Issue 27 - The Isle of Wight Mail

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mail Isle of Wight

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

The Island's free community newspaper



Trip Ends in a Lifeboat

Military sent over to assist residents

Help for local Residents

‘Pickle’ gives his Approval

As conditions continue to deteriorate at Undercliff Drive, St Lawrence, efforts have been stepped up to help affected residents remove belongings from their homes. - Page 13


ISSUE NUMBER 27 21st February 2014


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

mail Isle of Wight

Kayaker’s Fishing Trip Ends in a Lifeboat Rescue

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A Cowes man who was tipped into the Solent from his kayak was eventually rescued by the local RNLI lifeboat after managing to radio for help while still in the water. Rob Pragnell said later that he had gone out fishing with his 13 foot 6 inch yellow kayak, wearing a floatation suit. “When I was about 600 yards off Princes Green my kayak was beam on to the sea and a wave knocked me into the water. “I managed to cling on to the craft, but try as I might I could not climb back on board without it rolling me out again. I must have

attempted this four or five times. And it was no good me trying to swim ashore in that current, either. “After around 20 minutes I was getting really cold so I reached into the kayak and radioed Solent Coastguards. I was so relieved when Cowes lifeboat arrived,” added Rob, a 45 year old painter and decorator. He & his kayak were brought back to Cowes lifeboat station where his wife, who had been alerted by a lifeboat member, was waiting with dry clothes. The lifeboat had launched at 5.46 (20th Feb) & returned at 6 pm.

"Businesses can harness the weather and boost profits" - Met Office The weather can have a dramatic impact on the profitability of businesses, and a better understanding of it can help boost both profit margins and efficiency, according to the Met Office. With recent extreme weather conditions taking a devastating toll on transport and utilities, it's easy to see how an early warning system can help brace these sectors for what's in store. Weather intelligence can make a huge difference to business performance, yet many companies just don't think about it. John Hirst, CEO of the Met Office, says: "The weather affects businesses across all sectors in some way. The Met Office makes over 4.5 million forecasts a day and these are tailored to sectors such as the health service, and agriculture, we even have a consultancy for businesses preparing for the impacts of climate change. "Commercially we work with a large number of customers in the retail, energy, utilities,

insurance, transport and aviation industries, and offer services tailored for each of these sectors. "We would like to see weather rise up the business agenda for industry groups such as food security, environmental waste or supply chain businesses in the retail sector." A Sainsbury's spokesman says the Met Office helped it record its "best-ever week of seasonal barbecue sales", with a "600% increase year-on-year". Karen Whitworth, Director of Supply Chain at Sainsbury's says: "We really appreciate the value-added services the Met Office provides. Their forecasting services have given us the confidence that we need to make better ordering decisions." Benefits of Met Office forecasts to the Environment Agency Flood Warning Services are conservatively estimated at around £48 million per annum and airlines save an estimated £2.7 billion a year globally, thanks to forecasts influenced by weather intelligence.

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

What would make life on the Isle of Wight better? Over 50s, what would make life on the Isle of Wight better for you? Share your ideas and help secure £6 million for our communities! We are asking everyone on the Isle of Wight to ENGAGE - to share their ideas and change lives, by supporting a bid to secure up to £6 million of lottery funding to improve life for our older residents. The Isle of Wight has been shortlisted and invited to bid to the Big Lottery Fund as part of the Fulfilling Lives: Ageing Better scheme, to fund community led projects that empower older people (over 50 years old) to stay active, healthier and happier for longer and promote the positive role they play within society. Isle ENGAGE is made up of over 60 groups (led by Age UK Isle of Wight and working in partnership with Older Voices, IW Council and My Life a Full Life) from the voluntary, public and private sector committed to securing the money for our communities, but they need

help to strengthen and consolidate their application. This is a chance to have your say about your life on the Island and share your ideas on how to make it better. Jo Dare, CEO of Age UK Isle of Wight, shared the importance of the bid: “This is an amazing opportunity for all of us to work together to not just change the lives of our older residents now, but also shape the future for how everyone on the Island enters their later life. “Everyone is an individual and ● has different ideas, needs and Other ways to ENGAGE By attending an Engagement aspirations and we want to make ● By calling the Engagement event where you will be able that a central point of the bid. Line on (01983) 539309 and to give us your views – events However, to do this we need as leaving a message and will be taking place all over many people as possible to share comments for someone to call the Island, please call (01983) their experiences, thoughts and you back (until midnight on 525282 to find your nearest ideas and help us make our bid Sunday 16th March) event. ● the strongest it could be.” Email Completed questionnaires can be It’s easy to get involved, you can and requesting a paper copy returned to any IOW Council complete the simple survey here of the survey Library, Age UKIW Offices, 147 ● By completing a paper copy High Street, Newport or by writing of the survey available from to Isle Engage at the Freepost midnight on Sunday 16th March) all Island libraries, GP address below: or via any of the methods below: surgeries, Age UK IW Office ‘Isle ENGAGE’, Age UK Isle of Everyone who completes the in Newport, Isle of Wight Wight, Freepost RTGG-LRCSsurvey will have the Council at County Hall and JRBZ, Newport, Isle of Wight, opportunity to enter a prize help centres. PO30 1TY’ draw for £100!

Praised for storm response and clear up. With torrential wind and rain hitting the Island’s already saturated ground after the wettest December and January in nearly one hundred years, Island Roads staff had another extremely busy week tackling more of the most challenging conditions seen on the Island. Scores of roads were overwhelmed by the volume of rainfall. Drainage teams were dispatched to pump water from drains that couldn’t cope with the sheer quantity of water going into them. Blackwater Road, Calbourne Road, Harding Shute and Merstone Lane were all closed as water levels made them impassable. Over 50 trees fell across the Island in areas such as Hale Common, Brighstone, Alverstone, Shanklin, Wroxall, Ventnor, Calbourne and Freshwater. Island Roads crews were quickly dispatched to clear any highway obstructions. In preparation for the exceptionally high tides, over 700 sandbags were dispatched to Yarmouth, Newport Quay, Freshwater, East Cowes and

Cowes to help protect numerous properties from longer term water damage. Island Roads staff also supported the efforts of IW Fire and Rescue Service by pumping around 14,000 gallons of water from drains in East Cowes to protect properties from flooding. Street cleansing teams were then deployed to the worst affected areas to ensure the majority of businesses were able to trade as normal. Island Roads Service Director Paul Herbert said, “Once again, the combination of strong winds, heavy rain and high tides, on already saturated ground created some extremely difficult conditions for residents. “Our employees and supply chain partners remain committed to keeping the Island’s roads safe and have become very accustomed to dealing with these extreme weather emergencies. “We continue to respond to the challenges posed by the prolonged extreme weather conditions which have not subsided since Christmas.

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

The Great Train Robbery Quiz Book" by True crime Author Mike Gray The Isle of Wight and Parkhurst prison feature numerous times in a new book about the Great Train Robbery of 1963 called "The Great Train Robbery Quiz Book" by True crime Author Mike Gray. The Great Train Robbery Quiz Book has 200 quiz questions regarding the infamous 1963 Train robbery and the train robbers involved, its the first time a Quiz book has been published on the crime, and it also has very unusual and very interesting questions about the train robbery, that many today now call The Crime Of The Century. In 1968 when Train robber Charlie Wilson was re-arrested in canada by Scotland Yard, he was flown back to the UK and then transported in a police convoy under armed guard to HMP Parkhurst, as in 1968 it had a newly constructed high security wing, known as 'The Cage', and when Wilson was deatined he was not allowed to socilaise with the other Great Train Robbers already

in HMP Parkhurst, who were Gordon Goody, Roy James, Jim Hussey, Roger Cordrey and Tommy Wisbey, Gordon Goody was the last Train robber to be released from Parkhurst in 1976. One of the leading and most household names of the Detectives hunting the Train robbers is Ernest Malcolm Fewtrell, he was born in Ryde, Isle of Wight, where his father was a ploiceman, and Fewtrell went to the mainland to become a policeman with Buckinghamshire police as a cadet in 1927, little did he realise that in thirty six years time, he would be investigating the train robbery that took place on his patch. All the above and more about the surrounding areas are all to be found in 'The Great Train Robbery Quiz Book' By Mike Gray, whos previous publication was 'The Ronnie Biggs Quiz Book' both available on Amazon.Com or from Mikes publisher

Survey results show that the average Brit is full of hot air when it comes to their energy efficiency A new survey commissioned by Zenith Home, has revealed that 74% of British people tell fibs about their energy efficiency, stating that they are ‘Very’ energy efficient , when in fact they have no understanding of how to be energy efficient. Whilst the majority of the British public claimed to be energy efficient, they did not know: - How to measure their energy efficiency (66%) - How old their windows are (26%) - How old their boiler is (40%) - If they have external wall installation (47%) These statistics clearly indicate a failure to recognise the impact of these factors on energy bills. The survey also revealed that 46% of people only turn off their appliances at the plug when they go on holiday, and a further 22% never turn off appliances at the plug leading to everyday wastage that can total up to £90 per year per household. Zenith Home commissioned the survey to challenge Britons to disclose just how energy efficient they really are. Phil Lamb, National Sales Director at Zenith Home comments: “The survey’s findings reflect the general lack of understanding amongst the

British public around energy efficiency. We commissioned the survey to find out the best ways to educate people and how best to advise them about saving money and helping the environment. The most encouraging statistic from the survey found that 94% of those surveyed said that they would like to be more energy efficient, for financial and environmental reasons, they just need to know how to do this. In light of this we have launched an educational Hub with friendly and easy-to-follow advice on the latest energy saving techniques, successes, tips and products. We want to allow the British public to really understand what energy efficiency is and how they can take control of their energy bills and counteract the ongoing prices rises from energy firms”

Statistics for Isle of Wight 78% of people say that they are energy efficient - 66% do not know how to measure their energy efficiency - 90% want to be more energy efficient - 87% have never sought advice on becoming more energy efficient - 47% of people only turn off their appliances at the plug when they go on holiday - 28% never turn off their appliances at the plug 43% did not know how old their boiler is - 30% did not know how old their windows are

Island Arts The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

Your Fortnightly Arts Guide

“National and local come together for Acoustic Isle” Send your arts news to


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

Island Arts The Isle of Wight is home to some amazing artistic talent, and we want to highlight it on these pages. We want to hear about you and your activity, your successes, your events, your news … whether you are an artist, a musician, a dancer, a singer, a writer, a performance group … if in doubt, just tell us anyway! We will, of course, be happy to report the big events, but we want Island Arts to be for everyone of any age, at whatever level they are. And we are especially keen to showcase new talent and new ideas. So please get in touch. Tell us about your event, your exhibition, your auditions, your new commission, your need

for people to take part … whatever it is, we’ll do our best to help. You don’t have to pay for advertising on these pages to get your story covered, but we have kept the costs really low to make it a little easier for you to raise your profile. Obviously, we can’t promise to cover every single story that is sent to us, so there may be times when you want to be sure you have a presence on these pages, and advertising will give you that guarantee! Island Arts will be published every other week, as part of the Isle of Wight Mail newspaper Island Arts is edited by Kevin Wilson. Send him your news and questions

Art start Ventnor Arts Club is staging a new exhibition of work by Island artist Lyndy Moles from this week.

Plugging the gap Simon Townshend, of The Who

National and local come together for Acoustic Isle – the new in-between music festival for the Island. Hovering somewhere near the middle of what feels like the endless gap between Bestival and Isle of Wight Festival, Acoustic Isle is scheduled to run from March 13 to 23 and has already attracted some big names. Including Joe Gladdis, Simon Townshend, of The Who, and

The White Bicycles. The event is being promoted by Visit Isle of Wight, not just as a music event, but as another excuse to come to the Isle of Wight, boosting trade and income out of season. Acoustic Isle will also showcase Island talent at a range of venues, of all shapes and sizes. For more info, go to

Seeking stars!

Then, on March 5, the club begins a six week course on life drawing, led by Nick Martin. Each weekly session will run for one hour, and includes tutoring. More info, & booking at

Original Theatre is looking for people who want the chance to take part in its latest project – a new play with music that will have its premiere at Shanklin Theatre in October, before going on to other venues. Star Prize, which features newly written country music, tells the story of how a young girl's love of country music changes her life forever. t shows that following a dream can sometimes be a nightmare, but that if you stay strong, that dream can come true. The play has five main roles and a number of cameo roles, and extras, and Kevin Wilson, of Original Theatre, said it was a great opportunity for someone to show what they can do. “The play is all about taking opportunities, and Original Theatre is here to create opportunities, so we are hoping that Island people will come and meet us to find out more, and maybe have a go at an audition. The main parts need people who can sing pretty well, but there are quite a few other speaking and non-speaking parts, too.” Original Theatre is holding information sessions in the morning and afternoon of Saturday, March 22 at Brading Town Hall, and auditions from 10 till 4 on Saturday, March 29. For more info, go to and search for Star Prize Information Sessions; or send an email to


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

Island Arts

A memorable performance How To Be Immortal – Quay Arts: February 15. Music, memory, and immortality … they are important elements of our existence, but, what exactly are they? Where does music come from; what is memory; and does the fact that we remember someone render that person immortal? Mira Dovreni's play 'How To Be Immortal' touches on the science and the emotion that is wrapped up in those three questions, by cleverly unravelling three separate stories. Henrietta Lack has achieved immortality of a kind, because although she died in 1951, the cancer cells taken from her body are still alive today, helping scientists crack the complexities of DNA mapping. Her still grieving daughter is proudly presented with a test tube containing the

cells that killed her mother. Meanwhile, Rosa's partner Mick has died of cancer, and the only way Rosa can cope is by pursuing the dream of creating a piece of music from his DNA code: music that is movingly performed live on stage. And finally, the true story of the scientists who create the first HeLa cells – named after Henrietta Lacks herself, and the inspiration for the play. All of this was brought wonderfully to meaning by Penny Dreadful's production at Quay Arts as part of a national tour. Science and technology led to a 30 minute delay in the start time because of a fault in projection equipment. The play's director, Kirsty Housley, who lives on the Island, renamed it the Isle of Wait, and apologised. But there was no need for

Life drawing A life drawing workshop – one of a regular series – is being held at Dimbola Lodge, Freshwater, on Monday, February 24. Participation costs £7.50 and sessions are untutored, although organisers say help and advice is available if needed.

apology for what turned out to be a memorable performance. All the parts were played by three actors, switching seamlessly between characters, actors and costumes, with the help of an ingenious set that bore a startling resemblance to a Habitat display cupboard – although one slide out drawer turned out to be a full size bath. Clare Perkins, Anna-Helena McLean and John McKeever gave us humour, pathos and hard fact in equal measure, leaving us with the feeling that immortality may be more about our ability to remember at the moment, but that advances in DNA mapping of human cells could lead to something much more radical, one day. KW.

Interview with … Kirsty Housley Kirsty lives in Whitwell, but is hardly ever there because she is so much in demand as a freelance theatre director. She discovered a passion for theatre at school, but definitely not for acting. She leaves that to her husband Colin Carmichael. “I did perform at school but my real love is writing, directing and devising,” she said, during a visit as part of a national tour of the play she is directing, How To Be Immortal. After graduating in theatre and performance at Warwick University, she went straight into theatre management at the Etcetera in Camden, but went freelance in 2004. “I was spending so much of my time doing finance and admin, and all the other important parts of running a theatre,” she said. “But I really wanted to direct and to be able to focus on that.” She was approached to do this latest play by theatre company, Penny Dreadful because of her expertise in developing new work. The tour of How To Be Immortal comes to an end later in March, at which time Kirsty will be spending a lot more time on the Island – she is having a baby in May.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

Island Arts

May play

Wolverton Folk and Blues Fair, now in its fourth year, will be held on Saturday, May 17 and deliver the best of Islandbased music. And this year's new feature, the Beer Tent Acoustic Stage, should be a big draw, featuring Paul Armfield, Nils Mason, The Weatherkings, and more. Profits go to Leukaemia Research and Brighstone School, so what's not to like? To get the full story, go to

Send your arts news to Speedy Shakespeare

Bembridge Little Theatre Club is staging the fast moving Complete Works of William Shakespeare, with three actors presenting all the plays in 90 minutes. The show will be on at Bembridge Village Hall from April 10 to 12.

Music while you drink Tapestry will be serving up their mix of country and folk acoustic covers at Newport Ale House from 3 till 5.30pm on Sunday, February 23.

EXHIBITION FOR ARTISTS WITH AUTISM Following its success last audience and help them year, a second exhibition is make a living from their to be held featuring work by art.” artists with autism at “Art is a perfect medium to Dimbola Museum and enable those with autism to Galleries. express their thought and All of the artists are feelings. And knowing that supported by the Way people like the work so Forward Programme, an much they buy it, provides a Island charity which works huge boost for their with those with physical and confidence and self-esteem.” learning disabilities. The exhibition runs from “We had a fantastic response 29th March to 28th April. A to the event last year, and cheese and wine preview were invited to display many evening is being held at the of the works at other venues gallery in Freshwater Bay on across the Island” says Lee Friday 28th March between White, Programme Lead for 6pm and 8pm. Way Forward. “We sold 27 pieces last year, which we couldn’t have done without the support of places such as Dimbola. It’s giving our artists a wonderful opportunity to showcase their work to a wider RSVP to by March 21st


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

Worst floods for 50 years! Main Road into Town closed for 7 weeks DESTINATION YARMOUTH leaps into action In one week, Yarmouth has suffered the worst flooding for 50 years, and a prolonged main road closure. In light of the devastating effect this will have upon the economy of Yarmouth; Anthea Payne of ‘Number Twenty’ and her colleagues at Destination Yarmouth, have been working hard to counterbalance the disastrous effects these events will have upon the town. By DAY TWO of the road closure, Destination Yarmouth (DY) has achieved the following: taken direct action over incorrect diversionary signage: with amendments being made swiftly and efficiently by Island Roads, as a direct result of this action lobbied local MP Andrew Turner: who in turn has lobbied IOW Council, and provided invaluable influence and advice. (Requests to the Council supported by the MP and local Councillor Stuart Hutchings include amongst other things, Business Rates rebate request, Free parking request, FYT Bus support) lobbied Wightlink for promotional assistance: a MAJOR promotional campaign will be launched on the Lymington-Yarmouth route next week. The largest ever launched by Wightlink (incl. Press & Radio coverage) persuaded Wightlink to distribute a Destination Yarmouth leaflet: at terminals and onboard re: Yarmouth & Diversions persuaded Wightlink to allow a Destination Yarmouth Captain’s Info Announcement re: Diversions & Yarmouth persuaded Costcutter supermarket to provide a delivery service: for elderly

Yarmouth customers, during their 2 week closure for refurbishment; starting 10th March. Anthea Payne, Interim Chair of Destination Yarmouth said: “In the face of this devastating threat, we aim to do everything in our power to keep Yarmouth going. “What we have achieved so far, is just the tip of the iceberg. The message “Yarmouth is Open as Usual” needs to be transmitted loud & clear. We also need to help those people who are stranded and isolated with the lack of bus connections and road access. By working together and helping each other, we can all make a difference” Andrew Turner MP adds his support: “This is a very challenging time for Yarmouth – but I have been impressed by the positive attitude of those involved in Destination Yarmouth – which even included collecting up incorrect diversion signs and taking them back to Island Roads! I will be visiting Yarmouth myself over the next seven weeks to do some shopping and use the excellent pubs and restaurants and I hope other Islanders and visitors will make a special effort to do the same. I will do all I can to help with any initiatives to promote the town.” In the coming days & weeks, Destination Yarmouth will be lobbying various IOW and Yarmouth stakeholders for support and assistance.



Website makes appeal for a charity partner FLux South coast ( an online magazine based on the Isle of Wight are appealing for a charity partner for the next 12 months. The charity will receive free advertising for 12 months, a dedicated charity page on the site and will benefit from being advertised as part of events and live streaming of gigs. Jamie Tabner, head writer for FLux and former Platform One student on the Isle of Wight said: “This is our chance to give something back to the community, for all the support we have received from members of the public, who have backed us and our site." Jamie continued: “We look forward to receiving applications from charities and are eager to start raising

money for them”. Charities wishing to apply should send their charity name, charity number and mission statement to before Friday, March 14. The chosen charity will be announced at the end of March. FLux magazine incorporates Vectis Radar, an online website between 20102013, before being merged with FLux last year.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

GRANT SCHEME NOW OPEN A scheme to boost cycling with an emphasis on tourism is now accepting bids from business and organisations. Last month, the IW Council and Community Action IW announced plans were being finalised for the scheme, which allows organisations, companies or private land owners to bid for grants. These grants, which can be up to the value of £25,000, must be used to support cycle tourism or used to install safe bicycle parking facilities such as racks, shelters and hoops at tourism destinations or accommodation centres. It is hoped by improving cycle hire and parking facilities across the Island, more people will be tempted to leave their cars at home and use bicycles for journeys, while also stimulating the tourism market and supporting local businesses. Cllr Luisa Hillard, responsible for sustainability said: "These grants are very welcome in the current economic climate so I would urge every business, community group, town and parish council to apply. "This means we can see the installation of modern cycle racks across the Island for residents and visitors to use when taking advantage of the improvements to cycleways

currently being undertaken by the council." "The Island is rated by travel guide Lonely Planet as the world’s best cycling destination and through this grant funding we want to boost cycling for residents with an emphasis also on visitors to come here and discover all that our wonderful Island has to offer." added Philippa Daley from Community Action Isle of Wight. "The Bicycle Island Development grants provide a unique opportunity for the growth business in cycling holidays, cycle hire facilities and improved marketing. "Accommodation providers of all sorts including holiday cottages, B and Bs, hotels and holiday parks as well as tourist destinations can apply to install cycle parking and may also want to obtain Quality in Tourism’s Cyclist Welcome accreditation award." Applications should be submitted no later than 5pm on Monday 31 March 2014. Anyone interested in making a bid for funding should first contact Philippa Daley at Community Action Isle of Wight to discuss their potential application and the process involved. Philippa can be contacted on 524058 or by email

MORE ASSISTANCE FOR UNDERCLIFF RESIDENTS As conditions continue to deteriorate at Undercliff Drive, St Lawrence, efforts have been stepped up to help affected residents remove belongings from their homes. In an operation being co-ordinated by the Isle of Wight Council, further military support was requested to work with partner agencies in the ongoing situation. More troops arrived on the Island on Monday to provide assistance with site security and to help residents remove belongings from their homes. The IW Council, IW Fire and Rescue Service, Island Roads and the Marine Coastguard Agency, with support from the army, worked with residents to remove possessions while access remains. Brigadier Andrew Hughes, Commander 145 (South) Brigade, who holds responsibility as the Joint Military Commander (South) for military response and assistance in support of civil authorities and agencies in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight highlighted the importance of being able to react quickly in order to support the Isle of Wight. “We have been able to call on military helicopters for some short notice tasks but also have moved manpower, equipment and transport lift by road and ferry to support ongoing tasks and demonstrate our support to the Isle of Wight authorities and emergency services. This has been a real success in operating together in cooperation over the past few days.

“Military personnel have been providing assistance where required, reassurance and help with manpower intensive tasks. Twenty five soldiers, including Royal Engineer specialists, are currently deployed on the Island and we are planning on drawing on the local knowledge and experience of Isle of Wight reservist soldiers from 266 Port Sqn RLC based at Drill Hall Road in Newport to provide this assistance over the weekend. We will continue to monitor the requirement for military support during the expected clear up following this unprecedented period of weather." The road has deteriorated significantly over the past few days, with access for residents and those helping with the operation limited to narrow sections of road either side of the affected area. Councillor Steve Stubbings, council deputy leader local member for Ventnor West, said: “The council’s priority remains the safety of residents in the area and helping them to remove possessions from their homes while access remains. This is a distressing time for the residents and the council has been providing, and will continue to provide, whatever support it can. “With the ground still moving, it is too soon for us to make an assessment on the future of the road at this stage, this will be considered by technical experts when the ground has stabilises in the future.” The site remains extremely dangerous and members of the public are reminded to stay away from the area for their own safety.

More cash-back for people carrying out Green Deal home improvements Changes to the government’s Green Deal cash-back scheme have been announced, to help more households drive down fuel bills and reduce carbon emissions by carrying out energy efficiency improvements. The scheme helps people to install energy efficiency measures by providing them with money back on the contributions they make towards improvements. The changes include increases to the amount of money consumers get back on some

Green Deal measures, such as double glazing, solid wall insulation and ‘room in roof’ insulation (eg, for those with loft conversions). The DECC is also extending the scheme. Applications for Green Deal Cash-back can now be submitted up to the end of June, with a further three months for households to install energy efficiency measures and redeem cashback vouchers, giving them more time to take advantage of the scheme.

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

‘Pickle’ gives Seal of Approval to Local Charity The Island’s MP Andrew Turner was joined by his four-legged friend on a visit to a local charity this week. Mr Turner went to the Friends of the Animals headquarters on Dodnor Industrial Estate in Newport to catch up on the work that the charity do locally. He took along his rescue dog Pickle who thoroughly enjoyed the experience as well as the attention she got from staff and volunteers. Mr Turner commented: “Friends of the Animals is a popular and well-supported local charity which does great work on the Island, along the South Coast and in the Midlands. Like all charities they are always looking for new opportunities to raise funds and we discussed some of the challenges they face, including increased demand for their help, as well as their successes. There are some heartwarming stories of animals they

have helped to find loving new homes and they have incredibly dedicated staff and volunteers.” “My staffie-cross Pickle, loved her visit. She was thoroughly spoilt by everyone and although she is almost ten years old now she was playing like a young puppy.” The Charity’s founder, Helen Sinclair added: ”We were very pleased to welcome Andrew, not to mention Pickle.” “Friends of the Animals specialise in 'preventative' work such as spays & neuters and on the Island we have done in excess of 10,500. We offer a Rehoming service and operate by utilising a network of cost effective foster homes. We are also pleased to loan out equipment such as dog crates and carrying baskets F.O.C. Friends of the Animals warmly welcome volunteers and we avidly collect British, foreign and obsolete currency.

Small businesses urged to cash in with simpler accounting With the new tax year just around the corner, small businesses are being urged to consider a scheme that allows them to be taxed on money that flows in and out of their business, rather than using full accounting rules. The ‘cash basis’ scheme can be used by sole traders and other unincorporated businesses with an annual income of less than £79,000 to simplify their accounting processes, saving both time and money. Using the scheme involves a business simply working out the cash received in a tax year, less any money spent on allowable business expenses. This means small businesses won’t need to spend time at the end of the tax year making complex accounting adjustments, and other calculations designed for larger businesses. Many small businesses are likely to benefit from the simplicity of the cash basis, particularly those providing services, such as hairdressers, window cleaners, taxi drivers, gardeners, painters

and decorators, plumbers and electricians. In addition, unincorporated businesses can choose to use ‘simplified expenses’. This involves using flat-rates, instead of making complex calculations of actual business expenses. It can be used for the following expenses: · business costs for vehicles; · business use of your home; and · private use of a business premises as a home. HMRC has produced a short animation at and a YouTube video at to help small businesses decide if the schemes are right for them. Or they can watch one of HMRC’s webinars at HMRC’s Carol Lunney said: “The cash basis and simplified expenses schemes can help save small businesses time and money. With a new tax year on the horizon, now is the time to start thinking about them. So, if you’re eligible, go online and find out more about the schemes at GOV.UK.”

IW NHS Trust welcomes CQC inspection announcement The Isle of Wight NHS Trust is welcoming an announcement that the independent Care Quality Commission (CQC) will inspect the quality of care it provides to Island patients later this year. The CQC has confirmed that the Trust will be one of 20 organisations to be visited in its next round of inspections, sometime between April and June 2014, by the new Chief Inspector of Hospitals Professor Sir Mike Richards and his team. All Trusts will eventually receive this new style of independent inspection, which involve significantly larger teams headed up by clinical and other experts including trained members of the public. The teams will spend at least two full days at the trust inspecting every site that delivers acute services, and eight core service areas: A&E; acute medical pathways including the frail elderly; surgery and theatres; critical care; maternity; paediatrics; end of life care and outpatients. The views of patients and the local community will also be gathered through a listening event ahead of the formal visit. A full report of the inspectors’ findings will then be published later in the year. The inspection is also an opportunity to demonstrate the Isle of Wight NHS Trust’s readiness for Foundation Trust

status. Karen Baker, Chief Executive of Isle of Wight NHS Trust, said: “We very much welcome the announcement from the CQC and look forward to sharing with inspectors our vision of quality care for everyone, every time. The visit marks the next step on our important journey towards Foundation Trust status. When the inspection team comes, they will see an integrated Trust which aims to work together seamlessly and we hope this will provide them with an insight into our unique model of patient care here on the Isle of Wight.” To assist in its ongoing efforts to improve the quality of patient care, and to prepare for the CQC’s visit, the Isle of Wight NHS Trust has invited patient representatives from the Island’s Patient Council, from Healthwatch and members of the Island’s Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Panel to take part in a series of inspections, with the first taking place on 27 February 2014. The events are primarily aimed at helping staff to prepare for the forthcoming visit and to give them a greater understanding of what will be required of them. The Trust would encourage all those involved in these events to be as open and honest as possible about their care.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

Reed beds in Godshill will ensure even cleaner water Southern Water is refurbishing reed beds at Godshill Wastewater Treatment Works on the Island. The company is investing more than £240,000 in the project to help ensure wastewater returned to the environment is cleaner than ever. The work to refurbish the existing reed beds began last month and is expected to complete by the end of April. Reed beds are used to give wastewater flowing through the treatment works an extra clean

before it is recycled into the environment. The reeds send oxygen into the gravel through their roots, helping break down any impurities in the wastewater as it flows through. Robin Woodward, Southern Water Project Manager, said: “Reed beds are a great way of harnessing natural processes to provide enhanced wastewater treatment. The ones at Godshill will give an extra polish to the treated wastewater that leaves the site.”

Funding for Primary School Sport This week the Prime Minister, David Cameron MP confirmed that the £150m a year programme to support sport and PE in primary schools will remain in place until at least 2020. This will mean that during the next financial year primary schools on the Isle of Wight will share out over £379,000. During the life of the Primary PE and Sport Premium programme over £2,227,000 will be allocated to Island Primary schools as part of the legacy of the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. Primary schools can use the premium funs to get youngsters involved in sport. It can be used for a variety of purposes such as

purchasing new equipment, funding after-school or holiday and weekend activities or hiring extra PE teachers or professional coaches. The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner commented: “The foundations for a healthy lifestyle are laid down in children’s early years, and this significant funding will certainly help with that. Regular exercise promotes overall fitness and so can save money in the long term on healthcare, as well as helping people to live a more fulfilled and active life. Taking part in sporting activities also teaches team skills and a competitive spirit; both useful life skills; of course it is also fun!”

EXTRA SECURITY ALONG UNDERCLIFF DRIVE Following a successful operation to assist a number of residents to remove belongings from their homes along a section of Undercliff Drive, the Isle of Wight Council has arranged for round the clock security in the area. A local security company will be patrolling the area throughout the night. In addition mobile CCTV is being arranged and Hampshire Constabulary is increasing its presence along the Undercliff. Chief superintendent Dave Thomas of Hampshire Constabulary said: "We have assisted in the safe evacuation of residents of a number of properties in Undercliff Drive. This area is not safe as a result of a landslip caused by the recent weather conditions. I would urge members of the public to stay away from Undercliff Drive.

"We have been working closely with IW Council, the military and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service to provide reassurance to people living in this road and those nearby. The local safer neighbourhoods team and special constables have been providing a high visibility presence over the past few days, this will continue for as long as necessary. "Anyone with concerns can contact the local safer neighbourhoods team at Ventnor Police Station on 101." A formal road and footpath closure remains in place along Undercliff Drive between Mirables and Old Park Road. Saturated ground and continued movement make conditions in the area extremely dangerous so members of the public should keep away.



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Tax cheats named by HMRC The latest list of tax cheats has been published on HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) website. Naming deliberate defaulters ensures everyone pays their fair share, creates a level playing field for honest people and businesses, and cracks down on the minority who seek to evade tax. HMRC is currently running the third stage of an evasion publicity campaign, using traditional and

non-traditional advertising, including radio, train car panels, washroom posters and mirror stickers. The campaign works alongside existing compliance activity such as data collection, taskforces and enforcement to raise awareness among those breaking the rules that HMRC is closing in on undeclared income. Details of deliberate defaulters can be found at


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

HELP FOR RESIDENTS AT UNDERCLIFF DRIVE The Isle of Wight Council coordinated an operation to help residents remove belongings from their homes after they were advised to leave for safety reasons. The operation was led by the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service with support from the military, the Isle of Wight Coastguard Service, Island Roads and local police officers. Over recent days, significant ground movement has damaged the highway resulting in the loss of vehicular access to nine properties in an area known as ‘Woodlands’. On Friday (14 February) one home was evacuated after it was found to be unsafe by building control officers and yesterday the Isle of Wight Council requested that remaining residents leave their homes due to concerns about their safety because of lack of access and uncertainty about utility supplies. A military team that was deployed to the Isle of Wight to assess the impact of recent storms, helped residents to remove personal belongings from their properties.

Councillor Ian Stephens, leader of the Isle of Wight Council, said: “We are very grateful for the additional assistance that the military is providing in our operation to assist residents affected by this terrible situation. "Organisations are working closely together to provide humanitarian assistance to residents at this time of need. It is great to see such willingness and co-ordination from everyone involved. “The council has been liaising closely with residents since the situation worsened on Wednesday and we will continue to provide whatever support we can. “I would like to thank everyone involved in this relief effort, it just demonstrates how people can pull together in difficult times – something the Island community is very good at.” A formal road and footpath closure is in place between Mirables (west of site) and Old Park Road (east of site). Saturated ground and continued movement make conditions in the area extremely dangerous so members of the public should keep away.

Credit IW Council

Credit IW Council

Credit IW Council

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Credit IW Council


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

An Invitation to find out how Parliament works The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner, is inviting Islanders to a free information event he has organised with the Westminster based, Parliament Outreach Service. The session will be held in the Riverside Centre on Friday 21st February from 1 pm to 3pm. The event is open to any Islander interested in learning more about the work of Parliament from a reliable source which is entirely politically neutral. Mr Turner has also organised two other events taking place on the same day targeted at Isle of Wight Councillors and town and parish Councillors. The afternoon session open to the public will include information on the workings of Parliament, the roles of Members of Parliament and Peers, the difference between Parliament and Government, details about how a Bill becomes law and how to get involved and make sure your voice is heard.

HOVERTRAVEL REVEALS INCREASED CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT In the last 6 weeks when wind speed in the Solent gusted between 36 – 67 knots with rough sea states for an unprecedented 19 days, Hovertravel saw an 868% increase in calls to its service status phone line and recorded the same low level of customer complaints as in the previous month, 1.5 for every 10,000 customers. Neil Chapman, Managing Director at Hovertravel, explains, "When our service has disruptions and cancellations, our priority is our customers. Thanks to a suggestion from a member of our user group, last year we introduced a service status phone line and this has seen a massive increase in use over the past month. We also use email and text messages, as well as a service status message on our website. We know that early communication helps our customers." "We continue our engagement

with our customers on social media, where the response to our communications has been overwhelmingly positive. The final part of customer service is to offer compensation in the form of Apology Vouchers and/or Extra Day Vouchers, depending on the type of ticket held." This highly focussed approach to engaging customers is clearly working, with very low complaint figures, positive feedback on social media and higher use of the phone line. Neil adds, "We have just experienced some of the worst weather ever recorded, so we need to acknowledge the disruption this has caused, but then put our energy into focussing on the future. Hovertravel has robust customer service delivery, which we continue to evolve, and we are working with a broad range of transport providers to boost travel to and from the Island."

There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during the session. Mr Turner said: “Many people say they would like to find out more about the work that goes on in Parliament and I know from my postbag that lots of Islanders want to know how they, as members of the public, can influence the legislative process. I have arranged this event to give Islanders an opportunity to learn about the work of this historic institution, where laws that affect all our lives are debated and passed. “The session is completely free and I’m sure it will be very interesting. To reserve a place please contact my office by emailing or calling 530808. Any places not booked beforehand will be available to people who just wish to turn up on the day.”

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

HMRC comes out of the office to support customers A new, flexible, face-to-face support service for customers who need extra help with their taxes, tax credits and child benefit entitlements will be rolled out this spring. Following a successful sevenmonth trial in the north east of England, the new service will provide expert advisers to resolve issues on the phone, in-depth, in one go. It will also provide mobile adviser support at a range of convenient locations for those who need a face-to-face appointment. The phone advisers will be able to bring HMRC experts together in a single call to resolve multiple issues, without transferring customers around different parts of HMRC to different advisers who each deal with a separate issue. For those who need a personal appointment – HMRC’s mobile advisers will meet them at a range of venues, from government and community buildings to a person’s own home or business – at a time that suits them. Customers who need extra help on any HMRC issue – from help with a tax return, to assistance with a tax credits claim – will be identified and referred to the new service by both HMRC’s existing helpline phone advisers and by voluntary sector partners. Following the launch of the new service in May 2014, the current Enquiry Centre network in Hampshire and Isle of Wight will close. Ruth Owen, HMRC’s Director General for Personal Tax, said: “HMRC is dedicated to providing help to customers when they

need it. The pilot showed that this is a valuable service for those who cannot get the help they need elsewhere. “Our Enquiry Centres offer a great service to those who can reach them. But they are spread unevenly across the UK, the number of people using them continues to fall, and our research shows that the majority of customers who do use them don’t actually need to. The new service will enable us to tailor help in a way that works better and is more affordable. “Our specialised phone service will help customers whose affairs can be resolved over the telephone, and our face-to-face help will be available to those who need it, visiting them at a place convenient to them.” HMRC will also make more funding and support available for voluntary sector organisations to help them to deal with customers who turn to them for help. The new service will save customers around £17 million a year in lost time and travel costs, and will save taxpayers over £27 million a year, as a result of the closure of the Enquiry Centre network. Only a very small minority of HMRC’s 40 million customers ever use one of the 281 Enquiry Centres, and demand halved, from five million visitors in 2005/06 to fewer than two million in 2013. Some centres are now open just one day a week as a result of the sharp drop in demand. Of the customers using an Enquiry Centre in 2013, just 11 per cent needed a face-to-face appointment.

Tax helpline launched to support people in the South affected by flooding HM Revenue and Customs has launched a new telephone helpline for anyone affected by the recent floods in the South of England. The helpline will enable anyone affected to get fast, practical help and advice on a wide range of tax problems they may be facing. HMRC will also: : agree instalment arrangements where taxpayers are unable to pay as a result of the floods;

: agree a practical approach when individuals and businesses have lost vital records to the floods; : suspend debt collection proceedings for those affected by the floods; : cancel penalties when the taxpayer has missed statutory deadlines. The helpline is in addition to other HMRC telephone contact numbers.

CALL 0800 904 7900 Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 8.00 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 8.00 am to 4.00 pm, excluding bank holidays.

New marker launched to tackle fuel fraud The UK and Ireland governments are to bring in a new product to mark rebated fuels, including the off-road diesel commonly known in the UK as ‘red diesel’, in a move that will boost both countries’ fight against illegal fuel laundering. The marker will help HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the Irish Revenue Commissioners tackle the criminal market in off-road diesel, marked with a red dye in the UK and green in Ireland, and also kerosene primarily used for heating oil. Excise duty on rebated diesel is charged at a lower rate than standard fuel duty. The new marker will make rebated fuel much harder for fraudsters to ‘launder’ (i.e. remove the marker from it) and sell on at a profit. The use of illicit diesel is estimated to be 12-13 per cent of the market share in Northern Ireland and about two per cent in the rest of the UK. Rebated fuel use is strictly limited to specific circumstances, primarily in agriculture, construction and heating.

Nicky Morgan, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, said: “I am delighted that our two countries have come together to fight the shared problem of illicit fuel. At a time when the government’s priority is cutting the deficit, it is unacceptable that criminals are cheating the system. The government has invested nearly £1 billion in HMRC to tackle avoidance, evasion and fraud. “Using illicit fuel is not a victimless crime; it robs the government of tax revenue that is used to fund vital public services and puts those businesses that follow the rules at a commercial disadvantage. It also has a severe environmental impact, with considerable cleanup costs for local councils. So we are boosting HMRC’s fight against this fraud by introducing a more robust marker to ensure it is far harder to remove.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

MILITARY FLY IN TO ASSESS FLOODING SUPPORT As part of the government’s commitment to supporting communities affected by the recent adverse weather, a military team arrived on the Island to assess what support it can provide. A captain and 20 troops arrived by Chinook helicopter at Seaclose Park on Saturday 15 February. They stayed on the Island for a short period of time to look at parts of the Island affected by recent weather. A number of areas experienced flooding over the past week, and with more bad weather expected, the military worked with the Isle of Wight Council to identify

potential areas for support. With high levels of flooding experienced around the Island in recent weeks, the military has committed to boosting the Island’s sandbag supply and delivered additional sandbags to the Island. Councillor Ian Stephens, leader of the Isle of Wight Council, said: “I am delighted that the government has included the Isle of Wight in its deployment of military troops in light of recent weather conditions. We are extremely grateful for this support” The military team brought its own vehicles to the Island. Credit IW Council

THOUSANDS RAISED DURING CYCLING FESTIVAL People who took part in the Isle of Wight Cycling Festival have raised thousands of pounds for good causes during the 2013 event. The event, which is organised by the Isle of Wight Council and attracts thousands of participants, last year raised over £34,000 which will be split between fourteen organisations. Among those to benefit are Help for Heroes, the Earl Mountbatten Hospice, the British Heart Foundation, the Woodland Trust and Wessex Heartbeat. Other beneficiaries include the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, the Ventnor and District Local History Society and Sail 4 Cancer. The vast majority of the money was raised at three separate events during the 2013 cycling festival. During Cycle the Wight, £9,500 was raised, over £1000 was collected during the West Wight Triathlon, while a huge

Credit Isle of Wight Council

£18,000 was donated as part of the Wightlink Wight Challenge. Councillor Shirley Smart is the council's cabinet member responsible for tourism and said: "The Isle of Wight Cycling Festival continues to grow in popularity and it's great that so much money has been raised for so many good causes." The 2014 Isle of Wight Cycling Festival takes place between 13 28 September, and the council is keen to hear from anyone who may be interested in suggesting a ride and also becoming a ride leader. They can do this by calling the Events Team on (01983) 821000 or

Credit IW Council


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

ISLAND CONNECTION FOR WINNER OF NAME A DINOSUAR COMPETITION A mother and daughter from the Isle of Wight are the proud owner of a unique set of stamps after winning a 'name a dinosaur' competition run by Dinosaur Isle Museum in Sandown. Late last year, the Royal Mail commissioned renowned Isle of Wight artist John Sibbick to design a set of 10 dinosaur based stamps. These were then released in October. The stamps included many prehistoric creatures that have been found on the Isle of Wight, such as the Iguanodon and the largest meat eating dinosaur known to have roamed the Island, the Baryonyx. Dinosaur Isle Museum has been hosting an exhibition of the stamps, including some of the original artwork, and also ran a competition to win a signed set of the stamps from John Sibbick himself. To enter, visitors to the museum were asked to imagine that they discovered a new species of dinosaur and had to create their own new and original dinosaur name. From the entries, the suggested name from Sue and Rebecca Irons was chosen by staff at the museum. Their suggested name was the imposing-sounding 'Vectiridiananasaur'. Mum Sue said: "We recently

saw the animated Walking With Dinosaurs movie and my daughter Rebecca really wanted to return to the museum as she has a great interest in dinosaurs. She wasn't disappointed, as we had a wonderful day and decided to enter the competition. "We chose the Vectiridiananasaur name because 'Vecti' represents the Isle of Wight and 'ridian' represents the south as in 'Meridian'. Given it was a spontaneous creation, I was delighted it was chosen, but no more so than my nine year old daughter who will treasure the signed book of stamps. "All we need to do now is discover a new species of dinosaur so we can give it the name, but that's easier said than done!" Sue and Rebecca were also given free entry to the museum and had the honour of receiving the signed set of stamps from John Sibbick himself.


John Sibbick presenting the set of stamps to Sue and Rebecca Irons Credit IW Council

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CAUTION URGED FOLLOWING LANDSLIPS Residents are being asked to take extra care when walking along the Island’s coastal footpaths and beaches. The recent stormy weather has led to landslips at Compton Bay, the Undercliff, Tennyson Down and the Bay area. With the Met Office forecasting more rain and strong winds, further land movement is possible. Members of the public are advised to exercise caution on coastal paths near cliff edges where paths could be slippery or the ground unstable. Also, extra care should be taken near to the sea due to high tides and strong waves. Peter Marsden, coastal manager at the IW Council, said: “With more wet and windy weather on the way there is a risk of further ground

movement and strong waves along our coastline. We would like to advise people to take extra care on our coastal paths near cliff edges, particularly if

walking with children or pets, and to stay away from the base of cliffs or landslip sites as there is always the risk of further landsliding or rock falls.”

IOW FREEADS STREET Dance classes starting in Newport, Bembridge & Brading. Ages Groups from 6-9, 9-14 and 14 Plus.. Hope all can come, unlock the street dancer in you!! Tel: 07732 155439 BLUES at Quay Arts with award winning Texas Bluesman Eugene Hideaway Bridges + The MoonShiners. Friday 14th March. 7.30pm. Tickets - £11/£13 Box Office 822490 FREE Training offer for Isle Of Wight* We are offering this package to support your business and provide your staff with four qualifications:- Awards in H&S, COSHH, Fire Safety, Food Safety. Tel: 01273 587856 Wolverton Manor Folk & Blues Festival. 17th May 2014. Top quality Folk & Blues bands plus acoustic tent and food, bbq, beer tent. See


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

FIRE SERVICE ASSISTS NATIONAL FLOOD EFFORT The Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service has responded to a request from the government to support the national flood relief effort. Fire services across the country are being asked to provide resources to assist areas of the country worst affected by flooding where key infrastructure and homes are at risk of flooding. The Island has deployed its High Volume Pump, a national resource which can be called on to assist at times of national emergency, to support colleagues in Winchester, an area particularly badly affected by the recent weather. Steve Apter, the Island’s chief fire officer, said: “I would like to reassure residents that the deployment of the High Volume Pump to support the national flood response doesn’t affect our ability to respond to incidents on the Island as we still have a range of pumping equipment on the Island. “In times of national emergency it is right that we provide support to areas which are experiencing significant problems where there is a high risk to life and infrastructure. I am proud to have been able to offer support to colleagues in Winchester who are experiencing very difficult conditions.” This is not the first time the Island’s resources have been deployed to support other areas, in 2007 Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue crews assisted with major flooding in Gloucestershire and South Yorkshire. Cllr Phil Jordan, IW

Council Cabinet member for public protection, said: “I am very pleased that our Fire and Rescue Service is able to offer assistance to our colleagues and partners on the mainland. This very much demonstrates the ability and resilience of our fire service on the Island and is a timely reminder of the value of our fire service and its capabilities. "I am please we have been able to assist those suffering from very serious flooding in other parts of the country and know that our valued appliance and assistance will offer very practical help and comfort to many people. The flooding we have witnessed over recent days and weeks is far too serious to be confined by any boundaries.” Chief Officer John Bonney of Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service said: “Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service is very grateful for the support of the High Volume Pump from the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service to assist with protecting the historic city of Winchester from flooding. It’s at times like these where the fire service’s commitment to partnership working really comes into its own.” The Island’s Fire and Rescue Service is one of 22 fire authorities to make pumping equipment available in response to the government’s request. The pump has been deployed for four days, although this may be extended depending on conditions.

FOOTPATH TO BE IMPROVED A popular footpath in Brading that runs from Quay Lane to the old railway line is being widened and resurfaced with tarmac using grant money secured under the Local Sustainable Transport Fund. A new retaining wall will also be installed to help ensure stability of the path. Where possible, the wall will re-use the stone from the existing wall to ensure it is in keeping with the area.

Ireland returns to the Commodores' Cup Ireland is in pursuit of the Brewin Dolphin Commodores' Cup once again, having tasted victory in the 2010 contest. The team is set to make a comeback in the international offshore regatta for national teams, organised by The Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) and staged at Cowes from July 19th to 26th. Heading Team Ireland as Captain of the three-boat squad is seasoned campaigner Anthony O'Leary from the Royal Cork Yacht Club. He led the 2010 team to their first major Irish victory on the Solent and will participate with his Ker 39, Antix. "We are delighted to have the opportunity to return to the Brewin Dolphin Commodores' Cup and are looking forward to competing in what we believe to be one of the most challenging of events in the sailing calendar. We were all very disappointed to miss out in 2012 and are really looking forward to next July in the Solent," comments O'Leary. Ireland's second boat Catapult, the Ker 40 owned by American Mark Glimcher, is a previous US IRC National champion. The boat will shortly be shipped to Europe for an intensive crew-training phase. The crew will include a mix of the boat's regulars as well as Irish sailors, including Olympians Peter O'Leary and Dan O'Grady who competed on Catapult at last month's Key West Race Week. Completing the three-boat Irish team is the Grand Soleil 43, Quokka, a competitive IRC boat with a strong track record. The boat has been chartered by Michael Boyd and Niall Dowling of the Royal Irish Yacht Club, Dublin. Boyd, Vice Commodore of the Royal Ocean Racing Club, will race on

board Quokka in the Caribbean 600, organised by the RORC and starting in Antigua on 24 February. Barry Rose, ICRA Co-ordinator for the team explains: "Ireland has an impressive track record resulting in the 2010 team bringing home the Commodores' Cup. We also achieved notable performances in 2006 and 2008, but have been working for some time to ensure a top level Irish Team for this year's event having missed out in 2012. We have an intensive schedule and will have several months preparation time which is good." Team Ireland's campaign will begin with the Warsash Spring Series and along with other regattas, includes the RORC Easter Challenge and IRC National Championship in June. ICRA Commodore, Norbert Reilly, welcomed the development of such a high calibre team with a strong Irish crew on all three boats. The team will include sailors who won the Cup in 2010, combined with some new talent. There is also serious interest from a fourth boat to form a second team from Ireland and ICRA are inviting interest from another two boats to form Ireland Orange Team.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

Isle of Wight Sports

Isle of Wight students given helping hand over NHS careers Students from six of the Island’s secondary schools have been given an invaluable insight into the range of NHS careers on offer during a two-day visit to St Mary’s Hospital, with two students going home with a little more than simply careers advice. Reuben Lovell, 15, of Sandown Bay Academy and Chance Booth, 15, of Cowes Enterprise College, gamely stepped forward to play the role of the patient as Teresa Woolven, Advanced Nurse Practitioner in A&E, applied plaster casts during the group of 23 students’ final visit of the highly successful ‘Career in Healthcare Induction Programme’ (CHIPS). The CHIPS programme has been running for several years at the Isle of Wight NHS Trust and offers Year 10, Year 11 and Sixth Form students the opportunity to find out about careers first hand from staff working at the Trust. The most recent programme saw students visit areas including the Pharmacy, ambulance station and A&E department at St Mary’s Hospital. Students were also able to ask questions and advice from a range of professionals including mental health workers, midwives and a junior doctor. Reuben, who is hoping to become a Doctor in Paediatric Trauma, said: “The event has given me a lot of information about different areas within healthcare and opened up the whole range of areas you could

work in.” Meanwhile, Chance, who is aiming to study for a career as a family GP, said: “It has shown how things work around the hospital and what to do for each career path within the NHS. I think it could really help influence younger years and help with the national shortage of doctors and nurses.” Accompanying the visit, Jodie Gibson, Alternative Provision Coordinator at Cowes Enterprise College, said: “I think it’s been really inspiring for our students who want to work in healthcare.” Dan Fitzgerald, Work Experience Coordinator at Sandown Bay Academy, added: "It was really pleasing to see all the students fully engaging in this opportunity, lots of good questions asked and making the most of speaking to the professional staff on hand. Our thanks to the Isle of Wight NHS Trust team for providing such a positive experience." Mark Elmore, Deputy Director of Workforce, said: “With over 350 career paths within the NHS, events like these can really help young people to explore the range of options available and how to reach their goals. We recognise that our future depends on attracting the brightest and best-suited students to the wide range of careers on offer. It is a pleasure to be able to open up our doors to what we hope may become the Island’s medics of the future.”

Improvement work at St. Mary’s The IW NHS Trust currently have several schemes underway to help improve the St Mary’s Hospital site and environment for patients and visitors. Although the works have been planned and are being carried out with the intention to cause as little disruption as possible to visitors and patients, some delays or disruption may be unavoidable. Installation of new lifts in the main block of St. Mary’s Hospital is taking place, resulting in only one lift being operational. Once the new lift has been installed, work will then take place to install the second new lift. It is anticipated that the work will not be completed until the end of March. To assist in this essential maintenance, Isle of Wight NHS Trust asks that visitors who are able to, and where possible, to use the stairs; this will keep the lift free for patient use as much as possible. Work to reconfigure Alverstone Ward and Luccombe Ward on Level C of St Mary’s Hospital have now

commenced. Alverstone Ward will be a 15 bedded elective orthopaedic Ward and Luccombe will be a 22 bedded emergency orthopaedic Ward. The impact of the Enhanced Recovery Programme has improved and shortened inpatient stays resulting in improved outcomes for patients and making the hospital more efficient. In the areas vacated the Discharge Lounge and the Intravenous medication service will be relocated to Level C. The work will be undertaken over several phases in order to minimise disruption to the departments. Andy Heyes, Interim Executive Director of Planning, ICT & Integration with responsibility for Estates and Facilities at St. Mary’s said: “Our Estates Team and contractors have planned this work with patients, visitors and staff in mind. We are doing as much as we can to minimise disruption during these important works which will improve facilities at St. Mary’s.”

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014


With an almighty line-up that spans from the completely legendary to the hottest acts around including OutKast, Foals, Beck, Disclosure, Major Lazer, London Grammar & more already confirmed for our Desert Island Disco, we are superexcited to be able to announce yet another heavyweight player coming to Bestival 2014 to guarantee ‘It’s a Party’! Rob da Bank says: “’Woo Hah’ people! Yes it’s true, Busta Rhymes has ‘Got You All In Check’ and he’s coming to Bestival. I’m such a Busta fan and it’s amazing not just to see him back in the charts with another banger (with ‘Thank You’), but also to know he's getting on the ferry and bringing it to Bestival!” Yes, you might have noticed that we like a bit of hip-hop at our Desert Island Disco, so we are extremely pleased to reveal that rap superstar Busta Rhymes is coming to Bestival to flex his skills in what will be his first ever UK festival appearance. A bona-fide hip-hop colossus, whose intricate technique has brought him a sackful of plaudits, Busta is gearing up to release the much anticipated ‘Extinction Level Event 2’ this year and we can’t wait to witness His Dopeness on our Main Stage! With our Sunday headliner & loads of amazing bands & incredible DJs plus magic, mayhem and more to be added, be sure to check and our Facebook and Twitter for all the latest Desert Island Disco news.


0844 888 44 10 Adult Ticket with entry from Thursday 4th September - £195 Student Ticket with entry from Thursday 4th September - £180 (For full-time students only. Valid NUS or ISIC ID required at the box office. No other student ID accepted) Teen (age 13-17) Ticket with entry from Thursday 4th September - £127 Child (age 12 & under) Ticket - Free (but you must obtain a ticket) : Caravan Tickets: £101 (per vehicle) Campervan Tickets: £90 (per vehicle) : Advance Car Parking - £15 ISLE OF WIGHT YOUTH TRUST This year they're adding on a £1 charity donation onto all Bestival tickets. The money raised will go directly to the IW Youth Trust (Reg Charity no. 1087163) to help fund their fantastic work offering counselling and support to young people aged 25 and under on the Isle of Wight. The Bestival Foundation is also a proud supporter of the Youth Trust.

Asphalt Plant Plans Withdrawn Plans for an asphalt plant on the river Medina have been formally withdrawn by Eurovia following planning permission being granted for a new, low-emission plant at Blackwater. Scott Wardrop, the company’s CE wrote to the Island’s MP confirming the news, which followed a long campaign by residents opposing the original planning application. Turner supported the residents in their campaign and said: “I met Mr Wardrop for the first time last October and he promised then that their plans would be formally withdrawn once they obtained planning permission for their new low-emission plant at Blackwater Quarry. He was as good as his word. “I was pleased to lend my support to the campaigners, and would like to pay tribute to them for the professional way in which they

took on Eurovia and dismantled their case on a piecemeal basis. IW Councillors and officers have also put in a great deal of effort to reach this outcome and I thank them for their work. “Mr Wardrop was very candid that the application had not been handled well up to the time we met and also told me that they had never met with such determined opposition to similar plans elsewhere in the country. He has asked me to consider formally opening the new plant later this year. I will accept his invitation on behalf of all those who worked so hard to get the right result for the Island and in the hope that this announcement will herald in a more collaborative and productive relationship between Islanders and the company ultimately responsible for delivering the improved roads that the Island needs.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

Look again at parking and leisure centre charges, say Island Conservatives Further details of the Isle of Wight Council Conservative Group’s alternative budget proposals have been announced with a suggestion from Cllr Wayne Whittle (Ryde North East) that leisure centres should be run on a “cost neutral” basis to secure their long term future and that proposed hikes in car parking charges should be looked at again. Speaking today, Cllr Whittle, who speaks for the Conservatives on tourism and business says: “Instead of hiking parking charges to such an extent that they will damage small local businesses and town centres, we should be looking at putting our leisure centres on a stable and sustainable long term footing. “The Independents are proposing such a tiny tinkering with leisure centre prices that the public subsidy means they undercut the market rate charged by community leisure centres such as The Waterside and the West Wight sports centres which have to cover their own costs. “After £7million was invested in individual work stations in Council leisure centres, the Independents are proposing no increased charge for their use. This is short-sighted. Most people would agree that when other essential services are being cut, for example school crossing patrols, it’s not

unreasonable to expect those who use leisure centres to pay their way.” The Waterside and West Wight centres’ charge for an adult swim is rising to £4.20, but in subsidised Council centres the proposed increase will leave the new charge at just £3.50. “There’s no proposal to increase the Council’s One Card prices. If prices were aligned with the community pools the Council could scrap proposals to charge for under 8s to swim in school holidays in line with much of the rest of the country.” said Cllr Whittle, who made similar suggestions at the recent meetings of the Isle of Wight Council Cabinet and its Overview and Scrutiny Committee. “The proposed hikes of 20% in short term parking charges will have a serious and adverse impact upon our town centres and small businesses” argues Cllr Whittle “we need a better balance between charges for parking and leisure. I hope the Council will listen to these sensible and balanced suggestions.”

Calling all Teachers! New Education Programme Announced A new and dynamic education programme is to be unveiled by Ventnor Botanic Garden. The new educational programme, Grow with UsSM, is grounded in the National Curriculum and makes excellent use of the natural facilities available at Ventnor Botanic Garden. Grow with Us consists of a range of self-guided activities and specialist-led courses and workshops that help build vital and transferable skills, encourage confidence and most importantly, make learning engaging and inspirational. The new programme is designed to cater for children of all ages and abilities and encourages schools to make use of Ventnor Botanic Garden as an outdoor classroom. With fully developed lesson plans, teaching guides and notes, worksheets and follow up activities, Grow with Us covers a range of topics that link into the different areas of the Garden and has a range of cross-curricular opportunities to maximise learning potential. The new education programme has been created in a partnership between the Ventnor Botanic Garden Friends’ Society, members of the VBG Volunteer Group and Ventnor Botanic Garden Community Interest Company. Chris Kershaw, Chairman of the Ventnor Botanic Garden Friends’ Society commented, ‘It

is part of our constitution to promote education in the Botanic Garden and with the help of the CIC and our trusty Volunteers, led by Joy Munro, we have created this excellent new opportunity. As well as inspiring the next generation to get in touch with nature, we hope this programme will remind local residents what an excellent resource and asset VBG is to the Island & that it is here to stay.’ In the past, Ventnor Botanic Garden Friends’ Society has been able to support local children, contributing to the cost of transporting them from their schools to the Garden. The VBG Friends’ Society aim to continue with this support, making it easier for schools to visit more often throughout the academic year. The programme will be launched on Thursday 20th February. Teachers from schools all over the Island are invited to come along to the Welcome Session beginning at 10.30am to learn more about the programme, tour the Garden and enjoy a complimentary cup of tea or coffee. For more information and to book a place at the Launch, Teachers and learning practitioners will need to contact Ventnor Botanic Garden via or (01983) 855397, option 3 to book their place.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Whitehouse Consultancy, run by Isle of Wight Councillor Chris Whitehouse (Conservative, Newport West) has launched a new free-access online service providing a digest of public service information and news. The agency’s new Public Service Information website will provide daily news updates and analysis of developments in public policy, also summarising news stories from the national and specialist press. The website, which will be found at and tweet using the handle @PublicService_i, is intended to serve individuals, charities, associations and businesses with interests in public policy. Chris Whitehouse, said: “Our

goal is to pull together the vast amount of information that exists and offer a single easy to access forum for information on what is going on the public sector and expert analysis on its significance. “Understanding what is going on is critical to any involvement in the political process, and reforms to public services make it more important than ever for organisations and individuals to be aware of the environment they’re operating in. This website is a tool to help make sure such organisations are informed and understand public policy, which in turn will help them to be more engaged, identify opportunities or recognise and protect themselves from potential threats.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014



Around 300 people attended the Isle of Wight Council’s Totland landslide information event on Wednesday 5 February. The meeting was organised by the council following the publication of a report into the causes of the landslide and possible solutions. The drop-in event provided people with the chance to speak with the council’s coastal engineers and representatives from the specialist consultants Mott MacDonald which wrote the report. Cabinet member for public protection, councillor Phil Jordan was at the event and spoke to many residents. “It was good to meet local residents to discuss their concerns and listen to their views on the future of the sea wall. I appreciate that residents would like to see the sea wall reinstated and we will take this into consideration when the Cabinet considers a way forward. “As I have said before, it will be very costly to repair the sea wall and although we may be able to attract external funding, this is not guaranteed. The council is in very difficult financial times and we must think very carefully about how council resources are used. “I would like to thank everyone who came along to the event, I hope they found the information we made available useful.” Members of the Cabinet will consider the findings of the report. In addition, the matter will go before a future Full Council meeting as the petition contained more than 2,500 signatures. This is in line with the Isle of Wight Council's policy on petitions. The report is available on the Isle of Wight Council’s Coastal Management section website

TO COUNCIL CHAIRMAN For the first time, local authorities and civic dignitaries, community groups and charities throughout the British Isles are taking part in local flag raising events and ceremonies of dedication to mark Commonwealth Day. Major General Martin White, Lord-Lieutenant of the IOW presented the Commonwealth flag to the Chairman of the Isle of Wight Council on Monday 10 February at a short ceremony in County Hall, Newport. A flag raising ceremony will now take place at 10am on Monday 10 March outside County Hall. The flag raising ceremony will be led by Councillor Ian Ward, chairman of the IW Council. This new initiative enables people to express their commitment to the Commonwealth, and show an appreciation of the values it stands for, and the opportunities offered to its citizens around the world. Cllr Ian Ward, chairman of the IW Council, said: “I am delighted to accept this flag on behalf of the people of the Isle of Wight and look forward to flying it to mark Commonwealth Day.” Lord-Lieutenant of the Isle of the Isle of Wight, added: "This is a very important day for the Commonwealth and it is very good to see the people of the Isle of Wight supporting this day" Ceremonies will take place around the world at 10am on Monday 10 March 2014. On the Isle of Wight, the Chairman of the Council, Councillor Ian Ward will lead the flag raising ceremony outside County Hall, Newport. A specially written Commonwealth Affirmation will be read out before the Commonwealth flag is flown.

On the same day, charity teams will be taking Commonwealth flags to the top of the UK’s four highest national peaks and use the occasion to raise funds for their worthy causes: Cancer Research UK - Scafell Pike, England; Help for Heroes - Ben Nevis, Scotland; Walking with the Wounded Mount Snowdon, Wales; and Fields of Life - Slieve Donard, Northern Ireland. Commonwealth Flags will also be flown at many locations of special significance including the four capital cities of the United Kingdom, Land's End in Cornwall, the most westerly point in England; St. David's in Pembrokeshire: the westernmost city in Wales; Carlisle in Cumbria: the northernmost city in England; Lowestoft in Suffolk: the easternmost town in England; and Unst in the Shetland Islands, the most northerly inhabited island in Scotland. Flags will also be raised at the Rothera Research Station on the Antarctic Peninsula, and at the Halley VI Research Station on the Brunt Ice Shelf, as well as King Edward Point and Bird Island in South Georgia. Bruno Peek, originator of Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth, said: "This will be the largest, single, raising of the Commonwealth Flag in the history of the Commonwealth. "The success of this year's event bodes well for 2015 and the future as we extend the invitation to participate and involve all 53 countries of the Commonwealth and UK overseas territories, to make this the largest-ever annual occasion involving local communities throughout the worldwide Commonwealth family."

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st February 2014

Isle of Wight Sports

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