IWA Advancing the Mission - Fall 2018

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Advancing the


FALL 2018


Though short in stature, Wally and Bernice Bertmann Whitworth, as parents of a large family, stood “ten feet tall.” Strong in their faith, devoted to their children and dedicated to Catholic education, they taught their sons and daughters the values of respect, responsibility, self-discipline and compassion. They gladly made the sacrifices needed to send their children to Catholic schools.

Wally and his five brothers graduated from Corpus Christi College Academy (CCCA); his sister, Anna Marie Whitworth Johnson, graduated from Incarnate Word Academy—and Bernice, who lived in Kingsville, attended Incarnate Word Academy in the 7th grade as a boarder together with her sister, Laura. Regrettably, Bernice was unable to continue at IWA and repeatedly talked about her desire to continue her education at the Academy. Wally and Bernice sent nine of their ten children to Catholic schools from first grade through high school. Jack, the youngest, attended Ray High School since CCCA had closed and IWA was not yet co-ed. All ten graduated from college, several with Master’s

Degrees, putting themselves through college with part-time and summer jobs. Wally and Bernice modeled for their family the ways to live and enjoy life to the fullest. A fun highlight of the week was the family attending the CollegeAcademy Cavaliers’ Friday night football games. After their parents died, Wally in 1989 and Bernice in 2011, the children have continued to strengthen their close family bond. A sad moment the family experienced was the loss of their brother, Dan, who was killed in 2003, at age 50, in a tree-cutting accident, at their parents’ home. A thoughtful caring person, Dan’s quick infectious wit and wonderful sense of humor are still felt and remembered at all family gatherings, and visible to this day in his wife and children. While the siblings tease, joke, and give one another a hard time, they value most their love for one another. To express their appreciation and to honor their parents for their contribution to Christian living and Catholic values, members of the family established the Wally and Bernice Whitworth Scholarship in 2017. Through this scholarship Wally and Bernice will be remembered into the future by the student recipients and by the school community for the good they accomplished in their lifetime. Continued on Page 2

Whitworth, Continued from Page 1

Tom Whitworth, CCCA ‘64 “The values of compassion and discipline have been enhanced by the sacrifices of my parents in providing a Catholic school education. While discipline was not my strong suit, the foundation laid early in the Catholic school system and the lessons provided by my parents enabled me to achieve my goals and accomplish the tasks at hand.” Wally and Bernice

The sons and daughters of Bernice and Wally have attested to the life-giving effects their parents had on them in the following statements: Betty Whitworth Menard, IWA ‘57 “Good parents and Catholic education gave me the courage and confidence to make right choices throughout my life. It has kept me well grounded in my faith, gave me good solid basic education, and instilled discipline and good judgment in life’s many choices.”” Wally Whitworth, Jr., CCA ‘58 “Both school and family taught respect, morals, and discipline, and the large family gave us many opportunities for ‘conflict resolution’. I am still amazed at our parents’ financial skills.” Jack Whitworth “My education at Catholic schools was valuable because it taught me self-discipline. I was deeply moved by the fact that Daddy was awarded a medal as a student at CCCA for Application. I was also impressed by the discipline that Mother and Daddy evidenced by praying the rosary daily.” Bob Whitworth, CCA ‘60 “I think what we learned at home and at school has a unique way of becoming part of us the rest of our lives. We were very fortunate and blessed in all being taught Catholic values as a family. I am grateful that 10 of our 12 grandchildren are enrolled in parochial schools and I hope that they all reap the great benefits of a Catholic education.” Bob’s son, Rob, has served as Principal at several Catholic schools and is currently Assistant Superintendent of Catholic schools for the Diocese of Austin. Bill Whitworth, CCA ‘63 “The education I received in Catholic schools taught me compassion, healthy competition, understanding, and especially discipline. These traits have allowed me to successfully complete most of the tasks that have come my way.”

Jerry Whitworth, CCCA ‘68 “Our parents and their sacrifices to give us twelve years of Catholic education have provided us with a template to Heaven. We can only hope these values are carried forward in future generations.” Joe Whitworth, CCCA ‘68 “I believe the education received in Catholic schools helped us become well rounded citizens. We learned to appreciate the spiritual, social, and intellectual skills needed to be successful in life. Money was always tight but Daddy always managed to find the dollars for a good education. We were indeed very fortunate.” Peggy Whitworth Cunningham, IWA ‘74 “Our large family and Catholic schooling certainly shaped the person I am today providing a foundation of love. Love of our rich Catholic faith, love of family and love of wonderful lifelong friendships began at home and were fostered at school. I learned that I was a small part of something bigger, that life was not about receiving, but about giving (and compromise). Appreciation for my parents’ devotion to their faith, their sacrifices made to provide us all with a good Catholic education, and the skill, patience, and dedication of the Incarnate Word Sisters and lay teachers who taught me grows with each passing year.”

ANNUAL REPORT - 2017-2018 The Incarnate Word Academy Foundation was established in 1989 by the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament to provide adequate funding for scholarships and educational development solely for Incarnate Word Academy in Corpus Christi, Texas. It serves as a stable ongoing way of assuring tuition assistance for years to come by providing an entity for receiving and managing the contributions of donors according to their intent. The IWA Foundation is committed to scholarships and tuition assistance grants, faculty professional growth, and quality Catholic education into the future. Inviting the school community, past parents, friends, and benefactors to partner with the Sisters through the Foundation in providing a quality education in a Catholic school environment has been a blessing to all concerned — the Sisters, the IWA family, and the larger community. The 2017-2018 Incarnate Word Academy Foundation Report is presented by the Trustees of the Foundation to express appreciation to donors and to practice good stewardship of the resources entrusted to our care. This report is published separately to recognize the distinction between Incarnate Word Academy and the Incarnate Word Academy Foundation, a funding source separate from the annual financial management of the school. We are grateful to those who have contributed to the Incarnate Word Academy Foundation through scholarships, memorials, and bequests. We ask God’s blessings on you and your families.

Trustees and Officers of the Incarnate Word Academy Foundation Sister Annette Wagner ’64, President

Sister Marilyn Grace Springs, Trustee

Sister Colette Brehony ’54, Vice President

Sister Rose Miriam Gansle ’60, Secretary

Sister Maria Irma Gonzalez, Trustee

Sandra Trespeces, Treasurer

Sister Barbara Netek ’65, Trustee

2017-2018 ANNUAL REPORT IWA FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS The Incarnate Word Academy Scholarship Program began in 1978. Scholarships are a powerful way to make a difference in the lives of others and help keep Incarnate Word Academy accessible to as many students as possible. A permanent scholarship is established with a minimum of $10,000 as an endowed fund within the Incarnate Word Academy Foundation. The principal of the fund is invested and a portion of the earned interest is distributed to qualifying students, preserving the principal to generate future awards. The following permanent scholarships annually enrich the life at Incarnate Word Academy and support the school in perpetuity, helping to build ongoing funds to sustain IWA in the years to come. Donors are encouraged to make additional contributions to current permanent scholarship funds in order to increase the fund and earnings amounts over time. Names following the individual scholarships are the donors for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Sister Dorothy Anhaiser Scholarship LCDR Frederick A. and Mrs. Elena D. Helle, Ret. Mrs. Suzanne Housewright Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Losier Annette Deanne (Dee Dee) Berry Scholarship Frank and Margaret Kuntscher Scholarship James, Eloise, and Wilma Weisman Scholarship Kuntscher 50th Celebrants Scholarship Joe and Geri Kuntscher Family Scholarship Kuntscher Sisters Scholarship Chris Riedel Scholarship Scott and Josephine Temple Scholarship Dean and Mary Kuntscher Berry ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuntscher Joe and Geraldine Petru Kuntscher ’59 Sister Juliane Kuntscher, IWBS ’55 Sister Michelle Marie Kuntscher, IWBS ’60 Mr. Victor A. Kuntscher Mr. and Mrs. Tom Remlinger Mr. and Mrs. Woody Riedel Terry and Judy Kuntscher Temple ’64 Jimmy and Jeannine Kuntscher Weisman ’59 Dolores Petru Vesely ’56 Dr. Bob Bezdek Scholarship Dr. Robert R. Bezdek Pat Megerle Booth ’49 and Gloria Spahn Boutte ’49 Scholarship Pat Megerle Booth ’49 Gloria Spahn Boutte ’49 Brehony Sisters Scholarship Anonymous Donor Michael J. Daehne ’08 Lt. Colonel Maria Del Carmen Solis

St. Jude Scholarship (in memory of Samuel L. Canterbury, III) Mr. and Mrs. Brett Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Darrell J. Atkins Ms. Amy Snell Canterbury Ms. Mary Caspary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeGrazia Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisher Mr. Seth Force Ms. Mary Beth Gilliland Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gough Mr. James Gray Ms. Claire Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Eric Heller Ms. Katherine Hrissikopoulos Ms. Carolyn Keyes Mr. Ernest Kittle Mr. Rebecca Lowe Ms. Jean Michels-Giesey Ms. Laurie T. Miesch Mrs. Patricia Nielsen-Hadden Mrs. Katherine A. Noble Nueces County Women’s Clinic, PA David C. and Sofie A. Zdansky Perkins ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Piwetz Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pogson Mrs. Jeanette Rae Ms. Nancy Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Searcy Mr. William Spears Strike Sales LLC Ms. India Radar Stroope Mr. Stephen Thompson Ms. Molly Walker Mr. and Mrs. Casper Wenzel

Sister Denise Cassidy, IWBS ’57 Scholarship Mrs. Goldie B. Acuna Ms. Gretchen Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio G. Cantu, Sr. Elaine M. Longoria Carter ’65 Ms. Maria Cueva Ms. Marlive Fitzpat Mrs. Dolores Gillece Ms. Rosie Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gough Aloysia Mae LeMaire ’71 Ms. Mary E. LeMaire Ms. Frances Lozano Carlotta Flores Narvaez ’66 Dolores Petru Vesely ’56 Rev. Monsignor Mark Chamberlin Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barger Bartek Agricultural Research Mr. and Mrs. Arlon Boatman Mrs. Nancy Bridger Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brunkenhoefer Mr. David Calderon Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cass Catholic Daughters of America Court of Angels #2181 Mr. Stephen Chamberlin Diane Chamberlin Deckard ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Garland Dieringer Raymond and Margaret Mary Kelly Dreyer ’62 Judge and Mrs. Patrick L. Flanigan Mr. and Mrs. Keith Floerke Mr. and Mrs. Curt Goons Ms. Blanche Grote Mr. and Mrs. George W. Harris Rev. Monsignor Michael A. Howell Julia Uehlinger Johns ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kemp Knights of Columbus Council 6413

2017-2018 ANNUAL REPORT IWA FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS CONTINUED Rev. Monsignor Mark Chamberlin Scholarship, (cont.)

Mr. and Mrs. R. Gary Laws Ms. Melanie Lyon Mr. and Mrs. Humberto Martinez, Jr. Ms. Nancy McCarty Ms. Karen S. Melerine Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mielak Kenneth and Elizabeth A. Kelly Morgan ’58 Kathleen Chamberlin Mosmeyer ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Muffoletto Mr. Fermin Munoz Anthony “Tony”, CCCA ’59 and Mary Jo Glomb Norrell ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nugent OLMC Guadalupana Society Mr. and Mrs. Brant E. Pate Ms. Ann E. Pease Mr. K Polasek Mr. and Mrs. William Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Steven Robeau Ms. Carole Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Schulz Edward and Phyllis Robinson Smith ’59 Mrs. Natalie Taliaferro Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James D. Toombs Mrs. Anna Marie Valle Ms. Geraldine Wilder Mr. Gary J. Young

Robert M. “Bob” and Neva Lee Knight Gough ’44 Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Darrell J. Atkins Ms. Mary G. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gough

Paul and Marie Chilen Scholarship Richard and Mary Ann Chilen Davis ’57

Joseph M. “Jody” Metz Scholarship Dr. Martha Tevis

Richard E. Eleazer Scholarship Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, IWBS ’66 Scholarship Michael J. Daehne ’08 Adolfo Garza Scholarship Anonymous Donor Michael J. Daehne ’08 Miroslava Vallejo Guajardo ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Casey E. Hannigan Dr. and Mrs. Sam Hill, III Incarnate Word Academy Middle Level Mr. and Mrs. Sean Levings Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sausley Ryan and Holly Cady Thomas ’98 Alfonso M. and Juanita S. Gonzalez Scholarship Adela N. Gonzalez ’56 Anna Marie Gonzalez Sorensen, PhD ’57

“Dick” and Frances Bernsen Hatch Scholarship Jerri Hatch Paquette ’50 Richard J. Hatch, Sr. Scholarship Ms. Elizabeth Padon Jerri Hatch Paquette ’50 Mr. and Mrs. David Webster Keri ’95, Kacy ’89, and Rus ’93 Richards Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Richards, III Catherine “Tad” ’32 and Buck Kelly Scholarship Raymond and Margaret Mary Kelly Dreyer ’62 Pede and Larry P. Kelly ’65 Amy Laudadio ’89 Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. James J. Laudadio Martin-Hamner Scholarship Mary Martin Meyer ’55

Mark Muckleroy Scholarship George Anne Hubert Muckleroy ’55

Jim and Betty Nemec Petru Scholarship Dean and Mary Kuntscher Berry ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuntscher Joe and Geraldine Petru Kuntscher ’59 Sister Juliane Kuntscher, IWBS ’55 Sister Michelle Marie Kuntscher, IWBS ’60 Mr. Victor A. Kuntscher Mr. and Mrs. W. James Petru Mr. and Mrs. Tom Remlinger Mr. and Mrs. Woody Riedel Terry and Judy Kuntscher Temple ’64 Jimmy and Jeannine Kuntscher Weisman ’59 Dolores Petru Vesely ’56 Frederick and Elizabeth Petru Yaklin ’61 Patrick “Pat” Rivers ’55, CCCA Scholarship Joe and Mary Catherine Rivers Pennington ’50 Marlene and Hank Rivers, CCCA ’53 Ramsey Rodriguez ’93 Scholarship Mrs. Enriqueta Rodriguez Sister Judith Marie Saenz Scholarship Michael J. Daehne ’08 Gerald Robert and Willie Mae Shirley Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Ronny L. Fritz, Sr. Larry and Carolyn Hoelscher Snapka Scholarship Carolyn and Larry J. Snapka ’63 Sister Martha Ann Snapka ’53 Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Montoya

Patty and Joe Mueller Scholarship Mrs. Patty P. Mueller

Frank and Mary Beth Snapka Schonhoeft ’61 Scholarship Mrs. Maxine Snapka

Helen Power Munro Scholarship Grace Ford Powers ’63

Sandra Pope LeMaire Sykora ’66 Scholarship Ms. Mary E. LeMaire

Sister Martha O’Gara ’51 Scholarship Michael J. Daehne ’08 Sister Martha O’Gara, IWBS ’51

Sister Agnes Marie Tengler ’43 Scholarship Charles and Rosemary Logan Doolin ’66

V. J. and Mary Lou Pesek Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Lee T. Freeland Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gough Mr. and Mrs. David W. Green Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonough Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. McNiff, Jr.

Jose Torres Scholarship Michael J. Daehne ’08 Incarnate Word Academy High School PTO Casper Wenzel Scholarship Michael J. Daehne ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Casper Wenzel

2017-2018 ANNUAL REPORT TRIBUTE GIFTS Gifts in Honor Of Rev. Monsignor Michael A. Howell Rev. Monsignor Roger Smith Msgr. Mark Chamberlin

Gifts in Memory Of Mr. Fred Aebi Vaughn Eugene Bowen Joseph R. Fulton Jackie Connolly Phil Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. James J. Laudadio

Helen W. Boomgaarden ’42 Mrs. Joyce E. Nikolai Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, III

Horacio “Lacho” Oliveira Jr., CCCA ’66 William Robb, CCCA ’66 Mr. Charles Mireur

Kathleen Breen Brendan O’Gara Sister Martha O’Gara, IWBS ’51

Virginia Vatzlavick Rainosek ‘51 Jay F. Robinson Raymond and Margaret Mary Kelly Dreyer ’62

The Chamberlin, Harris, Mabry, & Mosmeyer Families Brad and Lenore Chamberlin Mabry ’66 Msgr. Mark Chamberlin

Mary Beth Snapka Schonhoeft Ms. Jana T. Krell

Alice Darilek Didear Mr. and Mrs. Casper Wenzel

Judith Wages Stephenson ’49 Mary G. Foran Brummitt ’49 Ms. Edna L. Moon

The Jeanne de Matel Heritage Circle The Jeanne de Matel Heritage Circle was established by the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament in 2003 to recognize individuals who have indicated that they have included Incarnate Word Academy in their wills. Through the generous bequests of past donors, Incarnate Word Academy has been able to continue providing excellence in education and advancing the mission. Dr. Robert Bezdek Mary Gwen Foran Brummitt ’49 Joe and Margot Ortega-Coco Rosemary Logan Doolin ’66 Sister Suzanne Friedmann, SFCC ’57 Lidy Paul Fritz Bobby and Donna Gough Sammie H. Grunwald

Charles D. Imbergamo Jennifer and Monty Lee Ann Logan-Lubben ’64 Shirley Paul Mireur Inez Sagarino Monsees Travis H. and Jeanette E. Flusche Mullenix ’54 Donald and Cecile Hendricks Pesek ’76

Dianne Raska Patricia Riek ’58 Mary C. Shead ’43 Sara Solis Alan and Mamie Stoner Msgr. Alvin Tengler, CCCA ’42 Maria Delia Tucker Aneda Shead Zablocki ’43

JeanneChezard de Matel

The Planned Giving Program provides opportunities for donors to promote and enhance Catholic education at Incarnate Word Academy as part of their legacy. One of the popular and exciting plans that partners use to strengthen our mission is the “IWA Forever” program. The IWA Forever program gives loyal alumni, families, and friends of Incarnate Word Academy the ability to ensure that their average annual giving continues forever upon their death.

Your Legacy — Endowed Forever

To advance the mission of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word in making Jesus known and loved through education, the IWA Forever initiative allows alumni, family and friends of Incarnate Word Academy to leave a lasting legacy that extends their Catholic education partnership into the future.

For more information contact: Sister Martha Ann Snapka, IWBS ’53, Planned Giving Officer and IWA Foundation Liaison (361) 883-0857, ext. 108 | (361) 877-1232 or snapkam@iwacc.org

PRECIOUS STONES SUPPORTING THE MISSION SCHOLARSHIP DONOR RECOGNITION SOCIETY In gratitude for the significant contributions of scholarship funds, the Precious Stones Supporting the Mission Scholarship Recognition Society was created. This recognition society acknowledges donors whose lifetime giving to the scholarship program totals $10,000 or more. An induction ceremony takes place during the Annual Donor Appreciation Luncheon. “I will build you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with sapphires. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones. All your sons and daughters shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.” -Isaiah 54:11-12

Diamond: $250,000+

Emerald: $50,000-99,999

Ruby: $100,000-249,999


Sapphire: $25,000-49,999

Casper and Emily Wenzel Paul and Beverly York

Lidy Fritz Estate Sara Solis Educational Trust



Jerri Hatch Paquette ’50 Lt. Colonel Maria Del Carmen Solis


Fritter Estate George Anne Hubert Muckleroy ’55 Patty and Joe Mueller, CCCA ’42 Marguerite Sours Foundation


Dr. Bob Bezdek Roman and Sophie Bezdek Snapka Ellen Jane Carter Vann and Mary Kennedy Shirley Paul Mireur Estate O’Connor and Hewitt Foundation Jack and Grace Powers ’63 Cy and Dee Dee Richards San Jacinto Title Services of Corpus Christi Philomena Busker Walker ’42

Anonymous (2) Dean and Mary Berry Pat Megerle Booth ’49 and Gloria Spahn Boutte ’49 Dr. Carlos Canales, M.D. Dr. William ’53 and Ellen Jane Tiblier-Carter ’53 Joe and Margot Coco Troy L. Creamean Richard and Mary Ann Chilen Davis ’57 The Escobedo Family John and Patti Flood The Gonzalez Family: Dr. Grace Gonzalez Glenn ’62, Dr. Adela Gonzalez, PhD, MPA ’56, Dr. Anna Marie Gonzalez Sorensen, PhD ’57 Maxine Fergerson Grubbs IWA Booster Club IWA Middle Level PTO Joe and Geraldine Kuntscher ’59 Aloysia LeMaire ’71 Tom and Carol Losier Nan McGloin

Joe Metz Mary Martin Meyer ’55 Patricia Brown Meyers ’51 Jeanette Flusche Mullenix ’54 Pam and Joe Nemec ’61 Dennis and Marie Nicholas Monica O’Neill E.R. and Janice Phillips ’55 The Rivers Family: Mary Catherine Pennington ’50, Joe, CCCA ’50, Henry, CCCA ’53 and Alex Rivers, CCCA ’61 Arthur and Lora Roach Mary Shead Estate Edward Speed, CCCA ’66 Ernest Speed, CCCA ’58 Terry and Judy Temple ’64 Msgr. Alvin Tengler, CCCA ’42 M. Delia Cortez Tucker Kay and Ralph West, CCCA ’56 Angelo L. Zanetti Cliff, CCCA ’46 and Joyce Ulcak Zarsky ’57 Scholarship

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES | JULY 1, 2017- JUNE 30, 2018 SUPPORT IWBS Sisters Contribution Contributions and Grants Investment Income

TOTAL SUPPORT EXPENSES Scholarships and Tuition Assistance Continuing Education - IWA Faculty Board Designated Awards Grants - Other Administrative Expenses

$200,000 $82,077 $705,328

$987,405 $422,395 $6,000 $6,500 $205,500 $110,533



Increase in Net Assets


Net Assets Beginning of Year


Pearl: $10,000-24,999


$6, 351,727

5201 Lipes Blvd. Corpus Christi, Texas 78413-5501 www.iwacc.org

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Whitworth Story— A Legacy Of Commitment To Catholic Education : Page 1-2 IWA Foundation Annual Report 2017-2018 : Page 3-7

Named Scholarships In Process

of student body receiving Scholarship/Tuition Assistance Award


Aw an ard d ed Tu i iti n S on ch As ola s is rs ta hip nc s e


Permanent Named Scholarships


$4 28 ,89 5

Named Scholarships


MISSION Advancing the


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