Posters for social cause Depression Duong Kha Vy s3558497
Style 1 : typography as metaphor After researching about depression I decided to make posters about self-harm. A common symptoms in people with depression. First attempt did not go well due to lack of references
Rough idea
Some more inspiration (Barbara Kruger)
Implements (from feedback) I thought the first image alone does not stand out as much so I use some inspiration from Barbara Kruger and add inverse color to the image. I thought inverse color is shocking, also it is used to present pain in movies. It might get more reaction from people compared to normal color I also change the background to black and white The types are also replaced to make the hand looks more realistic Blood texture is added on the blue side Font: Hand me down
Style 2: Swiss design Key idea is to present depression as the leading cause of self-harm and suicides so people will become more aware that depression to be a serious problem.
Experimentation I use quotes from articles for starting point. As a result, my outcome is based on the descriptions of depression based on patients.
First draft This idea came from looking at the tangled words posters and death relating to depression. The result is a poster that uses words to imitate people who suicides by jumping off from buildings.
Implements The color is changed to give the poster more attention. Initial grey color was boring, gives out a sleepy feeling. Red will stand out more because it conveys danger. Windows are also added to makes the rectangles look like buildings
Style 3: photo montage Using vintage collages to present people living/ affected by depression to raise awareness about the symptoms of depression.
Vintage images
The goal is to find images with many people in it to emphasize the title “Living with depression�
Color of depression, sadness, death Color palette Patterns, texture that represents depression
First idea This method works better with colored images because there is a contrast between colors and vintage images. I do not like this photo a lot because it was not dramatic enough for the subject.
Progress Try to create burning photo effect to present a deteriorating mental health but fail because result is bad and unrealistic. Switch to using clone stamp tool and cloning images of burning paper
(using tutorial http://www. tutorialbunch. com/photoshop/effects/burntpaper-effect.shtml)
Final 1
Another idea
vintage portraits
Color background
Hospital paper for background
First draft
Implements I added some triangles to make the image more dynamic. Struggled with placing the words at first but I figured if I follow the direction (at an angle) of my image my fonts will be more interesting. I also added some old paper texture to make my image more vintage collage style Furthermore, changing the brightness of each head to create depth using curves. From light to darkest.
Mascot: Gloomy Presents sadness, emptiness, bad mood, depression. Ideas: rainy clouds, holes, sad pose, sad crying face, depression monster. colors: complementary colors to catch attention easily orange-blue purple-yellow
Final mascot design
Slogan written on clouds “Remove the clouds from my day� (there are alternative happy clouds that people can use to replace current sad cloud)