Moulsham Times - February 2023

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Welcome to the February edition.

If you are a film fan, look out for the new film reviews section by Henry. A very regular cinema goer, Henry’s reviews can be found on page 14.

Also look out for the Chelmsford Light Parade advert and more details about the Fling Cabaret article on page 13 (see the ad below).

The next edition will be out from March 2nd . We are fairly well booked up regarding front pages, with the next slots available now being July and August, but we are always able to place adverts inside the magazine.


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Disclaimer: It’s Your Magazines Ltd publish the Moulsham Times. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does

reflect the opinion of It’s Your Magazines Ltd. No


the prior written permission of It’s Your Magazines Ltd. Reg Co No. 12080535. Printed by Warners (Midlands) PLC.

MT Welcome Hi readers, 3
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Chelmsford - By Vicky Ford MP

I recently convened a meeting in Westminster with the Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, County Cllr Lesley Wagland and the Roads Minister Richard Holden MP, to discuss the Army and Navy sustainable transport package. It was a very positive meeting.

Regular readers will know that replacing the Army and Navy junction is one of my top priorities. However projects like this one take a frustratingly long time to deliver and are expensive. Since the flyover was closed and removed for safety reasons, the task force that I set up has met many times. Initial designs and engineering studies were prepared by Essex County Council working with the Department for Transport and looked at many different options. A new flyover was ruled out as this would have created even more congestion and had a very high risk of accidents compared to other options.

to discuss the challenges facing the service and to stress the importance of a reliable bus service for the people of Chelmsford. From January until the end of March, the maximum single fare on any First Bus Essex route has been capped at £2 as part of a £60 million government project to encourage more people to use the buses. I have agreed to meet with him again in early March. If the passenger numbers have increased enough on key routes, then he will look at adding more services to improve the frequency.

I was pleased to be part of what was a huge turnout of Conservative women MPs for a recent debate in Westminster on drink spiking to urge the government minister to make spiking a specific and named offence in law. It was good to be there. Whilst spiking is covered by older legislation related to poisoning, we heard how if it does become a named offence it could make it much easier to collect accurate data and would act as a significant deterrent to perpetrators.

Chair Yoga - Could It Be for You?

When you hear the word yoga, does it conjure up an image of a white, middle class twenty-something in lycra with their leg wrapped around their neck? I have heard so many people tell me yoga isn’t for them because they can’t even touch their toes, or they’re too inflexible - I want to dispell this myth. Yoga is for everyone, regardless of flexibility, age, race, gender (the list goes on).

My name is Jo and I have been teaching chair yoga in Chelmsford since September 2021 after qualifying as a yoga teacher in 2020. Since then, I have seen first-hand the many benefits to people’s lives: it increases people’s strength and mobility as well as confidence in their bodies and helps them to connect with themselves and others and escape the busy, chattering mind for a while.

A public consultation was carried out to identify the preferred option. I am very grateful to the 5,000 local people who looked at the consultation and over 800 people submitted their thoughts. As a result the ‘hamburger’ style junction was agreed as the preferred option. In order to reduce traffic and address congestion, the package also includes considerable improvements to park and ride facilities as well as bus, cycle and pedestrian routes.

Since then, further engineering and design work has taken place to address important details and an Outline Business Case was submitted to the Department for Transport last October. The total cost of this package is estimated to be £80.1 million. Essex County Council have offered to contribute £8.1 million and Chelmsford City Council have offered £4 million from developer contributions. We are therefore asking the government to contribute £66.8 million; this is now with ministers for a decision. Given the large amount of money, this will need to be assessed against other projects across the country.

During the meeting with the minister, I stressed the vital importance of this project to the people of Chelmsford and the wider Essex area. The minister noted the high cost benefit of the project, which at a ratio of 2.7x clearly shows that investing in this type of infrastructure will benefit economic growth. He was also impressed by the level of local support and the strong local consensus support for this design as well as the environmental benefits of introducing improvements to other modes of travel. I will continue to press for the new junction to be approved and then delivered as soon as possible, but it will take time.

I recently met with the Managing Director of First Bus, Piers Marlow,

One yogi told me that although she takes pain relief medication every day, she has stopped taking it on the day of our class as she doesn’t need it once we have practised. Another reported after a few weeks that he was able to bend down and pick things up off the floor with ease, something he had been unable to do for years.

As the name would suggest, a chair yoga class is mostly seated, but includes a standing section with poses to practise balance for those who feel able. With a focus on breathing and moving with the breath, it’s as much a calming, mindful practice as a physical workout. In the time I have been teaching, the classes have grown steadily and have become a real community, with people attending come rain or shine (although we did have to cancel for snow on one occasion!).

We have gently nutured a social aspect too, where people don’t take themselves too seriously, share anecdotes, laughs and a cuppa afterwards. People leave the class feeling stronger, happier and calmer, ready to face the day ahead. One student says: “At my age I never thought I would be able to do yoga, let alone enjoy it. Chair yoga is suitable, beneficial and accessible for all ages and levels of fitness. Jo is very friendly, understanding and encouraging. I thoroughly recommend it.”

Visit for more information about classes or to send Jo a message.
Roads Minister, Richard Holden with Cllr Lesley Wagland and Vicky Ford MP 5

Regal Kitchens - Open Day

To celebrate Regal Kitchens’ continued relationship with NEFF, the kitchen gurus welcomed customers new and old to join them for their Christmassy themed Open Day last month. NEFF Home Economist, Adrienne, prepared mouth-watering dishes all day, as well as explaining the features and benefits of the appliances on display in the showroom.

There was a free prize draw during the event and lucky customers took home kitchen gadgets worth hundreds of pounds - everyone went home with a goodie bag worth around £20 as well.

Regal’s experienced kitchen designers were on hand during the event to help customers with all aspects of planning their new dream kitchens for 2023.

6 | 2 Navigation Road, Chelmsford, CM2 6HX | Where Client is King
Attendees were entered into a free prize draw to win kitchen prizes Freshly prepared dishes were available to sample at the event Regal Staff were on hand to offer advice to customers Emily and Nicola Martin (CEO) BDM Emma Mcloughlin with Karen and Jem Richardson Chef, Adrienne, explains the NEFF settings to Mrs Pullman Two time Regal customers, David and Ann Gibbs 7

Lifestyle Tips to Help Back Pain - By Chris at Forté Physical Health

Back pain is a common ailment that affects millions of people worldwide. Whether it’s caused by poor posture, injury, or chronic conditions such as arthritis, back pain can be debilitating and can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

However, there are lifestyle changes you can make to help alleviate back pain and improve your overall health and well-being. My challenge to you is to have a read and pick one thing that you think could improve your well-being and possibly improve your back pain.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy back. When you sleep, your body is able to repair and rejuvenate itself, which is crucial for maintaining good health. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and try to maintain a regular sleep schedule. In Matthew Walker’s book Why We Sleep, he states that we are 60% more likely to have an injury the day after a night of six hours or less of sleep.


Manage Stress

Stress can cause tension in your muscles, which can lead to back pain. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga. If you find that you’re particularly stressed, talk to a therapist to help you cope.

If your pain persists or becomes chronic, it’s important to see a doctor or osteopath for an assessment. Most cases of back pain are helped with hands-on treatment and a personalised exercise plan.

Back pain can be debilitating and significantly impact a person’s quality of life. However, by making the right lifestyle changes and sticking with them over time, you can help alleviate back pain and improve your overall health and well-being.

And if you have any specific questions, we can help in my clinic here:

Until next time, have a healthy and happy month!

From Chelmsford Cathedral to Windsor Castle...

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy back. It helps to strengthen the muscles that support your spine as well as improve flexibility and range of motion. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days of the week. Good exercises for your back include swimming, cycling, and walking. Yoga and pilates are also great options as they focus on core strength and flexibility.


Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight can put extra strain on your back muscles making them more susceptible to injury. Losing weight can help to reduce the pressure on your back and improve your overall health. Aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet and to get regular exercise.

3. Improve Your Posture

Poor posture can put unnecessary stress on your back muscles, which can lead to pain and discomfort. Make sure to sit up straight, keep your shoulders back and avoid slouching. The most important element of posture, however, is to change it regularly! Avoid sitting for too long, and have regular breaks from the desk where you get up and move your body.

4. Be Mindful of Your Movements

Be mindful of your movements and avoid any activities that put unnecessary stress on your back. Use the mindfulness technique of ‘body scanning’ to pay attention to the physical stress in your body. Check the position you are in when lifting and carrying, or even when busy at a computer!

On Saturday 18th February 2023, Essex’s own MBE awarded Musical Director, Sandra Colston will be bringing Classical Voices Choir Live in Concert repertoire to the beautiful Chelmsford Cathedral. The one-off concert will feature exhilarating varied choral works creating sensational sounds; from classic cantatas, well known musicals including Les Misérables and alluring anthems, all brimming with rich, emotive harmonies.

The 70-strong choir is led by Musical Director Sandra Colston, founder of the traditional choir in 2017. Sandra is set to attend Windsor Castle just a few days after the concert to receive her MBE investiture for Services to Music, Community and Charity in East Anglia. Sandra discovered the news of the honour last summer and has since had the privilege of attending HRH The Queen’s funeral in September.

2018 saw the debut performance of the captivating choir at the iconic cathedral to a sellout audience, receiving two encores and a standing ovation. Sandra said, “it was such a brilliant concert and my pride was bursting for the singers, I’m sure this concert will be just as exciting if not more as we have the memories of the fantastic sounds from the previous visit.”

Classical Voices Choir enjoys performing whilst raising funds and awareness for needing charities. In February the concert will be in support of MIND, providing advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Campaigning to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

If you would like to book a seat at the concert Classical Voices Live in Concert, you can do so by visiting

Remember to tell our advertisers you saw their advert in the MT 9 £10 OFF MT10 32 Rochford Road, Chelmsford, EssexCM2 0EF fortephysicalhealth Call: 01245 522360 Conditions we treat: Meet our team of experts Osteopathy ׀ Massage ׀ Acupuncture Back pain Disc problems Joint strains Shoulder injuries Rotator cuff strains Hip pain Foot and ankle pain Plantar fasciitis Headaches KeepingChelmsford Moving! our first treatment when you quote

MT Gardening

The snow has gone for now and the ground has become a little softer; this gives me the opportunity to do a few things in the garden. For one, check out the dahlias in the glasshouse (check for overly soft tubers and remove as this could be disease which could spread onto other tubers). Where possible, lift and divide some of your perennial stock (although there is plenty of time to do this) especially where they have become crowded, and enjoy the winter colour in your or local gardens.


Propagating plants by division is fast and reliable. After dividing, each propagule should have an established root and stem system and will often have fully functioning leaves as well. This

allows for rapid establishment and development of the new plant, which therefore requires only minimal care and attention. All plants produced in this way are genetically identical to the parent plant. The main disadvantage of this method is that only a few plants can be produced from the parent plant at any one time and pests such as eelworms, plus diseases and viruses can be passed on. The best time to propagate by this method is during the dormant season just after leaf fall or prior to bud burst. The parent plant selected for propagation should be healthy, vigorous, pest and disease free and true to type.


Dig up the parent plant from the border or stock bed. Shake or wash off excess soil.

Separate large clumps into sections using a pair of border forks back to back. In the case of very tough clumps with densely interwoven roots, a spade can be used to chop the clump into sections. Smaller or less dense clumps may be teased apart by hand.

Large clumps can be progressively divided to obtain the maximum number of independent propagules with roots, shoots and leaves. Alternatively the clump may be split only a few times to produce larger more mature daughter clumps.

Trim excess leaves to minimise water loss by transpiration and thereby reduce transplanting shock. Excess and damaged roots can also be trimmed to ease planting and lining out. Dead leaves and material should be removed to reduce the chances of infection.

Propagules and clumps can be planted out either directly in the final planting position, lined out in a nursery bed or planted in containers. Ensure planting is at the same depth as the parent plant. Water in, label and date the propagules.

A balanced top dressing fertiliser can be applied once the plants are actively growing and established. The propagules should be ready for lifting or potting off, or on, the following dormant season.

Division of Herbaceous Perennials with Distinct Buds (Eyes) - eg, Host Sieboldii

This is arried out in a similar way to fibrous rooted herbaceous perennials, but each propagule should contain at least one dormant bud (eye). A large knife can be used to cut up the sections of the plant to ensure this objective is achieved. The propagule can be potted or lined out in a nursery bed.

Ornamental Grasses

Wait a little longer to lift grasses, I tend to do these when they are in active growth - the result being that I tend to get less dieback. Check out these examples:

• Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’ - plants/103968/panicum-virgatum-heavy-metal/details.

• Anemanthele lessoniana - anemanthele-lessoniana/details.

• Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ - plants/72074/calamagrostis-x-acutiflora-karl-foerster/details.

10 Remember to tell our advertisers you saw their advert in the MT

• Miscanthus sinensis ‘China’ plants/104385/ miscanthussinensis-china/ details.

• Festuca glauca - ‘Elijah Blue’ plants/104179/ festuca-glaucaelijah-blue/details. Check out this link for other tasks to do this month www. gardening-through-theyear/article/guides and click on February.

Happy gardening!

For any gardening tips please contact Tom Cole, Horticultural Lecturer, Capel Manor College, Bullsmoor Lane, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 4RR, or email

Remember to tell our advertisers you saw their advert in the MT 11 Do you have a local good news story? If so feel free to email it to

Nick Garner’s Music & Ramblings

February already! The year is starting to fly by yet again. it’s been pretty cold and miserable so far - and sad too, with the loss of a few greats already.

Have you been trying to conserve your energy this winter? I know I have, by not putting the heating on until really needed and turning off more electric devices than I would have done before...

Have you been to The Orange Tree this year? If so, you may have noticed a change - not only inside, but also with the new landlord and landlady being Max and Jess Castledine. They also successfully run The Queen’s Head in Boreham. Check out what they’re up to - it is worth a visit, with lots of great food as well.

Have you seen that awful shop that has taken the place of Loveday’s on the corner of Moulsham Street and Baddow Road? It looks so awful and does not fit in at all in my opinion. Hopefully the council are going to make them change it. I do think that Moulsham Street and Baddow Road are vibrant with their diverse collection of independent businesses which I think the High Street could look at, as people seem to like these smaller and more diverse shops.

All this cold weather has seemingly increased the number of pot holes, which I know our councillors are doing their best to keep on top of by alerting us where to be watchful. We also need to careful of slippery frost and ice on the ground and on our vehicles.

This year, the council has been busy with bringing back The Fling and 3foot People festivals, as well as having reopened the newly refurbished theatres - which they have also renamed... something I do not get myself.


I have just been away to my first festival of the year at Butlins in Skegness, which was cold but also a lot of fun. I went with some good friends and met up with lots of old friends - some I have not seen for a long time. It was sad that it was the very last Rock and Blues Festival event here though apparently. The festival was a sellout. Of course, there quite a few mates playing who I photographed, and some we helped sell their merch as well.

I have also been to London for one day to the Americana Music week, which was a first for me. It was based in Hackney, and wow - I would love to see more venues like these ones in Chelmsford! There must have been about six venues very close to each other. Here, we have Hot Box, but a few more would be good, and within close proximity to each other. I think it clearly works up there with people going from to the other.

I have just found out as I am writing this that it’s all change at Allegro Music in Chelmsford. They are closing their guitar department and all others except piano and keyboard departments - but do not worry as they are reopening in a smaller unit on the Bringey Estate in Great Baddow, where the pine and antique centres were. They are also opening another keyboard centre there too. The shop in Chelmsford will be purely for pianos and keyboards now and they have told us that it will be the largest of its type in Essex.

Now to live music. It is with huge regret that I have to tell you that show with Chris Jagger is no longer happening due to unforeseen circumstances, although we do hope we can get Chris here in the future.

I am just waiting on some more date confirmations which I hope I can

announce very soon to you. I am also working on some other shows as well as putting some acts together to play at Hot Box. So far we have Matt Woosey confirmed for June, and there is plenty more to follow. You can keep up-to-date with events in The City Times and the What’s On guide. You can also contribute any kind of event to the listing, as long as it is open to the public.

We kicked off this season with Nine Below Zero, and as expected it was a very busy night. The band brought with them Al Perez who is from Oregon in the USA. He was great, and one to watch out for when he is next in the UK. Following Perez, Nine Below Zero hit the stage and boy, oh boy, they were on fire! They played the whole of their Third Degree album, which is now 40 years old, followed by some of their classics. We want them back and they want to come back, so watch this space...

As this edition is coming out on Friday 3rd February, we have Led-IntoZeppelin playing - a great Led Zeppelin tribute act if you can make this. Then on Friday 10th February we have the Orbison Project - you will not hear or see a more authentic tribute to Roy Orbison. Dave Collison is just amazing and the band he has around him will just blow you away.

We are so lucky. We have so many great live acts coming up and they are all so affordable too. On 17th February we have The Overtures, said by Elton John to be the best covers band in the world - so he booked them to play his wedding! They also played Lulu’s 60th and have also played for Paul McCartney - Lionel Ritchie and Robin Gibb have both sung with them too. This is why they are still at the top after thirty years.

The next show is on 24th February and is a more of a supergroup with John Verity, who was the guitarist for Argent and Del Bromham who also formed the legendary band Stray. The band has come together to play some of their favourite covers and few of their own songs and to have some fun.

Finally, on 3rd March we have Martin Turner, the man who formed Wishbone Ash and sung and wrote most of the material. They are going to play the whole of their classic live album, Wishbone Live Martin has to call himself ex-Wishbone Ash, which is crazy when everyone says he is Wishbone Ash... His band is the best as you will see, so do come along.

Take a look at the advert in this issue to see some of the other amazing acts that are coming to play at the Chelmsford Social Club, and also check out Hot Box too, as they also have some amazing shows coming up.

If you have anything that you think could be of interest to our readers for either publication, then let us know at editorial@ - it may be an event or a topic of interest. Have you done anything unusual this year or last year, or are you planning something? If so, we want to know about it! If you know of someone who may wish to advertise with us, then please ask them to contact and we can send over full details.

You can get tickets for our shows in Chelmsford from Intense Records, Hopsters and Chelmsford 4Good - please pay cash in person. Tickets are also available online from www.wegottickets. com/BlackFrogPresents, or via our ticket hotline at no extra charge: call or text 07508 496 411 and you can then pay at the advance price on entry to the show rather than the walk-up price.

For all Black Frog Presents gig updates and information, go to www., or scan the QR code in the poster in this magazine. It would also be fantastic if you could share our magazines The City Times and Moulsham Times for us. We continue to publish both magazines online as well at


Fling Cabaret Extravagasm

A scintillating teaser event from the much-loved Fling Festival comes to Central Park on Saturday 18th March 2023.

The Fling Cabaret Extravagasm features a tantalizing variety of cabaret acts. Expect singing, comedy, burlesque, circus and more at this party to end all parties.

Your host for the evening is one of the most celebrated figures in UK cabaret - singer and comic, Dusty Limits, the award-winning ‘compere without compare’ (The Stage).

Acts include operatic singer Lili La Scala, best known for her vintage performances, with regular appearances at shows across the UK including High Tease and The Burlesque Show.

World record holding international aerialist and contortionist Jo Foley presents an act of mind boggling and incredibly flexible manoeuvres. With over 13 years gymnastics experience, Jo has performed across the world, including for British and international royalty.

There’s also the talented Tom Gaskin - a new wave gentleman juggler with circus blood in his veins, who can juggle practically anything. While Sebastian Anqelique, ‘The Harlequin of Boylesque’, joins the show with a breathtaking fire act.

And if that incredible line-up wasn’t enough to lure you in, you can also expect to enjoy a live DJ and an on-site bar - plus a mystery guest! Tickets are available now for over-16s only at £24 per person or £19 for concessions. The event opens at 7pm and performances start from 8pm. Book online at

The main Fling Festival will return in July 2023. For up-to-date information sign up to Chelmsford Theatre’s mailing list or follow ‘@flingfestival’ on Facebook. 13
The show takes place in a big top tent in the middle of Central Park, with a central stage giving you the very best views of the most alluring acts.

Non-Spoiler Film Reviews - By Henry Godfrey-Evans

Avatar: The Way of Water Movies like this are guaranteed blockbusters, and it makes my blood boil. Not because it was bad, but because there have been many better.

The visuals were everything they were built up to be, photorealism yet set in a world that simply couldn’t be real. I couldn’t wrench my eyes away at first. Except once you remember you’re set to endure a 3-hour and 12-minute runtime, that’s when my eyes began to glaze over.

The verdict is that visuals can only take you so far, what also matters are characters that you try and work out, and dialogue that imparts wisdom or makes you laugh. The film had none of this, and it’s closing in on 1.5 billion at the box office. Sigh.


Empire of Light

Sam Mendes certainly has an eye for a good set, you may feel like watching this film just to revisit a theatre during the Thatcher era.

The plot is quite intriguing because for a long time, you don’t know where it’s going - and confusion is a popular choice for directors nowadays. It does find its feet, dipping into a few subplots, but nothing too amazing.

The comic relief was good and felt like ‘British comedy’, but the real selling point was Olivia Coleman, who was staggeringly good in certain scenes. If she isn’t up for awards I’ll be baffled. Do you go and watch entire films for a lead performance though? Up to you.


A Man Called Otto

Well, perhaps you do watch a movie for its lead, because Tom Hanks brings heaps of charm to a role that could have easily to drifted into the mundane.

Sometimes when you’re watching a film (this is magnified at the cinema) something clicks and you realise you’re enjoying every second. Now, this isn’t to say it stayed that way, or that it sustained a day or two after seeing, but there were 30-40 minutes of it where you feel everything you’re meant to feel. Quite impressive for a standard grumpy old man film.

Part of it might also be down to Mariana Trevino who was one of the best supporting roles I’ve seen recently. Charm, tragedy and comedy.



You could split this film right down the middle into things that were great, and things that were ordinary.

Emotional beats? Brilliant. Filmmaking? Fine… Acting? Exemplary. Pacing? I struggled at times.

But I will happily sit through mediocrity to excavate those gems, and to come away rich with experiences. Danielle Deadwyler who played Emmett Till’s mother gradually grew into the film until she was unbelievable - I

guess that means very believable...

The bottom line is, with many of these sorts of films about historic events, is that it’s important to learn about them. And films are a great medium for feeling stories as well as just hearing them. I would emphasise the benefits of feeling a story like Emmett Till’s, rather than just hearing it.



An AI children’s toy, what could possibly go wrong? The concept is as generic as it sounds, as were the events that I could have ticked off of a bingo sheet as they happened.

But the thing is, my ‘critic brain’ suffered a few malfunctions during the film and I did find myself enjoying the small things. The comic relief characters were good, especially the boss, who earned a rare audible laugh from me. I was also pleasantly surprised at some of the smaller events and plot choices that could have easily been as predictable as the film seemed at face value.

Measuring my enjoyment during the film, it’s definitely not bad - and as much as we cinephiles can be a bit pretentious, enjoyment is generally what we turn up for.



This was my first experience with a Bollywood-style film (it’s actually south Indian so separate to the genre) and it requires a suspension of disbelief. Action and dramatic storytelling were in uncharted territories to the point that I wasn’t sure if it was a parody of some sort.

While Hollywood films have been pressured into realism, these films remain instead on the side of pure unrestrained entertainment. Let me tell you I absolutely loved it. The music, including the dance numbers and just regular scenes, was indescribably good. The dialogue and directing, whilst cheesy and tough to adapt to, were so refreshing and fun.

‘Sticking the landing’ (so to speak) is a rarity in film, genuinely - but this one managed it. There were emotional beats throughout, but the final one hit home with effectiveness. I am now a fan of Indian cinema.



Highly anticipated in the UK after it was released a month earlier in the USA, it gained a reputation for being extremely polarising, with film lovers completely divided between loving and hating it.

My non-spoiler summary is that elements of the film were pure 24-carat gold, and then the other, longer stretches of the film were just ‘pretty good’. It satarised Hollywood very much like Tarintino did in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, but this didn’t have the magnetism of Leo DiCaprio.

Should you take the three-hour plunge? Well it actually didn’t drag too much, and those aforementioned moments of gold really are worth it. Diego Calva did himself proud with his first Hollywood role, Brad Pitt is predictably hilarious, and this was also Margot Robbie’s best display of dramatic acting.

Almost incredible, I’ll relegate it to very good.


Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (Netflix)

Rhian Johnson wasn’t a big fan of the second half of that title, he wanted it to be a completely standalone film like most whodunnits, and yet we will always compare it to the predecessor.

The summary I gave everyone is that this film is a little bit more complex, with a little bit less comedic charm than the first. Rest assured though, this series is full of both.

Glass Onion is so convoluted that it’s probably an attempt at being meta, spoofing the ridiculousness of most murder mysteries, but for the most part, it’s a joy.

Revealing anything would steal from the watching experience, but as far as 2-and-a-half-hour commitments go on streaming platforms, this would be a wise choice.



Back Inn Time

Back Inn Time, Moulsham Lodge Post Office and Van

Diemens Final Road Layout - By Cllr

February! Already! How’d that happen? Christmas already seems like such a long time ago. Anyway, I hope this month finds you well and enjoying the already lighter evenings.

I’m sure many of you will have heard the sad news that planning permission has finally been granted for a development of new flats to be built on the site of what is currently the much-loved independent restaurant, Back Inn Time. After Chelmsford City Council (with the support of your local Lib Dem city councillors) refused three planning applications, the applicant took the last one to appeal and, disappointingly, a government planning inspector overturned the decision, thereby granting planning permission.

Together with the redevelopment of the Army & Navy junction, which will become a ‘hamburger’ roundabout, journey times for all modes of transport are expected to improve. Van Diemans Road itself will get a new two-way cycle route on the western side of the road, while traffic flowing towards the Army & Navy (northbound) will be reduced from two lanes to one. Although this sounds like it will make journey times worse, modelling carried out by highways engineers suggests that journeys will in fact be several minutes quicker. Removing a lane also allows for a right-hand turn lane to be created from Van Diemans Road into Lady Lane, making this rather perilous manoeuvre much safer and less frustrating for all. In addition, there will be a revised pedestrian route at the junction with Moulsham Chase and new planting, which should increase the overall green space in this area.

As always, my Lib Dem colleagues and I are working hard all year round to make our community an even nicer place to live. If you have a council-related issue that you need help with, please let me know by getting in touch by emailing marie.goldman@chelmsfordlibdems.

Keep warm and well.

My ward colleague Cllr Graham Pooley and I have met again with the owners of Back Inn Time to discuss their options, which, I’m afraid to say, look quite limited at this point. Planning now can’t be resisted and there seems little possibility of them being able to remain in their location on Cottage Place. We hope they will be able to find a way of moving their thriving business to alternative premises (perhaps even somewhere that customers will find easier to park near to). We have asked the City Council’s Economic Development Team to help them obtain the independent advice and support that they will need to explore doing this.

Like me, I’m sure their loyal customers and those who have such fond memories of celebrating special occasions in this Chelmsford landmark will be keen to see this small business survive, even if it means relocating elsewhere in our city.

Please be assured that as your local Liberal Democrat councillors, we are doing everything we can to support them.

Moulsham Lodge Post Office

Residents of Moulsham Lodge are already well aware of the sad closure of McColl’s in Gloucester Avenue, which meant the loss of the Post Office counter facilities. I am still trying to find a solution for this. There are rumours of a possible mobile Post Office van making visits to the area and if I find out more, I will let you know. However, I have also been having discussions with Chelmsford Star Co-op who have said that in principle, they would be willing to explore the possibility of providing a home for the Post Office counter. I understand they have already had initial discussions with the Post Office, after I suggested this to them before Christmas, but the decision will also lie with the Post Office themselves. As I type this towards the end of January, I am trying to make contact with the Post Office to understand their position. Please keep an eye on my Facebook page for updates: www.

Van Diemans Road Final Layout Design

At the January meeting of the Army & Navy Task Force, which I attended, the final designs for the new layout of Van Diemans Road were discussed and agreed. They will shortly be uploaded to the Army & Navy Sustainable Transport Package website here: www.

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Does Your Charity Need Funding?

Essex based charities are encouraged to apply now for financial support from the Essex Fund to keep their services and projects running.

The Fund, which is managed by the independent charitable trust Essex Community Foundation, was set up by Essex County Council in 2000 to provide annual support to the voluntary and community sector in Essex. Since it was set up, the fund has given out nearly £1.5 million in grants.

Organisations and projects that help unpaid carers, improve the environment or engage people in environmental projects, provide a community resource or activities that help young people, including arts, culture and heritage projects, are all eligible for consideration. Groups can apply for up to £5,000 towards their core and operating expenditure, project costs or capital items.

Cllr Eddie Johnson, Chairman of Essex County Council, said: “We know that the current cost-of-living and rising energy bills are having a significant impact on local charities. We encourage them to contact ECF to talk about their funding needs to continue their vital work supporting people in need in our local communities.”

Charitable activities that have received funding in previous years include interactive musical performances in care homes, mental health support for young people, and woodland well-being sessions for children with Down syndrome.

Andy Payne Worpole, Head of Programmes at ECF, said: “We are pleased to manage the Essex Fund and work with the decisionmaking panel at the council to get funding to where it is needed most.

“The panel are particularly interested in supporting smaller voluntary

organisations and projects that are working in areas of deprivation where there is a lack of facilities.

“There is a short application form on our website, and our friendly grants team are on-hand to help on 01245 355 947 if you have any questions or want to discuss an idea. You can also contact us through our website or via social media.”

The deadline to apply to the Essex Fund is 5pm on Friday 3rd March 2023. For all the information you need visit www.

As well as the Essex Fund, ECF manages 180 other charitable funds on behalf of donors which support different charitable work in local communities and welcome Essex groups to get in touch.

Together In Musical Expression received a grant previously from the Essex Fund for interactive music sessions in care homes

Street Support Chelmsford

In the midst of the cost-of-living crisis, a lot of people within the Chelmsford community are experiencing hardships this winter, but there is help out there! Introducing Street Support Chelmsford, a directory of help services aimed at vulnerable people and people experiencing homelessness, designed to connect people in need with assistance in the Chelmsford area.

The website is designed for volunteers and carers as much as it is for those facing hardship. It is intended as a tool for all those involved in assisting those who are vulnerable and those experiencing homelessness. But it can also be a tool for the everyday person who is having to choose between putting food on the table or paying the energy bill.

It is also a place where you can give help, for example volunteer to help or donate items or money, and to find some really useful advice. Some of the help that is available on Street Support Chelmsford is listed below:

Food Rota: This document is printable and on the home page and details all of the places where homeless and vulnerable people can get food throughout the week in Chelmsford (this includes food banks and community pantries, locations and how to use them).

Cost-of-Living: This is listed on the home page, click the ‘Get Help Now’ button. This advice has website links to information and help ranging from free legal advice, to help with benefits, debt advice and help, where to get help paying energy bills and more.

Street Support Network is a UK-wide online directory of support services for people in need. Be it a safe shelter, an open food bank, a warm place to sit for the day because you can’t afford to put the heating on, or alcohol/substance abuse help. Street Support Network is a ‘one-stop-shop’ that lists all of these services in one place. Cool to be Kind, a Chelmsford based community group supporting rough sleepers, took on the challenge of developing the Chelmsford branch to the Street Support Network and was launched on 28th April 2022. Since then, Cool to be Kind have been working hard to raise awareness and increase the usability of the site.

Warm Spaces: This document is printable and on the home page, click the ‘get help now’ button. This details all warm spaces that are available for the homeless, the vulnerable, or people struggling with the rising costs of living this winter. Warm spaces are places where people can gather for free in a warm, safe and welcoming place.

For more information, please visit the website at, www.streetsupport. net/chelmsford.

MT History: Ukraine - By Henri Lewi

It is now a year since Russia invaded Ukraine, and as the war in Ukraine continues to dominate the news despite all the current domestic upheavals, it is worth remembering the role that Ukraine played in the Second World War.

By the end of the war, Ukraine had become one of the most devastated countries in Europe having lost somewhere in the region of 8 million of its population, and had been the site of some of the most intense fighting between the Soviet and German forces between 1941 and 1945. During this period it is estimated that 40% of the Red Army (Soviet forces) were of Ukrainian origin. The capital Kyiv had been taken by the German army in 1941 and liberated in 1943, and other towns that we have now become familiar with such as Kharkiv, Odessa, Lviv, Donetsk, and Kherson were the scenes of intense fighting.

We should remember that 80 years ago this month the city of Stalingrad was relieved by the Soviet forces trapping the German 6th Army and its commander Field Marshal Paulus; and many historians now believe that this victory marked the turning point in WWII as the Soviet forces began to move relentlessly on across Eastern Europe finally liberating Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and ultimately taking Berlin in May 1945.

Despite numerous battles throughout 1943 and early 1944 it was the Soviet operation named ‘Bagration’ launched in June 1944 that finally opened up Eastern Europe to the Soviet advance. Launched a couple of weeks after the Normandy invasion, it compelled the German army to fight on two fronts against the Commonwealth and US forces in the west, and the Soviets to the east. Operation Bagration destroyed 28 of 34 German divisions in Army Group Centre and allowed the Soviets to advance to the River Vistula on the outskirts of Warsaw, and as mentioned above, liberating Belarus, Ukraine, Eastern Poland and the Baltic States.

The cost to the Soviet Army was huge, and it is estimated that they suffered nearly 750,000 casualties, whilst the German forces lost a half million men in this one operation alone.

The current situation in Ukraine is not without its precedent. Despite the militarisation in Ukraine and the intense fighting that we are now witnessing, the Ukrainian wheat harvest is a tool that has been a focus of both Soviet and Russian governments, which they have both utilized in their attempts to subdue the Ukrainian population.

Between 1932 and 1933, Ukraine suffered a mass famine known as the ‘Holodomir’ (Terror Famine) that resulted in the loss of 10% of its population. The EU has declared the Holodomir to be a manmade famine imposed by the the then Soviet government led by Josef Stalin that compounded the failed wheat crop of 1932. By attempting to now destroy the Ukrainian economic infrastructure in the last year it appears that Russia is trying to repeat history.

What the outcome of the current conflict in Ukraine will be, we can only speculate, but the reality will be a redrawing of the economic and military map of Europe.

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Ask us about free editorial with long-term bookings!

Hello everyone. I hope you are well! As I write this, we’re in the middle of a cold snap with snow forecast to arrive shortly - and it’s very cold! We are not too well equipped to deal with these conditions, with roads becoming impassable and pavements positively dangerous. It is often said that countries in Scandinavia cope well and keep traffic moving even after several feet of snow and ice. However, their conditions merit a big spend on the equipment to achieve this, and conditions tend to last throughout the winter. Imagine the uproar here if local government spent a fortune on specialist equipment only for it to be used less than ten times a year. Oh well, we need to make the best of it I guess.

Christmas is such a lovely time for children. We are lucky to have quite a few grandchildren, and over the years my wife has spent hours finding out what each would like and then going to the shops. Now, as they get older, they seem to prefer cash. It is not the same though, as it is very difficult to wrap banknotes or a bank transfer in Christmas paper, and not have fun guessing what their presents are.

Well, the day I dreaded has come. Ken Bruce has announced that he is leaving BBC2! That leaves just one or two DJs on the station that I will bother listening to, and I’m not sure how long they will be broadcasting. Outrageous! Still, it seems that Ken will still be broadcasting, on a station called Greatest Hits Radio which broadcasts across the UK, so I will get that on my favourites on the car radio. Get me, as if I could do that on my own... We have also discovered Boom Radio, where a number of the other ex BBC2 DJs now have shows. These two will have my custom from now on. The good news it that Ken will be taking his great Pop Master Quiz to his new station. I listen quite often and sometimes get into double figures! Perhaps BBC now stands for Bye Bye Customers!

As noticed by Richard Littlejohn (Daily Mail columnist if you don’t already know) recently, one of my favourite stories is the one where a person was slightly injured (that bit’s not funny) by a falling health and safety sign, which fell off the wall of a heliport. I understand that they were not badly injured but could not miss the irony of the situation. As Richard often says, you couldn’t make it up!

A couple of funny news stories. In Australia, three camels escaped a local Bethlehem story and caused traffic chaos by running along locals roads. Apparently, they stuck to one lane - but in the wrong direction... I guess that they got fed up with waiting around, and got the hump and escaped. Their owner suggested that they were looking for three wise men, but could not find any. One point though, I thought it was donkeys in the story. Perhaps it’s different in the southern hemisphere!

The second story is about a border collie that had to give up chasing sticks because they were cutting its mouth. It seems that Scruff took it upon himself to find an alternative instead, searching out discarded plastic bottles and bringing them back to his beloved owners. They did not want to leave the bottles, so they started taking them home and recycling them. This has resulted in over one thousand items not spoiling the countryside. I can just see Scruff now, litter picker in mouth, high vis jacket on, rushing round doing his good deed.

It’s a long time since I went to a West End show. It could have been to see We Will Rock You. Why my sudden interest? Well I have just read in the newspaper that The Great British Bake Off, the musical, is about to come to London. Now, I have never watched the show (am I the only person in the country who hasn’t?) but I am racking my brain about it. Looking at the musicals currently showing, some did surprise me. Among the expected shows, Abba, Bugsy Malone, Grease and the like, there were some what I would say unusual. How about Bonnie and Clyde, Bat Out of Hell, or Back to the Future? What

a strange line-up... Is it me?

Going back to Bake Off, I started to wonder how they could set it to music. Perhaps they have used songs that were ‘prepared earlier’ (see what I did there). American Pie, Strawberry Fields Forever, Blueberry Hill for example. I wonder if you can take snacks in, or if they hand dishes out from the stage at the interval. I would like to know who had the foresight to suggest this programme for a musical. Who ever it was, they take the biscuit!

Cold weather is the bane of us magazine delivery people. Not quite as horrible as rain though. Trying to push wet magazines through tight letterboxes is not easy. I always just hope that they are still readable, and don’t need to be hung over radiators to dry.

Anyhow, different problems raise their ugly heads when it’s cold. Firstly, if we wear gloves, it is surprisingly difficult to get one magazine out of the trolley. When wearing gloves, it is amazing how many times the end of the glove gets caught in the letterbox. Door steps are often slippery and dangerous, and we literally have to tread carefully. Do you feel sorry for us yet?

On the plus side, walking round the streets is good exercise and if it weren’t for our deliveries, we would likely miss our daily exercise with so many excuses not to go out.

Bin End Chuckles: (Thanks Once Again John)

When I was young I was poor. But after years of hard work, I am no longer young!

I saw an advert in a shop window that said ‘TV for sale, £1. I thought ‘I can’t turn that down!’

Stay well!

18 19

Grove Road Evangelical Church

As many of us take in the news each day, or face difficulties in our personal circumstances, it often looks like bad news today and worse news tomorrow. We might ask something like this: Who is going to sort everything out? Who is going to make things better?

About three thousand years ago it seems people were asking the same sort of questions. We read this in the Bible, speaking of people in a similar situation to us today: There are many who say, “Who will show us some good?”’

But these people had discovered that though many might be shouting ‘Follow me, I’ll sort everything out for you’, in fact there was only one source of genuine help in the universe. And so their question and concern turned to prayer: ‘Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord!’ In other words: ‘Lord God, creator of the universe, look at our situation, and let your help and blessing pour into our lives, for nobody else can help us.’

Like them, in our day we too must turn for help to the only one who can help us in our difficulties and struggles, the one and only true

God who will not fail those who commit themselves to him.

He will never fail us, he will not forsake; His eternal covenant he will never break. Resting on his promise, what have we to fear? God is all-sufficient for the coming year.

Come and visit us at Grove Road Evangelical Church and discover the one who alone will never fail, will never forsake, not even during the darkest hours that we may have to face in the days ahead: the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grove Road Evangelical Church (Behind Tesco Express, Moulsham Street)

Local Balloon Business Owner Heading to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for Charitable Big Balloon Build in March 2023

Heydi Alvarado, owner of Heydi Party Decorations in Chelmsford, has been selected as part of a talented team of international balloon professionals, tasked with creating a gigantic immersive Balloon World using more than 100,000 balloons all in aid of Inspiration Ministries and Inspired Coffee.

placement into a fully integrated work setting.

Alvarado, along with 65 other balloon professionals from around the world, will be leaving their businesses for five days to create this incredible project for children and adults with disabilities and help make an impact in the city of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

The producer of the event, Stuart Davies, said: “What an amazing event this is going to be. Heydi is going to be part of something so big, something so different, something so exciting; all in support of Inspired Coffee demonstrating how the joy of balloons can also make a difference to the lives of so many.”

Alvarado is excited to contribute her creativity to help make a difference in the world. As she always show us how to brighten up her community, like during the pandemic. Heydi and her family every time looked how to help the community to get together to celebrate special occasions, like the last Queen’s Jubilee street party. Heydi had been chosen to participate in her 5th Big Balloon Builds. Previous Big Balloon Builds were in 2018/19 in Wales, to made a difference in the communities of Tonyrefail. In 2021 Birmingham West Midlands (helping free@Last, Nechell) and in 2022, Heydi was 1 of 4 balloon professionals representing UK in the first ever Big Balloon Build in Vincennes, Indiana USA (supporting United Way of Knox County).

For more information please visit Facebook and search for: ‘Heydi Party Decorations’ in Chelmsford.

More information on the Big Balloon Build can be found here www.

Heydi Alvarado

07940 477 338

As part of one of the biggest most unique projects for the state of Wisconsin, working as part of the Big Balloon Build team, Heydi will be using the skills she has developed over the last 10+ years to create larger-than-life animal characters in a gigantic Great Outdoors scene over 10,000 square feet (about twice the area of a basketball court).

This is all in aid of the charities, Inspiration Ministries, and Inspired Coffee. Their mission is to empower people with disabilities to live with greater purpose and achieve their individual best in the thriving environment. They do this by supporting people with a range of disabilities through job training, coaching and mentorship to assist in

To advertise or speak about charity editorial please email

Let’s Celebrate and Love Seeing and Feeling Results through Pilates - By

Adios, so long, farewell and goodbye January. Welcome to longer days, brighter skies and with the January blues long gone, let’s get celebrating fabulous February and of course embracing feeling the love! Whether that’s with someone significant, family or friends, or love for a furry friend that has stuck by your side through the minus degrees, or most importantly yourself, let’s especially embrace the small things and little wins that we have achieved so far this year.

I am still seeing New Year’s resolutions going strong at the Pilates and Yoga studio in Writtle, which is wonderful, and the enquiries coming to us to discuss getting started are still trickling in. There has been a noticeable trend this year of ‘I’ve not done anything since before lockdown - where do I start?’.

If you’ve been following my articles, you will have noticed that I always stress it’s never too late with pilates, and in fact it is highly recommended and indisputed the safest way to get back on your feet, but I wanted to address another common related question: ‘When will I see or feel results?’.

Though there isn’t a one size fits all answer, safe, proven effective, lasting improvements can be almost instant with pilates - so how? When you embark on a regular fitness and exercise routine whether it’s a restorative yoga, a strength and toning pilates, your body will produce endorphins, messengers produced by the brain giving you a positive energised feeling almost instantly. The routines that you work through in an hour-long class rarely miss out any of your major joints or muscles, so nothing will feel like it hasn’t ‘worked’. In theory every session you embark on will give you results, but long-term feeling noticeably stronger, feeling energised day to day, can be felt in as little as a few weeks depending on your commitment.

Whether pilates is your only form of exercise or is it something you use to compliment other fitness choices, creating noticable changes that improve how your muscles and joints work, our biomechanics, can also happen within weeks, because within a pilates class we address some of the most common ways our biomechanics fail, such as stooped rounded shoulders, weakened core muscles that have lead to tight, lower back muscles, and even stressed shallow breathing that inhibit our ability to relax properly. The way our bodies


move and work doesn’t always make sense, and bad habits (without realising) can happen - like favouring one side over the other or overloading one joint over another... This can cause stiffness and pain which is often simple over time to undo. In a class, you’ll work each side by itself to retrain the weaker side, creating more balance.

I get told almost weekly that pilates has improved someone’s back pain, and I am asked how this is so. In all my pilates classes, there will be focus on moving your spine through its 3 main ways; a) twist/ rotate, often done standing or seated; b) forward backward bending, like within a cat to cow stretch; c) sideways bending as within a mermaid stretch, so giving you opportunity to improve the most basic ways we move.

Think of the dust that accumulates behind a door when its never opened fully, or the rust of the hinges. Our major joints are designed to move fully and if they aren’t used regularly to their full capacity they get stiff/rusty, but its often easy to get that movement back and it feels amazing when we do. All the above are easily modified around back injury.

If you would like to chat to someone at Hummingbird Pilates and Yoga about starting your journey towards seeing and feeling results for yourself, find a stronger core and energised mind, then don’t hesitate to call us and say you’ve read my article in Moulsham Times magazine. If you’d like to arrange a time to come spend an hour creating a plan for your body to get results from pilates you can call 01245 422 556, or email us

At Hummingbird Pilates & Yoga in Writtle, www.hummingbirdpilates. our £45 unlimited month of classes is our most popular way to start (excluding our specialist run ante and post natal courses). For our group classes of 8 people we don’t expect any experience just a willingness to try. We offer classes for the total novice to the well seasoned - join us in studio, or opt for an interactive Zoom class from wherever you are.

I hope to see you on the mat soon!

As promised this month some exciting news to share. Firstly, we will be at the Chelmsford College Open Evening on Monday 6th February as we help promote the exciting new Broadcast T-Level course which starts at the college in September. Students signing up to this course will have the opportunity to join in with making shows and content alongside the fantastic Chelmsford Community Radio presenting team. If you know someone due to start college soon, why not bring them along and find out more. Then on the 23rd of February, join us in celebrating the opening of the brand new Morrisons store at Beaulieu Park where our presenters will be out and about talking to shoppers and taking song requests.

Finally, just a reminder that we love having guests on Chelmsford Community Radio and our guests seem to enjoy the experience too!! If you would like to be included in one of our shows to promote your event or fundraiser, then please do get in touch via admin@

You can tune in to Chelmsford Community Radio on 104.4FM in the city, on line and on the CCR104.4 app available to download. 21
CCR Latest News - 2023

Self Assessment Tax Bill?

Here’s four great ways to save tax. You can often take action to reduce your tax liability for the current year and going forward.

With the deadline for self-assessment looming, tax is at the forefront of many people’s minds. If your tax bill is unexpectedly high, there is usually nothing that can be done for the tax year you are currently reporting for, but you can often take action to reduce your liability going forward.

It could make a big difference to do so. Announcements made by the chancellor in last November’s Autumn Statement have tightened the tax screw. A range of tax allowances remains at current levels for longer. This means wage growth and investment, or property gains put more people into higher tax rates as time goes on. In addition, there were some cuts to tax allowances that affect those taking income or realising profits from their investments. With inflation taking a huge bite out of spending power and tax rises ahead, it is more important than ever to ensure your financial affairs are as tax efficient as possible.

How to Save Tax

There are some simple and effective ways for you to reduce your tax bill, but please note that tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each person or entity and may be subject to change in the future. If you are in any doubt, you should seek professional tax advice.

1. Maximise the Use of Your ISA Allowance

When you invest your money, it’s vital to make use of tax allowances. Individual Savings Accounts - or ISAs - are often a first port of call owing to their simplicity and flexibility. There are several types, notably Cash ISAs and Stocks & Shares ISAs. Any money you makeeither as interest on cash or investment income or gains - is free from tax, which can be really important for your long-term returns.

If you’re over 18 and UK resident, you can pay up to £20,000 into a Stocks and Shares ISA each tax year to invest in shares, funds, investment trusts and more. If your investments go up in value, you won’t have to pay any capital gains tax when you sell. If they generate income, you won’t pay UK income tax either. This could be particularly useful if you’re likely to be impacted by the dividend tax or capital gains tax changes happening in April 2023. Remember unlike cash, investments can fall as well as rise in value, and you could get back less than you put in.

The dividend allowance, the tax-free amount you can earn in share dividends, is to be cut. The allowance, which is on top of the income tax personal allowance, was reduced from £5,000 to £2,000 in 2017. It will now almost disappear altogether, falling to £1,000 in 2023-24 tax year and to £500 in 2024-25.

Meanwhile, Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is paid on the profits from the disposal of assets. There is a CGT annual allowance, presently £12,300 for 2022/2023, on which an individual pays no tax. However, CGT is payable on profits over that - at 10% or 20% depending on your income tax band - plus an additional 8% if the gain is from residential property. From next April the allowance falls to £6,000 and then to just £3,000 from April 2024.

2. Harvest Some Capital Gains

Those with significant capital gains, and therefore potential tax liabilities, could consider taking advantage of this tax year’s higher CGT allowance by selling down investments. You’ll need to do so before the end of the tax year on 5th April, as you can’t carry it forward to next year when the allowance drops to £6,000.

One option for existing shareholdings is a ‘Bed & ISA’ which can help use your CGT and ISA allowances simultaneously. It involves selling

holdings and then buying them back in an ISA account. The sale crystallises any capital gain, so selling or partially selling an existing investment could help with tax planning by using some of your capital gains allowance while keeping your holding. Outside of an ISA you are prevented from crystallising gains in this way owing to the ‘30 day rule’.

3. Divide Assets

If you are married or in a civil partnership, it may benefit you to transfer assets to or from your partner. You usually don’t pay capital gains tax on assets you give or sell to your husband, wife or civil partner, though they may have to pay tax on any gain if they later dispose of it.

This could give you the option of taking full advantage of two CGT allowances before they’re reduced in the new tax year. A married couple, for instance, could realise gains of up to £24,600 without paying tax in the current tax year.

You could also divide assets to help maximise two dividend allowances or take advantage of lower income tax bands where one partner’s income is lower. This way there may be less tax to pay on investment income received outside of a tax wrapper.

4. Power Up Pension Contributions

In some circumstances, there are ways to reduce your tax bill through pension contributions and save efficiently for retirement. The downside is that you can’t access the money until retirement age. Whether you are employed or self-employed, contributing to a pension can have the effect of lowering your taxable income as you receive tax relief at your highest marginal rate. For instance, when you pay into a personal pension such as our SIPP, the government adds 20%, representing basic rate tax relief, which is claimed from HMRC by the pension provider. For example, an investor contributes £8,000 into their SIPP and £2,000 is paid in on top, meaning £10,000 ends up in the account.

For higher or additional rate income taxpayers, a further 20% or 25% can be reclaimed. Using the £10,000 example above, an extra £2,000 or £2,500 can be repaid. This means a £10,000 pension contribution can cost as little as £5,500 in net income terms for higher earners.

If you’re a UK resident, under 75, the general rule is you can contribute up to your employed or self-employed earnings each year subject to a maximum of £40,000. However, there is a lower allowance for very high earners or those taking drawdown pension income.

It is also possible to ‘carry forward’ unused allowances from the previous three tax years subject to sufficient earnings in the tax year you make the contributions. This can be particularly useful for the self-employed with lumpy earnings from year to year. Please note benefits depend on circumstances and this area can be complex, so it is worth considering regulated advice.

If you have forgotten to claim higher or additional rate tax relief in previous years, you can make backdated claims for the past four tax years.

How to Claim Higher Rate Tax Relief

For higher earners it is also worth considering how, in some cases, a pension contribution can help reinstate a full income tax personal allowance. Everyone starts with a personal allowance for tax-free income of £12,570, but that starts to be reduced by £1 for every £2 over a threshold of £100,000. Once income is over £125,140, the personal allowance is completely exhausted, but you may be able to get it back by paying into a pension to reduce earnings to below the threshold.

Finance - Shocked by

Whether you have a specific question about your finances or looking for someone to help you create a holistic financial plan, we can help you.

0207 149 6696

The value of investments can fall as well as rise. Investors may get

back less than invested. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns. The information in this article is for general information purposes and is not a trading recommendation. Nothing in this article should be construed as personal advice based on your circumstances. No news or research item is a personal recommendation to deal.

Charles Stanley & Co. Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 55 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 3AS.

And the Winner Is... The Mediterranean Diet - By Ola Adamolekun

This month something interesting popped into my Google news feed. The Mediterranean Diet being named as the most popular diet of 2022 (I’m not sure how true this is, so don’t quote me!). Now, those people who know me understand that I hate the use of the word ‘diet’. I associate it with something unstainable. I much prefer the term ‘way of eating’ or ‘WOE’.

However, I quite like the Mediterranean and I have recommended it to some of my prediabetic patients and clients. I thought I’d write an article about it at the start of 2023 - especially when people are more aware of what they are eating and keen to make changes.

So what is the Mediterranean Diet? According to Heart UK (The Cholesterol Charity) the Mediterranean Diet is high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish and unsaturated fats such as olive oil. It usually includes a low intake of meat and dairy foods. As well as being healthier, many people find the Mediterranean satisfying and sustainable.

It consists of the all the major food groups - carbs, healthy fats, protein and fibre (so you won’t be cutting out any nutrients or food groups).

So, what’s my take on the Mediterranean? If I’m honest I can’t say I’ve tried it over a long period of time, but I’ve worked with people who have and here are a few of the benefits:

1. It keeps you fuller for longer due to the inclusion of unsaturated fats like olive oil, avocado and natural nuts.

2. It includes a huge range of vegetables. A healthy plate is one which consists of 50% vegetables and the Mediterranean way of eating incorporates this.

3. It encourages you to eat wholegrains and legumes. These are a really good source of unrefined unprocessed carbohydrates and protein.

4. Anyone who knows me knows that I’m always saying, ‘eat real food’. Well, this is the foundation of the Mediterranean way of eating - processed food is kept to a minimum!

5. And a bonus - just for you red wine drinkers out there, this is allowed in moderation. Woo-hoo!

I think that any way of eating that is simple to follow, includes the

main macronutrient groups and is full of tasty foods is well worth a try. As a self-confessed carnivore, it’s great that some red meat and lean meat is allowed or else I’d have to give it a miss. If you need to shed some weight or want to improve your all round health, this is a good way of eating to try.

I’d love to hear how you get on, so feel free to reach out to me on social media. Now - I think that it’s only fair that I air my views on other ways of eating so watch this space. What should I talk about next - keto, carnivore (yum), paleo, low carb? The list is endless and it’s a bit of a minefield out there, so I’m going to state the case for some popular ways of eating in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, enjoy the Mediterranean way of eating. I wish we could get some of their warm sun as well! 23

The Singing Chef

A food review this month guys, and let me tell you how lucky we are to have such a wonderful local, delicious and inclusive business in our own fabulous Moulsham Street!

We are spoilt for choice for food in Chelmsford and let me tell you this place did not disappoint. My beautiful son James (or Jesus as he was known at school due to his long hair) has been working in catering since he left school. The boy is obsessed, just like mummy. I’m so proud of his work ethic and his passion for whatever kitchen he happens to find himself in.

Sarah is a singing and vocal coach based in Chelmsford and offers singing lessons to people of all ages and abilities. She has a brand new website at, or you can contact her at

Now, on the day of this review, James was the main chef cooking the recipes that the owners Kelly and Steve collected on their extensive trips to Asia and Korea.

We had the most crispy chicken wings you could ever imaginechoose to go ‘angry’ or ‘plain’. The ribs were super sticky and sweet and they just fell off the bone. My friend Kelly (my date for this review) went for the short rib rice bowl, and I had the same but with angry Korean crispy fried chicken. Both bowls were filled with different salads to enhance the dish and make every bite different from the one before. It was absolutely delicious. I wish I could quote some of the dialect from that meal at Rok Kitchen but it was basically just lots of silence and yummy food noises... Just go there now and eat! Vegan options also available.

Rok Kitchen, 181 Moulsham Street, CM2 0LG

Advertise with a classified advert for just £28+VAT per issue

Deadlines for the March edition:

Articles - 17th February

Print-ready artwork - 27th February 25

At 9.30am each Tuesday morning, weather permitting, a small group of us meet outside the Community Station and set off for an hours circular walk in whatever direction we fancy! We’ve been loving our weekly walks since May last year and have discovered some

unknown parts of Moulsham Lodge and close surrounding areas. We always end up back at the Copper Pot with other friends for a well deserved coffee and delicious cake. If the mood takes you one Tuesday morning you’re welcome to join us - just turn up! The Copper Potter Trotters.

Regular activities are The Copper Potters friendship group as mentioned above on a Tuesday 10am till noon. The IT man comes on the second and fourth Friday of every month, so if you need help with your phone, tablet or laptop, come along. Knitting group is growing and is held on the second and last Sunday of each month. The local WI meet there twice a month on first and third Fridays if you are interested in joining.

Some future events we are planning are:

16th March 2023 - Talk fromt Guide Dogs. All welcome.

6th May 2023 - Viewing of the King’s Coronation (further info TBA).

24th June 2023 - Well-Being Day for Everyone.

Coming within the next few months, we will also be launching our very own Men’s Shed.

07434 678 999

Find us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

An Update from Moulsham Lodge Ward - By Councillor Rob Gisby

January always feels like a long month; and this January has been both long and at times cold! However, with the evenings starting to draw out again and the bulbs starting to shoot in the garden, there is a definite glimmer of spring in the air.

Coinciding with the cold weather, I’ve had reports of mess caused by foxes raiding public bins for food - my assumption is that this may be because there is more pressure on natural food sources when there is very cold weather and snow and indeed the foxes no doubt need more energy to stay warm (although foxes will also cache food) - that said, if you’re seeing this regularly or it is becoming a problem, please do get in touch.

commission have announced that for the first time photo ID will need to be produced when you attend a polling station to vote. The acceptable forms of ID are too many to list here but full details can be found on Importantly, if you do not have photo ID, you will need to apply for a free voter authority certificate or alternatively, register for a postal vote - all the details are available on the Chelmsford City Council website

For those interested in what happens to our recycling collected by the City Council, the Recycling Centre at Freighter House (CM2 5PH near ‘the tip’) has a family open day on the 18th February, from 10am - 2pm. This is an opportunity to see how the recycling process works, learn about your waste collection services and take a tour of the depot - I will put details up on my Facebook Page.

Continuing with family days, it’s also nice to see the return of a renewed 3foot People Festival this summer with a mini warm-up party this spring: ‘The party will all take place in a big top in Central Park, and feature activities, interactive play, live performances and shows.’ (Chelmsford Theatre). If you’d like more information, go to the Chelmsford Theatre website at,, ‘Events’ and filter to ‘Outdoor’.

Regarding the Post Office, I am glad to say that I understand conversations are ongoing and Vicky Ford and I continue to speak to involved parties for updates. At time of writing there is no specific update that we can share as ultimately it’s sensitive to those involved but we and the many residents of Moulsham Lodge continue to be hopeful for a positive outcome.

Whilst I won’t talk elections per se, it may be helpful to know that from May this year (ahead of the local elections), the electoral

You can get in touch with me via Chelmsford City Council, through my Facebook Page (Cllr Rob Gisby), or via Chelmsford Conservative Association. Please do reach out - I look forward to hearing from you.

Stay safe, keep well, be kind.


Congratulations to Beehive Florist at Hylands Parade in Wood Street for reaching the finals of the British Florist Association Awards in the category of Retail Florist of the Year for the second year running. Beehive have already received accreditation from the Good Florist Guide and were delighted to be shortlisted again.

Beehive Florist was founded by Val Booth in 1994, the shop was originally in Beehive Lane, and she was joined by Jayne Grantham as a trainee shortly afterwards. Their belief in the simple and unique use of flowers and latest skills have helped them achieve their success and make them a popular choice for the local community and beyond. Their distinctive branded delivery van is frequently spotted in the local area, particularly around Valentine’s and Mothers’ Day.

Well done on such a massive achievement, particularly as it was their customers who nominated and voted for them.

Sue Sharp had another successful Christmas light display in December on the corner of Dove Lane, raising money for Essex Air Ambulance. The exact amount isn’t known yet as some donations

What is Truth?

It’s been quite a fraught start to the year, hasn’t it?

Strikes, waiting times for GPs, A&E, prices continue to rise (as I write, milk and cheese are the latest to see fast-paced price rises). In the midst of this, we get the now-normal spin - government blaming this body or union or person; unions blaming government; everyone blaming someone else. We like to blame... the media, the government, the economy... At the moment, we can take our pick!

It can feel at times, as if truth is the last thing on anyone’s mind - as if the truth is impossible to arrive at. But on a personal level we know when we’re being honest, telling the truth, and when we’re blaming others for what’s really our responsibility.

When Jesus was arrested and taken to Pontius Pilate (the Roman governor of Judea at the time, and the only person who could dish out the death sentence), he had a conversation about truth with Pilate. Jesus told Pilate the truth - Jesus’ kingdom is not like kingdoms (or nations, or countries) in this world. If it was, Jesus told him, Jesus’ disciples would have been fighting to release Jesus with this world’s methods: violence.

Pilate thinks he’s found Jesus out - ‘you are a king, then!’ Setting yourself up as a rival to Caesar was punishable by death, there can be no other king to threaten Caesar. But Jesus simply says that his very purpose is to testify to the truth.

were made direct by QR code this year, but my grandchildren thoroughly enjoyed the magical lights.

Pilate is confused, and in despair throws up his hands: ‘What is truth?’ he declares. But this is an excuse - Pilate knows the truth: there’s nothing Jesus has done to deserve the death penalty. But still Pilate gives Jesus over to death. Why? To uphold the lie that somehow Caesar and Pilate are in control of events. But that’s not true. Only one person is in control - Jesus himself. You can read this for yourself in the Bible - the Gospel of John, chapters 18, 19 and 20.

A lot of the posturing at the moment around cost of living, strikes, pay etc, is about control. Who is really in control? In the end, it isn’t unions or government, or indeed Putin. It isn’t you or me. Instinctively, we know this, and it can frighten us. But here’s the truth: Jesus Christ is Lord. If anxiety or worry are crippling you, call out to him. He’ll answer.

At Tile Kiln Church, we’d love to help you. Discover more about Jesus, ease the burden of the cost of living (we can help with foodbank vouchers, a warm space, Monday morning toddler group, Wednesday morning café, and more besides). Get in touch with me using any of the details below.

Tim Goodall, Pastor, Tile Kiln Church.

07821 866 301


Tile Kiln Corner - By Cllr Linda Mascot 27

Quiz Time - By John Theedom

In a church, what is a hassock used for?

Which former Essex/England test cricket player has the nickname ‘Beefy’?

Which joint is formed by the meeting of the humerus, the radius and the ulna?

From which plant is linseed oil obtained?

Pertussis is the technical name for which disease?

Where would you be if you were standing on the Spanish steps?

What connects ‘China’, ‘idle’ and ‘meal’?

Which female singing star went from singing to landscape gardening?

How much was Boris Johnson paid for his first speaking engagement?

Who is Matt Hancock’s girlfriend?

What is the registration number of the Rolls Royce owned by golf legend Peter Allis?

Where in the UK is the town of Dudley?

In what position do adult horses normally sleep?

Which planet has the most moons?

Who was the actor who played the role of Crocodile Dundee?

What was the Greenpeace ship that was blown up by the French near New Zealand?

How many wisdom teeth does the average adult have?

What sports company was originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports?

The nests of which birds are used to make bird’s nest soup?

What is the nickname of the German pilot Baron von Richthofen?

Who sang Wake Up Little Susie, Cathy’s Clown and All I Have To Do Is Dream?

How many is a sequi-centennial anniversary?

What kind of animal is an addax?

What is the name for a female ferret?

What is one of the very few words that are recognised by every country in the world?

What is a ninja?

What is an onomatopia?

What is the origin of the name Tesco?

Which Roman god had two faces?

What is David Beckham’s wife’s real name?

What is the Finnish name for Finland?

In which sport is a broom used?

What is a fusil?

Which rock musician sang Tutti Frutti and Good Golly Miss Molly?

Steve Davis is well known in which sport?

What is vicuna?

Which actor played the role of Captain

Mainwaring in Dad’s Army?

The ringgit is the national currency of which country?

Who was the author of the Just William stories?

What has the Queen Consort just delivered to a charity in East London?

(Answers on pages 31)


The online wordsearch maker is having some issues this month and it would only allow one, so here are some ditloids. Ditloids are numbers and letters which make up a common phrase for example:

‘52 W in a Y’ = 52 weeks in a year 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
2 P
7 D
88 K
8 L
6 Z
a M
a W
4 L
1 M W M
5 L in a L
in a
in a
on a
4. 40
5. 360
in a
on a
8. 168
9. 88 D A the
12. 29

Weekly Coffee morning helper – Palmerston Lodge

We are looking for someone to help run our coffee mornings for residents at their independent residential housing in Chelmsford. You will be bright and cheerful and happy to chat to residents. The position involves setting up the tea and coffee station, serving, and having a natter with our lovely residents.

Knit and crochet for good causes - Ladies’ knitting group in Great Baddow

Are you a keen knitter, or have you always wanted to learn? We are welcoming volunteers to join a new ladies’ only knitting group at Hamptons Sport & Leisure Centre in Great Baddow.

The group includes experienced knitters, complete beginners, refugees, older people, and ladies who’ve dealt with difficult circumstances or sad times. Over lots of coffee and cake we chat, create, laugh, and make things for good causes.

Volunteer at Chelmsford Light Parade - 9th of February 2023

Can you help us make the stunning Chelmsford Light Parade a success?

With performances from fire artists, shadow puppetry from artists across the UK, as well as some amazing floats and lanterns from across community groups in Chelmsford, the now annual parade is a beautiful event. We need a team of volunteers to help with logistics, preparing the space, marking the parade route, and making sure everyone has a safe, enjoyable time.

Volunteer at Read Easy

Read Easy is a nationwide charity that helps adults learn to read. New groups are starting in Chelmsford, and they need a team of people behind the scenes to help get things going, and to volunteer as coaches.

Volunteer at Broomfield Hospital

Broomfield Hospital has lots of volunteer roles available, all of which offer the chance to make a real difference to the lives of patients, their loved ones, and to hardworking NHS staff.

Roles include helping in wards, at mealtimes, in the gardens, at help desks, at the breast clinic, on chemotherapy wards, and in physical therapy.

Group support volunteer for young families - HomeStart Essex

Becoming a parent can be an incredibly isolating experience. It can feel overwhelming, and like you’re doing everything wrong. HomeStart run face-to-face and online well-being groups to provide young parents with coping mechanisms, build friendships and peer support, talk openly in a non-judgmental environment, and improve their mental health. Kind, empathetic volunteers are needed to help run these.

Side-by-Side volunteer -The Alzheimers Society

Side-by-Side is a service to help people with dementia to keep on doing the things they love - and try new things too! They meet up with a volunteer, decide what they’d like to do, and do it together.

Side-by-Side is a fun, friendly, super-flexible volunteering opportunity through which you’ll receive expert training and support to develop within your role.




Approximately 8 miles north of

Paul Hogan

Rainbow Warrior



Chinese swallows

Red Baron

The Everly Brothers

150 years

North African antelope

Jill Taxi

A trained assassin and spy in Japan

A word that reads the same forwards and backwards (eg, ‘madam’)

TES is from TE Stockwell, (business partner) and CO from Cohen


Melanie Chisholm



Small musket

Little Richard


Wool cloth

Arthur Lowe


Richmal Crompton

A load of Paddington Bears


1. 2 peas in a pod

2. 7 days in a week

3. 88 keys on a piano

4. 40 days in Lent

5 360 degrees in a circle

6 8 legs on a spider

7. 6 zeros in a million

8. 168 hours in a week

9. 88 days around the world

10. A table has 4 legs

11. 1 man went to mow

12. 5 lines in a limerick 31 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Kneeling to pray Ian Botham Elbow Flax Whooping cough Rome Bone
Gina Coladangelo PUT
Standing up Saturn
28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

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