2018 Fall Food Life

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Plēb urban Winery small Batch Wine Production

from vine to Barrel Burntshirt vineyards


FALL 2018

VOL . 5, NO. 4




features FALL 2018

VOL. 5 • NO. 4


Food & FaM i lY

Chef Anthony Cerrato bringing authentic Italian flavor to Asheville for more than 20 years by JONATHAN AMMONS


sMa ll batcH wi ne p ro d ucti on i n tHe ri Ve r ar ts di stri ct

Plēb Urban Winery opened its doors to the community in September, 2018 by TIFFANY NARRON


10 win e bars witH Gre at Fo o d i n asHe Vi lle

Just because Stu Helm doesn’t drink, doesn’t mean he doesn’t know WHERE to drink by STU HELM

Vol. 5 no. 4

fa l l 2 0 1 8

o n The Co v er Grilled Salmon and Risotto from Strada Italiana Photo by Tim Robison

staY co nnected

FoodLifeMag.com facebook.com/foodlifemag



the guide


lo Ca l li baTi o n s 16 Indulge in something local with this assortment of recomendations from Metro Wines

CaberneT braised shor T ribs wiTh rooT vegeTables 18

fr o M v i n e To b o TTle 20 Pictures from of the wine-making proccess at Burntshirt Vineyards

r ed wi n e Cho Col aTe Ca ke 27

wn C wi n e Tr ai l 24 Take a trip to all the local vineyards and wineries Calen dar 28 di n eo uT r esTaur an T g ui de 30

20 4





editor’s letter Every year, I am surprised to find some new thing that is being grown or made in WNC. We truly live in an amazing place which is filled with an abundance of food options. Grapes and wine, for example. Most people think Europe or California when they think wine, but delicious wine is being produced right here in our area. While local wine may be overshadowed by local beer, that hasn’t stopped wineries and vineyards from popping up all over the region. So many in fact, we have our own wine trail (p. 24) to highlight them all. Today’s NC wines are not just the old muscadine variety. There are growers, like Burntshirt Vineyards (p. 20) growing amazing grapes and apples and turning out award winning wines in Hendersonville. In contrast to Burntshirt’s agricultural setting, the brand new Pleb winery (p. 12) is making wine in the urban area of the River Arts District. Fall is the perfect time to enjoy a glass of wine on the porch as the sun is setting and the leaves are falling. But If you’re more of a foodie than an oenophile, Stu has all the recommendations for the best eats at places that also serve wine (p. 22). Dig in Y’all!

Editor twelsh@iwanna.com



General Manager/Publisher Patricia Martin Betts Editor Tiffany Welsh Art Director Samantha Blankenship Proof Reader Carmela Caruso Production/IT Manager Jeff Ruminski Contributors tiffany narron tim robison Jonathan Ammons Stu Helm Philip Bollhoeffer Chelsea Lane Advertising Consultants pam hensley Rick Jenkins ROSE LUNSFORD Production david denton randy whittington Distribution Manager Sam Howell A Publication of

i wa n n a p ub l i c at i on s 3 1 Co l l e ge Pl ace a s he v i l l e o f fi ce par k, i wan n a bui l d i n g A s he vi l l e , NC 28801 828. 274. 8888 Food Life, a publication of IWANNA, has accepted contributions which may not reflect the opinion of the publisher. No portion of Food Life may be reproduced without permission of the publisher.



food & family

chef anthony cerrato bringing authentic Italian avor to Asheville for more than 20 years

by Jonathan aMMons, photos by tiM roBison



sTr a da i Ta li a n o

THERE ARE A LOT OF CLICHES REVOLVING AROUND ITALIANS AND FAMILY and, in certain cases, you can understand why those stereotypes stick. So much so, that when you really find yourself engulfed in an Italian community, it often becomes hard to distinguish who is related by blood and who is just considered an uncle. In a lot of ways, Strada owner and chef Anthony Cerrato fits that cliché to a tee, but in others, he has seen that typecast painfully challenged in his own life. Any story from Anthony starts with a Goodfella’s-like explanation of the handful of characters involved, and who was related to whom, whose last name was just a letter or two off from the others, who was called uncle that wasn’t actually an uncle. In 2012, after the locks had been changed on his family’s restaurant, he candidly and pointedly told a reporter from the Asheville Citizen Times, “Never work with family.” But just six months ago, he promoted his son Gabe to head of the kitchen at his restaurant, leading to their busiest months in the business’ history. There are almost a dozen employees at his restaurant that have worked for the family for nearly their entire careers, some of whom have been with the company nearly 20 years. And through breakups, disagreements and victories, closings and openings, and even recessions, they’ve all kept coming back to each other, the way a family does. Born in Newark, raised in the small town of Nutley, New Jersey, Anthony moved down to Asheville at the age of 18 to help his father Fred — a developer who built Glen Arden Heights, as well as homes in Oakley. “He always wanted to get into the restaurant business for some reason,” says Anthony.


In 1988, Fred opened Boscoe’s in South Asheville followed by the downtown Cottonwood Cafe in 1995, and pushed Anthony to enroll in culinary school at AB Tech. “I wanted to be an architect, but my father wanted me to help with the restaurant,” says Anthony. “He talked me out of it to go to culinary school instead. ‘Just try it,’ he said.” “I started off as a dishwasher, and I washed dishes for two years!” he says. “Not six months, not two months, two years, before I got to do anything else. Dishwasher, prep, garmangier, then I started doing the cold/hot line, and then got into saute and then chef. But it took years.” Through the connections of his father’s best friend, Harvey Nadel, Anthony was connected with the Shastri family, who ran the Windmill Restaurant — and later Cafe Bombay, the Latin Quarter, and the Flying Frog Cafe — and landed Anthony an internship for culinary school with the Windmill, where he worked while continuing to help with Bosco’s and Cottonwood. After meeting and marrying his first wife, Pam, at AB Tech, and discovering they were expecting, he asked his father for a raise. Fred said he couldn’t swing it, and Anthony found his new family packing their bags to move to the triangle, where he took a job working at Italian eatery Bachagaloops for a year and a half. “They were definitely characters,” he laughs, noting that after enough internal struggles, the joint ended up going south. “But the place was so busy! I would go in at nine in the morning, and there was already a line around the building to get in!” With his wife out of work taking care of the baby, he found him-

“this whole thing with my father was a blessing in disguise, because now my son and i work together; it’s like pressing the rewind button on my life.”



VISIT STRADAASHEVILLE.COM self working nearly 100 hours a week, and with a few more connections through family and friends, he wound up seeking better hours at Vinnie’s Steakhouse and Tony’s Oyster Bar. But after cooking one too many Steak Oscars, Anthony started worrying if it was time to get out of the business entirely. He left the restaurant world, taking a job at Whole Foods and working his way up the leadership ranks, helping to develop their catering business and opening new branches, until that too wore thin. “I just got so used and abused by everybody,” he says. “They’d tell you you’re only going to be working 60-80 hours a week, and the next thing you know you’re working 100, and you can’t even pay your bills because you can’t do anything else, you can’t even get to the bank!” He went on to enroll in the police academy and was looking at property management jobs, hoping to abandon the kitchen altogether, when his father called him back to Asheville, desperate for help with the Cottonwood Cafe. “One day I went out there, and there was a sea of grey hair in the dining room, and I said to my dad, ‘Do you see an issue here? ... everybody is over 65! Our clientele is limited, we have to get with the times!’” He drew a new logo, a bull representing his father, and a flower, for the literal translation of his grandfather’s name, which would be the new name of the restaurant, Fiore’s. Serving higher end Italian food, he made everything from scratch, including their ravioli and pastas. “Monetarily, it was a bust,” he says, “but reputation wise, it was a big success, because that’s how I became known in town, was through Fiore’s and Fred’s Speakeasy.” But soon, he started looking for ways to do something on his own and hand the restaurant back to his father. But when Anthony began planning his own venture in 2012, his father was furious to discover that most of the staff saw their loyalties with Anthony, and not at Fiore’s. In a very public, ugly feud, Fred closed Fiore’s abruptly, without notifying the staff, papering over the windows, removing the sign, and changing the locks, ending the restaurants 22 year legacy practically overnight. “Ironically he closed the doors on February 27th. I was going to tell him on the 28th that I wasn’t going to go through with it, I wasn’t going to sign the papers, that I felt too loyal to the family. But he didn’t give me a chance, so it felt like the universe was telling me to move on and do my own thing.” Within 30 days of Fiore’s closing, Strada was open. “I had no concept, I had no name, but I had a staff that was super loyal and eager to work. They cleaned tables and moved stuff around, and I just kept paying them until we could open.” Shortly after Strada was up and running, he began revamping Sazarac to turn it into the Social Lounge. Fred Cerrato passed in 2015, and his wake was held before a packed congregation at the Basilica of St. Lawrence. “When it came down to it,” recalls Anthony, “we really did enjoy each other’s company, we just didn’t enjoy working with each other. We spent a lot of time with each other and had a lot of conversations; it’s all water under the bridge. This whole thing with my father was a blessing in disguise, because now my son and I work together, it’s like pressing the rewind button on my life. I moved from New Jersey to work at my dad’s Italian restaurant when I was 18 going 10


on 19, and Gabe moved from Raleigh to work at my restaurant when he was 18 going on 19.” Anthony’s been able to apply those lessons from his father, examples of both what to do, and what not to do in a family business. I find it important to point out the elephant in the room here: the all too familiar conflict and connection between a father and a son, a trade and a passion, a job and a lifestyle. What keeps us coming back? What are these ties that tether us to our families and to our careers? I’ve come to an understanding that for people like Anthony Cerrato, it is a deep consciousness that all of that struggle, tension, and pain can bring you a better understanding of and connection to both the people you love and the thing you do for a living; that cultivating both work and family are hard, and take their toll on a person, but that the ways it shapes you, both as a professional and as a friend, are totally worth all of those scars. “I learned a whole lot of what not to do from my dad,” says Anthony, “and I think that is really important. Life doesn’t teach you how to live, you just live it. So there’s no mistakes, there’s just lessons. Some lessons are more costly than others, some hurt more than others, but we get through it.” Go by & check them out at 27 Broadway or visit them online at stradaasheville.com.




P l ēb ur b a n wi n e rY

Small Batch Wine Production in the River Arts District article and photos by tiffany narron

NESTLED UP NEXT TO RIVERVIEW STATION and within walking distance to Foundation Skatepark, 12 Bones BBQ, Wedge Brewing and a treasure trove of potters and woodworkers, you’ll now find an urban winery tucked within the former Paneling World. Tagged with fresh artwork from several of the same noteable local artists you’ll find spread throughout the Foundation Spot, including noteable Muralist Ian Wilkinson and Graffiti Artist Gus Cutty, the 10,000 square foot space blends right into its new home in the River Arts District. Plēb Urban Winery opened its doors to the community in September, 2018. Notice that little line or macron, over the ē. When pronouncing, that gives you a long latin vowel, producing an eeee, so the name has less of an eh and more of an eeeee like you’re squealing with excitement. Let’s say it together for good measure, Plēbian. Or as Executive Manager Lauren Turpin’s shirt reads on the day of their grand opening “Bitch Plēb.” 12


So what’s this plēb stand for? If you’ve got a little ancient Roman history tucked away, you’ll remember that the plebeians were the working class heroes of their time — the bakers and growers, the builders and craftsmen. They were the folks growing and making the wine for the privileged patrician class to enjoy. The four person team at plēb wants to honor this very same class of folks in our local and regional space by supporting small growers of native, niche grape varieties and experimenting with small batch wine production that doesn’t adhere to big wine blends while educating locals “and not taking themselves too seriously” adds Lauren, who runs the space alongside her husband Lee Turpin. The remaining plēbians in this quartet are Head Vintner Chris Denetia, and Assistant Winemaker and Sommelier Tyler Kay, both 29 and longtime friends, having grown up together in the central valley of California. Although they were around the farming aspect of wine when they were small, they didn’t


become as interested in the process until their time at Sonoma State College when they both began working at wineries. Denetia went on to travel and work on organic wine farms via WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms), an online network that connects volunteers to opportunities to live and work on organic farms. Kay continued working in wine shops in Wyoming, Montana and Colorado, earning his sommelier certification, and figuring out his style and how he wanted to approach winemaking. It wasn’t long after moving to Asheville that Denetia met Turpin through a mutual con-

nection and shared his idea for an Asheville winery. Having spent some time working in breweries herself, and with a similar vision, she was on board to help bring that vision to life. So what made two friends from wine country decide to open a winery in the mountains of North Carolina, I asked him? “Well I was working in a winery in Boone with the growers and just saw an opportunity that I felt no one else saw — to grow certain types of grapes, if you just embrace what grows well and don’t force an idea of what you like to drink based on what you know,” shares Denetia. According to Denetia, many farmers have trouble selling obscure grape varieties that grow well here to the local and regional wineries because they don’t fit the flavor profiles of the big wines that most know and are looking for, like cabernet sauvignon or merlot. If the wineries can’t sell it, they can’t purchase the lesser known grapes from these small scale growers, so they’re left no other option but to grow the varieties that suit the flavor profiles of the more well known wines. Without the support to grow those lesser known grape varieties, they’re simply phased out of local growers’ repertoires, leaving little room for experimentation and little opportunity to support small scale FALL 2018 | FOODLIFEMAG.COM



P l ēb ur b a n wi n e rY

farmers attempting to grow native grapes. Understanding what those grape varietals are, treating them with the same respect as the grapes that fit the flavor profiles of well known wines, and supporting the farmers growing them is exactly the impetus for the creation of plēb. In fact, the team was able to source 100% of their grapes from North Carolina-based farms, one of which is their own five-acre Boone vineyard. I walk into their graffiti’d production space and all three begin to laugh at a mural painted by Wilkinson of Kay scared with an open mouth screaming, apparently based off a photograph taken after he’d left a haunted house near Niagara Falls. Apparently they jotted down a collective list of characters and ideas for local artists, Cutty, Wilkinson and Melt, and the result is a total range of hilarious old photo recreations of favorite movie characters like Ralph from A Christmas Story to The Professor and The Blob. Even the light fixtures and forklifts are tagged. Denetia walks over to open the lid of a large white box and inside lie hundreds of grapes. He picks up a cluster from their recent harvest in the high country, where both he and Kay manage two wineries, one in Boone and one in Deep Gap. “It just seemed like the whole industry is being boxed out,” he shares. “That style of wine production misrepresents what is doing well, and so we’re losing growers that were growing the right things for this area, yet they can’t make any money 14


growing these grapes because they’re undesirable. No one has heard of them and no one is asking for them.” They hope to change that by providing a space to create experimental local wines based on native grape production that supports small scale grape growers. They chose Asheville, and more specifically the River Arts District, because they knew if anyone would be into supporting the process of finding the grapes that grow well here, experimenting with local grape varieties and paying for a glass that supports those small scale growers, it would be the same people who mark their calendars for weekly farmers markets and go out of their way to buy $5 pints of IPAs utilizing local hops, barleys and fruits. “Education is an important value to us,” shares Tyler. “We’re hoping to do harvest events where people can actually come harvest grapes at the farms and vineyards and then be able to see it through production to the final product.” For now, you can kick back and enjoy a glass of wine from small-scale North Carolina growers and attempt to find the 22 blackbirds artist Ian Wilkinson painted into little nooks and crannies within the space. “I suggest trying to find them while you drink your first glass of wine and not your third,” says Turbin. Learn more about plēb urban winery at pleburbanwinery. com. They’re located at 289 Lyman St, Asheville, NC 28801.



tHe Guide

loCal libaTions

indulge in something local with this assortment of recomendations from Metro Wines photos by TIFFANY WELSH We Ashevillians love to shop local. We support local restaurants and retailers, buy local produce from the Farmers’ market and avoid nationwide chains whenever we can. But when it comes to wine, we reach for a bottle from the West Coast or from Europe. It’s ok, I’m guilty of this too. I’ll admit it, I wasn’t always a believer in North Carolina wine. When I heard the words “local” and “wine” collide in a sentence, it brought to mind syrupy sweet muscadine wines and weak, acidic reds made from Catawba, Chambourcin and other strange and scary unfamiliar names. Fortunately for us, local wines have gotten less sweet, more robust and complex and very, very drinkable. Here are a few of my favorites. 16



➊ Biltmore Blanc

de Blanc Sparkling Wine It’s hard to talk

about local wine without mentioning the multimillion-dollar elephant in the room. Biltmore is the most visited winery in the US, largely due to the popularity of the famous house and property. They have to make a lot of wine to satisfy all of those visitors, but despite the volume of wine produced, they actually make some very good wines.

We were blind tasted with their Blanc de Blanc Sparkling wine, which is produced from 100% North Carolina Chardonnay, in a lineup of bubblies from around the world, including true Champagne. We were shocked at the quality of this sparkler! It stood up to some famous (and expensive) Champagnes as well as some of the best from California. It shows flavors of under-ripe peach, green apple, and finishes with a slightly slatey-stone mineral flavor. I prefer to serve this wine as an aperitif to start off a meal or party, but serve this with fried chicken for a seriously great food pairing. Seriously, it’s a surprisingly good combination! $23

➋ Burntshirt Grüner Veltliner

If you haven’t had Grüner Veltliner before you owe it to yourself to try out this food friendly Sauvignon Blanc-alternative and Burntshirt produces a great example of one. Being a native grape of Austria, Grüner prefers a cool climate and this one is grown on a high-altitude vineyard outside of Hendersonville, NC.

Clean and crisp, with flavors of citrus peel, white peach, wet stone and even a hint of fresh arugula. This wine is an ideal pairing with salads and vegetables, including the famously hard-to-pair-with Asparagus, but also does very well with shellfish, and even pork chops. $25

➌ Shelton


Shelton has been a staple at Metro Wines since we have opened. Shelton Vineyards is one of the first to open up in Yadkin Valley North Carolina, just a few hours East of us here in Asheville. This one is aged in oak barrels, but they also make a version aged in stainless steel if buttery wine isn’t your thing. It’s getting difficult to get a decent bottle of Chardonnay from California for under $15 these days, so it’s impressive to see a local one at $13.99! This wine shows flavors of pineapple and apricot, citrus, vanilla and a hint of toasted marshmallow. Pair this wine with roasted whole chicken, cedar plank grilled salmon, grilled grouper or creamy pasta alfredo. $13.99

➍ Sanctuary

wine that they are producing in the sandy soils of Jarvisburg is simply astounding! John, the winemaker and Certified Sommelier, is experimenting with some truly interesting varietals ranging from Albarino to Tannat. The Coastal Collage is a Bordeaux style blend of Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petite Verdot and Cabernet Sauvignon. This medium bodied red shows flavors of dark berries, dried cherries, violets and baking spices with a slightly tannic finish. This wine will happily keep your burger company, but is refined enough to be served with Filet Mignon, or even mushroom pasta. $23

➎ St. Paul Mountain

Vineyard “Chestnut Gap” Cabernet Sauvignon Just

outside of Hendersonville, NC is the family owned and operated St. Paul Mountain vineyards. I recommend visiting them and trying both their wines and their ciders. It can be challenging to pull off a Cabernet in the relative cool of our mountains, but I think they have done well, possibly by blending in some Petite Verdot, which adds structure to the reds in Bordeaux. Less opulent and fruity than a Napa Cab, it has a slightly Old-World flavor to it that I immediately took to. Flavors of black cherry dominate, with subtle earth, black tea and a whiff of exotic spices. This wine cries out for steak, pot roast, short ribs or lamb. $23

Vineyards Coastal Collage So, this wine

isn’t from Western North Carolina. In fact it’s from far to the east, in the Outer Banks. I think they are one of the best wineries in North Carolina right now, and fortunately they were not affected by hurricane Florence. The quality of

loc at e D at

169 Charlotte St., Asheville, NC C A L L 828-575-9525 FALL 2018 | FOODLIFEMAG.COM


tHe Guide


cabernet Braised short ribs with root vegetables Recipe by chef PhiliP Bollhoeffer and Photo by chelsea lane PhotograPhy

3 or 4 each Bone In Short Ribs 3 Tbsp All-purpose Flour 1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil 2 Tbsp Butter 1 8oz Package of Crimini Mushrooms, quartered ½ C Onions, large dice ½ C Rutabaga, large dice ½ C Parsnips, sliced ½ C Carrots, sliced 2 Cloves Garlic, chopped 2 Tbsp All-purpose Flour 1 ea Bay Leaf 1½ C Marble Potatoes 2 C Cabernet Sauvignon 1½ C Beef or Chicken stock 2 ea Fresh Thyme sprigs Salt and pepper to taste Preheat oven to 315 degrees. Preheat a heavy bottomed stainless steel pot over medium high heat. Season short ribs generously with salt and pepper and toss in flour. Sear short ribs until golden brown on all sides. Remove short ribs and drain oil and any flour particles. Return the pan to the stove and add butter. Once butter is completely melted add onions and mushroom and sauté until golden brown, add remaining vegetables (except for the potatoes) and cook for an additional 2 minutes. Add remaining all-purpose flour and cook 1 minute. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a simmer. Cover pot with lid and cook in the oven for approximately 4 hours or until short ribs are fork tender. Allow to cool 10 minutes before serving.





tHe Guide

b ur n Ts h i r T vi n e Ya r d s

from vine to Bottle at Burntshirt vineyards photos by tiffany Welsh







s T u’s To P 1 0

10 Wine Bars with Great Food in Asheville by stu helM Hey, just because I don’t drink, doesn’t mean I don’t know where to drink. It’s true, I quit drinkin’ about 7 years ago, and even when I did drink, I rarely drank wine. And by rarely, I mean never. I was a beer drinker, 100 percent, and back in those days I literally couldn’t have cared less about wine bars, but now that I don’t drink, I go to more wine bars than ever! For the food. Here are some recommendations for food at wine bars, plus a few other wine-oriented recommendations for you, including one new place that even I haven’t checked out just yet!

1) Santé Wine Bar

I think of Santé as the OG wine bar of downtown Asheville, and I’ve been going there for quite a long time, mostly for the pizza! My favorite is the “Ham & Fig” pizza, which has figs, prosciutto, Holly Grove chevre, and house chutney, with an olive oil santeavl base. The pizzas are small, perfect for one person or a small snack for two! The other flavors of pizza are great too!

2) Rustic Grape Wine Bar

I popped into the brand new Rustic Grape on South Lexington Ave. just to say hi to the two owners, Patty and Melissa, and was surprised to hear that this tiny little wine bar also has a small food program! I was even more surprised when I tried one of their scratch-made biscuits rusticgrapeavl and, wow, it was amazing! Crispy on the outside, and soft and flakey on the inside, salty, buttery ... mmm! Patty does “Bubbles ‘n’ Biscuits” every Sunday, pairing three mini biscuits with three min-mimosas!

3) Cúrate Vermutería y Jamonería When the Chef Katie Button expanded the space for Cúrate, she added the vermutería y jamonería, which is basically a vermouth and ham bar! Most of us have only ever tried Italian vermouth, which is herbaceous to the point of tasting

medicinal, and not very popular with Americans. Spanish vermouth is a whole different story, and Cúrate keeps both red and white Spanish vermouth on tap. Of course, I’ve never tried it, and sadly never will, but I have tried the ham, and it is amazing! 100% pure ibérico pigs, acorn fed, and curatetapasbar free range, from the Jabugo and Salamanca regions of Spain. I recommend the “tabla de jamónes,” which allows you to compare the different ham selections!

4) 5 Walnut Wine Bar & Cheese Shop

We all know that wine and cheese are besties from way back, and it’s really nice to see that they’ve finally moved in together and started cohabitating at 5 Walnut Street. The atmosphere is cute as can be, and quite packed at times, as it is a favorite of both the locals and people visiting Asheville. I 5walnutwinebar recommend the “Local Yokel” cheese plate, featuring three local cheeses!

5) Strada Italiano I bring food tours into Strada, and although I have obviously never tasted their wine, I can tell by the nodding heads of my tour patrons and the smiles on their faces, that they enjoy the wines Strada serves us. In this one case, I can actually recommend a wine by name! Even if I can’t pronounce it. La Fiera Montepulciano d’Abruzzo is an affordable, popular wine, that is sometimes called the “pizza wine,” because it goes so well with pizza, and has broad appeal across many palates. I honestly don’t know jack about wine, so please don’t hate on me if you don’t like this wine. About 99% of the people on my tour do, so it seems like a good one to share! stradaasheville


6) French Broad Chocolates

One of the most fun and satisfying things that wine lovers can do in this town is to sit inside the French Broad Chocolate Lounge, pairing wine and chocolate. Talk to the super-friendly and knowledgeable staff, and they will set you up with some good stuff for sure. If you wanna cut to the chase and get wine and chocolate all in one small but amazing package, try the seasonal fall fig + port truffrenchbroadchocolate fle, which has dark chocolate ganache with figs roasted in port wine, coated in dark chocolate, and topped with a slice of almond. Yom!

7) All Souls Pizza

Again, I have never sipped even one drop of wine at All Souls Pizza, but I am a very good judge of how happy my GF Dawn is with her glass of wine, and whenever we go to All Souls (which is frequently) she looks very happy with her glass of allsoulspizza wine. She’s got a guy. He never steers her wrong. His name is Chad, and he is one of the best Front of the House people you’ll ever meet. Friendly, dapper, professional, with a dry wit, and very good wine sense. Go talk to Chad, and he will — according to Dawn — hook you up with a killer glass of wine. Now, for food, I highly recommend the specials board at All Souls, where the creative, super-fresh and seasonal ingredients all come together, making this one of my absolute favorite restaurants in Asheville.

8) Underground Cafe


Who says wine in a can ain’t no good? Certainly not Chef Jay Medford, owner of the Underground Cafe, and graduate of the French Culinary Institute! A local boy who learned how to cook all fancy up there in New York City, Jay worked in high-end

restaurants and recently moved back to Asheville and opened this excellent lunch and breakfast joint. The Underground has become one of my favorite places to eat, with insanely tasty doughnuts, some of the best burgers in town, and a meatloaf sandwich to die for. There are also very good canned wines for regular folks, produced by The Great Oregon Wine Co. If you wanna go full-on wine crazy at the Underground, try a can of Pinot Grigio with one of Chef Jay’s mimosa glazed doughnuts, made with real Prosecco!

9) Bhramari Brewing Company

Now, this one isn’t actually wine, but it is sangria ... of a sort. At Bhramari they have a piece of equipment called an infusion tower, in which a choice beer can be infused with various flavors, generally citrus ie: lemon and lime wedges, but bhramari_brewingco sometimes they get creative (bacon) and sometimes they make what they call their “Hillbilly Sangria.” The infusion tower is stuffed full of sangria fruits, and, brace yourselves, PBR. Yerp. Try it sometime, and of course, pair it with the Bhramari burger, which is my #1 burger in Asheville as of right now.

10) District Wine Bar

The other day I walked from my house on South French Broad Ave. over to West Asheville, and on my way back I noticed a brand new place called District Wine Bar. When I got home I wrote them a note, inquiring about food, and I got a lot of great info from manager Lauri Nichols: “We have a cold kitchen. We serve American Pig Charcuterie, cheeses from around the globe and getting ready to start featuring a local cheese of the month. Our spreads include, our house-made pimento cheese, roots hummus and a spinach artichoke dip. Our fresh country loaf is made from a real local Frenchmen with a passion, Dom Viol. We also have castelvetrano olives, we make D’s nuts, which is an addicting peanut brittle that includes bacon and maple syrup, and we roast our own districtwinebar almonds for the cheese boards.” I haven’t actually been to District Wine Bar yet, but I’m planning to go eat all the food. If you get there first, save me some!

tHe Guide

w n C wi n e T r a i l

Banner Elk linville falls











As a veteran of the Asheville food and wine scene for many years, Bob Bowles has seen and has helped shape the growth of the wine industry in Western north carolina. as a student and supporter of north Carolina wine and the wineries, Bob shares his perspective as the wine and food blogger for tasting Wnc. Don’t forget to check out the Wnc Cheese Trail in your travels! >> ADDISON FARMS VINEYARD Addison Farms is a family owned and operated vineyard, winery, and tasting room. Current varieties include: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Sangiovese, Montepulciano, Petit Verdot, and Petit Manseng. 4005 New Leicester Hwy, Leicester. addisonfarms.net

>> BELLE NICHO WINERY Belle Nicho Winery at Howling Dog Farm is a small farmstead winery utilizing organic practices to grow our grapes. We focus on Native and French American hybid vines. 526 Patton Valley Drive, Nebo. bellenichowinery.com

>> BILTMORE ESTATE >> BAKER BUFFALO CREEK VINEYARD Baker Buffalo Creek Vineyard is located in Fallston, NC. The vineyard supplies eight different grape varietals and is planted in the fertile soil of the rolling hills in Cleveland County. 3521 Fallston-Waco Road, Lawndale. bakerbuffalocreek.com

>> BANNER ELK WINERY Come for a tasting and tour, or stay for a week at The Villa, a highly elegant Bed & Breakfast that offers an idyllic setting, luxurious accommodations, and unrivaled service for discerning travelers. 60 Deer Run Lane, Banner Elk. bannerelkwinery.com 24


The family-owned Biltmore Winery opened its doors in 1985 in a converted dairy barn that sits on the grounds of Biltmore Estate. In keeping with the Vanderbilt tradition of entertaining in style and embodying the agricultural legacy of its founder, Biltmore produces award-winning wines using fruit harvested from its own vineyard in Asheville, NC as well as from partners across N.C. and other premium growing regions including California and Washington. One Lodge Street, Asheville. biltmorewines.com

>> BURNTSHIRT VINEYARD Burntshirt Vineyards offers award-winning

wines from their vineyards that are among the highest elevations in the state of North Carolina. Our sunsets last longer so you can savor our award-winning wines that are estate-grown, produced and bottled at the state-of-the-art winery. 2695 Sugarloaf Road, Hendersonville. burntshirtvineyards.com

>> CALABOOSE CELLARS In the shadows of the Great Smoky Mountains, there’s an old stone building with bars on the windows that overlooks our small vineyard. Legend has it that the local lawman locked up the hooligans here to cool down until they went before the magistrate. 565 Aquone Road, Andrews. calaboosecellars.com

>> CHEROKEE CELLARS As the downtown winery we feature local wines made from local grapes sourced from commercial vineyards in Georgia and North Carolina. Once we select the best fruit or juice we can find, the wine making and blending is done on site at our downtown winery. 23

VISIT WNCWINETRAIL.COM Hickory Street, Murphy. cherokeecellars.com

>> EAGLE FORK VINEYARDS We at Eagle Fork Vineyards have never wavered from our dream of our own winery. Come join us for a wine tasting, bring a snack and sit on the patio with a glass of wine or lounge by the creek with a picnic lunch sharing a bottle of wine. 225 Dick Jones Rd, Hayesville. eagleforkvineyards.com

>> GRANDFATHER MOUNTAIN WINERY Our terraced mountain vineyard and winery is nestled right on the Watauga River at the base of Grandfather Mountain. We are the first producing winery in Watauga County, NC. We think you’ll find our wines unique. 225 Vineyard Lane Banner Elk. grandfathervineyard.com

>> GREEN CREEK WINERY Green Creek Winery was started in 2005 by Alvin Pack, an 8th-generation native of Polk County, where his family has been farming land since the 1700s. Green Creek Winery was the first in the world to produce the revolutionary Chardonnay Rosso in 2007. 413 Gilbert Road, Columbus. greencreekwinery.us

>> JEWEL OF THE BLUE RIDGE VINEYARD Jewel of the Blue Ridge Vineyard specializes in propagating and growing native, cold-hardy Katuah Muscadine™ grapes using biodynamic methods. These special grapes make a great steep slope, cold-hardy crop that can be grown naturally, organically, or biodynamically from which important phytochemicals can be derived for the neutraceutical industry. Marshall. jeweloftheblueridge.com

>> LAKE JAMES CELLARS Lake James Cellars is a family owned and operated winery located in the foothills near Morganton North Carolina. Step through the leaded-glass front doors of our restored 1915 textile mill building, located in Glen Alpine, NC and taste the magnificent flavors of our fine wines. 204 E Main St (Hwy 70) Glen Alpine. lakejamescellars.com

>> LINVILLE FALLS WINERY Elevate your taste in wine at Linville Falls Winery. Located just a 1/4 mile from the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Linville Falls Community. Come taste our award winning

wines, hike our scenic trails, and enjoy a relaxing afternoon on the patio by a roaring fire. 9557 Linville Falls Hwy. Newland. linvillefallswinery.com

>> MOUNTAIN BROOK VINEYARDS At Mountain Brook Vineyards, crafting wine is a labor of love. All of our wines are made of 100% NC grapes, harvested by hand, and fermented separately in oak barrels and unoaked stainless steel tanks. 731 Phillips Dairy Rd, Tryon. mountainbrookvineyards.com

>> NOTTELY RIVER VALLEY VINEYARDS Nottely River Valley Vineyards is a familyowned and operated vineyard and winery established in 2008. The vineyard consists of high density plantings of Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvingnon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Riesling and a small block of French Hybrids. 1150 Old Culberson Rd Murphy. nottelywine.com

>> OVERMOUNTAIN WINERY Nestled at the gateway of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Overmountain Vineyards is planted on 15 acres of fertile farmland in the Tryon Foothills of Polk County consisting of 20 acres; 2 additional acres of blueberry & 3 acres of petit manseng. You will enjoy the picturesque views as you enjoy a walk through the vineyard. 2012 Sandy Plains Rd. Tryon. overmountainvineyards.com

>> OWL’S EYE VINEYARD AND WINERY Whether you are a wine connoisseur or are just beginning to explore wine, we are happy to give you a memorable and enjoyable experience. We are located 2.5 miles from the historic downtown Shelby courtsquare. We offer tours, tastings and private events. 1414 Metcalf Road, Shelby. owlseyevineyard.com

>> PARKER-BINNS VINEYARDS Polk County, North Carolina had a rich history of growing and selling grapes in the late 1800’s. Now with the area having over 20 vineyards and 3 wineries, we knew this was the place to be. 1414 Metcalf Road, Shelby. owlseyevineyard.com

>> RUSSIAN CHAPEL HILLS WINERY Our vineyard rests below the beautiful St. Anna Chapel, which is a part of the Eastern Diocese of the Russian Church Outside of Russia, under

the Omophorion of Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church. 2662 Green Creek Drive,Columbus. russianchapelhill.com

>> SAINT PAUL MOUNTAIN VINEYARDS Saint Paul Mountain Vineyards is a familyowned operation located in the heart of Henderson County’s apple country. Because of the cool nights in our region, the 14 varieties of wine grapevines grown on two vineyards -at elevations of 2,300 and 3,000 feet- produce some of the best grapes for producing wine in the country. 2662 Green Creek Drive,Columbus. russianchapelhill.com

>> SILVER FORK WINERY Our beautiful tasting room and grounds provide a breathtaking view overlooking our vineyards and the majestic South Mountains. The rustic airy elegance of the tasting room melts into the open patio providing ample room indoors or out, for guests to enjoy a bottle with friends or a moment of relaxation. 5000 Patton Road, Morganton. silverforkwinery.com

>> SOUTH CREEK VINEYARD South Creek welcomes you to come & taste our award winning Bordeaux Style Wines at our charming century plus aged Italian Renaissance Farmhouse. As you enter the grounds, take in the panoramic view of our estate complemented by our grazing horses. 2240 South Creek Road, Nebo. southcreekwinery.com

>> VALLEY RIVER VINEYARDS A Taste of Southern Appalachia. Join us for free wine tastings, Fridays and Saturdays, 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm. We also sell a variety of gifts, souvenirs, and home winery supplies including yeasts, bottle corks, bottles, and capsules. 4689 Martins Creek Road, Murphy. valleyrivervineyards.com

>> WALDENSIAN HERITAGE WINERYS Centuries ago, in the Cottian Alps, west of Torino, Italy and in the Western Piedmont of Italy, the Waldensians learned the craft of creating great wines.And today, these wine-making skills are preserved by Waldensian Heritage Wines, located a couple of miles north of downtown Valdese. 4940 Villar Lane NE, Valdese. waldensianheritagewines.com FALL 2018 | FOODLIFEMAG.COM


A Guide to Planting & Harvesting in the Southern Appalachians DE C







How to plant

space between plants / planting depth Plant seeds Plant transplants, shoots, or roots Recommended planting dates






50-55 days 2 years

4-5 ft apart / plant same depth as nursery 18” apart / ½” deep

70-80 days

12” apart / ½” deep

70-80 days 85-95 days

2” apart / ¼” deep

85-95 days

12” apart / 1½” deep

85-95 days

10” apart / 1” deep

90-100 days

60” apart / 1½” deep 75-80 days

4” apart / ½” deep

75-80 days

18” apart / ½” deep 95-120 days

10” apart / ½” deep

2 ft apart / ¾ inches deeper than transplant soil

2 years

2 years 95-125 days

12” apart / 5½” deep

75-85 days

18” apart / ½” deep 24” apart / 1½” deep


2 years

3” apart / 1” deep

10” apart / 4” deep

Days to maturity Winter Spring Summer Fall

6-10 years*

15-18 ft apart / 12-18” deep* 15” apart / 6” deep



50-60 days

Compiled from research provided by the University of North Carolina Cooperative Extension, ASAP, and the Farmer’s Almanac, this guide includes suggested dates for several crops. Note: The Southern Appalachians are diverse, and growing seasons vary. The months above are approximate.



r eCi Pe

tHe Guide

red Wine chocolate cake recipe and photo by tiffany Welsh

1½ C All Purpose Flour ¾ C Cocoa Powder ½ tsp Salt 1 tsp Baking Powder ½ tsp Baking Soda ½ tsp Cinnamon 1 C Sugar ½ C Light Brown Sugar ¾ C + 1 Tbsp Olive Oil 2 Large Eggs 1 tsp Vanilla 1 C Red Wine Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 10 C bundt pan and dust with cocoa powder. In a large bowl sift together flour, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon. Set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine sugars and oil. Beat on medium speed for about 3 minutes. Add the eggs and the vanilla and beat for another 90 seconds. Scrape down the bowl. Turn the mixer to the lowest setting, alternate adding the wine and the flour mixture, beginning and ending with the wine. Mix until all dry ingredients are just incorporated. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto cooling rack to cool completely. Top with melted chocolate, powdered sugar or whipped cream.


tHe Guide

Calendar sier r a n e Va da ’s o Kt o b er F e st Oct 13 | Sierra Nevada Join a festive evening at their big brewery south of Asheville, with music, glassblowing, stache competition, souvenir beer stein, special beers and a German-inspired feast. 5-10 PM. $25-$30/person. Limited tickets, buy online. Free shuttles from Asheville and Hendersonville. sierranevada.com a p p le Ha rVe st F e st iVa l Oct 20 | Waynesville Hailed as one of the “10 Best Fall Harvest Festivals in the Nation,” the Annual Apple Harvest Festival is a celebration of the autumn harvest and Haywood County’s agricultural heritage. Visit the famous town of Waynesville, nestled in the NC Smoky Mountains. Countless booths of fresh apple pies, tarts, caramel apples, ciders, jewelry, pottery and yard art will be present. Try your hand at hand-cranking ice cream or pressing apple cider, then taste the fruit of your labor. Live Music, dancing, crafts, and old-fashioned games make this event fun for the whole family! visitncsmokies.com

oct o b er so u tH e a s t wi s e w oM e n H e r b al conF e re nce Oct 12-14 | Kanuga, Hendersonville We are delighted to be coming together once again in this strong, supportive sisterhood honoring ourselves, the plants, and the Earth. For one weekend in autumn, we share inspiration, celebration and practical learning about earth-based healing and women’s health. Nestled on 1,400 peaceful acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains, our new venue, Kanuga Conference & Retreat Center in Hendersonville, offers a serene backdrop for over 50 workshops and classes in herbalism, nutrition, personal growth and natural healing. We invite you to renew your spirit, explore your power and engage in the extraordinary experience of the Southeast Wise Women Herbal Conference. sewisewomen.com c id e rF e s t Oct 13 | Salvage Station The sixth annual CiderFest NC will be from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13, 2018 at the Salvage Station along the French Broad River near downtown Asheville at the peak of fall colors and the height of tourist season. We expect this year’s event to draw a record-setting 1,600 people to savor the cider and food tastings, live music and other performers, local arts and crafts, and a kids zone. From cider lovers looking to sample sips from some of the nation’s best craft cider and mead makers, to families looking for a destination for kid-friendly fall activities along the river, to area residents interested in supporting and learning more about sustainability, CiderFest really has something to offer everyone. ciderfestnc.com 28


b r ewG r a ss Fest iVa l Oct 20 | Salvage Station Founded in 1996, Brewgrass Festival is Western NC’s original craft beer festival. North Carolina is now home to over 200 breweries and brewpubs, and since those early days, Asheville has formed a burgeoning beer scene - even reigning as “Beer City USA” four years in a row. Brewgrass Festival’s annual event has always showcased some of the most in-demand and exciting brewers in the region. brewgrassfestival.com b p sc p r e sen t s sc a rY st o r ie s t o t el l i n t He da r K Oct 29 | Location Undisclosed Enjoy a coursed dinner menu to celebrate Halloween 2018 in homage to the 1981 children’s book series by Alvin Schwartz and illustrated by Stephen Gammell themed to folklore and urban legend. Join us for a Halloween costume contest, live spin, beer, wine, punch and custom cocktail specials with a deliciously creative 5 course evening menu. Late night Halloween party to follow. Two seating times are available for the evening: 5:30pm/8:30pm theblindpigsupperclub.com

noVe M be r t rYo n b e e r Fest Nov 3 | Depot Plaza, Tryon The Tryon Downtown Development Association presents the 7th Annual Tryon Beer Fest! Tryon’s annual Oktoberfest-style event is Saturday, November 3, 2018 from noon ’til 6pm in the Tryon Depot Plaza. Regular tickets are $30 through August 31, 2018 (Early Bird), $35 from September 1, 2018 through November 2, 2018, and $40 at the gate (cash only). VIP Tickets are available this year offering access to a VIP area with snacks and exclusive beers, a hand-crafted tasting cup holder, and $15 credit for oysters or festival merchandise. VIP Tickets are limited at $75 and include access to the VIP area with food, restrooms, and more. tryonbeerfest.com

2n d annu a l wnc F e r M e n tat i on F e s t i Va l Nov 3 | Madison County Cooperative Extension Center A uniquely tasteful event will be held from 12:00pm to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3, at the Madison County Cooperative Extension Center, 258 Carolina Lane. The event is free to attend, with proceeds benefiting the local food pantry Beacon of Hope Services. Local and regional fermenters will be presenting their products with six hosting free fermenting demonstrations and sharing skills in preparing beneficial food and drinks like kraut, jun, sourdough, ciders, apple cider vinegar, chocolates, vegan cheese and pet food. wncfermentingfestival.com H iG H la nd s F o o d an d w i n e F e s t i Val Nov 8-11 | Highlands, NC Food. Wine. Music. Mountians That’s what you can expect at Highlands Food & Wine 2018. From James Beard Award winning chefs to Grammy Award winning artists — all convene at 4118 feet above sea level for a magical autumn weekend to celebrate the art of food and wine. For tickets, schedules, talent lineup and lodging options, please visit highlandsfoodandwine.com bu r npile H a rV e s t F e s t Nov 11 | Burial Taproom Burnpile is a celebration of community, of the season, of change and harvest. In our 5th year, we invite a community of brewers, chefs, wine makers, artists, musicians and all of those who celebrate craft to come, embrace the change in the air and experience the last hurrah before we settle in for our winter’s nap. For the final time ever, our Burnpile will be held at our original taproom downtown, rife with new bars and extended space. This year, we finally get to share the Forestry Camp with a limited number of individuals who join us for our pre-festival tours and tastings. burialbeer.com ta ste o F a s H e V il l e : tas t e & t un e s Nov 15 | The Venue Asheville’s biggest culinary event celebrates 10 years of bold flavors and palate pleasers. The Asheville Independent Restaurant Association (AIR) hosts the 2018 Taste of Asheville: Taste & Tunes, Presented by Mission Health, Thursday, Nov. 15 at The Venue in downtown Asheville. This event not only entertains the taste buds, it also is one of the largest fundraisers of the year to support the work of the AIR, which in turn supports the 120 members of the Asheville Independent Restaurant Association. VIP tickets (early admission) are $100; general admission tickets are $75. This special evening celebrates a taste of some of the best that Asheville has to offer. Fall M e at & craF t s al e Nov 17 | Warren Wilson College Farm The Fall Meat Sale gives you the opportunity to purchase our meats in bulk for a discount! We will be offering our usual grassfed beef, grass-fed lamb, and pork packages. All of our meat is raised without growth promotants or antibiotics, and is grazed on pesticide and herbicide free pasture. Additionally, we will be joined by the Warren Wilson Garden, Herb, Horse, and Craft Crews, who will all be selling their produce and wares. Come prepared to get all of your veggie and craft needs!

2 0 1 8 c l o s i n g d at e s asheville city market

December 15, Saturdays 8-12

asheville City market South October 24, Wednesdays 12-4

Black mountain tailgate market November 17, Saturdays 9-12

French Broad Food CoOp tailgate market November 21, Wednesdays 2-6

henderson County tailgate market October 27, Saturdays 8-12

mills river Farmers market October 27, Saturdays 8-12

north asheville tailgate market November 7, Saturdays 8-12

Original waynesville tailgate market

October 27, Wednesdays + Saturdays 8-12

river arts district farmers market November 21, Wednesdays 3-6

weaverville tailgate market

October 31, Wednesdays 2:30-6:30

west asheville tailgate market

November 20, Tuesdays 3:30-6:30

For a complete list of the 90+ tailgates in the region, including their season closing dates, visit ASAP’s online Local Food Guide at appalachiangrown.org



In our Dine Out Asheville Restaurant and Menu Guide, you’ll find a wide variety of restaurants to visit in each neighborhood. From the River Arts District to Biltmore, the Blue Ridge Parkway to the French Broad River, Asheville’s bustling downtown and surrounding mountain communities feed your imagination with the creativity of local artists and chefs. chefs here take inspiration from local and fresh ingredients. Dine at one of hundreds of independent restaurants, and you’ll find grass-fed meat, farm-fresh vegetables, and artisan cheeses.

Asheville Map Downtown North Asheville South Asheville West Asheville East Asheville first look 31 | Downtown Asheville 34 | North Asheville 35 | South Asheville 36 | Historic Biltmore Village 37 | Biltmore Park Town Square 37 | West Asheville 38 | River Arts District 38 | East Asheville 39 | Black Mountain 40 | Hendersonville 41 | Waynesville 42 | Maggie Valley

Waynesville Maggie Valley


do wn To wn

downtown 5 walnu t

5 Walnut St • (828) 253-2593 5walnut.com Local Fare

67 b i ltMo re

67 Biltmore Ave • (828) 252-1500 67biltmore.com Fast Casual

addi ssa e

48 Commerce St • (828) 707-6563 addissae.com Ethiopian

asHeVille piZZa & b r ewinG

77 Coxe Ave • (828) 255-4077 ashevillepizza.com Pizza, American

asHeVille Ya cHt c l u b

tH e bi e r Gard e n

caFe 64

64 Haywood St • (828) 252-8333 cafe-64.com Café

68 N Lexington • (828) 350-3741 ashevillebouchon.com French Comfort Food

bi s cu i t H e ad

c a lY p so

t H e c r o w & t H e Quill

c a r M e l’s

c uc in a 2 4

c atawb a b r e win G c o .

c Úr at e

46 Haywood St • (828) 285-0002 ashevillebiergarden.com Sports Bar

417 Biltmore Ave #4F (828) 505-3449 biscuitheads.com Breakfast

tH e bl acK bi rd

47 Biltmore Ave • (828) 254-2502 theblackbirdrestaurant.com Farm to Table

tH e bl ocK oF F bi ltMore

39 S Market St • (828) 254-9277 theblockoffbiltmore.com Vegan

bl u e d re aM cu rrY H ou s e

87 Patton Ave • (828) 255-8454 ashevilleyachtclub.com Eclectic Bar Food

81 Patton Ave • (828) 258-2500 bluedreamcurry.com Curries

auX ba r


68 N Lexington Ave • (828) 575-2723 auxbar.com Bar

1 N Pack Sq • (828) 254-0209 bombanc.com Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

b ab a na HM

bou cH on

1 Page Avenue #139 - Grove Arcade (828) 575-2075 babanahm.com Middle Eastern/Mediterranean, Casual

b ar leY’ s ta pro o M & p i ZZeria

42 Biltmore Ave • (828) 255-0504 barleystaproom.com Pizza, Casual

b at t e rY pa rK bo o K eXc HanG e & c HaMpa G ne ba r

1 Page Ave #101 • (828) 252-0020 batteryparkbookexchange.com Wine Bar, Snacks

b en & J errY’ s

62 N Lexington • (828) 350-1140 ashevillebouchon.com French

bras i l i a

26 East Walnut St • (828) 785-1599 brasiliasteakhouse.com Latin American

broad waY ’ s

120 Lexington Ave • (828) 285-0400 Lunch, Dinner

bu cH i bar

116 N. Lexington Ave. (828) 232-0738 rosettaskitchen.com Cocktail Bar

bu rGe rw orX

c r Ê p e b o ur r É e

18 N Lexington Ave • (828) 575-9494 calypsoasheville.com Caribbean

1 Page Ave • (828) 252-8730 carmelsofasheville.com Southern

32 Banks Avenue • (828) 430-6883 Catawbabrewing.com Brewery

c H a i pa n i

22 Battery Park Ave • (828) 254-4003 chaipani.net Indian

c H a M pa

c H e st n ut

48 Biltmore Ave • (828) 575-2667 chestnutasheville.com Farm to Table

c H ie sa

152 Montford Ave • (828) 552-3110 chiesaavl.com Italian

t H e c H o c o lat e F e t isH 36 Haywood St • (828) 258-2353 chocolatefetish.com Chocolate

c H o c o lat e G e M s

25 Broadway St • (828) 505-8596 chocgems.com Chocolate

c H o p H o use

22 Woodfin St • (828) 253-1851 chophouseasheville.com Steak & Seafood

60 Biltmore Ave • (828) 252-4426 citybakery.net Bakery

4 College St • (828) 232-7282 thecladdaghrestaurantandpub.com Irish Pub

c lub e le V e n o n G r o V e 11 Grove St • (828) 505-1612 elevenongrove.com Cocktail Bar

8 Wall St • (828) 259-9292 earlygirleatery.com Southern

e n la c a lle

15 Eagle St • (828) 232-7012 enlacalleasheville.com Mexican Tapas

F o G G Y M o un ta in b re w p ub 12 Church St • (828) 254-3008 foggymountainavl.com Pub

FrencH broad c H o c o lat e lo un Ge

c la d d a G H r e sta ur a n t & p ub

32 Banks Ave • (828) 232-7216 buxtonhall.com Barbecue

e a r lY G ir l e at e rY

10 Patton Ave • (828) 348-8540 farmburger.net American

bu ri al be e r co.

bu X ton H al l

78 N Lexington Ave • (828) 575-2424 dobrateanc.com Tea Room

Fa r M b ur G e r

b en ’s tu ne u p

b Hr aMa ri brewinG co.

dobrÁ tea

41 Biltmore Ave • (828) 505-2439 doubledscoffee.com Coffee

c it Y b a K e rY

40 Collier Avenue • (828) 475-2739 Burialbeer.com Gastropub

13 Biltmore Ave • (828) 239-2946 curatetapasbar.com Mediterranean

d o ub le d ’s c o F F e e & d e sse r t s

3 Biltmore Ave • (828) 225-8887 champaasheville.com Japanese

1 Page Ave — Grove Arcade (828) 253-2333 burgerworxavl.com Sandwiches

195 Hilliard Ave • (828) 424-7580 benstuneup.com Asian Fusion, Brewery

106 N. Lexington Ave. thecrowandquill.com Cocktail Bar

24 Wall St • (828) 254-6170 cucina24restaurant.com Italian

19 Haywood St • (828) 424-7153 benjerry.com/asheville Ice Cream

101 S Lexington • (828) 214-7981 bhramaribrewhouse.com Small Plates

dine out

10 S Pack Square • (828) 252-4181 frenchbroadchocolates.com Chocolate

F un K at o r iuM

147 Coxe Ave • (828) 552-3203 wickedweedbrewing.com Small Plates

t H e G o ur M e t c H ip c o M pa n Y

43 Broadway St • (828) 254-3335 gourmetchipcompany.com Chips & Sandwiches



dine out

d o wn To wn

Green Ma n bre w e rY

i Z Z Y ’ s coF F e e d e n

lit t le p iG s b b Q

74 N Lexington • (828) 258-2004 izzyscoffeeden.com Coffee

384 McDowell St • (828) 254-4253 littlepigsbbq.net Barbecue

M o d e st o

Green sa G e ca F É

J acK oF tH e wo o d

t H e lo b st e r t r a p

95 Patton Ave • (828) 252-3445 jackofthewood.com Pub

35 Patton Ave • (828) 350-0505 thelobstertrap.biz Seafood & Steak

MoJo KitcHen & lounGe

5 Broadway St • (828) 252-4450 greensagecafe.com Café

Gro Ve Ho u se enter ta inMent c oMpleX

JerusaleM Garden caFÉ

lo r e t ta ’s c a F É

27 Buxton Ave • (828) 252-5502 greenmanbrewery.com Brewery

11 Grove St • (828) 505-1612 thegrovehouse.com Cocktail Bar

Ha bitat brewin G c oMpa nY

174 Broadway St • (704) 701-8141 habitatbrewing.com Brewery

Ha na

5B Biltmore Ave • (828) 251-1661 hanaasheville.com Japanese

HaYw o o d pa rK caF É 46 Haywood St • (828) 407-4190 haywoodparkcafe.com Café

Heiwa sHo Ku do 87 N Lexington Ave (828) 254-7761 heiwashokudo.com Japanese

HeMinG waY' s c u ba

15 Page Ave • (828) 252-0218 hemingwayscubaasheville.com Cuban

HiG H FiVe co FF e e bar 190 Broadway St • (828) 398-0209 13 Rankin Ave • (828) 713-5291 highfivecoffee.com Coffee

Hi-w ire brew in G

197 Hilliard Ave • (828) 738-2448 hiwirebrewing.com Brewery

Ho peY & co

45 S. French Broad • (828) 255-5228 hopeyandcompany.com Café/Deli

t H e iMperia l li F e

78 Patton Ave • (828) 254-0255 jerusalemgardencafe.com Mediterranean

K are n d onate lli baK e rY & caF É

57 Haywood St • (828) 225-5751 donatellicakedesigns.com Bakery

K atH Mand u ca F e

90 Patton Ave • (828) 252-1080 cafekathmanduasheville.com Indian

K i lw i n’ s cH oco lat e s, F u d Ge & i ce cr e a M

26 Battery Park Ave • (828) 252-2639 kilwins.com/asheville Chocolate

K ore an H ou s e

122 College St • (828) 785-1500 koreanhousenc.com Korean

l au GH i nG s e e d c a F É 40 Wall St • (828) 252-3445 laughingseed.com Vegetarian

leXinGton aVe brewerY

55 Haywood St • (800) 441-9829 malaprops.com Café

M a M a c ita s

77 Biltmore Ave • (828) 255-8080 mamacitasgrill.com Mexican

M a n ic o M io p iZZa & Food

27 Biltmore Ave • (828) 505-1510 manicomiopizzaavl.com Pizza/Italian

Marble slab creaMerY 14 Biltmore Ave • (828) 225-5579 marbleslab.com Desserts

t H e M a r K e t p la c e 20 Wall St • (828) 252-4162 marketplace-restaurant.com Farm to Table

M aY F e l’s

l e X i nGton cor n e r MarK e t

M e d it e r r a n e a n r e sta ur a n t

l i Mone s

M e la in d ia n r e sta ur a n t

58 College St • (828) 225-3256 lexingtoncornermarket.com Grab & Go

13 Eagle St • (828) 252-2327 limonesrestaurant.com Latin American

l i ttl e be e tH ai

45 S French Broad Ave #190 (828) 239-8808 littlebeethai.com Thai

i sa ’ s bistro

l i ttl e J u Mbo


M a la p r o p ’s b o o K st o r e & caFÉ

39 N Lexington Ave (828) 252-0212 lexavebrew.com Farm to Table

48 College St • (828) 254-8980 imperialbarasheville.com Cocktail Bar, Small Bites

1 Battery Park Ave • (828) 575-9636 isasbistro.com Upscale Modern, French

114 N Lexington Ave (828) 253-3747 lorettascafe.com Sandwiches

241 Broadway St • (828) 423-0341 littlejumbobar.com Bar


22 College St • (828) 252-8840 mayfels.net Southern

1 Page Ave #138 • (828) 225-4133 modestonc.com Italian

55 College St • (828) 255-7767 mojokitchen.biz Fast Casual

tHe MontFord rooFtop bar

199 Haywood St • (828) 505-8750 themontford.com Cocktails

M o un ta in M a dre K it c H e n & a G aV e b ar 13 W Walnut St • (828) 251-8879 mountainmadreavl.com Mexican

n iG H t b e ll

32 S Lexington Ave • (828) 575-0375 thenightbell.com Gastropub

n o b le K aVa b ar

268 Biltmore Ave • (828) 505-8118 noblekava.com Café

n o o d le sH o p

3 SW Pack Square • (828) 250-9898 noodleshopasheville.com Asian

n ut Z a b o ut F ud Ge 1 Page Ave — Grove Arcade (828) 230-1165 nutzaboutfudge.com Chocolate

o . H e n rY ’s/ t H e un d e r G r o un d

237 Haywood St. • (828) 254-1891 ohenrysofasheville.com Cocktail Bar

57 College St • (828) 258-0476 Diner

70 N Lexington Ave (828) 225-8880 melaasheville.com Indian

o ld e ur o p e

M e llo w M usH r o o M

o F F t H e wa G on d ue lin G p ia n o b ar

50 Broadway St • (828) 236-9800 mellowmushroom.com Pizza, Casual

MG road

19 Wall St • (828) 254-4363 mgroadlounge.com Eclectic

13 Broadway St • (828) 255-5999 oldeuropepastries.com Desserts

22 N Market St • (828) 785-1390 offthewagonrocks.com Bar

do wn To wn on e F iFtY o ne b out iQ u e ba r

151 Haywood St • (828) 239-0239 ashevillehotellodgingdowntown.com Eclectic

on e sto p @ a sHeVil l e M usi c Ha ll 55 College St • (828) 255-7777 ashevillemusichall.com Lunch, Dinner, Late-night

on e wo rld brew in G

10 Patton Avenue • (828) 785-5580 oneworldbrewing.com Brewery

t He ora nG e peel

101 Biltmore Ave • (828) 398-1837 theorangepeel.net Bar, Event Space

oVer ea sY ca Fe

32 Broadway St • (828) 236-3533 overeasyasheville.com Breakfast/Brunch

pac K ’s taVern

20 S Spruce St • (828) 225-6944 packstavern.com American

t iG e r M o un ta in t H ir st pa r lo ur

rH u barb

7 SW Pack Square • (828) 785-1503 rhubarbasheville.com Upscale Modern, Farm to Table

112 N. Lexington Ave (828) 357-5075 Bar

roMan’ s

75 Haywood St • (828) 505-1552 romansasheville.com Fast Casual

ros e tta’ s K i tcH e n 116 N Lexington Ave (828) 232-0738 rosettaskitchen.com Vegetarian

ru s ti c Grape w i ne b a r 14 Aston St. • (828) 424-7707 rusticgrapeavl.com Wine, Small plates

tH e s & w ar ti s ana l

56 Patton Ave • (828) 575-9551 swartisanal.com Greek

s al s a’ s

6 Patton Ave • (828) 252-9805 salsasnc.com Latin American

dine out

storM rHuM bar & bistro

125 S Lexington • (828) 505-8560 stormrhumbar.com Farm to Table

t r e ssa ’s J a ZZ & b l ue s 28 Broadway • (828) 254-7072 tressas.com Sandwiches

trade and lore coFFee

st r a d a ita lia n o

27 Broadway St • (828) 348-8448 stradaasheville.com Italian

suwa n a ’s t H a i o r c H id

37 Wall St • (828) 424-7291 tradeandlore.com Coffee

t r ue c o n F e c t io n s

11 Broadway St • (828) 281-8151 suwanasthaiorchid.com Thai

1 Page Avenue #147 - Grove Arcade (828) 350-9480 trueconfections.net Desserts

ta b le

t up e lo H o n e Y c a F e

ta K o susH i

t win le a F b r e we rY

ta st Y b e V e r a G e c o .

t wist e d c r Ê p e

12 College St • (828) 255-4863 tupelohoneycafe.com Southern

48 College St • (828) 254-8980 tableasheville.com Farm to Table

63 Southside Ave • (828) 785-1991 tako-sushi.com Eclectic, Sushi

144 Coxe Avenue • (828) 774-5000 twinleafbrewery.com Brewery

p en n Ycu p co FFee co

s antÉ w i ne bar & ta p rooM

39 Market St • (828) 505-3609 pennycupcoffeeco.com Light Breakfast & Lunch

1 Page Ave #146 — Grove Arcade (828) 254-8188 • santewinebar.com Wine Bar, Tap Room, Small Plates

p i llar ro o Fto p ba r

s cand al s ni GH tclub 11 Grove St. • (828) 505-1612 scandalsnightclub.com Cocktail Bar

t H a i ta r a

t wist e d la ur e l

309 College St • (828) 575-1188 pillaravl.com American

p olanco resta u ra nt

s K Y bar

18 Battery Park • (828) 258-1058 worldcoffeecafe.com/SKYBAR/ Bar

t H ir st Y M o n K

10 N Market St • (828) 575-2576 polancorestaurant.com Mexican

V o r t e X d o uG H n uts

p os ana ca FÉ

s oci al l ou nGe & tapas

1 Biltmore Ave • (828) 505-3969 posanacafe.com American

r an K in Va u lt c oc K ta il lo u nG e

7 Rankin Ave • (828) 254-4993 rankinvault.com Cocktails, American

r ed G inG er diM su M & tapas

29 Broadway St • (828) 575-9005 socialloungeasheville.com Craft Cocktails, Local Beer, Tapas

1 Page Ave #151 • (828) 774-5554 thaitaranc.com Thai

92 Patton Ave • (828) 254-5470 monkpub.com Pub

32 Banks Ave #106 • (828) 552-3010 vortexdoughnuts.com Desserts

t r a d e & lo r e c o F F e e 37 Wall St • (828) 424-7291 tradeandlore.com Coffee/Tea

130 College Street • (828) 552-3240 twistedlaurel.com Mediterranean

wa sa b i J a pa n e se r e sta ur a n t

19 Broadway St • (828) 225-2551 wasabiasheville.com Japanese

tH e s od a F ou ntain at w oolw or tH wal K 25 Haywood St • (828) 254-9234 woolworthwalk.com Diner

s onora

82 Patton Ave • (828) 505-8688 redgingerasheville.com Dim Sum & Tapas

89 Patton Ave • (828) 232-7370 sonoranc.com Mexican

t He r H u

s oV e re i Gn re Me d i e s

10 S Lexington Ave • (828) 785-1799 the-rhu.com Bakery/Café

62 Haywood St • (828) 505-3855 twistedcrepe.com American

162 Coxe Ave. • (828) 232-7120 tastybeverageco.com Beer

29 N Market St • (828) 919-9518 Sovereignremedies.com Farm to Table



dine out

d o wn To wn / n o r T h

w e inHa u s

86 Patton Ave • (828) 254-6453 Weinhaus.com Beer & Wine

w e ll plaYed bo ard GaMe ca FÉ 58 Wall St • (828) 232-7375 wellplayedasheville.com Café

w H ite du cK taco s H op 12 Biltmore Ave • (828) 232-9191 whiteducktacoshop.com Tacos

w H ite la bs KitcH e n and ta p 172 South Charlotte St (828) 974-3868 Gastropub

w icKed w eed b re w i nG 91 Biltmore Ave • (828) 575-9599 wickedweedbrewing.com Gastropub

w ild w inG ca F É

as H e V i l l e pi Z Za & bre w i nG co

675 Merrimon Ave • (828) 254-1281 ashevillepizza.com Pizza, American

aV e nu e M

791 Merrimon Ave • (828) 350-8181 avenuemavl.com Eclectic

badHappY poutine sHop 354 Merrimon Ave • (828) 575-9998 badhappypoutine.com Canadian, American

baK e d pi e co.

50 N Merrimon Ave. • (828) 210-9544 bakedpiecompany.com Deserts

tH e barre l H o use

1459 Merrimon Ave • (828) 281-3613 facebook.com/thebarrelhouseAVL Pub

baVari an re s ta ur a n t

161 Biltmore Ave • (828) 253-3066 wildwingcafe.com American, Sports Bar

332 Weaverville Rd • (828) 645-8383 bavariandining.com German

w orld co FFee caF É

be l l aGi o bi s tr o

18 Battery Park Ave • (828) 225-6998 worldcoffeecafe.com Coffee

w riter' s bistro

133 Weaverville Hwy• (828) 658-9700 bellagiobistroasheville.com Mediterranean

bone & brotH

31 Woodfin St • (828) 252-8211 Southern

94 Charlotte St • (828) 505-2849 boneandbrothavl.com Southern, Neighborhood Pub

w X YZ ba r at al oF t asHeVille

ce ci l i a’ s K i tcH e n

Za Mbra

cH arl otte s t G r ill & pu b

51 Biltmore Ave • (828) 232-2838 Cocktail Bar

85 W Walnut St • (828) 232-1060 zambratapas.com Tapas

nor tH asHeVille allG o o d co FFe e

10 S. Main St • (828) 484-8663 ashevillecoffeeroasters.com Breakfast, Lunch

aMbro Zia ba r & bi s tro 1020 Merrimon Ave • (828) 350-3033 ambrozia-avl.com Farm to Table, Upscale

asHeVille co FF e e r o a sters

961 Merrimon • (888) 434-7810 ceciliaskitchen.com Argentinian

157 Charlotte St • (828) 252-2948 charlottestgrill.com Pub

cHupacabra latin caFÉ 50 N Merrimon • (828) 333-9230 chupacabralatincafe.com Latin

ci tY baK e rY

88 Charlotte St • (828) 254-4289 citybakery.net Bakery

d e l V e ccH i os ita lia n

333 Merrimon Ave • (828) 258-7222 delvecchiositalian.com Italian

85 Weaverville Hwy • (828) 253-5282 ashevillecoffeeroasters.com Breakfast, Lunch



e d n a ’s o F a sH e V ille

870 Merrimon Ave • (828) 255-3881 ednasofasheville.com Café

e le M e n t s r e a l F o o d caFÉ 233 S Liberty St • (828) 412-5701 elementsrealfood.com Café, Juice Bar

FaV illa ’s n e w Y o r K p iZZa 640 Merrimon • (828) 575-9444 Favillasnewyorkpizza.com Pizza

M a M a c ita ’s ta co t e M p le

132 Charlotte St • (828) 255-8098 mamacitastacotemple.com Mexican

8 2 8 Fa M ilY p iZ Ze ria

946 Merrimon Ave • (828) 285-0709 marcos-pizzeria.com Pizza

M o d p iZZa

873 Merrimon Ave • (828) 774-5406 modpizza.com Pizza

F ir e p la c e r e sta ur a n t

M o e ’s o r iG in al b ar- b Q ue

G À n sH a n stat io n

n e wb r id G e c a F É

287 Weaverville Rd • (828) 645-0321 thefireplacerestaurant.net American

72 Weaverville Hwy • (828) 505-3542 moesoriginalbbq.com Barbecue

143 Charlotte St • (828) 774-5280 ganshanstation.com Asian Fusion

150 Weaverville Hwy • (828) 712-8900 Home Cooking, Breakfast

G e r a ld in e ’s b a K e rY

1461 N Merrimon • (828) 252-9335 nicksgrillasheville.com American

840 Merrimon Ave • (828) 252-9330 geraldinesbakeryavl.com Bakery

G o ld e n F le e c e

111 Grovewood Rd • (828) 424-7655 goldenfleeceasheville.com Greek, Farm to Table

H iG H F iV e c o F F e e b a r

190 Broadway Rd. • (828) 398-0209 Highfivecoffee.com Coffee

H o M e G r o wn

371 Merrimon Ave • (828) 232-4340 slowfoodrightquick.com Farm to Table, Diner

tHe Hop ice creaM caFe 640 Merrimon Ave • (828) 254-2224 thehopicecream.com Ice Cream

HowlinG Moon distillerY

42 Old Elk Mountain Rd howlingmoonshine.com Distillery

lib e r t Y H o use c a F É

221 S. Liberty St • (828) 412-3225 Café

lue lla ’s b a r - b - Q ue

501 Merrimon Ave • (828) 505-7427 luellasbbq.com Barbecue

n ic K ’s G r ill

n in e M ile

233 Montford Ave • (828) 505-3121 ninemileasheville.com Caribbean

n o i’s t H a i K it c H e n

535 Merrimon Ave • (828) 251-1960 thaikitchenasheville.com Thai

p la n t

165 Merrimon Ave • (828) 258-7500 plantisfood.com Vegan, Upscale

t H e p o tat o we d Ge

1459 Merrimon • (828) 281-3613 Diner, Breakfast

r ise ‘n sH in e caF É

640 Merrimon Ave • (828) 254-4122 risenshinecafe.com Breakfast

ta c o s & ta p s

705 Merrimon Ave • (828) 232-7377 ashevillepizza.com Mexican

t H ir st Y M o n K n or t H

51 N Merrimon Ave • (828) 424-7807 monkpub.com Pub

ur b a n b ur r it o

640 Merrimon Ave #203 • (828) 251-1921 urbanburrito.com Burritos

n o r Th/ so uTh ult i Mate ice creaM n or t H

5 5 0 taV e rn Gri l l e

Vi n n i e’ s n ei GHbo rHo o d ita l i an

140-G Airport Rd • (828) 684-5737 acropolispizza.com Pizza

195 Charlotte St • (828) 258-1515 ultimateicecreamasheville.com Ice cream

641 Merrimon Ave • (828) 253-1077 vinniesitalian.com Italian

Y olo Fro Zen Yo G u r t

505 Merrimon Ave • (828) 255-4515 facebook.com/YoLoAsheville Frozen Yogurt

waK u wa Ku eaterY 674 Merrimon Ave waku2eatery.com Japanese

550 New Airport Rd • (828) 684-3173 550tavern.com Bar & Grill

acropol i s pi Z Z a

anGe l o’ s pi Z Z a 2270 Hendersonville Rd (828) 684-7484 Pizza

apol l o F l aMe bi s t r o

485 Hendersonville Rd • (828) 274-3582 apolloflamebistro.net Mediterranean

as H e V i l l e pi Z Z a coMpanY

197 Charlotte St • (828) 200-1502 thewaterbirdasheville.com Coffee, Cocktails

1850 Hendersonville Rd (828) 277-5775 ashevillepizza.com Pizza, Pub

Zeb ulo n a r tisa n a l e s

as i an Gri l l

t He waterbird

8 Merchant Alley zebulonbrewing.com Brewery

2635 Hendersonville Rd (828) 651-8803 Asian

Zen s usHi

as i ana Grand bu F F e t

640 Merrimon Ave • (828) 225-6023 zensushiasheville.com Japanese

tHe oMni GroVe parK inn 290 Macon Ave • (828) 252-2711 groveparkinn.com Blue Ridge Artisanal Buffet Farm to Table Breakfast Buffet Edison Craft Ales + Kitchen Farm to Table, Casual

baK e d pi e coMpan Y

barbe ri tos

1856 Hendersonville Rd (828) 277-9000 barberitos.com Mexican

be an V e Gan cu i s i n e

12 b ones

3578 Sweeten Creek Rd (828) 687-1395 12bones.com Barbecue

32° i c e ba r & lo u n Ge 140 Airport Rd • (828) 684-5778 32icebar.com Lunch, Dinner, Late-night

e le n a ’s M e X ic a n Grill

1840 Hendersonville Rd (828) 575-9242 blazepizza.com Pizza

2424 Hendersonville Rd (828) 650-0999 Mexican

b lue G H o st b r e win G c o M pa n Y

125 Underwood Rd • (828) 376-0159 blueghostbrewing.com Dinner

b lue sK Y c a F É

3987 Hendersonville Rd • (828) 684-1247 iloveblueskycafe.com Eclectic

b o ld r o c K H a r d c id e r

72 School House Road • (828) 595-9940 boldrock.com Cideries

b r o o K lY n b r o s. p iZZa

3935 Sweeten Creek Rd • (828) 650-0896 bkbros.com Pizza

b ur G e rwo r X

Spa Café Café, Casual

soutH asHeVille

b la Ze p iZZa

1788 Hendersonville Rd (828) 277-2248 elcharromexicangrillnc.com Mexican

baan tH ai K i tcH e n

4 Long Shoals Rd • (828) 333-4366 bakedpiecompany.com Dessert

Vue 1913 Upscale Brasserie

el cHarro

3094 Sweeten Creek Rd (828) 274-1111 blackbearpizza.com Pizza

brotHer Joe’s coFFee pub

Great Hall Bar Drinks & Small Bites

Sunset Terrace Chophouse Steak & Seafood

b la c K b e a r p iZZa

1968 Hendersonville Rd (828) 654-8879 asianagb.com Chinese

1950 Hendersonville Rd (828) 676-2995 Thai

2145 Hendersonville Rd (828) 483-6505 eatatbean.com Vegan

be e H i V e coF F e e ba r 3732 Sweeten Creek Rd (828) 676-3188 Coffee

biltMore coFFee traders

518 Hendersonville Rd (828) 277-9227 biltmorecoffeetraders.com Coffee

dine out

20 Gala Dr • (828) 505-4564 brojoes.com Coffee, Pub

1863 Hendersonville Rd (828) 385-4677 asheville.thecasualpint.com Taproom, Bottle Shop

c in n a M o n K it c H e n

Fat c at s b illia r ds 2345 Hendersonville Rd (828) 681-0555 Pub

F ill M Y c up c a F É

1550 Hendersonville Rd #100 (828) 505-7579 fillmycupcafe.com Portuguese Café

F iV e G uY s b ur G e r s & F r ie s 1838 Hendersonville Rd (828) 277-3894 fiveguys.com Burgers

2109 Hendersonville Rd (828) 684-0416 frenchfryz.net American

G r e e n sa G e c a F É

1800 Hendersonville Rd (828) 274-4450 thegreensage.net Café

332 Rockwood Rd • (828) 654-8411 carrabbas.com Italian

t H e c a sua l p in t

1831 Hendersonville Rd (828) 575-2393 farmburger.net American

F r e n c H F rY Z

1378A Hendersonville Rd (828) 412-5212 burgerworxavl.com Burgers

c a r r a b b a ’s ita lia n G r ill

Fa r M b ur G e r

ia n n uc c i’s p iZZe r ia & ita lia n r e sta ur an t

1981 Hendersonville Rd • (828) 684-5050 iannuccis.com Italian

iV o rY r o a d

1854 Brevard Rd • (828) 676-3870 ivoryroadavl.com Café

1838 Hendersonville Rd #103 (828) 575-2100 ckcuisine.com Indian

J K ’s K it c H e n

c ir c le b r a n c H b b Q

J & s c a F e t e r ia

649 Airport Rd • (828) 687-2323 Barbecue

c o p p e r r iV e r G r ill

6 Long Shoals Rd • (828) 505-1957 Breakfast, Lunch

800 Fairview Rd • (828) 298-1209 jandscafeteria.com Cafeteria

1302 Hendersonville Rd (828) 210-8999 copperrivergrill.com American



dine out

s o uT h / b i lT M o r e vi l l a g e

JuicY lu cY’ s

620 Hendersonville Rd (828) 277-0355 juicylucysburgerbarandgrill.com American

K o rea na

221 Airport Rd • (828) 676-2844 koreanaasheville.com Korean

K o sta ’ s KitcHe n 4055 Hendersonville Rd (828) 684-0279 kostaskitchen.net American

la ca rreta

1916 Hendersonville Rd • (828) 651-4462 lacarretaavl.com Mexican

M a rco ’ s piZZa

s aV orY waY ca F e 1550 Hendersonville Rd (828) 333-2334 savorywaycafe.com Café

s i e rra ne Vad a 100 Sierra Nevada Way (828) 681-5300 sierranevada.com American, Brewery

s tone bow l K o r e a n 1987 Hendersonville Rd (828) 676-2172 stonebowlkoreannc.com Korean

sweeten creeK brewinG 1127 Sweeten Creek Rd sweetencreekbrewing.com Brewing

1854 Hendersonville Rd (828)277-0004 marcos-pizzeria.com Pizza

taMarind tHai cuisine

M edea ’ s espres s o & Juice ba r

tu pe l o H one Y c a F É

330 Rockwood Rd • (828) 654-0988 eattamarindthai.com Thai

200 Julian Lane • (828) 676-3101 espressoandjuicebar.com Café

1829 Hendersonville Rd (828) 505-7676 tupelohoneycafe.com Southern

M ills riVer bre w e rY

w i l d Gi nGe r

330 Rockwood Rd, Unit 103 (828) 585-2396 millsriverbrewery.net Brewery

paciFic pa G o d a

1863 Hendersonville Rd #124 (828) 277-6635 pacificpagoda.com Asian

papa ’ s & beer

1996 Hendersonville Rd (828) 585-2422 papasandbeerasheville.net Mexican

p oMo do ro s

75 Long Shoals Rd • (828) 687-3884 pomodoroscafe.com Mediterranean

p ost 25

2155 Hendersonville Rd (828) 676-2577 American

r o cKY’ s Ho t cH i cK e n s H a cK 3749 Sweeten Creek Rd (828) 676-3222 rockyshotchickenshack.com Fried chicken


1950 Hendersonville Rd (828) 676-2311 wildgingernoodle.com Vietnamese

w i l d w i nG caF É

65 Long Shoals Rd • (828) 691-9464 wildwingcafe.com American, Sports Bar

Historic biltMore VillaGe asaKa Japanese cuisine

F iG b ist r o

18 Brook St #101 • (828) 277-0889 figbistro.com Upscale, New American

F o o t H ills d e li at H i- wir e b iG t o p

2 Huntsman Pl • (828) 606-9372 foothillslocalmeats.com Deli

FrencH broad b r e we rY & ta st in G rooM

101-D Fairview Rd • (828) 277-0222 frenchbroadbrewery.com Brewery

H illM a n b e e r 8 Sweeten Creek Rd hillmanbeer.com Brewery

H i- wir e b r e win G b iG top

2 Huntsman Place • (828) 575-9675 hiwirebrewing.com Brewery

ic H ib a n J a pa n e se st e a K H o use

we ll- b r e d b a Ke rY & caFÉ 6 Boston Way • (828) 774-5307 wellbredbakery.com Bakery

t H e win e & o Ys t e r

2 Hendersonville Rd • (828) 676-2700 thewineandoyster.com Wine bar, Small Bites

Zo e ’s K it c H e n

14 Swannanoa River Rd (828) 505-8767 zoeskitchen.com Mediterranean

b ilt M o r e e stat e

1 Lodge St • (800) 411-3812 biltmore.com

Cedric’s Tavern 828-225-1320 Antler Hill Village Global Pub Fare

55 Sweeten Creek Rd #131 (828) 277-7750 oldschoolsubsandsalads.com Sandwiches, Deli

M o e ’s o r iG in a l b a r b Q ue

4 Sweeten Creek Rd• (828) 505-8282 moesoriginalbbq.com Barbecue

p o ur ta p r o o M

r e d sta G G r ill

10 Biltmore Plaza • (828) 505-7682 cantinabiltmore.com Mexican

11 Boston Way • (828) 398-5600 bohemianhotelasheville.com Fine Dining

tH e corne r K i t c H e n

r e Za Z


30 Lodge St • (828) 277-4121 villagewayside.com American

old scHool subs & salads

tH e canti na

777 Biltmore Ave • (828) 250-9003 Mexican

t H e V illa G e waYs id e

Bistro Antler Hill Village (828) 225-6230 Farm to table

2 Hendersonville Rd • (828) 676-2588 pourtaproom.com Brunch, Lunch, Dinner

e l cH apal a

755 Biltmore Ave • (828) 412-3190 standardpizzacoasheville.com Pizza

2 Hendersonville Rd • (828) 252-7885 ashevilleichiban.com Japanese

801 Biltmore Ave • (828) 250-9301 asaka-japanese-cuisine.com Japanese

3 Boston Way • (828) 274-2439 thecornerkitchen.com Farm to Table, New American

sta n d a r d p iZZ a c o M pa n Y

28 Hendersonville Rd (828) 277-1510 rezaz.com Mediterranean

r ut H ’s c H r is st e a K H o use

26 All Souls Cres • (828) 398-6200 ruths-chris.com/asheville Steakhouse

Deerpark Restaurant Deerpark • (828) 225-6260 Southern Buffet The Dining Room at Biltmore Inn on Biltmore Estate (828) 225-1699 Fine Dining Library Lounge Inn on Biltmore Estate (828) 225-1699 Relaxed Elegance Stable Café Biltmore House & Gardens (828) 225-6370 Appalachian Comfort Food The Bake Shop Biltmore House & Gardens Bakery The Conservatory Café Biltmore House & Gardens Café The Courtyard Market Biltmore House & Gardens Snacks The Creamery Antler Hill Village Ice Cream

b ilTM o r e v i llag e/bi lTM o r e Par k/wesT The Ice Cream Parlor Biltmore House & Gardens Ice Cream The Smokehouse Antler Hill Village Barbecue Wine Bar at the Winery Antler Hill Village Wine & Snacks

biltMore parK town sQuare 131 M a in resta u ra nt 308 Thetford St • (828) 651-0131 131-main.com New American

an ot H er bro Ken e GG 27 Schenck Pkwy • (828) 676-2823 anotherbrokenegg.com Breakfast, Brunch

b r i XX piZZa

tH i rs tY MonK s out H

c a sc a d e lo un G e

F r o st b it e ic e c r e aM

traV i ni a

d e so t o lo un G e

G a n sH a n we st

w H i cH w i cH ?

d o b r a t e a we st

G r e e n sa G e c a F É

YaYa’ s F roZ e n Y oG ur t

tHe double crown bar

G r e e n t e a susH i

earlY Girl eaterY

GYpsY Queen deli & MarKet

2 Town Square Blvd • (828) 687-3873 monkpub.com Pub

264 Thetford St • (828) 684-8060 traviniaitaliankitchen.com Italian

264 Thetford St • (828) 676-3048 whichwich.com Sandwiches

27 Schenck Pkwy, Ste 130 (828) 676-2336 yayasyogurt.com Frozen Yogurt

west asHeVille tH e ad Mi ral

30 Town Sq Blvd • (828) 654-0046 brixxpizza.com Pizza

400 Haywood Rd • (828) 252-2541 theadmiralasheville.com Gastropub

b t ’s b urG er Jo int

arcH e tY pe bre w i n G

33 Town Sq Blvd • (828) 651-8481 asheville.orderamericanburgerco.com Burgers

265 Haywood Rd • (828) 505-4177 archetypebrewing.com Brewery

c old sto ne crea Me rY

asHeVille sandwicH co

30 Town Sq Blvd • (828) 650-3013 coldstonecreamery.com Ice Cream

794 Haywood Rd • (828) 252-0110 ashevillesandwichco.com Sandwiches

Hi c K o rY taVern

battl e cat coF F e e b a r

30 Town Sq Blvd • (828) 684-0975 thehickorytavern.com Sports Bar & Grill

373 Haywood Rd • (828) 713-3885 battlecatcoffeebar.com Café

luel l a’ s ba r-b-Q u e

be an w e rK s coF F e e & te a

33 Town Sq Blvd • (828) 676-3855 luellasbbq.com Barbecue

M osaic ca FÉ

1 Town Square Blvd • (828) 676-2446 Ilovemosaiccafe.com Café

n eo b u rrito

2 Town Square Blvd • (828) 676-2066 eatneo.com Burritos

p. F. c Ha nG ’ s cHina bistro

26 Schenck Pkwy • (828) 681-2975 pfchangs.com Chinese

r ouX

43 Town Square Blvd • (828) 209-2715 rouxasheville.com Upscale Modern

dine out

753 Haywood Rd • (828) 254-7766 beanwerkscoffeecompany.com Coffee, Tea

bi Mbe ri bon

697 Haywood Rd • (828) 505-0328 bimberibon.com/ Eclectic

bi s cu i t H e ad

733 Haywood Rd • (828) 333-5145 biscuitheads.com Breakfast

bonF i re barbe cu e

1056 Patton Ave • (828) 255-0020 bonfireavl.com Barbecue

tH e bre w pu Mp

760 Haywood Rd • (828) 774-5550 thebrewpump.com Bar

1475 Patton Ave • (828) 774-5245 frostbiteicecream.com Ice Cream

235 Amboy Rd • (828) 232-7095 cascadeloungeavl.com Bar

504 Haywood Rd • (828) 255-1109 desotolounge.com Pub Fare

707 Haywood Rd • (828) 505-4307 dobrateanc.com Tearoom/Vegetarian

375 Haywood Rd thedoublecrown.com Bar

444 Haywood Rd • (828) 820-2323 earlygirleatery.com Farm to Table

e d d ie ’s d o G H o use & b a r b Q sH a K

285 Haywood Rd • ((828) 417-7402 ganshanwest.com Asian

70 Westgate Pkwy • (828) 785-1780 thegreensage.net Café

2 Regent Park Blvd • (828) 252-8300 greenteasushi.com Japanese

807-A Patton Ave • (828) 575-2758 gypsyqueencuisine.com Mediterranean

HappY Hill restaurant 1400 Patton Ave • (828) 258-0736 Diner

408 Old County Home Rd (828) 505-4144 eatateddies.com Hot dogs, Barbecue

HaYwood coMMons

e l pa r a iso

1047 Haywood Rd • (828) 255-5148 Mexican

e l Q ue pa sa

507 Haywood Rd • (828) 575-2542 haywoodcommon.com American

H o le d o uG H n ut s

168 Haywood Rd • (828) 774-5667 facebook.com/holedoughnuts Doughnuts

891 Patton Ave • (828) 255-2227 Mexican

H o M e G r o wn we st

FaV illa ’s n e w Y o r K p iZZa

1093 Patton Ave • (828) 575-9444 favillasnewyorkpizza.com Pizza

FirestorM caFe & booKs 610 Haywood Rd • (828) 255-8115 firestorm.coop Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

FootHills butcHer bar west asHeVille 697 Haywood Rd • (828) 417-7081 foothillslocalmeats.com American

219 Amboy Rd • (828) 793-0031 slowfoodrightquick.com Southern

t H e H o p we st

721 Haywood Rd • (828) 252-5155 thehopicecreamcafe.com Ice Cream

isis restaurant & Music Hall 743 Haywood Rd • (828) 575-2737 isisasheville.com New American

iZZY ’s c o F F e e H o u s e


976 Haywood Rd • (828) 258-2004 izzyscoffee.com Breakfast, Lunch

F r a c ta ls c o F F e e sH o p & caFe

715 Haywood Rd • (828) 785-1761 jargonrestaurant.com Small Plates

428 Haywood Rd B • (828) 252-8888 floraevents.com Coffee

547 Haywood Rd • (828) 412-2039 fractalscoffee.com Coffee, Café


M o o se c a F É

570 Brevard Rd • (828) 255-0920 eatatthemoosecafe.com Southern



dine out

w e s T / r i ve r a r Ts d i s Tr i CT/ea sT

n a nta Ha la bre w i nG

s H or t s tre e t c a K e s

we st e n d b a K e rY

n e w b e lG iuM bre w in G

n eo bu rrito

siMple caFÉ & Juice bar

we st V ille p ub

o le sH a K e Y ’s G e tawaY

n ine Mile

s tand ard pi Z Za coMpanY

Y o sH id a J a pa n e se st e a K H o use

p e n n Y c up c o FF e e co

s tone ri d Ge taV e r n

Zia ta Q ue r ia

747 Haywood Rd • (828) 488-2337 nantahalabrewing.com Beer

1341 Parkwood Ave • (828) 772-9602 neoburrito.com Burritos

751 Haywood Rd • (828) 575-9903 ninemileasheville.com Caribbean

n o ble Ha rd cid e r

356 New Leicester Hwy • (828) 575-9622 noblecider.com Cidery

p i ZZa Mind

285 Haywood Rd • (828) 575-9181 pizzamindavl.com Pizza

t H e o ddito riu M

1045 Haywood Rd • (828) 575-9299 ashevilleodditorium.com Bar

one w o rld bre w i nG

520 Haywood Rd • (828) 575-9992 oneworldbrewing.com Beer

orienta l paVili on

48 Westgate Pkwy • (828) 236-3839 orientalpavilion.com Chinese

owl ba KerY

295 Haywood Road • (919) 785-1770 owlbakery.com Bakery, Coffee & Tea Shop

oYsterHo u se b re w i nG

625 Haywood Rd • (828) 575-9370 oysterhousebeers.com Brewery, Seafood

papa s & beer

1000 Brevard Rd • (828) 665-9070 papasandbeerasheville.com Mexican

r eJaVa natio n caF É 909 Smokey Park Hwy (828)670-5595 rejavanationcafe.com Café

r o cKY’ s Ho t cH i cK e n s H a cK 1455 Patton Ave • (828) 575-2260 rockyshotchickenshack.com Fried Chicken


225 Haywood Rd • (828) 505-4822 shortstreetcakes.com Bakery

643 Haywood Rd • (828) 774-5410 simpleasheville.com Café

631 Haywood Rd • (828) 255-8122 standardpizzacoasheville.com Pizza

1003 Brevard Rd • (828) 665-3333 thestoneridgetavern.com American

stone road restaurant & bar 328 New Leicester Hwy (828) 412-3810 stoneroadrestaurant.com American

s u nnY poi nt c a F É

626 Haywood Rd • (828) 252-0055 sunnypointcafe.com Upscale Comfort Food

taco bi l lY

201 Haywood Rd • (828) 505-0088 tacobillyasheville.com Tacos

tas te e d i ne r

757 Haywood Rd • (828) 252-9378 westendbakery.com Bakery

777 Haywood Rd • (828) 225-9782 westvillepub.com Pub

4 Regent Park Blvd • (828) 252-5903 yoshidaasheville.com Japanese

521 Haywood Rd • (828) 575-9393 ziataco.com Mexican

riVer arts district 1 2 b o n e s sM o K e H o use 5 Foundry St • (828) 253-4499 12bones.com Barbeque

a ll so uls p iZZa

175 Clingman Ave • (828) 254-0169 allsoulspizza.com Pizza

a sH e V ille G uita r b a r 122 Riverside Dr • (828) 616-0504 Bar

t H e b ull a n d b e G G a r

575 Haywood Rd • (828) 412-5566 tasteedinernc.com Diner

37 Paynes Way • (828) 575-9443 thebullandbeggar.com Upscale Modern

ti Ge r baY caF e

t H e b Y wat e r

373 Haywood Rd • (828) 713-3885 Barbecue, Eclectic

u ni V e rs al J oi n t

784 Haywood Rd • (828) 505-7262 ujasheville.com American

u pcou ntrY bre win G

1042 Haywood Rd • (828) 575-2400 upcountrybrewing.com Brewery, American

urban orcHard cider co.

796 Riverside Dr • (828) 232-6967 bywater.bar Bar

c lin G M a n c a F É

242 Clingman Ave • (828) 253-2177 clingmancafe.com Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch

F r e sH we st

342 Depot St • (828) 552-3917 freshwoodfiredpizza.com Pizza

G in G e r ’s r e V e n G e

210 Haywood Rd • (828) 774-5151 urbanorchardcider.com Cidery, Small Plates

829 Riverside Dr • (828) 505-2462 gingersrevenge.com Brewery

west asHeVille lounGe & KitcHen (walK)

t H e G r e Y e a G le ta Q ue r ia

401 Haywood Rd • (828) 505-7929 walkavl.com Gastropub


185 Clingman Ave • (828) 271-7987 thegreyeagle.com Latin American

21 Craven St. • (828) 333-6900 newbelgium.com/brewery/asheville Brewery

790 Riverside Drive • (828) 545-6985 Oleshakeys.com Bar

362 Depot St pennycupcoffeeco.com Coffee

p l ēb

289 Lyman St. • (828) 785-5335 pleburbanwinery.com Wine

t H e sa lVa G e stat ion

468 Riverside Dr • (828) 407-0521 salvagestation.com American

sMoKY parK supper club 350 Riverside Dr • (828) 350-0315 smokypark.com American

ult r a c o F F e e bar

242 Clingman Ave • (828) 253-2177 clingmancafe.com Café

V iV ia n

348 Depot St • (828) 225-3497 vivianavl.com European

we d G e b r e winG c o M pa n Y

37 Paynes Way • (828) 505-2792 wedgebrewing.com Dinner, Late-Night

wH it e d uc K ta co s H op 388 Riverside Drive • (828) 254-1398 whiteducktacoshop.com Tacos

Zillic o a H b e e r co.

870 Riverside Dr • (828) 484-6502 zillicoahbeer.com Brewery

east asHeVille asHeVille distillinG coMpanY

12 Old Charlotte Hwy • (828) 575-2000 ashevilledistilling.com Distillery

b o n e F isH G r ill

105C River Hills Rd • (828) 298-6530 bonefishgrill.com Seafood & Steak

easT/bla Ck M o un Tai n b uFFalo w ild w inGs

J & s caF e te ri a

c op p er cro w n

tH e l ocal J oi nt

4 Tunnel Rd • (828) 251-7384 buffalowildwings.com Sports Bar

1011 E. Tunnel Rd • (828) 505-7531 coppercrownavl.com Bistro, New American

c or n ersto ne r es ta u ra nt

102 Tunnel Rd • (828) 236-0201 cornerstonerest.com American

c r eeKside ta pHo u se 8 Beverly Rd • (828) 575-2880 creeksidetaphouse.com Barbecue, Grill

t He doner — Keba bs an d Fa la Fels

3 S Tunnel Road • (828) 301-4072 thedoneronline.com Kababs

t He dripo lato r c oFFeeHo u se

221 W State St • (828) 669-0999 Coffee

east V illa G e G rille

1177 Tunnel Rd • (828) 299-3743 eastvillagegrille.com American

Fai rView taVern

831 Old Fairview Rd• (828) 505-7236 Pub

Fi l o

1155 Tunnel Rd • (828) 298-9777 filopastries.com Bakery

Hap p Y J a cKs

84 Mineral Springs Rd (828) 774-5382 Breakfast, Lunch

Hi c K o rY nu t G a p FarM 57 Sugar Hollow Rd • (828) 628-1027 hickorynutgapfarm.com Farm to Table

Hi GHla nd brew inG co

800 Fairview Road • (828) 298-0507 jscafeteria.com American

1185 Charlotte Hwy • (828)338-0469 Farm to Table, Casual

MacK K e l l s

160 Tunnel Rd • (828) 253-8805 facebook.com/mackkellspubandgrill American

MaMa’ s & be e r

121 Broadway Ave • (828) 669-5255 berlinerkindl.homestead.com German

4 Olde Eastwood Village Blvd (828) 298-7224 piazzaeast.com Pizza

poModoros GreeK & ita lia n c a F É

1070 Tunnel Rd • (828) 299-3032 pomodoroscafe.com Greek, Italian

p o st 7 0 in d ulG e n c e b a r at F ilo

1155 Tunnel Rd • (828) 298-9777 filopastries.com Small Plates, Cocktails

Mi K ad o J apane s e s te aK H ou s e

r e n d e ZV o us

MoMe nts coF F e e b a r

2304 US Hwy 70 • (828) 686-5679 momentscoffeebarandcatering.com Café

nacHos & beer

230 Charlotte Hwy • (828) 298-2280 Mexican

ne o bu rri to

4 S Tunnel Rd #750 • (828) 772-9619 neoburrito.com Burritos

o’cHarleY’s restaurant 2 Kenilworth Knoll • (828) 281-0540 ocharleys.com American

oK i e d oK i e s

2375 US Hwy 70 • (828) 686-0500 okiedokiesbbq.com Barbecue

ol i V e Gard e n

121 Tunnel Rd • (828) 255-9887 olivegarden.com Italian

papa’ s & be e r

17 Tunnel Rd • (828) 255-2204 papasandbeerasheville.net Mexican

12 Old Charlotte Hwy (828) 299-3370 highlandbrewing.com Brewery, Food Trucks

pe nnY cu p coF F e e c o

i n di a G a rden

pe ppe roni ’ s

80 S Tunnel Rd • (828) 298-5001 indiagardenasheville.com Indian

b e r lin e r K in d l

p ia ZZa

1235 Tunnel Rd • (828) 298-3838 Mexican

45 Tunnel Rd • (828) 258-9696 mikadojapanesesteakandsushi.com Japanese

6 Beverly Rd. pennycupcoffeeco.com Coffee

1115 Tunnel Rd • (828) 575-9990 eatpepperonis.com Pizza

t H e b la c K b e a r taV e r n

10 E Market St • (828) 357-8470 American

blacK Mountain ale House 117 Cherry St • (828) 669-9090 blackmountainalehouse.com Pub, American

b la c K M o un ta in b a K e rY

102 Church St • (828) 669-1626 bakedinblackmountain.com Bakery, Lunch

184 New Haw Creek Road ashevillebouchon.com French

root bar

1410 Tunnel Road • (828) 299-7597 facebook.com/rootbarnumberone Bar

t H e so c ia l

1078 Tunnel Rd • (828) 298-8780 thesocialasheville.com American

t ur G ua b r e win G c o M pa n Y

27 Firefly Hollow Dr • (828) 222-0984 turguabrewing.com Brewery

ult iM at e ic e c r e a M

1070 Tunnel Rd • (828) 296-1234 ultimateicecreamasheville.com Ice Cream

b la c K M o un ta in b ist r o

203 East State St • (828) 669-5041 blackmountainbistro.com New Southern

blacK Mountain ciderworKs + MeaderY

104 Eastside Drive • (828) 419-0089 blackmountainciderworks.com/ Brewery

b la c K M o un ta in M ill & p iZZe r ia 29 Vance Ave • (828) 419-5039 blackmountainmillandpizzeria.com Pizza

blue ridGe biscuit coMpanY

601 W State St • (828) 357-8501 Breakfast & Brunch

we b o ’s b b Q

800 Fairview Rd. Suite C8 (828) 298-1035 webosbbq.com Barbecue

coacH House seaFood & steaK

wH ist le H o p b r e win G c o M pa n Y

1288 Charlotte Highway • (828) 338-9447 whistlehop.com Brewery

wo o d F ir e b a r & G r ille 1450 Tunnel Rd • (828) 298-5611 ihg.com Bar, Grill

blacK Mountain a r t isa n G o ur M e t MarKet

dine out

508 W State St • (828) 669-4223 Seafood, Steak

d a r K c it Y d e li & pub 122 Cherry St • (828) 357-5300 darkcitydeli.com American, Pub

dobrÁ tea

120 Broadway Ave • (828) 357-8530 dobrateanc.com Café

d r ip o lat o r c o F F e e H o use

221 West State St • (828) 669-0999 Coffee

2 East Market St • (828) 357-5500 artisangourmetmarket.com Café



dine out

b l a C k M o un Ta i n / h e n d er so n v i lle

dYnaMite roastinG coMpanY

3198 Old US Hwy 70 • (828) 357-8555 dynamiteroasting.com Café

FresH wood Fired piZZa 100 S Ridgeway • (828) 669-6999 freshwoodfiredpizza.net Pizza

HeY HeY cu pcaK e

102 West State St • (828) 669-2253 heyheycupcake.com Cake Shop

K ilw in’ s cHo co l ate s 116 W State St • (828) 669-6119 kilwins.com/blackmountain Chocolates

la G u inG u ette

105 Richardson Blvd • (888) 434-7810 laguinguettenc.com French & Latin

lo o Ko u t brewi nG co. 103 S. Ridgeway Ave • (828) 357-5169 lookoutbrewing.com Brewery

lo u ise’ s KitcHe n

115 Black Mountain • (828) 357-5446 louisesblackmtn.com American, Breakfast & Lunch

M a c’ s

104 West St • (828) 669-0668 American

MY FatHer’s piZZa & pasta

110 Cherry S • (828) 669-4944 myfatherspizza.com Pizza

n atiVe KitcHen and s ocia l pu b

204 Whitson Avenue• (828) 581-0480 nativesocialpub.com Eclectic

palate at tHe Monte Vista

Q u e s e ra

b aY b r e e Ze se a F o o d

re d rocK e r i nn

b e iJ in G c H in e se

101 Black Mountain • (828) 664-9472 queserarestaurant.com Upscale Southern

136 N Dougherty St • (828) 669-5991 redrockerinn.com Southern

roots & F ru i ts M a r K e t

b in io n s r o a d H o use

151 S Ridgeway Ave• (828) 664-0060 rootsandfruitsmarket.com Market/Café

s aK e s u s H i

b la c K b e a r c o F F e e c o

6 E Market St • (828) 669-8833 sakesushiblackmountain.com Japanese

s trai GH tawaY c a F É & pu b 1722 NC Hwy 9 • (828) 669-8856 thestraightaway.com Café, Pub

tH ai bas i l

227 W State St • (828) 664-4322 Thai

tH e trai l H e ad

207 W State St • (828) 357-5656 TheTrailheadRestaurant.com Gastropub

tow n pu Mp taV e r n 135 Cerry St • (828) 357-5075 Bar

V e rand a caF e & G iF t s 119 Cherry St • (828) 669-8864 verandacafeandgifts.com Café, Lunch Only

wHite Horse blacK Mountain

105-C Montreat Rd • (828) 669-0816 whitehorseblackmountain.com Light Fare

HendersonVille 2 Gu Y s pi Z Z a & r ib s

1307 7th Ave E • (828) 693-6755 2guyspizza.net Pizza & More

p H il’ s ba r-b-Q u e pi t

alY K at d e l i

701 NC Highway 9 • (828) 669-3606 philsbarbquepit.com Barbecue

1201 Asheville Hwy • (828) 697-0311 alykatdeli.com Deli

pisGaH brewinG coMpanY

tHe baKer’s racK & caFÉ


411 Kanuga Rd • (828) 693-3710 Chinese

1565 Four Seasons Blvd (828) 693-0492 binionsroadhouse.com American

308 W State St • (828) 669-8870 themontevistahotel.com Upscale

150 Eastside Drive • (828) 669-0190 pisgahbrewing.com Brewery

1830 Asheville Hwy • (828) 697-7106 baybreezeseafood.com Seafood

414 N Church St • (828) 513-1015 bakersrackandcafe.com Bakery


318 N Main St • (828) 692-6333 blackbear.coffee Café

blacK rose public House

222 N Main St • (828) 698-2622 Pub

b la c K b e r rY M o un ta in caFe 1908 Haywood Rd • (828) 692-4100 Café

blue ridGe piZZa coMpanY

6336 Brevard Rd • (828) 891-5648 Pizza

b r a n d Y ’s o n M a in

111 S Main St • (828) 513-1240 brandysonmain.net American

b ur G e rwo r X

638 Spartanburg Hwy (828) 595-9800 American

caFe on tHe Veranda 130 Sugarloaf Rd • (828) 692-7914 aditc.com Lunch Café

c H a M pa

437 N Main St • (828) 696-9800 champanc.com Asian

daddY d’s suber soul Food 411 7th Ave E • (828) 698-7408 Soul Food

d a n d e lio n

127 Fifth Ave W • (828) 595-9365 safelightfamily.org/dandelion.htm Café, Breakfast & Lunch

d iX ie d in e r

1724 Brevard Rd • (828) 697-5025 Diner, Breakfast & Lunch

t H e d uG o ut

430 N Main St • (828) 692-9262 Sports Bar & Grill

t H e d ut c H c upb oard 6500 Brevard Rd • (828) 891-9050 thedutchcupboard.com Diner

F ir e sid e r e sta uran t & pa n c a K e in n 295 Sugarloaf Rd • (828) 697-1004 firesidepancakeinn.com Breakfast

Flat rocK VillaGe baKerY

2710 Greenville Hwy• (828) 693-1313 flatrockwoodfired.com Bakery

F lat r o c K wo od rooM

1501 Greenville Hwy• (828) 435-1391 flatrockwoodroom.com BBQ, Pizza

G Â t e a uX c a K es & pa st r ie s

315 S Church St • (828) 513-1920 gateauxhvl.com French Bakery

Great aMerican Hot doG

808 Greenville Hwy • (828) 697-2266 Hot Dog

t H e G r e e n r o oM caF É 536 N Main St • (828) 692-6335 thegreenroomcafe.biz Café

H a n n a H F la n aGan ’s 300 N Main St • (828) 696-1665 theoriginalhannahflanagans.com Irish Pub

H a r rY ’s G r ill & b b Q/ p iG G Y ’s ic e c re aM

102 Duncan Hill Rd • (828) 692-1995 harrysandpiggys.com Barbecue & Ice Cream

H a us H e id e lb erG

630 Greenville Hwy • (828) 693-8227 hausheidelberg.com German

H e n d o uG H c H i cKe n & d o n ut s 532 Kanuga Rd • (828) 595-2885 hendough.com Chicken & Donuts

hen der so n v i lle/ waYn esv i lle Hub b a Hu bba s MoK e Ho u se

2724 Greenville Hwy, Flat Rock (828) 694-3551 hubbahubbasmokehouse.com Barbecue

i an n u cci’ s

1508 Asheville Hwy • (828) 693-4300 iannuccis.com Italian

JoeY’s new YorK baGels 1500 Haywood Rd • (828) 692-1220 joeysnybagels.com Breakfast & Lunch

K i lwi n’ s

506 N Main St • (828) 698-9794 kilwins.com/hendersonville Chocolate

t He l antern

755 N Main St • (828) 513-5033 thecharleston.net Lowcountry Inspired

li Me lea F tHa i Fu s i on 342 N Main St • (828) 692-3300 limeleaf101.com Thai

t He l oFt ca Fe & pu b

111 Joel Wright Dr • (828) 595-9997 Pizza, Sandwiches

M arY ’s bu rrito s

1971 Asheville Hwy • (828) 696-9888 marysburritos.com South American

M c Farla n ba KerY

309 N Main St • (828) 693-4256 mcfarlanbakery.com Bakery

M ean Mr. Mu sta rd eXp r e ss

605 Kanuga Rd • (828) 698-8584 meanmrmustards.com Breakfast & Lunch

M eZZa lu na

226 N Main St • (828) 697-6575 mezzaluna-hendersonville.com Italian

M i K es o n Ma in

303 N Main St • (828) 698-1616 mikesonmain.com Sandwich & Soda Shop

M oe’s o riG ina l bb Q 114 N Main St • (828) 595-9200 moesoriginalbbq.com Barbecue

Mona l i s a

785 N Church St • (828) 696-7858 monalisaofhville.com Italian

Monte ’ s s u b s H op

2024 Asheville Hwy • (828) 693-3112 montessubshop.com Sandwiches

Mou ntai n d e l i

343 N Main St • (828) 693-0093 mtndeli.com Deli

Mu s tanG caF É

140 Tracy Grove Rd • (828) 693-8444 Breakfast, Lunch

ne V e r bl u e

119 S Main St • (828) 693-4646 theneverblue.com Eclectic Small Plates

old etowaH sMoKeHouse

6577 Brevard Rd • (828) 513-1680 BBQ

ol d orcH ard taV e r n

201 Sugarloaf Rd • (828) 595-8155 cascadesmountainresort.com American

papas & be e r

1821 Asheville Hwy • (828) 692-9915 papasandbeerasheville.net Mexican

pi - s Q u are d pi Z Z a

1972 Haywood Rd • (828) 693-0799 pi-squaredpizza.com Pizza

pi ta e X pre s s

1034 Greenville Hwy• (828) 696-9818 pitaexpresshville.com Mediterranean

tH e poe H ou s e

105 1st Ave W • (828) 696-1838 thepoehouse.com Pub/Small Plates

pop’ s d i ne r

860 N Main St • (828) 693-1035 Diner

pos te ro

401 N Main St • (828) 595-9676 postero-hvl.com New American

re nZ o’ s ri s torant e 502 N Main St • (828) 551-7766 renzos.us Italian

saKura Japanese cuisine

dine out

we st F ir st wo o d -F ire d 101B 1st Ave W • (828) 693-1080 flatrockwoodfired.com Pizza

825 Spartanburg Hwy, Suite 12 (828) 697-1700



sanctuarY brewinG co 147 First Avenue E • (828) 595-9956 sanctuarybrewco.com Vegetarian

Ze K e ’s G r e e n sid e taV e r n

470 Brickyard Rd, Etowah • (828) 891-7022 etowahvalley.com American


se a so n s

86 Lilly Pad Ln • (828) 696-9094 hlinn.com Upscale Modern

a M M o n s d r iV e - in & d a irY b a r

sol Y luna cali-MeX Grill 1715 Brevard Rd • (828) 692-4888 Mexican

soutH rocK bar & Grill

830 Greenville Hwy • (828) 698-2490 southrockgrille.com American

1421 Dellwood Rd • (828) 926-0734 ammonsdriveinn.com Drive-In Diner

b e a rwat e r s b r e we rY 101 Park St • (828) 237-4200 bwbrewing.com Brewery, Snacks

b lo sso M o n M a in

suM o ’s J a pa n e se st e a K H o use

1730 Asheville Hwy • (828) 513-5077 sumos.co Japanese

ta Q ue r ia M un o Z # 2

2111 Asheville Hwy • (828) 513-1199 Mexican

t e Q uila s b a r & G r ill 300 Freeman St • (828) 693-0450 el-paso-mexican.com Mexican

128 N Main St • (828) 454-5400 blossomonmain.com Thai

bocelli’s italian eaterY 319 N Haywood St • (828) 456-4900 bocellisitalianeatery.com Italian

b o G a r t ’s

303 S Main St • (828) 452-1313 bogartswaynesville.com American

booJuM brewinG coMpanY

t H a i sp ic e

220 S King St • (828) 693-7323 thaispicehendersonville.com Thai

50 N Main St • (828) 246-0350 boojumbrewing.com Brewery, American

tHree cHopt sa n d wic H sH o p p e

b o ur b o n b a r r e l be e F & a le

103 3rd Ave E • (828) 692-0228 Sandwiches

454 Hazelwood Ave • (828) 452-9191 bourbonbarrelbeefandale.com Steakhouse, American

t o o le Y ’s c a F É

1729 Brevard Rd • (828) 693-1373 American

t H e uG lY M uG

2024 Asheville Hwy • (828) 693-9999 Café

b r e a K in G b r e a d caF É 6147 Pigeon Rd • (828) 648-3838 breakingbreadcafenc.com American

c a p ta in ’s b aY

562 Russ Ave • (828) 456-6761 Seafood

uM i susH i

633 N Main St • (828) 698-8048 umisushinc.com Japanese Fine Dining

c H e F ’s ta b le

un d e r G r o un d b a K in G co

30 Church St • (828) 452-6210 thechefstableofwaynesville.com Fine Dining

352 7th Ave E • (828) 674-7494 undergroundbaking.com Bakery



dine out

waY n e s vi l l e / M a ggi e valleY

c H u rcH street d e pot 34 Church St • (828) 246-6505 churchstreetdepot.com American

c la ssic winese l l e r 20 Church St • (828) 452-6000 classicwineseller.com Small Plates, Wine

c lYde’ s resta urant

2107 S Main St • (828) 456-9135 Diner

c orK & cleaVe r

176 Country Club • (828) 456-7179 thewaynesvilleinn.com American

Fat bu ddies rib s & bbQ 193 Waynesville Pl • (828) 456-6368 fatbuddiesribsandbbq.com Barbecue

Fi reFlY ta ps a n d Gri l l

l oG cabi n F ro Ze n tre ats

2052 Dellwood Rd • (828) 400-7596 logcabinfrozentreats.com Ice Cream

MaGGi e ’ s Gal le Y 1374 Sulphur Springs Rd (828) 456-8945 maggiesgalley.com Seafood

panace a coF F e e H o use 66 Commerce St • (828) 452-6200 panaceacoffee.com Café

tH e pati o bi s tr o

26 Church St • (828) 454-0070 patio-nc.com Breakfast, Lunch

pi s GaH i nn re s tau rant

128 N Main St • (828) 454-5400 fireflytapsandgrill.com American

Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 408.6 (828) 235-8228 pisgahinn.com American

Fro G ’ s lea p publ i c Ho u se

pu b 3 1 9

44 Church St • (828) 456-1930 frogsleappublichouse.com Pub

HaYw o o d 209 caF e

3360 Crabtree Rd • (828) 627-3331 haywood209cafe.com Diner

HaYw o o d sMo K e H ou s e 79 Elysinia Ave • (828) 456-7275 haywoodsmokehouse.com Barbecue

JacK tHe dippe r 76 Waynesville Plaza (828) 246-9766 jackthedipper.com Ice Cream

J creeK ca Fe

3796 Jonathan Creek Rd (828) 926-7877 Diner

Ji M’ s driVe in

1794 S Main St • (828) 456-9805 Diner

K a nini’ s

1196 N Main St • (828) 452-5187 kaninis.com American

K o rnersto ne K aF e

319 N Haywood St • (828) 456-3040 pub319socialhouse.com Bar & Grill

s aK i s u s H i

68 Howell St • (828) 246-0905 facebook.com/sakisushi Japanese

s MoK Y Mou nta in sub s H op 29 Miller St • (828) 456-3400 smokymountainsubshop.com Deli

a p p le a n d Y ’s r e sta ur a n t

3483 Soco Rd • (828) 944-0626 American

c ata lo o c H e e r a n c H 119 Ranch Dr • (828) 926-1401 cataloochee.com American

c o un t rY V it t le s

3589 Soco Rd • (828) 926-1820 countryvittlesrestaurant.com American

F r a n K ie ’s ita lia n t r at t o r ia

1037 Soco Rd • (828) 926-6216 frankiestrattoria.com Italian

G uaYa b it o s r e sta ur a n t

3422 Soco Rd • (828) 926-7777 Mexican

J. artHur’s restaurant 2843 Soco Rd • (828) 926-1817 jarthurs.com American

le G e n d ’s sp o r t s G r ill 3865 Soco Rd • (828) 926-9464 legendssportsgrill.org American Grill

M a G G ie Va lle Y r e sta ur a n t

2804 Soco Rd • (828) 926-0425 Southern

M o o n sH in e G rille

2550 Soco Rd • (828) 926-7440 moonshinegrille.com American

M o un ta in e e r r e sta ur a n t

6490 Soco Road • (828) 926-1730 American

p in H iG H b a r & Grille

1819 Country Club Dr • (828) 926-4848 maggievalleyclub.com American

p o p ’s G r it s & eGGs

3253 Soco Rd • (828) 944-0677 Breakfast

r e n d e ZV o us r e sta ur a n t

70 Soco Rd • (828) 926-2325 maggievalleyhotel.com American

sa lt Y d o G ’s seaF ood & G r ill 3567 Soco Rd • (828) 926-9105 American

sM o K e Y sH a d o w s lo d G e & countrY GourMet dininG

323 Smokey Shadows Ln (828) 926-0001 smokeyshadows.com Farm to Table, Southern

sn a p p Y ’s ita lian r e sta ur a n t & p iZZe ria 2769 Soco Rd • (828) 926-6126 snappysitalian.com/ Italian

tH e s waG

2300 Swag Rd • (828) 926-0430 theswag.com Fine Dining

tH e s w e e t oni o n

39 Miller St • (828) 456-5559 sweetonionrestaurant.com Southern

trailHead caFe & baKerY

18 North Main St • (828) 452-3881 trailheadcafebakery.com Café

waY ne s V i l l e p iZZa c o 32 Felmet St • (828) 246-0927 waynesvillepizza.com Pizza

1092 N Main St • (828) 550-2265 Diner


MaGGie ValleY


are w e Mi s s i nG Y o ur FaV ori te re s tau ra n t ? l e t u s K now at sblanKe nsHi p@iwanna.c oM




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