Happy 70th Birthday Edna

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The Wonderful






Contents 12








e are delighted to honour a beloved member of the family who is usually more happy away from centre stage. However, on this milestone occasion we welcome the chance to show this fabulous woman just how much she means to her family and friends. She has touched so many with her warmth,wit and hard working spirit and has always put God first. so Edna Jean Graham; we thank you for your love and appreciate you. As you reach your seventy years young, may you continue to live long and prosper with health and vitality in God’s blessing.


Your Family




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itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948

From Me To You

I love you all for what you are And what you can be I love you my daughters and grandchildren for the potential in you, that I can see. I love you for standing up For what you believe in. I love the way you trust Your voices from within. I love you for being Such a caring people Dear daughters and grandchildren you are all so special to me I love you all.

9. If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,� and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10. no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12. they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Psalms 91 v.9





Growing up in the hills of St Ann’s, this young girl was on a course for adventure and new beginnings. Here Edna reveals more...


What’s different about growing up today from appy to be speaking with you when you were growing up? Edna, we have a lot of questions Children were more mannersable (sic). In the evening, to get through! Let’s begin with boys played out until 6pm, everyone was safe. We went what date were you born? On in when it got dark, that’s why the people had so much 23 March 1948 Where were you children. Every one lived in the same yard, families born? Stepney district, in the building a community together. parish of St Ann’s, What’s your first, most vivid Can you describe the memory? neighborhood you grew up in? As soon as we were born we started Our house was a two bedroom going church, we didn’t go to school place made of brick and plaster. My until seven and even that I started early. grandmother lived with her husband I used to look after my brothers and up in her yard. At one time we all sisters from when I was seven so I was lived in the same yard. On Sundays always busy. The first time I cooked we made coconut oil, we got a lot, rice, I had a bad foot and couldn’t go to five coconuts to make five jars – you school. I put too much salt and spoiled couldn’t do that now. up the whole pot. I was worried about Tell me about your parents. what my mum would say but my granny When were they born? helped me out. Anita Bygraves born in 1930 and What was the world like then? Frederick Emmanuel Downie, born It was nice, everyone helped everyone, in 1914 you had to respect your elders. We They lived in the same district and The Downie, Beason, Whymes, Grahams didn’t have television, I’m not sure if we had a radio but my dad never went school. He was a farmer and 15 years we had a clock. older than grandmother.


When I think of Nana, I think of the Downie family gatherings. Lots of fun, laughter, food and games and Nana is always at the centre of it and I am sure that’s when she is at her happiest. She is a massive character that we all love, each and every generation. I used to go to her house from when I was in primary school with Krystle and Nana would look after me like I was her own grandchild and

even now she is always happy to see me and my family even if it has been years since our last meeting. Really it’s like a week hasn’t gone by. I consider Nana and the rest of the Downie family my extended family and I’m so glad that they know me and now my husband and children and that we can still see each other and laugh and catch up even if it is once a year on a birthday.


Parental love

A shy, quiet, studious child grew into a vibrant, inquisitive young woman ready to take on the world, here Edna shares more about family life and growing up in Jamaica


What were you like as a child? hat memories do you have of I was a quiet child who liked my own company and I them? Who was more strict: your chose who I wanted to talk to. I didn’t really mix much. mother or your father? Aunty Kitty had 12 children and we all used to play Definitely my mother, I called her together so didn’t need any outsiders. Hoosie, everyone in the district called How did you get the cut on your leg? her that and growing up everyone had I had a pig and I wanted to cut some food for him. I was a nickname because it was tradition using a cutless and was trying to hide it as daddy said I never to call babies by their real name shouldn’t use his tool. I sneakily used it to cut the grass for as the spirits might get them –those were the things people my pig and it caught in my leg. As I hid it, to not get in thought in the country. She was hard working and very trouble it got infected. I was out of school for three weeks focused. When I was 14 I went to the Mayfield school in going to hospital visits regularly Putney. Coming from Jamaica, at first I didn’t for injections and it wouldn’t heal. like the cold and the fact that my parents, One time, a man was passing and little sister and I all shared a room. I arrived he heard me crying. He asked in April and the snow was just finishing. if the foot wasn’t better. We had My father was a quiet man but he did have a wood called shingle I think, some humerous moments, one time I saw when you hold it and break it, it something white on me and I thought it was splinters into sharp needles. He bird poo and he laughed and told me it was sharpened one, and picked the snow. He liked to play his guitar and eat cut and something wet and yukky advocado pear and was a very peaceful and fell out of it. From then it started easy going man. to heal but left a big dent. What about your grandmother? Did you have any heroes or My great grandmother was called Daisy role models when you were Shelley, and she had two daughters Aunty A young Edna with her four girls a child? When someone got a newspaper in the district, Kitty and Anita. She was a farmer and an Eagler, she went everyone would read that one copy to find out what was to the market Friday night and came back on Sunday. She going on. We didn’t know about movie stars or anything picked the fruit, and sold it. When I was about five we moved like that. and she got a little shop down the road to rent. She would What did you want to be when you grew up? cook and I would be by myself in the evenings in the shop. I wanted to be a nurse as I liked caring for people. This early experience helped me get the job at BBC. When you were a teenager, what did you do for fun? What is the best advice your grandparents gave you? Wash nappies, I didn’t have a teenager life. When I was She shipped me over here becsue she was afraid I’d get 14 I was looking after Marva who was one. When I left, pregnant – one day I was walking and a boy was walking next she had to go to Muma’s sister in town where she ended to me – but everyone was scared of her so as soon as he saw up growing up. her, he ran away.

Happy 70th birthday Nana. Enjoy every moment and we pray that you see many many, many more. Love Veronica & family.

itsmymagazine.com| March 23 1948


Anita Downie

Top; Aunty Kitty poses with Muma. Left; Edna shares a laugh with Aunty Kitty at Elesha’s wedding in Jamaica

"Whenever a woman is in labour she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world. John 16:21-22


A Childhood


hat did you love about Jamaica? I missed the sun the fruits, the freedom. I missed my brothers and sisters and Muma and wanted to go back. I cried for a whole year. Then when I got pregnant with Sandra I cried for another year. Them times it was only God who helped me.

How did you meet your partner? What did you like about him? He was the lodger, and it was his dad’s house. He used to make cakes. He was cute and used to dress nice. He had a big lip but it was nice. He was willing to help with Sandra. When I came from school, it was only me, him and Shirley. He was five years older than me, I was 15 and he was 20. We were drawn together through


itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948

loneliness. As my mum had come over and had an English child she was different than when she was in Jamaica. Me and my mum used to go and watch tv in his room. He did try to make a life with me but my mum was quite overpowering of him. Did you get married? How old were you? I was 23 when I first got married. What was your wedding like? It was good, we had the reception at the Swan in Stockwell. After we married, there was six kids, four of mine and two of his daughters. When were your children born? Sandra was 19 November 1964 Pauline 26 May 1966 Debbie 7th November 1967 Susan 17th May 1969

Top Left; Edna with her youngest, Susan in a polker dot jumpsuit. Above; Aunty Ena’s son Delroy features in this picture along with their youngest sister Shirley

itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948



To our lovely MUMMY OR ANA

T hank you for the sacrificies and hard decisions you’ve had to face and we love the fact that from one root came so many branches.

Stepmother: As you embark on this magnificent milestone may you continue to be showered in love and blessings. We would like to wish you a heartfelt happy birthday. You have always shown your support and looked out for us. Love always Donna, Karl and Dionne

itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948


d i n h a C r G he


Nana’s never been backwards about coming forwards and she doesn't mince her words - if you ask her for an opinion - be it about a dress or a hairstyleyou’re guaranteed to hear it as she thinks it - "Krys-tal, yu head dry fi a red skin gurl" #nofilter!


rowing up with Nana, the biggest thing that stands out was Callingham House, Nana’s flat in Clapham North that was the hub of the Downie, Beason, Whymes and Graham tribes. Christmases were wonderful and a mix of food smells and presents. One law that certainly wasn’t popular was Nana’s rule that we had to tidy up and wash before we could open our presants! The delicious foods and games in abundance always made up for it. KRYSTLE

n e r d l i h


o me, Nana is comfor t and reassurance. She was one of the few people who believed me besides my mum when I first got sick. She was someone who encouraged my mum to not give up finding a diagnosis for me, whilst doing all she could to make me feel better herself. In the 18 years since then, that hasn’t changed, Nana always goes above and beyond to help us all in anyway she can, even at a cost to herself. The selflessness she displays as the matriarch of our family is a shining example of the type of person I’m sure we all aim to be. So thank you Nana for never giving up, always offering advice (even if it sometimes falls on deaf ears) and encouraging us in your own way to be the best versions of ourselves.


Sad e ch on h illing ou olida t y

March 23 1948


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o My Mummy…what can I say, my Mum always did the best she could and I’m fortunate to say that from a very early age, I understood that God was my Father. God would look after me and watch over me when she couldn’t, so we were always covered. I always felt she would put me first, for that fact my mum is the greatest. I’m blessed to say that whatever I wanted within reason, I would receive and for that I am grateful. Whenever I thought I couldn’t, my Mummy showed me I could, it’s amazing how wonderful a woman she is and I thank God for her, I really do.



Luckiest Daughter For being your daughter, I’m extremely proud. To love you dearly, forever I’ve vowed. Together we’ve laughed, together we’ve grown. Your voice warms my heart, each time on the phone. Countless lessons of life, from you I have learned. No matter my age, you’re always concerned.

You’re not just my mother, but also my friend. When we go shopping, we know where to spend. Words can’t fully describe, how I truly feel. The bond that we share, is a very big deal. You have nurtured and cared, since the day of my birth. I feel like the luckiest, daughter on earth. itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948


A Mother Like You

To say that you're wonderful, is just not enough. You're absolutely amazing, both beautiful and tough. I couldn't have asked, for a better mother than you. I'll love you forever, that shall always be true.

You are a special lady, that places others ahead. Always worked tirelessly, to provide me with shelter and bread. You've always encouraged me, to reach for the stars. Taught me the importance, of brushing off scars. I enjoy talking with you, laughing and spending time. When we are apart, it feels like a crime. For everything you have done, and all that you do, I'm fortunate and lucky, to have a mother like you.


itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948

Pau line Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


remember having a great childhood, growing up with my three sisters. My mum has always been a hard worker and her main gaol was to provide for us to make sure we wanted for nothing. I remember tr ying to think of interesting things to talk to her about. and when she told me not to do something I used to always ask why, why why. When I had my first child at a young age she was there for me and are relationship became even more special. I have never wanted to let her down. and am extreamly greatfurll for her love and suppor t, through all the diffeent layers of my life, from being a mother, to studying for my drgree and to become a teacher to star ting my interior design business when myson was a baby and developing a proper ty por tfolio. She has alway been there. thanks Mum!


Ready, Set


From the age of 14, Edna Jean Graham has been making moves



hat is a stand out memory from your youth? One time I went into school early and I was playing with a girl called Nurlene, and we were playing with a cane and I told her not to lick me with it, she did and it stung. Me and her ended up fighting, ever yone was shocked saying ‘Miss Edna a fight, Miss Edna a fight!’ And ever yone gathered around but dispersed as soon as we saw Teacher James’ car pulling in. What was the best part of those days? It was getting Callingham House and I went to Brixton and got big food and yam to celebrate. But that’s when I star ted putting on weight The hardest par t? Being a single parent, making all the decisions and putting in all of the world. However, when they were sick, like with Chicken pox, they had it all at the same time. What makes you proud of your children? They’ve done well for themselves, they worked hard themselves to reach where they are. If you could have three wishes, what would they be? 1) I’d like a nice house where I could bring my grandchildren 2) I’d like a companion, a man of God 3) If I itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948 could lose three stone, I’d be fine.

To my literally second grandmother!!! Want to wish you Then Pauline announced that the trip we had planned to Disney World a happy birthday and another Florida to celebrate us both finishing milestone you have reached. I have university and to reward our kids for so many fond positive memories of bearing with us whilst we were studying, you always! I remember as an eight well, imagine my shock when Edna said year old, you staying back with me she was coming with us... at Disney world when everyone My first thought was I don’t want to went on the Terror Tower ride and I go away with your mum, my mum might was to scared to go on it.You cared get ideas about tagging along too! for me and treated me like one of It turns out I had absolutely nothing your own. I appreciate everything to worry about! It was an absolute joy having Edna on holiday with us. She you have done for me and my extended her love to me and my son family!! You are a God-send and ell I first met Edna in 1997 and treated us like family from the very an angel among us! at her home in Clapham. The first moment. MARCUS first thing I thought was.... Since then there have been a few What a handsome woman! more holidays with Pauline and her Her strength and grace was very apparent. mum and I can honestly say it’s been an I was there with Pauline, her second honour and a pleasure. I look forward daughter and I remember it was a warm to travelling with the Downie crew day and we’re visiting her mum, remember, again. it was the 1st time I was visiting and I was Edna has always been warm and loving sent to the kitchen to help Pauline cook... I towards me and my sons, I’m always was nervous, supposing I made a mess of genuinely pleased to see her. She it, supposing she didn’t like it, I didn’t want always makes me smile and I love the to get cussed. I rolled up my sleeves and way she weaves a bit of comedy into just got on with it! the stories she tells. Happy Birthday.


Bites Edna embraces the spirit of Wanderlust



itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948


Nana’s Favourite Things

One of N outsi ana’s fav de of o chur urite pas ch, k t nitti times ng


ding ti fami me playi n ly is alwa g games ys fu with n


Famil son Grand Great young t s r fi s g after e bone Lookin tian keeps th s Chri

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A shared well of love, advice and support, here PatriciaTaylor shares her recollections of a firm friendship




i Darling Kr ystle!! .... Receiving this note from you Kr ystle has sent me on a major emotional rollercoaster. You see you were the catalyst that brought Edna and I even closer together as friends. We first met at the BBC and I’m ashamed to say that in those days there were no black people around.

But I found Edna and we became firm friends - to the shock of my white colleagues! However it was when your mum became pregnant with you that Edna really needed support, guidance and someone to just say - it will all work out - that really solidified our friendship. Edna is a strong woman but those days were challenging for her as she worried so much about the future. Anyway you were born Krystle, and from that day I know you let a bright light shine into Edna’s world.

I’ve watched from near and sometimes from afar, but she’s always been in my heart. I’ve seen the love you and all your extended family have for Edna and it’s amazing. She deserves every bit of it. I wish Edna a very fabulous 70th birthday and I will always be here for her and I am so proud to call Edna my Friend, Px And by the way, Edna taught me to cook. So even more thanks for that. God bless. PATRICIA TAYLOR

itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948


a r d n A S


y Mum is the best Mum in the world, she has always looked out for both me and my children. She was there when I broke my ankle and found it hard to walk, she came ready, made her special beef soup to “build me up” and make me stronger to recover faster. Mum was there for me consistently when they told me I had MS in 2013-2014 and I didn’t know how I would cope. But she just kept telling me to pray and read my Bible every day which I try to do every single day.


I want to wish my mum a happy 70th Birthday :) All the best in the world. I think back to the good old times at the BBC and playing in the rooms when we were cleaning. Thanks Mum, my first cleaning job :) Made me the woman I am today! <3



70th The Réka Birthday Edition| 19 September 2017



Left; A beloved daughter becomes a grandmother As the only great grand child, Christian and Nana share an extra special bond.


itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948


here are many things I could thank you for and the list would be endless, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, for some of the key things you sacrificed in your life to ensure that I had the best possible start in life: Thank you for carrying me for nine hard, long months during challenging circumstances...Thank you for responding to my every cry; my cry for hunger, my cry for boredom and my cry for discomfort, Thank you for the many sleepless nights you had to endure, to ensure I was safe and settled…Thank you for encouraging and reassuring me on my first day at school…Thank you for coping with me through my teenage years, when I thought I knew it all. Lol! Thank you for the many hours you stood in front of the cooker cooking and stood in front of the kitchen sink, washing up… Thank you for giving me the practical skills needed to raise my own children and run my own home…Thank you for raising me until I passed the worst…Thank you for all the sacrifices you made just for me! Thank you for all the time and effort you invested in me…Thank you for all the tears you cried for me. Not one drop was wasted, And thank you Mum, most of all for introducing me to The Most High God! Amen. I love you Mum! God bless you and keep you!


That Dress... “I recall the family were planning a surprise 40th birthday party for Nana and me and her were so tight- I couldn’t keep the juicy news away from her! I let her know and she whispered back- Good girl! And made an extra effort to get ready that night. For some reason I have it in mind that she wore this dress. It was always a favourite of Nanas and you could tell she felt like a fly girl in it.”


Spot the difference: Edna rocking effortless chic with bouffant in tow



Setting trends for the last 70 years, see how this fashionista rocks navy and yellow

Afro magic; Left: Achieve your blow out afro or even add a hot press if you want to keep it low key Right: Seventies inspired sunglasses can be easily found on the high street

Final touches; Above: Eighties special, blue and yellow polker dot nail art really bring Edna’s look to life. Left: Chunky heeled strappy sandles in navy and various shades of yellow will set off any summer outfit

itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948



itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948

All the grandkids used to stay at Nana’s over the weekend- particularly when we were younger and I think that is part of the reason we became so close. One particular time I was staying at Nana’s- and it was in the morning- she was probably cooking. So deep in the misdt of sleep (I was about 8) i just feel a BAM in my face, near my eye and forehead. Open up my eyes, dazed and confused, I wake up to see Stefanie’s big “y’eye” (eyes) staring down at me, with a boot in her hand. I ran screaming to the kitchen for Nana to explain that she’s only three and that she’d hit me with it to wake me up as she loved me so much she wanted to play with meHow can I blame her for that?! Well no one else could have got away with that type of reasoning there, but coming from Nana, it worked!







y earliest memory of Nana is at the BBC where she was Head Caterer in the canteen. Now for a greedy child like me- it was bliss. I got unfettered access to the foods and desserts then afterwards we’d make our way home at the back of the top deck of the 88 bus. Every journey was an opportunity to learn and she never tired of my constant questions. Our bond was tight. There was one time I remember not listening to her, to my detriment. We were going home on the tube and she always told me to stand behind her when we were going down the escalator. Except this time I got bright and squeezed my way in front- I was a big girl now. She let me go, watching as I made my way downbut then I started speeding up- barrelling down the escalator is addictive, until I tripped and I was rolling down head over toes like a washing machine; all I saw was legs and all I could hear was her scream. Until finally I remember a man reaching down and dragging me up by my collar like a lion cub just before I reached the bottom. Despite the battering to my ego- I was fine and Nana didn’t even have to say I told you so. Like our Father in heaven, she knew that what I wanted was not necessarily what I was ready for- and let me learn a lesson that stood me in good stead (I’ve never stopped being fast though;-P)


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e l t s Nana, you are



ishing my beautiful, knowledgeable first lady a blessed 70th year. From your early story of rubbing life into my hardly formed body to the invaluable advice and spiritual wisdom you continue to impart on me, never could I have made it this far without your input. I see continued and magnified happiness in your future, health and wealth in abundance and LOVE. I love you Nana and pray God continues to protect and bless you from the tips of your hair to the soles of your feet.

itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948


Nana you are


y e l ash


ana has always been the glue that holds us all together and I love her very much, Nana’s always there for me when I needed her the most, on the phone or face to face-always ready with a bible quote to make you feel better about your current situation. Nana was my rock when I was in Jamaica and Nana is my Safe place. Happy Earth day to my amazing Nana whom I continue to learn from each time I visit you. You’re always thinking of others. So today, take your day and enjoy it for you. Love you. Happy Earth day!


Nana, you are wonderful, so gentle, and yet so strong. You’ve always shown that you care, and without a doubt I belong. You’ve been patient when I’ve strayed, and offered guidance when asked. It seems you can do anything, and fantastic with every task. Always a source of calming comfort and a safety net when I fall. Your love helps me in stressful times and supports me through it all.

KODAK 400TX 43


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Thank you for all you’ve done for me & Chrissy. Wish you all the best! Love Stefanie & Christian x


Hey Nana, Happy 70th birthday! You’ve been blessed to reach another milestone.

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Thank you, Nana Childhood memories come to mind Loving ones aren’t difficult to find. The moments we spent together Will always be special, Thank you for your comfort and warmth, For being there when I needed you the most. Now that I have a child of my own. I can only hope that when he is grown He will also have have such wonderful memories of his own.

itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948



My Guardian Angel


Jad en

ear Nana I thank you for all the times you took care of me and prayed for me and I appreciate how you have been there for us all as a Grandmother even though at times you may feel like you are not appreciated we still owe you a lot as a family. Love you lots, thanks for your ever loving concern. Happy 70h birthday and many more. God bless.



itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948


My Guardian Angel

Are there guardian angels? I believe so For God gave me a beautiful Lady to help watch me grow A Lady so beautiful inside and out She had to be an angel God let slip out This lady’s a blessing from the Lord up above who taught me life's lessons through courage and love A Lady to protect me from all of my fears and love me and hold me and wipe all my tears A Lady so special she's touched lives of many and keeps us together at all cost, if any This lady is my Nana To her I do owe all the joy life can bring wherever she goes I love you, Nana Thanks for being you


ana is very good at making home-made medicine because when I was younger she always used some Aloe Vera to heal my cuts and make it better. What I love about Nana is that she is caring because after school she always gives me something to eat and she always made me some hats and scarf that she knitted and crocheted and she even taught me how to knit and crochet. Also when I was younger, she always hugged me in her coat and made sure I was warm and Nana would make the best Jamaican food, just like my dad. This is why Nana is the best. suit, and I wouldn’t have him any other way!�


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Nana, you are



itsmymagazine.com | March 23 1948

Now as she approaches seventy, just what are Edna’s top tips for keeping young and her days happy?


o you feel differently about yourself now from how you felt when you were younger? How? I’ve developed , I’ve grown in self confidence.

Do you have any hobbies or special interests? Knitting and crocheting, I used to like cooking but not anymore as I’ve been doing it for 62 years. What’s your best piece of advice for living? Believe in God he will lift you up when you’re down and is your comforter, healer and soul mate. In the middle of the night when you’re lonely, just talk to him. Psalm 27 is my favourite Bible passage, I used to read it a lot when I was kicked out when the children were young. I was baptized in 2005 and it was special as it was something I always wanted to do. I promised God that as soon as I got to Jamaica, I would take the step and be involved in a church, I’m so glad that I did!

March 23 1948



p God bless y 70th B were !, Fro u o m Ga irthday N y y il, Tr with e in m ’t e r evor &ana! a sh us tim I don I the g s e o h irls ri You H emo ng a joy Althoug early, need appy B m e l i r h r c . o irthd T u emb to k d s f “ orie e of dhoo ted d to w race neweep you ay Edn crea my chil the memelling m nother r hea hate a , m t a ver k edic vibr lth i life, member as you ’t have ember i a of th nt…BE eeps yo nes and n check re r it w ouldn rem nd … at w CAU ur he b e ope ays mfort a so he Ic t hen a w e S e l r h n t a E m w o th !! I ,c I’ll ou, ng Hap beat yo I will r e most telli of bun. warmth round y ity to uin u at py B e f n a a d c o irthd l o as pportu ving sli eling ay! minoes l o rIw e lo the f wheneve ake this you a ADR ! h t IAN love ted to nd wis ay!” Cong n d a ratul I wa k you th birth ati n LOV ons to t 70 tha ON



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hin gy Lots ou a w of lo onde rful ve a All my your sp nd bles 70th b ir s love e - Yo cial da ings on thday. ur n y. iece . KE



Aunty Edna at hand: Elesha and Edna share a quiet moment at her wedding


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Dear Aunty Edna, I want to take this opportunity to wish you an amazing 70th Birthday. To everyone else you were ‘Nana’ but you were always Auntie Edna to me. I have many fond memories of spending quality time with you during the school holidays and weekend. I especially remember that famous cup of ‘special tea’ which when I would later find out that it was time for our annual wash out! Omar and I are very grateful that you were able to attend our wedding in Jamaica almost 13 years ago and the support you have given to us and our children. I am regularly informing friends and colleagues of the importance of the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child. I often give examples of how the success of my upbringing does not rely solely on both my Mum and Dad, recognition should be given to the contribution of key family members; one of them being you, so thank you! Happy 70th Birthday! Here’s to many more! Elesha, Omar, Reis, Malachai and Olivia xxx

A well loved and much respected member of the family was Ena Moore and her vibrancy, kindness and unbeatable baking skills are still sorely missed. Mother to Delroy, Robert and Elesha, Aunty Ena was wife to Chris and daughter of Anita and Frederick Downie.


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