Our solar system sketch 2

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Our Solar System (sketch) Author: Iuliana Ciubuc - 26 November 2014 Translator: Ana Tudor, teacher at "Liviu Rebreanu" School, Mioveni Town, Romania Characters: Sun Mercury Mars Saturn Venus Uranus Jupiter Neptune Pluto Moon Ceres The Presenter THE SUN (which is described by the Presenter) The Sun, you know, is a big star, So turning as it wants by far, And bodies gravitate a lot Around it without stop Their rotation, and that's why You can not thus look in the sky To Sun in order to see it; It shines very hard not a bit Calling it Sun wasn't a fault; At night full of stars is the vault; Like a curtain embroidered is To us a lovely image gives. Lightened by a lot of sun rays, For a stars show, everyone pays, With thousands of suns and planets, Or galaxies, even comets, And they are, dear children, thus, Celestial bodies called by us. MERCURY


I'm used to twirl next to the Sun And with impatience I run; I'm Mercury, rocky and hard The smallest in my orbit's yard. I'm like a ball, keep in your mind Stay away, I'm hot in my kind. VENUS I'm Venus, a planet by far; Improperly, you call me star!

The Presenter Lucifer they used to call you Venus Yes, you are right, and this I knew; So shining I am used to be And if you want, you can see me.

EARTH, TERRA (The Blue Planet) The Presenter (is addressing to someone who wants to become a cosmonaut)

Well, if you have a chance to fly In space, you will notice, so try A lot of blue which oceans means, Urging you thus for all its screens To call Terra the Blue Planet, Holy place where we inhabit. That means for us, living on earth And we all know what is its worth. It's our planet which feed us, Giving a lot of joy and thus 2

Sun's able to heat it, indeed, Offering energy we need. The Earth (proud) A pirouette daily I make, For this movement a name I take, I called it of "spin" and it's right, I have a chat with day and night; From time to time I even sigh Looking at it and I don't why; This movement of rotation called Is it for you amazing, bold? It's hard to see that day has got Without color, light a lot; And when you have got more to work Quickly, Sun hides and try to shirk. My route every year is done Having a path around the Sun From each seasons dear result As a written clichĂŠ you consult. My movement is eliptical Or it's rather ecliptical Also called of revolution, For Universe a solution. MOON - Selene (the natural satellite of the Earth)

The Presenter When it is night, it isn't fun, It seems to be a little Sun; For Earth it is a dwarf with fizz, Because four times smaller it is. Monthly by whirling around Our Earth, the truth was found. And just like that, as you know well, Celestine twelve months on it dwell.



I rotate myself, just like you, Around the Earth, yes I do, Against the current, even that, Believe this statement, simple chat. Twelve rotations every year Which Terian can appear, I rotate and with no doubt, Like a veritable scout, I'm natural, but satellite My ways with revolution meet. The Presenter Certainly! Moon I influence the ebb and flow, With Sun, Moon eclipses I grow. MARS (the red planet)

I'm red and cold, thus I go, Spending a lot of years so; As from valleys my body is, And like a fate, from mountains. I like so much to be in peak, Rather the perigee I seek.


JUPITER I'm the largest of all, trully, But I can rotate skillfully, Because I have the biggest speed, I think you all know that, indeed.


Tens of satellites around Run in order to be found Most were already appointed, With sixty-seven mames jointed.


Europe - (Jupiter's satellite comes in by jumping!) Wait a minute, to take my cope I am your satellite - Europe! I am so happy I can watch From the Universe, it means much. My dear earthlings, from above I bless all people, every cove The Europeans, first of all, I watch you from a single call.

SATURN Concerning me, I'm gifted, too Just the richest of all of you; Although I'm formed by rock and ice My colours are really nice. And I have planetary rings, 5


From whom research its studies brings. Once NASA said I'm a matter Which comes from the icy water. So, maybe NASA something knows, If it sustains such a wise row. URANUS

First, I am made of green-blue ice, Giant and with artistry nice, Others like me have not leaven Somewhere up above in heaven. What's my name I think I told you You forgot, despite you all knew But I tell you, it's my habit, I am the URANUS planet.

NEPTUNE And me, I'm of blue color, too. You know that the wind tries to do, Though beat by it, I'm yours, but just You have to believe me on trust. I am the farthest from the Sun For me has the fate cold done? PLUTO I'm dwarf in system around By an American found; A new discovery, huge aid, But of my fate, I am afraid; Sharon satellite is my mate 6

Synchronously we both rotate.

And similar to Earth and Moon Synchronous is rotation's tune. They don't talk much about me Although I know that fine would be, Don't ignore me, show interest in The solar system and you win A long and happy life by far Because just its favourites you are!

CERES I am so small, but staying near, A dwarf planet living here, Like brothers here we all live, Don't ignore me, in me believe! Please, don't let me alone yet, Because too soon you will regret. The Presenter - (in conclusion) So, shortly, you are right, of course! That would be better and not worse! Let's study at least for ever, Because now we are together, A SUPERSYSTEM loved a lot Even whether we want or not!


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