutin heels.

A moment of peace: Patrice enjoys a quiet moment alone prior to her big debut

itsmymagazine.com | April 29th 2016


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Red-bottomed glory: Patrice’s show stopping choice of stylish Louboutins Left: A diamond necklace with matching earrings and bracelet completed the look Below: The bride’s make-up was a classical blend of neutral caramel and gold tones


Spring 2013itsmymagazine. |


r ying on your wedding dress can be an emotional experience for any bride. Some scream for joy, others are speechless but for Patrice, the first thing she uttered was a humble thanks to God as she cried tears of happiness. This is her most memorable moment of the wedding planning process. David ensured he added his personal touch to the bride’s wedding day look. He surprised Patrice with a stunning diamond jeweller y set, which infused her look with an even more spectacular wow-factor, alongside her dramatic veil.

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Friends indeed: David’s groomsmen included Best Man Steve Reid, Patrice’s son Jaden Mejeh, and friends Mikey Spence, Rohan Davis and Rio McLaren. Each of them played a crucial part in his journey to the aisle and he was delighted to have his brothers by his side

David, slicker than your average: The groom looked dapper in his Midnight Blue threepiece suit. A spotted bow tie and diamond cuff links set completed the look

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His time to shine: David shares a joke with the boys only moments before his entrance

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A friend indeed: Spending quality time with family and each other is a vital priority for David and Patrice. They regularly enjoy spending time together at their church, catching up with their friends, watching the latest films at the cinema and finding new eateries

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any may say that true love is hard to find. Well those who say that obviously don’t have a certain Mr Rohan and Janine Davis in their lives. As it was in November of 2014, that Rohan and Janine introduced David Bailey and Patrice Mejeh to one another. The couple hit it off straight away, quickly realising that they

each had been introduced to “the one”. Getting to know one another by talking on the phone every day soon became a part of their daily routines. The pair arranged their official first date in the popular restaurant Giraffe in Stratford’s Westfield shopping centre. David being the perfect gentleman, met Patrice at her workplace in Stratford and escorted her to the restaurant where they both enjoyed a fabulous lunch.

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ON THIS DAY 29th March 1961 After a 4½ year trial Nelson Mandela is acquitted of treason in Pretoria. Often referred to as the father of the nation by South Africans, Nelson Mandela was an antiapartheid activist and politician who served 27 years in prison.

29 March, 2006 - Total Eclipse : A total solar eclipse took place around the world. Observers were able to see it from 08.36 to 11.46 G.M.T. in places like Eastern Brazil, Western and North Africa, Turkey, Central Asia and Mongolia.

After being freed in 1990 Mandela became the President of the African National Congress (1991-97) before being elected the first black President of his country in a fully multiracial election in 1994.

Look To The Lilies (1970) Opened at Lunt-Fontanne Theatre Traveling through America’s southwest, young, black ex-GI Homer Smith comes upon a cloister of German-speaking nuns, and finds himself promising to build them a chapel. Before he knows it, he is drawn into the lives of the nuns, particularly the argumentative Mother Maria. “Look To The Lilies” is a warm, lovable musical with a charming melodic score ranging from gospel to classic Broadway one of few plays to enjoy a multi-racial cast.

On the 29th March 1966 Muhammad Ali beats George Chuvalo for the heavyweight boxing title.

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Ali won his first heavyweight boxing title aged 22 against Sonny Liston and converted to the Nation of Islam shortly after, changing his name from Cassius Clay. He refused to be drafted into the Vietnam War and was thus barred from fighting for nearly 4 years. On his return to boxing, Ali won such memorable bouts as the 1974 “Rumble in the Jungle” in Zaire and “The Thriller in Manila” in 1975. He has described his boxing style in the well known quote:

“float like a butterfly,

sting like a


The Zebra Effect: Below: Patrice poses in a flatteringly chic cocktail dress. Left: Quilted black clutch with geometric stripe effect

Get the


Ne ve r th e wa llf lo we r, se e ju st ho w th is fa sh ioni sta R OCKS bl ack and white

Striped magic: Above: A knitted take on Patrice’s stylish striped dress Middle: A selection of make-up in dusky rose and caramel tones Right: Classic black stillettos, with super sharp heel and supportive instep

Final touches: Above right: If you’re not quite daring enough to go for the full striped effect, try this pretty alternative Right: Simple rose gold jewellery complete the classically stylish look

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I' so blessed to I'm be marrying the man of my ... dreams... -Patrice Mejeh

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The y n o m e r ce

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he 29th of April is a day that will forever be special to David and Patrice. After all, this was the long awaited day that their deep, soulful love for one another became official before the eyes of God and their nearest and dearest. The first ceremony was held within the Drawing Room of the fabulous Fennes Estate. The exquisite decor boasted rich, cream-patterned wallpaper, dramatic gold curtains, antique rugs and polished wooden floors. Entering as singles, this was the room which allowed them to exit a legal couple. This was the plush setting for the vital ceremony making their union lawful prior to their bigger, public ceremony to be held a few hours later by the couple’s Pastors.


itsmymagazine.com | Spring April 29th 2016


"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.�

(Genesis 2:24)

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Looking at these pictures I look like the cat that got the cream, right? That’s just how I felt, Patrice was stunning!! I just remember thinking, Wow, she’s all mine! -David Bailey

Legally wed and loving it: Far Left: An ecstatic David and Patrice sign the register - their first ever signatures as husband and wife Above Left: Patrice’s brother Richard escorts her down the aisle to her waiting groom Bottom left; The emotional couple choke up as they make their vows


nder the watchful eyes of their guests, David and Patrice were brought together in front of God by the Bishop of David’s church, Campbell of Alpha and Omega Christian Fellowship and the Pastor of Patrice’s church, Reverend Dr Dawkins of Faith Tabernacle Ministries. Both David and Patrice were fully married and happier than they imagined, and their families and friends were ecstatic.

Spring 2013itsmymagazine. |


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wo are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. -Bible reading by Mia-Amore Gayle Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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A beautiful, God blessed couple. May the blessings of the Lord flow bountifully in your lives. God IS Good! -Reverend Kevin Dawkins

I take this man: Far Left: Reverend Kevin Dawkins takes a reflective moment Above Left: The couple humbly welcome prayer over their union by their loving Pastors


nd the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” 19 Out of the ground the Lord God formed ever y beast of the field and ever y bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to ever y beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him. 21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. 23 And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones. And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. -Bible reading by Jaden Mejeh Genesis 2:18-24


Meet the parents: Hailing from great stock, the Baileys and the Mejehs came together in full force to celebrate the union of their fabulous offspring

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The path to true love was thankfully smooth for this blessed couple, here is their love journey, revealed

Married bliss: The happy couple take a stroll alone after their nuptials


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ithin a few months of their relationship developing, David and Patrice knew that they wanted to spend their lives together and that marriage would be on the cards. With God’s blessing, a life rich in love and happiness was the extent of this blessed couple’s desires. Blended families have become the new modern family model of today’s society, making each unique in their own way. David has three children; Carlo who is 30, Nicole who is 23 and Montel who is aged 16 and Patrice has two children, Jaden who is aged 18 and Mia-Amore who is 7 years old. The couple recently added a new addition to their family, daughter Azaria-Amor who is 4 months old. Co-parenting at its finest, Patrice and David are keen to raise their family in a spirtually rich and supporting, loving environment.

Making their love and commitment official with a Christian union was important to the pair and David and Patrice’s families could not be happier for them both. With an immense respect and appreciation for their respective in-laws, both sides enjoy a genuine fondness for the other, which has only grown as their relationships have flourished. Sending quality time with family and one another are important factors to David and Patrice. They do this by spending time at their church, catching up with their friends, watching the latest films at the cinema.

Romance is not something is unfamiliar to the happy couple, and out of many, one moment stands out in particular to Patrice. The couple had travelled to the balmy shores of Portugal for Patrice’s birthday. To celebrate, David organised a para-sailing excursion, an activity Patrice had wanted to experience for most of her life. With nothing but birds, and azure sky above and a stunning view of the crystal-clear Portuguese ocean and white sand below, it was bliss. It didn’t end there however, as later that evening, a private beach dinner was arranged.

David and Patrice had the pleasure of having their dinner on the rocks, provided them with a heavenly view of the sun setting. The ebb and flow of the soft waves dashing against the rocks created a soothing soundtrack for their evening. Served by their own private waiter, David and Patrice had their every request catered to straight away and it’s a holiday that was unforgettable for the both of them. Since then the couple have travelled extensively enjoying both beach and city breaks. Experiencing new cultures together has remained a thrill.


Something I love about Kelli..?

Her kindness and sense of humour is second to none, she’s truly beautiful inside and out. -Patrice Bailey

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Family ties: David’s father and mother proudly pose with their son and his new wife Top left: The couple flanked by key members of their bridal party, their children Left: Beaming bride Patrice with her sister Kelli

Strike a pose: Patrice and her ladies share an off-the-cuff moment of hilarity


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Best foot forward: The happy couple pose with beloved family and friends


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he bridal par ty originated many years ago as an AngloSaxon tradition. Originally, friends of the groom were given the role of guardians or bodyguards of the bride. It was their duty to make cer tain that the bride made it safely to the wedding and later the groom’s home, as it was vital she arrive at both places with her dowr y and dignity intact. This is how the term bride’s knights originated. It evolved into bridesmen and later into groomsmen. In some cases, the groom actually kidnapped the bride with the aid of his friends. If the bride’s family was opposed to the wedding, the groom’s friends would form an uber army to fend off the angr y mob while the groom made a getaway with his bride in tow Luckily this was not necessar y with David and Patrice as their families were sworn advocates of the union.

The matron of honour was once referred to as a senior maid. It was the senior maid’s responsibility to attend to the bride for several days before the wedding occurred. The senior maid was also by the bride’s side on her wedding day, ensuring that she looked as beautiful as possible. Other attendants, referred to as bridesmaids or brideswomen, had several duties. They might assist the bride in preparing for the marriage, and they typically helped her dress for the wedding, too. In many cases, both bridesmaids and groomsmen dressed similarly to the bridal couple. It was believed that this would confuse any evil spirits or even jealous suitors who might attend the wedding with the intent of doing harm to either of the pair. This tradition continues today in a more contemporary form. Bridesmaids and groomsmen are now typically chosen because of their close friendship and bonds of loyalty to the bride and groom, trusted, beloved and essential.

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t’s hard to avoid thoughts of Pride and Prejudice upon first sight of the Bailey’s magnificent venue. There is something truly unique about Fennes and this Georgian manor house doesn’t disappoint. Situated in 100 acres of tranquil North Essex countryside, this awardwinning venue dates back to the 15th century. Hosting an impressive Pavilion and a charming gazebo in the garden, the house itself features a natural brick exterior and contemporary fusion of old vs new within it’s stylish decor. The sweeping driveway features an impressive tree lined approach consisting of ancient Cedars.

Tantalising tablewear to inspire: Guests were treated to a sumptuous banquet with a side order of Caribbean rum punch, which was just what the doctor ordered Above: His and hers white chairs at the head of proceedings was the base from where the couple enjoyed their evening

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aica Jam e V Enjoy everything you do together. A warm welcome to the family Phil‌.I love you both.� -Rehyan

A view Jane Austen would be proud of: The spectacular grounds of the historic Fennes Estate located in Braintree, Essex, where the couple tied the knot Above: The honeymoon suite within the beautiful venue Left: The location of the ceremony, sporting lilac lighting and coral floral features

We were delighted with our venue, and the wedding party breakfast the morning after for our overnight guests was the cherry on the top - a fantastic touch which kept the party going! -David Bailey, Groom itsmymagazine.com | April 29th 2016


Top annointing: A worship group were on hand to offer praises to the most high Right: The band were always right on time, ready to accompany the proceedings

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pecial readings were delivered by the couple’s children Mia, Jayden and Nicole, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. A talented worship team sang all the favourites that were carefully selected to highlight their love for God, their faith and their humble appreciation for his blessings. Exchanging wedding rings is always a beautiful part of any wedding ceremony, and this one was no different. Patrice’s ring was custom made and David had handpicked his ring whilst the couple were in Jamaica for their one year anniversary. This was the very same proposal trip that changed their lives forever when David asked for her hand in marriage.

Seeing David whilst I was walking down the aisle made all of my nerves go away. Everything else in the room disappeared, it was amazing. -Patrice Bailey

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Bridesmaids...introducing the march of the sisterhood, Patrice’s women of substance

S The golden girls highlighted: Dressed in flattering bespoke gold pieces, the bridesmaids wore their couture gold dresses with pride Above left: Each bridesmaid had her tousled hair styled to one side cascading down the shoulder Left: Patrice’s pride and joy, daughter Mia who led the accompanying Flower Girls

electing who you want to be a part of your special day is an extremely important task for both brides and grooms. Some keep their party small, whilst others include all of their friends. Patrice and David ensured that each one of their bridesmaids and groomsmen were special to them. Patrice’s choices came easily as her Maid of Honour was one of her very best friends Janine Davis, one of the people responsible for her even meeting David. Janine and Patrice met at church and have been best friends ever since. Janine was a very positive influence on the wedding planning as she was a marriage mentor to the bride, and Patrice believed that Janine “was instrumental” in their union.

Chief bridesmaid Kelli is Patrice’s sister whom she loves dearly, and there was not a doubt when it came to picking her for the all important role. The rest of her bridal party included lifelong friends Sade and Michelle, two ladies Patrice has been friends with for the last 18 years. Bridesmaid Sola Dawkins is the Pastor at the church Patrice attends, and someone whom Patrice considers a dear friend and role model who has played a pivotal role in her life. David’s daughter Nicole Bailey was a particularly valued addition to her squad, and someone who had been involved since the very start of the couple’s relationship. Patrice was delighted to have this beautiful, talented young woman on her team. The Flower Girls were led by Patrice’s beloved daughter Mia.

Sprinkled with gold dust: The ladies proceed down the aisle heralding the entrance of the bride Right: Beloved aunties finesse the look and show the girls how to rock metallics in style


itsmymagazine.com | April 29th 2016 itsmymagazine.com | Spring

Thank you sis, for being my inspiration, welcome Brother-in-law David to the family. I love you both and wish you a happy, loving and successful marriage. xx -Richard Mejeh


Brothers in arms: Suits, swag and a Supermalt, what else could a gent possibly need? Left: Richard and his cute nephew enjoy a sofa cuddle

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Guests and groomsmen alike rocked blue in abundance: David shares his excitement with Jaden prior to seeing his bride-to-be Above right: Terrence styling and proďŹ ling in his cobalt blue suit with bold red accents

I am very happy for you both and I hope God will continue to bless you throughout your marriage x -Terrence Dawkins itsmymagazine.com | April 29th 2016


Speaker’s Corner

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elebrating their love in front of friends and family was a great experience for David, Patrice and all of their guests, and there were buckets of emotion in the room. Fabulous host Action Jackson kept a tight ship as Master of Ceremonies. Guiding the audience through the proceedings with wit and charm whilst keeping everyone entertained, he ensured a smooth transition between the speeches and the meal. Patrice’s mother made a great impact as she had people standing and clapping enthusiastically after her speech. A sentimental presentation by Grooms man Rio and Natasha Trent of FISH Messages had the audience entranced. Starting with a buffet style wedding breakfast provided by Burrell Catering, the guests were treated to an array of sumptuous courses. If music be the food of love, then they certainly played on! As the glamourous night progressed, DJ and logistics co-ordinator Dean of VNV Live had guests of all ages on their feet dancing the night away. There was never a dull moment as David and Patrice thoughtfully ensured their guests needs were met at every juncture. From the hired children’s activity co-ordinator who gave parents a breather, to the Roving Reporter from It’s My Magazine, interviewing guests and capturing memories- there was always something to do. Young and old alike were re-energised when a dramatic dance trio Dance Factors took to the floor. Participating in a high-energy ensemble filled with kicks and shimmies galore, the troupe taught the guests a fabulously catchy dance with a boys vs girls dance off that guests found hilarious. itsmymagazine.com | April 29th 2016


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Layers of love: The Bailey cake featured nine flavours! A deliciously creamy rum flavoured cake topped with Baileys buttercream, ravishing red velvet, succulent salted caramel, rich chocolate caramel, tropical lime, coconut and rum, classic Oreo, zesty lemon drizzle and moist carrot were the plethora of tastes available to enjoy


contemporar y blush pink and gold colour scheme created a romantic yet elegant setting for the guests to celebrate in. The main attraction of the room featured the couple’s seven tiered, blush pink floral cake. Baked and decorated by TY Couture Cakes , the masterpiece was adorned in gold leaves and emblazoned with the Bailey’s family logo monogram. Each tier boasted a different flavour of cake and guests had nine flavours to choose from with this divine desser t banquet.


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The Baileys were keen to incorporate lots of special touches and heartfelt mementos to really reflect their sentimental sides. From bespoke stationary to personalised Flower Girl bags, it was all in the detail. The luminous LOVE lettering was a particular highlight of the event decor.

It’s sweet like candy: With a sweetie station and a montage of desserts, the Baileys were keen to indulge their guests’ sweet tooth


“Our floral centrepieces were absolutely gorgeous and so creative. We really wanted to create a simple,classic look with tailored lighting to provide the extra WOW factor.”

itsmymagazine.com || April 29th 2016



PA FASHIO 4 , of i l i ng r p d n a st y ling ad rags and e r e w h e i r g l aw ay Gu e s t s t n i p ht du spr u c e p ar t y t he n i g o re a dy t


Spring 2015 |




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avid and Patrice firmly believe that family and children should be at the heart of every decision, and this came into play in their wedding preparations. Although the couple were keen to inject a sense of child-like fun into their big day, Patrice admits that planning did become stressful at certain parts of the wedding process. However with the help of Cherice, the couple were able to alleviate some of the pressure. With her help and guidance, they were able to locate some pretty spectacular special touches that really contributed to the fun factor of the wedding day.


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Embraced with love: Bottom right: The first dance was to the song Share My Life by singer Kem Above: Dance troupe Dance Factors get down and dirty

lthough the Baileys aimed to create a night of laughter and fun, they also were keen to reflect the profoundness of the occasion. The first dance was to the song Share My Life by singer Kem. The “first dance” of a married couple is a popular element at modern wedding receptions or post-wedding celebrations. The newly married couple, as the guests of honour at a dance, open the floor and the style of dance is a personal choice. Some couples opt for a rehearsed, choreographed dance, whereas others like David and Patrice go for something more ad hoc. The couple were soon surrounded by dance when all of their guests transformed into dancers courtesy of the fabulous dance troupe Dance Factors who performed on the night and taught everyone their routine. The guests were then arranged in teams in a girls vs boys dance off. Mia even had a solo feature! Needless to say, the girls came out on top and it was a magical, fun night for all as everyone gave it their all in their battle to emerge as the triumphant team.

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Couple’s CORNER



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Something I love about David...? His love for people, his big heart, his generous spirit and humility. -Patrice Bailey

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Securing her majestic crown: Patrice was keen to celebrate the traditional side of her heritage. Here the women help with final preparations

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sked what family members thought about their relationship, David had the following insights; “My Mum sees Patrice as modern girl with good old fashioned morals, someone who allows her man to flourish. Mum knows I will never go cold, hungr y, thirsty and unloved with Patrice. I come from quite a big family so it’s a big thing for me as we are all close in our own way...I know that my parents are so happy for me, as they can see that I have a blessed future with Patrice...all the things that I have ever wanted in a relationship I have in her. She came along at just the perfect time.” Patrice agrees, “David would do anything for me within his power, and for our children....it’s a ver y humbling feeling.”

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A kingly affair: The couple embrace and share a private moment resplendent in their ceremonial robes

We’re gonna party hard: Friends and family excitedly crowd around the dancing couple, ready to capture the fun in a fabulous paparazzi moment



Embracing the new: The Baileys and the Mejehs happily welcome each other into the family

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| Spring


You guys are a beautiful couple! I wish you happiness and blessings! It’s been a lovely day. Love you both, Tiharn xx

A beautiful and memorable day, remember what God bless, no man curse. Jerome & Amanda

e to know you r and privileg It’s an honou are beautiful inside and s both, you guy touchable as God is in the un e ar ou Y una t. ou r union. Sha midst of you

two very ding for ou all the ed w l fu A beauti ple, Wishing y meez x Ra l peo beautifu f love Huntley & o best, lots

Amazing wedding, amazing couple, God bless you both. Lots of love Rich & Annie x

David & Patrice, it is very good to have changes. This morning you both were just simply persons and by the eve you were Mr & Mrs Bailey. My wife and I wish you both God’s richest blessings. Mike & Merle

It was amazing to share your day and watch you unite as one. Wishing you many more glorious days in the future as today was for you both,Ian + Shirleyxx

all the ing you e h is w , s g marria tulation Congra t and a happy s e b

Blessed to have you two beautiful people in my life. Love you lots, Keli xx


Spring 2015itsmymagazine. |

Wish you both the very best in your life together. Love you xxx Wishing you all the best, God bless you both Sharion and Sheryl

You m ak both a e a beautifu l co marri nd pray t age wi hat Go uple, we lov e yo t d sh h D other! X Jon ouble blessi owers your u athan ngs! L & Mar lene S ove each ervice



& Mrs new Mr appy e h t o t s h tulation ng and Congra Wish you a lo & Jackie xx . id Bailey ge, love Dav marria

ulat LOV ions to th ELY FAB e new G IEN NE LADY, Thank you for letting me share in your special day. God bless your journey through marriage. My prayers, love and friendship always. Angela & Gina


very look de u o A ,y uple mi & ul co love Lu f r e d f won ots o are a ether. L u o y ce tog ni

Wishing you both love and happiness. Thank you for choosing us to share your beautiful day. Love Fiona, Steve & Ava


grat u best lations, and w a ha ishing ppy y mar ou all the riag e

Congratulations to you both, hope your marriage lasts as long as you both shall live. Dorett, one love, bless xx

Dea the r Patri hap pine ce and you ss, you David, w lo a Lots ok very re a wo e wish y nd ou of lo n ve L ice tog erful c all o um e t i & A her. uple, de

Best wishes from loved ones, old and new was the glue which held this fabulous event together

P A N S h iley! Wis & Mrs Ba arriage, r M s on m lati Congratu wonderful, blessed Natasha & a you both tiful day!! Cedric u itsmymagazine.com | Spring what a bea


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Nigeria A

fair maiden with roots in the mother- . land meets . a valiant prince with ties to the West Indies. So, Nigeria vs Jamaica, just who comes out on top...?


vidence from archaelogical discoveries have shown that there was a history of human e existence in Nigeria which has been dated back to 9000 BC. Jamaica was only populated in 800 CE by the Arawakan-speaking Taíno.


he world’s former fastest man Usain Bolt spring boards JA’s claim to victory over Nigeria, but then the football flops that were the Reggae Boys somewhat levels the playing field. Compare this to Nigeria who have achieved some football success, with notables such as Kanu, Mikel and Victor Moses having emerged from the motherland. However, only the US has more Olympic medals than Jamaica, so...




rom Bob Marley to Vybz Kartel, this small island has influenced the world with its natural mystic vibes. Azonto on the other hand is the lil upstart, a whippersnapper still trying to establish its roots. How many Azonto singers can you name...like really? JAMAICA ONE

74 April 29th 2016 |



isregarding that long held association of Nigerian scam artists and displaced princes needing to transfer their millions into your account, we’re talking the black gold, we’re talking oil. Nigeria remains Africa¹s largest oil producer and it plays a major role in the country¹s economy, accounting for about 70 percent of government revenue and 95 percent of foreign exchange income. Over the last 30 years, Jamaica’s GDP increased at an average of just one percent per year, making Jamaica one of the slowest growing developing countries in the world.


eigning supreme after years of self government, Jamaica achieved independence in 1962. Queen Elizabeth II is still Queen of Jamaica by tradition only. Nigeria beat JA to it it and became free from British rule on 1 October 1960.




firm staple, Jamaica’s rice ‘n peas is world famous. However snapping at her heels is the rice supremo called Jollof. A beguiling red shade in colour and full of flavours, spices and seasoning – Jollof would win outright if not for the debate over whether it’s actually a Nigerian or Ghanaian speciality. So points all round! JAMAICA ONE + NIGERIA ONE


hilst the land of milk and honey, Jamaica counts rum as its national drink. Need we say more...? Recent reports claim Nigerians are Africa¹s leading tipplers, downing 12.28 litres on average every year. Beer makes up just 6% of alcohol consumption, while ‘other’ drinks make up 94% due to the high popularity of home-brewed beverages. One of the most popular is known as ‘ Ogororo ’, famous for its strong kick. However, whilst everyone’s heard of Wray and his nephew –who’s heard of Ogororo ? JAMAICA ONE




t was great working with David, Patrice and their wedding planner Cherice right from the very start. There was good energy between us from the very first meeting and we knew that this was meant to be! Once we confirmed their package it was a smooth road to the wedding and Cherice did a great job of handling changes and updates. The wedding day itself was beautiful. Our staging and lighting work was well complimented by Designer Chair Covers, Ti Go who did all the decor. The reception was full of character, colour and special moments. Their unique MC Action Jackson kept the crowd entertained through singing, dancing, rapping and great humour, initiating lots of laughter. The dance floor was packed for the whole night and I kept the crowd going from start to end with a good selection of music. We absolutely loved this wedding day and will never forget it as long as we live! - Dean Carby, VNV LIVE

76 April 29th 2016 |


n o r o u O oneym H


fter the wedding, came the honeymoon; the traditional first holiday a couple enjoy after getting married. Eager to spend quality time with one another, Patrice and David travelled to the gorgeous island of Koh Samui, located in balmy Thailand. After ten gorgeous days experiencing crystal clear waters, fresh sea breezes and soft white sand, not to mention the hot days and warm nights, David and Patrice were refreshed and rejuvenated. Although they were quite au fait with travelling, their honeymoon trip felt different now that they were official. They returned to the UK revitalised and ready to spend the rest of their lives together.

78 April 29th 2016 |


Waking up on that gorgeous first morning, I turned and saw my beautiful wife. All I could do was watch her sleep, I wanted to capture that moment forever, she’s amazing.








Spring 2015itsmymagazine. |


FUTURE FAMILY Ready to embark on a fairy-tale love story, a few months later, the happy couple were ecstatic to find out they were expecting. Here are their wishes for their new daughter...


i baby, we have not met yet, but there are a few things I would like you to know. I’ll start by telling you that you will never know a day without love; We will love you endlessly for the rest of your life. However, more importantly we want you to develop a strong relationship with God and love yourself. There is a lot more to it than just saying it, you have to mean it. The first step is becoming comfortable with who you are, what you look like and the ideal woman you want to be someday. It is better to be admired for your mind than your body. Be honest and kind, but firm and assertive. Self-respect is one of the most important qualities a person can assume, do not take that lightly. Never be afraid to be the woman we’ll raise you to be.


know it’s terrifying, the idea of giving your heart to someone and trusting them not to break it, but don’t be scared to fall in love. We don’t mean you need to find it at sixteen, but when the time is right!. Until then, find love in God, yourself or in a cereal box, find it on a ski trip in the Swiss Alps, find it in nature, find it in a season. We want you to believe in second loves, because they prove love exists even after you convinced yourself it didn’t. We want you to be okay with being alone. We want you to sit in silence and feel whole. We want you to know your worth does not depend on your relationship status, but one day, we want you to look across the table at breakfast at the love of your life and wonder how the world ever made sense before you met.

Live, love and explore our beautiful world, and find true happiness

-Patrice Bailey

itsmymagazine.com | April 29th 2016




Spring 2015itsmymagazine. |

As parents, we have made a commitment to love, cherish and protect our babies, Azaria-Amor, we extend this promise to you too darling -David Bailey



ou may not always make the right choice and that is okay. You have to make mistakes to learn from them, you must fail in order to succeed. All we ask is that you have morals, know right from wrong. If you ever feel like sipping a bottle of whiskey to the point of no return, put it down, and come tell us. We will fill up the petrol tank and just drive. We will show you the park where you made your first friend. We will show you the skyline at dawn and you will be mesmerised by it’s breath-taking beauty. We will show you that the sun rises each morning and that you can rise, too. You are special, sweetheart, and wow, are you loved!

itsmymagazine.com | April 29th 2016 itsmymagazine.com | Spring



e want you to know that no matter what, we will always love you. Even after all those “I hate yous” and door slams and even all the “you’re ruining my life” moments, we will love you unconditionally. You may grow up to be stubborn like me and a know-it-all like your father, but you will grow up to be your own person and it will be a pleasure watching you develop. If you fall, we will be there waiting to catch you with nothing but love in our eyes. Laugh a lot, love unconditionally. Be honest. Discover your favourite book and get lost in the author’s words. Have a favourite dessert, a favourite holiday, a favourite season, a favourite smell. Find yourself a happy place. Be the kind of woman you would want your son to marry. If you never listen to a thing we say, please just remember this letter. We love you, princess. All our love, Mummy, Daddy and all your siblings x

84 April 29th 2016 |



R O M A A I R itsmymagazine.com | April 29th 2016


r o f u ! o y y a d k r n u a o h T ring less, a B h s God s y e l i a B x x x e h T

Capture the greatest love story never told... Yours!



Your personalised album in the style of a luxury magazine, suitable for all occasions


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