Vol 9: Issue 4
“My first flight as an airline pilot” An insight of this amazing day.
New 2017 World Tours ! A preview for the readers.
Photo: John Murphy
I VAO NE E D S Y O U R S U P P O R T IVAO is, and will always be, free of charge for its members; however, to continue with our expansion plans we need your help with donations. Every small donation makes a huge dierence to our organisation and any amount you feel able to give is incredibly helpful and generous.
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Help us maintain IVAO as the number one online virtual aviation network.
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Editorial It is with pleasure that we today release the Volume 9
Issue 4. As you can see, this edition is shorter than previous
IVAO Crowded Skies XIII
Welcome to The Israeli division
Membership Department Interview
ones. We decided with the current team to reduce the page numbers because we believe that previous editions were too long to read in full.
Zurich Load Control Agent
World Tour Department news
The Magazine Survey
The Board Of Governors
My first flight as an airline pilot
Britair Virtual 10 Years !
Welcome to The Hong Kong Division
We hope you will enjoy this amazing issue !
“Virtual Sky” has always been supported by, and produced for, our members and we can only survive with your article contributions.
We look forward to receiving your amazing stories and thank you all for sharing !
We wish you all nice year’s end celebrations.
Best regards, Louis Verdeau
Virtual Sky is published by: The International Virtual Aviation Organisation - www.ivao.aero Email articles to the magazine team: magazine@ivao.aero
Contributors: Daniel Shulga, Julien Moreau, Luc Schweizer, Wilm-Hendrick Schulz, Eric Olson, Jérémie Clergue, Claude L., Jacky Wan
Editor-in-chief: Stanislas Chareyre Louis Verdeau Editorial Assistants: Henk Wolsink, Mohammed Almuqbel, Achilleas Moraitis
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
IVAO Crowded Skies XIII
Dear Members, I am sure you already saw some of our broadcasts that were sent during the course of the Crowded Skies event, highlighting our excitement and our positive impressions of this event. We were initially focusing on just beating last year’s figure of 2604 connections, but we really did not expect to reach 3004! Which was a surprise to us, and we are sure, many others...again, congratulations to everyone involved! We also have to extend our gratitude to the HQ Events and divisional departments for the planning and coordination of this global event, as well as the DEVOPs department for ensuring such a stable network during this massive influx of simultaneous network connections. The Executive Council
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Welcome to The Israeli division by Daniel Shulga (IVAO Israel - Director)
As you may all know (or not) the Israeli
16,299,406 passengers passed through
airspace is one of the smallest airspaces
Ben Gurion gates, that is approximately
that exists in the world. Many people find
118,861 flights a year. What you may
Israel not an attractive place to take your
not know is that we have another four
plane and fly to, because we have only one
international airports: Eilat (LLET), Sde Dov
international airport (Ben Gurion – LLBG)
(LLSD), Ovda (LLOV) and Haifa (LLHA). In
with some standard procedures. I think
addition we have 15 airports and airstrips
they are wrong.
that host the sizable activity of general aviation in Israel. Putting all this together, with the activity of Israeli Air Force (IAF), making the Israeli airspace one of the densest and crowded airspaces. To overcome this challenge and not cause the military, international and general aviation flights interfere with each other, CVFR - Controlled Visual Flight Rules, are implemented in Israel. What is Controlled Visual Flight Rules? All domestic VFR flights are classified as C.V.F.R – “Controlled Visual Flight Rules”
The tiny Israeli airspace makes flying in
which means that in Israel you may fly
Israel very challenging, however in 2015
VFR along predefined routes only. All VFR
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
aircrafts must establish and maintain radio contact with ATC as long as they are airborne and must have a transponder with mode C on board. You have various types of routes. Some of them only for military use, some are for civilian and military and some of them are military in the middle of the week and civilian on weekends. Most of the routes are bi-directional and have an assigned altitude for each direction. Altitude separation between inbound
and sightseeing flights.
and outbound traffic is typically 500 feet. Assigned altitudes are marked as yellow
Located at 1,240ft (378 m) below mean sea
filled rectangles with arrow pointing the
level, actually it is the lowest airport in the
assigned altitude direction.
world, adding to this the Israeli-Jordanian border in the east the high mountains
As you may have noticed I want you to
(450 meters above sea level) making it
taste some Israeli flight, I believe that this
challenging airport.
topic will increase this will. If you have not been convinced yet let me introduce you
Haifa Airport (LLHA): which is also known as
the challenging airports in Israel:
U. Michaeli Airport is a small international airport located in Haifa, Israel. It is located
Mezada Airstrip (LLMZ): Named after
to the east of the city, close to Kishon
Israel Bar-Yehuda, is a small desert airfield
Port and Israel Shipyards and mainly
located in the southern Judean desert ,
serves civilian flights, with some military
west of the Dead Sea. Opened in 1963. The
usage. Most passenger flights utilizing
airfield is a public concession, mainly used
the airport are domestic operations to
as an alternate airport, and for charter
Eilat and Tel Aviv. The airport is named
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
after Uri Michaeli, one of the pioneers of Jewish aviation and one of the founders of aviation in Israel. The airport has one short runway, 1,318 metres (4,324 ft) in length, and there are plans to extend it onto reclaimed land in the Gulf of Haifa. The non straight approach to runway 34 with high chimneys and dangerous fire spewed from them making the approach to the ATR’s and Saab 2000 one of the
most thrilled. Eilat Airport (LLET) - which is also also known as J. Hozman Airport, located in the city of Eilat which is the most southern city in Israel. Eilat airport mostly handles domestic flights, but there are a few international flight operating form this airport as well. Eilat airport has one runway available which is 03/21 (6,234ft or 1,900m long) and its elevation is 42ft above sea level.
25/26 MARCH 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Kortrijk Xpo, Belgium
The airport has no taxiways, have only apron for 4 passenger’s airplanes and a runway. The approach to RWY 03 is via tight right circuit. The high mountains (1700ft) in the west and the Israeli-Jordanian border making the approach to the 757’s, A320’s
and ATR’s one of the most challenging as an inexperienced pilot will overturn the turn to the final. WITH THE SUPPORT OF
I hope that we have managed to impress and educate you a little bit. The Israeli division is welcoming you to fulfil the excitement with some flights in the
Israeli airspace - thank you for reading. International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Screenshot Contest Winners
September Non-edited Screenshot Juergen Kopelent - Pakistan (Mountain Nanga Parbat north-west side) As350 max altitude, max rpm, on the absolute turbine limit.
September Edited Screenshot Tobias Goevert - Delta 470, taxiing to the gate at Mรกlaga, after landing from New York JFK
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Membership Department Interview by Julien Moreau (Membership director)
What is your job as Membership Director ?
My job is with the MAD to manage the Membership department (at senior and divisional level). I manage the HQ membership advisors, create new tools, set up new procedures and write some staff instructions. I also keep an eye on the divisions and their needs. How much time do you CONCENTRATE ON your IVAO staff position ?
Depending on my availabilities but it take me from 2 to 4 hours per day. It’s really a fulltime job ! What is the Membership Department role ?
The Membership department role is to take care of everything related to our members: division change, email change, password problems, connection problems, HQ award attribution, divisional awards change if needed, and manage all the divisional MC/MAC/ MA. which email adress should we use to contact the membership department ?
If you want to change your name, email, birthdate, and/or country, you shall and
division (replace
MC/MAC. xx
Their the
xx-mc@ivao.aero your
For the other case, you may contact « members@ivao.aero », which is the official email of the IVAO HQ Membership Department. A ticket will be assigned to your email and you’ll get an answer as quickly as possible. Who is replying when we send an email to members@ivao.aero ?
Every membership advisor (IVAO-MAx) can reply. Each membership is assigned to a function : a continent, the award working group or the internal member database monitoring. How many email do you receive at members@ivao.aero ?
We receive in average between 100 and 200 emails each week, depending on the network activity (holidays for example). International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Zurich Load Control Agent by Luc Schweizer (Membership Advisor)
You may remember from the last issue
He is responsible for the loadplanning
of Virtual Sky, that I gave you an insight in
(distribution of loads inside the aircraft)
the day in the life of a Passenger Service
in a way that the aircrafts ZFW and TOW
Agent. Well, while writing that article
are inside the trim envelope, and he will
back in September, I was already doing
issue the loadsheet for the pilots once
training to become a Loadcontroller, and
the loading is finalized. Next to that, he
that will be the subject of today’s article:
can be responsible for the turnaround
„Loadcontrol, Loadcontroller, Loadsheet;
coordination (the so-called “Red Cap”), for
what is it all about?
the docking of the jetways, and for the
First of all, some definitions and wording:
relay of information between the cockpit
what is Loadcontrol? Loadcontrol is the
and the airline operations. The Red Cap is
department of the airport which is issuing
also providing weather information to the
Load Instruction Reports (LIR). A LIR is a
pilots if requested, and when needed he
document on which a loading supervisor
will also give the actual Operational Flight
(the guy who is leading a team of 2 to
Plan which the airline sent to the handling
6 Ramp Agents while supervising the
loading process) will find the distribution of the loads inside the aircraft holds or compartments. With this LIR, the loading supervisor together with his team will load the aircraft according to what we, Loadcontrollers, defined. This leads us to the question, what is a Loadcontroller? A Loadcontroller is someone who holds a IATA Weight and Balance certificate, and who has passed a Dangerous Goods test. 10
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Now that you know the main terms, we
the regulations of IATA.
continue with the duties or the main tasks of a Loadcontroller. You have to know that every airport/handling company has its own definition of the duties, but for my case they are the ones mentioned above. Let’s take an example, flight LX656 to Paris CDG operated with a containerized A320. A containerized aircraft is able to transport
Let’s summarize our flight: 3 baggage
its load in containers, and thus the
containers and 2 cargo containers, thus
compartments are divided into positions.
we will have our 5 positions occupied. Until
One position = 1 container. An A320 has
STD -55min I have the time to distribute
5 positions, and 1 “looseload” section in
the load in the system, and then issue
the tail which is called the “bulk” or “belly”.
the LIR. I need to make sure the trim is
For this flight, we have a total of 3 baggage
inside the envelope, that the weight of the
containers planned, one of them being
aircraft is not exceeding the MZFW, MTOW
the “priority baggage” container as it has
and MLDW, and that the priority container
the Business Class baggage inside. Thus it
is in front of the door so that it can be
has to be offloaded first at the destination.
offloaded first. Quite a lot of rules to follow,
1h15min before the STD (Scheduled Time
and it can sometimes become very tricky
of Departure), the cargo department
as some loads are incompatible, in which
provides us the cargo information that
case I need to decide which one I won’t
they would like to send with this flight. In
accept on the flight. Anyway, the LIR has
our example, we have 2 cargo containers
been issued and the loading supervisor
with one of them containing dangerous
started the loading of the aircraft at STD
goods. It’s getting complicated, isn’t it?
-30min. At this time not all the containers
Let me keep it simple. You have to know
are around the aircraft, as they are sent
that dangerous goods are all the goods
as soon as they are full. There is point
that have been classified as dangerous by
at which there is no more time to fill the
IATA, like Dry Ice. IATA defined regulations
container, as it is getting short in time
about the transportation of them, and
with the transport of them to the aircraft
the airline can even restrict more. For
followed by the loading. In this case, the
example, in an A320 you can have a
container is closed and delivered to the
maximum of 200kg of Dry Ice in the aft
aircraft. All the bags which are arriving
compartment according to the airline.
after that, will come as open load to the
Anyway, dangerous is quite a complicated
aircraft and loaded in the bulk. Latest at
subject, but each loadcontroller passed a
STD -10min, I get the LIR back from the
dangerous goods test as he is responsible
supervisor with the correct weights of the
for the correct loadplanning according to
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
I now have to enter them in the system,
in order to avoid all this (for example the
check the trim again, and crosscheck all the
system won’t let me issue a loadsheet if
data: are the final fuel figures provided?
the plane is out of trim or overweight).
Do the weights correspond to the ones on the LIR? Are we exceeding MZFW, MTOW or MLDW? In the mean time I get the final passenger figures from the gate staff as they finished boarding. I then issue the loadsheet, and perform the last crosschecks (is the registration of the aircraft corresponding? do the weights still correspond to the ones on the LIR? Are the passenger figures correct?). All this somewhere in-between STD -10min and STD -5min. Once all that is done, I print the loadsheet and go up into the cockpit. The pilots have to be informed about the dangerous goods, the final passenger figures, and all other special information. The captain then signs the loadsheet, I go back on the jetway. The crew closes the door; I then remove the jetway from the plane. We are now STD -3min, the aircraft is ready to pushback. Quite a lot to do in this short period of time, and the things aren’t running as smooth all the time. The loadcontroller or Red Cap is a
In each case, it is a very interesting job,
key person for the departure of an aircraft:
with a great variety as you are in contact
if he fails, the safety of the plane, crew and
with the crews, the airline operations and
passengers might be compromised. What
the ramp agents.
if the aircraft is out of trim? He could use
I hope I could show you something you
more runway as planned during takeoff,
maybe didn’t know much about, or
perform a tailstrike or even worse: crash.
didn’t know about at all. It is something
That’s why it is important to perform the
complicated, it maybe isn’t easy to
crosscheck each time, and to take the time
understand, and that’s why you can contact
to do them. Of course there are safety
me anytime if you want more information
margins and protections in the system
or a further explanation.
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
World Tour Department news by Wilm-Hendrik Schulz (World Tour Assitant Director)
The year 2016 is almost over and we from IVAO World Tour Department want to say Thanks you! That you all enjoyed our tours and ideas we had. The acceptance of our tours made us proud and we are happy to announce, that during the year more than 180.000 legs were flown and most time accepted. Find bellow some statistics !
User Statisic 7000
SOD 2017
Moto GP
Pilot Skills
VFR Australia & NZ 230
in progress
387 in progress
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Long Haul
VFR Asia
VFR Africa
World Tours 2016 60000
SOD 2017
Moto GP
Pilot Skills
Long Haul
VFR Asia
VFR Africa
VFR Australia & NZ 17952
Leg Statistic 6237 3%
Rejected Approved
176048 97%
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Now it is as well time for some comedy! Our yearly “best user comments” … During our validation, we found some nice user comments we want to share with you. Here a small collection of them…
“Sorry, had a Problem with my Computer so I couldn’t disconnect between the first and the second leg. Hope it’s not a Problem. Greetings”
“I have little dog, he peed by me on carpet, have to take carpet to wash and was on ILS...I flew away and have sightseeing nice country...sorry.. “
“I got myself locked out of my house when I was about to land, as my car’s alarm stated to sound. It tooked me quite a while to have access to my spare keys and to my surprise flight was still going, so turned back to apt and landed. That’s why 4 hours.“
User: „mouse crashed during decent“ Validator: “Sorry about this mouse”
2017 will start in two weeks and we are ready with the new tours. With the same procedure, then every year we will start in 2017. On 1st of January 2017 the following tours will be available: -
IFR World Tour 2017
Long Haul World Tour 2017
VFR World Tour (North America)
To complete the list, we will add the known Formula 1 World Tour 2017 to the system and make it available, as far as the new season will begin. 2017 has as well some surprises available for you, we cannot announce today, but there will be some more “special” tours than you can see above… The whole World Tour Department whish you and your family a Merry Chrisman and a Happy new year!
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
World Tour Advisors Interview Double-interview of Jedrzej Przybylski (World Tour Advisor) and Hugo Hernandez (World Tour Advisor) realised separatly.
What is your role as World Tour Advisor (WTA)?
HH : My principal job is to validate all of the tour legs that pilots file, and help in the design of the new World Tours. I also fly on the tours as my real job and family permits to set and example to others. JP : Most people thought that WTA work is only leg validation. Fortunately, our work is not limited only to one action. In a few words‌We are responsible for creating, validating World Tours and any help or member support. To sum up I think that this work gives a lot of satisfaction. Do you participate to the tour creation ?
HH : Yes, I give recommendations on what airports are to be included in the new tours and also the procedures on them. JP : My answer is “yes�. Right now, together with my colleague I am preparing the next VFR and Formula1 World Tour. How much time do you concentrate ON it each day/week ?
JP : Actually, its depends on pilots interest in World Tour, season, time etc. I never counted how much time I spend each day. One day I concentrate an hour, and another 15 min. How many legs to you validate per day/week ?
HH : On a daily average i validate around 35 legs, but that figure changes by the day, especially on tours that have legs that open on certain date (F1, MotoGP, Cargo, etc) and if there are holidays (people fly more). ON average, how much time do you take to validate a leg ?
JP : Again, there is no rule. Sometimes it takes one minute, because everything is ok, next time it will take five minutes, because e.g. there is mistake in the pirep. How Do you analyze a leg report ?
HH : There are factors and rules that come in play when you analyze a leg report, first the date, the takeoff & landing times have to be correct, then you must ensure that both the WT general & tour specific rules are met, like the 6 min rule, that you use the correct aircraft category, correct flying rule, the 250kt bellow 10000ft speed limit, that the pilots use 1x sim rate, the use of real weather, correct departure, arrival and alternate airports on the Flight Plan, disconnection for more than 20 min and the list 16
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
goes on. Its a meticulous review, I go through a comprehensive but analytical step by step check of all the sections of the ivao tracker and the pirep. If there are problems that I alone can´t resolve when validating I always get help from other Wta´s and at the higher level when the final decision is needed by both the WT Dir and Adir . JP : Currently we use a very modern, user-friendly system, which simplify our work. We are checking the basic parameters of the flight, the correctness of the flight plan and all other aspects which are specified in the rules of each tour.
What are the reasons for submitted legs being automatically rejected ?
JP : I never reject the leg automatically. If I see some mistakes, firstly I try to contact the pilot and find out situation from the other side. In order to avoid this kind of situation I encourage all pilots to follow the rules. In conclusion, our work is time consuming, but very satisfying. We always try to help pilots, in order to avoid confusion. I encourage all pilots to fly and enjoy World Tours. Remember that we are here for you, so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Enjoy the Bahamas from a Cessna 172 - Real life aviation pictures forum post - Vincent Brazillio
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Screenshot Contest Winners
September Edited Screenshot Adam Patus - Departing from ENNK
October Non-Edited Screenshot Javier FernĂĄndez BuendĂa - Over Brienz Lake, arriving Meriringen
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
The Magazine Survey by Stanislas CHAREYRE (Magazine Team Advisor)
Dear readers, I’m very glad to announce the creation of a new regular article in the Virtual Sky Magazine. In each edition from now you will find a survey on a topic related to IVAO. The survey will be published and open to vote on the Virtual Sky forum board : http://forum.ivao. aero/index.php?board=570.0 For this first edition I manage, the survey was open to vote from the 21st November to the 12th December. I hope you enjoy it, feel free to send us your survey’s ideas to magazine@ivao.aero
What was your favorite 2016 World Tour ? Votes: 88
12% 7% 14% 15%
26% 26%
IFR World Tour 2016 Pilot Skills World Tour 2016 Moto GP Tour 2016 Cargo World Tour 2016 Long Haul World Tour 2016 Vintage World Tour
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
The Board Of Governors by Eric Olson (NPO President)
In April of 2007, IVAO VZW was formed as
as required legal filings and ensuring
a non-profit organization in Belgium by
that the network is in compliance with
19 members who wished to provide IVAO
statutes such as personal data protection.
with legal identity and protection. Along
Finally, all matters for the NPO which aren’t
with the formation of the NPO, the Board
specifically set aside to the NPO are left to
of Governors was elected to represent the
the direction of the Board of Governors
NPO directly on matters that affect the
such as any modifications to the rules
organization both on the inside and on
and regulations of the network and any
the outside. While the Board of Governors
updating to the by-laws of the organization.
does not handle matters regarding day-
Presently, the Board of Governors is
to-day management of the network,
working closely with the development
they still play an important role in our
team regarding the release of IvAc
organization and direct the organization
preparing and
next other
Firstly, the Executive Council is appointed
projects and agreements which should
by the Board of Governors to oversee
the operation of the network. individuals
These carrying
out the strategic direction and IVAO’s vision through providing directions to the rest of the staff and ensuring that the rules and regulations are followed. Secondly, all legal affairs are carried out by the Board of Governors including ensuring compliance with directives set forth by the courts. This could include things such 20
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
My first flight as an airline pilot by Jémémie Clergue
It is early, too early, but sometimes, the
PNF in the 30 min we have! The captain
clock is keeping us waiting !! Finally, it
does the tasks assignment, I look at the
rings, it is 3:30 AM, I’m in my hotel room. I
first sector in detail, and in the meantime
don’t feel tired despite of the short night,
the experienced copilot looks at the 3
too much adrenaline to sleep! I have a
other sectors! We review the weather, the
shower, and I put on for the first time this
winds, the NOTAM, the traffic forecast,
well folded uniform that was waiting me
and the final fuel load. The captain kindly
on a chair since the evening before. Quick
asks me my opinion regarding the fuel, but
breakfast, and go to the airport and arrive
with my lack of experience, I of course join
as the first in the crew room. I’m definitely
his opinion! Indeed, the tasks assignment
really, really early... but it was voluntary, I
is a success because we finish our flight
know I will take more time to prepare for
dossier when the copilot finish to analyse
the flights than an experienced pilot. I print
the three others!
the flight dossiers of the day: a first back and forth to Basel, then another to Naples,
I’m going to order the fuel, then we
coming back to Geneva this afternoon.
meet the cabin crew for the briefing. Not tall basically, I feel very short in this
The 4 flight packages are printed, I throw
environment where everybody knows
myself in the “big airports” NOTAM
everybody and what he has to do. Me,
reading. In light of the thickness, I wasn’t
my face is red, sweat on my pullover, and
displeased to be there early! My captain
totally lost! Finally, we go to the plane...
arrives early too, as well as a second copilot on the jumpseat during the entire
The A319 is just in front of the crew room,
day to help me, monitor me, and do the
and it is GIGANTIC! I had this impression
walk arounds because it was anticipated I
during the base training, but I tell myself
won’t have the time to do them when I’m
there should be a bug for it take off,
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
especially with me as pilot...but I should
The calculations are done, I give the
see the thing before the end of the day...
computer to the captain in order for him to
entirely strange sensation: I climb stairs
check my entries and under his direction, I
to enter in my plane...there is really
enter the numbers (ZFW / ZFWCG / Speeds
something...Sunrise in the background,
/ Flex …) in the FMGC. I hear a noise behind
not a cloud in the sky, a wonderful colour
us, the passengers are boarding! I thought
gradient, the picture is incredible.
to have time, and suddenly, I realize we have to speed up! The captain’s briefings the
are...perfect...it’s precise, speed, efficient.
plane, and for the first time, I turn left in
Nothing is left to chance, I love it. I request
entering, trying to hide my smile and my
the clearance via DCL, helped by the
face completely stressed. According to the
second F/O back from his outdoor walk,
captain tasks assignment, I will be PNF
in fact, there was no ACARS in the flight
for the first flight, but I will do the landing
simulators. The clearance is obtained and
in Hamburg. I take the computer for the
confirmed, I request push back and start
calculations, when the second first officer
up. Here we go! We push back, we start
is doing the walk-around. We’re early,
up, the actions come one after another.
everything is ok! Many people enter and
Nothing to forget for the time being, the
exit the aircraft: first officer, dispatcher,
transition simulator-real world is going
fueler...I’m a bit lost and I receive the load-
well. We arrive at the end of the runway,
sheet from the dispatcher. It is exactly the
and let’s go!!! The donuts are lined up
same as in the simulator, I find again a
to 50%...the sound of the enormous
known environment, it is ok...but it is hot!
motors is going to be heard, then felt,
this time it’s really vibrating. We’re there, it accelerates...the captain adds thrust, clic clic, and announce “MAN FLEX SRS RWY”! I’m concentrated on my calls, the engines arrive to their announced power, I say “THRUST SET”, and come back to my parameters...everything is going very fluently, I announce gradually “100 KTS”, “V1”, “ROTATE”, and here...here it rocks! It really really rocks! This machine is flying, and on top of that, climbs like a space rocket! Time is not for contemplation, but calls time...”POSITIVE CLIMB, GEAR UP”... everything is really fast, the reduction moment, “THUST CLIMB”, then “CLIMB”, and I think to the PACKS (we took of PACKS 22
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
OFF), and it’s going a little more calm...we
following events are clear, we begin the
accelerate, retract the flaps, turn off the
descent to Hamburg. The sun shines, I’m
passenger seat belt sign, and cross FL100!
very very warm.
The cruise is going fine, odd mixing of
We switch from one frequency to another,
lecture course in a cockpit on FL390 and
the accent of each ATC makes me laugh,
informal and sympathetic discussion. We
and we arrive on the approach frequency
have the luxury of a breakfast “on top”...
who gives us vectoring to the runway 23
little relaxation moment...it’s hard to
base leg. The captain says, if you’re ready,
believe it, I’m here!
we can switch now! I know where I am, I’m clear on the stages which follow, were flaps 1, I accept his proposition, and he symbolically pushes on AP2. I instantly became PF, so, I’m really piloting the aircraft. The glitches in the matrix are more and more regulars, but, let’s continue. The next ATC clearance is obvious, we have a heading, and we are clear to the ILS runway 23. I turn, arm the ILS, turn on the second AP, and announce the FMA calls. We are now under the cloud layer, and I have the runway in sight. I request the landing configuration very early, and we are ready, so, I request “LANDING CHECK LIST”! Around 1500 fts AGL, the captain suggested to fly in manually, to have a feeling as he says! Big breathing, and I push on the little red button that announce the beginning of a very intense sauna session
The second F/O helps me to fill the paper
of a never known intensity, it is extremely
work with the company flight plan, the
hot! I try to follow the flight director as
fuels check, the delay codes, etc. There is a
precisely as possible, never passed over
series of “direct” clearances, and I see the
the glide, trying to stay in the middle! The
TOD (Top Of Descent) symbol approaching
radio altimeter announces FIVE HUNDRED,
on the ND (Navigation Display), but still
the captain answers “ESTABLISHED”, and
100 NM before it...which say that’s the
I say “CHECKED”. We are now on visual,
approach briefing time! Therefore, the
I try to remember the steps that are
captain brief our approach, I will become
following. FIFTY, I look far ahead, THIRTY,
PF latest when established on the ILS. The
thrust idle, I start to flare, TWENTY, I flare,
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
and BRRRRRRRRR, we are on the ground, approximatively on the middle. “GROUND SPOILERS, REVERSE GREEN, DECELERATE” announces my captain. Indeed, it brakes hard! I vacate the runway, I push on the ground spoilers, signal for my captain to do his scan. I taxi to the terminal, and the captain takes control back for the last turn. The engines are stopping, we are arrived! I landed for the time an A319 with passengers on board. Feeling to be in a so
The return flight is going well, I’m PF on
much wanted place, but uncomfortable
this one. The take off is wonderful, we turn
up to the point to be in a dream as if it was
to the south (Italian logic), and evidently,
not real.
about-turn to pass over the Vesuvius Mont, then over the plain and the Alps the Swiss
The passengers unload, and a cabin
military are active, we have to go over
crew tells us a passenger wish to say to
Zurich to land in Basel. I’m dead, whacked,
me hello. The captain, surprised, gives
and still very hot! The short night begins
willingly his agreement, and I see an old
to be felt. The captain shut the engines,
colleague from the bank (my former job)
seat belt signs OFF, and the passengers
who wanted to be there for my first flight!
exit the aircraft. A cabin crew arrives in
I’m really touched, but pleased to have the
the cockpit, and tell me a passenger let
surprise once on the ground.
me a letter. It is a little card signed by my
The rest of the day, do one after the
entire family, dreams come true. I still take
other, I am PF for the trip back to Basel,
some seconds to realize that if this card
the captain does the flight to Naples. The
is aboard this plane, it’s not with it little
Alps crossing is incredible, for them who
legs, somebody helped it! I go to check the
know, we flew above Furka, an incredible
cabin, and I see my mother, who did the
view of Interlaken, the Eiger, Andematt,
last flight with us!
the Cervin, the Mont Blanc, and the Tessin after: it’s wonderful! I take my first pictures
I leave my mother on the brink of the
from upside!
plane, I will meet her just after, for the dinner, in the Basel, the old city. I try to
When I see the Naples approach and the
forget anything in the cockpit, and we go
ILS high slope with the runway climbing, I’m
to the crew room. The feedback is good.
happy to be PNF! Again, the temperature
Appointment tomorrow morning, 4 new
under my pullover still not decreasing!
flights scheduled (including an interesting VOR DME approach in Nantes) with the same captain.
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Britair Virtual 10 Years ! by Claude L. (Britair Virtual President)
BritAir Virtual staff and pilots were very
performed more than 17.000 registered
proud to celebrate its 10th birthday.
flights, and we’ve covered almost 7 million
Created in November 2006, based on an
nautical miles. During those ten years of
original idea of Valentin B. BritAir Virtual
operation, we brought pilots to highest
is the virtual manifestation of the “real”
ratings, making them highly reliable
airline BritAir, a former regional subsidiary
virtual pilots. During those ten years
of Air France.
of operation, we participated in most ATC exams of the French division, many
Based in Morlaix, France, and operating
events, and other activities. During those
all over France and nearby European
ten years of operation, we enjoyed virtual
destinations, we tend to stick to our
as well as “IRL” meetings, like all of “IVAO
model as much as possible. We provide
France” LAN parties and the “Paris Le
highly accurate flight information and
Bourget” meetings. And you know what?
We definitely won’t stop that soon!
Today, we offer high diversity to our pilots,
We would like to thank all people who
with a regular flights’ schedule, daily group
made this milestone possible, especially
flights, a brand new “missions” department,
current and former pilots as well as IVAO’s
and all sorts of online entertainment,
French division that supported us.
exclusively on IVAO’s network. You can follow our activities on our During our ten years of operation, we
Facebook page (available in French) or on
have hired more than 140 pilots, we’ve
our website.
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Welcome to The Hong Kong Division by Jack Wan (IVAO Hong-Kong - Director)
Airbus simulator.
Community Training
You may share the same view that training is the most effective way for aviators to
Way Forward
acquire the required knowledge in this
To enable exchanging experience and
dynamic, advancing and rapidly growing
knowledge among the local aviation
aviation industry. With the assistance
community, the division as a long-term
of flight simulator software and IVAO
goal, would set up with appropriate training
network, we are capable of providing
resources and fixed based simulators to
community training more effectively for
further widen the training spectrum in
students exploring into the industry.
such a way that flight simulators can be
affordable and widely promoted for basic
Standing Committee on Aviation Resource
training and entry users.
and Education Development (SCARED) in 2009, the team would focus on planning
The community flight simulator project
and providing training courses for local
provides technical support to local parties
students and third party members.
for training.
Aviation Certificate Programme
New Air Traffic Management Web
One of the beneficial programmes is the
Applications commissioned
Dragonair Aviation Certificate Programme
When you think of the operations of the
(DACP), where candidates attend a two
air traffic controllers in the IVAO, the
day course for understanding the Airbus
first thing that may come to your mind
cockpit and basic flight control. They have
is probably the air traffic controllers
a few hours of hands-on experience with
focusing on the radar screens with the
the Microsoft Flight Simulator, before
radar client IvAc and directing flights to
entering their selection process in a real
the appropriate place precisely. You may
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Lectures introducing the airbus A320 panel for candidates
Candidates perform tasks following the Flight Director
A landing in a A320 simulator
The community ight simulator project provide technical support to local parties for training
Our instructors visited the real simulators before giving training to the candidates
not be aware that many other resources exist to provide high quality services and
Gate Management
necessary support to facilitate a smooth
The new Gate Assignment System is
flight. They are also integral to the safe
responsible for our pre-departure and
and efficient air transport system in Hong
arrival flights, providing an exclusive gate
Kong. With the commissioning of the new
according to the aircraft type and the
systems, we may take this opportunity to
desired apron. Every IVAO pilot is able to
take a closer look at their new features.
request a gate before the departure and a Hong Kong controller can receive and
Squawk Code Assignment
manage gate information through the
The Squawk Code Assignment System
integrated portal with the appropriate
was introduced in 2014 to provide a cloud
Squawk Code Assignment System. It
based portal for air traffic controllers to
greatly facilitates the Real Flight Events
access remotely, the enhanced system is
and the peak seasons of the Hong Kong
compliant with the code allocation of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Doc 9673 Asia and Pacific Regions.
Nearby FIR codes have been installed to
The division also installed a sophisticated
increase the capacity of arrival flights. In
Text-to-Speech System which is equipped
a total 740 codes serving 3 airports and
with a realistic human voice synthesizer
transiting flights, the system could handle
and pre-loaded voice commands. This
the maximum capacity of traffic as well as
advanced system offers high quality
the real world environment.
voice services and helps enhance the
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
functionality of any text-only controllers.
contrast and the compact mode can also be easily toggled for reading at night and
smaller screen devices.
Enhanced Controllers Portal
Before the implementation of a cloud
Looking Forward
based portal, air traffic controllers needed
Apart from enhancing the efficiency in
to manually create their own handy
managing controllers information, the
sheets with many types of information like
Hong Kong Division is working closely with
terminal procedures, runway operations,
the Development Operations Department
metric levels to flight levels etc. They
(DEVOPS) on the IvAc2 project. The new
required updating periodically and it was
controller client can further enhance the
also inconvenient to align every controllers
information circulation and the controller
with the latest procedures.
simulation network development, as well The ATC Dashboard was introduced and
as to cope with the increasing demand
enhanced with real time ATIS, weather
of users experience. The map displays
radar and AJAX tables. The information
and aircraft labels have been completed
with the active runway highlighted will
and Hong Kong Division is one of the FIR
instantaneously display on the screen
conducting beta tests on the live network.
without refreshing the page. Controllers
Test results are satisfactory in general.
can sort the tables and display only
The web applications will be integrated
essential elements to make a clear
with the new controller client when it is
presentation. The dark mode with high
commissioned in the near future.
The Squawk Code Assignment Portal during event
Coverage of the Gate Assignment System of the three airports
The ATC Dashboard, cloud based portal for controllers
Interface of the Text-to-Speech System
Beta Tests over IvAc 2 with Hong Kong FIR
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
Screenshot Contest Winners
October Edited Screenshot Mehdi Hamza - Tunisair A320 (TS-IMW), above the Mediterranean Sea...
November Edited Screenshot Albino Santos - At Toronto/City Centre
International Virtual Aviation Organisation
“Where the virtual world meets the real world“