Chemistry International | Oct 2024 | Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

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CHEMISTRY International

The News Magazine of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)

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Managing Editor

Fabienne Meyers

IUPAC, c/o Department of Chemistry

Boston University

Metcalf Center for Science and Engineering 590 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215, USA


Design/Production: Stuart Wilson

Chemistry International

Chemistry International (ISSN 0193-6484) is published 4 times annually in January, April, July, and October by De Gruyter, Inc., 121 High St., 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02110 on behalf of IUPAC. See or for more information.

ISSN 0193-6484, eISSN 1365-2192

© 2024 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Cover: The Atomium is a monumental icon in Brussels, Belgium. It was first built in 1958 as the center piece of the World Expo. Representing an elementary iron crystal, it echoes faith in scientific progress and highlights advances in science and technology. This emblematic structure appears fitting to recognize emerging technologies. In this issue, IUPAC presents its 2024 selection of Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry; see page 8.

Vice President’s Column Shaping Tomorrow’s Chemistry: Reflections and Goals from IUPAC’s Vice President

Ifirst heard about IUPAC in 1972 in undergraduate organic (nomenclature) lectures; I already knew about the Periodic Table from high school days, but I did not make the connection between this chemistry and the organisation named IUPAC until much later. In 1996, I became involved in planning for Australia to bid for a General Assembly (GA)/ World Chemistry Congress (WCC); ultimately the bid was successful, and the meeting was held in my home city of Brisbane in July 2001. In the way, I learnt much about the various component parts of IUPAC while the Executive Secretary role, which I held for a trio of combined meetings including an Asian Chemistry Congress plus an Asian Federation of Medicinal Chemistry meeting, brought me into contact with the IUPAC leadership. I also interacted with Titular Members, many volunteers, as well as key movers and shakers within the chemistry field. And I got to know our wonderful current IUPAC staff members Fabienne Meyers and Enid Weatherwax.

I was next encouraged by Australian colleagues to attend the GA/WCC in China in 2003, and then to consider joining one of the Division III (organic) sub-committees. I was elected a Titular Member of Division III in 2006 and became President of the Division for the 2014-2015 biennium. As a member of the Australian National Adhering Organisation (NAO) delegation, I have attended every General Assembly/ Council meeting since Berlin in 1999.

Although I know quite a bit about the complexities of IUPAC, one of my first realisations this year is that there is no one who knows everything about every aspect of IUPAC life. I suspect that my well-thumbed volume of the Fennell history, [1] and the more recent update by Brown, [2,3] will become even more well-thumbed over the next few years. These two books have revealed to me that knowledge of our IUPAC history informs the

future. The stories that emerge from their printed pages are those of scientific progress against a changing technical landscape, constant funding pressures, and of healthy and vigorous debate on governance matters and even leadership styles. They provide a clear message that IUPAC must constantly look to evolve its internal processes and organisational structures if it is to remain a vital force within the global science community.

A New Governance Structure

Following extensive and thought-provoking discussion, the 2021 Council meeting voted for a new governance model to replace the long-established Bureau/Executive Committee structure. The proposal for two smaller Boards, namely the Executive Board (EB) and the Science Board (SB), was recognised as a key organisational change that would provide greater flexibility to IUPAC processes and enhance decision-making. Central to this outcome was the desire to prioritise the scientific aspects of IUPAC as well as to reduce costs and improve efficiency of operations. The transitional period leading up to this governance change coincided with the retirement of long-serving Executive Director, Lynn Soby, and the arrival of Greta Heydenrych as her replacement.

The EB oversees the administration of IUPAC, including Secretariat operations and financial matters, while the SB has carriage of the scientific work and activities. Both Boards have been “finding their feet” during the first six months of the biennium; each meets bimonthly with minutes regularly posted on the website for the benefit of volunteers, NAOs, and other stakeholders [4].

The Science Board

As Vice President, I have the honour to chair the SB, which is a thought-provoking challenge. The SB membership consists of five “internal” members elected from the current group of Division Presidents/Standing Committee chairs together with five “external” members elected from candidates nominated by their NAOs. Ex officio members are the President, Secretary-General, and Executive Director of IUPAC. In this way, the membership combines the experience and insider knowledge of IUPAC processes and operations together with the wisdom and fresh insight of discipline leaders from across the breadth of chemistry. Although the current membership of the SB does not include any representation from the Standing Committees, the five internal members are expected to seek out the views of other Division Presidents and Standing Committee chairs.

As far as I can ascertain, the current Divisional structure was initiated in 1949 with the establishment of Divisions I-III and V, while Division IV was set up in 1967. Division VI was launched in its present form in 1996 at the same time as Division VII, while Division VIII is the most recent (2002) [5]. Standing Committees fall into two categories: (a) technical committees that span all aspects of chemistry, which include those on chemistry education (CCE), industry (COCI), green chemistry and sustainable development (ICGCSD), world needs (CHEMRAWN), publications and digital standards (CPCDS), and the critically-important interdivisional committee on terminology, nomenclature and symbols (ICTNS) whose role is to evaluate any IUPAC document concerned with terminology, nomenclature, symbols and other conventions prior to publication (for example in Pure and Applied Chemistry); and (b) committees linked to the mission, values, and operations of IUPAC, including those on finance, projects and their evaluation, ethics, diversity and inclusion (EDEI), as well as editorial boards for Pure and Applied Chemistry and Chemistry International. An exciting addition to this set of IUPAC bodies has been the inclusion in 2024 of the International Younger Chemists Network within the IUPAC structure. This was an excellent outcome smoothly guided through the Den Haag 2023 Council meeting by our then President Javier Garcia Martinez.

In line with the terms of reference of the newly established SB, the complex scientific structure of IUPAC came under scrutiny at the first meeting held in 2024. Although the Divisional structure reflects the way in which chemistry is still taught in many academic institutions, it no longer represents the way in which modern chemistry research is undertaken. Pick up any major chemistry scientific journal and the research themes that predominate are topics in energy and materials, biotechnology, chemical biology, green and sustainable chemistry, the environment, catalysis, and molecular synthesis. Even within the field of chemistry education, recent trends encompass systems thinking and planetary boundaries, both of which describe a holistic view of chemistry intimately linked to other sciences, and both contributing to better awareness of global challenges such as climate change. The critical work of IUPAC on data standards is being transformed by digitisation; and, right now, the entire digital world of science is being challenged by the emergence of artificial intelligence.

It will be up to the IUPAC community to decide whether the current scientific structure of IUPAC, which has served our community well for over seventy years, is fit-for-purpose for the next decade and beyond.

There is a belief that our structure needs to be flexible and responsive, to reduce “silos” of scientific activity by encouraging meaningful collaboration across the full breadth of our discipline and beyond. An added current complication is the secondary layer of sub-committee structure, compartmentalising further the scientific activity; e.g., one division has five sub-committees: are they all necessary?

The SB has concluded that it would be useful to clearly define IUPAC’s scientific priorities before attempting to explore wide-ranging organisational change. The currently recommended set of priorities that were approved by the SB at its May 2024 meeting, are shown in Box 1 [6]. Two working groups, one based in the Pacific and the other in Europe for ease of online discussions at user-friendly times, have since been established and have drafted some early ideas on reshaping IUPAC scientific activity.

Suggestions include merging some Divisions and amalgamating some Standing Committees; for example, many feel that there is duplication between CHEMRAWN and ICGCSD, and these two bodies should merge. Questions that have been raised include: Whether our links to industry would be better served by direct industry representation within Divisions and Committees rather than a standalone COCI? Does establishment of the SB suggest that the Project Committee should be disestablished?

Although outside of the direct remit of the SB, but worth mentioning at this stage, is if there is scope for streamlining some of the other committee operations? More controversially, and in view of the current financial picture, at some point the IUPAC community must consider the current membership structure and numbers. How many Titular Members (TMs) do we actually need? It should be a given that anyone appointed to a Division/Standing Committee TM or executive role needs to be an active participant in IUPAC business. Importantly, we should pay attention to succession planning and to member and NAO expectations during these sensitive discussions.

Ideas for reshaping the scientific structure of IUPAC will be incorporated into a White Paper that is currently under preparation. The next phase of the review process requires comment and feedback from IUPAC volunteers, NAOs, and other stakeholders, and also will make use of the still relevant information obtained by a survey on the impact, scope, and activities of IUPAC undertaken in 2019 during preparation for the Organizational Structure Review led by Mark Cesa [7-9]. After receiving that report in 2020, Council agreed to make changes that would help to keep IUPAC relevant

Vice President’s Column

IUPAC Scientific Priorities as of May 2024:

1. Enables global scientific cooperation and collaboration in chemistry by:

a. Creating a common language, including data standards, nomenclature, terminology and symbols, to enable digital and human communications;

b. Bringing together experts and governing bodies to agree on data / constants for common use;

c. Defining and providing technical standards in chemistry for our global profession.

2. Provides a forum for interaction between Chemistry Organisations, Professional Societies, Industry and other Bodies to:

a. Facilitate the exchange of best practice in chemistry and in chemistry education;

b. Support educational initiatives in data standards and management;

c. Promote diversity and inclusiveness in our profession and encourage global access and participation.

3. Creates connections from chemistry to cognate disciplines and to educational communities to reach common objectives in key issues that cross scientific boundaries, including education and sustainable development, by:

a. Supporting outreach and engagement initiatives, notably those that contribute to the UN SDGs;

b. Liaising with key industry, science union, and NGO partners, to deliver a more sustainable future;

c. Working together to promote the values and ethics of science through responsible practise.

in the constantly changing scientific landscape.

At the time of writing, the General Assembly/Council meeting to be held in Kuala Lumpur in July 2025 is the most suitable time and venue for a Town Hall meeting of all those interested in the scientific future and contributions of IUPAC. It is important to ensure that everyone who wishes to comment has a voice. Note that the preparations for the elections for Divisional positions for 2026-2027 have already begun; this, together with the need for Bylaw changes, potentially also Statute changes, associated with a scientific restructure, limit our capacity to make changes for the 2026 biennium. Irrespective of whether any Statute or Bylaw changes are required, the final decision(s) on reshaping our scientific structure will be made by our NAO members at a future Council meeting.

The Importance of Diversity and Inclusiveness within IUPAC

I cannot finish my inaugural column for Chemistry International without a quick comment about a topic dear to my heart—the Committee on Ethics, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CEDEI) was launched at the start of the 2022 biennium and I was privileged to be the inaugural chair; this leadership role has now passed into the excellent hands of Mark Cesa (USA). At the Montreal Council in 2021, some NAOs expressed doubts about the need for CEDEI, viewing it as yet another body

requiring financial and operational commitments. It is generally recognised that access to education and training in chemistry should be accessible to all those that wish to be involved in the discipline. Consequently, IUPAC should show leadership in the DEI space, particularly given the variation in attitudes to gender, cultural, and minority issues that still limits participation across the globe. It is often articulated that we live in an age of winners and losers; success or failure should clearly depend on quality, but also requires good fortune, and fairness (equity). Educational environments should provide everyone with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, aptitude, and value.

IUPAC now has some policy guidelines linked to behaviour and respect, specifically to privacy, conflict of interest, harassment, and use of social media [10]. In 2023, CEDEI was awarded project funding from the IUPAC Executive to prepare Guidelines for the Responsible Practice of Chemistry; [11] the task group has drafted a set of eight Principles and is currently working on explanatory text and visual icons as an aid to their understanding.

Each year, IUPAC has hosted a Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB) on a specified date during the month of February. This event is now in its seventh year, and close to 2000 events have been held in >100 different countries. Likely over 30,000 individuals leap out of bed on the day to join in, thereby making this

Vice President’s Column

one of the largest virtual global networking events for women and their allies [12]. The GWB will next be held on 11 February 2025, coincidentally the UNESCO International Day for Women and Girls in Science. Since 2025 is also the International Year for Quantum Science and Technology, the likely theme to be chosen will be “Accelerating Equity in Science.” Please take a look at the GWB website ( and consider registering an event in your local community. All genders are encouraged to participate, and you are welcome to design your own program or to share ideas with other breakfast events.

Concluding remarks

I still have much to learn about IUPAC, starting with the Periodic Table to extend my horizons beyond the molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and the halogens in whose company I have spent my entire professional career while researching natural products chemistry! As I begin to comprehend the amazing privilege that I will soon have of leading the IUPAC community, may I let you know that my e-office door is always open to IUPAC volunteers. If you have questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me.

Mary Garson <> is Emerita Professor in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. She has served IUPAC in many leadership roles including as President of Division III (2014-2015), as an elected Bureau Member (2018-2021) and as inaugural Chair of the Committee for Ethics, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CEDEI). She co-chaired the Management Committee overseeing arrangements for the centenary of IUPAC in 2019. However, she is best known as the creator of the IUPAC Global Women’s

Breakfast event series, which she now co-coordinates together with Laura McConnell (USA). Her two-year term as IUPAC Vice President/ President-elect commenced in January 2024. She is an elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and a member of its National Committee for Chemistry. The marine flatworm Maritigrella marygarsonae is named in her honour.

References and Notes

1. Fennell, R. W. “History of IUPAC 1919-1987”, Blackwell Science,1994 [ISBN 0865428786]

2. Brown, S. S. “History of IUPAC 1988-1999” IUPAC, 2001 [ISBN 0 967 8550 1 2].

3. Note that this supplementary chapter is entitled “restructuring, reorientation, relocation”.

4. Minutes are available at (Science Board) and : (Executive Board).

5. Information sourced from the IUPAC handbook 2004-2005; [ISBN 0-9678550-7-1].

6. These scientific priorities were further shared with the Executive Board for their feedback; it should be noted however that the Science Board reports directly to the Council of IUPAC.

7. Cesa, Mark, Chao, Ito, Droescher, Michael, Ferrins, Lori, Shuai, Zhigang and Garcia-Martinez, Javier. “An Organizational Structure for the Future” Chemistry International, vol. 44, no. 2, 2022, pp. 34-37.


9. Garcia Martinez, Javier, “Bonding the Chemistry Community”, Chemistry International, vol. 44, no. 1, pp 2-4.


11. 12.

Hed Spotlight on IUPAC Young Observers

As a recent Young Observer (YO) myself (2023), I am honored to have the opportunity to interact with and hear from other Young Observers around the world while collecting feedback for this new series of articles echoing YOs experience being involved in recent IUPAC meetings or projects.

Importantly, I am excited to help share these YO’s experiences and reflections about their involvement with IUPAC through this inaugural series in Chemistry International. For reference, “[t]he YO Program provides an opportunity for young scientists to participate in sessions of the IUPAC General Assembly and establish international collaborations, gain knowledge of global research activities, and participate in IUPAC activities (from IUPAC, Young Observer Program1).” Many thanks are owed to the YOs who have given their energy and time to prepare these responses. I am especially grateful to Bonnie Lawlor and Fabienne Meyers for their assistance with this project and more broadly their work in support of IUPAC and chemists globally. I hope that you will enjoy these pieces, and I look forward to collecting more responses from other YOs as we continue this globally engaged collection!

In each piece, the YOs are invited to respond to the following four prompts:

1) Tell us about yourself (e.g., Your hometown/ country, where you go to school/work, your current role, etc.) and if this is your first time as a Young Observer.

2) Describe some of your favorite/transformative/ valuable experiences in your role as a YO at the IUPAC World Chemistry Congress/General Assembly (GA).

3) How will you use these experience(s) as you progress, and how might you advise/encourage individuals who are hoping to serve as YOs and/or become involved within the broader chemical community, especially IUPAC? and

4) If you had a couple hours each week to contribute

to IUPAC, to which project (already initiated or not yet started), would you contribute these hours?

Being a YO is like being a United Nations (UN)-like chemist ambassador! by Silvina (Silvi) Di Pietro Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA; YO 2023

My name is Dr. Silvina (Silvi) Di Pietro and I am an environmental chemist. I graduated with a PhD in the Spring of 2021 from Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida, USA. I am originally from Argentina, but I currently live in Livermore, California, USA, where I work as a research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This past year (2023) was my first time as a Young Observer! My favorite and most valuable experience as a YO at the 2023 IUPAC World Chemistry Congress/General Assembly in The Hague, was the IUPAC Council meeting; this “meeting” was like no other meeting that I have attended. I have never previously experienced a United Nations (UN)-like forum, however during the Council meeting, I felt like I was part of the UN. Throughout the week, I was in the presence of top leaders in the global chemical community, e.g., former IUPAC presidents, world-class researchers, etc., where we discussed important and meaningful topics. I witnessed how different National Adhering Organizations (NAOs), i.e., official member organizations of IUPAC representing their respective countries, implemented or sought to amend certain IUPAC Statutes and Bylaws. I was both mesmerized and humbled by the auditorium full of scientists who discussed the betterment of the world through all facets of chemistry.

What I experienced at the World Chemistry Congress has catapulted my career through a combination of networking and involvement with future IUPAC Division projects. During the General Assembly, I participated in the two-day Division VI (Chemistry and the

1 See

Environment) meeting. This time spent with my fellow members solidified my membership in this Division and most importantly, my involvement with IUPAC. Not only are the projects fascinating, but so are the members! I learned a lot about how members remain active for so many years; I want to share with other young chemists my passion for involvement with IUPAC. One way I hope to accomplish this mission by giving IUPAC-related webinars to chemistry students from my alma mater, FIU. Currently, I co-chair the project “The global scenario and challenges of radioactive waste in the marine environment” <> supported by the Chemistry and the Environment Division, and am hopeful to get involved with Analytical Chemistry Division (Div V) for additional project(s). I am also involved with Division VI as part of the YO board, which is trying to boost attendance at our monthly board meetings through invited talks by younger chemists and social media engagement/outreach.

If you are a YO who is passionate about chemistry and the environment, please consider getting involved!

The GA/Congress is a unique place to learn about and connect with IUPAC

Tien Thuy Quach University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK; YO 2021, 2023

at different events and meetings, especially the Royal Society of Chemistry’s reception! I found that I could freely and readily exchange ideas with different members from the IUPAC Analytical Chemistry and Polymer Divisions, including various Subcommittees and groups. Despite tight schedules, everyone was happy to share and expand on ideas to advance current and/ or initiate new activities and projects. I made new and deep connections and had a chance to understand other people as unique individuals with similar visions who want to reach and achieve similar goals. Thanks to the great leadership within IUPAC, YOs from different countries were welcomed as collaborators with minimal-to-no barriers/limitations/restrictions to participation. I appreciate and admire the professional and respectful environments fostered by IUPAC; individuals from all backgrounds and career levels/stages are welcomed and valued.

My name is Tien Thuy Quach, and I am originally from Vietnam; I am presently transitioning to a new workplace at the time of writing this piece. I have a pharmacy background, and I will be starting as a Teaching Assistant/Fellow at the Aston Pharmacy School, Aston University, UK, in 2024. I have served as one of the UK’s YOs in 2021, and that year the IUPAC General Assembly (GA)/Congress went virtual due to the travel restrictions from COVID-19. Thus, in 2023, I was happy to attend in-person sessions both as a presenter and YO at IUPAC | CHAINS 2023 in the Netherlands!

It was fantastic to learn about the many ongoing projects within IUPAC and connect with great people

It is a pleasure to share my experiences as one of the UK’s YOs (both in 2021 and 2023) to encourage more researchers and students to learn about and get involved with IUPAC. I suggest that incoming YOs should make the most of the GA to explore IUPAC, especially by joining Division meetings and connecting with Division representatives. After understanding more about each Division and other relevant IUPAC entities, one can actively follow and join current activities and projects by attending Division, Committee, and Subcommittee meetings and supporting the relevant task(s). One can then share and discuss new ideas to develop new proposal(s)/project(s), all while working with great colleagues! For example, I had the opportunity to participate in the “Polymer Video Competition” that promoted polymer science and showcased student creativity and knowledge. In earlier 2024, I initiated a Knowledge Exchange pilot series titled, “Knowledge Exchange for Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing” <>. Overall, my goal is to establish and expand IUPAC Knowledge Exchange programmes, particularly to enable younger researchers and students to work and grow together. I hope to enhance joint project(s), as well as strengthen the relationships between IUPAC Divisions and the International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN), where I presently serve as Chair-Elect.

Daniel (Dan) Reddy, ORCID 0000-0002-2496-4520

Silvina (Silvi) Di Pietro, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Materials Science Division; ORCID 0000-0002-7633-9284

Tien Thuy Quach, Aston Pharmacy School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK; ORCID 0000-0002-4849-3364

IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

In 2019, the IUPAC started a quest to select the most interesting emerging technologies in the chemical sciences [1]. Now, this established initiative continues year after year—adding ideas to a list of innovations with an enormous potential to transform fields as diverse as materials science, energy, healthcare, agriculture and computing, among others [2]. Overall, the IUPAC “Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry” align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, in a quest to secure a sustainable future and pave the way to a circular economy [3]. This new list delves into new materials, unexplored physical phenomena, and creative solutions to global challenges, including prevalent diseases and the still ongoing energy and fuel crisis. As in the first “Top Ten” paper, the technologies hover over a broad range of readiness—from laboratory discoveries to commercial realities, hence “emerging.” But all of them, carefully curated by a panel of experts nominated by IUPAC, are equally exciting. Read on.

Frustrated Lewis pairs

In 2006, frustrated Lewis pairs (FLP) compounds debunked a chemical “dogma” over one hundred years old—transition metals weren’t alone in activating and splitting hydrogen. Armed with lighter elements, such as phosphorus and boron, FLP structures started the reaction even at mild conditions [4]. The concept is compelling—a combination of Lewis acid and base that cannot form a classical adduct because of steric or electronic hindrance, leaving their most reactive fragments exposed and ready for other molecules to enjoy. [5] This unique reactivity opened new possibilities for metal-free catalysis, and kickstarted a whole field that soon expanded to several substrates and possibilities, including enantioselective reactions [6]. Such versatility has enabled a wide variety of applications, including the activation of carbon–hydrogen and carbon–fluorine bonds, key in synthetic organic chemistry and, most particularly, in the functionalisation of pharmaceuticals and fluorine-18 imaging agents [7]. Other applications include the synthesis of biodegradable polymers, self-healing materials and sensors—widening the possibilities of FLP beyond organic chemistry and into the realms of materials science [8]. Additionally, on top of successfully activating hydrogen, FLP also activate the carbon dioxide molecule, which could create new capabilities in carbon capture and conversion into value-added products, including methane, methanol and acetic acid [9]. Although still far from commercial applications—probably because most FLP compounds are sensitive to air and moisture—some studies have shown great potential for the implementation of FLP compounds and catalysts on industrial scales. For example, FLP can decorate metal-organic frameworks (MOF) and still catalyse chemical transformations, such as hydrogenations and imine reductions. Once used, the MOF-FLP combination is easily filtered and recycled up to seven times without a decrease in catalytic activity [10]. Similar successes could catapult the industrial implementation of this technology in the near future.

Triboelectric nanogenerators

Triboelectricity is a tantalising property—it causes static stickiness between a balloon and hair, or Styrofoam and a furry cat. More technically, triboelectricity transforms mechanical energy into electricity. And triboelectric nanogenerators make the most of its capabilities and generate power from small movements and vibrations. This finds applications in sensors, energy harvesting, wearables, and healthcare. In the past decade, triboelectric nanogenerators have evolved from an early idea and proof-of-concept to a variety of commercial ventures and technologies in a market that is expected to double by 2030, according to some preliminary studies [11]. Until now, chemists have created triboelectric nanogenerators from a myriad of materials, including polymers (polydimethylsiloxane, polytetrafluoroethylene, polyvinylidene fluoride), graphene oxide, metals (gold, silver, copper), and textiles—as well as from a combination of compounds to craft composites with synergetic effects [12]. More recent efforts have focused on greener devices designed with natural materials, which offer a low-cost, biodegradable, and biocompatible alternative to synthetic solutions—while still showcasing increased instability, short service lives and lower power densities than the traditional alternatives [13]. Although triboelectric nanogenerators have demonstrated interesting uses in energy harvesting and storage, the most exciting applications arise in sensing—which ramifies into robotics, [14] actuators, wearables and, perhaps more importantly, medical devices [15]. The triboelectric properties permit self-charging from the subtlest vibrations, creating capabilities such as self-charging and enabling the detection of vital signs and pathogens with unprecedented accuracy and sensitivity [16]. Early studies also suggest applications in sustainability, including both water and air purification. Several companies in the US, UK, and China are currently studying the possibilities of scale-up and commercialisation of the technology, which could disrupt several sectors in sensing—and beyond.


Discovered in the 1980s, aptamers have evolved from an early-stage technology to a solution with several success stories in clinical trials. “Aptamer” literally means “the fitting part,” and refers to short, single-stranded series of nucleic acids, DNA or RNA, that bind other molecules with high affinity and specificity. The single stranded nucleic acids provide a unique versatility in terms of shapes and adaptability, which enables aptamers to adopt many different shapes and bind targets that include proteins, peptides, sugars, toxins—basically anything from small molecules to entire cells [17]. The applications range

IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

from analytical systems and molecular imaging to drug delivery and targeted treatments. The aptamers are extremely specific to the different targets thanks to a process that evolves and enriches different strands, commonly called SELEX [18]. In a first step, a library of single-strand oligonucleotides is eluted through an affinity column previously packed with the target molecule. From the selection of best-performers, the DNA and RNA strands are amplified with a PCR [19] and then the process is repeated over and over—until the best candidate is isolated, purified, and characterised [20]. The selectivity and sensitivity of aptamers is comparable to antibodies, detecting substances in the nanomolar and picomolar range. But the activity of aptamers is much more uniform—plus production is cheaper and more reproducible. Aptamers also present other advantages in the field of drug delivery and advanced treatments, showcasing better penetration into tissues while generating a lower, less aggressive immune response [21]. In analytical chemistry, aptamers have successfully detected drugs such as cocaine, antibiotics like tetracyclines, [22] and even enabled the live and continuous monitoring of many molecules in the bloodstream of awake animals, thanks to the combination with a microfluidic array [23]. Moreover, aptamers have showcased great promise as specific therapeutics. The US Food and Drug Administration has already approved two aptamers for medicinal use: pegaptanib (commercialised as Macugen) for macular degeneration [24] and avacincaptad (commercialised as Izervay) for geographic atrophy—another degenerative disease that leads to loss of vision. Other aptamers are currently undergoing clinical trials to treat cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and viral infections, among others [25]. New studies also suggest that aptamers could contribute to better drug delivery systems for chemotherapy, including the treatment and monitoring of aggressive cancers such as glioblastoma [26]. Overall, they offer a great step towards safer health solutions.


The isolation of graphene in 2004 triggered the exploration of two-dimensional materials, also called layered materials, since not all of them are technically flat [27]. Among these many marvellous materials emerged MXenes, layered inorganic compounds such as carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides, first reported in 2011 [28]. Within ten years, researchers reported applications in energy storage, environmental remediation, electronics, telecommunications, gas adsorption, water filtration, and more [29]. With over one hundred

possible combinations in terms of composition and fabrication strategies ready for scale-up, MXenes have been dubbed “the influencers” among two-dimensional materials—and catapulted the publication of patents, licensed by major players in the semiconductor and electronics industries such as Intel and Samsung [30]. Part of the promise of MXenes relies on a remarkable versatility—(semi)conductors a la carte according to composition—durability and elasticity. Like graphene, MXenes dispersions and inks enable the fabrication of different devices with production-ready processes, such as printing and spray-coating. But unlike graphene, films and flexible MXene-devices maintain the superior properties of the isolated flakes—a “killer point” in comparison, according to experts [31]. Among the most promising applications of MXenes is electrochemistry and energy storage, including key technologies such as batteries and supercapacitors. In both liquid and solid electrolytes, MXenes seem to boost redox reactivity, catalytic activity and other performance indicators that are usually studied in electrochemical reactions, including hydrogen evolution and the carbon dioxide reduction reaction. MXene-doped electrolytes have also showcased an increased performance in solid state batteries and supercapacitors—two key technologies that could untangle the energy crisis and solve the intermittency problem of renewable energies [32]. The energy-storage capabilities of MXenes could convey applications in functional memories and artificial neurons—the future could be full of surprises [33].

Hydration lubrication

This idea is a particular paradox. In certain materials and conditions, layers stay stuck together thanks to electrostatic interactions, but rapidly relax in response to shear, which provides an impressive fluidity and an

IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

extremely efficient lubrication. It’s hydration lubrication, a phenomenon observed in hydrated ions trapped between surfaces, as well as surfactants, liposomes, and other molecules, often observed in biological systems such as the synovial liquid that lubricates joints [34]. The remarkable properties of water reduce the frictional energy. Although the exact mechanism is still under investigation, some studies suggest that viscosity somehow increases under pressure without inducing solidification—probably because solid water is less dense than its liquid form, contrary to other solvents [35]. This sparked the study of applications in biomedicine, mostly in mobility issues, related to the lubrication

of cartilage around our joints. Joints, especially hips and knees, experience massive stress, which in turn creates degradation and diseases such as osteoarthritis, suffered by over five hundred million people and experimenting a worrying increase in prevalence, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) [36]. Some start-up companies work in related technologies, mostly in liposome lubrication, which seem to provide an effect comparable to healthy cartilage. Specifically, Israeli company Liposphere Ltd has successfully completed a clinical trial that confirmed both a reduction of pain in patients with osteoarthritis and no reported adverse effects. The same company has also started a multi-centre, double-blind, randomised trial with 150 subjects. Others research the application of hydration lubrication in the production of low-friction gels, with uses in soft contact lenses, catheter coatings, and other systems such as scaffolds for tissue engineering and recuperation. Additionally, such synthetic hydrogels for hydration lubrication could shed light on how biological lubricants really work [37]. Even if still in its starting stages, the understanding and study of hydration lubrication could convey extraordinary results in the near future.

Bioinspired nanofluidic iontronics

Imitating the behaviour of the brain is the bedrock towards developing more efficient computers—and, in this quest, chemistry is key. In 2021, researchers described bioinspired nanofluidic iontronics, a technology that could catalyse the creation of chemistry-based computing systems and, in turn, brain-computer interfaces, artificial neurons, sensory protheses and much more. Mimicking the mechanism of neural synapses, in which ions carry signals and information, researchers envisioned a nanofluidic system filled with electrolytes that could behave like a memory-effect transistor, or memristor. Simulated monolayers of electrolytes showcased

IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

a similar behaviour to synapses—with spontaneous voltage spikes. Although the first proof-of-concept was purely computational, [38] it sparked a series of studies in the field. For example, just a couple of years after the first study, nanofluidic iontronics successfully showed signal processing and transmission, demonstrated by regulating the cardiac activity of bullfrog hearts. This suggests that nanofluidic devices could become biocompatible— and effectively transmit and translate stimuli and signals between biological and artificial systems. [39] Soon, researchers also uncovered practical applications, with a working experimental example of a nanofluidic device that worked as a memristor—a promising step towards neuromorphic computing, [40] which would involve systems that replicate the way a biological brain processes information, in parallel processes and learning, communicating, and adapting. Such systems would reduce the energy demands of classic computers, which is an increasingly worrying environmental problem with the rise of artificial intelligence—especially large language models—and cloud-based internet-of-things solutions. Moreover, nanofluidic iontronics could convey key functionalities to biomedical devices, particularly in analytical systems that require high sensitivity and accuracy, as well as energy harvesting and energy storage [41]. The possibilities seem promising—and endless. Surely, it is possible that nanofluidic iontronics could soon circumvent the limitations of Moore’s law [42].

KRAS inhibitors

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, according to WHO [43]. And KRAS (the abbreviation of Kirsten rat sarcoma virus) is the most common oncogene—a mutated gene with the potential to cause cancer. Therefore, the understanding of KRAS and the development and design of drugs to block its effect has become a huge challenge in the fields of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry. But until recently, the efforts to repress KRAS’ action had deemed unsuccessful—to the point that many had dubbed the oncogene “undruggable.” [44] Luckily, in 2013, researchers discovered the first molecules that would bind covalently and selectively to the mutated cysteine residues in KRAS-related proteins [45]. Then in 2016, a small series of successful inhibitors entered the scene [46]. Soon, patient studies started, surprisingly obtaining positive and encouraging results with drugs such as sotorasib (Lumakras®) and adagrasib (Krazati®)—of which the former became the first KRAS inhibitor approved for clinical use in 2021. As it turns out, the action mechanisms of the molecules were previously unknown, nevertheless uncovered thanks

to the multidisciplinary efforts of chemists, biologists, and medical professionals—a major milestone in drug discovery. According to experts, many patients suffering from KRAS-mutated cancers will likely live longer, and better, thanks to these simple small molecules [47]. Clearly, the first KRAS inhibitors sparked innovation in the field. Many molecules have now joined sotorasib and adagrasib in the library of KRAS inhibitors, and companies continue to carry out clinical trials with these new drugs—as well as combinations with existing chemotherapy and immunotherapy agents. The advancements in KRAS inhibitors have paved the way towards tackling one of the major and most common challenges in oncology [48].

Neural network potentials

In the past few years, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have revolutionised chemistry and materials science, as highlighted in previous editions of the “Top Ten” in 2020 and 2023 [49]. Once again, algorithms accompany us with neural network potentials (NNPs)—a ground-breaking tool to simulate systems at molecular scales with speed and accuracy. The dream of NNP experts is realising Paul Dirac’s vision—using quantum mechanics to unify physics and chemistry, potentially providing powerful tools to better understand materials science, biology, earth sciences, and much more [50]. NNPs, trained with data sets such as solutions to the Schrödinger equation, have successfully showcased several applications in computational chemistry, simplifying and accelerating otherwise complicated and time-consuming tasks, with improved results as well [51]. Among the advantages

IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

of NNPs are making the most of ML, large-language models and other technologies to speed up molecular simulations, learning to predict properties such as energy levels and forces from basic inputs, giving access to previously unreachable results. Traditionally, such calculations required monstrous amounts of resources and power. Since AI and access to computational capabilities—particularly high-performance computers—is increasingly limited and associated with environment, energy and climate concerns, [52] NNPs could circumvent several issues, particularly related to the size of simulations. Big technological companies have already started researching in NNPs, including Google’s Deepmind and others [53]. This innovative ML methodology could catalyse faster simulations and, therefore, more creative chemistry ideas.

Active adsorption

During the big boom of physical chemistry in the 1930s, Irving Langmuir and John Lennard-Jones laid out the rules and laws of adsorption. They established that adsorbates stuck to surfaces in two different ways— physisorption, the product of van der Waals interactions, and chemisorption, a consequence of electronic interactions. Additionally, adsorption was analysed as a “passive” process, in which the adsorbate tends to transfer from high concentration to low concentration areas to maintain an overall equilibrium. In 2021, however, a discovery defied this dogma [54]. Could chemists make adsorption an active process? Apparently, active adsorption happens—thanks to Nobel-prize winning molecular machines. If secured on surfaces, synthetic molecular machines may “grab” and move molecules

opposing the equilibrium with just a small push of external energy. The first example of active adsorption (also dubbed “mechanisorption,” because of its mechanical mechanism) used redox reactions to both adsorb and desorb a paraquat-phenylene polyaromatic ring onto the surface of a metal-organic framework—decorated with molecular machines or “pumps.” [55] Although still a basic proof-of-concept, some studies have used the mechanisorption concepts to develop self-assembling materials and other supramolecular structures [56]. Additionally, because active absorption acts against equilibrium, some researchers speculate it could create new technologies for energy generation and storage, as well as enable chemical computing, because of the resemblance of these synthetic systems to components such as capacitors. Other applications could emerge in solutions with lots of surface and interface action— such as catalysis, gas capture, water purification and drug delivery. Mechanisorption could create new methodologies for manipulating molecules in a controlled manner—potentially a true game-changer.

Electrochemical nitrogen cycle

The sustainable synthesis of ammonia—as an alternative to the energy-hungry Haber-Bosch process, which is directly responsible for 1.5% of all global carbon dioxide emissions [57]—made the “Top Ten” list back in 2021 [58]. Then, electrocatalysis emerged

IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

as a powerful tool to decarbonise Haber-Bosch, and provided power production proceeds from renewable sources, such as solar and wind. However, making ammonia is just a small part of a larger problem—the nitrogen cycle. Other reactions, such as the oxidation of ammonia to nitrates (the Ostwald process) or the reduction of said nitrates to nitrogen, still pose several electrochemical challenges. Therefore, the overall electrification of the nitrogen cycle is far from reality [59]. But such electrification could bring abundant advantages in terms of sustainability. For example, the overuse of synthetic nitrogen fertilisers has provoked pollution problems such as eutrophication, the increased growth of unwanted microorganisms in nutrient-rich areas, which compete with crops for nutrients and oxygen. The reduction of nitrates back to ammonia could contribute to cutting the contamination in crop fields, as well as provide an alternative source of nitrogen with higher reactivity than atmospheric dinitrogen. Like in electrochemical nitrogen reduction, studies suggest that metallic copper could catalyse the transformation of nitrates into ammonia [60]. This approach follows the principles of green chemistry and the circular economy, and could literally “transform trash into treasure.” [61] On top of copper, other catalysts with abundant metals such as zinc, nickel, and iron have successfully shown activity in the reduction of nitrates to ammonia, as well as other species including urea, nitrous oxide, and dinitrogen gas. Although ammonia is a good fertiliser, electrochemists still study the direct transformation of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates—mostly because salts are easier to transport and distribute. Moreover, oxidation of dinitrogen also gives access to nitric acid, a valuable feedstock in the chemical industry. Electrocatalysts based in ruthenium, titanium, zinc, iron, and cobalt have demonstrated promising results [62]. Finally, another interesting reaction is the conversion of ammonia back to nitrogen, which on top of applications in environmental remediation could provide new possibilities in power generation and green fuels. Ammonia is a common hydrogen “carrier” and a valuable vector for environmentally friendly energy, [63] since it has high volumetric and gravimetric energy density, plus is cheaper and safer to store and transport. Then, ammonia is either transformed back into hydrogen and innocuous nitrogen or used directly as a power source in fuel cells. Here, precious metals such as platinum, palladium and iridium outperform more abundant alternatives. However further research will surely yield better results with cleaner catalysts [64]. Lots of different hurdles ahead—electrifying the nitrogen cycle means remodelling and rethinking the heart

of the current chemical industry [65]. An interesting idea, nevertheless.


It is fascinating that, year after year, the “Top Ten” uncover chemical technologies with a true potential to transform our world. It reflects the real diversity of chemistry as the connecting science, a catalyst across disciplines that can and will accelerate sustainable solutions for our society [66]. This IUPAC initiative is growing and becoming a beacon of innovation—an inspiration, too, creating new opportunities for collaborations to eventually “bridge the gap” between academic laboratories and impactful industrial applications. The “Top Ten” family has grown to sixty technologies now. If you recognise any meaningful developments in the chemical sciences, please take the time to send us your ideas! IUPAC collects contributions through a publicly available link, so stay tuned and submit your nominations for 2025

IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry


F.G.-B would like to thank everyone who contributed with ideas and submissions to the 2024 edition of the “Top Ten,” as well as the Jury of experts that made the final selection, including: Ehud Keinan, Javier García Martínez, Molly Shoichet, Juliane Sempionatto, Mamia El-Rhazi, Jorge Alegre Cebollada, Bernard West, Natalia Tarasova, Zhigang Shuai, Rai Kookana, and Kira Welter. Special thanks to Michael Dröscher for coordinating this initiative since its inception in 2019, Fabienne Meyers for all the support with the editorial process, Greta Heydenrych, Wolfram Koch, James Liu, Arasu Ganesan for their contributions during meetings. And, of course, massive thanks to Bonnie Lawlor, for her infinite patience organising the calls, keeping the minutes, and revising this manuscript to notably improve its readability and quality.


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38. P. Robin et al. Science 2021, 373 (6555), 687, DOI: 10.1126/ science.abf7923

IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

39. W. Chen et al. Science 2023, 382 (6670), 559, DOI: 10.1126/ science.adg005

40. T. Xiong et al. Science 2023, 379 (6628), 156, DOI: 10.1126/ science.adc9150

41. L. Yu et al. Nano Res. 2024, 17, 503, DOI: 10.1007/s12274023-5900-y

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47. B.O. Herzberg, G.A. Manji. Oncologist 2023, 28 (4), 283, DOI: 10.1093/oncolo/oyad014

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58. F. Gomollón-Bel. Chem. Int. 2021, 43 (4), 13, DOI: 10.1515/ ci-2021-0404

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65. J. García-Martínez. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 133 (10), 5008, DOI: 10.1002/ange.202014779

66. (a) F. Gomollón-Bel, J. García-Martínez. Chem. Sci. 2024, 15, 5056, DOI: 10.1039/D3SC06815C (b) C.A. Urbina-Blanco et al. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 9043, DOI: 10.1039/D0SC90150D

Fernando Gomollón-Bel. <> is a freelance science writer and communicator. Co-founder of Agata Communications, Ltd. CB4 1YF, Cambridge, England (United Kingdom).

We are seeking submissions for IUPAC’s 2025 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry


Up for Discussion

Digital IUPAC Ten Years On

It has been 10 years since my article on Digital IUPAC was published in CI [1]. On the same pages in a text box the new CPCSD—Committee on Publications and Chemical Data Standards was introduced as IUPAC’s initial formal recognition of, and foray into, the digital world.

A lot has happened in the world since then! Continuing fall out from financial crashes, globalisation (both continuing and unwinding), COVID-19 and lockdowns, remote teaching, and the rise in online digitally facilitated meetings (even as far as virtual assistants summarising meetings [2]). The UN Sustainable Development Goals arrived in 2015 and have underpinned many of the science objectives over the last decade. Digital, Computational, and AI areas have figured quite prominently in the IUPAC Top Ten Emerging Technologies [3].

While I could, and did, foresee the need to ensure that chemical data should be fully available in digital forms to meet the increasing digitalisation of chemistry, I certainly did not foresee that the huge rise in the importance of Machine Learning and in particular Deep Learning, as developments in AI, and the consequential demands on the need for large amounts of high-quality chemical data.

Chemists have made use of data driven science right from the foundations of chemistry, and the use of statistical modelling techniques, for example in drug discovery, using QSAR approaches and really examples of machine learning (and many of the lessons and principles from QSAR [4] apply to ML). What has changed is the exploitation of very large collections of data for deep learning—for example AlphaFold [5] making use of the pdb [6] resulting in the protein structure library held at the EBI [7], and the amazing abilities of the Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on the corpus of data available via the World Wide Web, which even if not specifically trained on chemistry are proving interesting and useful way to support chemistry research and (or subvert) teaching.

Some digital standards have been set (InChI, JCAMP-DX, Digital SI, CODATA’s work). The InChI has been very successful in providing molecular identifiers and work is going ahead to extend the range of applicable chemistry. IUPAC has given significant support and recognition across a broad range of research to support the FAIR objectives as published in 2016 [8]. Interestingly FAIR is much better understood as a necessity by industry than in academia—poor exchange

of data within a company comes with a major potential financial penalty! IUPAC’s role in FAIR includes the major WorldFAIR project [9] which is developing examples and processes to ensure that Chemistry to move towards greater FAIRness.

In a major move towards a Digital IUPAC is the major project on an updated and fully digital version of the Gold Book so that in due course all major chemical terms will be available in a digital, human, and machine readable forms, and with unique IUPAC approved digital identifiers (several converging projects are managed by a dedicated subcommittee [10]). Work is also in progress to provide a digital version of future editions of the Green Book [11] and link these entries to those in the Gold Book.

So much has been achieved but having moved a little distance along the path to digitalisation, it is clear just how much still needs to be done and how complicated the work is. AI has moved up the pace given but also holds out the hope that it might facilitate some of the heavy lifting needed to digitalise processes and data. IUPAC’s international standards setting agenda is as much in need as ever—plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose


1. Frey, Jeremy G. Digital IUPAC: A Vision and a Necessity for the 21st Century. Chem. Int. 36(1), 14-16 (2014);

2., https://www. more-articles_related-content-card (accessed 8/04/2024)


4. (accessed 08/04/2024)




8. Wilkinson, M., Dumontier, M., Aalbersberg, I. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data 3, 160018 (2016); https://doi. org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18

9. WorldFAIR Chemistry: making IUPAC assets FAIR, Leah McEwen, IUPAC project 2022-012-1-024;

10. IUPAC Joint Subcommittee on the IUPAC Gold Book, Stuart Chalk and Jan Kaiser (chairs);

11. Preparation of the 5th Edition of the IUPAC Green Book, Jeremy Frey, IUPAC project 2019-001-2-100/;

Jeremy G. Frey,, is professor at the School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, UK; ORCID 0000-0003-0842-4302


IUPAC Announces the 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

IUPAC has released the 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry. The goal of this initiative is to showcase the transformative value of chemistry and to inform the general public about the potential of chemical sciences to foster the well-being of Society and the sustainability of our planet. The Jury*—an international panel of scientists with a varied and broad range of expertise- reviewed and discussed the diverse pool of nominations of emerging technologies submitted by researchers from around the globe and selected the final top ten, covering a range of fields from synthesis and polymer chemistry to health and machine learning. These technologies are defined as transformative innovations in between a discovery and a fully-commercialized technology, having outstanding potential to open new opportunities in chemistry, sustainability, and beyond.

The 2024 finalists are (in no specific order):

• Frustrated Lewis Pairs

• Triboelectric nanogenerators

• Aptamers

• MXenes

• Hydration Lubrication

• Bioinspired Nanofluidic Iontronics

• KRAS inhibitors

• Neural Network Potentials

• Active Adsorption

• Electrochemical Nitrogen cycle

This year again, the selection promotes cross-collaboration in chemistry to create exciting emerging technologies that bridge the gap between academia and industry, while continuing the current competitiveness of chemical manufacturers. The technology readiness level varies along the different solutions—nevertheless, all show a provocative promise to reimagine our world and our society. The new additions grow the list of emerging technologies to sixty.

The 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry are further detailed in a feature article published in the October issue of Chemistry International (CI) [see page 8]. Fernando Gomollón-Bel, the author of that feature, concludes by recognizing that “It is fascinating that, year after year, the “Top Ten” uncover chemical technologies with a true potential to transform our world.” He added that “it reflects the real diversity of chemistry as the connecting science, a catalyst across

disciplines that can and will accelerate sustainable solutions for our society.”

The first selection of the Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry was released in 2019 as a special activity honoring IUPAC’s 100th anniversary. The results were published in the April 2019 issue of Chemistry International, 41(2), pp. 12-17, 2019. The results of subsequent editions and the related articles in CI can be accessed at:

The search for the next Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry has already begun. For more information on the search for the Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry go to: what-we-do/top-ten/

*The following comprised the panel of judges for the 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry: Chair, Michael Droescher, (German Association for the Advancement of Science and Medicine), Jorge Alegre-Cebollada (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Spain), Mamia El-Rhazi, (Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Mohammedia, Morocco), Ehud Keinan (Technion, Israel), Javier García Martínez (Universidad de Alicante, Spain), Rai Kookana (CSIRO Land & Water, Australia), Juliane Sempionatto (Caltech, USA), Molly Shoichet (University of Toronto, Canada), Zhigang Shuai (Tsinghua University, China), Natalia P. Tarasova (D. I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Russia), Kira Welter (Wiley-VCH, Germany), and Bernard West (Life Sciences Ontario, Canada)

Winners of the 2024 IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and Solvay announce the winners of the 2024 IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists, presented for the best Ph.D. theses in the chemical sciences, as described in 1000-word essays.

The five winners are:

• Subhajit Bhattacharjee (India), Ph.D., University of Cambridge, UK

• Robert Thomas O’Neill (United Kingdom), Ph.D., University of Liverpool, UK

• Gabrielle Mandl (Canada), Ph.D., Concordia University, Canada

• Ming-Yu Qi (China), Ph.D., Fuzhou University, China

• Jiaobing Tu (Singapore, USA), Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, USA

The winners will each receive a cash prize of USD 1000 and travel expenses to the 2025 IUPAC Congress, to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 11-18 July 2025. Each winner will also be invited to present a poster at the IUPAC Congress describing his/ her award-winning work and to submit a short critical review on aspects of his/her research topic, to be published in Pure and Applied Chemistry. The awards will be presented to the winners of the 2024 and 2025 competitions during the Opening Ceremony of the Congress.

The titles of the winners’ theses are:

• Subhajit Bhattacharjee: “Photoelectrochemical and Chemoenzymatic Reforming for Sustainable Fuel Production”

• Robert Thomas O’Neill: “Stiff Stilbene as a Mechanochemical Force Probe for Fundamental Studies and Small Molecule Manipulation”

• Gabrielle Mandl:

“On the Development of Pr3+-doped Radioluminescent Nanoparticles for X-ray Mediated Photodynamic Therapy of Glioblastoma Cells”

• Ming-Yu Qi: “Function-Oriented Design of Photoredox Coupled Catalysis System Based on Semiconductor Quantum Dots”

• Jiaobing Tu: “Wearable Sweat Sensors for Disease Monitoring and Management”

There were 44 applications from individuals receiving their Ph.D. degrees from institutions in 19 countries. The award selection committee, chaired by Javier García-Martínez, IUPAC Past President, comprised members of a wide range of experience in chemistry and a senior science advisor from Solvay. In view of the many high-quality applications, the Committee also decided to award four Honorable Mentions to:

• Sagar Bhattacharya (India, USA), Ph.D., Syracuse University, USA

• Karam Idrees (USA), Ph.D., Northwestern University, USA

• Itai Massad (Israel), Ph.D., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

• Nicolas M Morato (Colombia/USA), Ph.D., Purdue University, USA

The call for applications for the 2025 IUPACSolvay International Award for Young Chemists will open soon. Eligible candidates must have received a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in any of the countries that have National Adhering Organizations in IUPAC during the year 2024.

Hanwha-TotalEnergies IUPAC Young Polymer Scientist Award 2024

The 2024 Hanwha-TotalEnergies IUPAC Young Scientist Award, presented at MACRO 2024, has been awarded to Lutz Nuhn and Rongrong Hu.

The Hanwha-TotalEnergies IUPAC Young Scientist Award (formerly Samsung-Total Petrochemicals – IUPAC Young Scientists Award) is dedicated to outstanding young scientists (not older than 40 years)

Subhajit Bhattacharjee
Robert Thomas O’Neill
Gabrielle Mandl
Ming-Yu Qi
Jiaobing Tu


and is sponsored by a grant from the aforementioned company. The prize was first awarded on the occasion of MACRO 2004 (Paris) and is granted biennially on the occasion of the IUPAC World Polymer Congress. The awardees are selected from the nominees by a Committee of the IUPAC Polymer Division. The 2024 award was presented at the Macro2024 in Warwick UK to two awardees (ex aequo) namely, Lutz Nuhn and Rongrong Hu.

Lutz Nuhn was honored with this award for his research on innovative synthetic strategies for multi-responsive and biodegradable polymeric nanocarriers and their versatile biomedical applications, particularly in the realm of advanced immunotherapies.

Professor Nuhn holds the Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry and serves as the Deputy Chair of Chemical Technologies for Materials Syntheses at the Institute of Functional Materials and Biofabrication within the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg in Germany. In collaboration with Jürgen Groll, he is instrumental in establishing the new “Center of Polymers for Life” in Würzburg, which is set to open next year. This center aims to further propel cutting-edge research in polymer science and its applications in life sciences. ORCID 0000-0003-0761-1106

a full professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering at South China University of Technology. ORCID 0000-0002-7939-6962

Former awardees include Qian Chen and Eric Appel (2022), Athina Anastasaki and Changle Chen (2020), Andreas Walther (2018), and to Moon Jeong Park and Brent Sumerlin (2016).

2025 IUPAC Awards in Analytical Chemistry—Call for nominations

The Analytical Chemistry Division of IUPAC is inviting nominations for two awards, including:

• The IUPAC Emerging Innovator Award in Analytical Chemistry—an award to recognize outstanding work undertaken by an emerging analytical scientist that corresponds to the aims of the Analytical Chemistry Division.

• The IUPAC Analytical Chemistry Medal—an award to recognize significant lifetime contribution to the aims of the Analytical Chemistry Division.

Rongrong Hu was honored with this award for her work in establishing new polymerization reactions, exploring innovative polymer structures, and developing advanced polymer materials. Her research group has pioneered over 30 types of multicomponent polymerizations and reported more than 200 novel polymer structures. Notably, her recent development of elemental sulfur-based multicomponent polymerizations enables the efficient direct conversion of sulfur into a wide array of sulfur-containing functional polymer materials, offering promising solutions for sulfur utilization. Professor Hu is

The awards are open worldwide to researchers working in the field of analytical chemistry. The Emerging Innovator Award is for researchers who are at an early stage of their independent career, as measured by the completion of a PhD within the last ten years. Appropriate consideration will be given to those who have taken a career break or followed a different study path. Nominations must be based on published works in the field of analytical chemistry. The Analytical Chemistry Medal is for researchers who have a substantial record of achievements demonstrated by the number and quality of their publications, by being actively involved in international partnerships as well as by their commitment in the training of the next generation of analytical chemists.

The 2025 awards will be presented during IUPAC’s General Assembly and World Chemistry Conference in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 12-18 July. The awardees will be invited to the meeting of the Analytical Chemistry Division to receive their award and to present a lecture.

The Analytical Chemistry Division of IUPAC welcomes nominations for both awards from the world analytical chemistry community. Deadline for Nominations 31 December 2024

Lutz Nuhn
Rongrong Hu
Lutz Nuhn


Nomination package must include a letter of nomination and a curriculum vitae of the nominee. See specific details in the application forms.

The Awards are managed by the Analytical Chemistry Division (ACD, Division V) of IUPAC. For information, please contact IUPAC by e-mail at <>.

In 2023, Janusz Pawliszyn (University of Waterloo) received the IUPAC Analytical Chemistry Medal and Xin Yan (Texas A&M University) received the IUPAC Emerging Innovator Award in Analytical Chemistry, while in 2021 the recipients were Joseph Wang (University of California San Diego) and Tsuyoshi Minami (Tokyo University).

IUPAC Elections for the 2026–2027 Term

Every two years, IUPAC holds an election for its officers and committee members. About 120 individuals are to be elected or reelected either as Titular Members, Associate Members, or National Representatives. Information concerning the voting process and the role of each kind of member is contained in the Union bylaws (see

Each member of an IUPAC body (Division, Standing Committee, or Commission) is expected to become an active participant in the work of the body. This work includes helping to decide on the program and in reviewing proposals for projects. These duties require the members to have expertise in the relevant discipline. Much of each Committee’s work is conducted by e-mail correspondence. Specific criteria have been provided for each Committees; see website for details.

Any qualified individual interested in being nominated is invited to contact his/her National Adhering Organization (NAO) and/or the current committee officers. The election will cover a two-year term that will start in 2026. Every division and standing committees have vacancies. As part of the nomination procedure, NAOs are invited to submit curriculum vitae for each nominee via the online form no later than 30 November 2024.

In addition, Affiliate members in good standing who are current for the years 2024 and 2025 are eligible to participate in the nomination process

via self-nomination. They are eligible for Associate Members (AM) positions on Divisions and Standing Committees, irrespective of country of residence. Similarly, employees of current Company Associates are eligible for AM positions.

Elections will happen early in 2025 and the 2026–2027 memberships for all committees will be finalized during the next IUPAC General Assembly in July 2025.

Individuals interested in becoming IUPAC officers or members of the IUPAC Executive Board and Science Board should contact their NAOs. Nominations for officers have a different timeline and can only be made by an NAO. Officers elections will take place at the Council Meeting during the 2025 General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

In a concerted effort to improve membership diversity, nominations for well-qualified female chemists, early-career/“younger” chemists, and industrial chemists are encouraged. Each nomination must identify the intended Committee or Commission and must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae. Each nominee will be considered for all vacant positions unless otherwise specified. Nominations will only be accepted through the online form.

Contact information for all NAOs and division and standing committee officers is available on the IUPAC website <>, or upon request at the IUPAC Secretariat; e-mail <>

InChI 1.07 available on GitHub

The latest InChI version 1.07 has been approved by IUPAC and the InChI Trust—a transformational step in our development to support the standard. Now on Github, with a standard MIT license—fully tested for back-compatibility, many bugfixes, and a foundation for future extension and maintenance.

IUPAC InChI moves to GitHub to support sustainable chemical standards development

The InChI is a widely used standard chemical identifier that enables the connection and interoperability of chemistry data across the web. The core code and development framework of the InChI has now been migrated to GitHub, providing a foundation to support future extensions of the standard and associated applications, and to broaden the expertise supporting the standard. The first milestone of this work is the 1.07


version, recently approved by IUPAC and the InChI Trust and available for download at GitHub (https://

The new version can be tested with a web demo version ( which allows users to draw a chemical structure and calculate the InChI; this works in the browser, so no data is shared with external servers.

Extensions to the standard are being defined, as well as applications to mixtures and reactions amongst others. For further details and more information about InChI see To stay in touch with future InChI news and releases, do subscribe to the InChI newsletter: inchi-news-and-updates

Read full release

The International Year of Quantum Science and Technology

On 7 June 2024, the United Nations proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ).

According to the proclamation, this year-long, worldwide initiative will “be observed through activities at all levels aimed at increasing public awareness of the importance of quantum science and applications.”

The year 2025 was chosen for this International Year as it recognizes 100 years since the initial development of quantum mechanics.

Recognizing the importance of quantum science and the need for wider awareness of its past and future impact, dozens of national scientific societies gathered together to support marking 100 years of quantum mechanics with a U.N.-declared international year. The

timeline of endorsements for this international year also included the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), and the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST).

The U.N. declaration is a signal for any individual, group, school, institution, or government to use 2025 as an opportunity to increase awareness about quantum science and technology. The IYQ Steering Committee is planning global initiatives and events, particularly those that reach audiences unaware of the importance of quantum science and technology. As 2025 approaches, the website will spotlight events, resources, and activities focused on quantum science.

Looking forward, quantum science and technology will be a key cross-cutting scientific field of the 21st century, having a tremendous impact on critical societal challenges highlighted by the U.N.’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, including climate, energy, food safety and security, and clean water. The most important step in finding new insights and new solutions will be inspiring young people, drawn from all over the world, to be the next generation of quantum pioneers who see beyond the surfaces and screens around them and use quantum science to make a positive difference in the lives of others. This International Year is an opportunity for young people—and curious people of any age—to learn more about all the ways quantum science underpins the physical world around us, drives technological innovation, affects government policies, impacts the global economy, and influences art and culture.

“Chemical bonding and reactivity are fundamentally quantum, which is why we at IUPAC are excited to be part of Quantum Science and Technology,” say Javier Garcia Martinez, IUPAC Past President. “This global initiative brings together scientists from many disciplines and offers an incredible opportunity to deepen our understanding of the fundamentals of the molecular sciences and to imagine together the solutions we urgently need to address the most pressing challenges of our time. This is happening as we celebrate the International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development, which provides another unique opportunity for humanity to advance and harness science in the pursuit of sustainable development holistically and collaboratively.”


In the lead up to 2025, any individual, group, organization, institution, or government can help aid the mission of the International Year by facilitating the creation of events or resources that will help others to improve their understanding of the importance and impact of quantum science and technology. Events and resources from around the world will be featured on this site in 2025.



Pure and Applied Chemistry Special Issues—Call for Papers

This year, Pure and Applied Chemistry launches a series of themed special issues focused on the IUPAC top ten emerging technologies in chemistry initiative ( A call for the first three issues has been launched. These special issues will celebrate all aspects of chemical smart sensors, of catalysis, and of sustainable polymer chemistry.





Smart sensors and diagnostics

The field of sensors has seen dramatic improvements in recent times. Smart sensors that not only detect an input but then produce an output in response are popular in all areas including the development of rapid diagnostics. The design and application of smart sensors lies squarely within the chemical sciences, as recognised by several IUPAC Top Ten Emerging Technologies awards:

• Wearable sensors 2023

• Film-based fluorescent sensors 2022

• Textile displays 2022

• Chemiluminescence for biological use 2021

• Nanosensors 2020

• Rapid diagnostics for testing 2020 Catalysis from protons to proteins

The ability of external agents that are unconsumed to influence reaction kinetics is fundamental to chemistry. Such catalysts range from the very simplest atom, a proton, to macromolecular enzymes with exquisite efficiency and specificity that are essential to life. Catalysis is well recognised by several IUPAC Top Ten Emerging Technologies awards:

• Chemical synthesis of RNA and DNA 2021

• Semi-synthetic life 2021

• Enantio-Selective Organocatalysis 2019

• Flow Chemistry 2019

• Reversible Deactivation of Radical Polymerization 2019

• Directed Evolution of Selective Enzymes 2019

Sustainable Polymer Technology

Synthetic polymers are everywhere in modern society. This poses a sustainability issue when it comes to their end of life. Increasing efforts are devoted to the recycling or degradation of polymer materials, as recognised by several IUPAC Top Ten Emerging Technologies awards:

• Biological recycling of PET 2023

• Depolymerisation 2023

• Macromonomers for better plastic recycling 2020

• Turning Plastics to Monomers 2019

• Reversible Deactivation of Radical Polymerization 2019

We welcome contributions in the form of original research communications, full research articles and reviews.

For inquiry and submission guidelines, contact PAC editor, Ganesan at

Brynn Hibbert


Chemistry Education Awards 2024

The 2024 Distinguished Contribution to Chemistry Education (DCCE) Award was awarded to Mei-Hung Chiu

The CCE Distinguished Contribution to Chemistry Education Award was presented to Professor Emerita Mei-Hung Chiu from the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), during the opening ceremony of the International Conference on Chemistry Education (ICCE2024) which took place in Pattaya, Thailand in July 2024. The DCCE lifetime award recognizes Professor Chiu’s outstanding contribution to improving the teaching and learning of chemistry at both local and international levels, her contribution and leadership in international chemistry education forums and projects, and her leadership and service to IUPAC and the Committee on Chemistry Education over her career.

This is the second highest-honour award that she received from IUPAC, following her IUPAC Distinguished Woman in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering award in 2021. She has also received two other regional lifetime awards—the Distinguished Contribution to Science Education Awards from the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS) (2009) and the East-Asian Science Education Association (EASE) (2016). She has led numerous Young Ambassadors for Chemistry (YAC) and Flying Chemistry Educators (FCEP) outreach projects on behalf of the CCE in emerging countries with lasting positive impact.

Mei-Hung Chiu has served IUPAC and the international science education fraternity in many different capacities during the past two decades. She is a former chair of the CCE (2012 – 2015) and was an elected member of IUPAC Bureau and Executive Committee for two terms (2016 – 2023). She acted as a co-lead and IUPAC representative on the multi-disciplinary project, “A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical and Natural Sciences” (2017 ongoing),

Above: CCE 2024 Awardees Shelley Rap, Amanda Bongers, and Mei-Hung Chiu

and represented IUPAC as a founding member for the ICSU-affiliated Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES) (2020 – 2023). Professor Chiu was the first president of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST, USA) (2016 – 7) from a non-English speaking country, and the first invited plenary speaker with chemistry education as specialization at an IUPAC World Chemistry Congress (Sao Paulo, 2017). She is currently a member of the International Science Council (ISC) Governing Board (2021 – 2024) and a co-chair of the ISC Consultation Group on Science Education (2023 – 2024).

Top: Mei-Hung Chiu (2nd from left), with Peter Mahaffy (former CCE Chair), Supawan Tantayanon (ICCE2024 Chair), and Marietjie Potgieter (CCE Chair)


Professor Chiu has assembled an impressive scholarly record that has greatly contributed to chemical education research and to the teaching and learning of chemistry education, and she is cited by many researchers all over the world. Her research approach blends providing solutions to important problems encountered in practice with scholarly theoretical contributions. The IUPAC Committee on Chemistry Education acknowledges with great appreciation the substantial and important contributions that she has made to literature, and the impact she has had on the teaching and learning of chemistry through her numerous professional development initiatives and presentations to teachers and chemical educators worldwide.

Past award winners of this prestigious award are:

• 2010: Peter Atkins, Oxford University, England

• 2010: Lida Schoen, CCE Young Ambassadors of Chemistry, Netherlands

• 2012: Peter Mahaffy, The King’s University, Canada

• 2012: Bob Bucat, University of Western Australia, Australia

• 2014: Morton Hoffman, Boston University, USA

• 2016: Kazuko Ogino, Tohoku University, Japan

• 2018: Supawan Tantayanon, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

The 2024 Outstanding Early Career Researcher in Chemistry Education Award has been awarded to Amanda Bongers and Shelley Rap

The inaugural 2024 CCE Outstanding Early Career Researcher in Chemistry Education Award, co-sponsored by the IUPAC Committee on Chemistry Education (CCE) and 27th International Conference on Chemistry Education (ICCE) Organizing Committee, recognizes early career researchers who are producing high quality and impactful chemical education research as evidenced by their research output, such as journal articles, conference contributions, and evidence of research that translates into practice. The awardees are selected from the nominees by a committee of the CCE. The prize consists of a certificate, a plaque, and a registration fee waiver for the ICCE. In 2024 the award was presented at the 27th ICCE held in Pattaya, Thailand to two awardees, namely:

• Prof. Amanda Bongers, Department of Chemistry, Queen’s University, Canada

• Dr. Shelley Rap, Department of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Amanda Bongers is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada. Prof. Bongers received her B.S. in chemistry from the University of Waterloo (2011) and her PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of Ottawa with André M. Beauchemin (2016). She then worked with Alison Flynn and Georg Northoff at the University of Ottawa as a postdoctoral researcher in chemistry education research. She joined the faculty at Queen’s University as an Assistant Professor in 2019.

Prof. Bongers’ research explores how people learn by bridging cognitive and neuroscientific findings into qualitative research and classroom insights. The key areas in which Dr. Bongers’ research translates into practice are in (i) Green Chemistry Education, (ii) Mental models, and (iii) Neuropedagogy. Her group is beginning to explore how pedagogy and practices from the arts (deep looking, drawing, mental imagery) can be integrated into chemistry classrooms and laboratory education. She has also begun building collaborations with neuroscientists, computer scientists, and AI experts to study immersive learning in extended reality.

Shelley Rap is a Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. Dr. Rap received her B.S. (2008) and M.S. (2011) in chemistry from Bar Ilan University. She received her PhD with Excellence in Science Teaching (2016) from the Weizmann Institute of Science with Ron Blonder as her supervisor. She then continued as a post-doctoral fellow working with Ron Blonder followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education at Kiel University working with Ilka Parchmann. She joined the Weizmann Institute for Science as an independent scholar in 2019.

Dr. Rap’s research focuses on integrating technology into teaching practices and fostering students to develop into responsible global citizens capable of addressing challenges like climate change. She led the development of chemistry education programs related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and studies how the integration of these programs in chemistry education influenced the development of lifelong skills such as students’ critical thinking and argumentation. These programs include innovative teaching approaches such as the development of a Chemical Escape Room, which promotes chemical education through interactive gameplay.

Project Place

Information about new, current, and complete IUPAC projects and related initiatives.

See also

IUPAC Subcommittee on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers— East Asia Research Meeting

On 15-16 December 2023, IUPAC Subcommittee on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers East Asia (EA) Research Meeting held the annual meeting—No. 81A—in Guangzhou, China. Chaired by Koh-hei Nitta (Kanazawa University, Japan) and hosted by Yongfeng Men (Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), this was a face-to-face meeting after the three-year pandemic period, with only 4 members attending online. In total there were 41 participants from 3 countries (China, Japan, and Korea), including 19 observers. Indicating a boost in the near future, its scale was the largest one in the history of the EA Research meeting, especially with observers from industry such as PetroChina (Beijing), CHN Energy, SABIC (Shanghai), ExxonMobil (Shanghai), BASF (Shanghai), Kingfa Co., and Covestro (Shanghai). These observers will become full members of this serial research meeting if these observers and their organizations are interested in this platform and join actively. This trend will enhance the well-balanced industry vs. academia

membership, working with like-minded scientists from often competitive organizations. With industrial support and participation, IUPAC Polymer Division boasts a unique feature of industrial involvement among the eight divisions of IUPAC. The group photo (Figure 1) was taken at the meeting site: Huangpu Institute of Materials, Aviation Tire Science Center, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, China.

Annual meetings

IUPAC East Asia Research Meeting originated from IUPAC Working Party IV.2.1 “Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers,” a part of the Macromolecular (renamed Polymer in 2004) Division of IUPAC. The Working Party has existed since 1963, first as part of the IUPAC Commission on Macromolecules and then, since 1965, as part of the Macromolecular Division. From 1973 to 1999, the Working Party operated within the Commission on Characterization and Properties (IV.2) of Division IV; and since 2004 it has operated as Subcommittee on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers of IUPAC Polymer Division (IV). In the period between 1963 and 1980 the Working Party held 37 meetings, all of which were in Western Europe. In addition, two regional sub-groups were established in the early 1980s. The first was established in Japan (the East Asian Sub-Group) and benefited

Figure 1: IUPAC East Asia Research Meeting 81A (2023), hosted by Y. Men and chaired by K. Nitta (first row from right: the eighth and ninth, respectively).

Table 1. East Asia (EA) Research Meetings

* IUPAC Macromolecular Division (IV) Commission on Polymer Characterization and Properties (IV.2) Working Party on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers (IV.2.1) Meeting in East Asia (IV.2.1.1) (IUPAC WP IV-2-1-1) since 1986 ** IUPAC Macromolecular Division (IV) Commission on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers (IV.2) Research Meeting in East Asia since 1997 (meeting number with the letter A for Asia)

*** IUPAC Macromolecular (Polymer) Division (IV) Subcommittee on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers (IV.2) East Asia Research Meeting since 2004

Project Place

from new members from Japan, China, and Korea. The second was an Eastern European Sub-Group with new members. The motivation for the formation of these sub-groups was to expand membership on a global basis and to ease travel (restricted by cost or political conditions). Each sub-group established its own projects and reported to the main Working Party.

In this way the history of the East Asia Research Meeting started in 1986. The history and development in the following years, together with the history, output, and future prospects of the IUPAC Working Party on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers, have been summarized by D. Royston Moore and H. Martin Laun in 2004 [1]. The present article reports the then-followed process of the East Asia Research Meeting for extending the above–cited report.

In our archived records, the earliest group photo of the East Asia Research Meeting was taken in 1989 in Seoul, Korea (Figure 2).

Since 1998 East Asia (EA) Research meetings have been held annually and hosted by member countries in turn, i.e. Japan, China, and Korea. Table 1 listed the serial EA meetings, with the serial numbers of the Subcommittee meetings. For economic, convenience, and practical reasons, EA Research Meetings were always held before or after some large-scale international academic conferences. Almost all EA members attended these annual EA meetings, benefited partly

by easy travel and entrance. Some EA members also attended the Subcommittee annual meetings held in Europe, which is recorded in the minutes of Subcommittee annual meetings. Celebrating the 50th anniversary (1963-2013), the Subcommittee held a jubilee meeting with participants from EA Research Meeting in 2013 in London (Figure 3), the venue for the first meeting of the Working Party.


Each member of the East Asia Research Meeting is entitled to put forward proposals for new projects. Any commercial polymers which structure and properties have academic interests can be the project focus. The projects should have a particular scientific target and be mainly experimental in nature. Projects are structured to accommodate value in application, need and scientific novelty. A potential project starts with a feasibility study. After realizing sufficient participation, the feasibility studies are converted into project proposals, in which the outline and goal of the work, the supplier of the material, the contributors from inside and outside of the Research Meeting and the coordinators are defined. After cooperatively conducting feasibility studies among members not only in East Asia and in the main body of the Subcommittee as well, a trend will be shown valuable or not. If the conclusion is yes, then an application for a IUPAC project

Figure 2: The 4th East Asia Research Meeting, June 1989, Seoul, Korea

Project Place

will be agreed by the Meeting. Application forms for IUPAC projects should be distributed among members who are interested in and join the feasibility studies, followed by submitting to IUPAC via the Polymer Division. If interested in the projects of the main body of the Subcommittee and the East Asia Research Meeting, members from both parts can join any projects and publish results jointly or independently.

An approved project on “Structure and properties of cyclic olefin copolymers (COC)” was proposed and coordinated by Sung Chul Kim (project 1999039-1-400). With the benefit of a IUPAC project, three-series commercially available cyclic olefin copolymers (COC) with their glass transition temperatures Tg’s spanning over one hundred degrees centigrade were collected and then distributed among the interested members. The influences of the chemical composition and microstructure on the degradation behaviors were scrutinized [2]. The relationship of their chemical structure and glass-transition temperatures and surface characteristics were investigated [3]. Cooperating with the European members, morphology and micromechanical behavior of these COC were studied [4]. The focus was also on relating the chemical structure of COCs to dynamic birefringence [5], and the dependence of rheological zero-shear viscosity and steady-state compliance on molecular weight between entanglements [6].

In the project “Effects of side-chain branching on the processability of commercial polycarbonates” (project 421-35-97), the effects of long chain branching with a

focus on its processability in blow molding, extrusion and injection molding, as well as on its solid-state properties, were the subjects. This collaborative project was coordinated by Masaoki Takahashi, Kazuo Sato and Toshio Masuda. The study was initiated and carried out mainly by the East Asia members of the Working Party [7], and there were also contributions from European members.

A project “Structure and properties of polyester elastomers composed of poly(butylene terephthalate) and poly(ε-caprolactone)” was proposed and coordinated by Toshikazu Takigawa (project 2002-052-1-400).

A project “Structure and properties of polymer/ clay nanocomposite” was proposed by Sung Chul Kim and organized jointly with Koh-hei Nitta (project 2003051-1-400). The structural, morphological and thermal properties of polyamide-6 and polyamide-6/66 clay nanocomposites were explored [8].

A project on “Relation between rheological properties and foam processability for polypropylene,” was proposed and coordinated by Masayuki Yamaguchi (project 2010-029-3-400). Morphology development of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) caused by applied flow history in molten isotactic polypropylene (PP) was investigated [9]. Rheological properties of polymer composites with flexible fine fibers were studied by employing poly(lactic acid) (PLA) containing small amount of PTFE fibers and so on [10]

A focus was on “Microstructure and properties of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer blends and composites”, which was proposed as an IUPAC project and

Figure 3: Jubilee meeting (50th anniversary) in London, taken on The London Eye, 9 April 2013.

Project Place

coordinated by Jiasong He (project 2004-044-2-400). Rheological hybrid effect was explored in fiber-filled polymer melts, caused by thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers [11].

EA members also joined projects proposed and conducted in the Subcommittee, such as the project of “Microstructural, rheological and mechanical properties of (un)compatible PA6/ABS blends with and without compatibilizers” (project 2005-023-2-400) proposed and coordinated by Ulrich Handge [12].

Aimed to develop improved methods for characterizing ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) mouldings, and hence to improve quality assurance procedures for hip and knee prostheses, an IUPAC project on “Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene” was proposed (project 2010-019-1-400). Chaired by Clive Bucknall, this project had a well-balanced team consisting of industrial and academic members. Their expertise ranged from molecular weight (MWt) determination and electron microscopy to micro-cracking and wear of joints, with strong backgrounds in UHMWPE research. Samples of Ticona 3 HMWPE grades, with MWts of 0.4, 5 and 9 MDa, as both powder and standardized mouldings were collected and distributed among the group members. Team members addressed problems of monitoring changes in molecular weight, crystallinity, crystal morphology, interfacial reptation and entanglement during moulding, and the effects of these changes on strength and wear resistance. Others observed and quantified the changes during processing [13-17].

Randomly copolymerized polypropylene is widely used for food packaging. However, its soluble fraction (the solubles) will migrate to the package surface and contaminate the food. A IUPAC project was focused on evaluating the relationship between the macromolecular structure and the performance of transparent polypropylene with low soluble contents. This current project “Structure and properties of transparent polypropylene with very low solubility” (project 2016-028-1-400) was proposed and coordinated by Jinliang Qiao, and had publications [18-21].

More recently, EA members also joined another project “Thermoplastic starch-based materials: properties and characterization” proposed and coordinated by Miroslav Slouf and Elvira Vidovic (project 2023015-2-400). The objectives include the optimization of starch plasticization, and deeper understanding of the relationships between structure and properties of starch-containing materials.

Feasibility studies

Conventionally IUPAC projects have limited lifetimes of about 3 years. However, based on the experience of the Working Party, this period is usually not adequate for voluntary and unfunded joint experimental work. A period of 5 years or longer is more realistic. And then for some feasibility studies, their periods may span several years. For some feasibility studies, during screening measurements and before applying for IUPAC project, valuable results have been obtained and reached journal publications. In this situation the feasibility studies are mentioned in the acknowledgement of publications, instead of their IUPAC project numbers. Now in the East Asia Research meeting, there are feasibility studies as follows. They have interested members and remain in the step of screening measurements and exploring potential and novelty.

• “Structure and properties of long chain-branched polypropylene” (proposed by Zhaohui Su).

• “Structure and properties of linear and branched polyethylene blends” (proposed by Yongfeng Men).

• SINOPEC commercial polymers: anti-bacterial and anti-mildew PP resin or PET fiber (proposed by Jinliang Qiao) [22].

• Hyosung commercial polymer: polyketone – new green polymeric material (proposed by Chang-Sik Ha) [23].

• Structure and properties of PLA (proposed by Peng Chen).

• Broadband viscoelastic measurements (proposed by Tadashi Inoue).

• Citrate ester plasticizers (proposed by Masayuki Yamaguchi).

• Effect of hydrogen-bonding organization on crystal form transition of PA1012 and its block copolymers (proposed by Xia Dong).

• Butyl rubber and its halogenate derivatives (proposed by Toshio Tada and Kenji Urayama).

The bright future of the EA Research Meeting relies on the continuous and active involvement of young generations. I believe that with more young members this Research Meeting will make more contributions to the understanding of the structure and properties of commercial polymers, and their effective production and beneficial applications.


The author is very grateful to Profs. Chang-Sik Ha, Yongfeng Men, and Koh-hei Nitta for carefully reading the manuscript and providing valuable additional information.

Project Place


1. D.R. Moore, H.M. Laun, Chemistry International, JulyAugust, 10-13 (2004) ‘IUPAC working party on structure and properties of commercial polymers—history, output, and future prospects’. Also online as < moore.html>

2. C. Liu, J. Yu, X. Sun, J. Zhang, J. He, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 81, 197-205 (2003) ‘Thermal degradation studies on cyclic olefin copolymers’.

3. J. Y. Shin, J. Y. Park, C. Liu, J. He, S. C. Kim, Pure Appl. Chem., 77, 801-814 (2005) ‘Chemical structure and physical properties of cyclic olefin copolymers’

4. V. Seydewitz, M. Krumova, G. H. Michler, J. Y. Park, S. C. Kim, Polymer, 46, 5608-5614 (2005) ‘Morphology and micromechanical behavior of ethylene cycloolefin copolymers’.

5. O. G. Kyo and T. Inoue, Rheologica Acta, 45 (2), 116 (2005) ‘Dynamic birefringence of cyclic olefin polymers’.

6. T. Takigawa, H. Kadoya, T. Miki, T. Yamamoto, T. Masuda, Polymer, 47, 4811 (2006) ‘Dependence of zero-shear viscosity and steady-state compliance on molecular weight between entanglements for ethylene-cycloolefin copolymers’.

7. C. Liu, C. Li, P. Chen, J. He, Q. Fan, Polymer, 45, 28032812 (2004), ‘Influence of long-chain branching on linear viscoelastic flow properties and dielectric relaxation of polycarbonates‘.

8. S. Venkataramani, J. H. Lee, M. G. Park, S. C. Kim, J. Macromol. Sci. Part A. Pure Appl. Chem 46(1), 65 (2008) ‘Structure and properties of polyamide-6 & 6/66 clay nanocomposites’.

9. M. Md. Ali, S. Nobukawa, M. Yamaguchi, Pure Appl. Chem., 83 (10), 1819-1830 (2011), ‘Morphology development of polytetrafluoroethylene in a polypropylene melt’.

10. M. Yamaguchi, T. Yokohama, B. M. A. Mohd Amran, Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (J. Soc. Rheol., Jpn.), 41(3), 129-135 (2013). ‘Effect of flexible fibers on rheological properties of poly(lactic acid) composites under elongational flow‘.

11. Q. Mi, X. Zhang, J. He, Polym. Eng. Sci., 52(2), 289 (2012), ‘Rheological hybrid effect in dually filled polycarbonate melt containing liquid crystalline polymer’.

12. U. A. Handge, A. Galeski, S. C. Kim, D. J. Dijkstra, C. Goetz, F. Fischer, G. T. Lim, V. Altstaedt, C. Gabriel, M. Weber, H. Steininger, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 124, 740-754 (2012), ‘Melt processing, mechanical and fatigue crack propagation properties of reactively compatibilized blends of polyamide 6 and an acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer’.

13. C. Bucknall, V. Altstädt, D. Auhl, P. Buckley, D. Dijkstra, A. Galeski, C. Gögelein, U. A. Handge, J. He, C-Y Liu, G. Michler, E. Piorkowska, M. Slouf, I. Vittorias and J. J. Wu, Pure Appl. Chem., 92(9), 1469–1483 (2020), ‘Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (IUPAC Technical Report), Part 1: characterizing molecular weight’.

14. C. Bucknall, V. Altstädt, D. Auhl, P. Buckley, D. Dijkstra, A. Galeski, C. Gögelein, U. A. Handge, J. He, C-Y Liu, G. Michler, E. Piorkowska, M. Slouf, I. Vittorias and J. J. Wu,

Pure Appl. Chem. 92(9), 1485–1501 (2020), ‘Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (IUPAC Technical Report), Part 2: crystallinity and supra molecular structure’.

15. C. Bucknall*, V. Altstädt, D. Auhl, P. Buckley, D. Dijkstra, A. Galeski, C. Gögelein, U. A. Handge, J. He, C-Y Liu, G. Michler, E. Piorkowska, M. Slouf, I. Vittorias and J. J. Wu, Pure Appl. Chem.; 92(9), 1503–1519 (2020), ‘Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (IUPAC Technical Report), Part 3: deformation, wear and fracture’.

16. C. Bucknall, V. Altstädt, D. Auhl, P. Buckley, D. Dijkstra, A. Galeski, C. Gögelein, U. A. Handge, J. He, C-Y Liu, G. Michler, E. Piorkowska, M. Slouf, I. Vittorias and J. J. Wu, Pure Appl. Chem., 92(9), 1521–1536 (2020), ‘Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (IUPAC Technical Report), Part 4: sporadic fatigue crack propagation’.

17. R.-H. Lv, Y.-C. He, K.-F. Xie, W.-B. Hu, Polymer International, 69, 18–23 (2020), ‘Crystallization rates of moderate and ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene characterized by Flash DSC measurement’.

18. D. Kalapat, Z.-L. Li, Q.-Y. Tang, X.-H. Zhang, W.-B. Hu, J. Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry, 128, 1859–1866 (2017), ‘Comparing crystallization kinetics among two G-resin samples and iPP via Flash DSC measurement’.

19. D. Lyu, Y. Tang, Q. Li, R. Chen, Y. Lu, Y. Men, Polymer, 167, 146–153 (2019), ‘Large-strain-cavitation induced stress whitening in propylene-butene-1 copolymer during stretching’.

20. Y. Tang, M. Ren, L. Hou, J. Sheng, M. Guo, H. Shi, L. Wang, J. Qiao, Polymer, 183, 121869 (2019), ‘Effect of microstructure on soluble properties of transparent polypropylene copolymers’.

21. Y. Lu, D. Lyu, Y. Tang, L. Qian, Y. Qin, M. Xiang, Y. Men, Polymer, 210, 123049 (2020), ‘Effect of αc-relaxation on the large strain cavitation in polyethylene’.

22. J. Cai, R.-Q. Luo, R.-H. Lv, Y.-C. He, D.-S. Zhou, W.-B. Hu, European Polymer Journal, 96, 79-86 (2017), ‘Crystallization kinetics of ethylene-co-propylene rubber/ isotactic polypropylene blend investigated via chip-calorimeter measurement’.

23. Y.-C. He, R.-Q. Luo, Z.-L. Li, R.-H. Lv, D.-S. Zhou, W.-B. Hu, Macromol. Chem. and Phys., 219(3), 1700385 (2018), ‘Comparing crystallization Kinetics between Polyamide 6 and Polyketone via Flash DSC Measurement’.

Jiasong He <> is at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has been the member of the IUPAC East Asia Research Meeting continuously since 1991, despite the change of the Meeting’s inclusion in the IUPAC Commission or Division. In the period of 2010-2021 he served as the Associate Member, Titular Member and National Representative in IUPAC Polymer Division. He served as co-chair of Subcommittee on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers from 2010 to 2017.

Project Place

Bioavailability of Endocrine Substances in Aquatic Ecosystems, Emerging Contaminants (ECs) and Impact on Agricultural Water Reuse

Project background—Global water scarcity and agricultural water reuse

The treatment of wastewater and reclamation processes have become an important goal in combating global water scarcity (UN SDG 6). This is especially vital in areas where there is a shortage of water resources, and in those experiencing frequent severe droughts. A major example is the Colorado River watershed, Lake Mead and other reservoirs which are experiencing record low water levels and water can no longer flow downstream, spelling a disaster for the millions of people in the USA Southwest who depend on it. Cities such as Big Spring, Wichita Falls, and El Paso turned to potable water reuse when their reservoirs had almost run dry (Harris-Lowett, 2024). However, drought is not the only driver for water reuse, the global increase in population over the years has also necessitated water reuse as an alternative source of drinking water (Shehata et al., 2023).

Turning to wastewater as a vital source of water has raised major concerns about the reusability and recyclability of wastewater due to the presence of persistent pharmaceutical compounds such as endocrine disruptors (EDCs) amomg other emerging contaminants (ECs).

Task Group

To examine the likely impact of ECs residues in adequately treated effluent to tertiary level, intended for irrigation of crops for human consumption, a Project Task Group was formed under the Chemistry and the Environment Division of IUPAC. The international group includes 11 experts from various disciplines and is reviewing the current knowledge on ECs in tertiary effluent and their likely impact on water reuse for irrigation, highlighting potential risks, lessons learned and good practices from case studies around the world.

Project Aims

The aims of the project are to contribute to one of the most important societal and climate change topics—water reuse—that can benefit the global water and food supply. We will evaluate meaningful levels of minute concentration of EC in wastewater and the commercial feasibility of advanced techniques of treatment, including:

• Critically reviewing the challenges associated with ECs ranging from occurrence, detection, health and environmental impacts, and innovative removal techniques based on a state-of-the-art literature.

• The fate and behavior of ECs in wastewater; highlighting the challenges and potential solutions for their removal and mitigation.

• The economic feasibility of ECs removal techniques and the awareness of future perspectives for research work, policies, and strategies that can be implemented to minimize the impact of ECs.

• The need for new strict/rigorous discharge regulations and laws to comply with, as found necessary.

Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants (ECs)

ECs consist of extensive and broad groups of human-induced/anthropogenic compounds that are excreted by human bodies. As a result, residues of some of these compounds and their metabolites are frequently detected in municipal wastewater and in effluent discharged to the environment (Ifon et al., 2023; Pal et al., 2023). The most common detected compounds in aqueous environment include unmetabolized fractions of pharmaceuticals, analgesics, antibiotics, and endocrine-disrupting compounds. Additionally, other detected compounds include antiepileptics and stimulants, such as carbamazepine (Mpongwana & Rathilal, 2022). Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), disinfection by-products (DBPs) and microplastics (Majumder et al., 2019; Cheng et al., 2021). Residues of these compounds and alike persist in the environment at low concentrations to be recognized as major pollutants for terrestrial and aquatic environments (Ifon et al., 2023; Pal et al., 2023). At the same time, regulatory effluent standards do not include most of the ECs parameters, hence their release into the environment remains unchecked and unmonitored (Bavumiragira & Yin, 2022).


One of the biggest challenges in the detection of ECs is their low concentrations in the aqueous environment, requiring highly sensitive analytical techniques capable of reaching the nanogram per litre (ng/L) scale. Most of the instruments, such as HPLC and GC have a limit of quantification of around 1 microgram per litre (µg/L), whereas many of the ECs are present in the range of µg/L and ng/L levels in different environment matrices (Bexfield et al., 2019). Therefore, the high selectivity and sensitivity liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS) are used (Khurana et al., 2022), following extraction using different methods (Fatta-Kassinos et al., 2019).

Removal techniques

The conventional wastewater activated sludge treatment plants (WWTPs) comprising primary sedimentation aeration, clarification and filtration/absorption remove macropollutants such as suspended particles, organic pollutants, and pathogens, but they are not designed to eliminate or neutralize pharmaceutically active chemicals that exist at low concentrations such as micrograms per litre and nanogram per litre (Rout et al., 2021; Mpongwana & Rathilal, 2022; Qadafi et al., 2023).

The removal of ECs is however considered a key if water reuse is planned for industrial applications and irrigation in farming (du Plessis et al., 2023). Thus a number of different advanced oxidation processes (AOP)s not associated with the conventional WWTP including adsorption, ozonation, UV oxidation, membrane filtration, biological processes, and Fenton oxidation are being considered. Recently hydrogen peroxide, oxide-based-metals and metal-based catalysis, photocatalysis, electrochemical oxidation, persulfate technology, and plasma technology have all been investigated and extensively reviewed (John et al., 2022; Kumar et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2023).

Each AOP has unique characteristics and operational parameters such as the nature and concentration of the ECs, the presence of other substances and other conditions of the process that influence its effectiveness in treating wastewater and sludge (Ribeiro et al., 2019; Folorunsho et al., 2023). No single technology can effectively remove and/or degrade all ECs found in wastewater and sludge.

Ecological risk assessment

Due to pervasive characteristics such as biological toxicity, environmental persistence, and bioaccumulation, the presence of ECs in aqueous environments

poses an increasing threat to aquatic life and the human food chain. Consumption of foods, animal products and drinks that are associated with contaminated water, soil and plants are the primary pathway for human exposure (Chaturvedi et al., 2023; Interdonato et al., 2023). They may pose various health risks to humans such as cancers, endocrine disruptions, neurotoxicity, reproduction problems, bacterial resistance and feminization in aquatic species among other health problems (Shanmuganathan et al., 2023).

To date, however, no ecological and human risk factors associated with the presence of minute concentration of ECs in treated effluent have been established. The long-term impact of human exposure to ECs is still being investigated, as well as the combined effect of mixtures which broadens the current focus on individual substances, addressing chemical cocktails’ effects. Furthermore, these organic compounds may transform from the time of sampling to the time of analysis. In the environment, where they are subjected to absorption, adsorption, hydrolysis, dilution, biodegradation, complexation and chemical oxidation to result in the degradation, transformation or persistence within the environment (Lofrano et al., 2020).


Currently, there are no laws in practice regulating the upper permitted concentration levels of ECs in wastewater discharge (Reid et al., 2019). However, the residual amounts of the ECs detected in aquatic ecosystems raise the question if the monitoring of ECs within treated effluent used for non-potable activities should be prioritized to protect the environment. In the EU, a total of 25 well-documented substances which may have effects on nature and human health will be added to the Revised Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, including PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl), bisphenol and a range of pesticides and pesticide degradation

Project Place

products, such as glyphosate. However, according to the EU, their removal at the wastewater treatment facilities drives up the cost of treatment, and removal is not always possible. Therefore, the EU aims to reduce emissions at source, aiming to reduce the presence of ECs by changing permits for industry, collection of unused pharmaceuticals, setting rules for the application of pesticides and cleaning sediments and soil to avoid water pollution (EU, 2022).

Economic strategy

The removal of ECs by conventional treatment processes has not proved to be effective while incorporating advanced AOPs with the conventional treatment processes has proven to be energy-consuming, expensive and have lower removal efficiencies, while increasing the overall cost of the system (Sellaoui et al., 2023), beyond capability to pay by the ordinary consumer. Thus, the economic feasibility of hybrid techniques is a major concern for policymakers, along with the required skills and technology, not easily available to design and operate such advanced systems. However, the potential benefits and beneficiaries of agricultural water reuse projects are expensive, reaching deep into agricultural supply chains, food security and regional economies. The development of a sustainable economic strategy is therefore vital to the global water and food supply.

Further research

Development and advancement of analytical techniques have enabled the detection, identification, and treatment of ECs in trace concentration (mg to ng/L), providing insight into the fundamentals of removing EC. Advanced hybrid treatment systems including the use of nanomaterials and phytoremediation approaches are emerging, aiming for remediating the ECs in wastewater (Sihlahla and Mngadi 2024). However, these techniques are not easily applicable to real-life scenarios, which are far more complex than those simulated in these studies, while our understanding of the behaviour and potential risks of emerging contaminants is not fully apprehended. Further research is therefore necessary on EC removal in real-life scenarios designed for improvement of wastewater treatment to address the removal of ECs, using feasible economic solutions. Long-term research would help to better evaluate the effects of specific factors on human health through observation and data collection, improving the scientific and practical nature of health risk assessment. There is also a need to draft appropriate regulatory measures to safeguard water resources and protect both human and ecological health which will help

to comply with new strict/rigorous discharge regulations and laws as found necessary.

Final note

Agricultural water reuse presents unique opportunities and challenges when assessing the benefits and costs of implementing a water reuse project. The various aspects of water reuse are also attracting great research interest. Judging by the very large number of manuscripts being published, the investigation of scientific and practical aspects of ECs has greatly escalated over the recent years and is far from being exhausted. Further involvement of IUPAC in this topic was also suggested, proposing a research collaboration with the Pharmaceutical industry to study the impact of pharmaceutical residuals in waters (Gerd Schnorrenberg, Chemistry and Human Health Division, 19 Aug 2023).


Bavumiragira J. P. and Yin H. (2022). Fate and transport of pharmaceuticals in water systems: a processes review. Science of the Total Environment, 823, 153635, scitotenv.2022.153635

Bexfield L. M., Toccalino P. L., Belitz K., Foreman W. T. and Furlong E. T. (2019). Hormones and pharmaceuticals in groundwater used as a source of drinking water across the United States. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(6), 2950–2960,

Chaturvedi M., Joy S., Gupta R. D., Pandey S. and Sharma S. (2023). Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): chemical fate, distribution, analytical methods and promising remediation strategies – a critical review. Environmental Technology Reviews, 12(1), 286–315, 23.2205026

Cheng N., Wang B., Wu P., Lee X., Xing Y., Chen M. and Gao B. (2021). Adsorption of emerging contaminants from water and wastewater by modified biochar: A review. Environmental Pollution, 273, 116448, https://

du Plessis M., Fourie C., Stone W. and Engelbrecht A. M. (2023). The impact of endocrine disrupting compounds and carcinogens in wastewater: implications for breast cancer. Biochimie, 209, 103–115, https://doi. org/10.1016/j. biochi.2023.02.006

EU 2022. Proposal for a revised Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive Fatta-Kassinos D., Nikolaou A. and Ioannou-Ttofa L. (2019). Advances in analytical methods for the determination of pharmaceutical residues in waters and wastewaters. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, J. Nriagu (ed.) Elsevier, pp. 1–12, Folorunsho O., Bogush A. and Kourtchev I. (2023). A new on-line SPE LC-HRMS method for simultaneous analysis of selected

Project Place

emerging contaminants in surface waters. Analytical Methods, 15(3), 284–296, https://

Harris-Lovett Sasha. 2024. Water recycling goes mainstream. SCIENCE, 4 Jan 2024, Vol 383, Issue 6678, p. 38. DOI: 10.1126/science.adl2392

Ifon B. E., Adyari B., Hou L., Ohore O. E., Rashid A., Yu C. P. and Anyi H. (2023). Urbanization influenced the interactions between dissolved organic matter and bacterial communities in rivers. Journal of Environmental Management, 341, 117986,

John J., Ramesh K. and Chellam P. V. (2022). Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as a catalyst for advanced oxidation processes – micropollutant removal. In: Advanced Materials for Sustainable Environmental Remediation. Elsevier. pp. 155–174.

Khurana P., Pulicharla R. and Brar S. K. (2022). Analytical challenges of antibiotic–metal complexes in wastewaters: a mini-review. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 18, 100747,

Kumar S., Pratap B., Dubey D., Kumar A., Shukla S. and Dutta V. (2022). Constructed wetlands for the removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) from wastewater: origin, impacts, treatment methods, and SWOT analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194, 885,

Lofrano G., Sacco O., Venditto V., Carotenuto M., Libralato G., Guida M., Meric S. and Vaiano V. (2020). Occurrence and potential risks of emerging contaminants in water. In: Visible Light Active StructuredPhotocatalysts for the Removal of Emerging Contaminants: Science and Engineering. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oxford, UK, Cambridge, US pp. 1–25, https://doi. org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818334-2.00001-8

Majumder A., Gupta B. and Gupta A. K. (2019). Pharmaceutically active compounds in aqueous environment: a status, toxicity and insights of remediation. Environmental Research, 176, 108542, envres.2019.108542

Mpongwana N. and Rathilal S. (2022). Exploiting biofilm characteristics to enhance biological nutrient removal in wastewater treatment plants. Applied Sciences, 12(15), 7561,

Pal S. K., Masum M. M. H., Salauddin M., Hossen M. A., Ruva I. J. and Akhie A. A. (2023). Appraisal of stormwater-induced runoff quality influenced by site-specific land use patterns in the south-eastern region of Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(13), 36112–36126, https://doi. org/10.1007/s11356-022-24806-8

Qadafi M., Rosmalina R. T., Pitoi M. M. and Wulan D. R. (2023). Chlorination disinfection by-products in Southeast Asia: a review on potential precursor, formation, toxicity assessment, and removal technologies. Chemosphere, 316, 137817, https://

Reid A. J., Carlson A. K., Creed I. F., Eliason E. J., Gell P. A., Johnson P. T. J., Kidd K. A., MacCormack T. J., Olden J. D., Ormerod S. J., Smol J. P., Taylor W. W., Tockner K., Vermaire J. C., Dudgeon D. and Cooke S. J. (2019). Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity. Biol Rev, 94, 849–873,

Ribeiro A. R. L., Moreira N. F. F., Li Puma G. and Silva A. M. T. (2019). Impact of water matrix on the removal of micropollutants by advanced oxidation technologies. Chemical Engineering Journal, 363, 155–173, https://

Rout P. R., Zhang T. C., Bhunia P. and Surampalli R. Y. (2021). Treatment technologies for emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment plants: a review. Science of the Total Environment, 753, 141990, https://doi. org/10.1016/j. scitotenv.2020.141990

Sellaoui L., Gómez-Avilés A., Dhaouadi F., Bedia J., BonillaPetriciolet A., Rtimi S. and Belver C. (2023). Adsorption of emerging pollutants on lignin-based activated carbon: analysis of adsorption mechanism via characterization, kinetics and equilibrium studies. Chemical Engineering Journal, 452, 139399, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.139399

Shanmuganathan R., Kadri M. S., Mathimani T., Le Q. H. and Pugazhendhi A. (2023). Recent innovations and challenges in the eradication of emerging contaminants from aquatic systems. Chemosphere, 332, 138812, chemosphere.2023.138812

Shehata N., Egirani D., Olabi A. G., Inayat A., Abdelkareem M. A., Chae K. J. and Sayed E. T. (2023). Membrane-based water and wastewater treatment technologies: issues, current trends, challenges, and role in achieving sustainable development goals, and circular economy. Chemosphere, 320, 137993, chemosphere.2023.137993

Sihlahla M. Sihle Mngadi S. 2024. A review of occurrence of emerging contaminants and the advanced analytical techniques used for detection and removal of these pollutants in wastewater. In Detection and Treatment of Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater, Sartaj Ahmad Bhat, Vineet Kumar, Fusheng Li, Pradeep Vermaa (Eds.) IWA Publishing .

Wang H., Wang Y. and Dionysiou D. D. (2023). Advanced oxidation processes for removal of emerging contaminants in water. Water, 15(3), 398,

Zhang M., Shen J., Zhong Y., Ding T., Dissanayake P. D., Yang Y. and Tsang Y. F. (2022). Sorption of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) from water and wastewater by carbonaceous materials: a review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 727–766, https://

The project task group is composed of Yehuda Shevah (Chair), Dror Avisar, Kerstin Derz, Elke Eilebrecht, Hemda Garelick, Ester Heath, Pawel Krzeminski, Bradley W Miller, Willi Peijnenburg, Diane Purchase, and Christian Schlechtriem. As an outcome of this project, an IUPAC Technical Report is being prepared.

For more information and comment, contact Task Group Chair Yehuda Shevah |

Making an imPACt

Learning about e-waste

In 2021, the CHEMRAWN XXII conference “E-waste in Africa” was held in Lagos, Nigeria using a hybrid model to allow global involvement during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. This milestone in our conference series came 43 years after the first CHEMRAWN Conference, which was on “Future Sources of Organic Raw Materials.” One of the recommended outcomes from the Future Actions Committee Report formulated at CHEMRAWN XXII “E-waste in Africa” was to “Develop a course in e-waste for university students.” As a result, a resource page on e-waste was developed and is available via the IUPAC website ( More resource pages are now being considered on topics related to world needs for sharing IUPAC’s vast knowledge and allow IUPAC to fully embody its vision as an indispensable worldwide resource for chemistry.

Recent IUPAC technical reports and recommendations that affect the many fields of pure and applied chemistry.

See also

which served as an IUPAC/IYCN Global Conversation on Sustainability event. It is archived here: https:// . Juliana Vidal (Canada, Beyond Benign) was a co-moderator with me.

Another initiative is the compilation of a special issue of Chemistry Teacher International and that has been published in June 2024 (Vol 6 Issue 2) as a result of a project conducted to provide educational materials and insights for students and teachers working in secondary and tertiary education. This involved collaboration between three standing committees and two divisions of IUPAC, namely CHEMRAWN, Committee on Chemistry Education (CCE), Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI), the Inorganic Chemistry Division (Div II), and the Chemistry and the Environment Division (Div VI).

Knowledge about chemical problems related to e-waste handling and recycling is limited even among well-educated chemists. Secondary and University chemical education is critical due to the central role that chemistry plays in sustainable development and developing new, clean technologies. Most students have cell/mobile phones and access to computers, but many may be unaware of end of life or more general life cycle considerations for such devices. This special issue presents e-waste from a chemical perspective, and as an open-access venue can be shared broadly and inspire educators to develop their own ideas on this important topic related to sustainable chemistry.

In anticipation of this CTI special issue, a webinar was held in collaboration with the educational foundation Beyond Benign during October 2023 and

Cintia Milagre (Associate Professor, Institute of Chemistry – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil) shared their work with a local recyclable materials cooperative and a university-wide initiative to prevent e-waste going to landfill. Marcela Cordeiro Cavalcante de Oliveira (Graduate of the Professional Master’s Degree in Chemistry on a National Network – PROFQUI – Chemistry Department – Universidade Federal Rural De Pernambuco, Brazil) discussed approaches to teaching electrochemistry and redox processes related to batteries. Finally, Karen Ouverney dos Santos, a High School Chemistry Teacher at Colégio Talentos Internacional, and her students (involved in the Chemistry Olympiad) enthusiastically shared their experiences and experiments regarding the importance of correct disposal and potential ecotoxicity of batteries.

Another article in the special issue, describes metal separation and recovery from waste ink-jet cartridges for students in high school/secondary schools. Many of the articles in this special issue have been written by authors in Brazil but the experiments undertaken could be performed and investigations undertaken by students around the world. We hope you enjoy reading the papers and find them useful in your own teaching. For more information and comment, contact Francesca Kerton <> | https://iupac. org/project/2022-016-1-021

See CTI issue content journal/key/cti/6/2/html

Promotional flyer for the e-waste educational webinar provided as part of this project

Francesca Kerton is a Professor of Chemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. She is the current Chair of both the Canadian National Committee for IUPAC and IUPAC’s CHEMRAWN committee. She is a member of the Global Conversation on Sustainability Task Group and was the Task Group Chair for the project 2022-016-1-021—Effective teaching tools and methods to learn about e-waste.

The global scenario and challenges of radioactive waste in the marine environment

Radioactive material has been directly and indirectly discharged into the aquatic environment. This may be a result of reactor accidents (e.g., Fukushima), fuel production facilities (e.g., Port Hope -strictly a great lake), fuel reprocessing plants (e.g., Windscale/Sellafield), aircraft accidents (e.g., Palomares and Thule) and reactor disposals (e.g., Soviet ice breaker, Hanford Site in Washington State, USA, and submarine reactors in the Kara Sea) [1].

There has been a rise in the number of known sources of anthropogenic radionuclides in the marine environment. The most significant global source is fallout from atmospheric nuclear tests, including 3H and 137Cs [2]. The deposition of radionuclides from anthropogenic sources is unevenly distributed in the global ocean. The Irish Sea is arguably the most contaminated following

decades of fuel-reprocessing waste discharges containing long-lived fuel derived radionuclides (including Pu isotopes and 241Am) and fission products (including 137Cs, 90Sr and 99Tc)– all within historic authorized limits. These discharges, like others elsewhere have resulted in uptake by biota—some which (e.g. fish and seaweed) have entered the human food chain. In 2011, the Fukushima nuclear disaster released a significant amount of radioactive contamination. It is estimated that 18,000 TBq of radioactive 137Cs was discharged into the Pacific Ocean.

Radioactive waste includes any material that is either intrinsically radioactive, or has been contaminated by radioactive materials, and is deemed to have no further use [3]. Radioactive waste is typically classified as either low-level (LLW), intermediate-level (ILW), or high-level (HLW), dependent on its level of radioactivity [4]. Although studies have been conducted, there is lack of collective data on the level of radioactive contamination in marine waters. The threats of radioactive food chain contamination are common causes of alarm within exposed populations.

The assessment of marine radioactivity in a marine environment needs a thorough knowledge of the potential sources and an understanding of oceanic processes. Their measurement may present unique radiochemical challenges. Radionuclides may become widely redistributed by ocean currents, and may be accumulated by biota or be returned to the land by sea to land transfer. Discharges to the sea have been used to map ocean currents. They also may present a

Figure 1. In addition to global fallout, discharges, and accidents have resulted in widespread marine contamination, particularly in the northern hemisphere.

Making an imPACt

hazard to biota and man. For example, 106Ru in edible seaweed, 99Tc in lobsters, and 137Cs in fish have all been shown to have entered the human food chain and are commonly claimed to present a health hazard. However, information on radionuclides in the ocean is thin [1].

In addition to naturally occurring radionuclides (most importantly 40K, 232Th and U isotopes) anthropogenic radionuclides can enter the aquatic environment by several routes. Global weapons fallout deposition, reactor accidents, routine reactor discharges, fuel production and reprocessing plants pipeline emissions, aircraft carrying nuclear weapons accidents, reactor disposals, and fallout from the burn-up of satellite nuclear power sources on atmospheric re-entry, are all examples of direct inputs. Indirect inputs include the redistribution of terrigenous global fallout, by windborne dust from contaminated land, and washout to river systems. It follows that while some radionuclides are deposited close to the sites of their release, where they may produce a local hazard, others are redistributed globally by ocean currents. Given the complexity of the marine environment, the measurement of radionuclides may present unique radiochemical, biochemical, and regulatory challenges [5].

As described above, contaminated biota that enters the human food chain is of widespread concern. However, of particular concern is the putative risk to some coastal communities that may have much

Figure 2. The project was presented by the project leaders—Silvi Di Pietro and JC Juan—and Nick Priest at the IUPAC’s Chemistry and Environment Division meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

higher-than-average exposure to radionuclides present in coastal air, sediments, and biota. While there is general agreement that marine radionuclides levels are currently of low concern, they, and their sources, are subject to strict, national and international regulatory control [5]. A IUPAC project “The global scenario and challenges of radioactive waste in the marine environment” aims to bring together a series of reviews and original papers within this journal special issue that are concerned with the diverse aspects of the fate and transport of radionuclides and radioactive waste in the marine/aquatic environment.

The project comprises a series of critical reviews that are concerned with aspects of the fate and transport of radionuclides and radioactive waste in the marine environment. In line with the objectives of the project, reviews describe the problems of detection, identification, and behaviour of radionuclides within different aquatic environmental compartments, including land-to-sea and sea-to-land transfer; and the future challenges presented by a resurgent nuclear industry [5].

The project was also presented a large audience at the quadruple meeting APCE-CECE-ITP-IUPAC held in Siem Reap, Cambodia 6-10 November, 2022 [5]. The new project was presented to IUPAC by Nick Priest, Silvi Di Pietro, and JC Juan (Figure 2). Many were involved in the development of the project, and the task group includes M. Burkitbayev, M. A. Hurlbert,

Making an imPACt

A selection of nine papers is published in this special issue of Pure and Applied Chemistry (PAC). The topics covered are:

• The quantification, analysis and detection of radionuclides in the environment using Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) [1].

• An overview of marine radionuclides, from sampling to monitoring [6].

• The speciation and mobility of uranium isotopes in the Shu River: impacts for river to sea transfer [7].

• Impact of fluvial discharge on 137Cs in the ocean following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident [8].

• Transport of radioactive materials from terrestrial to marine environments in Fukushima over the past decade [9].

• The sea to land transfer of irradiated uranium in Cumbria, UK [10].

• Public knowledge, sentiments, and perceptions of low-dose radiation (LDR) and power production, with special reference to reactor accidents [11]

• Radionuclides in marine sediment [12].

Anthropogenic radionuclides are introduced in marine systems (i.e., ocean, rivers, ponds, etc.) from radioactive fallout. The fallout is a result of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, nuclear power plant accidents, nearshore discharges from nuclear facilities, radioactive waste dumping, and nuclear-powered ships accidents to name a few. Moreover, terrestrial environments are also the culprit due to radionuclides deposited groundwater systems (i.e., Hanford Site in Washington State, USA). Ultimately, radionuclides sink and settle on the seabed. To further understand the importance and impact of radioactive fallout in marine systems, this PAC special issue “The global scenario and challenges of radioactive waste in the marine environment” brings together a series of reviews and original papers that are concerned with the diverse aspects of the fate and transport of radionuclides. The authors hope that the compilation of nine papers published in this issue present the reader with a state-of-the art critical review, basic understanding of radionuclides fate and transport, and provide current perspectives and current challenges on the topic of nuclear industry.


1. Pantoja, Leonardo and Garelick, Hemda. “A critical review of the quantification, analysis and detection of radionuclides in the environment using diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT): advances and perspectives” Pure App. Chem., 2023. https://

2. Baskaran, Mark. ““Environmental Isotope Geochemistry”: Past, Present and Future.” Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry: Vol I (2012): 3-10.

3. Sobianowska-Turek, Agnieszka, Katarzyna Grudniewska, Agnieszka Fornalczyk, Joanna Willner, Wojciech Bialik, Weronika Urbańska, and Anna Janda. “Application of Flotation for Removing Barium (II) Ions Using Ionized Acyclic Polyethers in the Context of Sustainable Waste Management.” Sustainability 16, no. 11 (2024): 4665.

4. Stephen Poy and Kristen Schwab. (2023, September 19). Low level radioactive waste (LLRW)/disused sources toolbox for materials users. NRC Website. materials/toolboxes/llrw-waste.html

5. Foret, F., Chung, D. S., Lavická, J., Přikryl, J., Lee, H., & Drobníková, I. (2023, February 3). Proceedings of APCEcece-ITP-IUPAC 2022, abstract#100. MDPI. https://www.mdpi. com/2297-8739/10/2/109

6. Sagadevan, Suresh, and Joon Ching Juan. “Overview of marine radionuclides from sampling to monitoring.” Pure App. Chem., 2024,

7. Matveyeva, Ilona V., and Mukhambetkali М. Burkitbayev. “Speciation and mobility of uranium isotopes in the Shu River: impacts for river to sea transfer.” Pure App. Chem., 2024,

8. Tsumune, Daisuke, Tsubono, Takaki, Misumi, Kazuhiro, Sakuma, Kazuyuki and Onda, Yuichi. “Impact of fluvial discharge on 137Cs in the ocean following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident” Pure App. Chem., 2024,

9. Fan, Shaoyan, Nasu, Koki, Takeuchi, Yukio, Fukuda, Miho, Arai, Hirotsugu, Taniguchi, Keisuke and Onda, Yuichi. “Transport of radioactive materials from terrestrial to marine environments in Fukushima over the past decade” Pure App. Chem., 2024,

10. Priest, Nicholas, Maurice Moore, and Matthew Thirlwall. “The transfer of irradiated uranium from the Irish Sea coast to the terrestrial environment in Cumbria, UK.” Pure App. Chem., 2024,

11. Hurlbert, Margot, et al. “Public knowledge, sentiments, and perceptions of low dose radiation (LDR) and power production, with special reference to reactor accidents.” Pure App. Chem., 2024,

12. Sakellariadou, Fani. “Radionuclides in marine sediment.” Pure App. Chem., 2024,

See or Pure App. Chem., 2024, Volume 96, Issue 7.

Conference Call

POLY-CHAR 2024 MADRID— “Polymers for our Future”

The 2024 Annual World Forum on Advanced Materials, POLY-CHAR 2024 MADRID, was held from the 27-31 May at the Central Campus of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), in Madrid. The conference was chaired by a member of the POLY-CHAR Scientific Committee, Araceli Flores, who, like many other members of the POLY-CHAR 2024 Organising Committee, is a member of the CSIC. There were also two other members of the Organising Committee belonging to POLYMAT-UPV and the University of Alcalá. The event was endorsed by IUPAC and also supported by the GEP Group (in Spanish: Grupo Especializado de Polímeros, GEP) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and Physics. POLY-CHAR 2024 enjoyed the following sponsorship: Groupe Nutriset (Diamond Sponsor); POLYKEY, Anton Paar, ThermoFisher, Renishaw (Gold Sponsors); Bruker, Polymer Char, ST Japan, JEOL, PhotoThermal, ScienTec Ibérica (Silver Sponsors).

POLY-CHAR 2024 MADRID, after POLY-CHAR 2023 in Auckland, is the second live conference after the pandemic that forced the switch to digital events. The event has received an enthusiastic response, with 210 registered delegates from 34 countries around the world. A total of 5 plenary speakers, 12 keynote speakers, 21 invited speakers, 77 oral presentations and 62 posters (including 18 poster flash presentations) contributed to the conference. Particularly noteworthy was the enthusiastic response from young scientists, who represented 40% of the participants.

POLY-CHAR is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to creating a collegial environment for information exchange, organising student exchanges and collaborations, holding international

meetings and providing a platform for scientists from all over the world in the field of polymer science and technology. POLY-CHAR is driven by groundbreaking polymer research from synthesis all the way to application. One important aspect of POLY-CHAR is its multidisciplinary nature that traditionally includes chemists, physicists, biologists, and engineers.

Following the spirit of earlier POLY-CHAR conferences, the MADRID edition placed special emphasis on the promotion of young scientists. POLY-CHAR 2024 offered on Monday, 27 May, prior to the four days of conference sessions, the well-established oneday pre-conference workshop (a one-day tutorial) for graduate students and young researchers, taught by distinguished lecturers. The Short Course lecturers, plenary speakers, and keynote speakers were asked to be available for discussions to all participants—in particular the students—throughout the conference. We commemorated the indelible contribution of our cherished colleague Melissa Chan Chin Han by naming the Pre-Conference Short Course in her memory, in recognition of her commitment to the education of young scientists. Additionally, this particular edition had special poster flash dedicated sessions where brilliant researchers in the early stages of their careers had the opportunity to present their work orally. Finally, we collected donations from keynote speakers to provide scholarships for students. We are very grateful to the keynote speakers Holger Schonherr, Ophelia Tsui, Haritz Sardon, and Andrew Whittaker who have made generous donations for grants for young researchers from developing countries to cover their fees and accommodation costs:

• Ana Muñoz, Universidad de Antioquia Medellin, Colombia

• Jirawan Jindakaew, Thammasat University, Thailand

• Prakash Gautam, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

• Achyut Nepal, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

• Nadia Anter, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco

• Yonca Alkan Goksu, Istambul Technical University, Turkey

POLY-CHAR 2024 MADRID had the underlying theme of “Polymers for our Future” with the aim of promoting interdisciplinary understanding between the classical branches of polymer science and areas of special current importance, such as sustainability, recyclability, energy, health, and security. These topics provided a transversal scaffold for the nine thematic sessions in the conference programme:

• Polymer synthesis, green chemistry, synthesis of sustainable polymers

• Biopolymers, polymers and nutrition, biomedical polymers

• Polymer physics, structure-properties relations

• Advances in theory and simulation

• Polymers for energy storage and smart materials

• Advances in characterization of polymers

• Rheology, processing, additive manufacturing

• Polymer degradation, mechanical, chemical recycling, circular strategies

• Multiphase materials, copolymers, blends, composites, nanocomposites

On Tuesday, 28 May, the Opening Ceremony took place in the hall of the historic CSIC Central Building, followed by two plenary sessions. Additional plenary sessions opened the day´s presentations from Wednesday to Friday. We are very pleased with the line-up of plenary speakers, all eminent scientists in their fields, who presented the latest advances and ground-breaking research:

Farewell drinks at the cloister. From left to right: Peter Mallon (Vice-President of the IUPAC Polymer Division), Araceli Flores (Chair of POLY-CHAR 2024), Javier García-Martínez (IUPAC Past President), Rameshwar Adhikari (Member of the IUPAC Polymer Division), Christine Luscombe (Past President of the IUPAC Polymer Division, 2020-2023)

• Marc Hillmayer, “A Holistic Approach to Developing Next-Generation Sustainable Polymers”

• Katja Loos, “Unleashing the Potential of Enzymes for Green Furan-Based Polymer Synthesis“

• Christopher Li, “Tuning Polymer Crystallization Pathway for Functional Materials”

• M Jesús Vicent, “Polypeptide-based Nanomedicine Unveiling Tropism and Biological Barrier Crossing Capabilities”

• Christine Luscombe, “The Unexpected Polymerization Behavior in Semiconducting Polymer Synthesis”

Plenary lectures were followed by three parallel sessions distributed in different historic buildings of the CSIC. We are grateful to our keynote and invited speakers for sharing their science with us and making this conference a significant event. Two of the keynote lectures pay tribute to our late POLY-CHAR Scientific Committee members, R. P. Singh and D. Berek.

On Wednesday afternoon, 29 May, a Transition Ceremony was held, preceded by an overview of IUPAC and Polymer Division Activities by Michael Hess. During the transition ceremony, Jean Marc Saiter handed over to Holger Schönherr as the new President of POLY-CHAR.

Poster sessions were held during the one-hour morning coffee break on Wednesday and Thursday and took place in the CSIC Cloister, a wonderful setting for fruitful discussions. Finally, the awards and prizes were announced at the closing ceremony on Friday 31st afternoon. These are the winning researchers:

• The Jean-Marie Lehn Award, bestowed to a senior scientist to recognize their significant contribution in the field of materials science and engineering, was awarded to Christine Luscombe,

Conference Call

Okinawa institute, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan.

• The POLY-CHAR Awards for the best oral presentations by students and young scientists were given to: Andres Cardil, Institute of Structure of Matter (IEM-CSIC), Madrid, Spain; Joshua Schumacher, University of Siegen, Germany; Jirawan Jindakaew, Thammasat University, Thailand.

• The POLY-CHAR Awards for the best poster presentations by students and young scientists were given to: Talika Neuendorf, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V, Dresden, Germany; Marius Schmidt, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany; Florian C. Klein, Universität Hamburg, Germany.

• The IUPAC Prizes for the best poster presentations were awarded to: Jaime Lledó, University of Valladolid, Spain; Palash Das, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; Scarlett Elizabeth López Álvarez, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.

Finally, this POLY-CHAR edition has awarded two special prizes from the GEP Group to: Beatriz Merillas (best oral presentation) and Clara Amezúa (best poster presentation), both from the University of Valladolid, Spain.

The social agenda for POLY-CHAR 2024 was designed to facilitate communication and strengthen relationships. On Monday 27 May, young researchers who had registered for the Short Course had the opportunity to take part in an Escape Room activity to promote team building. On the other hand, a flamenco dance show was offered to the lecturers of the Short Course as a courtesy for their support. On Tuesday 28 May, a welcome reception with nibbles and drinks was offered at the end of the day sessions. The conference excursion was scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday and we visited the UNESCO World Heritage City of Alcalá de Henares. Another important social event took place on Thursday with the Conference Gala Dinner at the historic Café Comercial. Finally, after the closing ceremony of the conference, a Spanish wine was offered in the cloister where we said goodbye to our colleagues and friends. While sampling this Spanish wine we had the opportunity to meet the IUPAC President, Javier García-Martínez, who stopped by the Cloister to greet the delegates.

The upcoming POLY-CHAR 2025 conference will take place in Mauritius, September 2025.

Araceli Flores served as Chair for POLY-CHAR 2024. She is a member of the Institute of Polymer Science and Technology of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid.

Applications of Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Systems

IUPAC is currently sponsoring several projects related to nanotechnology in the Chemistry and the Environment Division. The first project (# 2016-016-2600) on the “Guidance for Industry and Regulators on Assessment of the Environmental Fate and Risks of Nano-enabled Pesticides” looks at the ecological risks associated with nano-enabled pesticides in agricultural systems (Walker et al., 2018. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66, 6480; Kah et al., 2018, Nature Nanotechnology, 13, 677 ). The second project (# 2017035-2-600) is on “Human Health Risk Consideration of Nano-enabled Pesticides for Industry and Regulators ” This project extends the concepts developed for ecological risk assessment, to human health risk assessment (Kah et al., 2021. Nature Nanotechnology, 16, 955964). It also considers next-generation risk assessment approaches, which can apply to both humans and the environment and recognise their linkages And this year, IUPAC has also provided support (#2023-027-1-FSC), to facilitate early-career researchers’ participation in the IUPAC-endorsed meeting Gordon Research Conference (GRC-2024) on Nanoscale Science and Engineering for Agriculture and Food Systems. The meeting took place 23-28 June 2024, at the University of Southern New Hampshire (USA).

Clearly, the three projects are closely related as they cover the applications of nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Systems, in a broader sense (via GRC2024) as well as in a narrower sense, by focussing on nano-enabled pesticides. The conference provided an opportunity to (i) discuss the current developments in nanotechnology for the potential benefit to the agriculture and food sector and (ii) to discuss implications on nano-pesticides for regulatory bodies, industry and research organisations.

At GRC-2024, the lectures given by high-profile speakers from different sectors catalysed lively and inspiring discussions on the potential applications of nanotechnology in food systems.

The grantees of IUPAC support to attend GRC2024 were selected based on their academic merit and country of origin. They presented their research

Conference Call

at the well-attended poster sessions and the meeting format provided plenty of opportunities to network. They were: Vanessa Takeshita (University of São Paulo, Brazil); ORCID# 0000-0003-33250543 Felipe Franco de Oliveira (São Paulo State University, Brazil); ORCID# 0000-00017084-8208 Muyideen Olaitan Bamidele (Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico); ORCID# 0000-00032473-2903 Anju, (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi); ORCID# 0000-0002-7569-5674

Our awardees were extremely grateful and enthusiastic about their experience:

• “It was the best scientific meeting experience I had by far.”

• “It was the most interesting conference that I have ever been to.”

• “I am honoured to have been selected as a recipient of an IUPAC grant, which will greatly assist me in covering some of the expenses associated with attending the conference.”

The project members of the IUPAC projects #2016-016-2-600 and #2017-035-2-600 attending the conference discussed the potential

future activities involving regulatory bodies, industry and research organisations on nano-enabled pesticides.

Melanie Kah is at The University of Auckland, New Zealand; and Rai Kookana at CSIRO/ University of Adelaide, Australia

Metal-Organic Frameworks for Medicine, Energy and Water Treatment

EU4MOFs is a COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action focused on transforming lab-designed Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) into practical solutions for healthcare, sustainable energy, and clean water. On 6-7 June 2024, EU4MOFs held its first Hybrid Symposium and Workshop in Bilbao, Spain. This hybrid event brought together 70 on-site and 75 online attendees, who are leading experts from academia and industry from more than 20 countries.

The EU4MOFs Symposium, held on 6 June, began with a welcome from Action Chair Stefan Wuttke. He discussed the potential of MOFs to address cancer, energy, and wastewater issues and emphasized the importance of collaboration between academia and industry, with the COST Action team leading these efforts.

The MOF Symposium featured two keynote lectures—one talk on a common scientific language and MOFs standardization by Greta Heydenrych (IUPAC), and a second lecture on nanomedicine by Twan Lammers (RWTH Aachen). These talks were followed by three sessions on nano-, meso-, and macroscale MOFs, focusing on their applications in medicine, for energy applications, and for water treatment. Each session included compelling talks and a subsequent productive panel discussion.

Greta Heydenrych from IUPAC highlighted efforts to standardize MOFs and develop a common scientific language. She discussed the FAIR principles for data— findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable—and the challenges of making data machine-readable, as well as the need for standardized experimental descriptions, outreach, and funding. IUPAC provides great expertise with this and therefore she outlined what has been done in the MOF sphere by IUPAC until now. Building on this, there was an agreement that an initiative in form of an IUPAC-MOF task force should be formed to “organise the field of MOFs.“ This will facilitate the communication of chemistry and ultimately, make the chemistry language—and the field of

Vanessa Takeshita (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Felipe Franco de Oliveira (São Paulo State University, Brazil)
Muyideen Olaitan Bamidele (Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico)
Anju, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi

MOFs—accessible for everyone in the world.

In the second keynote lecture, Twan Lammers from RWTH Aachen (Germany) addressed the challenges of MOFs in nanomedicine, focusing on improving drug delivery to tumours. He highlighted issues with current technologies, including low drug targeting efficiency and toxicity. Despite promising and intensive research, only few nanoparticle-based cancer drugs are available.

The first session with a focus on Nanoscale MOFs for Medicine, was started by Rosana Pinto who is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut des Matériaux Poreux de Paris (France). She highlighted the potential of MOFs for the therapeutic delivery of nitric oxide (NO) due to their superior adsorption capacity and fast biological actions. The second talk was given by Sigurd Øien-Ødegaard who is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of Node Pharma AS (Norway). He presented on targeted therapy for liver cancer using Ra233, leveraging the homogeneous distribution of

radiolabelled MOFs in the liver to inhibit tumour growth. The third presentation was given by Isabel Abandes Lazaro who is currently establishing her independent research group at the University of Valencia (Spain). She focused on engineering the surface of MOFs for drug delivery, showing how post-synthetic “click” chemistry can enhance nanoparticle properties for medicinal applications.

Subsequently, the three panellists discussed very relevant issues such as the biodegradation of MOFs in the body and corresponding toxicity studies of MOF and their breakdown products. As well as how engineering of surfaces of MOFs can be utilized to induce multiple drugs and surface functionalities, and how coating can create a more stable material.

Before the start of the second session, Richard Murray (WILEY) gave an introduction on how to publish with Wiley. He gave valuable insights into the ‘editors black box’ and helped to clarify many questions regarding the reviewing process, transparency and whether or

Session 2: Mesoscale MOFs for Energy Applications. Chair: Jacopo Andreo (Spain); Speakers: Alexander Knebel (Germany), Thomas Bein (Germany), Aamod Desai (UK) – from left to right.

Conference Call

not to publish raw data in the future.

The second session on Mesoscale MOFs for Energy Applications was started by Thomas Bein from the University of Munich (Germany) who discussed covalent organic frameworks (COFs) and their energy applications, focusing on organic semiconductors for efficient ion and molecule flow, dynamic condensation chemistry, and light-harvesting in 2D networks. In the second talk of the session, Alexander Knebel, who is a Junior Research Group Leader at the Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena (Germany), covered liquid-processable MOFs for gas separation, notably ethylene, comparing supported MOF membranes with mixed matrix membranes and emphasizing diffusion selectivity. In the third talk, the postdoctoral researcher Aamod Desai from University of St. Andrews (United Kingdom) explored MOFs for charge storage in sodium-ion batteries, noting sodium‘s sustainability compared to lithium. He also highlighted mixed sodium carboxylates for higher capacity and stability, and the benefits of azo-functional groups for structural stability during redox changes.

In the following panel discussion, the main focus was on the sustainability of the starting materials from sustainable sources and not fossil fuels, and scalability of the resulting material.

The third session on Macroscale MOFs for Water Treatment was started by Evelyn Ploetz from at the University of Munich (Germany). She highlighted MOFs‘ role in addressing water scarcity by removing contaminants like oil, dyes, and heavy metals. She discussed MOF-801‘s effectiveness in adsorbing water from the atmosphere and the challenges in water retention and release. In the second talk, Roberto Fernandez de Luis from Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures (Spain) focused on macroscale MOFs and polymer composites for water harvesting and filtration. He covered MOFs‘ ability to reduce toxic contaminants, emphasized problems with rapid saturation leading to the release of contaminants, and highlighted the importance of nanoparticle dispersity in creating effective, permeable membranes.

Following the presentations, the panellists discussed issues with nanoplastics in membranes, the breakdown of polymer into PFAS and the potential breakdown of MOFs, as well as the use of MOF-based membranes for desalination.

In the closing ceremony of the first EU4MOFs Symposium Day, the COST Action Chair Stefan Wuttke received an Honorary Doctorate from the State Scientific Institution “Institute for Single Crystals” of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Awarding an Honorary Doctorate from the State Scientific Institution“ Institute for Single Crystals‘ of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Valentyn Chebanov (Ukraine), Stefan Wuttke (Spain), Olesia Kulyk (Ukraine) –from left to right.

The second day of the EU4MOFs Symposium on 7 June 2024 started with a keynote lecture given by Christian Serre from the Institut des Matériaux Poreux de Paris (France). He highlighted the scale-up process of MOFs as well as how he co-founded the startup ‘SQUAIR Tech’ which develops various porous materials for capturing air pollutants.

Subsequently, the first working group (WG1) of EU4MOFs organized a workshop focussing on MOF synthetic protocols and optimization. The WG1 leaders, Dariusz Matoga from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland) and Anna Sinelshchikova from Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures (Spain) presented their ideas and initiated a round robin study on the reproducibility of MOF synthesis. Based on this, the EU4MOFs Action hopes to publish general best-practices-guidelines for reliable MOF synthesis.

After that the second working group (WG2) of EU4MOFs organized a workshop focussing on MOF processing, manufacturing, and upscaling. The WG2 leaders, Thomas P. Burg from the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) and Andreas Kaiser from the Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) set the audience a series of questions which were then discussed in three breakout groups. After that the individual groups presented their conclusions and these were debated by everyone.

Conference Call

The active participation of many EU4MOFs members in these two workshops gave excellent opportunities for networking, sharing common thoughts and thereby, it produced a huge step forward in aligning the ideas and goals on MOF chemistry within Europe.

The Symposium rounded off by a keynote lecture given by Erlantz Lizundia from Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures (Spain). His work is focused on Environmental impact assessment, ways of recycling plastic and life cycle assessment. This lecture laid the foundation for a fruitful panel discussion. Herein, the importance of the evaluation of the footprint of MOF synthesis was highlighted, as it can be very different from expected – and has until now generally been understudied in MOFs.

The EU4MOFs Symposium underscored the transformative potential of MOFs in addressing important global issues. The event facilitated meaningful discussions and collaborations, paving the way for future innovations in MOF research and applications. The insights and developments presented at the symposium will undoubtedly contribute to a more sustainable and efficient future. The EU4MOFs COST Action is still growing (Action start date 2 Nov 2023, end date 1 Nov 2027) and constantly looking for more curious scientists to join.

Olesia G. Kulyk <> is EU4MOFs Science Communication Coordinator, from SSI “Institute for Single Crystals” of NAS of Ukraine; ORCID 0000-0003-0303-6941

Romy L. Ettlinger <> is EU4MOFs Action Vice Chair, from the University of St Andrews, UK; ORCID 0000-0001-7063-9908

Twitter: @EU4MOFs |

Grand Challenges for Biotechnology: Health, Food Security, and Global Warming

The International Biotechnology Symposium (IBS) can be dated back to 1960 when the first IBS, then as the International Symposium on Fermentation, was initiated in Rome, Italy. Since then the IBS was rotated among different continents in every four years till 2008 when the 13th IBS was held in Dalian, China, during which the IUPAC Subcommittee on Biotechnology made decision for the IBS to be organized biannually to highlight rapid progress with biotechnology. Six years

had passed since the 18th IBS was held in 2018 at Montreal, Canada, and the 19th IBS finally came back on 30 June-3 July, 2024 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which was postponed in fact twice in 2020 and 2022, respectively, due to the direct impact and aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

When the 19th IBS was decided to go to Europe in 2020, it concurred with another prime biotechnology congress, European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB) that is organized also biannually by European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB). No doubt, the combination of the two biotechnology conferences IBS 2024 and ECB 2024 could better explore and optimize various resources, particularly under the post-pandemic situation that is more challenging than ever before, not only for scientists to secure funding to support their travels with international conferences, but also for biotechnology companies still struggling to restore market shares and sale volumes with less enthusiasm to sponsor academic conferences.

IBS 2024 and ECB 2024 were hosted by Dutch Biotechnology Association (NBV) in conjunction with its annual meeting NBV 2024, which were co-chaired by Jeff Cole, EFB President, Fengwu Bai, Chair of the IUPAC Subcommittee on Biotechnology, and Jan Wery, NBV President.

Five theme symposia (sections) were developed by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC): 1) Health, 2) Feeding the future, 3) Mitigating climate change, 4) Industrial biotechnology, and 5) Frontiers of biotechnology. Lectures at different levels including plenary lectures, keynote lectures, and invited lectures were arranged for topics specifically proposed and selected

Fengwu Bai addresses the crowd at the opening ceremony to highlight IUPAC and IBS.

by the SPC members, and established scientists and very active scholars were invited. As the partner of IBS 2024, the Chinese Company Shanghai CHANDO Group Co., Ltd. partially sponsored 18 speakers specially invited outside Europe. Meanwhile, short talks were selected from submitted abstracts, and two-minute presentations were arranged for flash posters to highlight research progress achieved predominately by graduates. About 700 delegates came from more than 50 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Oceania, making the conferences very internationally representative.

Jeff Cole, Fengwu Bai, and Jan Wery addressed at the opening ceremony that was scheduled in the afternoon of Sunday (June 30), introducing EFB, IUPAC and IBS, as well as NBV, respectively. Followed by the opening plenary lecture: Strategies and applications of systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms, a hot topic for developing robust microbial strains through rational designs to support cost-effective biomanufacturing of biofuels and other bio-based products, alleviating dependence on fossil resources such as coal, crude oil, and natural gas for sustainable socioeconomic development, which was presented by Sang Yup Lee at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, one of the pioneers in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology.

After Sang-Yup Lee’s opening plenary lecture, all participants were invited for the Reception and Korea Night generously sponsored by Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB) and Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB), a wonderful experience for many graduates, not only enjoying Dutch beer and wine, but also networking with established scientists and engineers such as Sang-Yup Lee, Murray Moo-Young at the University of Waterloo, Canada, the most senior member of the IUPAC Subcommittee on Biotechnology, and Yan Feng at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

All keynote lectures (57) and invited lectures/ short talks (97) were scheduled within the following

Murray Moo-Young and Yan Feng (middle) with young scholars and graduates

three days from Monday to Wednesday (1-3 July) for various topics such as: Novel approaches to the production of biologicals (Health); Emerging agriculture technologies (Feeding the future); Biotechnological solutions towards net zero and life cycle assessment (Mitigating climate change); Bioprocesses, bioreactors and biorefineries for bio-based products (Industrial biotechnology); Enzyme discovery and engineering (Frontiers of biotechnology). Poster presentations and flash poster shows were also arranged.

Three prestigious scholars from academia and industry were invited for plenary lectures to close academic activities with the 3 days. Michael Köpke, one of the awardees of the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award for Greener Synthetic Pathways and Chief Innovation Officer at Lanza Tech, USA, presented “Innovating for a new carbon economy: Building a circular gas fermentation industry” to mitigate greenhouse gas effect. Chris Bowler, CNRS Director of Research at IBENS, Paris, France, highlighted Tara Oceans, an international and multidisciplinary project to assess the complexity of ocean life. After the closing ceremony, John van der Oost from Wageningen University, the Netherlands, reviewed CRISPR/Cas with such a topic: From evolution to revolution

In addition to academic interactions, various other activities were organized, including Elsevier workshop to tutor graduates in writing good papers for publication in academic journals and the highlight of funding opportunities with European Research Council for young scholars to write proposals with high quality for grants to nurture their career development at early stage.

At the closing ceremony in the afternoon of Wednesday (3 July), Fengwu Bai announced the host city of IBS 2026, Kobe, Japan, and invited Akihiko Kondo from Kobe University and Haruyuki Atomi from Kyoto University to introduce the city, a hub of innovation in Japan, particularly for biotechnology research and commercialization.

Fengwu Bai ( is professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China and the chair of the IUPAC Subcommittee on Biotechnology.

Announcements of conferences, symposia, workshops, meetings, and other upcoming activities

Hed Where 2B & Y

Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB)— The Impact of the (GWB) at the University of Duhok

In July 2021, I experienced an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment upon seeing my image on the cover of Z, the magazine by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). This recognition stemmed from the successful organization of the first Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB 2020) at the University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, which I personally spearheaded as a PhD student in the Chemistry Department. Initially, I had concerns about the event’s feasibility and significance, but these were quickly dispelled.

The IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB) aims to foster a network of women and men committed to bridging the gender gap in science. Held annually in February, coinciding with the UN Day of Women and Girls in Science, the GWB brings together participants globally to support this mission.

International participation has profoundly impacted my students. I strive to provide them with opportunities for global communication and learning beyond the traditional lecture format. The role of a university professor extends far beyond lecturing; it involves nurturing students’ enthusiasm for learning and organizing meaningful activities. Through various events I organize, students engage in dialogues, exchange ideas, and collaboratively plan and execute tasks. These interactions, driven by a shared love for learning and development, often lead to greater success than expected.

In 2020, I discovered GWB through a Facebook post about the IUPAC Women’s Breakfast. Intrigued by the idea, I delved into the details on their IUPAC website and realized the event’s potential for uniting people through science. Our first GWB in February 2020 was a modest yet impactful event, attended by the Dean of the College and faculty members, and warmly received by students with flowers and expressions of happiness. Since then, the anticipation for the GWB has grown among students. Despite the lack of emphasis on international student activities in Iraqi universities, the University of Duhok has proudly led the way. It was the first to participate in the GWB annually and to establish a student chapter of the American Society. Over the past four years, our GWB events have evolved, becoming a source of joy and academic enrichment

for our students. The spirit of cooperation and scientific discussion fostered by the GWB, linked to the highest international scientific body, creates an indescribable atmosphere that we eagerly look forward to each year.

The words of Dame Carol Robinson, President of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), encapsulate the essence of the GWB: “It’s exciting, and humbling, to think that there are groups of women, just like us, all over the world, hosting breakfasts just like this, sharing this moment together. Today we join together, women across the world, to support each other, make new connections and spark new collaborations” [1].

Elisa Carignani also encourages participation in the GWB, highlighting its value: “Don’t be scared, any idea is good, and no big event is required. The time dedicated to thinking and talking about inclusion, gender stereotypes, and cultural diversity is an investment. It enriches you personally and is extremely useful professionally, especially in multicultural research groups” [2]. Her insights emphasize the importance of storytelling and personal experiences in enriching discussions and addressing real-life problems.

In 2024, our students were thrilled to see a poster designed by GWB for Hiyam Adham, one of our students, featured on the IUPAC website. We printed the poster and displayed it at all entrances to the University of Dohuk and in the student center to highlight the importance of participating in this global event.

The GWB has had a transformative impact on our university and students. It has inspired enthusiasm, fostered a sense of global community, and highlighted the importance of diversity in science. The event continues to be a significant annual highlight, contributing to the professional and personal growth of all participants. We will be organizing GWB2025. In 2025, the GWB will be held on 11 February, on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Suhad A Yasin <> is Assistant professor at the College of Science, Chemistry Department of the University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq; ORCID 0000-0002-9378-8946


1. M.J. Garson, L.L. McConnell, L.M. Soby, “Diversity in Science at the Global Women’s Breakfast Network” Chemistry International, vol. 43, no. 3, 2021, pp. 8-11. https://doi. org/10.1515/ci-2021-0303

2. F.M. Kerton, “Behind the Scenes: Stories of the Global Women’s Breakfast”, Chemistry International, vol. 44, no. 4, 2022, pp. 18-25.

Upcoming IUPAC-endorsed events

See also

Hed Mark Your Calendar

2024 (starting 1 October)

7-12 Oct 2024 - General and Applied Chemistry - Sochi, Russian Federation

XXII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry

Contact: Yulia Gorbunova, Professor A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS; or •

18-22 Oct 2024 - Green Chemistry Towards Carbon Neutrality - Beijing, China

10th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry

Zhimin Liu, Program committee chair, •

7-9 Nov - Pesticides and Related Emerging Organic Pollutants

International Conference Pesticides and related emerging organic pollutants — Impact on the Environment and Human Health and Its Remediation Strategies

Conference Convener: Sreenivasa Rao Amaraneni,, East Point College of Engineering & Technology, Bengaluru 560049, India

11-15 Nov 2024 - Solutions in Chemistry

Co-Chairs:Ernest Meštrović and Vladislav Tomišić, President of the Croatian Chemical Society

Contact: Andrea Usenik, Secretary, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb •

19-21 Nov 2024 - Chemistry, a lever for sustainable development of African countries - Dakar, Senegal Annual Days of Chemistry of Senegal & 9th FASC Congress (FASC|JACS 2024)

General contact: Modou Fall;, PO Box 15756, Dakar-Fann, Senegal, Tel: +221775557200 • (under Congrès and FASC|JACS 2024)

10-12 Dec - International N.I.C.E. Conference on Bioinspiration & Biobased Materials—Winter 2024

Organizing chair: Frédéric Guittard • Contact:

11-13 Dec 2024 - Chemistry Education Research - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

6th African Conference on Research in Chemistry Education (ACRICE)

Contact: Clarence A. Mgina, University of Dar es Salaam, 2025

11 Feb 2025 – IUPAC Global Women Breakfast – Global all around and Virtual In 2025, the GWB will actually be held on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

10-13 June 2025 - Sustainable Chemistry for Net Zero - St Andrews, United Kingdom International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry for Net Zero Co-Chairs: Amit Kumar and David Cole-Hamilton, University of St. Andrews,,

22-27 June 2025 - Polymers for a Sustainable Future - Groningen, Netherlands European Polymer Congress 2025 (EPF 2025)

Contact: Katja Loos, EPF 2025 Chair, University of Groningen,,

13-18 Jul 2025 - IUPAC World Chemistry Congress 2025 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

1-5 Sep 2025 - Polymeric materials meet nanobiotechnology - Reduit, Mauritius POLY-CHAR [Mauritius] 2025

Contact: Conference Secretary: Prakash Caumul, Department of Chemistry,, Itisha Chummun Phul, CBBR,, University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius, www tba

14-17 Sep 2025 – Solution Chemistry - Monastir, Tunisia

39th International Conference on Solution Chemistry

Contact: Jalel Mhalla, Chair of Program Committee, University of Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia,

Index 2024 page (issue)


IUPAC Blue Book—Updated release 40(2)

IUPAC Green Book—New Abridged Version 40(2)

The Etymology of Chemical Names Reviewed by Edwin C. Constable and Richard M. Hartshorn 38(2)

Conference Call

Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications 38(1)

Applications of Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Systems 42(4)

Connecting Chemical Worlds – IUPAC General Assembly and IUPAC World Chemistry Congress at The Hague 40(1)

Digital Standards: A Path to Sustainable and Interoperable Chemical Data Exchange 43(3)

Grand Challenges for Biotechnology: Health, Food Security, and Global Warming 46(4)

IUPAC’s Role in the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development and the Closing Ceremony 44(2)

Metal-Organic Frameworks for Medicine, Energy and Water Treatment 43(4)

Network of Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators – or just NICE 44(1)

POLY-CHAR 2024 MADRID—“Polymers for our Future” 40(4)

Solution Chemistry 39(1)

Systems Thinking and Sustainability—A Workshop at 5th ACRICE 36(3)

Thailand Younger Chemists Network 47(2)

The Presidents’ Forum: Advancing Chemistry through Global Cooperation 41(2)

Two IUPAC Poster Prize Certificates awarded at the 75th Annual Congress of the Slovak & Czech Chemical Societies 41(1)

Worldwide Nurturing Green Chemistry Innovators 38(3)


Blockchain Technology and its Use Along the Scientific Research Workflow by Bonnie Lawlor, Stuart Chalk, Jeremy Frey, Kazuhiro Hayashi, David Kochalko, Richard Shute, and Mirek Sopek 12(3)

BOLD: Color from Test Tube to Textile by Elisabeth Berry Drago 6(2)

Chemistry Digital Standards: Tools for an increasingly digital research culture by Fatima Mustafa, Leah McEwen, and Ian Bruno 16(1)

Current Hybrid Perspective towards Open Science Paradigm by Kazuhiro Hayashi 8(1)

Global Partnerships Provide a Path to Sustainability by Laura L. McConnell 3(1)

IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry by Fernando Gomollón-Bel 8(4)

IUPAC and Wikipedia: A Story with Upsides, Downsides, Lessons & Rewards by Stuart J. Chalk, Guido Raos, Paul D. Topham, and Martin A. Walker 18(3)

Reimagining the future of peer review by Aimee Nixon 12(1)

Spotlight on IUPAC Young Observers by Daniel (Dan) Reddy, Silvina (Silvi) Di Pietro, and Tien Thuy Quach 6(4)

The PARTY Approach: How Friendship Transcended Borders for Science by Yvonne S. L. Choo, Fun Man Fung, and Juliana L. Vidal 6(3)

The renaissance and evolving design of radical polymerization by Graeme Moad 16(2)

Two Young Observers at the WCC in The Hague Share Their Reflections by Mattias Wei Ren Kon, Jovern Teo, Fun Man Fung, and Marietjie Potgieter 22(2)

IUPAC Provisional Recommendations

Glossary of Terms for Mass and Volume in Analytical Chemistry 35(3)

Definition of Materials Chemistry 35(2), 35(3))


2024-2025 IUPAC Officers and Boards Members 25(1)

2024 Franzosini Prize and Balarew Award—Call for Nominations 29(2)

2024 IUPAC-Zhejiang NHU International Award For Advancements In Green Chemistry—Call For Nominations 22(3)

2025 Distinguished Women in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Award—Call for Nominations 21(3)

2025 IUPAC Awards in Analytical Chemistry—Call for nominations 20(4)

A tribute to Christo Balarew on the occasion of his 90th birthday 25(3)

Athina Anastasaki is the recipient of the 9th Polymer International-IUPAC Award 21(3)

Chemistry Education Awards 2024 24(4)

Christine Luscombe is the recipient of the 2024 Stepto Lecture Award 20(3)

Franziska Schoenebeck is the Thieme-IUPAC Prize Winner 2024 20(3)

Franzosini Award to Yongheum Jo 20(1)

Grand Prix de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie 25(1)

Hanwha-TotalEnergies IUPAC Young Polymer Scientist Award 2024 19(4)

In Memoriam—Allen Joseph Bard (1933–2024) 24(3)

InChI 1.07 available on GitHub 21(4)

InChI Changing Pace 29(2)

Inorganic Chemistry Division—Feb 2024 Newsletter 31(2)

IUPAC Announces the 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry 18(4)

IUPAC Emeritus Fellows 2022-23 27(2)

IUPAC Elections for the 2026–2027 Term 21(4)

IUPAC FAIR Chemistry Cookbook 23(3)

IUPAC Standards Online—Free Access 30(2)

ISC’s Unlocking Science series wins Digital Communications Award 21(1)

Janusz Pawliszyn and Xin Yan were presented with the 2023 Awards in Analytical Chemistry 20(1)

One World Chemistry—IOCD Call for Volunteers 28(2)

PAC Open for Submissions 30(2)

Polymer Competition 23(1)

Pure and Applied Chemistry Special Issues—Call for Papers 23(4)

Recognising Excellence in Chemistry Education: CCE 2024 Awards Announcement 25(1)

Richard Hartshorn elected CODATA Vice President 21(1)

Science as a Global Public Good 26(2)

Solvay International Award for Young Chemists—Call for applicants 24(1)

Teaching Ethics and Core Values in Chemistry Education— Call for Papers 31(2)

The 2024 IUPAC-Richter Award Goes to Craig M. Crews 26(2)

The International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 22(4)

The IUPAC Periodic Table Challenge Now Available in Nine Languages 22(1)

The Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry – Call for Proposals For 2024 23(1)

Ty Coplen received a US Presidential Rank Award 28(2)

Winners of the 2024 IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists 18(4)

Making an imPACt

A brief guide to measurement uncertainty (IUPAC Technical Report) 32(3)

A brief guide to polymer characterization: structure 36(1)

Analytical chemistry of engineered nanomaterials: Part 2. analysis in complex samples 37(1)

Chemical data evaluation: general considerations and approaches for IUPAC projects and the chemistry community 36(1)

Definition of the pnictogen bond (IUPAC Recommendations 2023) 32(3)

From water to chemicals: vision and opportunities of a sustainable hydrogen society 34(3)

IUPAC Distinguished Women in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Awards 2023 32(3)

IUPAC/CITAC Guide: Evaluation of risks of false decisions in conformity assessment of a substance or material with a mass balance constraint 37(1) Learning about e-waste 36(4)

Special issue of POLY-CHAR 2023 and in memory of Professor Melissa Chan Chin Han 33(3)

The global scenario and challenges of radioactive waste in the marine environment 37(4)

Mark Your Calendar

Listing of IUPAC-endorsed Conferences and Symposia 48(1), 51(2), 48(3), 49(4)


Officer’s Columns

Embracing Change: IUPAC’s Opportunities Moving Forward by Javier García Martínez 2(2)

Managing the affairs of the Union, a brief history of the IUPAC Secretariat by Zoltan Mester 2(3)

Shaping Tomorrow’s Chemistry: Reflections and Goals from IUPAC’s Vice President by Mary Garson 2(4)

The Common Language of Chemistry by Greta Heydenrych 2(1)

Up for Discussion

Digital IUPAC Ten Years On 17(4)

How Young Are You? 36(2)

Project Place

Advanced Technologies for Carbon Sequestration and Capture 33(2)

Assessment of Reliability and Uncertainty of Solubility Data 27(3)

Bioavailability of Endocrine Substances in Aquatic Ecosystems, Emerging Contaminants (ECs) and Impact on Agricultural Water Reuse 32(4)

Global Framework on Chemicals 32(1)

Greenness of official sample preparation standard methods 26(1)

Human Drug Metabolism Database (hDMdb) 28(3)

InChI Open Education Resource 32(2)

IUPAC Subcommittee on Structure and Properties of Commercial Polymers—East Asia Research Meeting 26(4)

JCGM Guides in Metrology—IUPAC working in the field of metrology with others broadly-based international organizations 29(3)

Medicinal Chemistry in Drug Discovery & Development, India 33(2)

Personal Protective Equipment Disposal for the Future 34(1)

Terminology and Symbolism for Mechanochemistry 34(2)

The Gender Gap in Chemistry—Building on the ISC Gender Gap Project 31(1)

The Gender Gap in Chemistry—Building on the ISC Gender Gap Project 32(2)

Where 2B & Y

Chemistry: a solution for global changes 50(2)

Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB)—The Impact of the (GWB) at the University of Duhok 49(4)

Solubility Phenomena and Related Equilibrium Processes 50(2)



The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry is the global organization that provides objective scientific expertise and develops the essential tools for the application and communication of chemical knowledge for the benefit of humankind and the world. IUPAC accomplishes its mission by fostering sustainable development, providing a common language for chemistry, and advocating the free exchange of scientific information. In fulfilling this mission, IUPAC effectively contributes to the worldwide understanding and application of the chemical sciences, to the betterment of humankind.


Australian Academy of Science (Australia)

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austria)

Bangladesh Chemical Society (Bangladesh)

The Royal Academies for the Sciences and Arts of Belgium (Belgium)

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)

National Research Council of Canada (Canada)

Sociedad Chilena de Química (Chile)

Chinese Chemical Society (China)

Chemical Society located in Taipei (China)

LANOTEC-CENAT, National Nanotechnology Laboratory (Costa Rica)

Croatian Chemical Society (Croatia)

Czech National Committee for Chemistry (Czech Republic)

Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab (Denmark)

Finnish Chemical Society (Finland)

Comité National Français de la Chimie (France)

Deutscher Zentralausschuss für Chemie (Germany)

Association of Greek Chemists (Greece)

National Autonomous University of Honduras (Honduras)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)

Indian National Science Academy (India)

Royal Irish Academy (Ireland)

Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Israel)

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)

Caribbean Academy of Sciences—Jamaica (Jamaica)


Prof. Ehud Keinan, Israel

Vice President

Prof. Mary Garson, Australia

Past President

Prof. Javier García Martínez, Spain

Secretary General

Dr. Zoltán Mester, Canada

Treasurer Dr. Wolfram Koch, Germany

Science Council of Japan (Japan)

Jordanian Chemical Society (Jordan)

B.A. Beremzhanov Kazakhstan Chemical Society (Kazakhstan)

Korean Chemical Society (Korea)

Kuwait Chemical Society (Kuwait)

Institut Kimia Malaysia (Malaysia)

Nepal Polymer Institute (Nepal)

Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (Netherlands)

Royal Society of New Zealand (New Zealand)

Chemical Society of Nigeria (Nigeria)

Norsk Kjemisk Selskap (Norway)

Polska Akademia Nauk (Poland)

Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (Portugal)

Colegio de Químicos de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)

Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)

Comité Sénégalais pour la Chimie (Sénégal)

Serbian Chemical Society (Serbia)

Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (Singapore)

Slovak National Committee of Chemistry for IUPAC (Slovakia)

Slovenian Chemical Society (Slovenia)

National Research Foundation (South Africa)

Real Sociedad Española de Quimíca (Spain)

Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

Svenska Nationalkommittén för Kemi (Sweden)

Swiss Academy of Sciences (Switzerland)

Department of Science Service (Thailand)

Türkiye Kimya Dernegi (Türkiye)

Royal Society of Chemistry (United Kingdom)

National Academy of Sciences (USA)

PEDECIBA Química (Uruguay)

Version last udpated 1 June 2024


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