Virtual Sky Vol 11: Final Issue

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EDITORIAL: END OF THE JOURNEY FOR THE M AGAZINE Virt ual Sky m agazine has been a joyous yet at t im es bum py ride. Our ex t ensive discussions w it hin t he Public Relat ions depart m ent and t he Com m unit y has alw ays yielded t o t he resolut ion t hat Virt ual Sky is a m uch needed t ool for IVAO Com m unit y. St ill, t he channels need innovat ion and a t ot al revam p. From m y personal ex perience, I had joined t he M agazine t eam in M ay 2015. I assist ed t hen led t he edit ing. It w as indeed super ex cit ing t o be w orking for t he ent ire com m unit y and deal w it h virt ually every depart m ent and division of IVAO. Nevert heless, t he w orkload w as also very dem anding and requires m uch dedicat ion. This w as never a problem ; But t he Team w as also looking t o keep it s effort relevant and at t ract ive for m em bers. Aft er m uch w ork, w e are ex cit ed t o w rap-up t he M agazine project at it s Volum e 11, and announce it s inherit or: t he t he Blog of Virt ual Sky. We aspire t o m ake of Virt ual Sky Blog a hub for all t he flight sim ulat ion com m unit y t hat provides high-qualit y, reliable, and ex planat ory journalism t arget ing bot h t he professional and am at eur com m unit ies. Along t he com ing w eeks, t he Public Relat ions depart m ent w ill be finalizing t his blog's st ruct ure and looking t o recruit an edit orial board t hat w ill be in charge of draft ing t he Chart er of Virt ual Sky and t hen t ake over operat ions. In t he end, I w ould love t o t hank all m y previous colleagues t hat have led Virt ual Sky for m ore t han 10 years since it s creat ion, and m ade of it w hat it is t oday. I also part icularly w ish t o t hank m y t eam m at es Kalle and Alp for t heir boundless dedicat ion t o m ake t his blog happen. Godspeed!

Pu blish er : Public Relations Department International Virtual Aviation Organisation (IVAO) VZW Edit in g: Fares Belkhiria Con t r ibu t or s: Achilleas Moraitis Alexander Viala Bellander Alexandre Silva Alp Yeni Ben Mathon Claudio Aliste Requena Facundo Loyarte Henk Wolsink Michael Wethereld Patrick Lademann Robert Nagy Robertino Mihai Vincent Bazillio Zoltan Gyenge Copyr igh t Not ice: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Con t act : Disclaim er : The views expressed are the personal opinions of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of IVAO or any other organization unless specifically stated.

Far es Belk h ir ia IVAO Pu blic Relat ion s Dir ect or Vir t u al Sk y Edit or

Virt ual Sky Final Issue




NEWBABY-BORN:ANGOLADIVISIONJOINSIVAO! Read our int erview w it h t he founders and st aff t eam of t he new ly-founded Angola Division in w hich t hey t alk about t he foundat ion process as w ell as t he challenges t hey faced.





Follow t he Belgium , Lux em bourg and Net herlands st aff t eam in t heir ex hibit ion at Knokke.

M ike, Direct or of IVAO Oceanic Region has shared w it h us his Division's ex cit ing prep for t he ult im at e event for # avgeeks: Oz Flight Sim Ex po


Goodnewstoheli fansfrom theTrainingDepartment




We follow ed our m em ber, Vincent in his t rip across t he US and Canada w it h his friends. Read t he st ory at page 12


WorldToursfor theyear andforward: what'sup?

ChileDivision: UpdatesfromthePublic RelationsTeam

Virt ual Sky Final Issue



ANUPDATEFROMTHEBOARDOFGOVERNORSOFIVAOASSOCIATION Since our appoint m ent as Governors for t he period of 2017-2018, m em bers have been seeing a lot has happening; t he DevOps t eam has been great ly ex panded, som et hing t hat allow ed it t o st art t o pick up it s w ork again. Also, w e have seen our rules and regulat ions updat ed. These im provem ent s have been t he w ork of a dedicat ed t ask force t hat st art ed it s w ork on 2014, and has had it s hands full w it h t his m at t er ever since. It had also t o t ake int o account t he const ant ly changing requirem ent s, as w ell as t he im plem ent at ion of t he GDPR int o our Rules and Regulat ions. Nevert heless, w e do acknow ledge t hat t he new rules are st ill not perfect and st ill need im provem ent . As m em bers m ight have not iced, som e updat es have already been announced and im plem ent ed. As w e have previously shared in our IT St rat egy Release, our first goal for t he fut ure is t o offer our m em bers a variet y of soft w are opt ion t o choose from t o connect t o IVAO Net w ork. Since t he said Release, DevOps has been doing colossal w ork t o revisit t he overall IT landscape. In t he foreseeable fut ure , w e w ill be sharing our vision for t he fut ure of t he soft w are ion t he Com m unit y Forum . In t he m eant im e, t he DevOps t eam is also w orking hard on m aking ot her im provem ent s for m em bers. For inst ance, one of t hem as you m ay have not iced is t he new BETA M TL inst aller for P3Dv4. We are looking t o short ly see m ore soft w are offered t o m em bers, but w e w ill

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

keep t he privilege t o t he DevOps t eam t o com m unicat e about t hat . Anot her subject for t his year is our 20 th , or Porcelain, anniversary t hat w e w ill celebrat e on Decem ber 1st . We are very proud t hat t his organisat ion is reaching t his m ilest one and IVAO could not have reached t his w it hout our users and st aff w ho w ere act ively involved and dedicat ed t o t his dream over t he last 20 years. At last , looking furt her int o t he horizon, t hat is our long t erm st rat egy, w e are aim ing for an IVAO t hat facilit at es possibilit ies and is a t ruly open net w ork t hat convivially invit es all aviat ion ent husiast s and accom m odat es all t heir soft w are preferences. This m eans t hat w e are looking t o em brace rat her t han rest rict t he usage of our net w ork, by not lim it ing new opt ions and possibilit ies, but by ex ploring t hem in a support ing at m osphere t hat our depart m ent s and divisions w ill be t he first t o offer. Wit h such an approach, w e hope t o see t he usage of IVAO grow w it hin all segm ent s of aviat ion ent husiast s, from pilot s t o ATC, bot h civil and m ilit ary.

In short , w e w ant t o m ake IVAO t he net w ork of possibilit ies

IVAO is governed t hrough a m ult i-layered m anagerial st ruct ure t hat ensures t he cont inuance of it s operat ions in t he m ost efficient , effect ive and t ransparent w ay. One dist inct ion is key in underst anding t he governance of IVAO; IVAO vzw ( NPO) and IVAO Net w ork. IVAO vzw is a non-profit organisat ion regist ered in Belgium . It ow ns IVAO net w ork t o w hich w e all connect t o fly. It has a deliberat ive General Assem bly. Am ong t he dut ies of t he General Assem bly is t o elect t he m em bers of t he Board of Governors for a renew able t w o-year m andat e. Broadly, t he Board of Governors is responsible of est ablishing t he st rat egic guidelines of IVAO. It is t he legal represent at ive of IVAO and is t he one t hat set s IVAO Rules t hat fram e t he usage of t he Net w ork. Furt her, t he Board of Governors elect s t he Ex ecut ive Council m em bers for a renew able t w o-year m andat e. The Ex ecut ive Council act s as t he highest -governing body for IVAO Net w ork and is responsible for t he appoint m ent of depart m ent al and divisional st aff, as w ell as net w ork supervisors.

Curious t o learn m ore? Visit ht t p:/ / gov


CHEERS FROM CHILE! The Chile division of IVAO offers you t he opport unit y t o t ravel t hrough beaut iful places all over t he w orld, m ix ing m ount ain ranges, sea, valleys, m ount ains and st ream s, being able t o join t he VFR t our t hat t ravels Chile from Nort h t o Sout h. Arriving at t he m ost recondit e of t his division, part icipat ing in t he various t our and event s t hat are generat ed during t he year by t he st aff. Alt hough w e are a young division, w e are one of t he m ost ent husiast ic in Sout h Am erica, w it h cont rollers for a large part of t he day, also w it h pilot s flying t he different rout es from nort h t o sout h of Chile.

IFR t o t hen change t o VFR, aquat ize and t ake off again t oget her w it h several ot her pilot s. This is project ed on August 12 bet w een 22.00 zulu and 03.00 hrs, We also have t he follow ing t ours t hat are developed t hroughout t he year 2018 in w hich t hey are cordially invit ed t o part icipat e:


Tour Law Virt ual


Tour Supersonic


Tour Hist orical


Tour IFR


Tour VFR


Tour Ex ecut ive


Tour Am phibian


Tour Gliders


Tour Helicopt ers

- The Sout h Am erican airlift , event coordinat ed bet w een t he divisions of Colom bia and Chile, t his event w ill be held on July 29 bet w een 18 Zulu and 01.00 Hrs


Tour Skils


Special Operat ions


Tour Long Haul


Tour ULM

Clau dio A. Requ en a

- Acuat izaje in t he St rait of M agellan, t his w ill be an event w it h t w o t ypes of flight , init iat ing


Tour Lat am


Tour Jet Sm art

IVAO Ch ile Pu blic Relat ion s Coor din at or

Am ong t he act ivit ies t hat w e have in ex ecut ion is com ing.


t he public dat es in t he ivao chile forum We have FIRS act ive in m any of it s airport s and aerodrom e, m aking flying around Chile an ent ert aining ex perience for pilot s. We cordially invit e you t o fly in Chile and leave a w ell-know n phrase of our count ry " Fly in Chile and you w ill see how t hey w ant t he friend w hen he is a st ranger"

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

Winner of IVAO's July Scr eenshot Cont est Aut h or : N oah St uck st aet t e ( 548984) Th em e: Rot at i on s an d Touch dow n s Aer osof t w i l l aw ar d t h e w i n n er a pr oduct of h i s ch oi ce f r om i t s w ebst or e.

Virt ual Sky Final Issue


Lor em i psum dol or si t am et , con set et ur sadi psci n g el i t r , sed di am n on um y ei r m od t em por i n v i dun t ut l abor e et dol or e m agn a al i quyam er at , sed di am v ol upt ua.


Virt ual Sky Final Issue

IVAO AT KNOKKE. ATRULYUNIQUEEVENTTOOKPLACEINJUNETHISYEAR;FORFOURDAYS,THEBEACHATKNOKKEINBELGIUM WASOFFICIALLYDECLAREDAN?INTERNATIONALAIRPORT?BYTHEBELGIANAUTHORITIESTOHOSTTHEVERY FIRSTSTOL(SHORTESTTAKEOFFANDLANDING)COMPETITION. Alt hough t he indicat ion ?Int ernat ional? w as right fully used as m any pilot s flew in from Germ any, Sw it zerland, t he Unit ed Kingdom , and m any ot her count ries, one m ay place som e quest ion m arks around t he t erm ?Airport ?. The runw ay const ruct ed on t he beach it self could only be used bet w een high t ide and low t ide for t hree hours each day, and t he ground crew had t o w ork overt im e as several airplanes got st uck in t he dry sand w hile t ax iing from t he runw ay t o t he parking lot .

receive t his invit at ion but how does one m anage t o organise st and personnel for four days not t o m ent ion how t o decorat e a st and of nearly six t y square m et ers? Fort unat ely, t he ?Quick React ion Force? of our Dut ch colleagues cam e t o our rescue. They brought along an im m ense phot ographic backdrop of nine m et ers w ide and t w o and a half m et ers high feat uring t he inside of t he Frankfurt cont rol t ow er and t hey assist ed Jonat an Geeurickx and m yself during t he ex hibit ion days.?

Close t o t en t housand people invaded Knokke during t hese four days, not only t o w it ness t he event on t he beach but also t o visit t he indoor ex hibit ion inside t he beaut iful Knokke Casino.

Several large displays offered t he opport unit y t o see IVAC2 in operat ion. Whereas Jonat an w as

IVAO w as represent ed in t he Casino by t he XB-Division w it h an im pressive st and m easuring t w elve m et ers w ide. XB-DIR David Flem ent : ?We w ere invit ed by t he organisat ion t o at t end t his event as t hey felt IVAO plays a significant role in t he aviat ion relat ed w orld. Of course, w e w ere delight ed t o

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

alm ost six hours a day online as EBBU_CTR ex plaining procedures t o inquiring visit ors, David, Jeroen Huisers, Nick Henssen and one of our Governors Rob Overdijk w ere answ ering num erous quest ions about flying and cont rolling on t he IVAO net w ork. Rob: ?I feel t he presence of m em bers of t he Board of Governors during PDE?s is very valuable t o IVAO. The at t endance of Jacques M ariens and m yself at t his PDE gave visit ors a chance t o m eet and t alk t o us and t o discover t hat m em bers of t he Board are just ordinary people like everybody else. In addit ion, being present at PDE?s like t his one offers an ex cellent opport unit y t o m aint ain our net w ork w it h ex ist ing sponsors and m eet new int erest ed part ies.?


The com binat ion of a t reasurer and a casino seem ed rat her odd t o us, so w e quest ioned Jacques M ariens as w e discovered him in a corner of t he st and count ing m oney. It appeared he w as just preparing t he financial report for t he second quart er? We asked David if t his PDE at Knokke w as w ort h t he t im e and effort by six st aff m em bers for four days and t w elve hours a day. David: ?That quest ion has been asked m any t im es before. How does one count t he revenue from ex penses incurred and t im e spent in preparat ion and act ual presence? Honest ly, I m ust adm it t hat no hard figures can be produced, but I feel very st rongly t hat t he m ere presence and visibilit y of IVAO during im port ant PDE?s is ex t rem ely valuable and is w ort h all t he effort st aff m em bers put int o it .?

As t he sun set behind t he horizon on t he last day of t his great event , st aff m em bers clim bed int o t heir cars t o drive hom e again w ere probably a cool bot t le of m ineral w at er or Jack Daniels w as w ait ing. Or perhaps a com binat ion of t he t w o.

IVAOBeLux Stand in the Event, sitting on the tabl e froml eft to right: Jacques Mariens (IVAOVzw Treasurer), JonatanGeeurickx (IVAOBeLux Assistant Director) andRobOverdijk (IVAOVzwVice-President). For t hose of you t hat have seen t he special video report , you m ay w onder w hy a cucum ber w as used t o int erview Rob Overdijk. The answ er is sim ple: The Product ion

Ben M at h on IVAO Net h er lan ds Pu blic Relat ion s Coor din at or


Virt ual Sky Final Issue

Pict u r e cou r t esy of Facu n do Loyar t e (479606)

Virt ual Sky Final Issue


Helipad: The Road Ahead Heads-upfromIVAOTrainingHeadquarters In t he past years, w e had received num erous request s of different kinds pert aining t o helicopt ers. This led us t o st art t racking t he ex t ent of t he helicopt er usage on bot h t he Net w ork and Forum and w e ult im at ely figured out t hat t he figure of rot orheads on IVAO is in deed a grow ing num ber. Our un derst anding is t hat t his is due t o t he fact t hat sim ulat ors like P3D or XPlane increasingly offer a great level of realit y as com pared t o t he older sim ulat ors. Helicopt er add- ons are also m uch m ore com m on now and provide a never w it nessed realit y. How ever, IVAO's Training Depart m ent has a lack of adequat e inform at ion, procedures and t raining m at erial for t hese birds. We as Direct ors, along w it h our subordinat es: t he Senior Training Advisors, t he Training Docum ent at ion Team , as w ell as t he HQ Pilot s have great ex perience in real and sim ulat ed aviat ion, bot h as pilot s and ATC, but lack ex perience w it h helicopt ers. Wit h our publicat ion in t he forum s, w e have init iat ed a m ajor project w hich w ill m assively enlarge t he scope of helicopt er aviat ion on IVAO. Specifically, w e launched a call t o learn if t here are am ongst our m em bers w ho are capable and w illing t o help us out closing t hat gap of know ledge. This call w as successful, w e are t herefore about t o init iat e t he nex t phase of t he project and of course keep you updat ed. So t o all rot or-heads out t here, st ay t uned and aw ait t he rot at ing t hings t hat are about t o st art t heir flight s int o our docum ent at ion soon! Zolt an Gyen ge Tr ain in g Dir ect or


Pat r ick Ladem an n Tr ain in g Assist an t Dir ect or

Virt ual Sky Final Issue


VINCENTISANIVAOMEMBERSINCE2002ASWELLASAPRIVATEPILOTINREALLIFE.HEAGREEDTOSHAREWITHVIRTUALSKY MAGAZINETHEPHOTOALBUMOFHIS18-HOURVFRFLIGHTAROUNDCALIFORNIA,NEVADAANDUTAH,ALONGWITHTHREEOTHER FRIENDS.ENJOYTHEPHOTOSANDTHEINTERVIEWTHATTHEEDITORHADWITHHIM.FULLALBUMCANBEFOUNDONTHEFORUM Fares: You told me that you live in France, why did you choose these destinations in USA? Vi n cen t : I'm French and live in France but I'm also a club m em ber of PlusOne Flyers Air Club in San Diego since 2008. So w henever I am able, be it for vacat ion, for leisure or for business, I book m y air t icket t o USA. Nevert heless, I earned m y Privat e Pilot License in France and roughly 60% of m y flight t im e is done in France ( around 50 t o 80 hours yearly since 2004) . The rem aining 40% is in US. I am used t o do at least 1 Cessna's t rip every year, and t hey usually last 4 days up t o 2 w eeks along w it h m y friends and fam ily. Basically, w e fly all around t he Am erican w est coast , including California, Vancouver and Salt

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

Lake Cit y.I st art ed flying in US in 2008 w it h a friend of m ine ( w ho has CFI rat ing) t ought m e everyt hing I need t o know t here. Alw ays for leisure, I also flew in Canada ( from Toront o to St -Pierre-et -M iquelon) , New York, t he Baham as and Caribean ( St -M art in, St -Bart h) . I'm just a leisure pilot holding not hing m ore t han a PPL( A) VFR.

som et im es it is w it h m y pilot friends and som e ot her t im es w it h m y ow n fam ily. Depending on t he t rip, I am eit her in just one single Cessna, or up 3 or 4 planes. M ost of t he t im e, I send a call on Facebook and ask : I w ill be in USA

Fares: So who do you usually take with you in your trips? Vi n cen t : depends,


Hereweare,fullyreadytoleaveSanDiegofor asmall loop. 12

for 1 w eek st art ing from dd/ m m : w ho w ant t o m ake a Farw est . ( That 's t he generic nam e I give t o t hese Cessna t rips) . Fares: How long does it usually take you to prepare for a trip? Vincent : The last Cessna Trip for inst ance ( as I said w e all call t his kind of t rips: Farw est ) did not act ually require any preparat ion because it is t he 15t h t im e w e go for t his kind of t rips, w here I do all t he organisat ion and preparat ion ( or m aybe m ore act ually, w e are no longer able t o keep count ) . We just need a quick briefing and som e preparat ion for m y friends w ho never flew in USA before. Fares: Did you face in particular challenges that you want to share with us? Vi n cen t : Of course! Well obviously, t he first challenge is m oney, needless t o ex plain w hy. Secondly, it is t he English com m unicat ion on t he radio, especially for t hose w ho m ake t heir first Farw est . Also, in t his part icular kind of t rips, alt it ude is w ort h m ent ioning as a challenge. The densit y of t he air is very low due t o high elevat ion of t he t errain w e visit ( Flagst aff for inst ance) m akes breat hing difficult . Also, t he use of Cessna pist on ( non-t urbo) aircraft s is a challenge in it self.

For charts,wejust usetheiPadApp. Foreflight withaADSB receiver tohavereal-timetraficandMETAR/TAF/TFR/NOTAM

Canadian-regist ered Cessna. Also, w e flew over Los Angeles Airport ( KLAX) at 1500 ft under VFR on air t o air frequency, landed in KLAS ( Vegas) under VFR, again w it hout a flight plan. We repeat ed t he sam e in At lant a ( KATL) w here we landed at 5pm w it h a C172 w it h neit her a flight plan nor a PPR.

St ill, our biggest act ual challenge is t o hold ourselves from saying t oo m any t im es " Whaouuu! unbelievable, are w e really doing t his in USA ?! " Fares: At last, do you an anecdote that you want tell us? Vi n cen t : Too m uch t o t ell t o be honest . For t his t rip in part icular, t he form at ion flying over Grand Canyon w as unique. On previous flight , for inst ance, we flew over M anhat t an's Cent ral


Park in New York Cit y at 1500 ft w it hout flight plan, w it hout PPR, w it h m y French accent and a

Vin cen t Bazillio IVAO VID: 138779

Andwehavetopackeverything(includingtheplane),findour rental car andheadtoour AirBnb. 13

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

AEROFLY FS2: NEW KID IN TOWN! REVIEWOFTHEAEROFLYFS2FLIGHTSIMULATORSOFTWAREPROVIDEDBYOURMEMBERFROMGREEKDIVISIONANDFORMER MAGAZINETEAMADVISOR,ACHILLEASMORAITIS. Over the years most flight simmers have started on Microsoft's platforms, some of them later moving over to X-Plane in the quest for the ultimate flight simulation environment. Several developers have tried to enter this, admitedly small, market and the results have been mixed. Now, however, IPACS has decided to give this a serious try and we got a front row seat at their effort. When the first Aerofly FS was developed it was little more than an RC plane simulator, quite unique for its time but not something many flight simmers where interested about. This time round, IPACS set their sights on the serious flight simmer and they've come up with a brilliant, next generation platform. To start with, they've

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

chosen the online method of distribution as is fit for a modern day simulator. Assuming you already have a Steam account the process is as simple as buying the simulator, downloading the base pack which takes a while as it is 35 Gb of data (on my 4Mbps connection it took about two days and a half to download), setting up your graphics and control settings and you can go flying. By default there are 17 aircraft available with an extra one available as a free DLC, ranging from sailplanes to the mighty 747 and everything in between. A seasoned simmer that's gotten used to flying payware aircraft will probably feel the provided fleet is a bit basic (most planes can not be

put in cold and dark mode), however one has got to keep in mind that the default planes of other simulators aren't much more complicated either and we're going to have to see what the payware developers as well as the freeware community will come up with. In terms of scenery, FS2 is following in the footsteps of X-Plane, employing autogen overlaid on high resolution photoreal textures. At this point there are three free DLC areas, Southwestern USA which covers parts of California, Nevada and Arizona with photoreal textures, all the major airports and loads of smaller ones, the other two packages being the states of Utah and Colorado thus enabling one to do local flights or longer ones. On the other 14

side of the pond there is the payware DLC area of Switzerland which, again, covers all of the country with high resolution photoreal, major airports and several smaller ones. One might be wondering what the cost is in terms of performance with all of that detailed scenery and pretty graphics. To put your mind at ease, the simulator offers two framelock settings besides the unlimited one. One of them is for 120 FPS and the other is for 240 FPS. No typo here, it really is three digits! That sort of performance is achieved through the use of a modern simulation engine based on multi-threaded processing as well as taking advantage of the GPU to render complex graphics. Even on our not-so-stellar test system, a three year old, medium range laptop that struggles to maintain


20 FPS in FSX:SE and P3D v3 with moderate settings and a couple of addons managed to stay above 95 FPS in FS2! At this point, Aerofly FS2 is still a very new offering in the exciting world of flight simulation with many features to come as promised by IPACS. Will we be seeing more pilots populating the virtual skies through FS2? That remains to be seen, it is, however, my honest opinion that IPACS is on to something, particularly when it comes to flying low and slow under VFR as the 100% accurate scenery is good enough to even

prepare yourself for a real life flight in terms of mapping out a route based on landmarks, rivers and roads, effectively practicing your pilotage skills from the comfort of your home!

Ach illeas M or ait is IVAO User VID: 513307

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

NEW DIVISION! INMARCH2018,IVAOHEADQUARTERSHASOFFICIALLYANNOUNCEDTHELAUNCHINGOFIVAODIVISIONINANGOLA.THIS INAUGURATIONCOMESASTHEFRUITOFBOUNDLESSWORKDONEBYALEXANDRE,ANTONIOANDJOSEINBUILDINGTHEPILLARS OFADIVISIONTHATWILLBEHOMETOHUNDREDSOFIVAOMEMBERS. Welcom e t o IVAO Angola! Angola is a count ry locat ed in sout hern Africa, on it s w est ern coast . The IVAO Angola Division, brings t he coverage of one m ore space, w here m em bers can find various resources at t heir disposal, from int erest ing scenery, t o navigat ion chart s covering all count ry and t he ocean area, w hich w ill allow new challenges t o all t hose w ho fly over t his airspace, eit her regularly or on occasional flight s. Our biggest challenges The fact t hat t his part of Africa, as generally know n, is not flavored by t he st ock environm ent of t he sim ulat ors, brings us t he challenge of changing t his realit y and m aking t his area a space full of novelt ies, new challenges, virt ual life, as far as t he IVAO environm ent is concerned.

t oget her w it h us, w ill help change t he w hole environm ent of Africa, m ent ioning t he various African divisions t hat already ex ist and especially t he XZ m ult i-division w it h w hom w e have com m on borders. Also t he good relat ions w it h t he divisions t hat are cult urally linked t o Angola, such as Brazil and Port ugal, w hich w ill allow us t o creat e very specific ( probably unique) event s. Our count ry and airspace ( som e fact s) Angola division m anages t he airspace st ret ching in lat it ude from 5 degrees t o 18 degrees Sout h; and in longit ude from 10 degrees West t o 24 degrees East .

We w ill not see t he lack of resources in t his area as a w eakness, but on t he cont rary, w e see it as a great and pleasant challenge, as w e are sure t hat from now on, Angola and Africa w ill increasingly be a m ore desirable space t o all sim m ers. Our m ain st rengt hs The good relat ions w it h ot her divisions, especially t hose t hat

Virt ual Sky Final Issue


The Conquer t he Ocean ( Vint age Tour) , w ill send you back in t im e! Grab a classic, from t he golden t im es of t he st ar pist on and vent ure int o t he conquest of t he At lant ic Ocean. The Angolan air space, in it s oceanic part , holds one iconic island, St . Helena. We w ill have t o t race t he new rout es t o t he discovery of t his island, using as support ot her islands like St . Tom ĂŠ and Prince, and Ascension. In addit ion t o t he cont inent al airspace, our region st ill covers a large oceanic airspace.

Addit ionally, w e are preparing in part nership w it h ot her divisions, Season Tours, w hich in addit ion t o t he pleasure, w ill bring t he

Our dom est ic airspace has 18 m ain airport s, added by som e secondary airport s in each province and som e ot her rem ot e airfields. The t opography of t he count ry is quit e different iat ed, from t ropical forest s in t he Nort h, m ount ain ranges in t he cent re, desert t o t he sout h, a vast net w ork of rivers and even m ore t han a t housand kilom et res of coast . TOURS We have already opened several t ours, covering t he norm al VFRs and IFRs, w hich are com m on t o all divisions. How ever, am ong t hese t ours, w e highlight t w o, w hich w e know w ill be very int erest ing, not only for t heir form at , but also for t he idea of having t hem cont inued w it h/ by ot her divisions ( m ore det ails very soon) The ANGOLAN WONDERS ( Special Operat ions Tour) , w ill get you t o know t he great hist orical and t ourist ic references of Angola, in an unconvent ional w ay, giving you a different challenge t o each st age of t he Tour, based on a ( real) plot , w here w e support scient ific ex pedit ions in t his area..


know ledge of such hist oric event s. At last , it w ould be a blunder t o conclude w it hout saying t hat t his project is t he result of a long-t erm w ork carried out by t w o individuals w ho have never ceased t o show t heir dedicat ion t o virt ual aviat ion in Angola. Alex andre and JosĂŠ M aia

Alexan dr e Silva IVAO An gola Dir ect or

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

WORLDTOUR THE FINE STUFF: IVAO DEPARTMENT WORLD TOURS TRIVIA ANUPDATEFROMTHEWORLDTOURSTEAMATIVAOHEADQUARTERS Did you know t hat ? IFR World Tours have been around since 2002? Yeah baby, t hat is 16 years... IFR World Tours airport s visit ed - 590 IFR World Tour airport s w it h m ost visit s: NWWW and GOOY - 7 t im es IFR World Tour w it h m ost legs - 2010 ( 80) IFR World Tour w it h least legs - 2002 ( 20) Tot al num ber of published IFR World Tour legs since 2002: 1011

World Tours have a lengt hy hist ory w it hin IVAO. They w ere init ially handled by t he M em bership Depart m ent w it h t he first t ours st art ing in 2002. The World Tour Depart m ent as it is t oday w as creat ed in 2013 and t he first t ours released under t he new ly creat ed depart m ent w ere in 2014. The depart m ent is responsible for t he creat ion, publishing, m aint enance and validat ion of w orld t ours t hat are global in nat ure t o benefit t he m em bership. It is t he int ent of t he depart m ent t o int roduce t he w orld t our part icipant t o as m any different geographical areas, scenarios, w hile cult ivat ing a relax ed environm ent w here t hey can enjoy t heir hobby and net w ork.

General aviat ion t ype t ours. These t ours have a perm anent st at us and are creat ed annually ( m ainly for VFR operat ions) . Current ly t he VFR World Tour falls int o t his cat egory. These t ours are t o be released at t he beginning of t he year, t ypically January 1 st . The t our m ust be com plet ed using a GA ( General Aviat ion) aircraft . The aircraft in use m ust be a pist on/ t urboprop driven fix ed w ing aircraft t hat w ill be able t o com ply w it h specific t our rest rict ions, all of w hich are post ed on t he t our?s page.

Com m ercial aviat ion t ype t ours. These t ours have a perm anent st at us and are creat ed annually ( m ainly for IFR operat ions) . These t ours are t o be released at t he beginning of t he year, t ypically January 1 st . Current ly t he The World Tour Depart m ent has IFR and LH World Tours are in t his prim arily a t hree-t ier classificat ion for cat egory. These t ours require t he t hese t ours. They are: usage of a suit able com m ercial

Virt ual Sky Final Issue


aircraft . Cert ain rest rict ions do apply and t hese are post ed on t he t our?s page. Specialt y t ype t ours. These t ours are based on a specific t hem e and t hey are provided at non-regular int ervals. They are eit her follow ing t he schedule of an act ivit y ( Form ula 1 and M ot o GP) or recreat ing t he am biance of a specific genre or nat ure of aviat ion. Each of t hese t ours is provided w it h specific rules t hat are available on t he t our?s page. Being part of t he Flight Sim generat ion for alm ost t hree decades and a part of IVAO for m ore t han a decade, I?ve been w at ching our net w ork and it s com m unit y for m any years and t he direct ion( s) it t akes. In m y early years, flying any World Tour w as m ore about sharing t he passion, t he opport unit ies t o m eet friends, t o change ideas, t o enjoy t he hobby t hat drew us all t oget her. I st ill rem em ber flying m y first IFR t our back in 2004. I just got m y copy of FS2004: Cent ury of flight and let m e t ell you, by flying t he legs of t he t our seem ed t o give m e a purpose. I st art ed t o finally underst and t hat t he w orld does not revolve only around t he area w here I felt m ost com fort able, m y hom e base airport . All of a sudden a different w orld opened, w it h people t hat I had no know ledge about , t hat I barely underst ood because of t he occasional language barrier, but w hose com pany nonet heless I enjoyed. It w as t hat unknow n at every st ep ( ok t hen, at every flight ! ) t hat gave m e t he boost t o fly t he t ours. That unknow n w as present bot h in m y int er-cult ural sessions as w ell as in t he abilit y t o fly procedures in a variet y of places and condit ions. Over t he years I have flow n a few t ours, so I can t ruly say t hat I?ve m et a lot of people, som e of t hem w hom I befriended and up t o t his day w e are bringing up t he past , t he good ?old days?. We are bringing back all t he st ories t hat w ere t he cat alyst of our friendship. Needless t o say, I enjoyed each and every t our t hat I have flow n on t his net w ork. M aybe it is only m y percept ion now adays, t hat t he w orld ( and t hat includes IVAO) is in a const ant rush. It seem s t o m e t hat , m ost of us are in a rush t o get t o t he last leg, so w e can have our lit t le aw ard and score anot her one on t he board. Is t hat t he reason w hy w e fly t he t ours? Really? Cont rary t o t hat , I believe t hat one should t ake his t im e flying a t our. Absorb t he real reasons behind t hese t ours. The plet hora of opport unit ies t o open our horizon and see t he people around, int eract w it h t hem . Learn a few t hings along t he w ay t hat are not necessarily aviat ion relat ed. I am posit ive t hat I?m not t he only one t hat sees t hings t his w ay.


Here are som e of m y t ips for everyone current ly flying or w ould be fliers of World Tours. Before st art ing a t our, first and forem ost : Read and fam iliarize yourself w it h t he General Rules, applicable t o every t our t hat is part of t he World Tours, as t hey could be different from divisional t our rules. Do t he sam e w it h t he addit ional rules t hat are described in t he Descript ion page of each t our, as t hese t oo, could be different for every w orld t our. Fam iliarize yourself w it h t he World Tour int erface, m enu syst em and overall funct ionalit y. Spend som e t im e reading t he World Tour Forum pages. There are m any useful links, not es, general and specific inform at ion post ed by your fellow sim m ers, w hich w ill save you t im e and effort preparing or flying a t our. Rem em ber, t hese t ours are m ade available t o you by IVAO t o enjoy flying in a com m unit y. They are m eant t o facilit at e int eract ion of t he m em bership on bot h social and t echnical level. This is w here you can find your nex t friend or your nex t t echnical m ent or. Flying t hrough m any count ries and cont inent s, please rem em ber t o be court eous and friendly t o t he local st aff and t o your fellow sim m ers w it h w hom you share your virt ual skies. Ex ercise t olerance at all levels; do not succum b t o confront at ional t endencies. They only erode and t ake aw ay from t he ex perience you're about t o em bark. Gat her as m uch inform at ion as possible, t o m ake your t our flying ex perience fulfilling and enjoyable. Prepare every flight t o t he best of your abilit ies, becom e fam iliar w it h t he environm ent you are going t o fly in, from st udying t he chart s t o learning t he local procedures. For t his w e advise all of you t o check t he Pilot ( s) t ab available on alm ost every Division's hom e pages. Do not w rit e dow n or copy t he legs of any t our t o your com put er. There m ight be unforeseen changes t o t he cont ent s of t he t our w hile a t our is act ive. It is alw ays best pract ice t o check t he t our pages for up t o dat e inform at ion. Especially pay at t ent ion t o t he double arrow s at t he end of each leg for addit ional inform at ion regarding t hat part icular leg. When in doubt about any part of a published leg, check t he forum s or w rit e direct ly t o t he World Tour Depart m ent for clarificat ion. Do not assum e and fly a leg just t o have it reject ed by an advisor. Ask us before t his w ould happen, not aft er. Ut ilize as m any resources as you could t o m ake your ex perience enjoyable. We have creat ed Advanced Unicom World Tour Edit ion, having in m ind World

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

Tour pilot s. Use it , because it w ill save you t im e and possible disappoint m ent as a result of a reject ed PIREP. It could be dow nloaded from t he World Tour Syst em by clicking t he AUWTe t ab. Ever since t hey w ere st art ed, t he IFR and t he VFR World Tours have becom e t he backbone of all t he World Tours provided on IVAO. Here are som e int erest ing fact s regarding t hese t ours.

NEWSANDWORLDTOURDEPT.GOSSIP Now adays t he WT Depart m ent keeps very busy. Current ly w e are offering eleven ( 11) different w orld t ours ( t he m ost ever offered during a calendar year! ) . We?re st ill not done. From now unt il t he end of t he year, t here w ill be an addit ional t hree t ours w e are going t o release, one of t hem being unique and of epic proport ions for an epic occasion as w ell. As a World Tour pilot , I am sure you w ill not be disappoint ed. There w ill be m ore regarding t his during t he nex t few m ont hs, just follow t he forum s. St art ing w it h t he m ont h of August , w e are going t o frant ically w ork on t he new t ours com ing out in 2019. This w ill be t he year w hen t he VFR World Tours Series w e have been offering for t he past several years w ill com e t o conclusion w it h t he release of t he European VFR World Tour.

and a fellow ATC or pilot on UNICOM asks you regarding your int ent ions, do not be like t his guy ( w w w .pilot )

ATC: " Cessna G-ABCD What are your int ent ions?? Cessn a: " To get m y Com m ercial Pilot s License and Inst rum ent Rat ing." ATC: " I m eant in t he nex t five m inut es, not years." Rober t Nagy IVAO Wor ld Tou r Dir ect or

Also for t he nex t year w e are going t o offer t he Cargo World Tour once again? Now t hat t he not ion of having at least one Alt ernat e in your flight plan have finally been cem ent ed in your flight planning rout ine, w e are also w orking on t he abilit y of being able t o use t hat Alt ernat e under cert ain circum st ances t o land and cont inue t hereaft er t o your int ended dest inat ion. The idea of having fuel st ops w hile enrout e, w ill be int roduced on a m ore regular basis in som e of t he t ours. I?d like t o acknow ledge t he t rem endous help w e have been receiving from DevOps ( past and present m em bers) in t he past few years, prim arily m ent ioning Adam James, Jerome Eichler and Roberto Ceballos. We w ill cont inue t o need your support t o m ake t he depart m ent a w ell-oiled m achine. Ult im at ely, I w ould like t o t hank all t hose m em bers of our com m unit y t hat fly World Tours and t ake t heir t im e t o w rit e us quest ions, ideas and t hank you?s. Your feedback, even if som et im es not m ent ioned, is alw ays w elcom ed and open up for discussion w it hin our depart m ent . Just rem em bered t his one? . When flying World Tours

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

HOWDOESITLOOKLIKETOWORKFORIVAO WT? Looking back at t he t im e w hen I joined t he World Tour Depart m ent , I m ust have been crazy. None of t he t hings you see or t hink from out side of t he depart m ent , are t he sam e once you join. In t he beginning it feels m ore like an advent ure t rip, you t hink you know it all, but t hen t he unex pect ed and t he surprises are com ing one aft er anot her. Rookie life, you m ight say? You never realize how m uch responsibilit y you have t o show being part of t he depart m ent . You are ex pect ed t o login t w o t hree t im es a day t o validat e, respond t o m em bers em ails w henever t here's a quest ion w hy w as a leg reject ed, creat e and verify t ours, respond t o m em bers on t he World Tour Forum , m ake suggest ions regarding t he


t ours and of course aw ard t he m em bers w henever t hey finish a t our. God forbid you m ake a m ist ake, because now t he " house is on fire" and t he " rocking begins" Usually it doesn't m at t er if you w ere nice or court eous t o som eone by giving out w arnings ( basically forgiving m ist ake once or t w ice) , a reject ed leg is a reject ed leg and t he gam e is ON. I have m et t he older generat ion and t he new er generat ion of World Tour Advisors, all of t hem w it h great respect t ow ards t he m em bers, but keep in m ind t hey all w ork hard t o m ake you ?Dear M em ber? HAPPY. Rules have changed over t he years and it w as not easy t o please everyone, but believe m e w hen I say, it t ook a lot of t im es for t he Depart m ent t o t hink and review t he rules, vot e t hem int o place just t o m ake your life as a World Tour pilot easy, w hile also m ake you t o enjoy t he pleasure of flying w orld t ours. Our inst inct is never t o reject a leg at first , but rat her spend t im e w it h people t o ident ify and rect ify t he m ist akes t hey m ake during t heir flight s. I personally t ake t im e even w hen flying online, t o ident ify people t hat I believe have issues underst anding som e of t he rules and t hen t ry t o ex plain t hose rules t o t hem . Alt hough I am not a Nat ive English-speaking person, I t ry t o do m y best and som et im es even resort t o w hat I call t he ?Last Hope?, AKA, Google Translat or. It usually w orks out as int ended and once t he m em ber get s it , I am happy t o see t hem cont inue flying t he t our, w it h all t he adjust m ent s in place. While online, you are ?THE M odel?, never t o let dow n your guard, since you're t he first t o lead by ex am ple, respect ing all t hose rules you are reinforcing for ot hers. Believe m e


w hen I say, people w ill judge you by your on line conduct . No one really know s t his, but t he Depart m ent Direct or gives out t he assignm ent s for t he new t ours during t he m ont h of August of each year. M ost of t hese t ours have t o be prepared and be ready by January 1st of every year. Som et im es w e w ork in groups and som et im es individually on som e of t hese t ours, w e have m eet ings regarding t hese t ours, w e ask for advice from t he ones t hat know bet t er, w hen need be w e w ill help each ot her and jum p in fire, one for all and all for one. It is like a big fam ily here. In a nut shell t his is t he w ork and t hese are t he people t hat I w ork w it h on a daily basis. One t hing I can prom ise you t hat if you w ill ever have an opport unit y t o join our depart m ent and our t eam , you w ill get in t his aw esom e ride of your life. Why am I t elling you all of t his? Oh w ell, just in case you w ere w ondering w hen you get a leg validat ed or reject ed as a m at t er of fact , t hese are all t he t hings t hat w e do for you on a daily basis, just for you t o have an idea w hat is going on behind t he scenes w it h one goal in m ind, t o m ake your ex perience flying World Tours a happy one.

Rober t in o M ih ai IVAO Wor ld Tou r Assist an t Dir ect or

WORLDTOURDEPARTMENT TRIVIACONTINUED First ever IFR leg w as EGLL-EDDF ( 2002) First m em ber t o have a World Tour leg flow n and validat ed w as Det leff Kellm an from t he Germ an Division. His EGLL-EDDF flight t ook place on Oct ober 1, 2002. His validat or, Gust avo Hernandez from t he Spanish Division. VFR World Tours have been around since 2005? That is 13 years...and going. VFR World Tours airport s visit ed - 1033 VFR World Tour w it h m ost legs - 2006 ( 114) VFR World Tour w it h least legs - 2018 ( 50) Tot al num ber of published VFR World Tour legs since 2005: 1,664 Tot al num ber of World Tours PIREPS subm it t ed since 2002: 2,342,524 Tot al num ber of World Tours PIREPS accept ed since 2002: 2,299,554

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

FLY WITH IVAO OCEANIA The land is red, t he bush is rough. Flying here can be a challenge. Aust ralia alone covers 11% of t he w orlds airspace. Join in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia, and t hat num ber jum ps t o nearly 23% . That s a lot t o cover!

coast nort h of Brisbane. The event w as a great day w here cont rollers and our prem ier VA, RallyeAir, joined in t o kick off w hat is sure t o be a fant ast ic t radit ion of live flight and ATC sim ulat ion, provided t o t he ent husiast s and public at large. The Flight Ex perience Oz Flight

We are t he Oceanic Region of IVAO. We have som e new ex cit ing event s planned for t he second half of t his year. Whilst our ever popular Capit al Connect is back on and st rong, We have a Public Display Event , of a scale never before seen in t he region. Lat e last year, t he Oceanic Region t ook part in t he first ever, Flight Sim Ex po held at t he sunshine

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

Sim Ex po is t he only event of it s kind in Aust ralia bringing t he local Flight Sim ulat ion Com m unit y t oget her t o ex perience t he lat est and great est in Flight Sim ulat ion t echnology. From t he flight sim

beginner right t hrough t o t he m ost ex perienced and dedicat ed ent husiast s, t he Oz Flight Sim Ex po has som et hing for everyone. The m ain Hangar at HARS, Hist orical Aircraft Rest orat ion Societ y, w ill provide a perfect backdrop t o show case Flight Sim ulat ion product s. Wit h t he Qant as Boeing 747-400 and Lockheed Const ellat ion, bringing t he Oz Flight Sim Ex po t o HARS m akes it a recipe for ?Avgeek? heaven, w it h t he Ex po covering t he Flight Sim ulat ion Hobby, and HARS having t heir aircraft available for t ours, t his year t he Ex po has som et hing for every Aviat ion Ent husiast . This year, t he Organizers are planning t o host Aust ralia?s largest Flight Sim M eet . Flight Sim m ers from all over Aust ralia and t he Pacific/ Asia region are invit ed t o


part icipat e in flying t heir favourit e flight sim ulat ion using t heir ow n equipm ent . ?We are delight ed t o be bringing t he Oz Flight Sim Ex po for 2018 t o HARS? said Event Direct or Ross Farquharson. ?HARS is a w ell-est ablished organisat ion

boast ing



t he

great est

collect ion of hist orical aircraft , including t he record holding Qant as 747-400, and w e are ex cit ed t o bring t he Oz Flight Sim Ex po t o t his am azing venue? ?This year?s Oz Flight Sim Ex po prom ises t o be a fant ast ic event w it h am azing displays, product

dem onst rat ions and online flying w orkshops? said Deput y Event Direct or, and Oceanic Region Event Coordinat or Daniel Ham m ond. The Oz Flight Sim Ex po invit e local and int ernat ional com panies w it h an opport unit y to show case t he lat est and great est flight sim ulat ion product s. IVAO Oceanic Region, w ill also have generous


prizes on offer, M erchandise, Toys, and t he highly valued Flight Ex perience Vouchers, w ort h over $200 each, for t he B737NG CASA approved t raining sim ulat or in Sydney. Lucky m em bers on t he day w ill go int o t he draw aut om at ically t o w in!

We hope t o cont inue t o bring a high level of personable t raining, ATC, and pilot challenges for all of us w ho love t he IVAO net w ork. We hope t o see you all online in our skies, on our scopes, and at our PDE Ex po! Let s Fly!

M ich ael Wet h er eld IVAO Ocean ic Region Assist an t Dir ect or

Virt ual Sky Final Issue

Virt ual Sky Final Issue


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