Women of Destiny Magazine

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Destiny CONFERENCE 2017



Women of



ear Women of Destiny, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our Annual Women’s Conference, Thursday 21 September to Sunday 24 September 2017. It is my prayer that this will be a time of refreshing fellowship, reflection and restoration. Our theme is ‘Refiner’s Fire’ Malachi 3:2-3. Malachi was called to perform a difficult and dangerous task. It was his responsibility to rebuke the people for the sins they were committing against God and against each other and to call on them to return to the Lord. Malachi in his time faced a faltering economy, defilement of the priesthood, oppression of the poor, lack of support for the temple and a general disdain of religion. It was a low time spiritually in Judah and they needed to hear a word from God. We face similar conditions today within our society. Malachi emphasised the name of God, which reminds us that God wants His name to be known throughout the nations. God’s name refers to His character and His reputation. May we come to the place where we present to God our ‘all’ and allow Him to work in our life so that we will reflect His image when the refining process in our life is complete. With much love in Christ.

Rosemary Taylor



Pastor Rosemary Taylor

REFINER’S FIRE He sits by the fire And puts the metal within In the centre of the heat The process begins His eyes watch closely As the impurities go Retaining the worth Of the silver to show Not a moment too long Or the heat will destroy it Full attention He gives So this is avoided When the silver is ready The silversmith knows… For it is The Refiner’s image In the silver that Glows! Psalm 12:6 The words and promises of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an earthen furnace, Purified seven times over. By Lorna Handy


04 Women of Influence, The Speakers 06 Faithful Warrior 08 Refiner’s Fire 09 Achieving My Dream Career 10 Youth Trip 2017 12 Mission to Africa 14 By His Grace 17 Refine Your Mind 18 God is in Control 20 Becoming a Doctor Despite The Odds

Price £12.00 Also available to download on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon

Worldwide Mission Fellowship Info@wwmf.org www.@wwmf.org Tel: 020 8761 3164

Women of Influence


Carol Noel

Hermana Theodora Viljoen

Soul Harvester

Guide at Magdala

arol Noel was born in South Africa and raised as a Catholic. She is the fourth eldest of nine children: seven boys and two girls. On Good Friday in 2007, God arrested Carol’s soul and her life took a 360 degree turn. She was set free and delivered instantly from all sin. Carol is now a member of a Gospel Ministry Group named Soul Harvester. They travel to many nations as well as within her homeland South Africa, spreading the good news of The Lord in song and has seen many souls come to know the Lord. She thanks God and is humbled at his handy work and Grace in her life. Carol says “I will not stop sharing my testimony wherever I go!”




ermana Theodora Viljoen was born and raised in South Africa. Having trained and worked as a high school teacher for many years, her love of youth and learning has never waned. Hermana met Pastor Dennis, Pastor Rosemary and a group of young people from WWMF at Mary Magdalene’s home town on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Hermana acts as a guide at Magdala and coordinates a virtual (online) House of Prayer from there. One of Hermana’s greatest joys is to see what God is doing in Israel. She is a firsthand witness of peace between Jewish and Arab believers in Jesus, and she often helps to prepare brides for their weddings.

Introducing The Conference Speakers

Pastor Desiree Ratter

Pastor Rosemary Taylor

Durban Christian Centre

Worldwide Mission Fellowship

esiree Ratter is all the way from the sunny city of Durban, South Africa. She has been married to Pastor Neville Ratter for 37 amazing years and they have been serving God together for 38 years and counting.

osemary Taylor has been a pastor with Worldwide Mission Fellowship for 30 years. She is an internationally respected keynote speaker ministering in churches, conferences and conventions in 46 nations spanning five continents. Rosemary preached her first message at the age of fifteen.


They are blessed with four beautiful children (three girls and one boy) and seven beautiful grandchildren (six boys and one girl) who are all wonderfully saved and serving God. Pastors Desiree and Neville have been in Pastoral ministry for over 15 years. Pastor Desiree is currently involved in the Women’s Ministry and oversees several life groups and leads their area in the community of Wentworth, under the leadership of Pastors Johnny and Patrica Globber at Durban Christian Centre.


Before being called in to the ministry, she trained as a secondary school teacher. God has given her the unique ability of communicating biblical truths to all ages. She possesses a holy boldness as well as a compassionate heart, which shines through her ministry as she invites and challenges those who hear her to enter into a deeper, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.



Anita Greenidge as a young lady



nita Greenidge (nee Clarke) began her life’s journey with the Lord Jesus Christ at the tender age of ten on the sunny island of Barbados. Little did she know as she boarded the BOAC jet propelled flight departing from Barbados’ Seawell airport destined for London’s Heathrow airport with her daughter Rosemary, a two and a half year old toddler, and Dennis a 13 months babe in arms, that she was beginning the adventure of a lifetime, which is still ongoing to this day. It was Anita’s intention to join her husband Dennis who had emigrated to England to work for London Transport. However, this was a move that has resulted in sixty years of ministry in England and has also taken her to the nations across the world. When we commit our life entirely to the Lord, there is no telling what God has in store for us. This has been a walk of total faith, trusting in the promises of God and standing relentlessly on His Word. Over the years, Anita has experienced hardships and triumphs, defeats and victories but the Lord has brought her out triumphantly shouting the victory. Her motto for life is “When God is blessing, the devil is messing but we have to keep on pressing!”



The Lord had miraculously made a way for her and her children to join Dennis. Having been active in their home church in Barbados, it was only natural for them to seek fellowship with other christians upon arriving in London. This led them to The International Evangelistic Fellowship, a little church located in the basement of 23 Dulwich Road, Herne Hill. This was a hub for people of many nations to meet and have fellowship and Dennis became an assistant pastor. Whilst in this fellowship, Dennis felt the call of God into full time ministry and his heart’s desire was to take the good news of the Gospel to the nations of the world. Anita challenged him to make sure that this truly was the call from God and not some fanciful idea where he would be walking around with a big bible in a brief case doing absolutely nothing other than wasting everyone‘s time. This was a very common occurrence at the time. This led Dennis to fervently go into prayer and fasting to seek God’s will and direction for his life. Anita encouraged him that if this was truly God speaking to him and calling him into the ministry, then she would stand by him one hundred percent and release him to fulfil the call of God upon his life. God not only confirmed to Dennis that this was truly of Him, but the Lord also sent two missionaries one from

Canada and the other from South Africa whom he had never met before. Neither knew anything about him, yet God used them with a word of knowledge to confirm all that God had told him. Dennis launched out in faith having no organisation to support him or the family. God proved himself faithful and to be the God that supplies all our needs. With the anointing power of the Holy Spirit, Dennis took the nations by storm preaching the Gospel with signs and wonders following. He became known in Scandinavia as ‘The tornado from Barbados.’ In the early days whilst Dennis was traveling abroad sometimes nine months at a time preaching the Word of God, Anita remained at home taking care of the children and providing an open home where people could come for prayer and fellowship. The Lord laid it on her heart that whilst Dennis was travelling, there should also be a church home base. They were now worshiping in a small wooden building on Sundays at Martell Road, West Norwood, which they had certainly out grown. Dennis would often return home with mission films he had taken on his mission trips and report back what God was doing by showing the congregation the films. People from other churches would join them as it was so exciting

“When God is blessing, the devil is messing, but we have to keep on pressing!” to see the great things God was doing. For other churches who were not so proactive in mission work at the time, especially amongst the black-led churches, this was somewhat ground-breaking work. One particular morning, Anita awoke determined to find a building in West Norwood that she could hire to show a film of Dennis’ recent mission trip to Haiti. The Lord led her to go to the vicar of St. Luke’s Church, who at that time was the Revd John Carroll, to ask if she could have the use of one of their buildings for the showing of the mission film. Led by the Holy Spirit, she rang the doorbell of the vicarage. Revd John Carroll opened the door, he was preparing for a funeral service and was quite hurried, however, he gave her a few minutes to speak with him. Anita ‘cut straight to the chase’ with a boldness inspired by the Holy Spirit. Anita told him that he had buildings and no people and that she had people and no building. Anita then went on to explain that God loved us all and how God could use him to help to show the mission film by allowing her to use the church building he had; which was being used at the time as the St. Luke’s primary school dinner hall. As Anita shared her heart, Revd Carroll was challenged, Anita even felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask him to sell the building. He told her the building was not for sale but that he would give her a letter to take to the school caretaker giving him permission to give her the keys so that she could use the hall for the Saturday evening. Taking a few members from the church with her, Anita went to clean the hall and set it up for the mission film service. As they cleaned and set out the chairs they began to pray and claim the building for their regular place of worship. Many years before it had been built as a church, in fact it was built in 1897 and dedicated as a place of worship for the glory of God. When we step out in faith, doors are opened for God to do the miraculous! The film was a great success, many were challenged and blessed by what they saw God doing in Haiti. Little did people know that God was about to do something wonderful for us here in London.

The Greenidge family in the 1970’s

The Lord was using as an instrument a woman who was willing to take a step of faith. A few weeks later a telephone call was received from Revd Carroll informing Dennis and Anita that the church committee had decided to sell St. Paul’s Hall as they needed money urgently and offered them the opportunity to purchase it. With only fifty pounds in the bank they agreed to purchase the building. This seemed like a great mountain to climb, but with God all things are possible. With the help of members and friends at home and abroad, the building was purchased by cash. Today the building stands as the Worldwide Mission Fellowship home church to the glory of God. We truly thank God for the way He used His servant whom we fondly refer to as ‘Mother Greenidge’ as an instrument in His hands to be the cofounder with her late husband the Reverend Dr Dennis Greenidge of this ministry.

Mother Greenidge today

Books can be written of her life’s walk with the Lord, of how He has used her in ministry and proven Himself to be ‘yesterday, today and forever the same.’

- Article by Rosemary Taylor





2. “But who will be able to endure it when he comes? Who will be able to stand and face him when he appears? For he will be like a blazing fire that refines metal, or a strong soap that bleaches clothes. 3. He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross” - Malachi 3:2-3 NLT3

magine the scene… A malaise had set over Israel because the fulfilment of the dream had not yet been materialised. Their land was small, they could not see the glorious future prophesied by previous prophets such as Haggai and Zechariah, and the majesty and power to exalt them among the nations was still distant. They began to doubt God’s covenant love, they did not trust in his justice and they became pessimistic of what the future held for them. As a result, their worship became corrupted as a mere process to be followed and they no longer took the law seriously. So, God chose Malachi to bring them a message in the form of an announcement and a warning.

The reference to the launderer’s soap helps us to connect with the cleansing process at a personal level. In using this type of soap, the intention is to eradicate all stains caused by impurities. This soap consisted of an active ingredient known as ‘lye’ which is caustic and very effective in removing stains to produce bright, white clothing. When Christ returns, He will cleanse the world of all impurities once and for all. Today, this is a call to holiness, to be separated from the impurities of the world around and within us, to create a cleansed temple.s, enjoy the ride and have a blast. Happy Birthday! - Mum x

“I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people” (2 Cor 6:16)

“The Lord you seek will come like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap” To refine is to remove impurities, to separate the metal from anything that would de-value it. In the process of refining, the heat is intense but it’s purpose is to destroy the dross. At the same time, the refiner must be vigilant, keeping a watchful eye during the process to ensure that the quality of the product is protected and retained, always. In much the same way, when we are going through challenging or perilous times, this is God’s way of taking us through the refining process to ultimately purify us and get us closer to Him. However, as we go through the process, we are not alone. Just as the refiner sits and keep a vigilant watch over the fire and the silver until he sees his reflection, so is God’s eyes steadily on us, shaping and purifying us so that His image may be seen in us.

What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God.



- Article by Denise Meade-Hill

Venues WWMF Main Sanctuary 61-65 Elder Road, West Norwood, London SE27 9NB Virgo Fidelis School 147 Central Hill Upper Norwood, London SE19 1RS Dates and Times Thursday 21st - Sunday 24th September 2017 Morning Seminars 10:00am – 13:00pm WWMF Main Sanctuary Evening Service 7.00pm – 9.30pm WWMF Main Sanctuary WOD Dinner Saturday 23rd 6.00pm – 9.30pm WWMF Main Sanctuary

Sunday Morning Service 24th September 11.00am – 1.30pm Virgo Fidelis School Evening Service 7.00pm – 9.30pm WWMF Main Sanctuary

What God has done for me... Achieving My Dream Career By Dr Danielle Scott


had worked with children and young people with special educational needs within different educational settings for many years. During this time I became increasingly aware of the injustice and the difficulties that many of these children had faced within the education system. It became apparent to me that I needed to find a role within education, which would enable me to implement positive change for those who seemed to be marginalised. It was at this point that l decided that I wanted to train as an Educational Psychologist. On reflection, I was focused as a young person. I ensured I worked hard to get the needed grades, sought guidance and voluntary roles to gain the relevant experiences to pursue this role. However, in 2008 after graduating from my undergraduate psychology degree, at the age of 23 I married my husband Chris Scott. Chris recognised that I still had a passion and a burden in my heart for children with disabilities and special educational needs. In 2010 my husband encouraged me to apply for a doctorate in Educational Psychology to enable me to practice as a psychologist. After going through a competitive and rigorous interview process, out of 200 candidates I was offered a fully funded place on the course to start with twelve other students at the Institute of Education, University College London. I felt privileged and grateful to God to have received this opportunity. However, at the same time of accepting my place on this course I also received the wonderful news that I was pregnant with my first child. Realistically I knew it would have been difficult to start the doctorate with a newborn baby and after some time I decided to give up my place on the course. Consequently, I met with the director of the course and informed her of this news. The director told me that she respected my honesty and she was very impressed with my interview.

At the end of this meeting she had promised me that even though she had not done this before, she felt the need to reserve a place for me on the course for the next academic year. The director had fulfilled her promise and allowed me to enrol on the course the following year. In 2015 I had completed my doctorate by the help and grace of God also with the support and prayers of Rev Taylor, Mother Greenidge, my parents, husband and friends. I am now practising as a chartered Educational Psychologist, and it is continually my heart’s desire for God to use me within my local community and within the education system for his glory. I believe that God has called all of us to be a witness within our workplaces and communities, which is shown in His Word.

The wedding day of Chris and Danielle

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4

FINAL THOUGHTS “I believe that God has called all of us to be a witness within our workplaces and communities, which is demonstrated in His Word: I also believe that God wants us to remain humble, so we can be used in positions of influence to be able to bring about change not only within our community, but within the nation.”

- Article by Dr Danielle Scott Chris and Danielle Scott with their family WOMEN OF DESTINY| SEPTEMBER 2017


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Nineteen young people from Worldwide Mission Fellowship embarked on a life transforming trip to Israel. Departing London Heathrow on the 19 July 2017 the group remained in Israel until 25 July 2017. Prior to their trip the young people had an exciting, fun filled time, even though at times it may have felt like sheer hard work for some of them, raising funds to help with the cost of their trip.

It wasTHURSDAY an awesome4TH experience to be2014 in theEDITION 1 SEPTEMBER Holy Land, walking where Jesus had walked and visiting Biblical sites which brought the Bible to life. Sites such as The Mount of Olives, The Garden tomb, Caiaphas’House, The Caves of Ein Gedi, The Dead Sea, The Sea of Galilee and Magdala. Here are photos and comments from a few of the young people.

In the midst of a crisis, the Lord shows us his peace using the youth as his instruments Lee: “After speaking to other members of the church who had already gone to Israel, I realised that every time they went, they learnt something new, whether that was physically, emotionally or spiritually. I too wanted to have this experience (which I did) and to have an experience with God. God is everywhere, but to be in His presence in the Holy Land, makes it even more special. Visiting places like the Dead Sea and Galilee, where we took a boat ride, are all memories I will cherish, but the place that sticks out the most was Magdala: as when the group all started singing, it was very special. To sum up, I would say it was a lovely experience and I thank God for allowing me to go. I feel like I not only understand God more, but Bible stories too. I would encourage anyone and everyone to go and experience Israel’s many blessings”.



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Samantha: “I wanted to go to Israel to experience what it meant to be in God’s Holy Land and to understand the importance of it. The young men went last year and what they described Israel to be made me want to experience it for myself. It was all in God’s timing. I wanted to gain more knowledge and also see the wonders of God’s creation. Also, as this would have been my first time abroad what better place to be than in God’s Chosen Land of Israel?”

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Michelle: I wanted to go to Israel to sightsee within the Promised land, but also to have fellowship with [the church’s youth group] Chosen. The main thing that attracted me to visit Israel is the fact that it is God’s Chosen Land. Some of the sites we visited were: The Dead Sea, Genesis Land and Nazareth. The best place for me was when we went to Magdala- an area associated with Mary Magdalene. It is also one of the places where Jesus expressed equality for women, which was unheard of in society at that time. This place touched me personally, because it demonstrated how much God loved, and still loves, his daughters. I think how he healed, encouraged, and loved a broken woman was particularly special.







his June, I joined a group of law students and legal professionals on a Justice Mission to East Africa. The heart of this mission was two-fold evangelism and social action working hand in hand. As a Christian, I always understood the call to evangelise to the lost ‘Go you into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’ (Mark 16:15), but I often sought ways to combine my faith in God with my legal skills. Leading up to the mission, I began to understand that justice is central to God’s character ‘…all His ways are just’ (Deuteronomy 32:3); and that there is a call to pursue justice ‘Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the cause of the widow.’ (Isaiah 1:15b-17). These scriptures formed the bedrock to our threeweek mission to Rwanda and Uganda.


Our mission commenced in Rwanda, a country best known for the genocide in 1994. We visited two memorial sites and journeyed in time through the events leading up to the mass slaughter of Tutsis by extreme Hutus. The skeletal remains of these precious lives have been preserved, but we learnt that bodies are still being unearthed to this day. We also met genocide survivors who shared their miraculous stories of survival because of a compassionate few who opened their doors while the genocide plagued Rwanda. I­n the midst of such brutality, I saw strands of God’s grace and love manifested in those who willingly risked their lives for their fellow man. I left incredibly moved and challenged, firstly to be someone who practically shows love to my neighbour, despite the risk, and secondly, to consider what part I can play to support Rwanda as it strives to rebuild its country post-genocide. As a team, we spent time in fellowship with Christian law students and helped conduct a conference with the Lawyers of Hope, a Christian Non-Government Organisation (NGO) seeking justice




Priscilla Deodat

for the most vulnerable and needy in Rwanda. These conferences seek to encourage Christian law students to live out their faith in the legal field and endeavours to equip the next generation of legal professionals handling justice issues. I partnered with my friend Angela and spoke about being a Christian in the workplace with a short Bible teaching from the book of Daniel. A particular highlight from the conference was joining our Rwandan brothers and sisters in spontaneous and extravagant worship - they taught us some of their songs and amazing dance moves! It really brought home that, although we may be from two different parts of the world, we are one in Christ and together can work in partnership to advance the gospel and seek justice. We journeyed from Rwanda’s capital Kigali to Nyamagabe, a southern district where we encountered increased deprivation and poverty. Here the team conducted child rights training to the community, specifically looking at the right to education, the importance of child registration and the illegality of child labour and sexual exploitation. These are all prevalent issues in Rwanda, but the training seeks to educate the community so that abuse is prevented and children are protected. The training was a success and we received encouraging feedback that the community went away with an increased understanding of child rights. I learnt something important here – despite our lack of experience and expertise, God can really use us. We just need to be available and willing to be part of His great work.

Uganda is famously known as the ‘Pearl of Africa’ and it isn’t difficult to see why. As we said goodbye to Rwanda and embarked on an 11-hour bus journey to Uganda, I sat in awe by the country’s breath taking mountains, spectacular greenery and amazing wildlife. Africa is beautiful – but there are serious undertones of bribery and corruption that damages the fabric of this country. Whilst visiting many government institutions, I was overwhelmed by the scale of corruption, the harrowing state of prisons and the ill treatment of prisoners, but I also felt encouraged and inspired to meet Christian professionals who are working together to combat injustice and are making a huge difference in people’s lives. A particular highlight in Uganda was visiting a children’s remand home. This is an interim home for children whose cases are being tried in court but it also houses run-away children. The team spoke about a child’s rights in the remand home, in custody and during the court process. Some of these children do not have lawyers and will need to represent themselves in court, so this information was essential. Whilst visiting remand homes across East Africa, we shared our legal knowledge, gave gifts to help improve living conditions and shared the gospel message. This was a wonderful example of evangelism and social action working hand in hand.

Worshipping with the students

“I partnered again with my friend Angela and spoke a word of encouragement on the importance of prayer, perseverance and holding on to God’s promises”

KENYA Our final stop was Kenya where we visited Kisumu, Eldoret and Nairobi. Kenya felt like a stark contrast to Uganda and Rwanda with its sky scrapers and bustling commercial activity, but again there were undertones of corruption and injustice. We spent time at a local women’s maximum security prison and several remand homes, but my highlight was visiting a Christian run children’s home. I felt compassion and empathy for these young children, which, on refection possibly came from my own challenging upbringing. I partnered again with my friend Angela and spoke a word of encouragement on the importance of prayer, perseverance and holding on to God’s promises. I also shared some of my testimony and had the privilege of preaching the gospel message. Leaving the children’s home that day, I understood that our hardships in life, difficult as they may be, enable us to empathise with the broken and reach the lost.

FINAL THOUGHTS ABOVE : Priscilla Deodat with the team. BELOW: Worship and praise

And He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2

It was a wonderful privilege to serve God overseas and combine my interest in law with my love for God’s Word. Missions are for everyone who has something to offer. My conviction is that whatever we have, we should freely give to God. It may seem small, but God has an amazing way of using the small things in life to show forth His glory. Consider the few loaves and fishes that fed the thousands (John 6:1-14). A little becomes a lot when put in the hands of Jesus, and He not only multiplies, He produces an overflow! We can all work together in partnership to advance the gospel and bring about real change in people’s lives.

- Article by Priscilla Deodat


BOOKSHOP For the perfect gift or resource for your spiritual and personal needs Resources available: Books, Bibles, CD’s, DVD’s, Craft items for gifts, special occasion greeting cards and more.

Please come and visit us after the Sunday morning service At:Virgo Fidelis 147 Central Hill, Upper Norwood, London SE19 1RS call 020 87613164 for more information



What God Has Done For Me... By His Grace By Pauline Richards


ll praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others when they are troubled and enable us to offer the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 As I look back over the months since my husband Dennis passed away, it is only God’s abundant love, grace and mercy that has taken me through such a sudden loss. His words are alive and true. He is my comforter and has not left nor forsaken me. When I was afraid, He told me not to fear. He has been my ever-present help in times of trouble and I thank Him for His grace which has been sufficient for me and His peace which is unexplainable. I give Him all the honour, glory and praise. He is a faithful God. Deuteronomy 7:9 My life changed forever on 20th March 2011, the day God saved me and when I began my spiritual journey in Christ Jesus by faith. However, every walk of faith must be tested and little did I know that on 2nd January 2017, I was about to face one of the greatest tests of faith in my life. The day began like any other normal day, filled with laughter and chatter and with Dennis and I reflecting on how thankful we were to see another year, only by God’s grace and mercy. “Little did I know that within a few hours of that conversation, my precious husband was going to die in my arms in our home.”



We acknowledged the five amazing years of marriage we had shared. We had just completed a long and often frustrating renovation and had finally settled back into the same house we shared before we gave our lives to Christ Jesus. Much of the conversation was spent speaking about the previous New Year’s Eve service at church. We had been informed that 2017 was the year of Victory! I remember declaring this, ‘The year of Victory!’ I was filled with so much excitement! However, Dennis said in a very gentle voice, “Babe, remember you can’t have the victory without the battle”. After he had spoken, I shifted in my chair thinking ‘That’s right, I hadn’t thought about that’. Little did I know that within a few hours of that conversation, my precious husband would die in my arms, in our home. The overwhelming shock of Dennis’s unexpected passing is not something I can ever truly express in words. It was a feeling that sat deep down inside the pit of my stomach and which no amount of comforting words, support or gentle hugs can take away. I was unable to control the total shutdown of my body, unable to eat even a teaspoon of food. I experienced numbness, disbelief and shock which was repeated over and over again every day when I awoke, each time hoping that I was dreaming. In addition to this was the onset of anxiety attacks which made my heart pound as if it was coming out of my chest. Many nights I thought I was going to die. One night I remember putting my hands on my chest and saying; “Peace be still! It worked that night. Although this still happens, instead of being in a place of complete panic and fear, I reject this along with the doubt that threatens to overtake me and begin to mediate on God’s Word: Psalms 63:6.

Dennis, A precious gift from God

On reflection, I realise these were the times when I had the greatest sense of God’s presence in my life. I truly discovered His amazing love, power and grace towards me, something we only learn about in those dark times. On the night that Dennis died, the journey home from the hospital was the worst night of my life! I experienced one of the greatest fights of my life. I encountered the spirit of death and the weight of darkness literally weighing me down whilst squeezing the life out of me. This was the first time I had experienced this. I truly believed I was going to die myself, but I knew that a mighty battle had begun in the spiritual realm. A part of me wanted to run away screaming! Never to enter my house again, let alone engage in spiritual warfare. I remember repeatedly saying, ‘No weapon! No weapon! Satan - you are defeated, you have NO power!!’ I knew that unless I believed and trusted in God, the battle for my own soul would have been lost and the devil would have killed me! I walked through the front door completely drained of any physical and mental strength and just collapsed. I’ve got you”.

When I awoke I could feel the overwhelming spirit of grief resting on me. I was in a place of complete confusion and felt helpless, my mind was racing erratically trying to understand what had happened. I screamed out to God, Why? Why? Why? At that moment, I heard God say to me over and over again in a still quiet voice “Pauline I’ve got you, I’ve got you, I’ve got you”. I could hear myself repeating it again and again. I recalled looking at my dresser. In front of me was the Christmas card Dennis had given me - with the words, “I love you with all my heart, let Jesus continue to be your light!” As I read this I broke down, thinking did Dennis know that God was going to call him home? I don’t have the answer, what I do know is that those words have carried me through the darkest times. The next morning I had an appointment with my GP and after a brief chat he prescribed anti-depressants. I took the prescription home and sat looking at them. I wanted something that would take away the physical and mental emotion that was trying to engulf me. I knew however that if I took the antidepressants that my GP had prescribed, this would be a road of no return. So in a quiet prayer, I presented them before God knowing that as I trusted Him for each day of my life He would help me. As I did so I heard His voice saying, “My grace is sufficient for you, my strength is made perfect in your weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9. That was the first moment that I felt a sense of peace. I could feel God’s presence with me. I knew he was holding me in His arms. It’s a feeling I will never forget. I knew from that day on God was with me. I didn’t take any tablets. I just knew that I had to trust God to fight every battle because the battle is not mine, it is His. 2 Chronicles 20:15 People often say to me, take one day at a time. For me it was one second at a time. During the first few months I spent most of my time in a state of disbelief and grief constantly trying to understand. Hearing people saying repeatedly wherever I went, “I’m sorry for your loss,” made even the word ‘loss’ unbearable to hear. One night I had a complete meltdown crying out’ Is Dennis a loss?’ At that very second, God just said, ‘Gain,’ just that one word, nothing else, Dennis was not a loss, he was a gain to God’s Kingdom!

Husband, Father, Son, Grandad, Brother, and Special Friend

Dennis with his daughter and his grandson

During the weeks leading up to Dennis’ homecoming service, the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit moved in and amongst my family and friends in a way that I have never seen before. The shock of Dennis’s passing and the realisation that God could take any of us at any time was a wakeup call to many of them. I spent many hours in conversation with family and friends sharing the gospel of salvation, something I had never been able to do before. It was then that I realised that if Dennis’s death would enable others to be saved and enter into the kingdom of God, then his life was truly a ‘gain’ to God’s Kingdom. I am assured that God knows the plans that He has for me. My life has been predestined! God knew where I would be at every point in my life. I have always experienced God’s favour and provision in my life but God was about to show me this in a way I’d never seen before. Dennis had cancelled his life insurance a month before he died. I don’t know why. Much to the dismay and horror of some members of the family. A family member said, “We are really in a problem now!” I stood and looked at him and said; “My husband will have the homecoming service he deserves for a child of the King!”

Immediately the scripture be anxious for nothing came to me. I said, “God, my security is not in life insurance!” It was then I saw the all sufficient, all knowing God in action. I had the assurance that he would supply ALL my needs. I had total dependency on God! I knew that God was in this and that with Him I would have everything I needed, at the right time in an instance if necessary. Philippians 4:19 In every single area, my needs were taken care of without me having to utter a word, God did everything! The outpouring of generosity and support was overwhelming. All I could do was weep before God. I remember in conversation, saying to a friend, “Is it normal for people to be so generous when arranging a funeral?” to be informed, ‘No!’ Everyone gave of themselves in every way, my words are not enough to express my gratitude to everyone. The day of the service was a very surreal day. Part of me was numb with disbelief that I was burying Dennis, this was mixed with the belief I have in my faith that my husband was not in the coffin. God had the Victory! He was with our Father in Heaven!

My prayer to God that day was to reveal Himself to all of the hundreds of guests attending that weren’t saved. As Pastor Dennis delivered the message God had laid on His heart...I could feel the power & presence of the Holy Spirit amongst us!... and I knew people would not leave our church the same! God’s servant had spoken and the Holy Spirit’s work was done. Do you want to be Lost or Found? ....The choice is yours!



The Holy Scripture states, ‘death where is your sting?’ Corinthians 15:55. I held on to that scripture all day, even at the burial ground as they lowered the coffin into the earth. I felt a moment of panic thinking they are putting Dennis into the ground then at that moment the Holy Spirit reminded me that Dennis is not there...he is now in the future. Then I began to smile... something my brother commented on; “You’re smiling, but they’re burying your husband!” I remembered the scripture, 2 Corinthians: 4:17-18. ‘For the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal!’ My prayer to God that day was to reveal Himself to all of the hundreds of guests who attended the funeral that I knew were not saved. As Pastor Dennis delivered the message God had laid on His heart, I could feel the power and presence of the Holy Spirit amongst us. I knew people would not leave our church the same! God’s servant had spoken and the Holy Spirit’s work was done…. Do you want to be Lost or Found? The choice is yours! I had imagined growing old with Dennis by my side. I had looked at my parents and Dennis’ parents and thought that would be us. I was not planning for a life without him. No one can fill the gap left. Every day I cry but that’s fine you can’t go around it, over it, under it. You have to go through it, but I know that God is carrying me. Revelation 21:4 states, ‘God will wipe away every tear.’ If you are experiencing grief, hold on to our Lord. He will comfort you through the process of grieving and in the future, replace your sorrow with great unending joy! Psalms 30:11. Dennis was a precious gift from God, a selfless, kind and loving human being, a natural comedian who just loved to make people happy. I laughed every single day! Sometimes the quietness is too much to bear. I miss his presence, his voice, his singing, his constant reassurance ‘Babes, I’m here.’ “And with Him I have everything I need for this moment. Here and now.” - Philippians 4:19



We would speak constantly throughout the day just checking in to see how each other’s day was going. When I came through the front door I would be greeted by his smile. I was truly loved and cared for and I saw and felt it. I thank God for every single second that we spent together. He always saw the good in everyone and every situation. Dennis loved God with all his heart, he was completely sold out for Jesus! The opportunity to minister the Word of God through song was an honour and privilege which was evident to see, especially the last time he sang with Sincere Praise on New Year’s Eve. People would often comment on the fact that Dennis cried every time he sang. It was because Dennis never, ever forgot what God had done in his life and where He had taken us from. Dennis would always say “Babes, look at us. Look what God has done! Both of us serving God!’ He never tired of saying that! Always with that look of amazement! Dedicating his life to serve God and win souls was his greatest calling because he understood the urgency. Dennis was not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I know and accept that God taking Dennis now means we will see a harvest of souls that would not have been possible by him being here on earth. If I’m honest and real before God, picking up my Bible and trying to run a ‘scripture marathon, on the day Dennis died was the last thing on my mind. All I was left thinking was, ‘Lord! What is this? Why is this happening to me?’ But as time has gone on, all I can see is God leading and guiding me on the right path through my trial enabling me to overcome and walk in the Victory of my Saviour Jesus Christ. No two losses are the same. Every experience is different. But as a person who has lived through this, I want to say - It’s ok to cry! God created us, we are human! Tears are a language from God. He counts and wipes away our tears and mends our broken lives, Revelation: 21:4. There is nothing unspiritual about feeling deep sorrow and grief at a time of loss. But as christians our grief is different to that of those who do not know Jesus because we have hope in Christ: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Although it doesn’t feel like it at times, God will not give you more than you can bear.

I’m thankful to God for answering every single prayer that was sent up in intercession for me and my family, and for every verse of scripture sent to me by so many people. When I couldn’t see a way, God’s Word made a way! I know if that was not the case I would not have made it! I’m a living, walking testimony of the power of prayer which continues to carry me through this journey. I want to thank God for my family and friends and every member of the church family in the body of Christ. Reverend Taylor for never leaving my side. She has walked this walk with me from the night Dennis died. Her quiet, reassuring voice at the end of the phone in the dead of the night when the anguish was too much to bear, praying with me and honestly answering my many questions in ways that gave me understanding and acceptance. Mother Greenidge, the mother to all, who knew my pain and grief and comforted me with these three simple words; “It is well!” these words then and now still carry not just me, but my entire family through the loss of Dennis. Pastor Dennis for his constant prayer and support, always encouraging me to press forward in to the divine call God has placed on my life, and to not let my circumstances define me! I am strengthened to do anything God has called me to do! Philippians: 4:13

Final Thoughts Finally, I want to encourage you all to keep your heart and minds fixed on Jesus. Don’t focus on your problems but on the promises of God to sustain you and to glorify Him. The reality is life goes on. The phone calls become less, the visits stop as people get on with their lives and this is a part of life. Be comforted by Jesus’s words in, John, 14: 27 ‘Let not your heart be troubled.’ I don’t know what the future holds, but I know God holds the future, so it will be ok because I know God has got me! Death is not the end. Christ is Victory over death! There is hope of resurrection through Him and eternal life where I will be reunited with my Saviour and Dennis once more in heaven, when I cross over by His Grace.

- Article by Pauline Richards

Cultivate & Refine Your



o let this mind be in you as was in Christ Jesus—Philippians 2v5. We can so easily fall in habits that are destructive to our mental wellbeing. When you spend too much time rehearsing the past, it results in rumination, which is thinking with a negative filter;. For example, instead of thinking why this relationship didn’t work it becomes “ this always happens to me”. We then start to predict the future “things will never change”. Negative filters ignore things that have gone well and the happy events we have experienced. This will leave your mind in a state of confusion and hopelessness. Rumination and dwelling on the past undermines health and happiness by triggering stress hormones. Studies show that it’s not adverse life events that put you at risk of anxiety and depression, but it is the time that you spend stewing over them. The mind is good at “Time Travel”! It can go back 50+years, it can recall good or bad events, a source of great pleasure or great anguish. Dwelling on the past negative events can produce “flight and fight” changes in our bodies and these have been found to underlie many mental health problems . Our brains monitor these changes and take them as a sign that we are in danger. The Bible tells us “What so ever is true, lovely, and pure and of good report think on these things”, Philippians 4v8. These we should embrace and use to motivate us.

Reflecting and learning We can reflect and learn from past experiences with the intention of focusing on that which we can change and the things we can do differently. However, women are more likely to hold images of bad events and situations in their minds which may be one reason why they have twice the risk of depression than men. In our own strength we can alleviate pain in our mind but God can destroy the root and cause you to walk victoriously. The mind is a beautiful servant and a dangerous master. Forgiveness breaks whatever you are chained to but obsessing and over thinking keeps you chained. We are reminded that we ought to exercise humbleness of mind, forbearing and forgiving one another, Colossians 3 v 12 & 13. Remember that thoughts are just thoughts rather than a reflection of reality. Give yourself a reality check and separate thoughts from facts. Don’t be weighed down with emotional and mental baggage, put them in the bin where they belong.

7 Practical Steps To Success Feed your brain with God’s word Read and meditate on the word of God. Stand on His promises. God’s word, which is God’s opinion of you, is the greatest healing force on earth Pray Cast all your cares on Him for he cares for you. (1Peter 5v7)


Have a healthy wholesome diet Food rich in Omega 3 EPA/DHA.Vitamin B, B12 Folic acid. Minerals such as Calcium Magnesium, Zinc and Bioflavonoid (found in citrus fruits and berries). B12 is thought to protect the body against neurological disorders. These all feed the heart and the brain, maintains the nervous system, bone marrow and forms red blood cells which maintains the blood flow to the brain. A healthy diet consisting of meat, fish dairy foods, wholegrains, eggs, nuts, seeds, pulses, green vegetables, fortified cereals, yeast extract, liver, orange juice, avocados, lettuce also helps to control mood swings. Research shows that herbs such as Lemon Balm (can be taken as tea) helps adults to perform better in memory tests. Find the right combination for your body Valerian (capsules or tea) - Research confirms reduces stress and promotes restful sleep. St John’s Wort- herbal remedy has been proven effective in alleviating mild depression. Ginkgo Biloba- improves small blood capillaries in the brain, helps forgetfulness. Ginseng: is hailed as an all healing herb, and it has been used to help with cognitive function, memory, energy levels and mood. Walnut- (brain food) this nut looks like the brain (picture image). It has a left and right hemisphere. Upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are like the neo-cortex of the brain. We now know that walnuts help develop more than three dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function. Sleep Necessary for resting and recovery of the mind. Insomnia can be helped with aromatherapy oils, lavender, geranium, marjoram, hawthorn and camomile (can be taken as tea). Exercise relaxes and distracts the mind creating a difference in your mood. Releases endorphins (the feel good hormones) shifting your mindset. Drink water Drink plenty of water- it washes the brain and keeps it hydrated. The golden rule is more water and less sugar.

“Thou anointest my head with oil.” - Psalms 23 v5 To keep out the parasites that affects our mind and brain. God’s anointing starts from the head and run down the body, even Aaron’s beard. God is mindful of us, His mind is full of us his children so likewise let your mind be full of him

- Article by Pat Daley WOMEN OF DESTINY| SEPTEMBER 2017


What God Has Done For Me... God is always in Control By Maria Hosannah


n October 2012, God blessed Michael and I with a new member of our family - Gabriella. Although she was not yet fully formed (or indeed yet named Gabriella) but at that moment our family unit consisting of one boy - Micah, then aged 11 and six year old Grace, was changed beyond all our expectations. We often quote scripture about all things working together for good (Romans 8:28) and we often sing songs such as ‘I will trust, I will trust in you…’ but in reality it’s when certain events happen in our lives that the power and truth of God’s Word and the testing of our Faith in Jesus Christ occur. At some time during the antenatal scans we were given the news that I was at high risk of having a baby with Trisomy 21 (Down’s Syndrome). While this was not news anyone would want to hear, in faith we informed the medical staff that either way we required no further testing. In our minds - What for? It would make no difference to anything for us. Sadly we now know that 90% of women who test positively for Trisomy 21 go on to have terminations. On July 4th 2013, our beautiful third child Gabriella Esther Hosannah was born. A few days later, we received confirmation that Gabriella did indeed have Trisomy 21. It is difficult to describe the emotions that I went through at that time. A lack of knowledge of the condition and a stereotypical image in my mind made me somewhat scared and somewhat sorry for our new baby. However overriding this was a sense of peace that God was in control, and we should not fear. Isaiah 41:10 says “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’



We shed tears yes, but moved on because we knew that everything would be well because we know Jesus. Surprisingly, others openly cried more than us once they knew. People’s reactions to and limitations on Gabriella even four years on are often more difficult to deal with than the ‘medical condition’ itself. Our family, ministers and friends have been an incredible support to us. For me, a key moment was when Michael informed Pastor Dennis of Gabriella’s diagnosis. Pastor asked the question ‘Do you see her as any different to your other children?’ The answer from both of us was and always will be ‘of course not’. Gabriella is therefore treated no differently and we believe this has been a major part of her success. God has allowed Gabriella to kick away all limits, break expectations, push boundaries (as with all toddlers!) astonish us constantly and bring us such incredible joy. We thank God and proudly testify to Gabriella talking fully without sign language despite this being the automatic solution for all children with Trisomy 21 when they are still just babies. Gabriella counts to 30, sings her alphabet, spells words, writes her name and draws incredibly. To God be all the Glory. Gabriella was born with some heart conditions. After birth, doctors declared Gabriella would need open heart surgery to repair a partial AVSD before she was one years old. We thank God that He declared this was not going to be the case and Gabriella reached 4 years old – a much larger and stronger child before this was necessary. Facing the prospect of this operation has not been easy. Once again it has been a time that has tested many areas of my faith. It has also been difficult because at first it was not something that Michael even wanted to happen at all, despite medical advice.

A meeting with the surgeon where he talked through the operation, the fact that it would likely be her only ever invasive heart surgery and the reality that a successful operation would likely add 30 years to Gabriella’s life expectancy went a long way to convincing him. We faced a difficult balance between our faith in God and His complete healing power and trusting in the medical profession. We did eventually find that balance. I have very much leaned on the fact that if God were to take Gabriella all the way to the operating theatre without healing her before, He would be working through the surgeon and medical team by His Holy Spirit.

Our beautiful daughter Gabriella, recovering from an operation

What we have to be reminded of sometimes is that things need to happen in God’s time not man’s. On two occasions in 2016, Gabriella was due to have surgery. The first time we arrived and checked in, only to be told that the surgeon was in an emergency and would not be able to perform the surgery. On the second occasion a nurse was sick at the last minute and the operation was cancelled again.

We know that God’s hand was in all of this. We didn’t complain, argue or fight with the hospital – if it was to happen at all God would organise the time. God’s time was 11th July 2017. On the previous two occasions I had often been tearful about the operation. On this occasion I cannot fully explain the peace that I had. On a previous hospital visit years before Michael shared with me a scripture that God had laid on his heart for us. It has been such a key ‘truth’ to me. Philippians 4:6-7 ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus’. I had a confidence and calmness that God had Gabriella in the palm of His hands. What was amazing was how simple and effortless everything became once I had that peace – as though floating through the whole experience. This is a summary of the operation that God allowed to happen in His time: • At 2.45pm on Tuesday 11th July Gabriella was wheeled (sitting bolt upright) on her hospital bed to theatre. When I looked at the female porters name badge who was pushing the bed it read COMFORT. God was in control. • At 3.00pm Gabriella went into theatre for open-heart surgery – a major operation where all risks and outcomes were painstakingly explained to us in more detail than we probably wanted. God was in control. • For six hours Michael and I calmly walked around together with the most incredible peace. God was in control. • At 9.00pm, 6 hours later, we returned to speak to the Surgeon. He cleared the family room of people and sat in front of us both with his hands together. The hands that he didn’t even realise were literally used by God. ‘It went well’ he said. ‘In fact it went very well. In fact it was perfect!’. Hallelujah – God was in control. • On Wednesday morning Gabriella’s peaceful sleep was disturbed by a procedure involving a tube being pushed down her nose. She did not like this one bit and while wrestling four nurses managed to kick, fight and roll

• At 4pm on Saturday afternoon Gabriella walked out of hospital. She had just delivered thank you cards and cakes to open mouthed staff in intensive care, one who exclaimed ‘wasn’t she just in intensive care on Thursday?’. GOD WAS IN CONTROL.

Gabriella’s nurse was called Comfort

Thank you Lord for the COMFORT that you sent to Gabriella and the Comforter - your Holy Spirit – who worked through your chosen vessels that day. around enough to pull out various tubes. After she calmed down, the Surgeon came to check on her and seemed strangely pleased she could fight so hard so soon. God was in control. • On Thursday morning, Gabriella was fully awake. She sat upright, spoke, asked for juice, ate Rice Krispies and went for a walk. Later while she napped I was thinking how well she was doing when an administrative member of staff stood over her bed talking to her nurse. When I looked at her clipboard it had MERCY written on the back. Plain and clear and held the right way up. Thank you Lord. I took a quick picture of it before she realised. After this Gabriella was promptly dismissed back to the ward. God was in control.

We are still in awe of the absolute miracle that God has performed through Gabriella. She is extraordinarily well and because of Jesus Christ has once again been able to kick away all limits (literally at times) and break expectations. I have been told that I “must have been through hell” and have been sent incredible scriptures of encouragement. What has been strange is that these have not seemed relevant to me or necessary. I have had to pause and think ‘should I have been through hell?’ ‘why don’t I need encouraging?’ I know however the answer is simple – God is in control and He made that very clear to us in so many ways.

Thank you Lord for your MERCY. ‘For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations’ (Psalms 100:5). - Article by Maria Hosanna

• By Friday evening Gabriella had all major tubes removed. She had wires linked to her heart removed (despite us being told these would be attached for at least five days). She didn’t even sleep linked to a monitor and was free to do her usual rolling and turning (sometimes 360 degrees) on the bed. God was in control. • The surgeon had initially told us that our stay in hospital would be for 10 to 12 days. On Saturday morning the doctors looked at Gabriella playing on her bed and asked me if we wanted to go home. Four days after surgery! GOD WAS IN CONTROL! WOMEN OF DESTINY| SEPTEMBER 2017


What God Has Done For Me... Becoming a Doctor against the odds By Dr Cheryl Clarke


s a wife with four children, my journey to becoming a medical doctor was driven by purpose but filled with trials, challenging work, perseverance and a lot of prayer. I did not come from a traditional academic background for medicine so had considerable headway to make up. At secondary school, I found myself excelling in maths, science and sports, however due to various circumstances this was not evident when I finished. On the bright side, I came to know Christ towards the end of secondary school. I was completely intrigued with the New Testament and the life of Christ and found myself either spending time reading this or my science books. After studying computing at college, I worked in a bank and subsequently for the government following which I spent a brief period with the BBC. At this time, I was in my early 20s and married with two young children.

I cannot forget a security guard who was at the door enquiring what course I had come to enrol on and asking about my academic qualifications. When I informed him, he laughed loudly and scornfully expressed, “where do you think you’re going? To become a doctor?!?” It subsequently transpired that the access course that I was on had not yet been validated by any medical school in London until I challenged it. By God’s grace my medical school interview went very well. I recollect at the end the two interviewers were nodding their heads at each other. During the enrolment process, it emerged that I had to repeat one of my GCSE’s to meet the course requirement. This felt like a real setback as I’d already attained this at school but could not find evidence to substantiate it. My offer was therefore deferred for one year.

I had always had a passion for health so began to consider work in healthcare as an option. I felt impressed by the Lord to pursue medicine. I considered the implications in terms of the years it would take and the sacrifice involved, but equally the great reward in helping others. God graciously allowed me to receive one confirmation after another that I should pursue medicine. I heard a preacher state, “why are you worried about a medical degree taking you five years to complete, in five years you will be five years older anyway but with a medical degree!”

On reflection, this was a blessing in disguise as we conceived our third child and moved from a flat into a large house which meant I was better placed to commence medical school. I endured a lot of morning sickness during the pregnancy which made studying for my GCSE challenging. It was agreed that I could complete most of my work from home. My teacher however decided that he had not seen enough of me, despite my work, so decided not to allow me to sit the exam. I reminded him that I already had an offer from medical school and this was my last prerequisite to be completed, he ignored me and still refused.

Having reached a decision, I considered a medical school which offered a six-year medical programme, part of a widening participation programme for applicants from underprivileged, non-traditional backgrounds. I embarked on an “Access to Medicine” course. I recall queuing very early outside the college to ensure that I was one of the first to enrol.

I remember walking away in my pregnant state feeling helpless and full of despair. I went into the ladies and cried out to my God in prayer. I then dried my eyes composed myself and headed to the exam office. I explained the situation to a lady in the college office. As I was speaking I suddenly heard a deep male voice, interrupting our conversation stating,



Cheryl’s husband and four children now

God’s word reminds us that the race is not for the swift but for those that endure to the end!

“How dare any teacher stop anyone from sitting an exam, I am the only person in this college who can make that decision!” He was the head of examinations and went on to confirm that I would be sitting the exam and wished me every success with my medical studies. This was a significant moment. I was pregnant and about to start the journey of my life. I did not know what to expect from medical school particularly being pregnant at the start of the course. Thankfully I was allowed maternity leave. I progressed well through each year of the course by God’s strength. When I entered the third year of the six-year course I marginally failed one exam. That year was a particularly difficult one as my youngest brother became acutely unwell. I had a month until the re-sit in which time God allowed me to miraculously discover exceptional teaching material on the Internet for the United States medical licensing exams. As a result, I received excellent teaching.

As part of the course requirement, I had to apply to a discretionary panel in order to repeat the year. This was a time when my faith was truly tested. A few colleagues had their programme terminated as the panel ruled against them. While I was preparing for the panel, certain staff expressed different opinions. Some queried whether I should apply to repeat the year as I was the student who had the most children. Others expressed that I had excelled above my counterparts and given my previous work experience and cultural background had the qualities to become an excellent doctor. On, reflection what seemed devastating to me that year, turned out for my good. God’s Word promises that “all things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose” Romans 8 v 28. At the start of the fourth year I became pregnant with our fourth child. I was in a dilemma did I continue or interrupt my training? I continued until I was seven months pregnant and then took a year off to nurse our new baby. I returned and successfully completed the year. I was now in my penultimate year and soaring and excelling in every area. I was encouraging and helping others and was blessed with many medical friends and an amazing Godly mentor; what could possibly go wrong? I now had only one more year to get through? I faced the ultimate test before my breakthrough! I experienced a real sense of injustice as I was informed that I had to repeat the longest year of medical school. This was as a result of one examiner giving me zero marks on their examination station which in all the years of medical school I had never had a problem with. The challenge and pressure was so real and it meant that if things did not go well I would have had many wasted years. God brought me through successfully! I thank God for everyone He raised up who believed in me and got behind me for this final push! I had the support of my husband, family, pastors and church brethren. God’s Word reminds us that ‘the race is not for the swift but for those that endure to the end!’ I can honestly look back on how far God has brought me from and I can truly say that it’s not by might nor by power but by

Cheryl with her family on graduation day

God’s word promises that “all things work together for good to them that are called according to his purpose” Romans 8 v 28. God’s Grace and Mercy. I have learned how to completely put my trust in Jesus and to never doubt His love and plans for us. As the song writer said, “Never would have made it without you (Jesus). I would have lost it all, but now I see how you were there for me and I can say I’m stronger, I’m wiser, I’m better.” God has given me many more testimonies, many lives have been touched, encouraged and impacted with the love of Jesus. Remember if our God is for us no one can ever stop us! Go and fulfil your destiny in Jesus name!

It’s not by might nor by power but by God’s Grace and Mercy. I have learned how to completely put my trust in Jesus and to never doubt His love and plans for us.

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- Article by Dr Cheryl Clarke, MBBS WOMEN OF DESTINY| SEPTEMBER 2017



God your




We all aspire for a successful business, but unless your organistion is led by God and you put him at the helm of your company, you may not prosper in the correct way. When you dedicate your business to Christ, he gets involved with the decisions. He tells you what to do. He becomes the chairman of your board and in return, he gets the glory. We have to be ministers of our businesses, and our job is to be ambassadors for the people around us and to be ethical and have good character in our walk. Let us take time to thank God for all that he has blessed us with. Let us dedicate our jobs and businesses to him and pray about applying the seven steps to success every day so we can be a witness for God and receive his blessing. even stands for completion. Your business could be complete if you start to follow these seven steps.



1. Understand that God is your Managing Director. 2. Ensure you develop a good character.

3. Show love to work colleagues just as you do to your family. 4. Develop your skills and be willing to learn from others. 5. Remain ethical at all times.

6. Dedicate your work to be used for God’s purposes.






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