JustBe's 10th Year Anniversary Celebration Magazine

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JustBe Free To Be You


10of years

Just Be

The Wonderful World Of


Celebration Above: The JustBe ladies celebrate Black History Month at their annual October Gala Ball


10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com

Welcome Yvette, to your very own surprise magazine in honour of JustBe’s 10th year! We know that without God in your life, as well as Clive and your daughters Tanika and Leah behind you, JustBe would not have come this far! We celebrate the woman that loves to give from the heart and expects nothing in return. Your magazine includes contributions from friends and family members, you are truly loved. We’ve also included some beautiful pictures of you celebrating your milestone birthdays! So here is our gift to you. Love always

Alison & the team

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The Fifty Fiftb


Just the two of Us


True Love



Faithful friends

Like Mother Like Daughter


A Special Bond


10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com


The JustBe Vision

Editorial Team EDITOR Krystle Downie



Gather and Grow

ART EDITOR Rickardo Watkins SENIOR COPYWRITER Mia Lane PHOTOGRAPHERS Various CONTACT info@itsmymagazine.com www.itsmymagazine.com 020 3086 8982


Black History Month


Out and About


06Tribute from her Beloved 08 Precious Daughter Tanika 10 Special Daughter Leah 14 Message from Alison 16 Poem of appreciation Devien 18 Like Mother Like Daughter 20 A Milestone Earth Day 26 Get the Look 30 Remembering Sharon 32 JustBe Ten Years On 36 There At The Beginning 39 Out and About 42 My Royal Ascot Experience itsmymagazine.com | 10 years of JustBe


Clive&Yvette, Through it all

Above: The happy couple Top Right: Clive and Yvette celebrating a milestone birthday Middle Right: Clive and the JustBe Mechanics squad Bottom: Clive and Yvette at a formal function


10 years of JustBe itsmymagazine.com

Jesus is there through it all When you're tired of crying, tired of trying Feeling empty and tempted to fall There is one there beside you To comfort and guide you Jesus is there through it all He is there when your load is too heavy to bear He is there, Through it all And He knows when you need Him Before you even call Jesus is there, Through it all When blessings abound or when burdens surround you When you have no defenses at all He will hold you so you can't see the battle with the enemy ,he is faithful, He is there, Through it all He is there when your load is too heavy to bear He is there, Through it all And He knows when you need Him Before you even call Jesus is there, Through it all With downcast eyes you may only find One set of footprints in the hot desert sand But lift your head high and You'll find in these times We are cradled in the palm of his hands He's a refuge, strong tower, no matter the hour Jesus is there, Through it all Jesus is there, Through it all.

JustBe and Me I have a very special lady who has always and will always, put her family first




his adventure story JustBe and I noticed that Yvette was started nearly 12 years growing in her confidence and reliance ago. Father God gave on her Lord Father God. the gift of a “name” JustBe was developing new activities and to the very busy and workshops and I could see that those reluctant woman, attending were being greatly blessed in Yvette McDonald. participation. Prior to JustBe’s official launch a decade Yvette managed to persuade/guide this ago, Yvette was already fully occupied as “anonymous supporter” to first help a document supervisor with the senior’s day out in a large law firm; and and a workshop called mother to two daughters ‘JustMechanics’. I have one at university and especially been blessed in the other in secondary my interactions with the school, both needing senior’s days out, as its different levels of lots of fun with genuine, support as well as being wise and loving people. a wife running the Yvette was made redundomestics of a home and dant maybe 8 years ago an active member of a and did not get back into growing church. After employment for nearly a Yvette had exhausted year. It did hurt to see my every escape clause wife struggling at the Job Clive sporting the ‘SoulGlo’ look regarding the gift Centre; her new found from Father God, she then decided to confidence seemed to decrease each recruit help. I must admit that my initial week. I began to increase my overtime response was that I was willing to assist, hours at work and my free time became but my involvement would be support in very limited. Requests for my input in “an anonymous capacity”! In the early JustBe at that point were not met by a years I did mostly remain an anonymous joyous response. But as always, Father “supporter”. Yvette had recruited maybe God carried and provided for us and six key ladies who had grasped ‘the vision here we are after ten years. of JustBe’. There was a lot of fun in relying Love you lots, my amazing, inspirational on Father God to Grow this project, Wife,

Clive Mcdonald

The ‘JustMechanics Workshop’ is all mine! It’s a basic car maintenance course, originally it was for ‘ladies only’, but we have opened it up for all now. Yvette tried to keep it all under her control, but I enjoy ‘running tings’ for a day.

My contributions were more prayer based than practical. Sometimes our home was like a JustBe warehouse and our daughters are the Advertising/Packaging Operatives. Yvette is relentless in her attention to detail. It could be organising or delegating at a large JustBe event such as ‘Black History Month’ or putting sweets and cards in pretty packaging for a theatre trip. She will always think of how it blesses others. Absolutely I feel sometimes my wife gets on my nerves “to the max”, but I am her biggest fan and I pray Father God continues to bless JustBe, Yvette and the team in blessing others, Clive

Precious Daughter

Tanika Above: Mother and daughter looking glam on a night out Middle: Family selfie Bottom: Tanika and her little sister Leah


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Tanika McDonald

Message from mum

Main; Clive, and Yvette pose proudly with Tanika Top; Tanika helping out her mother at a charity event Above; Yvette chilling at home with her daughters


t’s both easy and hard to write something about mum; easy because she’s an amazing woman and I could quite easily write a dissertation piece on all of her amazing qualities. I say it’s also difficult because everyone who knows her, already knows the type of woman she is; and so the difficulty lies in saying something that hasn’t been said or is unknown. As most of you will know, JustBe began 10 years ago, and admittedly at its inception, I was just the little helper. However, having watched it grow over the years and becoming more involved, I have had the pleasure of witnessing the truly wonderful spirit of Yvette McDonald. At home, she’s mum. What does that mean, you ask? It means she nags, it means she shouts, it means she talks more than she needs to…but she also cooks and cleans (occasionally - although I’m not sure she knows where the food bin goes!), washes clothes and generally provides for her family. When it comes to JustBe, that same nurturing spirit is present. Do you know she wakes up at the butt crack of dawn to make sure she sends her inspirational emails? Do you know how much thought and organisation goes into those? Her dedication to her family and her business “baby” is phenomenal - roll on the next ten years!


She has done it again! After studying for nine solid months, every evening, every weekend, then taking 18 exams over six days, I am proud to say that Tanika is now a dual qualified US Attorney and UK Solicitor! I can’t tell you how much this young woman put her heart and soul into her education and it has paid off. She’s been waiting three long months to receive these results and thought that she’d not passed. BUT GOD! ….We all have so much to thank God for because only those closest to us know the struggles in our home and the sacrifices that have been made for this moment. Thank you to all the senior mothers and close family friends who have stood with Tanika and prayed over her life. To God be the glory, great things he has done and will continue to do. Well done Jessica Pearson! You are a role model to your sister, your friends and the young men and women in your trusted circle. Our hearts are just bursting with PRIDE right now. The best is yet to come ….


Special Daughter


Top: Yvette and Leah share a moment Right: Mother and daughter take a selfie Far Right: Celebrating Yvette’s 55th birthday as always, in style


10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com


My Mother’s Child


vette McDonald. Who is she? Well with her JustBe hat on, she’s organised, efficient and driven. She does everything with the highest degree of perfection. She’s bubbly and friendly and makes everyone feel like she’s their best friend. She works incredibly hard, often not sleeping the night before big events to make sure everything runs smoothly - but she still turns up looking like a movie star on the hour!! Her commitment to JustBe has never faltered and if anyone ever knew how much work really goes into everything behind the scenes, they would be amazed. What’s most impressive is she does this selflessly. She has a passion for women and especially those who are lonely and her personable character embraces all people from all different walks of life regardless of background. Congratulations mum on a fantastic first ten years, I pray there are many more, onwards and upwards!


Yvette McDonald with her mum hat on.. is slightly different! Like all mums she’s very loud very bossy! After a mini fashion show of hundreds of clothes she’s bought (just to return by the way) she leaves you the wonderful task of cleaning up after her and returning them all to the designated store! She’s exactly what I imagine all mums are like but I wouldn’t have her any other way. I share a lot of similar traits (even though she tries to regularly deny I’m her child!) And actually, it’s an honour to be her child and an honour to have her as my mum.


♥ ♥


“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep, your eyes close.”

Different events, the same couple; This happy pair have proved that true love doesn’t crash and burn; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried and laughed together.

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10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com


t’s a standard joke in our homes that we blend into one, especially when it comes to having bits and pieces in each other’s homes. We have stood together through the good nights and the not so good, but you and your family have always, always looked after us, and vice versa. Our girls have grown up together and the bond between them is as tight today as it was when they were toddlers. The girls were our little helpers in the old days, from waitressing to reception work, to wrapping gifts, to helping to decorate. Ticking away on the register when we ran G&G and making cups of tea. But alas they grew up and we had to DIY! Those were the days of washing up cups and serving tea and cake and having very late nights. But do we regret it? Not for one moment. Your cousin Paul, is the male version of you in more ways than one- I better not reveal anything more, after all others will be reading this! Just know that I love and appreciate you!


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A Poem In Celebration of Women Like trees we grow, endure the times when we are vibrant and green, times when the weather is cold and our branches are empty and bare. A friendship full of womanhood, praise one another, support and uplift till the sky opens wide and let the autumn leaves arise. Separately we grow; together we know we strengthen each other. Travel the world and learn the importance of living, Let us not be born to only breathe alone. But to Live and Smile, Laugh and Love. Just Be you, I’ll Just Be me and make milestones simultaneously, Just Be you I’ll Just Be me, a friend, a sister, forever family. When you start a milestone and it just gets too strong, too heavy or you feel too weak; We’ll be there to help you on your feet, Embrace this milestone set far and wide in the name of womanhood. To share and continue to carry it down the road, Setting milestones for each woman that needs a friendship. Let’s upraise our dear friend Sharon and live the life we’ve been given.

Poem by Devien


10 years of JustBe

Main: Friends since teenagers, Yvette and Devien, share a hug Opposite; a selection of photos taken over the years



vette, you may not realise that we share so much of our lives; our children, our friends, our joy and also our pain, without your faithful friendship, I might go insane! Girl, you know what I’m talking about; although you have been through big things, too. You cheer me on when I‘m happy, you comfort me when I’m feeling blue. There are times when we have our girly chats, and without me realising, you will just start laughing at the silly things I say. Even when you are down, you will belly laugh at my silly wittiness, and at things I can’t explain. Thank you for our in-depth conversations. I am happy when you are happy. I hurt when you hurt. You give without measure to the people in your life. You give abundantly. Your giving does not go unnoticed; I would be lost without you my friend. What we have together, no one else can comprehend. Thank you for looking past my flaws and faults; for all the time you spend together; and for all the kind things that you do. Thank you, thank you, Yvette. Promise me you won’t forget our laughs, or jokes, our smiles, our conversations, our plans, our tears, our memories and our experiences. I know that one part of our spirit was taken from us. God’s word says, “Where two or three are gathered in his name, there He is with us” Thank God for His Divine faithfulness in keeping this wonderful friendship growing. I Love you and I celebrate today, our Sisterhood.


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LIKE MOTHER LIKE Daughter� 10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com

With a smile like her mother’s, growing up strong and independent; Yvette was blessed to meet equally passionate people who were able to help make her dreams a reality


o, I was sweet sixteen when I first met Yvette at WR Tuson College in Fulwood, Lancashire. What sounds like an age ago (it is an age ago!), seems like only yesteryear, although a lot of time has passed, but one thing that remains unchanged is Yvette’s warm and welcoming nature and her always on super-bright neon smile. Her smile is the first thing I remember about her when I stepped into that new classroom. We hadn’t even spoken yet, but she made me feel so welcomed. It felt like we were ‘friends at first sight’. That wonderful smile is the embodiment of Yvette – it represents her compassion, warmth, passion, inspiration and commitment to helping others feel good about themselves. Two years later, I left Lancashire for a new adventure and life in London. The following year, Yvette followed me. I started work at a City Lawyers, Yvette followed me and came to work there too!

I bought a new car, a red Renault 5. Yvette followed me...and bought a red Renault 5. Fast forward, Yvette celebrated her 50th birthday. I’m pleased to say on this occasion, I followed her! JustBe was born on launch day, 21 March 2009 (it also happened to be my birthday). I had created the first website and original logo and it was amazing to witness JustBe coming to life. From the very start, Yvette committed

to bringing the best possible experience for all the people who attended her wonderful events, from the early days of JustMechanics, JustRevive JustArtDentity, , JustBe Spa Day, Film Club, Gather & Grow and of course the spectacular and memorable Black History Month charity events. JustBe grew with faith and hard work; seeing Yvette build a team of like-minded women to help her bring her vision to more and more people. Today, JustBe is a fabulous organisation that has become an inspiration to those women that attend the many events and workshops that are regularly provided. With acknowledgement for the work within the community coming from other organisation’s awards and recognition. The JustBe ten year anniversary is a testament to the incredible hard work, dedication and of course faith, that Yvette has shown throughout this journey. I can’t wait to see where the next ten years will lead; forwards ever, backwards never!


TYL From the very first day I met Yvette, she was a woman whose beauty, poise and stature oozed out of her


ama, I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since JustBe launched... where has the time gone?! You’ve worked tirelessly and passionately to get JustBe to where it is today, an organisation which strives to help the women (and men) in our community to be the best of their ability. You should be so proud of all you have achieved. Along with the other ladies, it has been a blessing and an honour to play a small part on this journey with you. I genuinely look forward to seeing what the next 10 years brings. So here is to success; laughter and love, and more success, and more love; and more laughter, particularly during event planning meetings...! God bless xx

Sabine 10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com


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Here Comes

Girl The

The main lady in red, Yvette always celebrates her Earth Day in style Above: Family and friends gather to celebrate Middle: Yvette, Tanika and friends Bottom: We surely couldn’t have a party without the infamous Cameo dance!


10 years of JustBe


She has been a great role model and advisor, and is a joy to be around When we were young we followed you, We played, we fought, and had fun a time or two. When we grew taller, and thought we knew it all and one of us would fall, the other gave a helping hand and said, watch the lay of the land, see over there, you'll sink in quick sand. Then we went one way and you another, and still, when we could, we helped each other. Now we are older, and once again we stand side by side and shoulder to shoulder. I've learned one thing, you've learned another, and we've both learned there is no replacement for one or the other.


e have always looked up to Yvette, even though she is so small. She has been a great role model and adviser and a joy to be around. Yvette is not only a great sister, but also a wonderful wife and mother, and we really admire the work she does for JustBe and others. We wish her well in all her future plans and know she will continue to receive God’s blessings. We’re so proud of her. -The Brothers

Brotherly love itsmymagazine.com | 10 years of JustBe


t nex t. e s h w t the la o n I k than n d n b ee a tter e n v e a ’ d I you. om ven b n w a h e me o be g her y wit o t s e g rne hin t. c o we ing t t t a i a u e n o o w serve her his jo e a are g t r ’ t d u e a ft ve Yo ears t se tely d rri me o n a y o ’ve so 10 a fr bsolu we hare g a x n d avi , you lie gla to s l h e o s S ble K to m art a rd bloo ry, p a a s o r w orw Be ive ot d k f Just n n o n , n A eef ed a I lo and y r p l ual r p a s ne d r a i you o H iv c rt he the all pa er. er ind u in nd y o a d th stu e, but ch o ette, h ude y nges o t a l e v ere e sam ffect e of Y to inc chall w , s h a es ility nces . nks you are t i n e h h f b t I u it ie a od ion, niq tant xper in fa u G n s e t t the con ring g ou ha mpa d will s w i r o e c in is or ha dy Th and h life, s stepp bo iend, he L m t r e ity t for ys n a f that istry. a s e n w y ze l al d be I pra er mi l i w . h an she men to me bless les e ar m wo ing o t h r C Fo out less inue en ab t a b ont r c Ka jus

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nd frie sleta w y e b he ne evel- il m d t t o d t up to dship et un ’s e c u m n nd d rod signe il frie ever usba only t n n a h s I si r wa ago. ly em ut we at my It wa id he t e e . s B n b a v s t r r Jus t yea his lo ears, s late ation ette s ! I we f y ar t u el er Yv br abo s and many so ye cele here be h mys up ter for r or hday ch w ot to uced ping d g u e t. rt ed op ut fo th bi r spe - it’s intro ly jum uran o l t e ab t’s 70 ng h ugh d and itera resta y. o l r i e e aun hear d I th he en were in th histo s m ivt e me e an r at t f us ming ay, is g g she ch a she am to he two o crea hey s t n a u , s s h up the wn s st as t ha rs. is t he is eople dual. e o d e e t d i h s an nd he r vet ugh any p indiv ugh d s senio he Y n a T t o e rs m la ut 8a bo en th r so as an avel, inne e 00 for th ips to ; ala 2 v o e d n e n . ts tr lov and e uch f ts m to tr and e is o te i ssion nge d visi being I t a y t t e s t t a a l v ha rson so m d tre tuni nche Yve e and t Y d a p n arr as an r wel t but W e s c r e . n sa p d doe out a oppo for lu ands fluen nd Si of I m ys ha ofte on te t ou out i d her s a an o a e in ld a s sb n e ou ab ke go alw e wou aftern ed ab eak ette a d ma t er s tim ad th ther, ur hu an of riend word ette e h f Sh side, cern just sp h. Yv d an gran ay tak e’ve toge ith o wom r my s and nd Yv card d e w n g y a W pra nd se s co esn’t rou volv y Go nd m ots d a all he card en a very bling. n a h y a n a e g d , an ether llion to c ndin y wom kept hum rsary wa he do ows t are i l. Ma own th. L s d i S foll ia cr ng ng ily tog a m prou ove se man e has truly nnive d a o fam spec her o stre blessi s n l i a ole ery so d. I l nt to at sh s just th a n an en on th t est s m e v i ’ h r n h 10 h om sio g I w feel sta tren ’s ric frie ragem me t - that your ur vi ny w could e y n r s s i n a o d u te ou ling er ma from d Go c tel rm h ou on stry, y at m who n r e t e e d h n h go e an eH eps er se lute y mini eart t e; an i e e t v h k s f lo n h ev sa m g. ur Au o n ’ve tte. I e, yo your beco doin u I o m tio se y e ow B f e o a t v v r o d r s i a f e s Y sp d tho im tle si d f Ju piece ot, h are n n i a o l ge ly an h. I c ur lit igne ge ere n not, u u f h i i c l h w er g yo nd a al I e a r fam o tou o b b h g n t m w a u i a to me to be ssed Portu a Dix t ue to yo tinue rci e r n a h i i o t g r ’t in in M rc on essing u con s, can d me aths c oom Ma I thou nd C g l I o n b sy p , ie rt. na ll a rr ssi e and live sta bull l our you ad o omen e ca ave l o b t u h th e fu re nd ere or yo grate e sha ll littl for w ered ever made a h d t m a ve up sw y n ns m an w w rs Lo no ster fi ay, I’ u let s a sm y gro er an e ma ectio love just k d i a o v ’t on big s her w en y It w le stu e ne hen w conn your y you ence, d v t h I t ’ i y ! b a of i e r of wa res it h W u, m as .. but did. ade new B ould to yo dreds cause , the our p art fo ng ter. they ad ‘m ut a ou w iven hun ut be much ith y ng he cussi n as I h abo If y te g t the abo so om w mazi d (or dow a bu l go. u w i e e o d a kn em it a man us, com ire y ny ro an a g wor u’re a orth” e d t l n ’s a on give d the t jus ve al I adm t up u hav fortin Y! Yo oop rhoo e o I’d lfille d n e ha ord! ligh d yo com NN om “ siste st lik k! U fr d fu - an ustB e L you , an h a ju uc t hJ h ow less wit e so F lass ip an o be , Ch t e t m ug n to , h nd r h a d o tio e is e there you’ lente iends want he se r n h t ica o s , ta t s d ity ays plu r fr p I by ded thing neros e alw lol) nning You ow u hips ! y r c get ur ge You’r read l, stu man n I g and u o o e y ple. u’re utif 1 w wh fish x a l o peo en y h, be erbs 3 - and r my chae o h t a f w ear Prov me ing R to rue ss to wait A t ricele . still is p !! Ps.. ! you

Right: Yvette poses with one of her best friends in complementary regal colours Left: A simple diamante earrings and bracelet set complete the flattering look

From casual to glam and everything in between, bombshell Yvette dances to her own beat when it comes to the style stakes





10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com

Final touches; Right: Go for simple make-up as the dress and earrings are a statement piece enough Left: Complete your outfit with a pair of very high, very uncomfortable diamante stappy sandles; your toes won’t thank you

Pauline I

Yvette is a giver who has a big heart and is so full of love, it’s a real pleasure to have her as a friend

was amazed when on my birthday, after the first year of meeting Yvette, she brought me some beautiful presents. She came to my home to deliver the presents, however I was not in so she left this massive bag with my neighbour. When I got home he knocked on my door and said I had a package. When I looked in the bag I couldn’t figure out who would buy me all these lovely presents. Yvette did cross my mind when he said the lady had a nice face and had a hairstyle like mine (my hair was short at the time). But I dismissed Yvette as the person who brought me the gifts as I had not known her for that long. My daughter told me not to eat the chocolates as this could be some sort of weirdo stalker. Fortunately by this time I had already eaten the chocs. Anyone that know me, knows I love my chocolates. That’s what was so strange, the items that were in the gift bag was me down to a T. I eventually got to speak to Yvette by the end of the day and discovered the gifts were indeed from her. I was blown away... I have since discovered that Yvette is a giver, she has a big heart and is so full of love, it’s a real pleasure to have her as a friend and an honour to be able to also give to her. (She loves to give but hates to receive). One year on, upon receiving my gift, she said “Why did you buy me this?” I replied “because it’s your birthday!” I practically had to force it into her hand.

Above: Me wearing my favourite scarf, one of the gifts Yvette brought me for my birthday Right: Yvette and I at a charity event

When Alison asked me to produce this magazine, I was very honoured, and excited because I knew Yvette had wanted to have one for her 55th birthday. I am glad I can give to her and I hope she loves it.


♥ ♥


Our popular lass from “oop North” Yvette loves to socialise and often gets invited to many events. Always having time for everyone, she is a true inspiration and example of someone who lives life to the fullest.



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29 29

Beauty A life of

at Peace

When a beloved sister was called to God, the JustBe family rallied around, and jogged for Guy's & St. Thomas' Hospital Kidney Patients' Association -YVETTE MCDONALD-


n Sunday 21 October All of us wanted to stretch ourselves and did our best to run or jog the 2012 my best entire course. Unfortunately, I was friend of 28 years, Sharon Brown, sadly nursing an injured Achilles heel and was undergoing physio but I was passed away due determined that I would make my way to complications round the course in memory of my associated with dear friend, who showed such grace kidney failure. Sharon was also JustBe’s and strength in the face of a terrible Treasurer and one of the founding disease for a seven year period. Trustees since March 2009 and is therefore sorely missed by all of us. Five of the JustBe Team Members and I had set ourselves the challenge to participate and run/jog or even walk the entire course of the Big Fun Run at Crystal Palace on Sunday 13 October 2013 in a bid to raise funds towards Guy’s and St Thomas’ Kidney Patients Association (KPA). The KPA aims to raise sufficient income to support research, improve the patient experience and help kidney patients, their families and carers, achieve a good quality of life.

Friend, mother, confidant... Loving, vibrant and full of compassion, Sharon was always willing to lend an ear and a few wise words when needed and loved any opportunity to bring everyone together







Bro wn

As One It’s okay to miss you, It’s okay to cry. Just know I’ll never forget you. This isn’t a permanent goodbye. Sometimes I sit and wonder If you are standing by my side, Giving me the courage To carry on with pride. I’ll hold onto our memories, Until this life is done. In my heart is where I’ll store them, Where we can be as one. Poem by Samantha M. Hann




JustBe Free To Be You


10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com


BHM Just Be

Despite hard work, sweat, tears, the struggle for equality is sadly not complete, however with inspirational leaders such as Yvette, the legacy is highlighted and the fight continues on.


ustBe has been celebrating BHM since 2010; we believe that Black History Month is a time of REFLECTION as we think about our heroes, their hard work, sweat, tears, and for those who died fighting for equality for us. It’s a time for REJOICING as we celebrate our people who have managed to make a difference in history, because without them, our community wouldn’t be where we are today. It’s also a time for RECOMMITMENT, making the world a better place, as we reach and inspire the next generation to overcome obstacles and to stand up for their rights. Above: The JustBe team celebrate Black History Month, at the highly anticipated Annual Gala Ball

D Above: Members of the team with a couple of distinguished and respected senior citizens

Black history means different things to different people; it shouldn’t be celebrated one month of the year, it should be celebrated every day as a reminder to our children that they are descendants of proud origins.

earest Yvette, Congrats on this wonderful milestone of JustBe - 10 years! During the past two great years, I have witnessed the wonderful work that you do for the ladies of JustBe. One memory that often makes me smile is sitting with you in your living room whilst you personally put together the gift bags for the ladies attending the annual trip to Portugal whilst we chatted about everything and nothing! You have an amazing ability to put anyone you speak to at total ease and I have chatted your ear off on more than one occasion! I have seen the personal sacrifices that you make on your mission to eradicate loneliness and isolation for the

ladies in the JustBe family and I am in awe of your steadfast commitment to achieving this. I have become part of the JustBe family and working alongside you on the committee has been an absolute pleasure. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for welcoming me into the JustBe family and giving me the opportunity to be part of your vision. May your dream of being able to dedicate 100% of your time to JustBe be realised in the not too distant future so that many more women will benefit from the amazing work that you do. Love and hugs

Venice xoxo

itsmymagazine.com | 10 years of JustBe



ustBe was established in 2009 inspired by a passion to lift and empower women. We understand with the pressures of life, we give so much to others, but sometimes we forget ourselves. Having listened to women over the years we have heard the need for a space where you can put aside the “to do” list, focus on yourselves, and just be! With this in mind, JustBe seeks to provide events and activities for women of all backgrounds where they can relax, laugh, learn and grow. Our events focus on allowing women to enjoy and celebrate the unique qualities they possess.

A big thank you to all our sponsors

Sponsorship is vital to this group, so we need more people like you – maybe tonight after you see what we do, you’ll want to be an instrumental part of the vision too. People that have sponsored us –Pauline and Krystle Downie from It’s My Magazine, Pauline Hinkson from Natural Origin, Velma for organiasing a space for some of our workshops, Mind Beckenham, All the leaders of the various Gather and Grow sessions, Tony & Bev Christie, Marvin Francis, Tanika McDonald, Clive McDonald and Sabine Telesford. I want to thank our special guests of honour: Arthur Torrington CBE, Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Joan Myers OBE, Naomi Allen and Derek Sarpong,


10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com

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JUSTBE itsmymagazine. 10 years of



To reach great heights, it’s sometimes essential to have a fabulous supporting structure. Meet Debra, a woman who had been a founding member of the team, dedicated to JustBe’s success


ell I am happy to have been there with you at the beginning and be witness to all the great work you have done and are continuing to do. I am also glad to have been able to sow a seed into the group with the idea of having an annual event to celebrate our Black History in an entertaining and knowledge-provoking environment. Wow, from the first JustBe BHM event we organised Yve, myself, you and Alison which was held on Saturday 9 October 2010 and co-hosted by my dear friend, Angie Greaves (Magic Radio Presenter), in a small basement venue in Catford called the Riva Lounge and now…right to the top of the Hilton Tower Hotel in the heart of London. Look how far we have come girl! We didn’t stop there on that Saturday in 2010 - JustBe also supported their first BHM charity with donations to www.lupusuk.org.uk and got a write up in their magazine too.


From an estimated 80 people attending in 2010 to over 200 people and growing each year, this has been a wonderful achievement and I am glad to have been a part of it with you all.

The years rolled by, but we continued to have fun and work hard together, growing and improving our service in the community with what has now become a recognised annual JustBe event. My taking part may have ended in 2016 but I hope you felt that I handed over full responsibility of the “7 year old JustBe BHM project” in good shape!

10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com

Yvette, thank you for the opportunity to have been able to showcase the idea and the great friendship and fellowship we developed and still have between the three of us – so many good times and sighs of relief and thanksgiving at the end of every event! We are truly blessed women. May you and the entire JustBe team enjoy the fruits of your continued labour and may it not be in vain. Congratulations JustBe on your 10 year anniversary, that’s truly a wonderful blessing. Have a fantastic evening Yve, well done and may God continue to bless and keep you for the next phase of your journey. Lots of Love Always,

Debra “D” Morrison


ustBe’s vision statement proclaims “A WORLD WHERE WOMEN ARE FREE TO BE”. We want all women who come into our environment to relax and take some time away from their every day, stressful lives even for a few short hours. In one of our newsletters a JustBe member wrote “JustBe came into my life just when I needed it. Getting me out and about again made me realise that it is ok to feel vulnerable. I am stronger and more resilient ….” This is a testimony to the work that JustBe is doing - helping women to feel more confident through socialising.

e h T n o i s Vi Greetings to all who have attended our 10 year anniversary celebration. We hope you have had a wonderful time and tasted some excellent food. Thank you for your support over the last ten years and we hope you will be with us for the next! God bless you all.

u, o y k ette n a h T Yv

Just Be Together JustBe is for you; it’s a space where you can be inspired, revived and of course have fun!




Yvette loves spending time with senior citizens and feels that we need to remember that the elders are the pillars of our society and our traditions and culture gets passed on through them. We would not be here if their sacrifice and labour was not an element of the past. But they are often forgotten and left out in the background. One of the highlights of the year for the seniors is the annual coach trip to the seaside. In 2018, 63 seniors travelled to Hastings! The trip even included a quiz. One 83 year old wrote: “The efforts of Yvette and her team to keep seniors engaged to avoid isolation and loneliness is greatly respected and admired. One of the highlights for me was the quiz; it kept my brain ticking over. A most enjoyable day.”

Our loyal supports - Eunice and Andy Erlam set up a standing order to help towards the seaside project. Yvette will finally be launching M4S this year which will include a fashion show. This project has been on her heart forever! The fashion show will not be featuring young models strutting their stuff, it will be the senior folks that will be on the catwalk! JustBe will be partnering with Gitas Portals who will design and provide the clothing as well as make-up artist, Love Rebekah and friends. The funds raised will go towards: venue hire, marketing & promotion, food & refreshments. The remainder of the funds collected will go towards another trip to the seaside in the summer of 2019. The seniors will have the opportunity to be part of the planning and delivering of this event.

Gather&Grow Do we really know who God is? Are we really worshipping the one true God? Could we be worshipping a God of our own making? In our meetings we will seek to uncover the identity, nature and character of the one true God. Gather and Grow has been running for many years and each session explores a different area of the Bible. Helping woman to develop their relationship with God, and understand the word.

During the special day, they’ll be the centre of attention, be treated as a super star, which will, in turn, help them to feel valued and have a place and purpose in our society.

Top: Angie Greeves, joins the team to celebrate our seniors Middle: One of our beautiful seniors on a JustBe day out Bottom: An end to a spiritual Gather and Grow Bible study course



One of the ways that Yvette has managed to help people is by organising theatre events which she has been organising for the last three years; 41 shows later, having sold 1487 tickets, these figures are evidence of the need for planned and organised theatre events in our community. Trying new experiences such as going to the theatre is FUN and it’s not as expensive as you think. One lady said “Someone touched my life by offering theatre and concert tickets at an affordable rate. I love the theatre but didn’t always have someone to go with. Yvette changed all that.”

In addition to the 41 shows, Yvette has organised a further seven shows for 2018/19 including: Twelfth Night, Nine Night, Dick Whittington, Caroline, Or Change, Hamilton, King Hedley II and On Your Feet – the Gloria Estefan story. Wow, talk about a ticket agent! In Yvette’s words “going to the theatre beats sitting on your sofa with a remote control in your hand”.


Since our membership programme started last year, over 100 women have subscribed to it.

Just Revive

aks e r B Yvette loves breaks and in March 2018 she took 54 women for an annual girls’ trip to Portugal, a trip that gets better every year. The break is always great for so many reasons and lifetime friendships are always made. Yvette believes that women should take time out to INVEST in our bodies in order to feel replenished, restored, refreshed and reenergised. Look out for the next trip, and if you haven’t already, please join our mailing list and receive our monthly newsletter which will inform you of all our upcoming events.

Above: Yvette networking with the greats such as Iyanla Vanzant Right: Yvette with esteemed broadcaster Angie LeMar

itsmymagazine.com | 10 years of JustBe


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Karen My Royal Ascot EXPERIENCE Just don’t break your ankle, end up on crutches and ruin your shoes!


o there l was, getting to know all my fellow passengers as my dear friend Yvette is busy organising the fine details of the day. So l am free to fulfil my mission of endless chatter, moving around all the seats, leaving my sister to rest and punishing all those with my classic jokes. ‘What lies at the bottom of the sea and shivers?’ You guessed it, ‘A nervous wreck’, ha ha! So during the journey, l get to know everyone with Yvette’s help. We arrive and goodness me, it pays to use perfume at these do’s. The day is glorious, everyone is smiling and enjoying the sunshine. I place a grand £5.00 bet on a winner horse and together Yvette and I go to watch the horses race. I try to walk gracefully and lady-like as my foot starts to wobble. I’ve noticed many ladies have now replaced high heels with comfortable shoes. Typical me, always paying attention to the details, but missing the obvious. So without any consideration for the race or Yvette, l make a fabulous manoeuver ...and fall over...at Royal Ascot. A posh guy comes to my aid and is quickly dismissed. I try to get up and join in with the laughter on Yvette’s face but collapse again in a heap. I formally wait for the St. John’s ambulance service to officially tell me, my ankle is broken. What? l shout out as l am carried off into the distance between the crowds.


I can’t see anyone now. Yvette has gone, my mobile phone, my handbag all end up landing in the wet grass somewhere, as l feel the pain. A&E awaits me. I don't wait long before a consultant has a look at the x-ray and confirms the broken bone. Plastering begins and the shock hits me, where am I? This isn't London or even my borough council! No one knows where or who l am. Crutches stare at me in the corner of the room, l need morphine. To end on a positive note, without the loving kindness of Yvette, l would still be in Berkshire. Google, not geography. As l held up the coach party, worried my sister, who must of been to every ambulance stall, toilet, every horse stable looking for me. A collection was made that reunited my sister and me and we made it back to London. The love and kindness was extended by Alison and Paul bringing me home and Alison initially finding me. It also came from Yvette and Clive for visiting me with provisions and care. It came from my JustBe family showing me that all of us matter. It came from my neighbours old and young and my own family. Any morals to this you ask? experience new things, be friendly to your neighbour and be humbled by strangers who show mercy to those in need. Do l now have flip flops? You bet!

10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com

Star butor Contri

Above: Poised Karen looking beautiful as usual

R Top: The JustBe girls at the races even made it on to the telly Above: Loving the intricate head gear Right; Posing for the camera, Gold is the colour

oyal Ascot is one of the most prestigious and stylish dates on the racing calendar – and brings us the world’s most glamorous race day: The Gele Gang organise a range of events run especially by women for women. Organising their infamous African Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is a superb opportunity to meet, network and socialise with like-minded women. We traveled in comfort and arrived to a sumptuous hot buffet lunch along with unlimited drinks of quality red, white and rose wines, plus bubbly too! (non alcoholic alternatives were available). We then made our way into the Queen Anne area (formerly known as the ‘Grandstand Enclosure’) which afforded fabulous facilities with excellent viewing and seating areas to watch the Royal Procession as the Queen opens the races. An amazing time was had by all, we just wished our sister Karen didn’t have such a trying adventure!

10 years of JustBe


Messages of Love



ell it’s going to be a challenge to summarise my friendship with Yvette in a paragraph or two as there are so many sides to this lady, funny, serious, perfectionist, most importantly God fearing and truly sensitive... I was first introduced to Yvette through a fellow JustBe theatre goer and as I felt comfortable, I quickly started attending on my own. Yvette is that special sort of lady that everyone confides in, safe in the knowledge that she’s not going to share your business with anyone else and irrespective of what’s going on in her own life she finds time to pick you up with either a text with just the right scripture or a call with soft words of encouragement. In Yvette’s special tone of soft of course lol ….which is always true to herself and fiercely proud of her roots.


10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com

So this one evening, I get a call out of the blue to say that someone has pulled out and if I can get to the theatre in 2 hours, there will be a ticket waiting for me. How did she know that on that day I had spent all day crying to myself and needed a lift? So hurriedly I get ready and off to the theatre I go and find myself seated next to Yvette. The show starts and excitedly we all smile and clap, little did we know that was to be the most exciting part of the show! Within 15 minutes of the start, whilst everyone else dutifully clapped to the non-jokes we both looked at each other and knew that by hook or by crook, we had to escape this travesty of a show, so giggling like little school girls, we crept out of this big West End show and collapsed in fits of laughter in the foyer and all the way to the tube station. That’s Yvette in a nutshell, no pretence, no show of face, just BEAUTIFUL x Always thinking of others, so this is for you. Love, Stacia xx

Yvette! You are AMAZING, your consistent strength to remain true to you and your vision for JustBe despite the setbacks the storms & the tsunamis, it has been remarkable, but we know that this is because God is with you and you have allowed HIM to lead and clear your way. Continue to follow your heart- God’s voice, His instruction, His direction and JUSTBE! Bless You. Andrea Graham-McKinley x

Yvette my spiritual sister is one of the nicest, kind; generous and most beautiful woman I know. Her love for God and people is what makes her so special. Being in her presence always fills me with peace love and joy. Happy 10th Anniversary JustBe!!! Patsy

I met Yvette at church a long time ago and I have always admired her for her positive outlook on life. She passes that positivity on to every one of the people she works with. She inspires and keeps us young with her bubbly personality. Our lives would not be as rich without her and long may she remain part of our lives. Dolly xxx

My aunt Yvette has taught me to be true to myself and that despite everything and everyone, God has got me. My aunt Yvette is a strong, inspirational woman whom I am so very, very proud of. My aunt is not only an inspiration to me, but to so many others that have been lucky enough to have her in their lives, she blesses us with unconditional love and with the special gift God has given her of just being herself. My aunty has achieved so much and I could not be prouder of her on the day her other baby turns 10!! JustBe has allowed others to get a glimpse of just how amazing my aunty really is and I pray she continues spreading her word and good will for many, many more years to come! Kayla xx


When you meet someone and your soul instantaneously recognises a piece of yourself deep within the other, and right away you both feel safe being your authentic self, that is what they call a soul connection. Yvette and I are so identical that I remember Clive asking once if we were separated at birth! She is me and I am her and I am eternally grateful to God that our paths intercepted when they did. We can sometimes go months without seeing each other but then just like that we meet up and it’s like no time has passed. If I ever need anything, she will appear right by my side like the guardian angel she is!!! Either that or she will just send Clive, another wonderful person from Team McDonald. Yvette is real and strong and vulnerable all at the same time; she’s passionate and driven and inspirational, with this unique ability to breathe motivation and support into your life with just a few words of prayer. I have always been mesmerised by Yvette’s effortless devotion to God, she never seems to waiver or falter, not even in times of tribulation. I am so proud of all of her achievements with JustBe and excited for its future as I know there is so much more to come. Everyone needs an Yvette in their life; I am forever blessed with her in mine. Sherise x

Happy 10th Anniversary to JustBe.Yvette you have done an amazing job. I remember the very first event, where has the time gone? Your events are of good calibre and I am proud to bring anyone to them. The film nights, Bible studies, holidays, spa days, theatre trips and Black History events -nothing but great memories, not forgetting the great people I have met along the way. All of this because You, Yvette McDonald, heard the call of God on your life and ran with the vision. Sis keep your eyes fixed on Him, God has great things planned for JustBe, hold onto His hands and allow Him to lead the way. Love you Samantha Oliver. Xxx



10 years of JustBe | itsmymagazine.com

Thankyou To God, our father who continues to put strength in our bones and breath in our bodies... To our families who sometimes have to sacrifice with us in our journeys and hold the fort when we’re busy with other things... To our friends who are the extended “family” we choose... To our sponsors who helped put this event and this surprise magazine together... ...And last, but definitely not least, thanks to the wonderful women in this group who make it exactly what we want it to be, and help us all to be our best selves. God bless!


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