Creating New Materials for Design DG608

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Teflon used as string (PTFE) combined with Styrofoam balls (EPS)

Reflections on assignment DG608 By Ivan Martello (student number 0933162)

What I expected from this assignment was to learn how to be innovative when it comes to choosing the right material, how to create a material for a certain purpose and to gain the ability to combine my previous knowledge on materials and create new materials. What I did not know before starting this course was, What is creating new materials By the theme and intuitively thinking I thought that creating was more like taking the data sheet of materials and


combine their properties with other materials or to use the properties of materials and the characteristics of it’s structure to mimic some other. I think this is partly done but not in the beginning of the research/creation of a material. What I gain from this assignment was the ability to explore materials in different perspectives, by starting with observation and de@inition of the interaction that is desired to communicate throw material, to the

experimentation and try out as many solutions as possible and learn from the practicing. I realize now that there is no existing formula that can be applied to create new materials, but a continuous testing, searching and traducing a desired behavior into personality for the material. The @irst steps were dif@icult to achieve them in my case.

FINAL REPORT 31/03/2010

Context analysis and brainstorm

Since my approach to materials is more technical and less inventive, in the beginning I found my self blocked by my previous knowledge that would not let me see further than the characteristics of materials. In the end what I accomplish was traducing a desired behavior with the material that @itted better founded by experimentation into not a @inal object but a principle to be applied. Until the part of experimenting and analyzing results I had a very linear learning where trying materials and understanding how it behaves help me to get the right direction in order to @ind the material that could stand the desired interaction. What I did not accomplish was to actually use the research, the analyzing and the experimentation into and object that would use this principles, as it’s main purpose. After re@lection on the results accomplish I realize that because of a lack of well organization of my timings I did not had enough time to re@lect on the results achieved on the experimentation. In


the end I got a large library of samples and a speci@ic behavior reproduced by the material but I got stuck on the same shape. Also I learn during this assignment to try as many ideas as possible and just after trying them analyze them in a critical way and decide whether to continue or not. By analyzing things and understand what is the principle we are looking and what is happening during the experimentation help me to get out of the methodic perspective where the data‐sheet of the materials is the most important.

FINAL REPORT 31/03/2010

During the assignment I gained more con@idence on practicing and experimenting, on showing and testing the results and analyzing. I fell that in the beginning I loose some time getting started then I dedicated most of the time to the experimentation and I dedicate less to the @inal step that of traducing into a object. I think that the assignment mainly gave me the possibility of being more open minded, a different method of inspiration and research and the ability on re@lecting and analyzing the samples and principles in order to know if I was achieving my goals. The proposed method of starting from the observation of interaction and then de@ine the outlines for the material gave me a new perspective on developing “new materials” or applying the right material to obtain the desired interaction. I gained also very much from the group and by observing how did they approach and what they obtained. I am pleased about the learning and re@lecting I could develop,

Teflon courtain The teflon was used in strings as courtain to observe how it would react to human mands and how the electro static field of both, teflon and hands get attracted and gives the idea of levitation.


also about gaining con@idence on trying out but the @inal deliverable is a little bit to ”square” because I got stuck in “We look for new points of view, new perspectives. We have found that the creative process is stimulated by new experiences and new knowledge.” Henry Dreyfuss

the same shape. The @inal model only shows the interaction I was looking for traduced into a material, but the results lack of a shape that apply the principle into a more usable object.

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