Interfaith Gazette April 2020

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Meet The Dynamic Duo At CORINTH Baptist Church!...See Page 3 “WE

Rev. Dr. Joseph Echols LoweryPasses At 98..See Page 6


FREE Monthly


APRIL 2020


5th Annual Pastor’s Conference at St. John’s Deliverance Temple

Apostle Cleveland Smith, Host, Mobile, Al. and Pastor Gloria Harris

Bro. Terrance Perkins, Adjutant, Mobile, Al. and Pastor Johnny Ray McGowan, Glen Heights, Tx.

By Interfaith Gazette Staff

to allow leaders to experience any needed restoration, healing, strengthening, and enlightening out of the eyes of congregants. Because the offices of Apostles, Bishops, Pastors, and Prophets, are prone to burn-out due to the pressures of the responsibilities, this time of dedication and refreshing, serves to strengthen their commitment to

All roads led to Mobile, Ala. On March 11 – 13 to be a part of the 5th Annual Pastor’s Conference at the historical St. John’s Deliverance Temple, Inc. No doubt the Pastors and clergy who traveled from all parts north, south, east, and west, took an active part in this year’s conference

were from all indication, blessed beyond measure. Apostle, Dr. Cleveland Smith, the Host, established this conference after recognizing a need for pastors to come together in intimate sessions that would allow them to share in the word of God, as well as to receive an impartation from the Apostle. The goal of these sessions has been

their call. The conference was opened to other leaders who serve in ministry as well. This year’s conference focused on the Old and New Testament revelations regarding Jesus and the covenant He made with mankind, in spite of the sinful nature of man. In the Old Testament, sin was See CONFERENCE, on page 6

2 opinion

InterFaith Gazette TOLEDO, APRIL 2020


interfaith gazette we bring voices to print w w w. i n t e r fa i t h g a z e t t e .c o m STAFF PUBLISHER Bishop Marjorie Holt, Ph.D. Publishing Consultant I. Payne Sales William Peterson, Sales Manager STAFF REPORTERS Sheila Howard

Marjory The Motivator

Contributing Writers G. Chapman Rev. Floyd Rose Rev. Talmadge Thomas ASSOCIATE STAFF P. Anderson A. McCabe B. Brown Pastor Troy Thomas Danita Beamon Design Global Impact Media LLC DISCLAIMER The Interfaith Gazette reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or editorial at any time. We will not be responsible for checking accuracy of items submitted for publication or for more than one wrong insertion of advertising copy. NEWS PARTNERS Online News Association Christian NewsWire CONTACT US The Interfaith Gazette is a monthly, FREE publication. Deadlines for submissions, both advertisements and articles are due by Wednesday at 5 pm. For questions or to submit, please email Interfaith Gazette 5967 Telegraph Rd. Toledo, Ohio 43612 419.214.0730 WWW.INTERFAITHGAZETTE.COM

Inside this issue

Editorial..........................................2 National News................................3 Local News....................................4 Local News....................................5 Inspirational/Lifestykes..................6 Now and Then Events..................11 Church Spotlight..........................12

We Are All Human Let’s Act Like It! By Rev. Floyd Rose Senior Servant, Serenity Church I am the son of slaves for which I am not responsible. My skin is black, my nose is broad, my lips are thick, and my hair is kinky. Others have keen noses, blue eyes, straight hair, thin lips and white skin, for which they are not responsible. And just as I should not be blamed for the features with which I was born, others must not be praised for the features for the features for which they are responsible. In race and in religion, in creed and in color, we may be as separate as the fingers but in things of mutual need, we are one as the hand. We all need food to eat, water to drink, clothes to wear, rest and sleep for our bodies, and shelter to protect us from the cold of winter, and the heat of summer. We all need dreams for our futures. We all bleed red blood. Once we look beyond color, if we can, the only thing left is our character, as Dr. Martin Luther King expressed it. Yes, we were all born, and must all die. We were all born of a woman with a seed from a man, and one day will all die. We may not know when, where, or how, but we will all die, and return to the Creator who made us. The rich man, the poor man, the beggar and the thief, The doctor, the lawyer, and the Indian chief. The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, and even the undertaker. We all must die! I was asked by the family of one time financier, Billie Sol Estes, in March of 2013 to eulogize him. Billie Sol financed my education

from the time that I was eleven years old through two and a half years of college. He was laid to rest in an expensive casket. However, the 88 year old multi-millionaire took nothing with him. He came here with nothing and left with nothing. Whether rich or poor, we brought nothing into this world, and we will carry nothing out. I was at the school board meeting when Coach Alan Rodemaker’s contract was not renewed, and outcries of racism were heard from many in the audience. Let me be clear, the Board of Education, whatever it’s racial make-up, has the right not to renew any employee’s contract whatever it reason. Mr. Rodemaker was not fired. His contract was simply not renewed as a Coach. It is my understanding that he has the right to continue to teach, if he so desires. I was disappointed, but not really surprised as people came out of the woodwork to protest the decision of this predominantly black Board of Education when a white coach’s contract was not renewed, but there was no crowd around when the Board of Education fired several Black teachers and other school personnel, some without cause. Contrary to what is being said over the radio and on Facebook, I have never made a racist remark, and have always based all of my decisions on what I believed Jesus would say and do. He is the yardstick by which I measure all that I am and do. Finally, we are all human, not by choice, but by chance. And, God grant that we act like it!


InterFaith Gazette

Local news 3

Meet The Dynamic Duo At CORINTH Baptist Church!

The Presbytery, Laying on of hands on Pastor Elect Damon Horton By Interfaith Gazette Staff March fifteenth was a pivotal day in Central TOLEDO at the CORINTH Baptist Church. All eyes were on the new and latest installed Pastor at the church, Rev. Damon Horton, the spouse of the initial Pastor, Rev. MARQUISA HORTON, who was installed in 2018. After much prayer and confidence in what God was saying and how they were being led, it’s time to move forward with the installation says Pastor MARQUISA. It is apparent that the church has moved forward under the leadership of the Hortons and this God-centered couple made good on their commitment to each other and to the ministry that God placed in their hands. Family and friends gathered to witness the installation of Pastor Damon and celebrated with enthusiasm his appointment. The installation service was conducted by Elder Eric Price of Keys To The Kingdom Church,

where Pastor Rodney and Minister Sharon Everage serves as the Senior Pastor. Elder Price’s message focused on the title, “ It’s Not About You”. He invited the Leadership Team of CORINTH, to be a part of the official Installation which included giving the charge, foot washing, and collective prayer. When speaking with Pastor Damon, he stated that this elevation meant the world to him in an effort to further the ministry with his spouse. The church has been growing and continues to grow under their leadership. Prior to the installation, eight people actually connected with the church as members. It is no doubt that CORINTH is moving ahead with the blessings of those who participated in the service and are a part of the ministry. May God continue to bless Pastor Marquisa and Damon HORTON as they lead the people of God.

Left. to Right. Pastor Marquisa Horton & Pastor Elect Damon Horton

4 Local news continued

InterFaith Gazette TOLEDO, APRIL 2020

Pastor Elect Damon Horton’s Response to Installation and Pastor Marquisa Horton

Elder Eric Price, Officiant, Keys To The Kingdom Church

Pastor Elect Damon Horton partaking in Footwashing w/Leaders

Pastor Marquisa Horton conducting the Investiture upon Pastor Elect Damon Horton


InterFaith Gazette

Local NEWS 5

Connecting Kids To Meals Making A Real Connection During Corona!

Connecting Kids To Meals Staff & Volunteers serving Kids Lunches at Kent Library By Interfaith Gazette Staff During a necessary trip to pick up basic yet needed items for thriving, it was noticeable around town that many individuals and groups are providing “Good Samaritan” acts. One group that is present and accounted for is CONNECTING KIDS TO MEALS, with CEO and President, Wendy Huntley. Along the outside corridors of many locations, and specifically at the Kent Library location on this particular day, it was quite noticeable that staff and volunteers were energetically hoping to serve kids meals, who are out of schools during the CoronaVirus Outbreak. When speaking with the group, they were eager to ask if I knew of kids who needed to be eating? I told them that I would send kids their way and spread the word. They are at this location and others around the city, daily from 11 AM to 1 PM. Should you know or have children in the area or if you know of those who would like to make the trip to secure a healthy meal for kids, please peruse the city and this location to receive a “ don’t skip lunch” meal, which is written on the bag in which the meals are served, along with milk. Thanks to the staff and those who are diligently serving and meeting the needs of our children, neighbors, and families during this critical time. May God continue to bless you in all that you do! We, the staff at Interfaith Gazette Newspaper, salute you!

Staff waiting on the Kids to serve a meal

6 National news continued

InterFaith Gazette TOLEDO, APRIL 2020

Lady Deborah McGowan & Apostle Cleveland Smith

Pastor Johnny Ray & Lady Deborah McGowan, Glen Heights, Tx.

Conference from page 1 magnified to make sure that we understood what God considered to be wrong. In the New Testament, Jesus’s perfect example shows us that we can live a holy life in Him, and that forgiveness is readily given to those who are in need. It was noted that we cannot do anything right without Christ in our lives, and that all unrighteousness is sin, no matter who is the person. Finally, Apostle made clear to the leaders that we must let the people know how much Jesus loves them, and that we ought not “throw anyone away”, because Jesus knows already who will be saved. On Wednesday, March 11, 2020, Apostle Smith opened up the session on the topic, The purpose of Jesus: God in the flesh, taken from Matthew 5:17, which reads “Jesus came to fulfil the Law. He had no sin and could show us all ‘perfection’ through himself. Further discussion for the day was taken from the following scriptures: Romans 7: 1-25 and Col. 2: 1-23. On Thursday, March 12, 2020, Apostle spoke about The Present condition Of The World with the scriptures for the day taken from II Timothy 3:1-5, Romans 3: 8-19, and Jer. 7: 1-16. Much of the focus and discussion referred to The last days and how it is that Jesus could make his return at any time. In the Old Covenant, revelation is how God handled different things with the people of God, and His characteristics in dealing with his chosen people. We see God’s attitude toward his chosen people. And in the New Testament, the religious folks were slanderous and disobedient. The Jews were no better than the Gentiles. None of us can do right on our own, because we were born sinners, the seed of Adam. “The ‘last days’ and the ‘former days’ all have the same characteristics.” Friday, March 13, 2020, was the end of the conference, and what an end it was. Apostle Smith began this session with Hebrews 11:1-3, 32-34. The discussion dealt with the character of those mentioned in the ‘Hall of Faith’. He emphasized that God changes our character even though our reputation is what others make of us and attempt to keep it that way.

He spoke about one of them being Gideon and how his life was described as fearful and insignificant among his family. However, God called him to be a mighty man of valor. The devil is always railing accusations against us to convince God to condemn us, but Jesus is our propitiation. Romans 8:33 lets us know that no one can tell God anything about us that he doesn’t already know. Apostle Smith began speaking about us being increased and strengthened in the knowledge of God (receiving revelation), that He is the first in all things, that He has preeminence, and that in Jesus there is the fullness. The floor was opened for comments and questions, at which time the participants shared their salvation walk and how it was necessary to shield others from them when they accepted Jesus Christ into their lives, because they believed that they would be judged harshly by them. Material that contained scriptural information regarding the spiritual gifts of the Holy Ghost, their operations, and the need for them in the Church, were shared by Apostle Smith. He ended the session with prayer for those in attendance, asking God to enrich, refresh, and empower each to be effective in their roles. The Spirit of the Lord rested in the conference and upon Apostle Smith with revelation. Indeed, there was a sweet, sweet, spirit in the place, and all were blessed in fellowship with God and one another. The aroma of the Holy Ghost continued to resonate in the building during the Sunday service. God had his way and the Temple choir sang melodiously as the room was filled with the presence of God. This conference will take place again on March 10 – 12, 2021, and all are welcome to meet Apostle Smith and St. John’s Deliverance Temple, Inc. at 2621 Ralston Rd. in Mobile, Al. This article was written in part by Pastor Kylynn M. McMillian, Ministerial Staff at St. John’s Deliverance Temple, Inc., Mobile. Alabama.

Pastor Veronica Cogdell, Cool Springs, S. C., Pastor Kylynn McMillian, Mobile, AL.

Apostle Cleveland Smith, Host & Pastor Orlando Weeks, Jemison, AL.



InterFaith Gazette

This 11-Year Old Has Helped 20,000 Homeless People By Giving Them “Blessing Bags”

Jahkil Jackson CHICAGO, IL — Jahkil Jackson, an 11-year old boy from Chicago, has already helped over 20,000 homeless people in his city by giving away ‘Blessing Bags’ through his organization Project I Am. At the young age of 8, he started helping people through small ways and he is up for bigger goals as he grows older. “Seeing people on the street made me really sad because I thought everybody had homes,” Jackson told Today. Jackson was 5-years old when he first saw a homeless person. Since then, he asked his mother if they could buy houses for all homeless people. While it seemed to be a far-fetched idea for a young child, he made efforts to help them through the

“Seeing people on the street made me really sad because I thought everybody had homes,” Jackson told Today.

organization called Project I Am that he established when he was 8-years old. Through the organization, he gave toiletries, food, and water stuffed in what he called ‘Blessing Bags’ to homeless people in Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Virginia, and Idaho. His efforts are not limited nationally. He has also helped people internationally, including those orphans in Mbabane, Swaziland, volcano victims in Guatemala, and hurricane survivors in Florida, Houston, and Puerto Rico. “When I’m giving the bags to people it makes me feel like I’m getting one step closer to demolishing the whole homeless thing… and it makes me happy to see the smiles on their faces,” Jackson said. Jackson, who was named a Youth Ambassador for one of the world’s leading anti-poverty organizations Heartland

Alliance International in 2016, has also been acknowledged by former President Barack Obama as one of the three most influential people of 2017. “To know that someone like him knows my name, and supports what I do encourages me to keep moving forward every day,” he said in an interview with Forbes. Basketball superstar LeBron James has also recognized him and helped promote Project I Am. Jackson, who loves basketball as a fan and a player, dreams of having his own NBA team one day. Moreover, Jackson continues to help more less-fortunate people in any way he possibly can. “There’s way more homeless people in the world that I could help, that I need to help.”


InterFaith Gazette TOLEDO, APRIL 2020

Rev. Dr. Joseph Echols LoweryPasses At 98 ‘Dean of Civil Rights Movement,’ Co-founder of Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Joseph Echols Lowery was an American minister in the United Methodist Church and leader in the civil rights movement. He founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Martin Luther King Jr. and others, serving as its vice president, later chairman of the board, and from 1977 to 1997 its president. (Wikimedia Commons)

President Barack Obama meets with civil rights movement leader Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery and his family in the Oval Office, Jan. 18, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza / Wikimedia Commons) By Lauren Victoria Burke, NNPA Newswire Contributor Rev. Joseph Lowery was a civil rights giant. He was a Methodist preacher, a leader of the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott, an organizer of the 1963 March on Washington and a close confidant of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. A fighter for human rights, voting rights and the rights of African Americans in a nation with 300 years of systematic racism against Blacks in its rearview mirror, Rev. Lowery was often referred to as the “dean” of the American civil rights movement. “Black people need to understand that the right to vote was not a gift of our political system but came as a result of blood, sweat and tears,” Rev. Lowery said in 1985. Joseph Lowery was born in Huntsville, Alabama, in 1921 and his father owned a grocery store. After an incident in the store with a racist police officer, he decided to dedicate his life to civil rights work. After graduating from college, Lowery became an ordained

A fighter for human rights, voting rights and the rights of African Americans in a nation with 300 years of systematic racism against Blacks in its rear-view mirror, Rev. Lowery was often referred to as the “dean” of the American civil rights movement.

Methodist minister who served congregations in Alabama and Georgia. He later became a peace activist, joining the fight against segregation and organizing marches in Selma and Birmingham, Alabama. He served nearly half a century as a pastor, spending much of that time with Central United Methodist and Cascade United Methodist in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1957, along with Dr. King, Lowery founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and led the organization from 1977 to 1997. Rev. Lowery’s life of leadership was unmatched by any living American other than perhaps Congressman John Lewis. “A good man passes here. He will be missed. He contributed. He changed things. He’s been Promoted. Gone on, to a better place,” wrote businessman John Hope Bryant on social media after news of Lowery’s death. “Rest in Power to Rev. Joseph Lowery. Saw him speak against the death penalty years ago. He said that the criminal justice system was still as racist as it was a century ago and for people in prison, we might as well still travel by horse instead of by car. Never forgot that,” wrote journalist Dave Zirin. “Dr. Joseph Lowery, the dean of the civil rights movement has passed. He was a mentor, pastor, and friend to me. The world

is a better place because of him and I’m a better person because of his investment in me. May he Rest In Peace as he joins his wife & Dr. King on the other side,” wrote Rev. Al Sharpton. Rev. Lowery delivered benediction at Obama’s inauguration. On July 30, 2009, President Obama awarded him the Medal of Freedom. Much like Congressman Lewis, there are not many awards and honors Lowery hasn’t received. Lowery was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. His second wife Evelyn died in 2013. He is survived by five children “Tonight, the great Reverend Joseph E. Lowery transitioned from earth to eternity. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. He was a champion for civil rights, a challenger of injustice, a dear friend to the King family. Thank you, sir,” read a tweet from the King Center on the night of March 27. Lauren Victoria Burke is an independent journalist for NNPA and the host of the podcast BURKEFILE. She is also a political strategist as Principal of Win Digital Media LLC. She may be contacted at LBurke007@ and on twitter at @LVBurke


Health 9

InterFaith Gazette

Having a Healthy Immune System has Never been so Important

Eat a healthy diet

Get plenty of sleep

Workout regularly

By Sheila Howard

1) Eat a healthy diet with an abundance of fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are rich with vitamins and nutrients that help to fight sickness. Citrus fruit in particular is packed with Vitamin C which is vital in strengthening the immune system and protecting the body against the common cold and influenza. For adults, the recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 70-90 mg daily. Orange juice benefits your immune system by boosting your intake of Vitamin C. One cup of orange juice contains 124 mg of Vitamin C which exceeds the daily recommendation making it an easy and healthy option. Adding garlic to your diet will also go a long way in boosting your immune system. It has been shown to ward off the common cold, kill cancer cells, works as an antiinflammatory and additionally, improves heart health.

2) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep serves as a reboot to your system. When the body is tired and suffering from lack of sleep, it releases stress hormones which can suppress your immune system. A 2015 study from the Associated Professional Sleep Societies revealed that those who got less that four hours of sleep prior to viral exposure, were more susceptible to catching a cold than those who got at least seven hours of sleep.

In today's environment, fighting viruses is of urgency. Some practical, common sense precautions like consistent and thorough hand washing and avoiding contact with those that are sick is key. In addition to those actions, having a healthy and strong immune system is crucial. Your immune system fights off infection and disease. It protects the body from outside invasion by locating and destroying potentially harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites or unhealthy cells. While there are many supplements that boasts of their ability to boost the immune system, nothing is more effective as a natural approach. Here are four smart steps to implement into your regimen that can play a great part in acquiring a healthy immune system.

3) Workout regularly. Making physical exercise a part of your daily regimen is beneficial to your immune system because it causes your body's antibodies and white blood cells to circulate faster. This means they may be able to detect bugs more quickly. Physical activity may help flush harmful bacteria out of the lungs and airways. Additionally, exercise reduces stress hormones which, consequently, reduces your chances of getting sick.

Lower your stress levels 4) Lower your stress levels. While this may seem easier said than done, making a serious effort to reduce stress can be a game-changer for your immune system and your overall health. Chronic stress or anxiety causes your body to produce stress hormones that suppresses your immune system. This leaves you much more open for catching a cold or for contracting other illnesses. Even though it is impossible to completely rid our lives of all stress, it is important to pay attention and make note of the things that bring on stress and anxiety and work to manage, decrease or if possible, eliminate the ones that we can. Prayer, meditation, rest and exercise are amazing stress relievers. Incorporating these habits into your lifestyle can have a profound effect on your stress level and thereby bettering your immune system. Sources:Associated Professional Sleep Societies, AARP


InterFaith Gazette TOLEDO, APRIL 2020



reshen up family dinners by adding new ingredients like pecans, with natural richness and subtle sweetness coupled with irresistible crunch. Kitchen staples are being used to add twists to traditional dishes, so finding an item you can use to mix up classic family recipes is key. Pecans pack flavor, texture and nutrition all in one bite, and they have a long shelf life. Shelled pecans can be kept in airtight containers in the refrigerator for about nine months and for up to two years in sealed plastic bags in the freezer. While pecans are beloved in classic desserts, like pecan pie, they also offer a variety of nutrition benefits that can be added to nearly any meal. They are among the highest in “good� monounsaturated fats, contain 3 grams of plant protein per serving and are a source of fiber, flavonoids and minerals like manganese, which is essential for metabolism and bone health. Nearly two decades of research document the heart-health benefits of pecans. In fact, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1 1/2 ounces per day of most nuts, such as pecans, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of pecans (28 grams) has 18 grams of unsaturated fat and only 2 grams of saturated fat. Add crunch to this Chinese Chicken Salad with Pecans by swapping out croutons, use chopped pecans as a flavorful and nutrient-dense coating for Pecan Chicken Meatballs and bake this Pecan Banana Bread as a nutritious and kidfriendly breakfast or snack to fill your home with a delicious scent. Discover more nutritious recipes at

Pecan Chicken Meatballs

Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Yield: 9 meatballs 1 pound ground chicken 1/4 cup spinach, chopped 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 egg 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1/4 teaspoon onion powder 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional) 1 cup finely chopped fresh pecan pieces, divided Heat oven to 400 F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. In large bowl, mix ground chicken, spinach, lemon juice, egg, garlic, onion powder, paprika, salt, pepper, cayenne (if desired) and 1/2 cup pecans until well combined. Roll chicken mixture into 1 tablespoonsized meatballs. Place reserved pecans in bowl. Roll meatballs in pecans to coat then place on prepared baking sheet. Bake 20-30 minutes until meatballs are cooked through. Serve warm with sauces for dipping or over pasta.

Pecan Chicken Meatballs



InterFaith Gazette

Chinese Chicken Salad with Pecans

Chinese Chicken Salad with Pecans

Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 4 Dressing: 1/4 cup pecan butter 1 tablespoon rice vinegar 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil 1 1/2 teaspoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons warm water, plus additional as needed (optional) Salad: 4 ounces dried thin rice noodles cold water 4 cups chopped romaine lettuce 4 cups chopped iceberg lettuce 1/4 cup toasted and chopped pecans 2 scallions, finely chopped 1 cup bean sprouts 1/2 cup crispy wontons 1 cup mandarin oranges 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 2 cups rotisserie chicken breast, chopped To make dressing: In medium bowl, whisk pecan butter, rice vinegar, honey, sesame oil and soy sauce until smooth. Add 2 tablespoons warm water and whisk until incorporated. Add additional water,

Pecan Banana Bread

1 teaspoon at a time, if desired, until dressing reaches pourable consistency. To make salad: Cook rice noodles according to package instructions. Once cooked, drain and transfer to bowl with cold water to keep from sticking. In large bowl, toss romaine and iceberg lettuces, pecans, scallions, bean sprouts, crispy wontons, mandarin oranges and sesame seeds. Divide salad among four plates; top each with 1/2 cup chicken and serve with dressing.

Pecan Banana Bread Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 60 minutes Servings: 8 10 ounces gluten-free baking flour mix 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 2 flax eggs

1 cup organic brown or coconut sugar 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/2 vanilla bean 1/2 cup vegan yogurt 3/4 cup mashed bananas, ripe 1 cup raw pecan pieces, chopped, plus additional for topping Heat oven to 350 F. Prepare 9-by-5-inch banana bread pan. In medium bowl, sift flour mix, baking powder, baking soda and sea salt; whisk to combine. In mixer bowl, mix eggs, sugar and coconut oil 2 minutes on medium-low speed. Scrape vanilla bean and add to mixture. Add vegan yogurt and mashed bananas; mix 2 minutes on medium-low speed. Remove bowl from mixer and fold 1 cup raw pecan pieces into batter until evenly distributed. Add batter to banana bread pan and use spatula to smooth down top. Sprinkle additional pecan pieces on top. Bake banana bread on top rack 60 minutes until toothpick comes out with few crumbs but not completely clean. Remove from oven and allow to cool 10 minutes in pan. Hold sides of pan and flip onto wire rack. Allow bread to cool completely. Slice as desired.


InterFaith Gazette TOLEDO, APRIL 2020

apirl APRIL IS WHAT "NATIONAL MONTH?" Many countries adopt causes or special interest groups to highlight and promote during a given calendar month. The U.S. is particularly prolific at creating "national month" events to promote businesses, nonprofits, and other interests. Although there are a good many national month observances in the spring, April is one of the few months that doesn't have a long list of funny observations. Compare April events to those in July, which actually honors Lasagna Awareness Month, and you'll see there are plenty of significant causes to choose from. The following events, industries, and causes are observed all month long in April unless otherwise indicated. Even cannabis (fast becoming legalized), Florida tomatoes, celery, and soft pretzels are honored, April 1 through April 30—every year.

• Alcohol Awareness Month • Black Women's History Month • Celebrate Diversity Month • Confederate History Month • Distracted Driving Awareness Month • Financial Literacy Month • Foot Health Awareness Month • Fresh Florida Tomato Month • Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month • Keep America Beautiful Month • Lawn and Garden Month • Mathematics Awareness Month • Month of the Military Child • National Arab American Heritage Month • National Autism Awareness Month • National Canine Fitness Month • National Cancer Control Month

April is "National Month" Calendar

• National Cannabis Awareness Month • National Car Care Month • National Child Abuse Awareness Month • National Couple Appreciation Month

•A frican American Women's Fitness Month

• National Deaf History Month (March 13 to April 15) • National Decorating Month • National Donate Life Awareness Month • National Fair Housing Month •National Fresh Celery Month • National Garden Month • National Humor Month • National Internship Awareness Month • National Jazz Appreciation Month • National Minority Health Month • National Month of Hope • National Multiple Birth Awareness Month • National Occupational Therapy Month • National Parkinson's Awareness Month • National Pecan Month • National Poetry Month • National Safe Digging Month • National Soft Pretzel Month • National Soy Foods Month • National Straw Hat Month • National Volunteer Month • National Welding Month

• Occupational Therapy Month • Pets are Wonderful Month • Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month • Records and Information Management Month • School Library Month • Scottish American Heritage Month • Second Chance Month • Sexual Assault Awareness Month • Sexually Transmitted Infections Awareness Month • Stress Awareness Month • World Landscape Architecture Month



InterFaith Gazette

The Clark Sisters Drop New Album “The Return”

Karew Entertainment in conjunction with Motown Records will be releasing the newest album from the Grammy Awardwinning group, The Clark Sisters’, entitled, The Return, on all digital platforms Friday, March 13, 2020. This is the seventeenth complete album of the legendary group with producer credits to include Rodney Jerkins, Warryn Campbell, Jermaine Dupri, Mano Haines, and more! The album’s leading single, “Victory” (produced by Karew Records president, J. Drew Sheard II), is currently in gospel radio’s top 10 list and was nominated for a 2020 NAACP Image Award for “Outstanding Gospel/Christian Song”. Also included on the album is a special feature from hip-hop icon, Snoop Dogg on the song, “His Love”. This album is a reinvention of the classic 80s sound of The Clark Sisters combined with a modern flair that both old fans alike will both enjoy. Here’s the first look at the album’s full track list: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Been So Good Give It to Him God Loves You His Love feat. Snoop Dogg

The Clark Sisters – The Return Along with the release of their new music, The Clark Sisters have several other projects that are also garnering mainstream attention. The 35th Annual Stellar Awards will be honoring the sisters with the James Cleveland Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Stellar Award ceremony on Friday, March 27. Also, because of their vast lineage in music, Lifetime will be releasing a biopic of their life entitled “The Clark Sisters: The First Ladies of Gospel” on Saturday April 11, 2020 at 8p EST/7p CST. Executive producers of the biopic include Queen Latifah, Missy Elliott, and Mary J. Blige.

5. He Can 6. Victory 7. More 8. You Shall Receive 9. Nobody Like Him 10. Masterpiece 11. Broken to Minister 12. Power 13. Good Favor Digital Release Date: 3/13/20 Physical Release Date: 4/10/20


Sunday School Morning Worship Bible Study Wednesday

10:00 AM 11 :00 AM 7:00 PM









InterFaith Gazette TOLEDO, APRIL 2020


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Saturday, April 25, 2020 Bethesda Christian Center, 5967 Telegraph Rd. 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Cost: 25.00 Per Person (Group Rates Available) Call: 419.214.0730 To Register "Serve In Excellence"

SERENITY CHURCH FOOD PANTRY Serenity church will be giving away a variety of meats, fruits, canned goods and other food items monthly. (Food items may differ each month) Location: 1101 Woodstock Toledo, Oh. Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM The time and date may differ each month Please call for Date and Time: 419.536.9959 • Food is served on a first come basis and is served until it runs out! Provided By:


InterFaith Gazette TOLEDO, APRIL 2020

Woman Who Called Michelle Obama an Ape is Going to Prison for FEMA Fraud

Former first lady Michelle Obama on Facebook

Pamela Taylor

Charleston, VA — Pamela Taylor, the 57-year old white woman who made a racist comment about former first lady Michelle Obama on Facebook two years ago, is now going to prison for embezzling more than $18,000 in FEMA disaster benefits. Taylor, the former Clay County development director, has recently been sentenced to 10 months in federal prison and to pay $10,000 fine. After serving her sentence in jail, she also has to undergo

home confinement for the first 2 months and supervised release for 3 years. In 2016, Taylor also made national headlines after comparing then-first lady Michelle Obama to an ape. In a Facebook post after Trump’s election, she said, “It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels.” She was then suspended from her position as Clay County development director but returned to work about a month after.

In the FEMA embezzlement case, Taylor reportedly claimed her primary residence was damaged by the flooding in West Virginia that damaged other homes and buildings and killed at least 23 people in June 2016. She also said that she stayed in a rental unit after that. However, it turned out that her home was not damaged and that she was still living there, not in any rental unit as she has initially claimed to receive more than $18,000 in FEMA disaster benefits.

“The flood was a natural disaster. Stealing from FEMA is a man-made disaster,” U.S. Attorney Mike Stuart said in a news release. “The floods of June 2016 were historic and devastating to thousands of West Virginians. Lives were lost. Too many of our brothers and sisters lost everything. FEMA dollars are critical but limited. Stealing critical FEMA dollars is a crime — literally and figuratively. Taylor’s fraud scheme diverted disaster benefits from our most desperate and vulnerable, those most in need of help.”

Post Traumatic Spiritual Disorder By Marjorie L. Holt. Ph.D



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SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Rise and Shine Academy would like to announce that it will now begin extending invitations to bid with the intent of procuring a vended meal agreement with a licensed food service vendor. The biding process will open March 2, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. and close April 2, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. If you are interested in participating in the bidding process applications are available online at www. or applications can be emailed upon request. Please send any requests or questions to Additionally, if you have any questions please contact our main office at 419-2449900 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. or via email at

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LOSE 5LBS in 5 Days Call Artina mccabe at 567-225-4902 HORTICULTURE INTERN Metroparks Toledo has an opening for a Horticultural Intern to provide operations support and promote horticultural interest at Toledo Botanical Garden. Enrollment in or recent graduate from a college degree program in one of the following areas: Horticulture, Landscape, Floriculture, Botany or related field. Some experience with hands-on horticulture and leading group activities. Curatorial experience preferred. Internship begins in April and will extend up to 12 weeks. $10.00/hr. Workweek may include weekends, holidays, and evenings. Go to to view the job description, position requirements and apply online. EOE


Bethesda Christian Center Is On The Move! Are you interested in furthering the call that God has on your life? We want to help you! LOOKING FOR 2 YOUTH PASTORS .......Male and Female Send your RESUME to 5967 Telegraph Rd., Toledo, Oh. 43612 or email it to You may also call 419.214.0730 and leave a message. God bless you as you answer the call!

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Metroparks Toledo Area is looking for qualified individuals for Park Maintenance at Providence Metropark. High school diploma or equivalent and valid driver’s license required. Moderate level of specialty maintenance experience required. Perform a broad spectrum of maintenance duties, including building equipment, maintenance, grounds maintenance, landscaping and construction. 40 hour work week. $17.69/hr. Go to for complete job requirements and to apply by March 5 th . EOE

Metroparks Toledo has openings for seasonal Natural Resources Conservation Assistants. Must be 18 or older with high school diploma or equivalent and valid driver’s license. $11.00/hr. Some training or coursework in environmental sciences or natural resources management preferred. Some outdoor work experience with natural systems, forestry or horticulture preferred. Go to www. to view detailed position description and job requirements. Must apply online. EOE

LEAD NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION ASSISTANT Metroparks Toledo has openings for Lead Natural Resources Conservation Assistant. Must be 18 or older with high school diploma or equivalent and valid driver’s license. $12.25/hr. Up to 40 hours per week. Some training or coursework in environmental sciences or natural resources management required. Some outdoor work experience with natural systems, forestry or horticulture required. Go to to view detailed position descriptions and job requirements. Must apply online. EOE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Metroparks Toledo has a great opportunity for you to join our team! We currently have openings for seasonal maintenance staff. If you are going to work, why not do it in the beautiful outdoors. Must be 18 or older with high school diploma or equivalent and valid driver’s license. Graduating high school seniors may apply if 18 years of age or older. $9.40/hr. Duties include cleaning and facility and grounds maintenance. Employment varies through December based on need. Must enjoy working outdoors and be able to learn to use power tools and equipment. Go to to view the job description, position requirements and apply online. EOE



Metroparks Toledo is looking for an outgoing individual to provide excellent customer service for park visitors and program participants through positive and engaging experiences. The Manor House Programs and Events Assistant position is located at Wildwood Preserve Metroparks. Must be at least 18 years of age and have a valid driver’s license. Must have completed some college course work in history, education, communication, or related program or equivalent work experience. Some experience in customer service, and public speaking. Experience leading public programs preferred. Seasonal position through December. May include some weekends, holidays, and evenings. Up to 35 hours per week. $9.47/hr. Go to to review complete job description and to apply. EOE



Metroparks Toledo is looking for a qualified individual for Park Maintenance at Providence Metropark. High school diploma or equivalent and valid driver’s license required. Moderate level of specialty maintenance experience required. Perform a broad spectrum of maintenance duties, including building equipment, maintenance, grounds maintenance, landscaping and construction. 40 hour work week. $18.09/hr. Go to for complete job requirements and to apply. EOE

22 church spotlight - your ministry matterS Second Baptist Church 9300 Maumee Western Rd. Monclova, OH 43542 Email: Phone: 419.867.0903 Pastor: Rev. J. L. Boose, D. Div. Kingdom Community Christian Ministries 2160 Eastbrook Dr. | Toledo, OH 43613 Bible Study: Saturday.....10:00 A M Sunday: 12 Noon Phone: 419.277.5700 Email: Pastor: Lorene Pettaway, B.S., M. Div. Searchlite Community Baptist Church 200 E. Broadway @ Gibbs Sts. Maumee, OH 43537 Office Phone: 419.297.6016 Pastor: Rev. Lee Williams Website: Trinity Faith Tabernacle Deliverance Church 1302 N. Huron St. | Toledo, OH 43604 Phone: 419.246.4585 Pastor: Elder Patricia Smith First Church of God 3016 Collingwood Blvd., Toledo, Oh. 43610 Phone: 419.255.0097 Fax: 419.255.0099 Pastor: Bishop Robert A. Culp website: Harvest Time Holiness 2621 Monroe St., Toledo, Oh. 43620 Phone: 419.244.6239 Email: Pastor: Elder Donald Brooks, Jr. Corinth Church 2283 Putnam St. Toledo, Oh. 43620 Phone Number:419.214.0529 Email Sunday Morning Worship: 11:45 AM Pastor: Elder Marquisa Horton The Armory Church Services at The Radison Hotel, Toledo, Oh. 3100 Glendale Ave, Toledo, OH 43614

InterFaith Gazette TOLEDO, APRIL 2020

Liberty Ministries 3225 Markway Dr. Toledo, Oh. 43606 and BeforeAnd Phone: 419.467.7252 Pastors: William & Lady Elaine Lucas

Warren AME Church 915 Collingwood Blvd. Toledo, Oh. 43604 Phone: 419.243.2237 Fax: 419.243.2501 Email: Pastor: Dr. Otis Gordon

Resurrection Baptist Church 1402 Indiana Ave, Toledo, OH 43607 Phone: (419) 340-7222 Email Address: Pastor: Rev. Randall Carter

Mt. Carmel Missionary Baptist Church 2269 Upton Ave. Toledo, Oh. 43606 Phone: 419.472.3369 Pastor: Eld. Earnest Morton, Sr.

St. Mark’s Baptist Church 2340 N. Holland Sylvania Rd. Toledo, OH 43615 Phone: 419.535.1105 Website: Pastor: Rev. Curly Johnson New Life C.O.G.I.C. M. L. K. Jr. Academy for Boys 1300 Forest Ave. Toledo, Oh. 43607 Pastor: Bishop Edward T. Cook Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church 1203 Girard St. Toledo, Oh. 43605 419.693.6698 Email: Bible Study: Wednesday@12:00 Noon & 6:00 PM Pastor: Rev. Venson Simpson

End Time Christian Fellowship 2902 Auburn Ave. Toledo, Ohio 43606 Phone: 419.472.5993 Pastors:Bishop James & Pastor Coretha Williams Word of Faith Ministries 2916 Stickney Ave. Toledo, OH 43608 Pastors : Bishop Kevin and Terry Sutton Friendship Baptist Church 5301 Nebraska Avenue -Toledo, Ohio 43615 Phone: 419-531-3242 Fax: 419-531-5795 Worship Service - Sunday at 9:45 am Christian Education - Sunday at 8:30 am Weekday Bible Study: Wednesday - 6:00 am - 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm Website : Pastor: Bishop Duane C. Tisdale



Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. — Hebrews 10:25

ONLINE CHURCH DIRECTORY GET DETAILS. CALL 419.214.0730 WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES WHEN VISITING IN AND NEAR THESE CITIES Word of Life C.O.G.I.C 2675 E. Trinity Mills Rd. Bldg 300 Carrollton, TX 75006 214.514.9147 Pastor Prophet Gregory Voss Living Word Community Church 1900 E. Grand Blvd. | Detroit, MI 48211 Phone: 419.944.5439 Email: Pastor: Elder David & Vivian King

Promised Land Christian Fellowship 5617 Wesconett Blvd. | Jacksonville, Fl. 32244 Office: 904.551.1752 Email: Website: Pastor: Elder Phillip and Daphne Brown St. Paul Tabernacle of Divine Prophecy 530 Clinton Ave. Newark, New Jersey 07108 Pastor: Bishop Eddie Cannon Office: 973.643.8700 Email:

ORGANIZATIONS N.A.A.C.P. Collingwood & Dorr Sts. (In the African American Legacy Project building) Mailing Address: P. O. Box 9388 Toledo, Oh. 43697 Phone: 419.214.1551 Follow them on FB at Toledo NAACP President: Ray Wood

Martin Luther King, Jr. Kitchen For The Poor 650 Vance St. | Toledo, Oh. 43607 Harvey Savage Jr., Executive Director Phone: 419.241.2596 U.M.A.D.A.O.P. of Lucas County “Creating Extraordinary Lives” 2447 Nebraska Ave. | Toledo, Oh. 43607 John Edwards Sr., Executive Director Phone: 419.255.4444

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Mark 9:23 | KJV

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