Name card Duong Kha Vy (s3558497)
I am drawn to hand-written name cards
However, I don’t want it to be just names. I might use some illustration to support the name
Sketches I’d like to show in my name cards that I am resourceful with many ideas. My sketches invole lots of light bulbs because it represents ideas
Dark color pallette I feel that this is the best pallette to make your name card look professional. I went with dark blue
I decided to stick to light bulb idea and incorporate it with hand written font
Final idea My name is used to represent hair strand inside the lightbulb. The part that ignites the whole light bulb
Fix I changed the font and back side layout to reduce the redundancy. Overall, the card still feels incomplete
More inspirations
Experiment with other idea This idea is based on the “Idea factory” concept. I use my shorter english name “Viv” to speed up the process. Overall, I like the details but I think it will be hard for anyone else to get a clear first impression of it. Therefore I returned to my first idea.
Final design I use warm color to make my name card more energetic. Also, bright colors can easily capture the attention of readers.
Mock Up