It's My Mum's Birthday Life Story Magazine

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Birthday EDITION ONE, JUNE 2017


Evelyn Edition


Beauty at




Stacia McEachron & Evelyn Humphrey



n behalf of the entire family, we are truly delighted to capture and preserve the life and experiences of a beautifully awesome woman, wife, daughter, mother and grandmother, Mrs Evelyn Humphrey. From being a shoulder to cry on in my childhood to a glorified taxi service in my teenage years, she has been no less than a Superwoman in our eyes, and within these pages are many incidences of our memories for her and the different ways she has touched our lives and continues to do so on a daily basis. …So, on this milestone occasion of her eightieth year, we are ecstatic to be able to celebrate an amazing lady, wife and mother who has been exemplary in her example of what a woman should be. I can sincerely say that if I am anything like my mother at eighty, I will be extremely blessed. Mother, you are amazing, you are appreciated and you are loved. Thank you for simply being you.

elebrating our loved one’s lives is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately often we leave it too late to capture those stories from the past. So when we were asked to capture the life of Evelyn Humphrey, we jumped at the chance as she is such a wonderful lady, with a beautiful personality and story. Her wealth of experience and wisdom accumulated throughout her eighty (and counting!) years has been a huge benefit to her family and she has been the backbone of a very close and loving family. We were delighted to be entrusted to creating a small token of their appreciation in the form of this magazine heirloom which to us is a testimony of the love this family have for this fantastic woman. We are so pleased to be here we today, celebrating the life of a fabulous woman 80 years young! We love you Evelyn!

Stacia Mceachron


er hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath. Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step. Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall. Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.

© Maggie Pittman

-Pauline & Krystle, Founders, It’s My Magazine Ltd.

Thank you for being such a great source of love and support for us all, we love you so much xxx




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Pauline Downie Krystle Downie Chante Harris-Donaldson It’s My Magazine Ltd

CONTACT Tel: 0203 086 8982


June 2017 |



ow proud I am to be your daughter, what a great opportunity to reflect back on the woman/mother who didn’t teach me to ‘do as I was told and not as I do…’ but one that led by example. Without you, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today and my love and admiration runs DEEP for you. Love you like the Curry & Roti, Pepperpot & homemade bread, Patties & Rum cake you make, all rolled into one. You have been my perpetual inspiration and strength throughout my entire life. Words cannot express how proud I am of you, at 80 years young, you are the epitome of class and sophistication -so much beauty on the inside and outside and a jolly tough act to follow! I pray God continues to bless you on this journey called life. Stand up in your strength and show the world who you are! Happy birthday Mummy! Love you to the moon and back. - Stacia xx

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Reasons to visit


The lush settings and glorious weather are great reasons to visit Guyana. Tourism is a major contributer to the Guyanese GDP, and the reason is clear - people just keep coming back



THINGS TO DO - From visiting music halls and museums to luxury hotels and fine cuisine spots, there’s never an end to the variety of activities available


If you go to Guyana, you must visit the Kaieteur Falls, a fabulous destination for family holidays, Guyana is a country of vast, often untapped, natural resources. Endowed with extensive savannahs, productive land and forests also nestle mineral rich deposits of gold, bauxite and diamonds


Favorite Guyanese dishes include pepperpot, roti and curry, chow mein, meta gee (dumplings made from cornflour, eddews, yams, cassava and plantains cooked in coconut milk, and cook up, a one-pot meal that can include any favorite meats or vegetables

Moses Veerasammy Nagamootoo is a Guyanese, politician and writer who has been Prime Minister of Guyana since 2015. He is of Tamil Indian ethnicity. Nagamootoo was born in the village of Whim, in the eastern County of Berbice, Guyana. He worked as a teacher and journalist, and later became a lawyer. Describing meeting his wife, Sita the Prime Minister remembers: “I was about 11-years-old and she, I think, was nine. We attended the same school, Scott’s Primary, and from the moment I saw her I was deeply infatuated and that was where it all started. We didn’t see each other until after a long time but my mind and heart remained with her. We eventually got married on May 23, 1971 and it still is one of the best moments of my life.”

GUYANA, Land of water Enjoying the country in all its splendor


elcome to Guyana, referred to as the ‘land of water’, Guyana is known for being the only English-speaking country in South America. Appreciated for its beautiful rainforests, thriving art and exciting culture, Guyana is recognised to Evelyn Humphrey as her original birth place. Born to father Charles Augustue Leonard Frank, (but known to everyone as Leonard) and mother, Geraldine Eldka Frank, (known as Ismay) on Friday the 18th of June 1937, everyone knew she was a special child. Hailing from the area of Mahaica, Guyana’s smallest-sized, but most heavily populated region, Evelyn considers Guyana as being a peaceful, beautiful and warm place to live, despite existing alongside the troublesome mosquitoes. Whilst a small place in size, Guyana has a huge measure of history, with the year of Evelyn’s birth, 1937 is considered one of the country’s greatest historical years (and not just because it gave birth to the

star that became Evelyn). Four months after Evelyn’s arrival, the country saw a visit from Jamaican born, black nationalist, Marcus Garvey. Garvey was a civil rights activist and was an advocate for people coming together, something Evelyn could most definitely relate to as she is the second eldest of twelve children. Growing up in her parent’s two-story home with brothers Ulrick, Keith, Claude, Alvin and Alan and sisters Elieen, Daphne, Herma, Florence, Luleta and Everette meant that she was never lonely nor bored. Despite being the second eldest, Evelyn always oversaw the running of the kitchen (often considered by most Caribbean people to be the heart of the home) alongside managing the rest of the house when her mother was not home. This responsibility infused a lifetime commitment to hard work and sacrifice, particularly for the family. A characteristic Evelyn is most loved and respected for by her nearest and dearest.

77 | June 2017

Back in the Day From a beautiful, hard working Guyanese girl to a trail-blazing traveller to the Motherland, Evelyn has always broken barriers

Lost in the fields Surrounded by lush greenery, brother Ulrick surveys the scenery Left: Evelyn’s uncle Lloyd with his son, Gary

Always ready to pop style An avid fan of beautiful clothes, Evelyn and sister Herma loved to dress alike and attend events


velyn has always respected the bonds that unite family and her own childhood fostered this sense of loyalty and dedication. Having two hard-working parents who owned their own home, and surrounding farmland had a positive influence upon Evelyn and her siblings. Renown for his skills in handiwork, her father Leonard worked hard as a professional carpenter and was known to everyone in the local area. This fame spread as far as the Prime Minister of Guyana, for whom Leonard was chartered to work on one of his projects. It was particularly during these busy times for the family that Evelyn often took on the parenteral role when it came to her



June 2017 |




Is A

QUEENSTOWN ROAD In the year of 1961, at the tender age of 24, Evelyn’s life changed dramatically when she made the big decision to leave Guyana, the only place she knew as home. After the crossing, she arrived in England and settled in Battersea, London. Battersea was a location best known to people in the seventeenth century as being the lead supplier for vegetables, fruit and flowers to local London markets and globally. Many areas had specific specialisms, such as growing lavender on Lavender Hill (a street still known by this name today). Evelyn knew that making the move from Guyana to Queenstown Road, Battersea was a positive thing for her to do as she would be with her husband, Watford Humphrey, whom she had met through her brother Ulrick Frank. Her parents adored him so much, they arranged for them to meet again in the UK.

brother Alan and sister Everette, as she Evelyn proved herself to be a true-born remembers taking them everywhere leader. Living at a time where being a she went whilst out and about on the strong, powerful leader was an outstanding sprawling streets of Guyana. As a child, ideal, particularly as a female, Evelyn Evelyn was described as an obedient aimed to influence many and aspired to young girl with very fussy, particular habits. be a teacher. Someone who would lead Growing up in Guyana in the first half the children in their educational studies of the century amongst and be a huge part of their various racial and social own personal journey to tensions encouraged maturity. Being a teenager Evelyn to appreciate the who did not usually get in actions of inspirational trouble, and obeyed curfews, icons such as Forbes Evelyn was a sociable teen Burnham, a Guyanese and had many friends. Whilst political leader and many Caribbean teenagers at Martin Luther King, an this time loved to compete American civil rights in popular island sports activist, the latter being such as cricket and football, the person Evelyn The only surviving image of Evelyn enjoyed creative considered to be her role Evelyn’s father Lennard Frank kitchen time; experimenting model whilst growing up and embracing and cooking with different fresh spices adulthood. Life as a teenager for Evelyn and home grown ingredients to produce was a busy yet enjoyable time. From traditional flavoursome Guyanese foods overseeing her home when her mother which included Rotis, Meta Gee and was away to ensuring that all of her the country’s delicious national dish, school work was completed; Pepperpot. | June 2017



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June 2017 |

A grandmother’s love; Evelyn posing with the younger generation


To our lovely grandma, Thank you for being a wonderful grandmother. You’ve always been there, taking us to school, nursing us back to health with your traditional remedies and listening to our stories and problems when our parents don’t have the time or patience. We deeply appreciate your constant loving advice. We Love You!!! Meet the kids; The grandkids and greatgrand child lead a tribute to everyone’s favourite (great) grandma

Ruscheyne, Tareyah, Talitha, Jahmel, Daniel, Jovan, Olivia, Isobel and Marcus xxxx

The World


19 37 Evelyn’s Favourite Things... “I love to spend time in the garden looking after my many plants and flowers. Watching the different seasons come and go is so special.” -Evelyns Humphries


Marcus Garvey visited Guyana for the first time this year

“It has to be Martin Luther King and Muhammed Ali as when I was young, I knew everything and anything about them.

June 2017 |

The royal opening of the National Maritime Museum by George VI in 1937

The war between China and Japan commenced

The average life expectancy was 47 years.

Only 20 percent of the homes had a bath door-

Eggs were 10p a dozen

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AGAIN Embracing the spirit of family time

emembering what is described as their “wonderful” childhood, Evelyn would always put her children first, demonstrating her great mothering skills. She loved and disciplined all of her children firmly but fairly. As children, they each knew their luck would only get them so far when it came to being disobedient. Evelyn would threaten them with “licks” (fortunately for them it was a rare occurrence) but they did learn to behave or face the back of her hand or slipper. The house always being beautifully adorned with the latest and fanciest furnishing and ornaments is a vivid memory that will never fade from Ian, Stacia and Darryl’s minds. Despite the fact that their mother didn’t really like going to parties, when they did throw one, it was always a phenomenal affair which had people talking about her infamous delicious food days later.


Evelyn’s greatest piece of advice she has ever given her children when it comes to love is to “marry with your head, not your heart.” Ever pragmatic, her next piece of advice is to always “be independent.” Like mother like daughter is the ideal adage to describe Evelyn and Stacia close relationship. Evelyn instilled in her daughter the seeds of ambition and dedication, thus Stacia was encouraged to have it all if she wanted, motherhood and having a career of her own. Just like her mother, she worked hard to achieve her dreams and is now a mother of two beautiful children with a career that she loves.

| June 2017





other, those gentle words of encouragement and guidance have always been there, telling me that ‘It’s never too late to believe in yourself ’, always letting me know that you ‘want your daughter to believe deep in her hear t that she can achieve anything she puts her mind to’ and meaning it, just like you did.


June 2017 |

With each achievement large or small, you demonstrate to us just how brave you are, like when you were the first of your siblings to bravely leave your parents’ home to start a new life in a new country with your husband, studying and passing your nursing exams with a young family and everything against you, or being the first in the family to learn to drive a car and pass your test on the first attempt. Through hard work and dedication you saved up to buy your own house even when things were tight, and always, always had your children wellpresented when leaving the home. What a supreme role model. We love you xxx | June 2017



have the greatest admiration and respect for a wonderful woman and mother who has put us above all else




From reckless teenage years to settled family life, introducing... eldest son Ian


hank you... For standing by me through thick and thin For not giving up on me, when I didn’t win For your patience, when I kept pushing you away For caring when I said I didn’t need you anyway

I am lucky because... When I was sad, you gave me faith and hope When I was confused, you taught me how to cope When I felt I couldn’t go on, you carried me long miles When I didn’t believe, it was you who restored my smiles

I am grateful knowing... I can count on your strength Ask for your support, and know you’ll go to any length When I lose my way You help me get back on track When in pain your comfort soothes & brings me back

Mum, thank you For your guidance and the faith you’ve shown, For giving me a safe place where I have grown, For showing me how to strive, and because of your love I will survive. Love you xx


Grandfather with style; Father of three oldest son Ian is grandfather to Tareyah Far right: Ian and his wife Ella

Nicole’s final preparations whilst the proud Mother of the Bride looks on.

A Son’sLove A mother’s love can never be beaten, Darryl shares his thoughts about this amazing, wonderful woman


ou’ve reached a wonderful milestone. You’ve arrived! Finally you can wield that title you have been so desperate to use “Octogenarian!” At last, people will scurry away from their bus seats to make way for you! Finally, queues at the supermarket will dissolve to let you progress to the front! Strapping young men will hurry to your side to carry your bags, and little babies that you remember from when they were born will be presenting you with their own children to bless! This is it! You are officially in The Eighty Years Young Club!

could possibly ask for. They are all desperate just to spend a few hours, a few days with you, wherever you go. That, dear Mum, is a sign of a cherished, well-lived life. As a mother, you’re an unequalled role model. As a big sister, you’re the epitome of level and fair. As a grandmother, you’re the definition of spoiling the grandkids. As an auntie, you’re always their favourite. As a friend, you’re constantly listening, endlessly positive. And as a woman you’re healthy, wealthy and wise.

God has blessed you with so many gifts, and I am so honoured to be your son. Thank you for all of On top of it all, you still look - and act - like the blessings that you have passed on to me, and somebody half your age! You have a busier social now on to my family. We wouldn’t be anything calendar than most forty year-olds. You’re in the gym every week. You have a wall of fancy designer without what you have given us. So we will always and forever thank you for the times spent with shoes that Imelda Marcos would covet. Your annual jet-set and luxury cruises to far-flung exotic you, lessons learned from you, hardships and sufferings that you have pulled us through, kind islands sound like tales from a travel writer’s words you have shared, energy you have freely journal. Plus, your glamorous walk-in closet is straight out of ‘Dynasty’. This is something straight given, love you have bestowed. You are the true meaning of a loving mother. out of “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”!


But enough with the high-life. The best thing about all of this well-deserved living it up is that you have the biggest, bubbliest, most loving, most fun, most diverse, most dispersed, loudest family you

Thank-you, Mum. Enjoy your 80th birthday. May God continue to bless you with health, wealth, and wisdom. Love, Darryl xxx


Timelessly elegant throughout the ages; Left: Evelyn as a young woman enjoys a reflective moment in the park Below: Evelyn glammed up and ready to be papped Bottom right: Fabulous Evelyn enjoying a night out with friends and family

HA PP YB IRT HD AY MU M! s life is never entirely a bed of roses, growing older is not without its difficulties. Evelyn often wishes she could go back to her wild, young and free teenage years in Guyana as “being old is cruel.” Fortunately, Evelyn has nothing to worry about as she is loved and cherished by all of her beloved family and they are all there in full effect to support her as she approaches her golden years.


Strong trees emerge from humble roots


oncentrating on her health and family (especially her grandchildren) whom she adores greatly, if given the opportunity to meet anyone alive or dead, Evelyn would treasure a moment with her parents one more time, as well as have her siblings all together in one place at the same time. A dream of Evelyn’s would be to go on a family cruise with all her brothers and sisters and their families if she won on the lotto. She would also love to buy her own town, which would have big houses for each of her children, siblings and all of their descendants. Being a caring grandmother is something that comes naturally to Evelyn and her greatest wish is to see all of her grandchildren succeed and lead happy lives. Having centred her world around her family, her proudest moments has been seeing her children get married and start their own families. For Evelyn, the birth of grandchildren is a huge blessing and she describes the best thing about getting older is that she is around to see their achievements and milestones as they develop too.






Mother dearest; Evelyn giving Stacia and Danny her blessings on their wedding day

Safari Rocks; Right: The young couple pose in on trend 1970’s outfits. Below: A cream leather wrist-watch never fails to impress. Simplistic beauty

Get the

Look Setting trends for the last 80 years, see how this fashionista rocks safari

Safari magic; Above: A modern day take on Evelyn’s stylish safari dress Right: Seventies inspired sunglasses can be easily found on the high street

Final touches; Top right: Seventies special- dark lipsticks and eyeliners really bring Evelyn’s look to life. Left: Chunky heeled strappy sandles in orange and various shades of brown will set off any summer outfit



Changing perspectives and development of self


fter a transitional period, Evelyn and Witford went their separate way on good terms, determined to successfully co-parent. Evelyn remembers this as being a difficult event that she wasn’t ecstatic about sharing. Being open and telling her mother about the situation was particularly challenging for Evelyn. However, being the strong, honest woman she is, Evelyn flew back to Guyana to break the news to her face-to-face. As part of her testimonial having emerged stronger and more positive, her relationship with God contributed largely to her healing. A top tip for a healthy, fulfilled life according to Evelyn is to simply trust in God, be happy and try your all in life, as you only get one. The biggest principle she would want her great grandchildren to know.

Mummy knows best; Evelyn shared a close and loving relationship with her mother, who has always been there, particularly in times of need


June 2017 |

Wedding day bliss; The family are out in force, Evelyn, her mother, brother Ulrick, siblings and a cute Stacia in full Flower girl regalia Below: Evelyn’s brothers

Seventies flair; The family pose in their nifty outfits in the streets of fashionable seventies London Above: Youngest of the brood, Evelyn’s sister Everette weds

Do you remember the platform shoe?

Family Ties The Importance of Family & Friendship


You’ve got a friend; Above & top right: Evelyn’s long term bestie Jenny bike riding anad enjoying a cocktail on a night out Bottom right: Evelyn’s brother Ulrick and Stacia enjoy a moment

ime passes so quickly, there’s no time to waste. Spend time with your family, don’t hesitate. As you never know if tomorrow will come, Show your love to all, and not just to some. You never know the impact that you will make, so make sure your actions are real and not fake. If tomorrow comes and your loved ones are gone, Your life is in despair and you’re left all alone. It’s regrets you’ll feel with a broken heart. You’ll say ‘God if I could have just one more start’! But time that is lost can never again be found There’s only quietnessno more laughter or sound. So use wisely the time in which you’ve been given Don’t be wastefuland make sure that you are living. Your family is a precious gift from the Lord, Always show them love and don’t strike them with a sword No human is perfect for we all make mistakes, we must learn forgiveness before it’s to late If love we freely give, then love we’ll freely get And when it’s heaven time, we’ll be ready you can bet! -Pamela O. Rucker | June 2017


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Having a great time at a family event

Unmistakable 80’s fashion

Ha ve ppy 8 ry 0 bes th, w tha ish ppy ing bir yo thd u ay !

Mum at Ian’s wedding, at the center which is where we like her to be. Mum looking great in lilac

Sh ar ing










From the originals to the next generation, Evelyn’s family continue to grow and florish

June 2017 |

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Ian, D grow arryl a nd S ing u ta 1970’s p sn azzy cia in th e










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