Eratosthenes a scientific humorous screenplay

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ERATOSTHENES (CA 276 - CA 195 B.C.) Scientific-humorous screenplay Author: Iuliana Ciubuc - 06/01/2016 Translation: Ana Tudor - ambassador eTwinning

Characters: 1. Math teacher: Mrs. Ene 2. The Pupil Artene - Little scientist: a very smart oltenian, but very skeptical 3. Eratosthenes 4. The Group Eratos - 10 scientist pupils Materials: a stick, a tape or a ruler, a thread with lead, a square, a paper of 2-3 m length, a support for a stick, a notebook, a pencil or ballpoint, the logo of the project Eratos, some T-shirts with this logo, a drawing sun, the earth globe, two placards with the names of the localities from Egipt (Alexandria and Aswan), video-projector, a screen on which to be displayed Eratosthenes while he doing the experiment.


The Pupil I pass Eratosthenes path When I was learning at Math, It’s Mrs. Ene who taught me, A sieve he invented, you see. And me, rebelled, I told her: What do I make with his sieve, er? All have in house, believe, Hunged in a peg, a sieve. Do you mean is an invention? Or is it just an intention? So I know that its time went, That is what did he invent? Even grandma uses it. The grinded corn it can sift.

The Teacher It’s not a sieve, don’t fret in vain Wait, nor a device, I say fain, Imaginary sieve, no grime, 2

Numbers it differs were prime. Those not prime, namely the rest Are not out the sieve, no jest. The Pupil Look at him, how a great wit! His mind, auspicious is it! How invention can be good Bag in a circle of wood? It is true, idea is not wrong. But the way to the patent long! The Teacher Experience, please, I urge you! The sieve’s another thing to do, It’s useful for us, why not? Eratos gives us skills a lot. With children of all the world You’ll compare every word! But not about sieve I tell you, A good experiment to do For Eratostenes’ fame Artene, stick, rule, use the same!

The Pupil Do you want a sick to take A ruler as research to make? What could I learn and in what mood? As they don’t represent some food. The Teacher Just food is in your mind, in vain, 3

I’m trying for you to explain! A lot you will know, but just wait Have a small patience, is not late! So, even from antiquity, The great Greek scientist was free To measure earth, investigate A genius without mate. Theoretically he knew To search, investigate and do Just how is its circumference Reminding in each reference. To calculate it, he wanted, To measure shadow he needed. So, in a place he thought and thought The good idea soon he got. At equinox, he measured, so A gnomon and just its shadow. As he desired, on the spot. And a single mistake was not.

The Pupil Eratosthenes, for all that, Should know astronomy, and what? Not just Math, but Biology Physics and even Geography. The Teacher He applied forms of Geometry, Coordinates of Geography He knew, and algorithms he used, Of course is sure all he mused. Today no one can contradict The experiment I depict 4

A ceremony nearly Round up for pupils yearly. During solstices pupils do As for the equinoxes too, Great experiments all over And any earthling, moreover. The Pupil Thank you! You have just convinced me! I promise I’ll imply, you’ll see! I’m curious and attention Make me something else to mention. If Eratosthenes had not Computer, internet, I thought How could he coordinates meet? That he put this to our feet. I stayed thoughtful, I will tell you, Even somewhat skeptical, too. That we could have such an event! Though I’ll try to experiment! And ... by a long confrontation, On the subject, with caution, I’m able for experiment, Just research, not entertainment. It’s great that’s sunny outside, And shadow was going to hide, Otherwise, it turned up, I say, It’s spring, it’s equinox today. Go on, children, for a treasure, The gnomon’s shadow to measure! Go out for earth, it’s not late Circumference to calculate.


The Teacher How many knowledge, look, we need, For new experiment indeed, For Eratosthenes something, He wasn’t old for nothing. The Pupil We all had everything to know: Math, Geography and even so, Astronomy, Physics, I see, Or English language, ICT. The Teacher From all these, not just a bit It’s not easy but they all fit So, use them well, children, close to Your teachers who know what to do. You have a lot to learn, to know And I congratulate you, so, For your result as you deserve! I tell you that with no reserve. You documented yourself and Experiment was at your hand; You have esearched and thus, indeed, For that you will be rewarded! ERATOS Group (in chorus) So, who would have ever believed, Just with a stick, we have revealed, A ruler, so insignificant, We learn on experiment. Eratosthenes, we thank you, For what you could discover, do; As we just comprehend by now. To be happy is our trend!



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