Virtual Sky - Volume 10 Issue 1

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Vol 10: Issue 1



Aerosoft Manchester X Scenery review

Ryanair B737 student interview

Editorial It’s with a big pleasure we publish today the first


IVAO printed magazine.

The IVAO community is more

IVAO Statistics


IVAO Brazil division


than a virtual group, the real meetings are giving the rhythm to our netwok, as you will be able to see in the next pages.

A funny cabin crew story


You can find all our magazine

My first flight online


Improve your knowlege in one minute


editions on our website (ivao. aero), “Community” menu, then “Magazine”. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

HQ Mentors - working in the background 18

This publication is also one

The Forum survey


of the first fruit of the new Public Relations Directors of

Aerosoft Manchester X scenery review 23

IVAO, Fares Belkhiria and Kalle Cerdemalm, who are building

Ryanair B737 student interview


Public Demonstration Events


a brand-new plan for the IVAO external communication.

“Virtual Sky” has always been supported by, and produced for, our members and we can only survive with your article contributions.

On behalf of the Magazine Team,

Stanislas CHAREYRE

Virtual Sky is published by: The International Virtual Aviation Organisation - Please send all article submissions via email to the magazine team: Editor: Stanislas CHAREYRE Public Relations Directors : Fares Belkhiria & Kalle Cedermalm

International Virtual Aviation Organisation

Editorial Assistants: Henk Wolsink Louis Verdeau Mohammed Almuqbel Achilleas Moraitis Kurt Hemmer Contributors: Stephen Howarth, Francisco Andrade, Jordan Webb, Joey Salzmann, Michael Hansohm, Johan Olsonn, Stefan Woidig, Nasser Bader Al Qadeeri, Raul Ferraz, Simone Coppola


IVAO Statistics

by Stanislas CHAREYRE (Magazine Team Manager)

Last Virtual Sky issue statistics* (Volume 9 Issue 4) :

Readings : 1225 Views : 2741 Article the most read** : “My first flight as an airline pilote� Network statistics*** ATC Rating

Registered members

Active members

Pilot Rating


168046 +2,87% 18766 +8,98% FS1


9766 14752 3449 1257 859 63 29 7 198232

Total ATC

+2,26% +3,31% +1,11% +1,13% +0,94% 0 +3,57% 0 +2,82%

1825 5442 1298 524 365 32 29 7 28288

+9,48% +6,37% +2,85% +0,77% -1,88% -11,11% +3,57% 0 +7,85%


Registered members

105324 +2,96% 56325 27333 5704 1875 1489 140 29 11 198230

+2,47% +2,74% +1,49% +0,59% +1,99% +1,45% 0 0 +2,71%

Active members



9131 9171 2333 785 663 79 28 7 28289

+8,82% +6,13% +2,19% +4,11% +1,38% +3,95% 0 0 +7,86%


The 15th March on the ISSUU website, IVAO website readings not included


Home page and Table of content excluded


The 8th March, comparison done with the 9th December

Registered members include : inactive, active, suspended, supervisor and administrator status


International Virtual Aviation Organisation

Rating statistics

Active ATC

Active Pilots

8th March 2017

APC 1,85%

ADC 4,59%

ACC 1,29%

8th March 2017

SEC SAI 0,11% 0,10% CAI 0,02%

SPP 2,77%

CP 2,34%

ATP 0,28%

SFI 0,10%

CFI 0,02%

PP 8,25% FS1 21,53%

AS3 19,24%

FS3 32,42%

AS1 66,34%

AS2 6,45%

FS2 32,28%

Top 10 of the active members per division 4000



3194 2840



2282 1925




1171 859










International Virtual Aviation Organisation



Russian Federation

Netherlands North America United Region Kingdom and Ireland MCD


IVAO Brazil division by Francisco Andrade (IVAO Brazil division director)

We, from the IVAO Brazil division, can say Communication that 2015 and 2016 were especial years. Facebook was the main tool and vehicle, We moved from the stone age to golden there we could communicate to them age in a short time. Major thanks to our closely. Deliver messages, advertising, former division director André Liotti, any kind of information within seconds. a person with great professionalism Facebook is the proper environment, it is and a fine eye for team leadership. The comfortable. Well, big success: today we beginning of a new team, integrated and can say that almost 90% of our relation full of energy to make IVAO the most with members are through facebook. 100% remembered



in response rate in 1 hour response time.

Brazil. Event department

With the opening of the Public Relations department we can now feel that IVAO In the meantime, IVAO Brazil has a team could talk better with the world and in the events department working at full using proper language. speed. They are young, loaded with ideas

Well, let us explain it in the next lines.

and with a great passion for aviation (One of them is today studying in Canada

One of the first observations was that Airport Administration). We have the our division had a massive potential to old and new school together, interested talk to the users and get together with in VFR or IFR, general and commercial great mood. The first step in the staff aviation. They want to create online was, “let´s go online like brothers in challenges, mixing their activities. arms, let´s discover what our users want, theirs doubts and try to deliver. If we can’t, let´s say the truth.”


The main thing is they want users to participate, and that is what make a big difference : interactions. International Virtual Aviation Organisation

After that we could see the numbers presentation about IVAO and the benefits changing, at every single event the of the network to education. You all know number




was how things work, everything is about

increasing Our Facebook messenger was relationship. After that a lot of invitations loaded with messages, users wanted to happened and all of them with positive know about it. They liked the titles of the feedbacks. There, during the workshop, events, they liked the personality in the Denis Bianchini, owner of the Bianch events, as they were not only consisting of Publishing attended to it. After some simple legs to fly. It was needed to study days, Bianch Publishing started as our history to discover your leg, you had to third partnership. study your corridors to fly correctly. We Our last one was with the online startup looked to the user as a student, not only, an online company which a number online. And they liked that.





aviation. All of them are now considered as great friends and partners, always


present when needed and mainly, with After we had a foundation and the the same IVAO principles and spirit. relationship with the users was more than better, we took the big decision: real meetings searching




using our network to benefit the flight Also, personal meetings are happening simulation community and its’ users.

often, and our aim is to make it even more frequent than it is nowadays.

After some phone calls and emails, after a long work in Facebook, a huge step was taken. IVAO Brazil made its’ first commercial partnership !

Everyone knows about the size of our country (the fifth in the world), which represents





members to attend to such meetings. Although sometimes it is hard to travel 3h






startup by plane to reach the meeting location.

company in Brazil focused on producing Two were in the Northeast region, in equipments and softwares for flight Paraíba, where a visit to an aviation simulation industry. Few months later, EDAPA (a Flight School in São Paulo, with some help of Virtual Avionics Team)

We already had big meetings this last years !

offered their simulation classroom to Eduardo Torrecillas (BR-WM at that university course was held, and in Rio time, today BR-ADIR) to perform a Grande do Norte, where a RFE happened; International Virtual Aviation Organisation


February edited screenshot contest winner

Adam Patus - Sunset departure from Dubai

another one, in the south of the country, network where people connect to have in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, fun. Most of them have dreams, they consisting of an online ATC session with want to know better about aviation, the barbecue; finally, another one in the respect and knowledge we have to offer. Southeast region, in the state of São All the users have a common goal: to be Paulo. This one happened in a small a little part of IVAO. They really want to gliders flight club, where participants feel that they have aviation in their lives were invited to experience real flight in and IVAO can offer this. gliders

(being flown by another IVAO

member!), and we also could celebrate But definitely not without proper attitude Francisco Andrade’s (BR-DIR) birthday. from all involved. Despite




members from every region in Brazil are getting closer, and now we know that we can be a strong and solid unity of

Meet The Staff

friendship and learning environment.

Stas Harchuk (IL-ADIR, ILFOC, IL-AOC)

For IVAO Brazil the future is bright. Now


the choice of staff members pass through

hobby back in the days of

a solid and mature selection, always

FS2002 at age 11-12, for few

seeking to a healthy friendship with the

years I flew offline. In 2007 I

rest of the team and, most importantly,

have found the online networks of flight simulation,

with our members. That´s why the truth

since then I have flown/controlled over 6000 hours

is clear to the users, so they can count

online. After few years as IVAO-IL member I joing the

on us.

divison staff team as the EAC for few months, untill




the division was closed for few years, even that the

All the efforts now are concentrating in one thing: organize “THE” IVAO PDE in one of the busiest airports in Brazil.

division was colsed I stayed active on IVAO, and the Israeli division was reopend by new staff team. In 2010 I joind the Air force as gorund crew in the F16 fleet along the way I got promoted to crew chief,

We want exposure and show that IVAO

it was very challenging but fun. This helped me to

is not only about simulation for fun, we

improve thinking and behavior as a human and a

want to fortify the idea that IVAO can be

manger, after the discharge form the Air force in

inside aviation universities/schools as a

2013 I was asked to join the Division staff once again

collaborative and education platform for

and help improve the division as Flight Operations


Coordinator, since then I had few staff positoins up to the Assistant Director position.

The big point about everything that was written in the top is, IVAO is not only a 10

International Virtual Aviation Organisation

A funny cabin crew story by Jordan Webb

While working for a well-known British holiday airline, where we worked tirelessly in the busy summer months, the amount of times I had to stop to reflect on what had just happened was unbelievable. People do and say very, very strange things on aircraft. Working just two sectors a day on a mixture of scheduled and charter operations, we flew to various destinations across Europe and North Africa often with varying departure times, crazy flight numbers and even crazier passengers at times! On one occasion, while flying down to the beautiful Greek islands, I had sold a rather expensive bottle of perfume to a customer who was off to spend a week away with her husband and two children. However, shortly after I completed the transaction and began to move down the cabin, the lady caught my attention, turned to me and said the following: “Would you mind if I left this on-board and picked it up on my way home?” I was a little bemused as to what she meant, so I replied: “Well I can issue a refund and you can try and buy it on your return flight, but there’s not guarantee it will still be in stock when you return to the UK”. A fair, company-minded response, one would think? No no. I had misunderstood her entirely. “No, like, can I pop it in the overhead locker and pick it up when I come back again? Or can you keep it in your galley and give it to me next week?” The penny had then dropped. This lady believed the same crew would be operating on the exact same aircraft on her return flight ! Somewhat bemused, I replied: “My love, we operate 55 aircraft that travel all over the world. Tomorrow, this aircraft could be going to Egypt, the day after to Austria and so on.” There was a pause as she looked at me, blankly. “So, I can just leave it with you, then?”, she asked. “No. No you can’t”, I chuckled, and walked away. International Virtual Aviation Organisation


My first flight online by Kurt Hemmer (IVAO Magazine Team Advisor)

Peter has always been fascinated by And so it was not long before he took the aviation and communication. His uncle step, got the flight simulator software, got was employed as a technician at the Trans advice from his uncle and immediately sat World radio relay station near Kralendijk, in his room in front of the computer. Of and every time Peter was at home, he course still without pedals, but at least a also heard technical terms that would joystick was available. make him understand a lot more. He was especially interested when his uncle sat His uncle was often behind him and down in the small room on the first floor, gave him valuable advice on how to use switched on the computer, set the pedals the Cessna 152, which commands are under the table, and fixed the Yoke on necessary and how the radio traffic runs. the table. After a few training sessions a certain A little later on the screen was the well- amount of reliability came and the first known small airfield of his homeland visual pattern were completed, offline of Bonaire with its pink buildings, which course. Although still not perfect, but at reminded him of flamingos. His uncle least he did them. The taxiing on apron changed the view and now the whole and on the taxiway was still a bit laborious, scene appeared from the perspective of the small aircraft seemed to have a life the pilot. Yes, that was what he wanted. of its own and wanted to break out, 12

International Virtual Aviation Organisation

sometimes to the right. It was obvious, answer questions and give tips. that this needed practice.

Peter, however, was well prepared, rolled down the runway with a Cessna 152,

And then came the moment when he accelerated, lifted off, climbed to 1,000 decided to try virtual aviation, to move feet, and started his first pattern. around in a worldwide network, where everything was much more realistic than just flying on his own computer offline. The corresponding software of the worldwide online network IVAO was quickly installed, and then it was finally done: the first online flight was due, without his mentor peering over his shoulder. Through another program he saw that When he went back to the runway a few ATC was also active at the airfield, and minutes later, he realized how tense he now he went online, as it was in the had been. The landing was quite good, instructions; Of course, on the right and so he stood on his parking space parking lot for small aircrafts, called in front of the terminal building shortly general aviation. He set the headphones afterwards and contacted the controller. with a microphone, set the frequency, A “well done” from the ATC, of course, and now came into contact with the also a little bit more satisfied and was controller for the first time. He felt a probably the starting shot for many hours little queasy : How would he react, would of online flying on the IVAO network. he realize that he was a beginner? For security reasons, he had entered in the

Meet The Staff

flight plan‘s remarks “beginner”, as his

Santiago López Garcés (CO-MC)

uncle had recommended.

I live in Medellin, Colombia.

He told himself dutifully how he had

In IVAO I registered in 2010,

learned it and a few seconds later he was


already called back and greeted by the

departments as staff of the


division, public relation and




membership, I’m 22 years

Of course the controller had previously

old, and I’m a programmer

checked the flight plan and read that it

and audiovisual communicator but a lover of aviation

was a novice; since there was little traffic

and hope to continue enjoying this hobby thanks to

at that time, he had the opportunity to

IVAO for many years.

take care of the new pilot and also to International Virtual Aviation Organisation


January edited screenshot contest winner

Adam Patus - Arrival at Miami

Improve your knowlege in one minute by Joey Salzmann (IVAO Training Documentation Assistant Manager)

The trainning department will propose you in the Virtual Sky magazine a small training article in order to improve your knowledge. Aircraft Exterior Lighting

As a result of the increasing number of airplanes in the sky, one of the greatest principles of aviation had emerged, which is “See and be seen�. This can be interpreted in many ways, and one of the most visible possibilities is the external lighting of an aircraft. Any aircraft must have regulatory lighting equipments which will play different critical roles throughout the flight.


International Virtual Aviation Organisation

The “Navigation” lights must be switched on whenever your aircraft is connected to any source of electrical energy. When airborne, navigation lights enable air traffic to determine the direction in which you are flying. These lights are split into three fixed lights: a red one on the left-wing tip, a green one on the right-wing tip and a white one on the tail tip. The “Beacon” light should be turned on if the aircraft is taxing, being towed or the engines are running. It is one of the main lights of anti-collision which helps to improve aircraft visibility to others. Normally, it is a red flashing light at the top of the tail fin. On airliners, it is usually two red flashing lights: one at the top of the fuselage and one at the bottom. The “Taxi” lights should be switched on whenever the aircraft is taxing by its own means. It should be turned off as soon as the landing gear is retracted. Taxi lights are important because they illuminate the ground moderately for a safe taxi without blinding other traffic and ground personnel. Also, it is a white light that may be located on the nose wheel or on the wing. The “Landing” lights are one of the two types of light that must be turned on as soon as you are cleared to enter a runway. These are powerful lights to illuminate the ground especially at high speed. They are mostly located at the wing root and are easily seen tens of miles away as a fixed white light. In addition, these lights may be switched on or off when crossing 10,000ft for commercial aircrafts. The “Strobe” lights are the second type of lights that must be switched on as soon as the aircraft enters a runway and are kept on during the duration of the flight until the aircraft lands and vacates the runway. It is a very powerful light, so powerful that it may create disorientation when flying in clouds or in precipitation by creating a circular halo of light around the aircraft. Strobe lights are usually located at the wing tip and they flash white light in intervals. Some aircrafts are equipped with “Wing” lights which should be turned on when suspecting in-flight icing. Its main purpose is to illuminate the wing leading edge and check for ice accretion. Also, most airliners have “Logo” lights, that allow to illuminate the tail of the aircraft. This allows for better recognition of the airline brand operating an aircraft, which is important for traffic information, especially while being on the ground.

International Virtual Aviation Organisation


HQ Mentors - working in the background by Michael Hansohm (IVAO Training Director)

In order to improve the relationship between the Training Departments of the divisions and the HQ Training Department, HQ mentors are assigned to each active division. They are the liaison staff between the division and the HQ. The responsibilities of HQ Training Department contain amongst other tasks Supervising the division Training department with respect to: Training procedures

Published training/exam documentation

Performing and evaluating Pilot and ATC ratings

Application and education of the staff personal involved

Compliance with the procedures and policy published by HQ

As the local procedures differs from division to division, HQ has assigned different mentors, which are familiar with the procedures and speak the local language. They keep a close contact with the training staff of the division and assist, advise and provide advice if necessary. Besides the above mentioned tasks the mentors are responsible for :

Validating the exams

Approve and observe staff/staff exams

Appoint the “approved examiner badge“ to division training staffs

Approve any changes or Add ons of local training/exam policies which are different to the HQ policy.

Check the training part of the division website

Visit exams to ensure the quality and standard of published procedures

All mentors are assigned SRTAs (Senior Training Advisors) of the HQ with a long experience in training and exams. To avoid any kind of preferential treatment, a mentor is never assigned to his own division. Any complaint from members about the training/exam in their division which is reported to the HQ Training Department, will be looped to the mentor of the division in question for further action/inquiry. Each mentor has a Co-mentor which takes place in case of absence, holiday or unavailability. We as HQ Training Department are sure that the launch of the mentors are another step in the direction of quality in the IVAO Training System. 18

International Virtual Aviation Organisation

The Forum survey As you may have noticed on the Virtual Sky forum board, the theme of the forum survey was the “Virtual Sky magazine - How can we improve�. Here are the results ! Votants : 64

23% 40%

I'd like a shorter magazine (+/- 20 pages) I like the magazine length (30 pages)


I'd like a longer magazine (+/- 40 pages)

I would be interested about receiving a paper version of each edition for a few financial contribution : 23%

International Virtual Aviation Organisation


February non-edited screenshot contest winner

Kevin Schluseneck -AUA92KS from LOWL (Linz) to LEGE (Girona) just passed Zell am See (LOWZ) at FL 360.�










I'd like more content I'd like more IvAc 2 I'd like more content I'd like more content I'd like more content I'd like more pictures screenshots about the Senior about flight about the division about real aviation (real pictures, virtual simulators (add-on, Staff departments and their virtual/real and jobs pictures) sceneries and (interviews, news) activities simulator review and news)

We thank you all for your contribution. We take in into account for our next issues. Your first wish is to have more content about flight simulators. IVAO has a very close parnership with Aerosoft and we’ll use it as much as we can, as you will be able to read in the next page : a complete review of a beautiful scenery. We will be also continuing to share some IvAc 2 screeshots, we added some later in the magazine. In any case, feel free to email us your suggestions to because it really helps us to have the best magazine for our members.


International Virtual Aviation Organisation

Aerosoft Manchester X scenery review by Stephen Howarth

Today I will be taking a look at the latest Manchester is the largest airport outside Manchester X (EGCC) scenery released by the South East of the UK and handles Aerosoft and created by I.D.S. Innovative more international flights than other Development Studios. I am running the regional airports in the UK. The airport FSX version on a Windows 10 machine handled 23.1 million passengers in 2015 for clarity.

and has capacity for up to 50 million passengers annually.

The manual supplied with the software provides a brief and interesting history Installation is via a simple installer of the airport over its almost eighty program and I encountered no problems years of operation and it is pleasing, as with the process which was quick and a local to the area, to see the old name straight forward. Removal of the software of Ringway still acknowledged. Growing would be via the standard windows up in Manchester the airport was always software uninstall process which is OS known as Ringway to me and to some version dependant. people I guess it always will be.

International Virtual Aviation Organisation











some surrounding areas and a number of

configuration static objects can be toggled to populate are


a it with people, cars and ground services.

personal preference dependant on PC configuration and type of flights taken An option is included to enable 3D grass by the user. It is probably sufficient which does add a unique feel to the to simply say that this information scenery but I am not yet convinced that is available but not compulsory to my flying of big tin benefits from this, perhaps some GA action would change


this view but either way this feature is The



Manager optimised for performance so should

application does allow for additional not have a big impact on frame rates. features to be enabled to customize the look and feel of the airport. Selectable The usual collection of airport charts, seasonal textures are available for the SIDs, STARs and approach plates are grass which covers much of the airport provided if you are unable to obtain


International Virtual Aviation Organisation

access to official online maintained than other similarly complex scenery services. The information is recent addons. enough






purposes; however strangely there are Personal configuration settings, levels conflicts between the documentation of AI and animations will ultimately and the actual scenery – more on this determine how this or any other scenery later.











At this point in a review readers are capable of running complex airport generally searching for details on frame sceneries then Manchester X should not rate performance. I always hesitate prove to be any more demanding than answering this question because FSX any other complex addon. itself can be crippling on maximum setting for even the most powerful PC’s Ringway, sorry, Manchester Airport has so I think that it is only fair to say that a long history of adding buildings and this scenery is not any more demanding constructions at a sometimes alarming

International Virtual Aviation Organisation


rate resulting in a rather unorthodox The same can be said about “The Airport collection of styles and designs but I.D.S. Pub & Grill� at the threshold of runway seem to have done a rather good job of 23R, historically one of the best beer creating suitable textures together with gardens to get close to the aircraft taking complex structures to create an overall off and landing on this runway. Many quite pleasing representation of the afternoons have been spent there with entire airport and surrounding area.

aviation friends and colleagues and a beer in hand!

The public viewing area of the airport toward runway 05L is fully populated Having flown countless times into and with the usual collection of aircraft on out of this airport in real life, my PMDG display and although not perfect in detail 737-800 flights using this scenery feel it does successfully provide enough familiar and satisfying. I do get a real substance




acceptable sense of arriving home whenever I land

representation that local people would at Manchester X. Even the renowned instantly recognise.


complex labyrinth of taxiways is a joy

International Virtual Aviation Organisation

to navigate with such attention to detail default scenery for EGCC is so utterly diabolical that any update would be a

provided by this scenery.

vast improvement, which of course it This complex layout of taxiways and would be, however so much work has signage is however the source of much been put into developing Manchester X debate and criticism about the accuracy in terms of layout, buildings, textures and and usability of this current release environment that the result is nothing of the software. Glaring mistakes and short of amazing. inaccuracies not only let down an otherwise visually pleasing package but My


would render it completely useless for Manchester



now (EGCC)

all as

have the

online aviators using services such IVAO. destination because using this scenery Taxi instructions from controllers are finally feels like I am flying home, I enjoy likely to be met with complete mystery the approach, landing and taxiing to the and confusion. Add in the fact that the gate.


supplied charts do not match the actual at Manchester scenery and the report has to be “Could X now feels like the conclusion

do better!”

of a real flight Thankfully I.D.S. are aware of this and


problem and have created a fix that a familiar and they have released to Aerosoft for r e c o g n i s a b l e distribution,



standard representation

prerequisite testing and packaging of the of one of the update means that at the time of writing UK’s the update is not available.


passenger airports.

You could conclude that Microsoft’s International Virtual Aviation Organisation


January non-edited screenshot contest winner

Ron Hoffmann - X-Plane 11, King Air C90, Inn-Valley

Ryanair B737 student interview by the Magazine Team to Johan Olsonn

Hello Johan. Can you please introduce yourself ?

Hello, my name is Johan Olsson. I’m 32 years old from the south of Sweden. My grandfather used to work at the local air force base in my hometown so aviation has always been a huge interest for me since I could barely walk. However, due to other interests like sports I ended up starting my aviation career rather late. Also the fact that aviation is a very expensive career or hobby had me working some years before I was able to go for it. I got a UK PPL in Florida in 2012. that was one of the more stressfull 3,5 weeks I’ve had. Then continued with ATPL-theory CPL, IR and ME in Sweden while spending the winters ski instructing in Switzerland. Passed my CPL, IR and ME Skills Test on the 11th of April 2016. I joined IVAO in 2014 -I’ve flown some years on another network before- because I wanted to fly with ATC or control myself. IVAO is a very useful tool to practice your phraseology. Once the Nordic Division was formed and I joined our TS3 channel IVAO went from a useful and fun tool for just me and turned into a rather large part of my life, too large if you ask my girlfriend ;) I feel the social side of IVAO is sometimes left out a bit or at least missed in the blur of hours, VA’s and badge hunting... How was the assesment (ambiance, difficulty...) ? How did you prepared for it?

It was a long nervous day... Actually, it was really fun. We were one girl and seven boys at the assesment, ages between 23 and 38. I was the lucky guy and got paired with the girl for the simulator. The sim felt was nothing out of the ordinary and if you do the MCC in a 737 you know what to do. We had really good teamwork on the flight deck which is one thing they look close at. The two old captains that assessed 30

International Virtual Aviation Organisation

us were really calm and easy going and of course they knew we were all close to the breaking point of nervousness. The interview is quite tricky, they kind of lead you into guessing if they sense that you are uncertain and if you get it wrong then you probably won’t make it through. To prepare I read up on the Boeing 737 NG in general also reviewed a lot of ATPLtheory subjects and of course I read up on the company. I asked anyone I knew in the aviation to give my advice for the interview. I got in contact with a former pilot now a 737 instructor who gave me lots of advice of what to say, hand how to say it. I spent some hours in my own sim, on IVAO, flying raw data approaches, steep turns and so on just to have the picture of what the instruments should show me fresh in memory. How did you felt when you knew that you passed ?

To be honest, it’s kind of a wave shaped feeling. I was of course extremely exited hand happy when I got the news and I believe there was some jumping around and so on... Afterwards it’s kind of life goes on but every now and then the exitment hits me and it all feels a bit surreal. I got the news in mid January but I’m not sure it has really sunk in yet. Do you have an idea of your future base?

No idea what so ever. How long was it from the moment you decided to start training to be a pilot since you got your first job with an airline (RyanAir)?

I decided to start training in January 2012 (started in September 2012) and got the job in January 2017 so five years. It took a lot more time than I wanted it to but I’ve learned that aviation is kind of either really stressfull or it seems to be going nowhere. Sometimes the weather stopped the flights and other times instructors were not available. The job hunting is ridiculously frustrating and it’s hard to keep up the motivation but you have to just stick with it. Was our IVAO experience useful for your real training ?

Absolutely, particularly the phraseology training but also practicing procedures with ATC instead of doing them in your own pace makes it more challenging. International Virtual Aviation Organisation


Do you share to some IVAO members your real experience/knowledge ?

In January this year I joined the IVAO Nordic Division training team so I’m now both ATC and pilot trainer. Of course as trainer I always include real world experience in the teaching. But I’m also happy to answer questions from fellow members on the TS3 server or in the forums. Have you got a type rating yourself or were you given one by your company ? Do you think it could provide a competitive advantage over other applicants for an airline job ?

I do have to pay for my Type Rating (TR) but I know there is a job in the end of it so I guess the answer is yes and no. Getting a TR is expensive and you might never use it so a rather large investment if there’s not even the slightest chance of a job in the end. However, getting a TR is an advantage. Other than the apparent fact that you have more knowledge and experience on an interview, some airlines only hire if you have a TR even without experience on the type. I’ve also been told that having a TR shows the assessors that you are more than capable of completing a new type rating if the one you have is not of any use in their particular airline.

Senior staff

Public Relations Fares Belkhiria as Public Relation Director Kalle Cedermalm as Public Relation Assistant Director Magazine Team Kurt Hemmer as Magazine Team Advisor Stanislas CHAREYRE as Magazine Team Manager HQ Pilots Luca Born as HQ Pilot Advisor Matias Demirdjian as HQ Pilot Advisor Training Documentation Joey Salzmann as Training Documentation Assistant Manager


appointments Special Operations Sebastian Amato as Special Operations Advisor Loris Magliulo as Special Operations Advisor George Anopov as Special Operations Advisor Events Adam Offra as Events Advisor Alexander Clover as Events Advisor James Slater as Events Advisor Development Operations Vybhava Srinivasan as Assistant Forum Administrator Adam Offra as Development Operations Support

International Virtual Aviation Organisation

Public Demonstration Events KowAiti division

Kuwait First Flight Gathering 2017 was the first event of its kind in Kuwait gathering the main aviation related organizations and groups in the country. The KW Division set up a booth to participate in the event and show aviation enthusiasts what IVAO is all about. The event took place on Kuwait International Airport apron near the GA terminal and includes an air show.

International Virtual Aviation Organisation



The event took place during the well-known “Oktoberfest�. 17 IVAO members from all over Germany participated. They stayed overnight at the event location before the event started at 4 AM local time and lasted until 11 PM. During that time we handled more than 700 booked and non-booked flights. More than 1000 real flights were available for booking.


International Virtual Aviation Organisation

Italian division

Every Year we have the amazing opportunity to show our fantastic network to everyone thanks to the Model Expo Verona. We as IVAO Italy organise a full staff event and a RFE in order to show how the organisation is made up and also how things work either from an Air Traffic Controller or a pilot prospective thanks to our stand which includes a throttle and yoke position and few computers and monitors.

International Virtual Aviation Organisation


Poruguese division

IVAO PT had the opportunity to showcase our virtual world on the 1st FlightSim conference held in Portugal. The event was held at Museu do Ar, Air Museum in English, which holds history of the civil and military aviation in Portugal, the perfect environment to have a simmer community united. A Portuguese SOG, 509 WildTigers, was the main responsible for the organization of the Event, in cooperation with the Portuguese AirForce, the managers of the Museum, where TAPvirtual, Lusitanair and NexTakeoff, all Portuguese VAs were also present. We had more than 500 visitors during the event that took place from 10h00 to 16h30. An amazing number considering it was the first time it took place. During the exhibit, visitors were able to put their hands on the flight simulators doing a short flight around Sintra, the location of the event, all the way to Cascais and Lisboa. IVAO PT was mainly focused on the ATC role, providing ATC to people on the event and all the community that flew during the event hours, and it was fantastic to see the interest of passing people on the amazing world that we reproduce virtually. We also had the fantastic opportunity to have a real active military controller with us during the event, suffering with traffic just like in her real activity. It was truly an amazing opportunity to show Virtual Aviation and we can’t wait for the next FlightSim!


International Virtual Aviation Organisation

International Virtual Aviation Organisation


IVAO Croatia Division by Karlo Siljevinac (IVAO Croatia division director)

Sunny, warm beaches...Sea waves gently old. Word mini in is just a word, we’re not slide accros sand and rocks...Summer mini in any kind. Our staff is ready for breeze shyly goes through long hair all kind of challenges, and every kind of of beautiful girl, while she’s sitting in requirement. In the future, we hope, we the deck chair of busy Beach Bar. She’s will be larger, and more powerfull, which drinking cocktail and calmly talking to her will only bring benefits for knowledge headphones on the laptop: “Croatia 656 and expertize of our members, and joy of turn right heading 250 climb FL120. Break, flying for our dear IVAO members, who break. Croatia Cargo 353, descent 3000ft will spend their time in our FIR. QNH 1011, clrd for ILS approach 05, report HR-DIV is well organized mini division. established”. Lots of noise arround her, she Our Training Department is responsible barely can hear pilots conversation while and capable for Trainings of any kind. summer games and fun is what she is in After which we will provide exams for our middle of. Specially when lots of eyes look members, until now up to CP for pilots for that beauty of hers. It’s been like few and APC for ATCs. We have our own TS months, she can remember, when she set channel which we use for our meetings in her warm house, while tunderstorms, and Trainings. Furthermore, we totaly and hard, fast northern winds called “Bura” rely on our Croatian eAIP, which we get all smashing those gently waves on the shore, informations for our virtual environment, and keeping her airports in charge intact so our virtual hobby would be as much of landings of any kind. Man, did she have as close to reality, and joy of flying and trouble those days, those were the days of controlling on this great network even testing. Testing her IVAO ATC quality and more bigger. professionalism...Here in Croatia Division.

Our Event Department is also busy, as we are recognized destination and

Well, as you allready understood. We also departure country for online flying. are here, online and ready to rumble. Specially





Croatia Division is a mini division, 1 year virtual weather comes in place, and all 38

International Virtual Aviation Organisation

our island and beautiful coast, with all He’s not with us anymore, but he lives excellent airport sceneries avalable on in our memories here all the time. In his market occupy all of your senses while honor we have event, every year on the flying to or from it. Our Division Tours are same date, he trully deserve this. exceptionally made for all kind of pilots. We also have Croatia AirlinesVA, which is We have all kind of demanding flights, approved by real Croatia Airlines Airliner. specially those where you have to find your There are all very professional and good airport very accurately (Fload tour) if you IVAO members, with all good qualities you are not from Croatia and not familiar with need in IVAO and in life generaly. Another it’s scenery. Lots of events and new tours airline, very active, has nothing to do with are also in progress, so keep reminded of those boring, anoying virtual passengers us by visit our pages and I hope we will be is Croatia CARGO VA. It is build on former honored by your visit soon.

Air Croatia, well known VA on this virtual skies. CCG was on IVAO recently, but tough times make her to go down under radar. So now, they are climbing up on the IVAO ladder, maybe one day, also be IVAO approved, like they use to be. They are expirienced online pilots, and their site is so easy, helpfull. Other members are coming back slowly

ATC in HR-DIV is well provided. Our FIR is but we hope surely. We have new specific and has its own secrets and special members from other divisions, non procedures. All of our ATCs are trying to Croatian speaking ones. But, i hope that do their best, and to be as often online as will not be problem to them, as well to us. they could so all virtual pilots could feel We dont care, as far as member is ready real enviroment in Zagreb FIR. Day, night, to help division, as member and staff, morning. You name it, we have it.

and really trying to improve all aspects

And finally, members. Members are why of it, they are welcome. this Division is existing. Specially one, in which name, this Division is became So here we are in the end. We hope you did alive. Hrvoje Kovačević “Kova”. I couldnt get interested about our Zagreb - LDZO not to mention him, when he spent most - FIR and our Croatia Division - HR-DIV. of his time online here, and to provide Our events, tours and anything between. better and easier enviroment for new Wish you happy landings, calm weather IVAO members in Croatia, and also to all (not allways, not so funny without some FS comunity, with his work on IVAO and strange winds) , and enjoy this best online online community in Croatia in general. flying netwrok in world, IVAO. International Virtual Aviation Organisation



“Where the virtual world meets the real world“

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