It's My Baby -Amber's Heirloom

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Amber Pearman ...... HAND DELIVERED 24.10.12


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Baby L♥ve

Summer 2015 |

We ♥ the Details


The L♥ve Story

Amber \a-mber\ as a girl’s name is pronounced AM-ber. Derived via Old French and Latin from Arabic “ambar”. Amber is the English name for a semiprecious gem made from fossilized tree resin, and is also used to describe the gem’s golden color. In Hindi, the name is derived from Sanskrit, meaning “the sky”

A SP 30

Amber L♥ves...



Family L♥ve

How He L♥ves Her | Summer 2015


The excitement of a new arrival in the family is infectious; spreading like baby oil. It infects everyone with glee, including Amber’s aunt, Theresa Pearman: “I was very excited for Kyle to have a baby sister or brother”. You can tell it’s infectious, Which Theresa expands upon, wishing: “I was hoping for a baby sister so that they could have an amazing relationship like I have with my brother Donovan.” As can be expected, after effects of this infectious glee continue after pregnancy and increases with each passing day. The symptoms include tracking the progress of Amber and Kyle on social media, as Theresa concedes out: “I don’t live nearby and can only follow the kids’ growth online (for now).” However, outside the blogosphere, we can see other

emphatic symptoms such as that of sympathy “As Rachelle gained weight, so did Don!” She says with a chuckle. However, such bonds have further developed a loving relationship between Donovan and Amber: “Don is totally wrapped around Amber’s finger. I feel sorry for the poor guy that tries to take young Amber out!” Although stressful raising a little princess, fatherhood has affected Donovan’s heart in other ways, “When he speaks about her, his voice is alive and filled with love.”Theresa enthuses, her own heart gushing with joy. “He is like that with both his children but I can as his first daugher, tell Amber holds his heart, big time.”



A DIVA IN TRAINING Queen Amber frequently belts out

Let it Go in axial arrangements, thus, singling herself out as versatile entertainment for any public event. She will sing it in notes sure to rival artists like Indina Menzel or Whitney Houston. Renown as Miss Sassy Pants, no one can stop her one track mind and she is very focused on her goals. Able to recount all of the words to Do You Want To Be A Snowman, her current OC lifestyle is the exact opposite of this chilly Disney movie.

Beach days are the best for Mom. You can always count on Amber to zig zag her way over to almost every group nearby and make friends. With her hands on her hips, and pushing her little tummy forward she’ll introduce herself, then gesture to Kyle and Mommy with a sweet smile and a pause, as if saying “Don’t look so surprised, you should know who I am!”. Then she’ll beam and flash her smile and parade off with swagger to the next fortunate group, leaving a trail of people behind her who are visibly energised by her brilliant luminance. We love you little Diva!





This great lightweight scooter is ideal for Hello Kitty Fans with a glittery sleek pink frame! With uber cool glittery pink wheels, this scooter is great for outdoor fun and features Amber’s favourite: cute Hello Kitty designs!

Minnie Mouse will make you “Say Cheese” with this fun camera . Amber loves the funny sound effects and likes to serenade Kyle with it’s songs.


surprise It’s play time! Here’s a list of Amber’s favourite gifts. From baby shower attendees to Grandparents, the Pearman’s nearest and dearest have presented Amber with her favourite things!

Tomboyish Anna is Amber’s favourite doll capturing her essence perfectly Thanks Grandma!

Amber with best friend Bunty, her purple My Little Pony Unicorn

Bringing the magic of children’s tales to life with this Goldilocks and the Three Bears Puppet Set - Thanks Aunty Theresa!

Lego is an unlimited source of creative play for Amber. This strategic thinker loves creating new worlds with oversize Lego bricks and may just be an architecture in the making. Thanks Connie and Matt - Amber just may design your future house!

Amber loves Play-Doh . Colorful, cute, quirky creations to fire up her imagination. Thanks Aunty Krystle A close up of Queen Amber’s My Little Pony Bunty, Thanks Uncle Dan x

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a classic children’s literature story that has been well loved for many generations. One of Amber’s favourite books, Donovan can recite this tale with his eyes closed. (A tactic he has finessed to perfection!) | Spring 2013 | Summer 2015


Boy Girl Meets


irl is born in Johannesburg, 5 days before Boy. That makes Girl a cougar. Boy is born in Johannesburg too, 5 days after Girl. That makes him, her boy. Boy lives a farm life in Durban with his two brothers and three sisters. Girl and Mom live in Johannesburg, a once bustling metropolis. By age 10, Boy’s parents lose the farm. They move into a two bedroom apartment with eight occupants. They survive on a cabbage a day and kids would go to school hungry for days on end. Boy became a teenager. One day, his girlfriend bought him a watch; he couldn’t buy her a present in return. That day he decided enough was enough. He sold the watch to buy her a gift and with the money left over, bought the ingredients to make doughnuts. Every morning he would make doughnuts. He then divvied it up between his brothers and sisters and sold them to beach goers. He turned $1 into $10 everyday. Thus, he made money for him and his siblings to be able to eat or save. By age 10, Girl moved to Germany starting her first year of school. Mom, Stepfather and Girl returned to SA and welcomed two little girls into the family, but by age 14, parents divorced. Hardships soon followed. Girl gets a job working at a nursing home serving milkshakes and waffles.


Summer 2015|| | Spring Spring 2013 2013

Boy and Girl both were a strength and support to their families. Motivating, encouraging, energising and sharing in expenses. They both left school, partied and travelled a few years. By 23, Girl had experienced her first major heartache - took a romance sabbatical for a few years and then met her second long term relationship. By 26, they split up as Girl wanted to travel. By 28, Girl had travelled all of England, Western Europe, Morocco, and did a diving trip in Dahab and Cairo, Egypt. She then returned to South Africa. By 23, Boy had experienced his first heart ache. And decided to pack it all in and teach snowboarding on Bryce Resort, Virginia USA. This is when his passion and love for America started. Returning to SA, he promised himself he would one day live there. By 28 he is back in Durban. He developed a passion for technology and Citrix and pursued studies and certifications. He knew however, that he wouldn’t live in Durban forever. At 28, both are new to the city of Johannesburg once again. At a running club, they finally meet. He arrogantly hands her his keys and says, “Hold this”. It was the moment that changed the course of their lives forever...

The Next Chapter Their eyes may have met across the track, but just how did this doe eyed couple take it to the next level and cement love’s young dream? ince meeting at the running club, Donovan ensured that he won over his future leading lady. Rachelle and Donovan had a beautiful wedding joined by their family and friends. They also both come from good sized families so knew from early on that the tiny pitter-patter of tiny feet would soon follow: “I always knew I wanted a boy and a girl”, reminisces Rachelle, that had always been a part of my life plan, very exciting!


“Rachelle is my back bone, she really is the female equivalent of me & get’s me entirely.”

After falling pregnant with Kyle, Rachelle knew immediately that he was a boy: “I always wanted my first child to be a boy. And Kyle came along!” A little while later he was followed by Amber, just as expected: “We didn’t take a lot of time to think about or plan to have our children. Amber was conceived the day I said I wanted another child”. And just like that, a beautiful little girl arrived and captivated everyone’s hearts and minds.

The chance to take romantic pictures around scenic leafy parts of London was an opportunity not to be missed | Spring 2013


The Lo ve Birds A love story of two wonderful people Donovan and Rachelle met at the Morningside Running Club in June 2008. He had just moved from Durban, and she from England. Rachelle was looking to build up a social circle while Donovan... dates!


here was an instant attraction. Running wise, Rachelle was much faster. So he ran every day, just so that he could beat her. The next run she saw him at, he ran past her and told her to hold his keys. As he touched her hand, there was electricity. Although taken aback by his arrogance, she liked it. During her run, Rachelle

convinced herself that she really just wanted a male friend to hang out with and wanted to find out more. They ended the race, the ice was broken and they got on really well. Rachelle invited him to a dinner and wine appreciation evening. He picked her up in his car and looked dapper in a white tailored jacket. Safe to say, her heart skipped a beat. The couple’s fabulous wedding day in the heart of South Africa

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At the restaurant called Metro, Donovan proceeded to flirt with all the other ladies, pouring wine for those sitting at the opposite end of the table. Unimpressed, he was summoned to sit next to Rachelle when the food arrived, where he behaved like a good boy for the rest of the evening. That night he drove her home and a kiss was shared

which according to Rachelle was rather cringe-worthy! Sitting there waiting, Rachelle eventually kissed him first. It was terrible. They both left thinking they would never see each other again. However, Donovan persisted. Eventually they ran some more, dated some more and then became inseparable, you could even say it was written in the stars. Rose blush and gold was the colour palette of choice

The Pearmans, PA (pre-Amber)

13 13 | Spring 2013 | Summer 2015

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Goodbye skinny jeans and hello maxi dresses. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of pregnancy revealed very trimester has its own personality and the first was no different for me. I was hospitalised at eight weeks for dehydration. My mother and sister had to come over for a few months and help look after Kyle. This was a very trying time, however, it was also the most spiritual. I floated around in a little pregnant bubble that was coated with an unlimited supply of happiness and love. It was beautiful. Second trimester was great! I had no morning sickness after 13 weeks and had more energy. I started showing around 15 weeks and felt little brushes against my tummy at about week 16. It was like indigestion, but I knew it was Amber. At 22 weeks, Kyle and I felt a full on roundhouse kick – It was Amber saying: “Mama I’m here!.










Just a star in her father’s eyes; An early scan showed Amber’s progress. The couple decided to wait, wanting her gender to be a complete surprise...until month six when the suspense got too much to bear. A boy and a girl, perfect!


Planning a baby shower can be a nightmare; do you have a theme? Who do you invite? Luckily, Rachelle’s friend Gailene was on hand to help. 1: According to Gailene the key is to KISS- Keep things simple and silly. Rachelle’s older son Kyle had previously had a mixed, unisex party and it was amazing, proving that, both men and women



can have fun at a baby shower. Thus, Rachelle invited her mum, sister, mother in law, her close friends and work colleagues. 2: Create Memorable Moments“All the ladies used a piece of string to guess her tummy size”, remembers Gailene. Predictably, some were way off the mark, either being too big or too small. The lucky winner Jolene, won

chocolates and a silver bag holder “We all got it totally wrong,” that mounted to the side of the Gailene laughs, “there was table- no more bags on floors! Rachelle, bobbing around with her belly and her hips swinging 3: Have an open attitude – side to side, everyone laughing Expect to have your face cover- and clapping. True to form, she ed in icing sugar while fishing out blushed fiercely, a great sport chocolate out of a potty with as always!” your tongue. Your friends will delight and revel in you success- 5: Don’t forget the men- Make fully emerging out a cloud of sure there are alternative activicing sugar in victory. ities for the boys, be it card or word games, anything that can 4: Be daring and embrace the keep them entertained. Better Macarena! Rachelle and Co. still, dress them up in maids’ shook their booties to the hit outfits, give them girls names & heesy pop song,even if not have them serve drinks, etc. entirely sure about the moves, You never know, it might work!

6: Finally, gifts aren’t the most important thing. Gifts are usually expected at such an event. However, love, good company and the presence of loved ones willing to have a laugh is always the greatest gift at any baby shower. According to Gailene, the event was a hit, would Rachelle change a thing? “Never!” Wishing you a happy baby shower guys!

To see the fabulous gifts given to Amber, visit the Gift Horse feature


BABY MAKES Amber and Donovan Pearman introduce baby Amber and share their experiences of pregnancy, birth and becoming parents for the second time! Congratulations on Amber being two years old! How is she doing? Great thanks! Amber is definitely very sassy, she is always up for a laugh and is very confident, she goes with the flow and fits in everything but she’s definitely feisty and likes her own way -naturally!

Amber was born in October 2012, over three years has passed now since you found out you were pregnant with her, what happened when you found out? Overexcited and thrilled. We are not the type to wait until 12 weeks, we told everyone when I was three weeks pregnant!

How was the pregnancy? The first trimester was interesting, I was hospitalised at week 8 for dehydration; I couldn’t even look at raw meat without wanting to throw up, it was terrible. The second and third trimester were great, my energy levels were up and it was actually quite relaxing!

“We have created a beautiful little girl” 2015| | 18 Spring 2013 18 Summer

How did the birth go?

I had to have a C Section because Kyle was born that way and I wanted to choose what day she was born. The experience was scarier the second time around as you know what is going to happen. I turned on my side and was injected with 3 needles in my spine that would act as the spinal block that was particularly painful, after that I didn’t really feel anything else and it was pretty quick, 20 minutes later little Amber was born!

How did it feel when you saw her the first time? It’s the most amazing feeling in the world looking at my little girl, she was so calm and relaxed, Daddy was helping me cradle her and we both were in total awe, we instantly fell in love!

“It’s just a feeling of happiness, contentment, deep love, serenity and calm” -Mommy Rachelle


SPECIAL MOMENTS! First appearance of bump:

15 weeks, I started showing much earlier with the second baby. How were the first few weeks at home?

The day we arrived home was actually my birthday! Dad decided to take leave and be at home with me for a week, the first week is all about sleeping, feeding and just being. I didn’t allow visitors as I wanted to “respect her privacy”. This worked out great as Dad and Kyle got to really playd and bond and wrestle and do what boys do.

How did you prepare Kyle for having a younger sibling? During my pregnancy I was worrying about introducing a second child into the family, I got books on how to educate him and get him to “understand” there was a baby in Mommy’s tummy. When Amber was born we decided to buy a present for Kyle from his sister so that whenhe arrived at the hospital, he “held” her with assistance and then got to open his

I wondered if I had enough love in my heart beyond Kyle. As my first born son, he has a top place in my heart, but as my daughter, Amber commands an equally large part. I’m a lucky man. -Daddy Donovan

First kick: I could feeling around 16 weeks, she was moving and kicking around.

First Smile: 8 weeks old First crawl: 7 months and 3 weeks First flight:

11 months old – 22 hours to California Breast feeding or bottle: I breast fed

First word: 8 month old - “Dada” Best moments so far:

Sounds cheesy but anytime I see Kyle and Amber just doing their thing!

Big brother Kyle gets a first look at his chubby little sister, his first thoughts...”she was a fat, big baby. I was happy. I want a brother too.

19 19 | Summer | Spring 2015 2013

Daddy s' Girl

Sky’s the limit with Amber as she soars up high in her flowered embroidered cotton dress and favourite Disney bloomers. It’s always nice being with Daddy.


Spring 2013 |

Starting from the ground up! Amber smiles as she prepares to climb the towering giant that is daddy, for another round of fly high in the sky. | Spring 2013


Hold me tender! Amber showing the men of the world who’s boss! Poor daddy, is that a hug or a choke hold?


Spring 2013 |

Fly my pretty, fly! Amber laughs in glee as daddy hold her tenderly, definitely a daddy girl. | Spring 2013


You can run, but you can’t hide! Kyle Pearman, a bundle of energy in his favourite orange and blue ensemble tries to run away from being centre stage. Almost did it Kyle, almost!


Spring 2013 |

As the sun blazes somewhere far off into the sky, the Pearman family show us what they are made of in a beautiful blue, white and orange ensemble. A ray of sunshine to all they meet. | Spring 2013


Driving around in our automobile!

amber’s 6 month photo shoot

Kyle and Amber’s story profiled rom early on, the Pearman’s travelled a lot. They visited friends, had visitors over to visit them and after four months, Rachelle returned to work. This led to Amber going to the same preschool as Kyle. He was super proud that his sister was going to the same school. He would tell all the teachers and parents, “My sister is upstairs”. It was adorable. This helped their bond deepen and when Amber learnt to talk, christened Kyle, Syle and she eventually became his shadow. Luckily Kyle doesn’t mind. He teaches her all sorts of games and encourages her to be techy like him. He’ll ignore her tantrums and be the first to help her when she is down. Kyle is her rock and is looking forward to the future as a loving brother to his forever miniature sister.



Summer 2015 |

bath time fun

our see aym ! e w n a ca nce m lice

LIKE BROTHER | Summer 2015


How He

Loves Her A few years has passed and Amber still adores her big brother Kyle, the gentleman that to this day is still being called Syle


Summer 2015| | Spring 2013


efinitely a little social butterfly and a little actress, Amber is the key thespian. When Daddy goes away, she says “I miss my Daddy so much” and then does a little sniff and wipes away imaginary tears. She will always tell Kyle and Dad that they are handsome, and to Rachelle? “You look beautiful”. She’ll forever talk about beautiful things, and LOVES make up and nail polish. One day she decided to have some fun and dressed poor Kyle and did his make-up. He took it like a pro and then did her make up as well. She kept dead still and went almost into a catatonic state. It is always awesome watching them play together. | Spring 2013




Welcome to the ultimate gladiatorial combat in the clash of the Titans. In the red corner is Rachelle, the hardest fighter in the house with an undefeated reputation for discipline. In the blue corner, is the underdog Donovan. Seconds out, round one! Who does the discipline? Rachelle: I do most of it as I’m home with the kids. My life revolves around numbers, 3,2,1. If I get to 1, there’s trouble. Donovan: I do time out, take away a toy, grounding or give the odd occasional spank for shock factor.”

Rachelle: Donovan and I try to have the same disciplining hand, it’s not rocket science but consistency is key. However, It’s not always easy to keep it the same. I guess it’s a balancing act. We’re still writing the rules as we go along but it seems to be working. Queen Rachelle wins

“Donovan is often good cop and I’m forced to be bad cop, I’m FIrm but always Fair though!” Who tackles bath time splash down? Rachelle: Donovan has always done bath time in our house while I cook. He spends awesome bonding time with them after a day at work. They wrestle which, of course, gets them totally worked up and excited. Kyle flies past my head in mid throw! It’s fun and games before supper time. I take care of putting them to sleep, which takes forever! King Donovan wins

Birds And Bees...? Who takes this cookie on? Rachelle: Donovan will take care of Kyle, I of Amber. We want them to know first from us before someone at school tells them. We want it to be a beautiful thing, a positive learning experience. I’m thinking at about 7, we will broach the subject. Too early? You wouldn’t believe the questions that kids are asking at that age. Poop time? Rachelle: The one day Donovan picked up and cradled Amber for a while, I was on my way to get a diaper... And she initiated him! Classic! Dry lurches from Dad while tears poured down his face. I cleaned it but had to stop to wipe away the tears of laughter.” Queen Rachelle wins

“Amber will never have a boyfriend. But if she does, he must be exactly like her Dad! I feel so lucky that Amber has such a strong bond with her father. I didn’t grow up with a father so I’m glad she has an amazing male role model.” Tie!

Rachelle flies like a hummingbird and stings like a bee, poor King Donovan!

So there you have it, we have a clear winner! Rachelle romps to the finish line acing the rounds and proving that a firm hand and kind heart are a recipe for success, go Mommy!


REVEALED Amber makes waves

2015 saw the debut of this year’s stunning new face of the fashion world. Amber has modelled for YSL, Miu Miu and ASP along with being on the cover of luxury magazines. Ms Pearman is a very girly girl, wearing dresses and skirts whenever possible. On our left for example, she sports a dapper fuchsia pink and blue stripped skirt that clashes perfectly with her red sleeveless polo. The clashing is exactly on trend and she tops it off with an elegant up do which means that all attention is on her colourful outfit.

As for the other shots, we see her signature piece: The dress. Whether it is bold and printed or simple and wavy, her dresses bring out the golden combination of sass and class. Amber Pearman reminds us all of the power of the wearer beneath. If nothing else, she is a ray of sunshine to all she encounters.

Even in her in her younger years she had those diva qualities we have grown to love! She’s got the model’s pout to perfection and as for the pose... Who knew she could be so pouty!


Summer 2015 |

Who loves pink? We love pink! And look at those sandals! Quirky and fun, Amber shows that you don’t need lots of accessories to create a great outfit... just the signature piece necessary.

Grecian Goddess comes to mind in this flowy number. Amber, in one of her favourite dresses, lets the hair take centre stage with THAT floral headpiece. Style leader in the making. | Summer 2015


Turns3 Baby

Amber’s grandparents share their thoughts on son Donovan’s experience of fatherhood and having Amber bless their lives.


ow did it feel being a grandparent for the first time? It was the most exciting feeling and takes you back to when you became a parent for the first time. For Grandpa it was just a shock because here’s his special son suddenly becoming a dad.... how does he tell him what to do, how to plan? In the end he just said “Babies are a noise one end, and a smell on the other”.


Spring 2013 |

What advice did you I had gone to open the door for a have for your son and friend who was passing through Amber Pearman his wife, before and when Boom! Her tummy was after baby was born? upset and so released all she All I could say as a mom had onto everything. She had to my son was, love her turned herself into a position with every beat of your that everything was rubbed and heart and remember “A father doesn’t show his daughter how to be a lady; he teaches her how a lady must be treated”. spread all over the floor. On top of that, she was laughing How does it feel to see your son respond to being a Father? as well, can you just imagine the mess? Luckily, she enjoyed It’s a heart breaking feeling! Suddenly your baby has a baby the bubble bath afterwards and just played and played with and you now have to stand back and watch all the values and her bubbles. I have to say though, now my visits are so much life lessons you tried to show and teach them, come into play. more fun, because she can talk! She now answers back with Any interesting or funny stories to share from the birth of some witty responses and has the most amazing look on her your grandchild? face when she finds something funny, like when granny had When I saw Amber for the first time, so tiny and in her mom’s a swim in rather cold water... but now it’s making me cry just arms, it ripped my heart out because there was my baby thinking about her around and about here at home. I just love son! She looked just like her father did when he was born. her so much. I’m delighted to witness the wonderful woman Amber holds a very big part of my heart. She was born on my and mother that my daughter Rachelle has become, so proud. birthday. Plus, her great granny had written on a paper prior to her death, a few months before my 5th child was born, the name Amber as a suggestion for me to name my daughter. One of my favourite stories is when Amber stayed over and had a bad tummy. As a gran you try to have as much fun with your little one as possible, so I had her on the floor in the main bedroom on a blanket playing...

Grandma’s Girl

Cherubic Donovan and his mini mE

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ove & Kisses From day one of the news being revealed of the upcoming arrival of Amber. Rachelle and Donovan’s nearest and dearest have showered the Pearman family with love. So without further ado here is some of the love grandparents, aunties, uncles, godparents and friends have sprung fourth for the Pearman’s and little Amber.



Spring 2013 |

Best wishes near and far: From e-mails and texts to cards, messages of love that the Pearman’s cherish. Being so far away from family and friends whilst in LA means the Pearmans know a thing or two about overseas love. | Spring 2013 | Summer 2015



mber’s Paradise What do you get when you cross a little diva with her own room? A haven of pink, cream and fabulosity!



Spring 2013 |

IY Maestro Daddy Donovan took it upon himself to decorate Amber’s little haven. Creating a father and son bonding experience, the two men travelled to the DIY and décor shop and handled everything for her. Kyle played interior designer extraordinaire and is the reason Amber has the cute little “Sweet Dreams” letters draped over her bedding area. He bought her a cushion that says Sweet Little Princess, a gorgeous purple, white and pink rug, a mirror for her changing table with a white frame, beautiful pink sequinned lace curtains and plush little soft toys. The best part about it is that Kyle was involved in putting the whole room together. He would say this is for my sister, while hammering in nails. “I couldn’t have been more proud, he was the perfect big brother. With minimal help from the professionals, everything just fell into place.”


Like Mother Like Daughter; Already a fan of the wardrobe, above we see newborn Amber’s first room, very pink, soft and plush. Her room has evolved as she has grown and she now has a little pink diva corner housing her personal loves and comforts.


| Summer 2015 2013 | Spring

Celebrating the Pearman’s first year in the sunshine city

Amber enjoyed mani’s and pedi’s

mber celebrated her first birthday here in California. It was so cute as she also took her first steps on her earth day. After taking Kyle to school, Amber and I stayed home and we played. I dressed her up, painted her nails and really pampered her. We then collected Kyle from school and I took them both to Laguna Beach. We played and


AMBER TURNS ONE played and Kyle swung his sister, total glee and happiness with every up and down swing. She loved having Kyle push her. Such simple pleasures. We then bought her a small bright purple cake totally covered in pink glitter with a big butterfly placed on top. Still to this day, a butterfly is her favourite thing. We then had a family party on the weekend for her, perfect!

Wet wipes. You can never have too many of these bad boys. I secretly knew this before, but since having a baby, I have learned their true value. I have cleaned little hands and feet, wiped up spills, cleaned surfaces, you name it... I’ve done it!

Amber’s doctor chart/ baby book. Before I started carrying Amber’s chart, I always forgot it at the doctor’s each and every time. Now it just has a permanent place in her baby bag. It has just been a simple thing I’ve done that’s helped me immensely.

Mummy’s Essentials. As much as my baby’s bag is for my baby, I have a smaller bag inside which houses my daily necessities. This includes my makeup, hair products, hand cream, nail file- you name it; if it’s miniature and fits, then it’s going into my own personal survival kit.

Nose Aspirators, or in my house....snot suckers. These babies are a dime a dozen. Keep one in your bag, baby’s room, bathroom, purse, car - wherever you can think to keep one. While they are not the most attractive thing in the world, they sure are handy.

Nappies (or Diapers if you’re across the border!) This is the most obvious choice known to woman! I once received a gift of a bag of three different sizes, I thought to myself.... crazy! Then I too soon realised, they grow so quickly.

W O L L FO ! ! ! ME


Spring Summer 2015|| | Spring 2013 2013



From a tech savvy entrepreneur to Rock and Roll diva, The Pearmans reflect on what this future star will be xposing your kids to as much as possible at a young age hampers their growth and development... Said no one ever! And if it did, we definitely don’t believe in that statement. We believe that within a balanced manner- meaning not piling three activities in one week- is a great way to find out at a young age what they are good at. Kyle has participated in many activities that have built his body and co-ordination. He’s definitely our sporty child. But what we also do is expose him to science and engineering discussions, we motivate him to love science. He will do Lego engineering classes in summer and when he’s older join the Young Entrepreneurs academy and learn to be self sufficient. We want to challenge his mind to be tech savvy, understand the mechanics of business, all in a creative manner that ensures he pushes the envelope and boundaries.


It’s what we’re passionate about and believe fully in driving our kids on that path. Amber is actually quite technical. It’s too soon to tell what she’ll do, and I’m figuring it out still too. But she adores her brother and follows his lead, so I have no doubt she’ll drive a tech savvy career. But as I say that, she’s got a passion for animals and I had a thought she might be a vet. We will see. I just hope that in a world full of choices and options, we can steer our kids to choose something they’re passionate about, but most importantly makes money. Yes, we don’t believe in passion alone. Have dreams and desires and don’t be afraid to push for and don’t stop until you can afford it. Life offers no barriers unless you put it there; but saying that she absolutely adores singing and is always belting out the Frozen sound track, so she may be a singing sensation. Either way, you’re always a rockstar to us Amber! | Spring 2013



Spring 2013 |



Diane Bloemstein March 30 1959

Mark Bloemstein April 9 1954

Maria Pearman October 24 1958

Rachelle Pearman October 27 1980

Donald Pearman March 30 1959

Donavan Pearman November 2 1980

Amber Pearman October 24 2014

Kyle Pearman September 9 2009

Family: Like branches on a tree we all grow in different directions, | Spring 2013 47 but our roots remain as one, the Pearman/Bloemstein lineage, revealed.




Spring 2013 |

Great Grandma’s

Jo’burg arrot Cake C

The Original Diva: A prized picture of the stunning Grandma Lili herselflf

Introducing a family recipe that’s been passed down the generations. Introducing the Pearman Carrot Cake, a generational secret unlike any other. Easy as 1, 2, 3..



Serves 12 250g self-raising flour 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 400g caster sugar 350ml vegetable oil 4 eggs 350g grated carrots 120g chopped walnuts 1 Beetroot 1 zested lemon Cream cheese icing 225g cream cheese 110g margarine, softened 450g icing sugar 120g chopped walnuts 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Bake time: 30min › Ready in:1hr

1 2 3


Preheat the oven to 180 C / Gas 4. Grease two 23cm round cake tins. In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, cinnamon and sugar. Add the oil and eggs, mix until blended, then stir in the carrots and nuts. Add beetroot and lemon zest. Divide the cake mixture evenly between the two prepared tins. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in the preheated oven. A skewer inserted into the cake should come out clean. Cool cakes on wire racks before removing from tins. To make the icing: In a medium bowl, cream together the butter and cream cheese, add the sugar and cream well. Stir in the nuts and vanilla. Use to fill and ice the cooled cake layers. | Spring 2013




The Pearmans would like to thank the It’s My Magazine team Editor: Adriana Acevedo Journalists: Chris Henniker, Olivia Harris, Adriana Acevedo and Rachelle Pearman Creative Director: Paul Izilein Senior Art Director: Anna Ekonomova Associate Designers: Antonio Alonso, Donata Gallo, Adriano Correa, Jasmeet Singh, Yiling Wang & Bryan Gottschalk Beach Photography by: Sheri Wade Photography Editorial Director: Krystle Downie

School’s Out!


SHOES ARE BORING | Spring 2013


Your Bespoke Album Capture the first years of your baby's life


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