Issue 28 - The Isle of Wight Mail

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mail Isle of Wight

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

The Island's free community newspaper



Catamaran Sparks Rescue


Katie joins Visit Isle of Wight

Hillside Vehicle Restrictions

The Bestival crew are pleased to welcome back Basement Jaxx to Robin Hill. Headliners at the very first Bestival, we know for a fact that Basement Jaxx have got a truckload of tunes that will keep you reaching for the lasers long into the night. - Page 12


ISSUE NUMBER 28 7th March 2014


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

mail Isle of Wight

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Isle of Wight one of 50 Coastal Communities Fund winners named and next round unveiled as £64 million pot Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander and Communities Secretary Eric Pickles have announced a multi-million pound package to create jobs and apprenticeships in coastal towns across the country, including areas affected by floods. Over fifty projects across the UK were today awarded a share of £27.7 million of funding, supporting over 4000 jobs and creating over 1000 new apprenticeships and training places. They include Ventnor Town Council, which has been awarded £95,000 to refurbish a Coastal Enterprise Centre in Ventnor to provide space for business start-ups and self employed workers looking to expand their activities, creating 1 direct and 35 indirect jobs. Town Clerk David Bartlett said: “The grant provides Ventnor with a remarkable opportunity to establish an Enterprise Centre for business start-ups, stimulate its local economy and extend the life of one its iconic buildings.” Bob Ventress, Ventnor Business Association Chair added: “Ventnor Business Association very much welcomes this contribution to the town's economic life and looks forward to continuing to work with the Town Council to ensure the project's success.” In England, £17 million is today allocated to economic development projects in areas affected by the recent severe flooding, so from Great Yarmouth to Weymouth and Devon to North Tyneside, communities can invest and rebuild their local areas after the recent extreme weather. The Ministers also announced that bidding for the next round of the Coastal Communities Fund was now open and that bids on coastal flood protection and repair would be prioritised. The fund will support £64 million of projects across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland over the next three years.

The Coastal Communities Fund was created to direct regeneration investment to seaside towns and villages to help rebalance their local economies, reduce unemployment and create new work opportunities for young people from the local area. The fund has already supported more than 100 projects in the first two years delivering over 4,000 jobs and over 1,000 apprenticeships. This takes the expected total, including today’s projects, to over 6,500 jobs and 2,000 apprenticeships. The new projects announced include £1.3 million to diversify the tourism offer in Southend including a Seafront Apprenticeship scheme, £170,000 to develop the Arran Coastal Way in Scotland, £270,000 to develop Northern Ireland’s first lobster hatchery and £100,000 to support the creation of a new water sports centre in Colwyn Bay in Wales. Ministers also launched the third round of the fund, now extended to span 3 years so it can attract even more ambitious projects and give communities greater flexibility to manage their bids. With £64 million available, funds are the highest so far. In England, bids for flood management schemes and projects to repair the recent flood damage will also be included as part of the next round of project winners. This will help communities affected by recent extreme weather get back on their feet and ensure that their local economy can grow in the coming years. The fund is also supporting inland areas in England that are affected by flooding through a one off £5 million freed up from the Coastal Communities Fund reserve to go towards flood recovery projects as part of the Severe Weather Recovery Scheme. This will not affect the funding allocated to existing or future budgets.

HILLSIDE VEHICLE RESTRICTIONS The Isle of Wight Council is restricting access for vehicles at Hillside in Newport to improve safety for pedestrians using Newport Quay. Hillside is the area that links Newport Quay to Fairlee Road and access is controlled by a barrier. Due to the danger posed to pedestrians by an increasing number of drivers using the route as a short cut and the overall condition of the harbour surface which is not part of the highway, a new barrier will be installed at the end of March and this will then be permanently locked from 7 April. It will be opened during emergencies, and emergency service vehicles will also have access to open the barrier when required. Once the new barrier is in place, signage will also be installed on both Newport Quay and on Fairlee Road advising motorists that


Hillside is no longer a thoroughfare for vehicles. Currently, the barrier allowing vehicle access is opened between 8am and 4pm each weekday other than Tuesday when it is closed all day due to the Newport market. It is closed at weekends.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Appeal finds blood stem cell match for seriously ill patient An appeal last Autumn to find a lifesaving blood stem cell donor match for young islander Finley Morris has already potentially saved another life. There was a massive response to the appeal by Delete Blood Cancer UK and the family of Finley, aged 6, who was diagnosed with leukaemia last April. Thousands of people from the Isle of Wight joined the blood stem cell registry in the hope that they might be a match for Finley, or for someone else in need of a blood stem cell donation. Now, less than six months after the appeal, and as Finley recovers following a blood cord donation, someone who registered as a blood stem cell donor is response to the appeal has matched a seriously ill blood cancer patient. Last week, Sarah Cobb, a mother of three from the Isle of Wight, donated some of her blood stem cells to someone who needs a stem cell donation for their survival. She made the donation through a peripheral blood stem cell collection, a process similar to giving blood. Sarah said that she was initially surprised to get the call from the charity telling her that she was a tissue type match for someone who was in need of a donation, particularly as it was so soon after registering to become a donor. She said: “Being told that

I was a tissue-type match for someone seriously ill with a blood cancer was an emotional moment for me. I am very happy to have the opportunity to potentially save a life.” Speaking about the response from the Isle of Wight to Finley’s appeal, Deirdra Taylor, Director of Communications & Donor Relations at Delete Blood Cancer UK said: “There was an incredible response from the people of the Isle of Wight to Finley’s appeal. Thousands of people registered their interest in joining the blood stem cell registry online through our website and at the recruitment drives that were held on the island. Now, less than six months after the appeal, as Finley recovers from his donation, we are delighted that another potentially lifesaving donation has been made. “Sarah has done something amazing. She has become the winning lottery ticket for a second chance at life that someone seriously ill hoped to win. By donating some of her blood stem cells, she has allowed them to win it, which is a very, very special thing to do.” For anyone interested in joining the blood stem cell registry and possibly saving a life one day, they can register at

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx With torrential wind and rain hitting the Island’s already saturated ground after the wettest December and January in nearly one hundred years, Island Roads staff had another extremely busy week tackling more of the most challenging conditions seen on the Island. Scores of roads were overwhelmed by the volume of rainfall. Drainage teams were dispatched to pump water from drains that couldn’t cope with the sheer quantity of water going into them. Blackwater Road, Calbourne Road, Harding Shute and Merstone Lane were all closed as water levels made them impassable. Over 50 trees fell across the Island in areas such as Hale Common, Brighstone, Alverstone, Shanklin, Wroxall, Ventnor, Calbourne and Freshwater. Island Roads crews were quickly dispatched to clear any highway obstructions. In preparation for the exceptionally high tides, over 700 sandbags were dispatched to Yarmouth, Newport Quay

Cowes to help protect numerous properties from longer term water damage. Island Roads staff also supported the efforts of IW Fire and Rescue Service by pumping around 14,000 gallons of water from drains in East Cowes to protect properties from flooding. Street cleansing teams were then deployed to the worst affected areas to ensure the majority of businesses were able to trade as normal. Island Roads Service Director Paul Herbert said, “Once again, the combination of strong winds, heavy rain and high tides, on already saturated ground created some extremely difficult conditions for residents. “Our employees and supply chain partners remain committed to keeping the Island’s roads safe and have become very accustomed to dealing with these extreme weather emergencies. “We continue to respond to the challenges posed by the prolonged extreme weather conditions which have not


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Staff survey shows some of the best national feedback from ambulance staff The Isle of Wight NHS Trust has welcomed the publication of the 2013 NHS Staff Survey which, among its findings, has shown some of the best feedback from ambulance staff in the country. Over 124 NHS organisations responded to the national survey, which was carried out between September and December 2013. The average response rate across three of the Isle of Wight NHS Trust’s main areas (acute, ambulance and mental health services) was just over 50%. Key findings include: Ambulance: The survey shows that 79% of respondents in the Isle of Wight Ambulance Service say they are able to do a job to a standard they are pleased with, compared with 74% nationally. Other findings show that 91% of

respondents have received training on infection control in the last 12 months (compared with 56% nationally), and 69% say they have clear, planned goals and objectives for their job (compared with 60% nationally) Team working: Nearly all respondents, across the three areas, said that most staff worked in a team (94% of acute, 95% of ambulance and 98% of mental health) Quality of care: High numbers of respondents said that they were satisfied with the quality of care they give; 82% of acute workers, 90% of ambulance and 83% of mental health Whistle-blowing: The majority of respondents across all areas said that they know how to report any concerns they have about

fraud or wrong doing (91% acute, 92% ambulance, 95% mental health) and most felt safe to raise concerns (70% acute, 78% ambulance and 69% mental health). Commenting on the survey, Head of the Ambulance Service Chris Smith said: “I am delighted with the staff survey results which demonstrate the hard work and effort from my team. Their commitment and dedication has reaped the benefits that are reflected in this survey.” Trust Chief Executive, Karen Baker, said: “Our staff have some of the hardest jobs in the country and, in addition, have been working against a backdrop of some significant national changes over the past year. Amongst those is the Francis report, which

rightly challenges the NHS to be more open and support staff to raise concerns. Therefore, I’m particularly pleased that the majority of our staff know how to speak out if they see something that concerns them, and that most feel safe to raise those issues with managers in order to give our patients the highest quality of care possible.” Whilst there are many positive highlights in the report, the Trust is also aware of the need to make improvements in some areas. For example, more needs to be done to combat work-related stress. Other recommendations from the report include raising the quality and volume of appraisals and ensuring that all staff are clear about the focus of their work.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Porters raise money for Clinical Nurse Specialists Porters at St Mary’s Hospital raised £600 after letting their moustaches run wild throughout Movember 2013, a campaign which helps raise awareness among men of the warning signs of prostate cancer. The hospital porters however wanted to donate locally and donated to the Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) for education and equipment. After collecting all of their sponsorship, the porters presented the cheque to Lead Cancer Nurse, Anne Snow. Fourteen porters

grew moustaches and beards for Movember after the porter coordinator Gemma Knowles suggested they took part to create a bit of fun while raising money for a serious cause. Lead Cancer Nurse Anne Snow said: “We are very appreciative of the monies donated which will enable educational /equipment funds for the Cancer CNS enhancing holistic care for Isle of Wight cancer patients.” The porters wish to say a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored them.

Enjoy Matris Diem this year Mums can be treated to a Roman holiday, a rare plant, a steam train ride, hand-made jewellery, and an afternoon combined with pottery making on the Isle of Wight this Mother’s Day. The Island has lined-up a host of special treats for March 30th including a Roman Mothering Sunday, Matris Diem, at Brading Roman Villa. The entrance cost of £15 per adult and £7.50 for children includes entrance to the Roman Villa and the current exhibition which is being run there in tandem with the British Museum. So, as well as being able to enjoy a special threecourse meal menu, visitors will also be able to see the world famous Warren Cup which featured recently on BBC TV’s “History of the World in 100 Objects”. Ventnor Botanic Gardens on the Isle of Wight, meanwhile, has one of the most unusual gifts of all for mums, this Mother’s Day - a rare plant that has been carefully propagated at the world famous gardens. All mums who dine at Ventnor Botanic Garden on March 30th will be eligible for the rare gift following a lunch, prepared by new head chef, Graham Walker. Since starting at Ventnor Botanic Gardens in January, Graham has been creating menus using only the freshest, local (including Ventnor Botanic Garden’s own) ingredients. His Mother’s Day menu includes Island smoked salmon, roast saddle of lamb, locally caught cod, Isle of Wight cheese, and baked lemon tart. Two courses are £23.50 per person, and three courses are £27.50 per person, and with complimentary entry, the whole family can stroll around the

Garden before sitting down to enjoy their meal. The Isle of Wight Steam Railway is also planning a special day out for Sunday, March 30th - a steam train journey through the countryside, followed by lunch in the railway’s vintage refreshment rooms. To make her journey even more memorable, every mum will receive a free bunch of spring flowers. Tickets, which include Steam Train Fares can be bought on the gate [Adults £12.00, Children (5-15) £6.00, Infants (04) free, Families £30.00 (2 Adults and 2 Children)]. Other, creative options on Mother’s Day on the Isle of Wight include a Sunday afternoon tea, for just £12.50 per person, at Chessell Pottery where mums accompanied by their children will not be charged a studio fee to paint a piece of pottery as a memento of a special day. Quay Arts Centre in Newport on the Isle of Wight, meanwhile, has come-up with another bright idea - by hosting a jewellery-making course on the weekend prior to Mother’s Day, when Melanie Swan will be teaching participants how to make delicate silver beads for pendants or earrings, with precious Metal Clay. The course runs from 10am to 4pm and cost £56 per person.

Drop in to the Foodbank Cafe for a Chat with your MP The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner is to hold a monthly drop-in surgery at the Foodbank Cafe at the Church on the Roundabout in Newport. The first session will be on Friday 21st March from 11.00am until 12.30pm. Anybody can come along to see him, to get help with any problems, find out his views on issues they are interested in or simply to have a cup of tea and a chat. He will also be on hand to support foodbank volunteers in trying to sort out any problems that their clients are facing. Mr Turner speaking about the new drop-in sessions said: “Hannah King, Manager of the Isle of Wight Foodbank and Tony Murphy, pastor of the Church on the Roundabout, the busiest foodbank on the Island, were both very keen at the idea of holding drop-in sessions at the Newport distribution centre. The foodbank and the

volunteers do a great job – and I want to help them in the important work they do for those in crisis. Whilst this will be convenient for foodbank users who may want my support – the sessions will be open to everybody – just like the Church on the Roundabout’s cafe! I try hard to make myself available to people who may need my help – and I think this will be a great addition to my Friday afternoon surgeries in the Riverside Centre which are run on an appointment system.” Hannah King added : “We are really excited that we can now offer this new service to our clients which will enable them to discuss direct with Andrew Turner in a relaxed environment the issues they face on a daily basis. We are very grateful to the Church on the Roundabout for their support in this new venture.”

Websites to face the squeeze Misleading websites that try and palm themselves off as legitimate government services are to come under the spotlight from Trading Standards as Consumer Minister Jenny Willott confirmed extra funding for them to help tackle these rogue traders. The Minister has committed an additional £120,000 this financial year to National Trading Standards Board (NTSB) so they can investigate these websites. This money will

help NTSB also tackle websites that exaggerate the nature of the services they provide or deliberately underplay that people can get them for free or at a lower cost from official sources. The extra funding for NTSB will mean that they are better equipped to identify, investigate and take enforcement action against any misleading websites that pass themselves off as official government services.

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

THE PORT RETURNS! Anyone who was aboard HMS Bestival last year won’t have failed to notice the maritime magnificence of The Port. A mindexpanding, oceanic vision nestled near the Ambient Forest, The Port was unquestionably one of the highlights of 2013 which not only captured the imagination of all you lucky Bestivalites, but completely dazzled all the DJs too. Featuring a landlocked harbour and the good ship HMS Bestival as its centrepiece, it was nothing short of stunning; the beating heart that powered a hedonistic weekend of pure partying, with proper Funktion One cannons blasting the goodness from incredible DJs, all with an added array of brainmelting spectacles, astonishing aerial displays & insane pyrotechnics. Now, with our Desert Island Disco rocking all tribes, The Port is back for 2014 to blow you away with yet another staggering line-up of cool castaways & sublime selectors. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get shipwrecked! Rob da Bank says, “A massive white ship cast adrift in a field, blasting out the finest electronic music on a crystal sound system; a man in a rowing boat rows through thin air whilst dangling from a crane; pyro & confetti fill the air; the ship’s horn booms across 10,000 people’s heads as they writhe in rhythm; and, as night falls, the lasers fire up and the ship appears to float above the grass. “Yes, it sounds like an insane area, doesn't it? But last year we created The Port, possibly our coolest stage ever, and it’s back with another three days & nights of musical marvels from many of the world’s finest DJs. Roughly speaking, Friday is techno night, Saturday is Miss Annie Mac’s massive party night and Sunday starts chilled, but ends in junglist bass mayhem. All aboard!”

Heading up the first of three full-on days of big sounds is Cocoon kingpin & techno protagonist Sven Väth who, for over 30 years, has been transporting dancefloors to rapturous new lands and will no doubt baptise 2014’s Port crew with his boundary-pushing brilliance. Friday will also see sets from uncompromising DJ genius Damian Lazarus, bassheavy groove-merchant Eats Everything, rave detonator Boys Noize, driving techno type Bella Sarris, sine-woven techhead South London Ordnance, plus our very own chief castaway Rob da Bank. Saturday action comes courtesy of the amazing Annie Mac Presents, with sets from Annie Mac, the incomparable Green Velvet, James Blake’s 1-800 Dinosaur crew, strippedback beats-architect Route94, underground house duo Bicep, Hot Natured resident Richy Ahmed, mutant house purveyor Krystal Klear and BBC Radio 1’s Monki. Wrapping things up at The Port for 2014 is an almighty beats blitzkrieg featuring a DJ set from soul-stirring bass lords Chase & Status, plus drum’n’bass legend Andy C will present Ram, with firing sets from Wilkinson and Loadstar and MCs 2shy, Adapt and Jakes. We’ll also have dancefloor action from beat ninja Jaguar Skills, Foamo and RackNRuin in their Gorgon City guise, soul infused pair Dusky, wildly experimental riddim wizard Kaytranada, divinely deep duo Âme and techno twosome Dense & Pika. There are still plenty more DJs & dance acts to announce, plus lots more live music action & head expanding awesomeness, so clicky clicky and our Facebook and Twitter for all the latest Desert Island Disco behaviour.

Jamie Baker

Jamie Baker





Island Arts Your Fortnightly Arts Guide The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Workaholic Ed Byrne hits the Island next month Send your arts news to


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Island Arts The Isle of Wight is home to some amazing artistic talent, and we want to highlight it on these pages. We want to hear about you and your activity, your successes, your events, your news … whether you are an artist, a musician, a dancer, a singer, a writer, a performance group … if in doubt, just tell us anyway! We will, of course, be happy to report the big events, but we want Island Arts to be for everyone of any age, at whatever level they are. And we are especially keen to showcase new talent and new ideas. So please get in touch. Tell us about your event, your exhibition, your auditions, your new commission, your need

for people to take part … whatever it is, we’ll do our best to help. You don’t have to pay for advertising on these pages to get your story covered, but we have kept the costs really low to make it a little easier for you to raise your profile. Obviously, we can’t promise to cover every single story that is sent to us, so there may be times when you want to be sure you have a presence on these pages, and advertising will give you that guarantee! Island Arts will be published every other week, as part of the Isle of Wight Mail newspaper Island Arts is edited by Kevin Wilson. Send him your news and questions

Life begins at 40 Comedy workaholic Ed Byrne hits the Island next month on his Roaring Forties tour. A regular on tv panel shows like Mock the Week and Have I Got News For You, Ed is also a contributor to Radio 2, Radio 4 and Radio 6 Music, and has also appeared on Celebrity Mastermind, and still finds time to climb mountains and tour the world with his show. Ed, who professes to have been 'a miserable old git' since the age of 23, is now in his forties, and he plans to take it out on the rest of us at Medina Theatre on Sunday, April 27.

Theatre turns cinematic Drama venue Trinity Theatre, Cowes, turns cinematic on Thursday, March 20, with a screening of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. The film stars Emily Brunt, Ewen McGregor and Kristin Scott Thomas.

Send your arts news to

Search for stars! Original Theatre is holding open auditions for its new play with music, Star Prize, later this month. The play tells the story of how a schoolgirl's love of country music takes her on a roller coaster journey with lots of highs and lows, and features brand new songs, specially written for the production. Kevin Wilson, Director of Original Theatre, said: “The play is funny, sad, heartwarming and exciting all at the same time, and because it is all about people being brave enough to follow their dream, we thought it would be a great opportunity perhaps for someone who has never been on stage before to come and give it a go.” Anyone – beginner or experienced – is welcome to attend one of two information

sessions at Brading Town Hall on Saturday, March 22, from 10am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 4pm. Kevin said: “We will be reading extracts from the play, hearing some of the songs, and talking about all the different opportunities there are, both on and off stage.” The open auditions will be held at the same venue the following Saturday, March 29, from 10am. Star Prize will be staged at Shanklin Theatre on October 2, at Trinity Theatre, Cowes, on October 3 and 4, at a mainland venue on October 5, and again at Shanklin Theatre on October 15. For more information, send a message to, or go to

Workshopping This year's Isle of Arts festival will feature workshops. Children will be able to paint a dinosaur in Ventnor Library on May 3; families can strum together at the Utterly Butterly Ukulele Project – making their own ukulele from butter tubs, as well as learning to play it, on May 4; and on May 5, an improvisation workshop for adult actors will be led by the SOOP Theatre Company. Eltjo de Vries will be presenting Grimm Tales, storytelling for adults, as part of the festival, at Ventnor Arts Club on Friday, May 2. For the full picture, go to


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Island Arts WEDNESDAY 12th MARCH – 5pm to 7pm


DATES FOR THE DIARY Acoustic Isle runs from March 13 to 23, with scores of performers doing their thing in a wide range of venues. Bembridge Little Theatre Club is staging The Complete Works of William Shakespeare at the village hall on Thursday to Saturday, April 10 to 12. Sister Act is on at Shankin Theatre over the Easter weekend, April 17 to 21, in a production by the Island Savoyards.

SIGNALS perform at 2013 Bestival Bands & DJs Comp Final

Rob da Bank's Music Club – for 13 to 19 year olds - returns to Quay Arts from 5 to 7pm on Wednesday, March 12. - SIGNALS give a talk on presentation, stagecraft & how to start a band! - Street Dancing – learn how to bust some moves! - Bass workshops - Karaoke! - one way to practise singing - Double Bass with Jon Thorne - Singing with Members of Resonate – harmonies, breathing techniques and warm ups - Stand Up For Lyricism - Emmy J Mac & Buddy Carson will return with their amazing Stand Up For Lyricism Workshop: so Singers, Writers, Rappers, Spoken Word, if you've got something to say and want to be heard bring any words you have – or just your voice. - DJ workshops – learn how to beat mix and scratch Try out Guitar, Bass, Singing and Electric Drums – no skills required, teachers on hand! Radio Presenting, Interviewing & Compering skills - Live Jamming - with full backline, instruments and PA - Performances recorded for IOW Radio show - Come along to chill out with music

Carnival Walk and Talk The New Carnival Company will be leading a very unusual series of leisure walks across the Island on the weekend of 15 and 16 March – and you are all invited! These 9 easy one mile walks are all part of the new Carnival Trail project – a 100mile route in total - which links all the carnival towns and villages on the Island together in a single joined-up loop. The Walk and Talk weekend is for anyone who has organised, taken part in, or watched Isle of Wight Carnivals over the years and who would like to contribute their memories to the project, or would enjoy listening to other people’s. The stories will be captured and collated digitally as you walk and will be published as part of The Carnival Trail Companion which will accompany the inaugural 100miles in May, as part of the Isle of Wight Walking Festival. For more info: Contact Alison Knapman on 716095

Original Theatre's production of The Truth Untold opens at the Apollo, Newport, on May 1 and 2, before moving to the Depozitory, Ryde, on May 10, and Trinity Theatre, Cowes on May 30 and 31.


Sandie's love of country music changes her life forever. Her funny, sad, exciting, heartwarming story shows us that following a dream can sometimes be a nightmare. But if we want something enough, and for the right reasons, all things are possible.




The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Island Arts

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014


WHICH ISLE OF WIGHT Robert Thompson confirms ATTRACTIONS SHOULD MAKE position as Head Chef at ENGLISH HALL OF FAME? The George Hotel Michelin Star Chef, and Isle of Wight resident, Robert Thompson, has confirmed that he has taken on the position of Head Chef at The George Hotel.

continue my career on the Isle of Wight. There are exciting plans underway for both The George’s dining, and the Mr Thompson said: “I’m hotel itself, which will be honoured to be working announced in more detail on a new project at The over the coming George and to be able to months.”

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Visit England (VE) has launched a search to establish England’s Hall of Fame and Visit Isle of Wight (VIOW) is encouraging people to nominate the Island’s attractions. From Harry Potter to James Bond, the mini skirt to the tuxedo, The Beatles to punk music and the Magna Carta to the World Wide Web, the Hall of Fame will celebrate what England has brought to the world and what makes the country such a diverse and fascinating place to visit and explore. Launched last month, the National Tourist Board’s Hall of Fame app asks people to submit their hometown’s assets under the following categories: The Great, The Good and the Notorious; Inventions & Discoveries; Food & Drink; History & Heritage; Culture & Entertainment and Sport & Leisure. Anyone making a nomination, or

later voting, will be entered into a prize draw to win a UK weekend break. Entries are open until March 23rd when voting opens to establish a final Hall of Fame, which will be announced on April 23rd, St George’s Day. David Thornton, Chief Executive of VIOW, said: “From being home to the iconic rock festivals of 1968-1970 to the birthplace of Oscar-winning film director, Anthony Minghella and one of the richest dinosaur localities in Europe, the Isle of Wight has an absolute wealth of information to put forward for this campaign. “So if you know a quirky or unusual fact that deserves to be recognised, make sure you enter your favourite claims to fame for the Island to help get it included.” VisitEngland’s app will be hosted on a microsite and on Facebook


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

PALOMA FAITH * BASEMENT JAXX * CANDI STATON ALSO SET TO TURN UP THE HEAT AT OUR DESERT ISLAND DISCO! The good times keep on rollin’ at Bestival HQ! Following the amazing news that Chic feat. Nile Rodgers will join OutKast, Foals and Beck as our Bestival 2014 headliners and our frankly off the scale Port announcement last week re Sven Väth, Annie Mac Presents, Chase & Status & loads more class DJs, we have news of three more brilliant acts bringing their dancing shoes to our Desert Island Disco this September 4th – 7th at Robin Hill on the Isle of Wight. Rob da Bank says, “Desert Island Disco seems to have lit up everyone’s imaginations with its mirrorball and palm tree vibes going down really well. So we though we'd add some disco divas and pure upfront house legends to the bill. Basement Jaxx did us the great honour of headlining the first ever Bestival way back when, so I'm doubly chuffed they're coming back to tear it up. Paloma played a few years back when she was just starting out and, on the eve of her disco inspired album coming out, we thought it'd be rude not to. And where do I start with Candi Staton? She may not have played Bestival before but her hits have been caned by DJs over the years. ‘You Got The Love’ is surely gonna be one of those 'moments' at Bestival 2014. See you at the Disco”. A stunning chanteuse and no mistake, Paloma Faith is the very definition of unique and we are delighted that she will be joining us on Sunday night in the Big Top to close this year’s Bestival. With a brand new album, A Perfect Contradiction, due for release imminently, Paloma’s disco credentials are just about as good as they come and with her well know penchant for dressing up, she’s the perfect fit for a sassy climax to our Desert Island Disco. Commenting on her Bestival appearance, Paloma Faith said, “Bestival is the best festival because everyone gets dressed up and I will be too, dressing my band up… It’s so

perfect that I should be invited to play at this festival this year because my new album, which is called A Perfect Contradiction, was all influenced by the history of soul music, particularly disco. So, I was listening to artists like Candi Staton, Prince, Chaka Khan, Gloria Gaynor, all of those types of artists; Parliament, Funkadelic, the lot… It is my favourite festival without a doubt - I’m so excited, see you there!” No strangers to spanking a dancefloor, the Bestival crew are very pleased indeed to welcome back Basement Jaxx to Robin Hill. Headliners at the very first Bestival, we know for a fact that Basement Jaxx have got a truckload of tunes that will keep you reaching for the lasers long into the night. A full on live extravaganza, Felix, Simon & co never fail with their hipswaying, booty-shaking business, so don’t miss them! Basement Jaxx’s Felix Buxton said “It was an honour and a pleasure to headline the very first Bestival - and we are very pleased to be back!" Finally for now, it is a true honour to announce that one of the legends of gospel, disco and dance music, Candi Staton will be gracing our Desert Island Disco with her

presence. With supersoulful tracks like ‘Young Hearts Run Free’, her amazing version of ‘Stand By Your Man’ and, of course, ‘You Got The Love’, Candi’s voice has soundtracked two generations of joyful good times and we can’t wait to bust our moves to her grooves. There’s still plenty more to come, so for more vids, pics, words, links and all things Bestival check these out - / Facebook Twitter / Tumblr and keep up with all the latest Desert Island Disco manoeuvres.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014



TOM JONES & LITTLE MIX TO HEADLINE Osborne Summer Concerts is back with two incredible acts. UK’s best girl band, Little Mix and Welsh legend Tom Jones will headline the weekend on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th July 2014. Set in the grounds of the breathtaking Osborne, the seaside family home of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, this year’s concerts will welcome a wealth of talent with an action packed weekend. Tickets go on sale Friday 28th February 2014 from and local outlets. Since being crowned winners of the X Factor in 2011, Little Mix has become one of the biggest bands to come out of the UK and will be headlining Saturday 26th July. They have sold more than three million singles and albums worldwide, played at the Isle of Wight Festival and secured huge success over the pond. Tom Jones will bring his legendary hits to the shores of the Isle of Wight on Sunday 27th July and will no doubt be making the ladies swoon. With a career spanning decades it will be a show stopping performance and one thing’s for sure Tom Jones will keep the audience captivated from

start to finish. John Giddings, organiser of Osborne Summer Concerts and the Isle Of Wight Festival, is thrilled to have teamed up again with Annie Horne and Green Eye Events, Riverside Productions and English Heritage to put on this unique weekend.” The stunning 19th century English Heritage location of Osborne, set in 1000 acres of gardens and grounds, has proved to be a fantastic setting for these Osborne Summer Concerts since 2008. English Heritage is once again delighted to be hosts. General Manager Rob Flower says: “English Heritage is delighted to welcome back the Osborne Summer Concerts and play host to Little Mix and Tom Jones at Osborne in 2014. The house and gardens will provide an amazing backdrop to what looks set to be an amazing weekend of entertainment.” Don’t miss out on this unique event. Tickets go on sale on Friday 28th February 2014 and are available from or in person from The Blacksheep Bar, Ryde, IW. For more details visit

"It's a blooming shame" “it’s a blooming shame” that the annual Wight in Bloom competition seems destined to come to an end said Cllr Wayne Whittle who speaks on Tourism and the Economy for the Conservative Group of IW Councillors, “The Wight in Bloom competition has in past years been a real crowd puller for the Island, encouraging our towns and villages to put on their Sunday best for our visitors and brightening up the whole Island. We all benefit from a more colourful environment and a boost to the tourist trade. But, this year the organisers haven’t been able to secure the very limited sponsorship they need to keep the

competition going. “It’s a blooming shame” adds Cllr Whittle “I hope we can persuade businesses and parish councils to step in and make sure this splendid event is not lost.” We only need £3,000 to run the competition and I do hope that all those who want to see the Island at its best and as a flourishing tourist destination will think how they can help out.”

The sponsorship funds are used to enable voluntary local groups to buy plants and flowers for their villages and for the awards evening. Those who may be willing to contribute are asked to contact Mrs Jarman on 615944.

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Construction of the Cowes breakwater Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has today (28 February 2014) appointed Boskalis Westminster to undertake construction of the new £7 million detached breakwater for Cowes on the Isle of Wight. The construction of the new breakwater will be carried out in two phases, with the first phase, creating the core structure of the breakwater, commencing in spring 2014. This initial construction phase will continue through the summer of 2014 and will then be followed by a consolidation period to allow for settlement of the breakwater structure during the autumn through to spring 2015. The contractor will then return to Cowes to re-dress the core structure and complete the construction of the breakwater during the summer of 2015. The construction of the 350 metre long breakwater is the first phase of transforming Cowes into a “true sheltered harbour” and creates a variety of exciting development and business opportunities for East Cowes, Cowes and other Island stakeholders. The project is a joint initiative between CHC and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) with both parties funding the work, with cooperation from the Crown Estate. Capt. Stuart McIntosh, Cowes Harbour Master, said: “The signing of the breakwater construction contract is a significant milestone and we are really looking forward to working alongside specialist contractor Boskalis Westminster to finally deliver the Cowes breakwater.” The breakwater is the first and most important component of the new harbour protection and infrastructure to be delivered as part of this partnership project. CHC will continue to work with the HCA to deliver the harbour authority’s priority of completing the sea defences by the delivery of the second phase: the extension to the Shrape breakwater and the dredging of the new Eastern Channel, which will be brought forward as part of the HCA’s proposed new marina at East Cowes. Capt. McIntosh continued: “The Cowes breakwater project is CHC’s main priority, because not only does it offer great opportunities for harbour users, but it will enable economic

development to follow, to the benefit of the local community. We have already seen this with the HCA tendering for a partner to develop and operate a new marina and associated waterfront regeneration in East Cowes. The launch of the Isle of Wight Expansion Fund is good timing for the Island too, as this grant fund should also act as a catalyst to help businesses further leverage the benefits of the protected harbour that the new Cowes breakwater creates.” The Homes and Communities Agency is investing £3.16 million towards the installation of the Cowes breakwater. Paul Flatt, Senior Development Manager at the HCA, said: “The work to install a new breakwater at Cowes is an important part of wider plans to bring new investment and jobs to Cowes and provide a significant boost to the local economy. “The benefits of this work, through supporting the Island’s marine and tourism economy and attracting extra visitors and trade for local businesses, are clear to us. This will happen in addition to plans we are progressing to develop a new 400-berth marina, which will secure Cowes’ reputation as an international destination. This is an exciting time for Cowes, and it’s good news that work will start on this important project in the coming months.” Cowes Harbour Commission continues to work closely with Atkins, the design and engineering consultancy appointed to project manage the breakwater. Iain Roberts, Maritime Engineer at Atkins, said: “We’ve made significant progress to date in managing the procurement of the harbour infrastructure elements of the scheme and look forward to working with Boskalis Westminster as we move onto the next phase. Their design is technically robust and will have a long design life.” Cowes Harbour Commission will issue regular navigational information and news updates for stakeholders and harbour users during the construction process. More information on the Cowes breakwater project can be found on the CHC website:

Beached Catamaran Sparks Rescue Services Alert

A mainland couple who decided to sail across the Solent for lunch were surprised to discover the boat they left on the beach at East Cowes had become the centre of attention from rescue services. The couple had left the 18 foot catamaran they had sailed on the beach, to go for a meal in the town. But someone seeing the craft decided to make a precautionary call to Solent Coastguards. As a result Cowes

RNLI lifeboat, a Cowes Harbour launch and a Coastguard vehicle all converged on the scene. But as an on the spot investigation was underway along came the couple, somewhat taken aback by all the attention. They then began their sail back to where they came from: Stokes Bay, Gosport. The lifeboat was launched at 1.05 pm on the 2 nd March 2014 and returned to station about 25 minutes later.



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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

IW COUNCIL SETS BUDGET FOR 2014/2015 The IW Council has agreed a mix of major savings as well as key initiatives to stimulate the Island’s economy at its annual council tax and budget-setting meeting. The meeting of the Full Council also agreed to increase the IW Council element of council tax for 2014/2015 by 1.99 per cent (excluding town and parish council and Hampshire Constabulary precepts). This will raise an additional £521,000 for council services (after the loss of the government’s council tax freeze grant). It means the IW Council element of council tax for a typical band D property will increase by £25.67 to £1,315.47 a year. At the meeting at County Hall, council leader, Councillor Ian Stephens reiterated the overall vision of the council - to put people first and operate in an accessible, transparent and inclusive way, working with business, partners, communities, residents and visitors to make the Island a better place to live, work and prosper. Councillor Stephens said: “The process of developing the council’s budget for 2014/2015 and the two ensuing years has been an incredibly difficult task – set against a backdrop of finding £28 million of savings, and the effects this may have on the lives of Island residents. “There has been much soulsearching as we have attempted to minimise the effect of these savings on Island residents, while endeavouring to fulfil our legal obligation of setting a balanced budget. Wherever possible and achievable we have also sought to develop initiatives and to access funds to both protect and stimulate the Island’s economy. “We have listened to views across the chamber and taken comments and ideas on board as we have developed the budget. “Throughout this process of developing the council’s priorities, we have also gone out into the community and listened to what people have had to say. This has included engagement through roadshows, surveys and discussions with residents, town and parish councils, businesses and partner organisations. “We have also undertaken detailed root and branch reviews of council services to ensure we are making the very best use of

our resources for the benefit of the Isle of Wight. “Arising out of the measures agreed tonight, a steering group will be undertaking a continuous process of monitoring the achievement of the 2014/2015 budget savings and developing savings for 2015/2016 and future years – and ensuring this is done in an open and transparent way.” --------------------------------------Measures agreed in the council’s budget and plans, included the following: --------------------------------------Pre-apprenticeships and business support for older people - To allocate £150,000 next year to schemes supporting young people into preapprenticeships and apprenticeships and supporting people over 50 to start up their own businesses. Assisted Area Status - To continue to promote the case for the inclusion of the whole Island in Assisted Area Status designation (currently status has been secured for 28 of the Island’s 38 wards). Children’s services - To provide an additional £2.25 million for children’s services. Residents’ parking permit - To introduce an islandwide residents’ parking permit from 1 April 2014. Business expansion fund - To continue to promote the Isle of Wight Expansion Fund, launched in January 2014, making £2.46 million of grant funds available to Island-based businesses. Tidal energy - To match £1 million of private sector investment to create Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre Ltd, a joint venture company to develop a tidal energy test facility off St Catherine’s Point. Superfast broadband - The council has already committed £3 million to the installation of superfast broadband, ensuring the Island will be one of the best connected areas in the country. Tourism - Committed investment of £340,000 a year to Visit Isle of Wight. --------------------------------------To set a balanced budget, the council is faced with making savings of £28 million over the next three years. Initial measures for savings and to increase income, include: -----------------------------------Fees for leisure, recreation and public spaces to be increased from 2014/2015.

Working with town and parish councils to develop policies and strategies for services the Isle of Wight Council can no longer afford to deliver. Savings through management restructures, process reviews and combining council functions. Potential savings from combining or collaborating with another fire and rescue service from 2016/2017. Proposals to implement charges for pedestrians on the Cowes floating bridge were deferred for at least a year pending further consultation and investigation into the viability of such charges. ---------------------------------------

It was also agreed --------------------------------------- to retain school crossing staff; - not to implement the savings in respect of beach safety equipment; - that savings related to the LordLieutenant’s office should not be proceeded with at this stage, but be dealt with in the forthcoming overall review of support services. - to remove an empty homes officer duplicate post from the list of savings and change it to an administrative post.

Tobacco Regulation Public Health England has welcomed a vote to strengthen EU tobacco regulation. The draft legislation includes many strong measures aimed at making tobacco products less appealing to young people. This includes the requirement for all packs to carry picture warnings covering 65% of their surface and for the minimum pack size to be increased to 20. Flavours that would make the product more attractive by giving it a ‘characterising flavour’ will be banned, with menthol banned from 2020. E-cigarettes will be regulated, either as medicinal products if they claim to help smokers to quit, or as tobacco products. Following formal adoption by the European Council, governments in the EU Member States will have two years to include the Directive’s provisions in national law.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014


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HOME SECURITY Affordable Home Security Cameras Set-up and running in minutes



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014



SECURITY CCTV is now becoming an increasingly popular choice for many homeowners wanting to secure their property. In this issue of technology insider, we take a look at three of the most popular new IP cameras on the market. You may not be able to be on guard 24-hours a day, but thanks to affordable, easy to use, IP cameras and other out the box security systems, you can now protect what matters to you. These IP cameras use your network or internet portal to send images to your router, allowing you to access the footage over the internet. Cameras can be bought on their own, or as part of a cloud security package with costs ranging from £145 for an indoor wireless PTZ camera with nightvision and two way audio, up to £250 for a full HD Outdoor bullet cam with 7 days free cloud storage. All three wireless cameras can be setup within minutes and also include a PC user interface and mobile apps.

Full reviews, photo galleries, unboxing and sample footage will be published online soon.

Follow Technology Insider on twitter (@iwightmail) for the latest information

The Ucam247 HD 1080p Plug and View WIFI Camera Model: NC328W-IR 1080p Apps: Android & IOS Cloud Storage: No Save to Dropbox: No Micro SD Slot: Yes LiveView Record: Yes Infrared: 24 LEDS Night Vision: Up to 15m Two Way Audio: No

Price: £189.99 Right away I was amazed at how heavy the camera was. It's a solid metal construction, has an excellent build quality, and looks like it will hold up well against the elements. The first thing that appeals about the Ucam 247 HD1080p is the fact you can set up and activated the bullet camera without the need of a PC - all you need is a smart phone (or tablet) running android or IOS. As with other IP cameras on the market, the Ucam247 can still be setup and configured directly from a web page if you don't have a compatible mobile device. The Free mobile app allows you to playback video clips stored on the camera's video recorder. You also have the ability to check the real time stream for added peace of mind. To get started we plugged the HD IP camera into the router via a LAN cable, download the free application and activated the camera within minutes. This wireless HD camera is a perfect solution to quickly add video

security to your home or office. You can even use it to keep an eye on your baby, watch over elderly loved ones or just watch what's going on in the garden. Unlike other IP cameras, the Ucam247 doesn't bundle online recording into the camera, this means you can use it to record to your own computer or NAS drive and can set it up to record to your own recording space elsewhere (using ftp or email). Another thing I liked was the fact Ucam provides full, unrestricted access to the cameras settings and features, so you can change them and tailor according to your needs. The night vision capability on this camera is excellent. The large array of 24 LEDs really helped increase the quality of the image compared to other night vision cameras out there. What we didn't like: The only issue we had with this camera was with the android app crashing. At times it would crash and require a re-load. This is known problem with a range of IP cameras, not just from Ucam. The issue is down to the amount of android versions out there. We spoke to Ucam who was aware of the problem and are just about to release a new app to Google Play.

5/6 stars

For more details visit



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014


The Y-Cam HomeMonitor HD 1080p Plug and View WIFI Camera with free cloud storage If you want the complete security solution without the worry of storing files and managing settings then look no further than the HomeMonitor HD camera from Y-Cam. It's packed full of hi-tech features designed to make your life easier. It's a 720p outdoor camera that can be set-up in a matter of minutes and works instantly with no complications. Using sophisticated on-camera technology, HomeMonitor detects motion in its field of view and then immediately springs in to action. It's more expensive than other HD bullet cameras on the market, but that’s because they bundle in 7 days of free cloud storage for your video clips, allowing you to view and download at a time that’s convenient for you. If your planing on using an IP

Model: Outdoor HD Apps: Android, Windows & IOS Cloud Storage: 7 Days FREE Save to Dropbox: No Micro SD Slot: No LiveView Record: No Infrared: 24 LED's Night Vision: Up to 10m Two Way Audio: No

Price: £249.99 camera with your own NAS then this option is not for you. The camera has to be used with Homemonitor service and there is no space for SD cards. This camera allows you to truly connect you to what is important on all your favourite gadgets including iPhone, iPad, Android, windows phones and through your TV using Roku or AirPlay.

What we didn't like: Unable to set length of recording time and camera has to be used with the cloud service provided.

4/6 stars

For more details about this camera visit

The Compro VGA Indoor PTZ Camera Plug and View WIFI Camera with Pan, Tilt & Zoom It might look like a futuristic Johnny 5 robot returning to the new age, but you should never judge a book by its cover. The Compro TN600W offers an advanced pan and tilt mechanical design, built-in WiFi, ability to upload to Dropbox and super easy installation. This camera is so simple to get running, even an 8 year old child managed to complete the setup within minutes - simply plug-in the cables, scan the QR code, activate the camera, and then the TN600W is ready to be viewed and shared on the Internet. An ideal choice for securing homes, warehouses, hotels, gardens, lobbies, restaurants or any locations where there is a need to follow people or objects. Download the exclusive and feature

Model: TN600 Apps: Android & IOS Cloud Storage: No Save to Dropbox: Yes Micro SD Slot: Yes LiveView Record: No Infrared: 12 LED's Night Vision: Up to 10m Two Way Audio: Yes

Price: £159.99 -rich camera app to live view, mobile 340° pan and 100° tilt control. Also, the free C4Home app enables you to have a 2-way conversation, trigger an alarm and securely share the cameras video. This camera also features a professional-grade ambient light sensor and 12 IR LEDs for round-the-clock surveillance under any light conditions.

What we didn't like: There wasn't anything to dislike, but a built in wireless dongle and live video recording would compliment it.

4/6 stars

For more details about this camera visit


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Isle of Wight Sailors yield top results in the Caribbean While Olympic athletes were putting their skills to the test in snowy Sochi, Isle of Wight sailors were among the fleet of a recordbreaking race in Antigua: The Royal Ocean Racing Club’s RORC Caribbean 600! Now in its 6th year the race attracted sailors from around the world, representing 12 different countries – but also a number of sailors from the Island to compete in this prestigious race. Starting and finishing in Antigua but with 11 islands to navigate, it is a tough race for both amateur and professional sailors taking part in the record-breaking fleet of 60 boats. Line Honours for Cowes-based professional navigator, Ian ‘Soapy’ Moore who was part of the 22-strong world-class crew racing the American-owned 72foot Judel/Vrolijk designed mini maxi, Bella Mente. The boat was in Cowes last year for the Aberdeen Asset Management

Cowes Week Big Boat Series and it was the closest finish in the sixyear history of the race, with Rambler 90 and Shockwave in hot pursuit. Ian was on his first boat at a mere six weeks old, and his life has unfolded into a storied sailing career that includes being navigator in the Volvo Ocean Race and as navigator and performance manager for America’s Cup Campaign. Several other Island sailors have been enticed to race in the regatta, known as the ‘Caribbean Fastnet’: Cowes-resident, Andy Middleton achieved a third place in the highly competitive IRC Three class with Global Yacht Racing’s First 47.7 EH01. Incisor, Corby 45, owned by Ryde’s Derek Saunders of Windward Sailing’s also competed along with Girls 4 Sail’sCredit FirstIsle 40.7, Hot Stuff and of Wight Council Rich Ganly’s Ocean 60, Ocean Venturer were also in the running.

Flood-proof your home with a Government Grant Earlier this month the Prime Minister, David Cameron MP, announced a new scheme. The ‘Repair and Renew Grant’, will provide funding up to £5,000 to home owners and businesses affected by recent flooding to fund work to improve their property’s resistance to future adverse weather conditions. This is a one-off scheme in addition to existing schemes the Government has put in place, such as the Bellwin Scheme, the Severe Weather Recovery Scheme and the Farming Recovery Fund to support local authorities, businesses, homeowners and farmers dealing with the aftermath of flooding around the country. The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner said: “Many people have contacted me asking for more details about this scheme, but they are still being finalised. I know the effects of having your home or business flooded last for a long time after the water has

disappeared. Carrying out repairs is stressful as well as expensive and can force insurance premiums up. I would urge everyone eligible for this grant to consider applying as soon as the scheme is up and running as it will enable you to do the very best you can to ensure your property is as floodresistant as possible for the future.” The scheme will start on 1 st April 2014 and will be administered by the Isle of Wight Council with expenditure refunded by the Government, Homeowners and business flooded between 1st December 2013 and 31st March 2014 will be able to obtain a tailored report on the type of flood resilience measures appropriate for their property; the cost of the report will be covered by the grant. More detailed information, including how to apply will be available as soon as details are finalised.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

SUMMER STARTS HERE The Isle of Wight Festival team are on a mission to bring you the best new and established artists over one unforgettable weekend this summer. Joining the already incredible list of names on the bill from 12th – 15th June will be, musical icons Suede, rock heroes Fall Out Boy, chart topper Katy B and BRIT Award nominee Tom Odell. Plus Brit Award winner with Rudimental Ella Eyre, The Pretty Reckless, Anna Calvi, Starsailor, Boy George, The Struts, Alison Moyet, Amber Run, Inspiral Carpets and The Doors Alive. These exceptional artists will be appearing alongside the award winning rock trio Biffy Clyro who headline the Main Stage with an English Festival exclusive on Friday 13th June, ahead of Calvin Harris who closes the night. On Saturday 14th June, the legendary Red Hot Chili Peppers bring a UK and Ireland exclusive performance to the Main Stage and this will be their ONLY UK show! Tennessee four piece Kings of Leon then make a muchanticipated Festival exclusive return to the Main Stage on Sunday 15th June rounding off another unmissable Isle of Wight Festival. John Giddings, the Festival’s promoter said: “It just gets better and better. We are honoured that these incredible artists are coming to our festival to kick off the summer festival season in style.” Tom Odell said: “When I was a bit younger, I used to climb up on the hill near to where I grew up and stare at the Isle of Wight. I remember knowing that a grand music festival was held

on the island every year, and I dreamed at some point I would be there, playing. That day has come and I am thrilled." With an impressive collection of hits to their name, the iconic band, Suede now bring a very special live performance to the Festival. Multi-platinum, Grammy-nominated Chicago rockers Fall Out Boy are making their debut appearance on the Main Stage. Having just secured her first number 1 album, Katy B knows how to get the crowd on their feet so don’t miss her special performance in the Big Top. Next up, making his Isle of Wight Festival debut is the incredible Tom Odell, plus a welcome return from Starsailor, who are back for an exciting show at the Festival this summer. Also appearing will be The Pretty Reckless, featuring Taylor Momsen, star of hit TV show Gossip Girl. What’s more we’ll have performances from the talented Alison Moyet and singer songwriter Ella Eyre, whose collaboration with Rudimental scoped the top of the charts last year. Across the weekend festivalgoers will be treated to sets from the iconic Boy George, unstoppable rock & roll quartet The Struts and the critically acclaimed Anna Calvi. And if that wasn’t enough, hot newcomers Amber Run, much loved Manchester band Inspiral Carpets and tribute band The Doors Alive will all be there… Roll on June! Head to where they have a selection of amazing ticket and travel packages available plus all you need to know about the first major Festival of the summer.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

YOUNG CARERS MET MINISTERS TO CELEBRATE CHANGES Young carers met ministers on Tuesday 25th February to celebrate their success in gaining major changes to the law after years of campaigning to improve their lives. More than 30 young carers met Children and Families Minister Edward Timpson and Care and Support Minister Norman Lamb, to discuss how best the changes to the Children and Families Bill and Care Bill can be implemented. Attendees include two young carers from YMCA Isle of Wight Young Carers Service. Katie Rigley (15) and Chloe Nixon (16) who attend Sandown Bay Academy, signed-up to the National Young Carers in Focus Programme and gained Young Carers Champion status. Katie and Chloe both aim to support and promote the needs of young carers, particularly those living on the Isle of Wight. MPs and Peers who supported the campaign will also attend the National Young Carers Coalition event, hosted by MPs Barbara Keeley, Robert Buckland and Paul Burstow. The bills, which are due to come into force this spring, will give the 166,000 children in England who look after their parents, siblings and family members stronger rights to an assessment and support. The new measures mean that when a child is identified as a young carer, the needs of everyone in the family will be considered. This will trigger both children’s and adults’ support services into action – assessing why a child is caring, what needs to change and what would help the family to prevent children from taking on this responsibility in the first

place. Thea Stein, chief executive of Carers Trust, which chairs the National Young Carers Coalition, said: “This historic change for young carers has been brought about as a direct result of the coalition’s campaign. Now we want to see these changes take effect. “There are 166,000 young carers in England and it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure the changes make a difference to their lives.” Edward Timpson MP, Children and Families Minister, said: “Young carers selflessly provide support around the clock for the people they love – often overlooking their own needs and missing out on things their friends take for granted. “We’ve put in place a much stronger and more consistent system that gives young carers the support they need protecting them from excessive or inappropriate caring responsibilities and allowing them to enjoy their childhood. They deserve nothing less.” Norman Lamb, Care and Support Minister, said: “Young carers give their time and energy to support family members and friends. We want to make sure they are supported and do not take on inappropriate or excessive caring responsibilities. “That’s why we are introducing new measures through both the Care Bill and the Children and Families Bill so that young carers are considered in the assessment of the person they are caring for and are given a right to their own assessment for support, regardless of the amount or type of care they provide.” The coalition wants to see local authorities, the NHS, schools and colleges commit to improving support for young carers.

News Story?

Islanders could ‘Rock the House’ The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner, is calling on Island musicians to enter ‘Rock the House 2014’, Parliament’s biggest competition which celebrates up-and-coming, unsigned British artists and the live music venues that support them. Last year, local band ‘Dreamstate’ reached the finals of the Under 19 category and very much enjoyed the experience. Mr Turner said: “This is an opportunity for Island musicians to get recognised and perform in front of giants of the music industry, which could lead to real commercial opportunities for the future. It would be a real feather in our cap if there were Isle of Wight musicians in the final again this year, or even as eventual winners, to help celebrate and recognise some of the amazing musical talent we have on the Island. We also have some great live music venues, so I hope we will also get entries

into that category.” The competition is open to musicians of all ages in the following categories: Solo Artist, Band, Solo Artist under 19, Band under 19, Music Video, and to recognise places that support live music, Best Small Live Music Venue. This year’s prizes will soon be announced, but last year ranged from top of the range Gibson guitars, a choice of Yamaha equipment through to opportunities to perform at festivals and clubs. One Island entry can go through from each category, and entries will be judged by people involved in the Island’s musical life. Applications must be submitted on line by 31st March. The winner of each category will be invited to perform live on the balcony of the House of Commons at the awards ceremony on the evening of the 1st July 2013 in front of industry professionals, celebrities, music press and MPs and Peers.

Wettest winter for England and Wales since 1766 Early Met Office statistics for Winter 2014 show that England and Wales has already had its wettest winter in almost 250 years. As February came to an end provisional rainfall figures (from 1 December 2013 to 25 February 2014) confirm the UK had its wettest winter since the national series records began in 1910. New records have been set for many parts of the UK, with southeast and central southern England having seen well over double the rainfall expected in a normal winter. The main reason for the mild and wet winter weather is that we have seen a predominance of west and south-west winds, bringing in mild air from the Atlantic - as well as the unsettled and at times stormy conditions. So, not surprisingly the whole of the UK is on target for a warmer

than average winter - typically by around 1.5 °C. The UK average mean temperature for the winter so far is 5.2 °C making it the 5th warmest winter since the national series records began in 1910. It is the warmest since 2007 which was 5.6 °C and the record was set in 1989, which averaged 5.8 °C. Sunshine has varied markedly across the country. Despite being so wet, south England has seen 12% more sunshine than average, while Scotland has only seen 78% of its average sunshine hours. February saw some heavy rain for much of the UK with southeast and central southern England receiving 133.3 mm, almost two and a half times the monthly average. While southwest England and south Wales received 201 mm, double the average rainfall.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

VISIT ISLE OF WIGHT APPOINTS MARKETING CAMPAIGN NEW SALES & EVENTS MANAGER FOR VISIT ISLE OF WIGHT Visit Isle of Wight (VIOW) has Visit Isle of Wight (VIOW) has announced significant investment in a major new marketing campaign aimed at driving pre-season visitor numbers. The spring campaign, which highlights the Island’s appeal as an out of season destination, will also showcase its range of new products, including Acoustic Isle (13 to 23 March) a brand new music event which will build over the next three years to provide consumers with an excuse to visit the Isle of Wight and turn a trip into a full-blown musical holiday. VIOW, the IW Council and its industry partners is investing £175,000 (total fund £210,000) into a new 3-month marketing campaign. In addition to consumer press and radio advertising, the campaign is also supported by a £45,000 media partnership with VisitEngland (VE) focusing on what England is most loved for. The VE themed campaigns will run on the radio, in newspaper supplements and via social media and PR. A series of holiday supplements and competitions with themes from ‘Rural Escapes’ to the ‘Great Outdoors’ will appear in The Independent, The Telegraph, Time Out, the London Evening Standard, Woman & Home, Essentials and Chat – and help drive traffic to VIOW’s website. Tourism officials also hope to attract thousands of new visitors from the Greater London area with an advertising blitz on the London Underground which will see posters plastered all over stations at Victoria and Waterloo as well as high visibility coving panels sporting the message “Close your eyes and you’re almost there...the perfect weekend escape, less than 2 hours from London”. In addition, the first phase of a two-year Shades of Wight campaign created by VIOW has started with a high-end brochure which will be promoted in press ads in The Radio Times, Hampshire Life and Stylist magazine. The

campaign aimed at AB1’s (couples and groups of friends) seeks to challenge perceptions of holidaying on the Isle of Wight by featuring the unique, distinctive quality experiences the Island has to offer throughout the year, with special attention given to the spring and autumn periods. VIOW is constantly developing new ways to attract out of season visitors to the Isle of Wight and is currently developing and marketing a new campaign for 2014, Acoustic Isle. From chap-hop to jazz, classical and folk, the Acoustic Isle festivities kick off on 13 March, featuring hundreds of intimate performances in Island pubs, bars, cafés and restaurants. This March, a succession of national and regional radio and newspaper ads will invite people to “Unplug, take a break and re-connect with nature’s soundtrack on the Isle of Wight”, while 40,000 copies of a newspaper-style gig guide will be distributed off-Island and will also be available at cross-Solent terminals as well as pubs, hotels and Island tourist information points. David Thornton, Chief Executive, VIOW, says “We saw good growth in the late spring and summer last year, and whilst visitor numbers have been challenged by the poor weather over the winter, we have still performed far better than the mainland seaside resorts. “This latest campaign push has been slightly delayed whilst we waited for the dreadful weather to subside, but now it’s great to see the Isle of Wight message appearing in the national press and across the London Underground network.” Following discussions with VIOW, South West Trains has announced that it is extending its Winter Smiles campaign – a £10 day return train ticket offer from London to Southampton, Portsmouth and Southsea – from Monday 24 February until Sunday 16 March 2014.

announced the appointment of Katie Jones to the newly created role of Sales & Events Manager. Katie joins VIOW from The Beacon magazine, where she was the Senior Sales Executive responsible for producing some of their monthly publications. Prior to this she worked for an events agency in Milton Keynes where she managed accounts for Goodwood Festival of Speed and car product launches for Audi. David Thornton, CEO, VIOW says: “Events are an important motivator of tourism, and figure prominently in the development and marketing plans of most destinations. “With Katie’s experience, we plan to grow new and existing events which help to address seasonal gaps in visitor numbers, therefore contributing to a more sustainable tourism industry.” Born on the Island and educated at Cowes High School, Katie’s career began in 2006 after graduating from Leeds Metropolitan University with a

BA Honours degree in events management. In her new role, Katie will be responsible for business expansion in a number of key areas with a special focus on events and generating income through brochure sales and offIsland sponsorship. Katie says: “Despite strong competition, the Isle of Wight has been successful at attracting high profile events and I look forward to working with potential investors and reinforcing our reputation as a world-class events destination.”

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014


BESTIVAL’S SUNDAY HEADLINERS CHIC FEATURING NILE RODGERS DESERT ISLAND DISCO FINALE Following his important intergalactic funk mission showing those Daft Punk robots exactly how to party, our fabled dancefloor-filling hero returns to earthly realms. Picking up three Grammys and a BRIT on his way, he wipes the spacedust from his trademark white suit, picks up his legendary six-string Hitmaker, and descends majestically to the Isle of Wight. The call goes out from the Bestival crew - the King of Funk has arrived... Nile Rodgers is here and the Desert Island Disco is GO! Rob da Bank says, “Ever since I first booked Chic and Nile for Bestival a few years back they have hands down been the best live band we've ever had at Bestival and Camp Bestival. And once people start realising how many hits Nile has written and produced for artists ranging from Madonna and David Bowie through to Daft Punk's ‘Get Lucky,’ you realise that this is just one huge disco jukebox that is gonna keep firing out the hits all night! I’m over the moon that Nile and the crew are going to wrap up our Desert Island Disco Finale with a damn funky, glittery bang. Everybody Dance!” We’re chomping at the bit to get on our Desert Island dancefloor as super-producer and the world’s coolest man, Nile Rodgers is bringing the ultimate cosmic party band, Chic Featuring Nile Rodgers back to Robin Hill, this time as glorious Sunday night headliners! Speaking about his headline set Nile Rodgers said, “I’m so excited to be back at Bestival, this time in the prestigious Sunday night headliner slot following legends Stevie Wonder and Elton John. Expect an extra special Desert Island Disco set from myself and Chic! Looking forward to seeing you all in September” The undisputed heavyweight King of Disco, hailed “A legend” by none other than Pharrell following their crowd-slaying collaboration at last week’s BRITs, Mr Nile Rodgers is the world’s most indemand producer right now, racking up recent studio time with the likes of Chase & Status, Felix da Housecat, Disclosure, David Guetta Tensnake and Avicii. Additionally, Nile is also the man behind the biggest career hits from David Bowie, Diana Ross, Duran Duran and Madonna, to name but a few. In recent years at Bestival, we’ve seen Nile and his Chic Organization re-emerge as a globally respected and truly mighty musical force and can’t wait to see them bringing the house down like only they can, headlining Sunday evening. Following a precedent set by Fatboy Slim aboard HMS Bestival last year, Chic will be performing a spectacular and specially themed show, a Desert Island Disco Finale, exclusive to Bestival. With an awe-inspiring litany of pop music’s greatest hits from “Le Freak (Aw Freak Out)” and “Good Times” to “Let’s Dance” and “Like A Virgin”, it will be a jawdropping, eye-popping, firework-fuelled disco inferno to end times. Sunday night at Bestival will be an epic, booty-shaking twerkathon of disco bliss (and the stuff of legends) and we know you don’t want to miss that! With our 2014 Port line-up (featuring tons of incredible DJs) plus lots more bands, performances, magic, mayhem & more still to be announced, keep clicking on and our Facebook and Twitter for all the latest Desert Island Disco behaviour.


0844 888 44 10 Adult Ticket with entry from Thursday 4th September - £195 Student Ticket with entry from Thursday 4th September - £180 (For full-time students only. Valid NUS or ISIC ID required at the box office. No other student ID accepted) Teen (age 13-17) Ticket with entry from Thursday 4th September - £127 Child (age 12 & under) Ticket - Free (but you must obtain a ticket) Caravan Tickets: £101 (per vehicle) Campervan Tickets: £90 (per vehicle) Advance Car Parking - £15 ISLE OF WIGHT YOUTH TRUST This year they're adding on a £1 charity donation onto all Bestival tickets. The money raised will go directly to the IW Youth Trust (Reg Charity no. 1087163) to help fund their fantastic work offering counselling and support to young people aged 25 and under on the Isle of Wight. The Bestival Foundation is also a proud supporter of the Youth Trust.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Bid for €46m funding Polished performance for the Solent submitted from Dental Apprentices! A bid for €46m funding to develop the Solent economy has been submitted by the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). The Solent European Structural & Investment Funds Strategy was developed by the LEP after consultation on funding priorities with more than 192 organisations and 300 local people. Covering the six-years up until 2020, the strategy looks to build on the considerable strengths of the Solent area, with the marine & maritime sector a key target for investment. The approach also highlights the importance of investing in emerging high growth sectors, whilst recognising the importance of employment-rich sectors and the need to link local people to local growth and jobs. The European funds are one of the three funding streams that together make up the LEP's £2.4 billion Strategic Economic Plan, titled Transforming the Solent. Since the draft strategy was submitted to Whitehall last autumn, the Solent LEP has also been allocated €2.9m from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, equivalent to £350k per annum over seven years. Further changes in the final strategy include a broader approach to developing an employer responsive skills

system and an increased focus on provision of information, advice and guidance for young people looking to access work. Solent LEP Chairman Gary Jeffries said: "We are ambitious for the Solent and keen to see the area deliver on its huge potential. This strategy is a key part of our vision for unlocking that potential and driving growth in the Solent economy. "This strategy would not have been possible without the passion and commitment of local people and our collaborative approach to tap into it. This has been a pioneering process where local people who best understand the area and its needs have been put at the forefront of the process of deciding where to spend public funds to best effect." In order to ensure the plan reflected local priorities the Solent LEP organised an extensive consultation process, which saw two events, at the Ageas Bowl and at the National Museum of the Royal Navy at Portsmouth Naval Base each with more than 120 delegates, an online survey and interviews with key partners. The UK Govt will now be working to agree a national funding allocation with Europe & confirmation on funding for the Solent is expected mid2014.

Have you tried the Fish? Living on an island we are well placed to take advantage of the catch of the day. The waters around the Isle of Wight are full of some of the tastiest varieties of fish and being just a few steps from Yarmouth Harbour, The George’s Head Chef has regular supply of the freshest fish the waters can offer! Many of us are nervous of cooking fish and seafood – how do you prepare it, bone it and the get the timings just right? The Head Chef at the George Hotel can guide you through the basics of preparation and cooking and inspire you with recipes and the perfect accompaniments. The evening will demonstrate some top tips for cleaning and preparing fish and then guide

you through the cooking techniques for the perfect texture and cooking times and look at sauces and side dishes to enhance the subtle flavours. This informal evening takes place in the delightful surroundings of the George Hotel’s private dining room where you can watch the experts at work and join in if you would like! Then adjourn to the George’s restaurant where Chef and his team will serve you a delicious two course supper. The George Hotel’s Fish Night takes place on Friday 14th March 2014 . You can book your place for the cookery demonstration followed by a two course supper by calling The George on 01983 760331 or visit

Eastleigh College, in partnership with NHS Health Wessex, hosted a glamorous awards evening at The Education Centre, St Marys Hospital which celebrated the success of Dental Apprentices, qualifying as Dental Nurses from across the region. The ceremony, which was attended by both industry professionals and learners, was a rare opportunity for students to be showcased for their hard work during their journey towards becoming a Level 3 qualified Dental Nurse. As well as various categories, including The Congeniality Award which was presented to selected, now qualified, Dental Nurses, the event also saw a number of practices showcased for their outstanding commitment to employee learning. Notably Denbigh House was awarded Practice of the Year for always being happy to assist with student observations throughout the course, even during extremely busy periods. It was also noted for

producing a very positive working environment for its staff. One of the biggest winners of the night was Eliza Gifford, 29 from Cowes, Isle of Wight, who was awarded the coveted title of ‘Apprentice of the Year’. Louise Rooke, Eastleigh College Dental Nursing Assessor noted, “Eliza has been a delight to observe, on point at all times, focused and well liked in her practice and someone we have thoroughly enjoyed watching grow and develop into a confident nurse.” A special recognition award was also presented to Michelle Rowland for her hard work and commitment to the course, both through her college work and throughout her time on-the-job at her practice. To find out more about Eastleigh College’s Dental Apprenticeships, which are enrolling now for September 2014 starts, please visit or call the Eastleigh College Training Agency on 023 8091 1226.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

POLICE APPEAL FOLLOWING RTC Police are investigating a serious injury road collision at Freshwater. At around 7.50pm on Sunday, March 2, a Ford Transit van was travelling South West along Stroud Road towards the junction with Camp Road. At the junction the van turned right and was involved in a collision with a pedestrian. A 78-year-old man from Freshwater suffered life threatening neck injuries. The van driver a 27-year-old man from Totland was arrested on suspicion of driving without due care and attention and was bailed until May. Anyone with any information or who may have seen what happened should contact the Roads Policing Unit at Shanklin on 101. You can also call the charity Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111 where information can be left anonymously. Minicom users should call 01962 875000.

Measles figures New figures published by Public Health England show 24 cases of confirmed measles were reported during the final quarter of 2013. This compares to 107 cases in the previous quarter and 559 cases from the same quarter in 2012. The numbers of confirmed measles cases in England hit the highest levels since 1995 during the first quarter of 2013. The increase prompted PHE, NHS England and the Department of Health to announce a catch-up programme in April 2013 to improve MMR vaccination uptake in teenagers. The main objective of the programme was to ensure that at least 95% of children aged 10 to 16 years in England received at least one dose of MMR vaccine by 30 September 2013

Generous donations from Sainsbury’s Customers to Medina Marching Band help to raise over £500.00!

The Medina Marching Band visited Sainsbury’s Newport Store and played some wonderful music for customers and colleagues. Medina Marching Band has over 60 Members ranging from 8years upwards; the Band has a very friendly atmosphere under the leadership of Chairman - Kevin Hayward together with a strong following of Committee and Volunteers. Medina Marching Band members would like to thank Sainsbury’s customers for their generosity and were delighted from customers donations of £508.93, of which this will contribute to the day to

day running of the Band i.e. Instruments, Music, Uniforms etc. If you are interested in joining the Band to continue your music playing or would like to start playing an Instrument, then please contact Medina Marching Band Secretary – Jan Cooper for further details on 526489 – the Band meets every Monday and Wednesday evening 7 – 9pm. Photo: Tanya Blake PR Ambassador for Sainsbury’s Newport, Isle of Wight along with the Medina Marching Band showing the figure of £508.93, The donations generously given by Sainsbury’s Customers

65-year-old man arrested following police investigation A 65-year-old man has been arrested in accordance with the Protection of Badger Act 1992 following a joint investigation between Hampshire Constabulary and the RSPCA. While the implications of laying poison in badger setts upon the colony cannot be easily be fully assessed, it is hoped that the speed at which this was reported

and the contaminated soil cleaned up has minimised the impact.” Anyone with any information should contact Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police on 101. You can also call the charity Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111 where information can be left anonymously. Minicom users should call 01962 875000

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7 th March 2014

Isle of Wight Sports

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