Issue 29 - The Isle of Wight Mail

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mail Isle of Wight

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

The Island's free community newspaper



New restrictions put in place Budget ‘Largely Well Received’

Cake Sale Helps Cowes RNLI

Five Decades of Support

St. Mary’s hospital is continuing to face very serious challenges with patients and staff experiencing Norovirus which causes diarrhoea and vomiting. The number of cases has not reduced and around one fifth of the Trust’s 236 hospital beds are affected. - Page 4


ISSUE NUMBER 29 21st March 2014


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

mail Isle of Wight

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Budget ‘Largely Well Received’ says MP The reaction to this week’s Budget by Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt Hon George Osborne MP, has been largely well received according to Andrew Turner. The Island’s MP said today that he had received calls and e-mails and already spoken to a number of Islanders who had told him they were pleased with specific announcements made on Wednesday. The measures announced include an increase in the personal allowance to £10,500 in 2015/16; increases in the personal allowance under this government will now be worth £805 to a typical basic rate taxpayer; it will also take over 3 million people out of paying income tax at all. Those approaching retirement will no longer be forced to buy an annuity (to pay a pension), instead they will have access to the pension fund they have accumulated throughout their working lives; they will also benefit from more advantageous tax arrangements. The transferable tax allowance for married couples where only one spouse works will be set at £1, 050. The Government has also accepted recommendations for increases to the National Minimum Wage. Savers will have higher limits and more flexible opportunities for taxfree savings. There is additional help for businesses who export and to increase the skills base, particularly of young people, there is an extension to grants to support an extra 100,000 apprenticeships. Fuel duty has been frozen again; meaning that on average petrol will be 20 pence per litre less than it would have been under the plans of the previous government. The news for those who wish to avoid paying taxes is not so good. Those who have signed up to disclosed tax avoidance schemes, using loopholes in the law, will be required to pay their taxes up-front. They can then go to court if they wish – and will get their money back if they win. Mr Turner said: “There was welcome news about the economy; we have a sound

foundation for further economic recovery and the forecasts for growth and employment are positive. However, the job is not yet done. This was a good budget, particularly as it will revolutionise private pension provision and recognises the needs of savers. Unlike some people I believe that people who have saved prudently can be trusted to make decisions that are right for them. It has been crucial to the recovery that interest rates have been kept low – that is important for mortgage-payers and businesses; however the flip side of that is that savers lose out. To some extent that has been addressed in this budget. “The Chancellor has cut a penny off the price of a pint of beer – I’m sure that will be well received by many Islanders. There were also some less widely covered measures that just seem to be the right thing to do – such as ensuring that emergency service workers who lose their lives in the course of their jobs will not pay inheritance tax. The VAT relief on fuel for air ambulances and inshore rescue boat services will also be a welcome little bit of help for those voluntary services. “I am out and about knocking on doors in Newport tomorrow – so I’m sure I will get more feedback on the measures in the Budget and what Islanders feel about how it will affect them.”

FIRE SERVICE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR RETAINED FIREFIGHTERS The Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service is holding information sessions for anyone interested in becoming a retained firefighter. A Session is being held at Ryde Fire Station on Tuesday 25 March from 6.30pm. Potential applicants are advised to attend the session where they will gain a valuable insight into the role of a retained firefighter. Information and guidance will also be available on the recruitment process and selection tests. The service is looking for committed individuals who want to work as part of a dedicated and friendly team providing an important service to the local community. You must be over 18 years of age, be physically fit and possess good

communication skills. Your current employer must sign a consent form allowing you to leave your workplace at any time for operational reasons, and you need to live and work close to your local fire station. Although no formal qualifications are required, a good standard of literacy and numeracy will need to be demonstrated. Further information and application packs are available at byGoogle clicking on Recruitment Opportunities at the bottom of the page. The closing date for applications is Monday 7 April at 12 noon.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

TUC says “The Isle of Wight Needs a Pay Rise” The TUC has organised a fact finding tour of the Isle of Wight, Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 March. The purpose is to collect first hand testimony from Islanders of their ‘pay story’; (pay, hours of work, household income, impact of zero hours contracts, cost of living etc.) And the TUC wants to spread the messages that ‘workers deserve a pay rise’, and that ‘pay increases are vital to sustain the recovery’. TUC Regional Secretary for the South East of England, Megan Dobney , said: “In many ways the Isle of Wight is a fantastic place, a real gem, with great potential. But there is no hiding from the fact that the Isle of Wight’s economy is chronically weak. Gross Value Added per head of population on the island is massively below the UK average. In fact, it is below the average of all those regions and nations that we regularly hear have weak and troubled economies; lower than the North West’s, North East’s, Wales’, Scotland’s and lower than Northern Ireland’s too. That is the root of a weak jobs market, so the island has an unemployment rate higher than the UK average, and too many insecure and casual jobs. And it is the root of the curse of low pay on the island. I hope we can all

agree, that the Isle of Wight deserves and needs a pay rise.” A minibus, decorated with ‘Austerity Uncovered’ and ‘Britain Needs a Pay Rise’ branding will tour the island next Monday and Tuesday, 24 and 25 March. Members of the public will be asked to tell their experience of pay and the cost of living, and to write a polite message to their employer, or the Government, on ‘Britain Needs a Pay Rise’ speech bubbles. Photographers are welcome. The itinerary is: Monday 24 March. 11.00 - 12.00 Birmingham Road, West Cowes. 13.00 - 14.00 Top of Union Street, Ryde. 15.00 - 16.00 Right hand side of Library by Sunday Market site, 119 High Street, Sandown 17.00 - 18.30 Public Meeting at the Quay Arts Centre in Sea Street, Newport Tuesday 25 March 08.30 - 10.30 Outside County Hall, Newport. TUC delegation will meet the Leader of the Council and Councillors. 11.30 - 15.00 Opposite Waterstones bookshop. 118 High Street, Newport The tour of the Isle of Wight is part of the campaigning by the TUC, 24 March – 6 April, called ”Fair Pay Fortnight”.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx With torrential wind and rain hitting the Island’s already saturated ground after the wettest December and January in nearly one hundred years, Island Roads staff had another extremely busy week tackling more of the most challenging conditions seen on the Island. Scores of roads were overwhelmed by the volume of rainfall. Drainage teams were dispatched to pump water from drains that couldn’t cope with the sheer quantity of water going into them. Blackwater Road, Calbourne Road, Harding Shute and Merstone Lane were all closed as water levels made them impassable. Over 50 trees fell across the Island in areas such as Hale Common, Brighstone, Alverstone, Shanklin, Wroxall, Ventnor, Calbourne and Freshwater. Island Roads crews were quickly dispatched to clear any highway obstructions. In preparation for the exceptionally high tides, over 700 sandbags were dispatched to Yarmouth, Newport Quay

Cowes to help protect numerous properties from longer term water damage. Island Roads staff also supported the efforts of IW Fire and Rescue Service by pumping around 14,000 gallons of water from drains in East Cowes to protect properties from flooding. Street cleansing teams were then deployed to the worst affected areas to ensure the majority of businesses were able to trade as normal. Island Roads Service Director Paul Herbert said, “Once again, the combination of strong winds, heavy rain and high tides, on already saturated ground created some extremely difficult conditions for residents. “Our employees and supply chain partners remain committed to keeping the Island’s roads safe and have become very accustomed to dealing with these extreme weather emergencies. “We continue to respond to the challenges posed by the prolonged extreme weather conditions which have not


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School Cake Sale Helps Cowes RNLI Cakes were turned into money at Cowes Primary School, with the result that a cheque for £51.94 made out to the local RNLI lifeboat station, was presented at the school assembly. The sale of cakes came after some of the children had been given a conducted tour of the station and then wanted to help boost the funds of the life-saving charity. Receiving the cheque, Hugh Robotham, demonstrated what a crew member wore when responding to an emergency by helping eight year old Mitchell Cox to don a reduced version of a dry suit. Hugh was welcomed by the acting head teacher Stephen Holland who in turn introduced Year Six teacher Becky Bevan who had led a ‘sinking and swimming’ themed topic that included the work of the RNLI.

Hugh Robotham receives the cheque from Oliver Evans (left) and James Fletcher, both aged 11. Wearing the RNLI dry suit is Mitchell Cox.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Norovirus at St Mary’s Hospital St. Mary’s hospital is continuing to face very serious challenges with patients and staff experiencing Norovirus which causes diarrhoea and vomiting. The number of cases has not reduced and around one fifth of the Trust’s 236 hospital beds are affected. The Trust is taking further measures to enable more resources to be diverted into resolving the issue. The Trust wants to apologise for the inconvenience this is causing patients and visitors at St. Mary’s. The new measures are: All visiting to the main hospital (not just to the wards closed to new admissions) is restricted to essential visiting only and a time (not necessarily between 2pm and 3pm) to visit must be agreed with the Ward Manager. Wards should be contacted via the Hospital Switchboard. All scheduled in-patient operations, apart from those for cancer, have been cancelled until the end of this week. The operations will be rescheduled as soon as possible. Sarah Johnston, Deputy Director of Nursing said: “To enable us to get this nasty bug under control we have had to take a further step to restrict visiting and to create additional capacity to manage the situation we have had to cancel all non urgent in-patient operations. I recognise that these new measures and the ones already in place are causing considerable inconvenience for patients and visitors but it is essential that we get this under control. We are grateful for everyone’s cooperation.” Other restrictions in place: Access to the main hospital for patients and visitors is only via the main entrance. It is therefore better to park closer to the main entrance if you have mobility issues or arrange to be dropped at the main entrance before cars are parked.

Visitors and patients are asked to ensure they cleanse their hands on entering and leaving the hospital and entering and leaving clinical areas. No more than two visitors per patient Children under the age of 16 and elderly or vulnerable adults should not visit unless necessary Anyone who has had symptoms, such as vomiting and diarrhoea, must not come into the hospital until they have been clear of those symptoms for at least 48 hours Patients visiting the Beacon Health Centre and Emergency Department should only be accompanied by one other person if possible. The Trust would like to stress that day surgery, outpatient appointments or clinics remain unaffected and patients should attend as normal but need to be aware of the restriction on accessing the main hospital only via the main entrance. The main areas affected by the Outbreak are: Appley Ward, General Rehabilitation Unit, Stroke Neuro Unit, Whippingham Ward, Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) and St. Helens Ward. The arrangements in place across the hospital mean that all single rooms are in use. Colwell Ward, which was previously closed to new admissions, has been clear of the infection for 72 hours. It is vital that anyone who is feeling unwell with vomiting and/or diarrhoea, and planning to visit their friend or relative in hospital, nursing or a residential home, stays at home for at least 48 hours after the symptoms stop to avoid the spread of infection. Keeping hydrated and drinking plenty of fluids is very important, particularly for the elderly and the very young who are most at risk. If the symptoms persist, telephone NHS 111



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CHANGES TO PARKING CHARGES The Isle of Wight Council has announced details of changes to its pay and display parking charges which are due to be introduced this summer. Although many fees will remain at the same level, for the first time since 2008 some charges will go up. The new charges are being introduced as part of the annual budget which councillors voted through at Full Council in February. The charges are likely to be implemented in late May/early June once the council has all of the necessary traffic regulation orders in place. Most of the changes to parking fees are in relation to short stay car parks, rising by between 30p or 40p in relation to a variety of time periods, while long stay car parks are largely unaffected other than a 10p rise for a one to two hour stay. The maximum stay in a short stay car park will also become three hours, while the charge for a stay of up to 30 minutes in a long stay car park has been removed, meaning the minimum charge will be for one hour. It is hoped that these changes will increase the rate of turnover in car parks giving people greater accessibility to nearby local businesses. Many charges for on-street parking will also rise by between 10p and 20p, with some remaining the same. A new residents parking permit will also be introduced at a cost of £295 for a year. This will give residents two hours in a short stay car park or six hours free parking in any long stay car park. The permit can be extended to allow for 24 hours

parking in any long stay car park for an additional cost of £125. Other changes will see charging hours extended to 8pm every day in all areas instead of the current 6pm limit. Free parking in Appley Car Park in Ryde and Moa Place in Freshwater will be removed. Free parking will also be removed at both The Heights Leisure Centre in Sandown and at Medina Leisure Centre in Newport, however, One Card holders paying annually or by direct debit will still be eligible for the existing two hours free parking. Councillor Jon Gilbey, Cabinet member for highways, said: "This is the first time some of our charges have risen for six years and is among many difficult decisions the council has had to make in relation to its budget for the next three years. Across the council we are faced with finding savings of £28 million and will not be able to meet our commitments to transportation activities, such as subsidising concessionary bus fares, without this increase in charges. "We have endeavoured to ensure the new fees are as fair as we can make them in light of this financial position - and it is important to reiterate that for many fees there will not be any increase. It is also interesting to note, for comparison, that Portsmouth charges up to £1.60 for an hour's stay, compared to £1.30 for an hour in one of our short stay car parks, & it is £10 for an all day stay in Portsmouth compared to £6.60 in one of our long stay car parks.”

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Lifeboat Radar Ensures Lord Lieutenant Returns to Dry Land The Lord Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, Major General Martin White, sampled what it was like to be an RNLI life-saver in testing conditions, when he joined the lifeboat crew at Cowes for an onboard night-time training exercise. Not only did the exercise in the Solent, involving the Atlantic 85 ‘Sheena Louise’, take place in darkness, but also thick fog. Thanks to the lifeboat’s radar the Queen’s Island representative was, however, able to return to the harbour later without incident; there another station member played the role of an unconscious casualty, needing to be transferred from a pontoon on to the lifeboat while strapped into the lifeboat’s newly delivered stretcher. Before the lifeboat was launched Maj Gen White, kitted out in full inshore lifeboat protective gear, received a detailed briefing from helm Patrick Moreton. Then in almost zero visibility a navigation exercise was conducted using radar to locate and go up to a Solent buoy. Mark Southwell, the station’s

Operations Manager, said later: “He found travelling in the open and unable to see anything an interesting experience, and was surprised that even with the buoy’s bright light it only became visible barely feet away.” It was only last month that the crew had undergone intensive training on the use of the new flexible stretcher, designed for Atlantic 75 and 85 boats. Keen to act as a bone fide crew member, the Lord Lieutenant was only too keen to play full part in helping to transfer the ‘casualty’ to the lifeboat. When not in use the stretcher rolls up into a bag and is carried on the A frame mast of the lifeboat. It is also designed to be winched with a casualty up into a rescue helicopter. The stretcher is in addition to the zip-up ‘ambulance pouch’ traditionally carried on the lifeboat. Earlier in the evening Maj Gen White met a large number of boat and shore members at the station, which he last visited when accompanying HM Queen for the official opening by her in July 2012.

GREEN Photographic Sights: Images 1894-2010

Saturday 5th April – Sunday 29th June 2014 Presenting a collection of photographs retracing the personal journey of four generations of one family, this exhibition at Dimbola Museum and Galleries offers perspectives on the political, social and aesthetic history of an entire century, and even a bit beyond. From the history of Sweden at the beginning of the twentieth century, through two world wars, everyday life and cultural life in Paris in the fifties and sixties, and finally the world of fashion and cinema, from the sixties all the way to the present day. Compiled by actress and model Marika Green this collection of around 100 photographs was inspired by her discovery of over 8,000 images taken by her Grandmother Mia Green (1870 – 1949). Mia had a very modern perspective of photography, taking ‘documentary’ style photographs before they were fashionable. No one commissioned these photos,

Mia simply looked at life around her and captured it for posterity. Mia’s son Lennart (and Marika’s father) discovered photography when he arrived in Paris in the 1930s, around the same period he also met his wife-to-be, Jeanne. During this period he produced some captivating and poetic images which Marika discovered in the basement of his apartment in Rennes. The exhibition concludes with images from the 1960s and 70s on up to the present day. Two beautiful women, both actresses and models: Marika Green, most famous for her roles in Pickpocket (1959) and Emmaneulle (1974); and her niece Eva Green, who portrayed Vesper Lynd in the James Bond film Casino Royale (2006). Each of these beauties has spent countless hours in front of the lenses of the world’s most renowned photographers and cinematographers.

Pictures taken by Dave Davies

Island Arts Your Fortnightly Arts Guide The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

The Greek gods come to the Apollo in the theatre's next production Send your arts news to


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Island Arts The Isle of Wight is home to some amazing artistic talent, and we want to highlight it on these pages. We want to hear about you and your activity, your successes, your events, your news … whether you are an artist, a musician, a dancer, a singer, a writer, a performance group … if in doubt, just tell us anyway! We will, of course, be happy to report the big events, but we want Island Arts to be for everyone of any age, at whatever level they are. And we are especially keen to showcase new talent and new ideas. So please get in touch. Tell us about your event, your exhibition, your auditions, your new commission, your need

for people to take part … whatever it is, we’ll do our best to help. You don’t have to pay for advertising on these pages to get your story covered, but we have kept the costs really low to make it a little easier for you to raise your profile. Obviously, we can’t promise to cover every single story that is sent to us, so there may be times when you want to be sure you have a presence on these pages, and advertising will give you that guarantee! Island Arts will be published every other week, as part of the Isle of Wight Mail newspaper Island Arts is edited by Kevin Wilson. Send him your news and questions

ONE DAY Take one day; tomorrow for instance, March 22 2014. Then ask yourself, what is there to do on the Isle of Wight. Are you ready …? How about the Isle of Wight Photographer of the Year exhibition at Dimbola Lodge; or Camera on Kashmir, an exhibition by Lucy Boynton at Quay Arts; or Roman Sexuality: Images, Myths and Meanings at Brading Roman Villa; or 'self' an exhibition by Young Quay, at Quay arts; or Vectis Artisans at Quarr Abbey; or the Star Prize

Information Day at Brading Town Hall, to find out Original Theatre's latest new production? And then discover that every single one of these events is free! Then, of course, you can choose from an amazing line up of acts that are taking part in the new Acoustic Isle Festival, or try karaoke at the Sun Inn, Hulverstone, or sit back and enjoy the skills and the sounds of the Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra… And that's just a sample of what the Island has to offer: in one day!

NEXT UP AT THE APOLLO The Greek gods come to the Apollo in the theatre's next production. 'Rape of the Belt' is billed as a gentle comedy, based loosely on a tale from Greek mythology. Two Greek heroes, Heracles and Theseus, fight for possession of the Crown Jewels - a belt belonging to their queen. But Zeus and his wife chip in with comments that change the course of events, and lead to amusing consequences. This was the last play written by Benn Levy, who was a Labour MP for five years from 1945, and is remembered for an unsuccessful attempt to abolish theatre censorship. The play features some well known members of the Apollo Players, including Rose Kelsey and Paul Stevens, and marks an Apollo stage debut for Marina Ignarski. It is directed by Di Evans and runs from April 2 to 5, and 9 to 12. The box office opens on Saturday, March 29, and advance booking forms are available from a dispenser at the theatre's main entrance. For more information, go to

Picture shows: the director, Di Evans (left) with some of the cast members: Drew Adcock, Chrissie Blow, Dawn de Vries, Marina Ignarski, and Paul Stevens.

Send your arts news to


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Island Arts


The premiere of Original Theatre's new play, The Truth Untold, will be held at the Apollo in Newport at 8pm on May 1. The play tells what happens when two former school friends meet up again. One is now a Junior Minister in the Coalition Government; the other is a social care manager in a town where a young boy has died in care. SIGNALS perform at 2013 Bestival Bands & DJs Comp Final

It was written by Kevin Wilson, who said: “It is a fast moving, one hour play, inspired by a line in a Wilfrid Owen war poem. The two men are brought together to face each other across the chasm that has opened up between them, like soldiers on opposite sides; and both of them are changed by the experience.” The play is directed by Kate Slade, making her debut as a director, and the cast includes Reuben Loakes, Pete Stockman, Lorna Wilson, Marie Hickman, Benny Curtis and Pete Harris. The Truth Untold is at the Apollo on May 1 and 2; The Depozitory in Ryde on May 10; then at Trinity Theatre, Cowes, on May 30 and 31.

AUDITIONS Seems to be peak season for auditions in Island theatre land this coming week. Original Theatre is having an information day on March 22 to introduce its new play with music, Star Prize, followed by open auditions from 10am on Saturday, March 29. Both events are being held at Brading Town Hall. The Island Savoyards have

an information evening at Shanklin Conservative Club on Sunday, March 23, for their production of The Gondoliers, followed by auditions at the same venue from 2pm on Saturday, March 29. Meanwhile, Trinity Theatre in Cowes, is holding auditions for All My Sons, at the theatre on Tuesday, March 25, from 7.30pm.

Tickets cost just £6. Online booking at

SPRING EXHIBITION The Ryde Art Collective (TRAC) is celebrating its first anniversary as a group with their Spring Exhibition which opens at 10am on Saturday 5th April 2014 at The Depozitory, 23, Nelson Street, Ryde, PO33 2EZ. Ten members of The Collective have produced lots of new work, including painting, pastels, photography, printing, mixed media, polymer clay, textiles and ceramics with prices starting at £10. In addition, we have two guest artists, a textiles artist and a ceramicist, and also a photography student who will be showing his work in public for the first time. One of our member artists is a ‘puppy parent’ for Ability Dogs 4 Young People. This is a new island charity training assistance dogs to help disabled young people and children, and TRAC will be supporting the charity throughout the exhibition. For more information about the charity, please visit


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

VISIT FROM THE EARL AND COUNTESS OF WESSEX Their Royal Highnesses the Earl and Countess of Wessex are to visit the Isle of Wight on Thursday 27 March and Friday 28 March 2014. The couple have a number of joint engagements but will also spend time visiting organisations individually. Lord-Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, Major General Martin White, said: “The visit is a wonderful opportunity to highlight the valuable work of organisations and volunteers who contribute so much to Island life. We are very much looking forward to welcoming the Earl and Countess of Wessex back to the Isle of Wight.” On Thursday 27 March, the Earl and Countess of Wessex will visit: Shanklin Theatre The visit forms part of the theatre’s 80th anniversary celebrations. The Earl and Countess of Wessex will tour the theatre, meet staff, volunteers and performers before watching a short performance from First Act,

a drama group for people with disabilities. While at the theatre, the Earl of Wessex will be presented with a birthday cake prepared by the Women’s Institute, in celebration of his 50th birthday. Gala fundraising dinner Their Royal Highnesses will be guests of honour at a gala fundraising dinner at the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes in aid of the Newport Minster Renewal Appeal. The Earl of Wessex is patron of the renewal appeal. Earlier in the day, the Earl of Wessex will visit Shanklin Youth and Community Club, Brading Roman Villa, and Newport Minster . The Countess of Wessex will visit Gatten and Lake Primary School, Rapanui in Sandown and the Isle of Wight Foodbank. On Friday 28 March, the Earl and Countess of Wessex will visit St Mildred’s Church, Whippingham, Queensgate Foundation Primary School and Osborne House.


PROPOSED CHANGES TO DISABILITY RELATED EXPENDITURE The IW Council is to undertake a two month consultation on proposed changes in how it treats additional expenses related to disability. Currently the council allows service users with a disability a flat rate allowance of £10 a week (within their nonresidential financial assessment) to meet additional costs due to their disability - even if these costs are less than £10. This is a discretionary amount introduced in 2003. Such additional disability related expenditure (DRE) may include the extra costs for a service user looking after their home, looking after themselves and transport or travel needs. It may cover areas such as laundry costs, special diets, cleaning, shopping or heating and fuel costs above standard allowances. The proposed changes to the way disability related expenditure will be assessed in the future were approved by Full Council at its budget setting meeting on 26 February – subject to specific consultation with service users. Councils are required under the Department for Health’s Fairer Contribution Guidance for Nonresidential Services to make an allowance within their financial assessment process for additional costs due to a service user’s disability. Councils have discretion on how they manage such disability related expenditure. In 2003, following consultation, the council introduced the system which allows all disabled service use(whether or not in receipt of disability benefits) to receive £10 a week to meet additional costs. The council made the payment by reducing any client contribution towards the cost of their care by £10 per week - to take into account this additional expenditure. Currently all service users are financially assessed for their disability related expenditure when their service commences and then at an annual review - to ensure the information on their financial circumstances is as up to date as possible. Under the proposed changes due for consultation, the council is looking to achieve a process which is fairer and more robust. It is proposing to remove the allowance of £10 per week within the financial assessment for all users – and instead in each case

calculate the actual additional costs incurred as part of the assessment. It means some people will no longer receive an allowance for DRE, if they are able to manage their disability at no additional cost. Where additional costs are incurred, they will be assessed within the set guidelines and adjustments made to the client’s contribution. The new approach also proposes that there will no longer be discretion within the council’s fairer charging policy to decide if a service user has to provide proof (in the form of receipts) of their additional costs related to their disability. Instead actual evidence will be required in all cases to support an application. The consultation will include a letter from the council to all relevant service users (about 1,400 people) offering them the opportunity to complete a questionnaire on the proposed changes or to do so online via the council’s website. A telephone support number will also be given and support for those who need to receive the information in a different form. As well as consulting with service users, key stakeholders such as People Matter Isle of Wight and Healthwatch Isle of Wight will be asked to engage on the consultation issues with service users and carer groups across all disability groups. The proposed changes and consultation are set against a backdrop of the council facing savings of £28 million over the next three years. It is estimated the proposals may give a partyear saving of £160,000 in 2014/2015, rising to a full-year saving of £300,000 in 2016/2017. Cabinet member for health, community and adult wellbeing, Councillor Gordon Kendall, said: “We hope the consultation will give service users and stakeholders a full opportunity to give their views on the proposed changes. “The council is facing extreme financial challenges over the coming three years, and in relation to this we are required to take a look at all our costs, including introducing proposals for a fairer and more robust approach to additional disability related expenditure.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Volunteers thanked for five decades of support A national charity has spoken in praise of a group of Isle of Wight volunteers who have been giving up their time for more than 50 years to help families living with devastating muscle-wasting conditions. Colin and Lynne Baker, Jean and Ian Cunningham, Lorinda Dixon, Lesley Levings, Mary Norton, Sheila Moore and Patricia Streeter all volunteer for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign as part of the charity’s Isle of Wight Branch. They, along with other branch members and volunteers, have raised more than £200,000 for the charity since its formation, helping it to fund groundbreaking research into treatments for muscular dystrophy and related neuromuscular conditions and give support to the 70,000 families in the UK who are affected – 1700 of them based in Hampshire. The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign’s band of around 1,400 volunteers right across the UK help the charity to

raise close to a quarter of its annual income. Branch Treasurer Colin Baker said: “All our branch members really enjoy volunteering for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. It has been so rewarding to have been involved all these years – I would recommend volunteering to anyone.” Robert Meadowcroft, Chief Executive of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, said: “Our Isle of Wight volunteers and others like them are very much a part of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign team – without their generosity in donating their time we would not be able to carry out our work on the scale that we do. It is with their help we are able to support the thousands of families across the UK living with muscular dystrophy and related neuromuscular conditions and drive forward research into treatments. We owe all the branch members our deepest thanks for their kindness and devotion."

HEALTHY EATING INCENTIVES FOR ONE CARD MEMBERS The Isle of Wight Council is teaming up with a major food chain to encourage people to improve their fitness and eat more healthily. The council is working with Subway as part of the company's Train Hard Eat Fresh campaign, which is aimed at encouraging a healthy, active lifestyle. It is supported by Team GB Olympic medal winning athletes including Louis Smith and Antony Ogogo. As part of the partnership, all Isle of Wight Council gold or silver One Card holders will be entitled to a 15 per cent discount on all healthy option meals and drinks in Subway's Newport outlet. Councillor Phil Jordan is the Cabinet member responsible for health and said: "The council is very keen to help residents improve their health and our leisure centres, all of which have benefitted from recent refurbishments and investment, continue to offer a variety of activity options to

achieve this. "It is pleasing that Subway is working with the council to improve health and any incentive to get people out the home, active and making healthier choices is a welcome one." Adam Moore from Subway added: "Subway is committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle which can be demonstrated by the fact many of our products have reduced fats sugars and no trans fats. We also display calories on our menus to help people plan their daily food intake and diets. "We are very pleased to be working with the Isle of Wight Council and are more than happy to offer One Card holders the discount on our healthy meal options if it encourages more people to get active and improve their lifestyles." The healthy food range at Subway includes low fat subs, soups, salads, children's subs, water, tea and coffee.

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Good News from Medical Practice The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner has welcomed the news that Doctors Thomson, Magee and Walker of the West Wight Medical Practice have withdrawn their notice to NHS England. This comes after negotiations with other Island GPs has led to an agreement of sufficient support for the team (which has almost 90 years of GP experience between them), to continue delivering the contract as they are confident of finding an Island solution to the current situation. A date has not been set for the Yarmouth surgery to re-open, but information will be made available as soon as practicable. Mr Turner said: “This is a great example of the Island’s NHS pulling together for the good of the patients. There was great disquiet in Yarmouth about the prospect of the surgery closing for six months – and even fears that it would be lost altogether. Tim Gibbs of the Yarmouth Pharmacy organised a petition which gathered around 3,000 signatures demonstrating the

strength of local feeling. “It was very clear to me that the doctors are absolutely committed to the community they serve and to finding a solution if it was at all possible – I am very glad they feel that has been achieved in principle. Long-term closure of Yarmouth’s GP practice may also have threatened the viability of the pharmacy, where the pharmacist Tim Gibbs is held in very high regard, and the doctors have particularly asked that people continue to use his services. We must now wait for the negotiations to proceed so that the details of the future service can be finalised.” Tim Gibbs added : “I am very grateful for the support of all our patients and everybody involved in working together and supporting each other to find the right solution for the West Wight. This is an example of the local NHS community listening to the patients and putting the care of patients first which is what the NHS is all about.”

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Crippled Fishing Boat

Cowes RNLI lifeboat lost no time in going to the aid of a broken down fishing boat on the 14th March, amid concerns that the craft was in danger of drifting into the Solent’s main shipping lane. The 12 foot Jolly Dodger, with two anglers aboard,

alerted Solent Coastguards that it was unable to restart its engine after fishing off East Cowes. The lifeboat was launched at 3.05 pm and eventually towed the craft to Cowes Yacht Haven. It returned to station38 minutes later.

Parachute Recovered

The Sandown & Shanklin Independent lifeboat was asked to launch by the Solent Coastguard to a report of a kite surfers parachute that was being blown through the bay at 12.17 on the 20th March 2014 Solent Coastguard received five 999 calls from

concerned members of the public and a call from the gentleman to say he had lost it whilst coming in to shore and that he was safe. The Independent lifeboat picked it up 1 mile off their station and brought it ashore where the man was very happy to have it returned.



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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Opportunities for Teacher Development in Parliament Parliament’s Education Service is hosting a residential training course, Teachers’ Institute 2014, from 30th June to 4th July this year based in the Palace of Westminster. The course will allow education professionals to experience Parliament in action and share their expertise and knowledge with teaching colleagues from all over the country. There will be a variety of events during the course of the week, including interactive sessions, Q & A sessions with Members of the Commons and the Lords, talks by subject specialists and workshops on key aspects of the work of Parliament linked to the new National Curriculum. Resources will be available for use in the classroom. Transport and accommodation costs will be covered for all delegates. Applications, are

Carr takes charge as Whitehouse restructures for growth

invited from teachers and other professionals working with children aged 7 - 18 across Citizenship, Politics, Law, History and other related subjects. The deadline for applications is 08.00 Monday 31st March 2014. The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner said: “This is an opportunity for teachers to experience first-hand the workings of Parliament and I’m sure it will be both interesting and informative. I’m also quite sure there will be interest from education professionals across the country so I would urge anyone who would like to get a place on the course to get an application in as quickly as possible”. For more information and to apply for a place call Nicola Peacock from the Parliament’s Education Service, 02072191152

Westminster-based public affairs and political communication agency The Whitehouse Consultancy, owned by Councillor Chris Whitehouse who represents Newport West on the Isle of Wight Council, has announced the appointment of Emma Carr as Managing Director and a series of internal promotions and new hires to cope with what agency founder Chris Whitehouse predicts will be a year of solid growth following several new business wins in the last two months. Carr has been promoted from the position of Associate Director, having joined Whitehouse in 2010. Carr previously worked for the Social Market Foundation, Bupa, the Commission for Social Care Inspection, and Consumer Focus. Founder Chris Whitehouse will move to the new position of Chairman, with Associate Director Carl Thomson being promoted to the role of Director. Thomson joined Whitehouse in 2010 having previously worked as Senior Parliamentary Assistant to John Redwood MP and in the office of

the now Home Secretary Theresa May MP. Whitehouse has also announced several new junior appointments. Chris Whitehouse, Chairman of the Whitehouse Consultancy, said: “2013 was one of our best ever years in terms of profits and turnover; and 2014 has got off to a flying start with several new clients. We need a new structure to cope with further growth and to take Whitehouse to the next level. We are delighted that Emma is stepping up to the plate and have every confidence for the future. The move will also allow me to focus even more of my efforts on serving the residents of my ward, Newport West, and in working to drive up education standards across the Island.” Emma Carr, Managing Director, said: “Now that Whitehouse offers a full range of services from public affairs to PR, from event management to market access, it needs more robust structures and systems. We are investing heavily in our team to ensure that we retain our pre-eminent position as one of London’s leading communication agencies.”

SHARE YOUR NEWS | | 01983 898 838


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Medal honours for West Wight Fencers Members of the West Wight Fencing club have been recognised for their dedication and achievements over the last year. At a special presentation at the West Wight Sports Centre the High Sheriff Mary Case presented a host of medals and certificates. With a lot of hard work 6 fencers achieved British Academy of Fencing Bronze Awards and 2 people achieved Silver awards. The Bronze awards went to George Collins, Amy Huyton, Marissa Clarke, Katie Fradgley, Tye Cameron-Robson and Harrison Lloyd. The Silver awards went to Joseph Philips and Kieran Fradgley. These are the first Silver awards in the club’s history and demonstrate a real dedication to training and competition. Kieran Fradgley also recently fought his way to a bronze medal in the Southern Region championship, which qualified him for the British Youth Championships in Sheffield in May. The club championships produced medal

winners in the Under 12 category:- Gold to Henry Summerfield, Silver to Harrison Lloyd and Bronze to Tye Cameron-Robson. In the under 14 category Gold went to George Collins. In the senior championship Gold went to Kieran Fradgley, Silver to Joseph Philips and Bronze to Euan Brammell. The senior Ladies gold medal went to Amy Huyton. The club has seen a recent surge in members, both adults and children, and is running several taster sessions at the West Wight Sports Centre on Saturday mornings to encourage more people to try it out. All kit is provided by the club. Fencing also takes place at Medina College, the IVth Form Innovation College at Nodehill and Solent Swords at Sandown Sports Centre. In addition the West Wight Fencing club offers free taster sessions to youth groups across the Island. For more information about these or club lessons contact Nick Stuart on

ROUND THE ISLAND RACE TO HEADLINE AT THIS YEAR'S FESTIVAL OF THE SEA The J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race (RTI) has teamed up with the Festival of the Sea (FOS) in a bid to attract more visitors to the Island this June. Created by the Island’s Tourist Board, Visit Isle of Wight (VIOW), the festival celebrates the Island’s maritime history and heritage and gives businesses in Cowes and the rest of the Island, the opportunity to be part of VIOW’s multi-media marketing campaign to encourage visitors to the Island. The event has been moved to 16th June – as Isle of Wight Festival-goers are heading home – and runs until 23rd June and will coincide with the annual Round the Island Race, organised by the Island Sailing Club and which takes place on 21st June 2014. As one of the largest yacht races in the world, thousands of people flock to the Island to watch or take part in a race featuring some of the country’s top sailors, including America’s Cup Winner and four time Olympic gold medallist, Sir Ben Ainslie. One of the first weekend’s highlights will be the Race Village in Cowes Yacht Haven, Saturday 21st to Sunday 22nd June, featuring the Red Funnel Cowes Food Festival and Cookery Theatre, which will be serving up delicious seafood dishes. There will also be a

range of trade, food and craft stalls as well as lots of evening entertainment and live musicians. David Thornton said: “We are excited to be able to announce our second Festival of the Sea, an annual event which helps us promote the Island’s unique sea faring heritage to our visitor market and attract visitors outside the summer holiday period. “We now plan to produce a range of marketing materials including newspaper and digital advertisements for both on and off-Island distribution. “We’re delighted that Cowes is getting behind this marketing initiative this year. We expect to announce additional events in Ventnor, Ryde and Yarmouth soon and hope that all the Island’s resorts will participate.” FOS will be anchored by headline events created by tourism providers, which it is hoped resorts and attractions will get behind - from sea shanties, beach art displays, fishing, cookery displays and food-tastings, through to opportunities to charter boats and trial sailing lessons to ensure a lively mix of events to draw in the crowds. Any tourism-related business wishing to get involved and take advantage of this marketing opportunity should visit the FOS section on the Tourist Board’s industry website.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014


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HOME SECURITY Affordable Home Security Cameras Set-up and running in minutes



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014



SECURITY CCTV is now becoming an increasingly popular choice for many homeowners wanting to secure their property. In this issue of technology insider, we take a look at three of the most popular new IP cameras on the market. You may not be able to be on guard 24-hours a day, but thanks to affordable, easy to use, IP cameras and other out the box security systems, you can now protect what matters to you. These IP cameras use your network or internet portal to send images to your router, allowing you to access the footage over the internet. Cameras can be bought on their own, or as part of a cloud security package with costs ranging from £145 for an indoor wireless PTZ camera with nightvision and two way audio, up to £250 for a full HD Outdoor bullet cam with 7 days free cloud storage. All three wireless cameras can be setup within minutes and also include a PC user interface and mobile apps.

Full reviews, photo galleries, unboxing and sample footage will be published online soon.

Follow Technology Insider on twitter (@iwightmail) for the latest information

The Ucam247 HD 1080p Plug and View WIFI Camera Model: NC328W-IR 1080p Apps: Android & IOS Cloud Storage: No Save to Dropbox: No Micro SD Slot: Yes LiveView Record: Yes Infrared: 24 LEDS Night Vision: Up to 15m Two Way Audio: No

Price: £189.99 Right away I was amazed at how heavy the camera was. It's a solid metal construction, has an excellent build quality, and looks like it will hold up well against the elements. The first thing that appeals about the Ucam 247 HD1080p is the fact you can set up and activated the bullet camera without the need of a PC - all you need is a smart phone (or tablet) running android or IOS. As with other IP cameras on the market, the Ucam247 can still be setup and configured directly from a web page if you don't have a compatible mobile device. The Free mobile app allows you to playback video clips stored on the camera's video recorder. You also have the ability to check the real time stream for added peace of mind. To get started we plugged the HD IP camera into the router via a LAN cable, download the free application and activated the camera within minutes. This wireless HD camera is a perfect solution to quickly add video

security to your home or office. You can even use it to keep an eye on your baby, watch over elderly loved ones or just watch what's going on in the garden. Unlike other IP cameras, the Ucam247 doesn't bundle online recording into the camera, this means you can use it to record to your own computer or NAS drive and can set it up to record to your own recording space elsewhere (using ftp or email). Another thing I liked was the fact Ucam provides full, unrestricted access to the cameras settings and features, so you can change them and tailor according to your needs. The night vision capability on this camera is excellent. The large array of 24 LEDs really helped increase the quality of the image compared to other night vision cameras out there. What we didn't like: The only issue we had with this camera was with the android app crashing. At times it would crash and require a re-load. This is known problem with a range of IP cameras, not just from Ucam. The issue is down to the amount of android versions out there. We spoke to Ucam who was aware of the problem and are just about to release a new app to Google Play.

5/6 stars

For more details visit



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014


The Y-Cam HomeMonitor HD 1080p Plug and View WIFI Camera with free cloud storage If you want the complete security solution without the worry of storing files and managing settings then look no further than the HomeMonitor HD camera from Y-Cam. It's packed full of hi-tech features designed to make your life easier. It's a 720p outdoor camera that can be set-up in a matter of minutes and works instantly with no complications. Using sophisticated on-camera technology, HomeMonitor detects motion in its field of view and then immediately springs in to action. It's more expensive than other HD bullet cameras on the market, but that’s because they bundle in 7 days of free cloud storage for your video clips, allowing you to view and download at a time that’s convenient for you. If your planing on using an IP

Model: Outdoor HD Apps: Android, Windows & IOS Cloud Storage: 7 Days FREE Save to Dropbox: No Micro SD Slot: No LiveView Record: No Infrared: 24 LED's Night Vision: Up to 10m Two Way Audio: No

Price: £249.99 camera with your own NAS then this option is not for you. The camera has to be used with Homemonitor service and there is no space for SD cards. This camera allows you to truly connect you to what is important on all your favourite gadgets including iPhone, iPad, Android, windows phones and through your TV using Roku or AirPlay.

What we didn't like: Unable to set length of recording time and camera has to be used with the cloud service provided.

4/6 stars

For more details about this camera visit

The Compro VGA Indoor PTZ Camera Plug and View WIFI Camera with Pan, Tilt & Zoom It might look like a futuristic Johnny 5 robot returning to the new age, but you should never judge a book by its cover. The Compro TN600W offers an advanced pan and tilt mechanical design, built-in WiFi, ability to upload to Dropbox and super easy installation. This camera is so simple to get running, even an 8 year old child managed to complete the setup within minutes - simply plug-in the cables, scan the QR code, activate the camera, and then the TN600W is ready to be viewed and shared on the Internet. An ideal choice for securing homes, warehouses, hotels, gardens, lobbies, restaurants or any locations where there is a need to follow people or objects. Download the exclusive and feature

Model: TN600 Apps: Android & IOS Cloud Storage: No Save to Dropbox: Yes Micro SD Slot: Yes LiveView Record: No Infrared: 12 LED's Night Vision: Up to 10m Two Way Audio: Yes

Price: £159.99 -rich camera app to live view, mobile 340° pan and 100° tilt control. Also, the free C4Home app enables you to have a 2-way conversation, trigger an alarm and securely share the cameras video. This camera also features a professional-grade ambient light sensor and 12 IR LEDs for round-the-clock surveillance under any light conditions.

What we didn't like: There wasn't anything to dislike, but a built in wireless dongle and live video recording would compliment it.

4/6 stars

For more details about this camera visit


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

CHANGES TO CHILDREN'S CENTRES The IW Council is to launch a consultation on plans to change the structure of the Island’s children’s centres to incorporate a wider range of family support services. The council’s Cabinet approved plans to launch a consultation into a revised model for delivering child and family support services. There are currently 8 children’s centres on the Island run by three different providers, all of the centres are rated by Ofsted as either good or outstanding. The council delivers a range of separate ‘Early Help’ services which includes early childhood support and parenting and family support. These are delivered by the council and a number of external providers on the council’s behalf, providing early and effective targeted assistance when a problem arises in a child’s life. The council is seeking to incorporate and enhance these parenting and family support services, along with the council’s Strengthening Families programme, into the services delivered by the Island’s children’s centres. Under the proposals, there would be no reduction in front line services and all children’s centre sites would remain open, although would be managed across three clusters. The current children’s centre provider contracts come to an end in March 2015, providing an opportunity to make changes to the services being offered to families. The proposals on which the council is consulting on include: * Integrating a number of existing contracts to reduce management overheads and ensure families receive seamless

services for 0 to 19 year olds. * Making more effective use of children’s centre buildings, incorporating services during evening and weekends. The council plans to consult with a wide range of stakeholders to understand the needs of service users, providers and partner agencies. An online survey will be available from Sunday 16 March via, in addition: * Consultation sessions will be held at each children’s centre (these will be advertised via * Consultation sessions will be arranged with service users of the Early Childhood Support Service, 5 – 19 Family and Parenting Support Service and the council’s Credit Isle of Wight Council Strengthening Families programme. * Partner agencies and current providers will be invited to respond to the consultation using a variety of methods. Councillor Richard Pries said: "We are proposing to bring together the excellent work of our children’s centres with the important early help support services to strengthen the services offered to families on the Island. It is important that we gather as many views as possible from service users, providers and partner agencies before we make a decision on the changes we are proposing. "We think change will be necessary but I want to be clear that I see this as change which will be very much in line with our general improvement journey for all children’s services on the Island. That improvement remains my top priority."

DIXCEY TO STAND IN NEWPORT WEST BYELECTION A by-election will be held for the Newport West ward seat that has become vacant following the resignation from Newport Parish Council of David Whittaker who is currently serving a prison sentence. Voting will be on Thursday 10th April. Roger Dixcey, a well-known local figure, said: “As a governor of Newport Church of England Primary School, having been involved with the school since before it was even built, and having lived in Newport for many years, I have been approached by many local people to see if I would be willing to stand in this by-election. I have now confirmed that I will do so. “Newport West ward is a fantastic place to live, but it does

have its own problems with traffic chaos at school run times and some serious issues with flooding during the recent storms. I really want to put something back into the local community.” Roger Dixcey is a former member of the Isle of Wight Council and his wife, Debbie, already serves on Newport Parish Council. Cllr Chris Whitehouse, who represents Newport West Ward on the Isle of Wight Council says: “Roger works hard for the local community, has great experience on the Isle of Wight Council and would make a great parish councillor with whom I would work closely in future.”

Cowes Lifeboat Responds to ‘Fire on Yacht’ Scare Cowes RNLI lifeboat raced to East Cowes Marina on the 10th March after Solent Coastguards were told that smoke was seen coming from a ketch. Although the lifeboat crew was prepared to stand by while the possible fire threat was dealt with by Isle of Wight firemen it quickly became clear that there was no such emergency; the smoke was merely from a wood

burning stove. The lifeboat, which was launched at 7.57 pm, returned to station at 8.45 pm, with the crew thankful there had been no repeat of the fire that destroyed a luxury motor-cruiser at the same marina last November. Then, too, the lifeboat took on a stand-by role, until the crew understood no lives were at risk.


01983 242095


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

CONSULTATION INTO SUSTAINABLE MODEL FOR MUSIC EDUCATION HUB A wide-ranging consultation is to be undertaken into the future of the Music Education Hub. A meeting of the council’s Cabinet approved the consultation after hearing that the Department for Education’s (DfE) grant to the hub would be reducing in 2014/2015 and that the council would no longer be in a position to underwrite the year-on-year overspends on the Isle of Wight Music Service. The hub is a partnership of many different music groups, with the council’s Isle of Wight Music Service employing the music teachers who work in schools across the Island. The hub is overseen by a board comprising representatives of the member groups (including young people) and has an independent chairman. The council acts as the responsible body for administering the (DfE) grant. The consultation will be undertaken with the stakeholders of the hub and will take into account the views of hub partner organisations, Island schools, music tuition students and their families and music service staff. The consultation will be carried out via meetings with stakeholders, letters to schools, pupils and those affected - and an email address to which responses can be sent. The findings of the consultation will allow the development of a new business plan for the hub with a view to a council decision in May on its future position and relationship with the hub for the coming year and beyond. The hub has been in operation for the past two years and in that time has not been able to develop a sustainable way of doing business, a report to the council’s Cabinet stated. Following a monitoring visit from Arts Council England in December 2013, it became clear that the Arts Council required a radical review of the hub in

relation to meeting its requirements. The Arts Council acts as the grant making body for the Department for Education’s hub funding. The grant for the hub has reduced from £260k last year to £136k for 2014/2015. Income raised (mainly from parents and families) can amount to £250k in a full academic year. The IW Council has had a budget with a nil subsidy for the music service since 2009/2010, but has underwritten overspends on the Isle of Wight Music Service delivery arm, currently running at about £150,000 a year. In the current financial climate, and against a backdrop of having to find savings of £28 million over the next three years, the council is unable to continue to underwrite these overspends. To help towards creating a sustainable business model for the future, the hub’s board has been working with council officers to develop outline ideas. The outline ideas will form part of the consultation. Any future operation would also need to meet Arts Council and Department for Education targets. The hub will have the opportunity to bid for a further three years funding in the summer; the plans for a sustainable business model will have to be firm enough to impress the Arts Council by then. Cabinet member for children’s services, Councillor Richard Priest, said: “We hope this consultation with stakeholders will help towards the creation and development of a sustainable music hub and music service for the future. “These are difficult financial times facing the council, but we will be doing our utmost to help the hub develop a model which allows it to operate successfully and with a balanced budget in the future.”


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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Ferry discounts for Isle of Wight based job seekers In a partnership with Jobcentre Plus, Red Funnel is offering reduced rates for the registered unemployed who attend interviews on the mainland and for those that find work, reduced travel costs for the first 6-18 months of their employment on the mainland. Under the new initiative, registered unemployed job seekers who attend interviews on the mainland will be able to travel on any sailing as a foot passenger for just £8.90 for a day return. The offer is valid on Red Funnel’s East or West Cowes routes to Southampton. Claimants who are successful in finding employment on the mainland will receive additional help from Red Funnel for the first 6 - 18 months of their employment. They will be eligible for discounts equivalent to the student fares for Red Jet 7 day, 30 day, 6 month and 12 month Season Tickets. Over an 18 month period the scheme will give individual travel cost savings of £1,072. Both initiatives will be administered by Jobcentre Plus in Newport or Ryde. Applicants must contact Jobcentre Plus in the first instance. For more information please visit Jonathan Green, Sales &

Marketing Director for Red Funnel commented “We are pleased to not only offer discounted travel to the registered unemployed who are attending interviews on the mainland, but also reduced Red Jet Season Ticket fares for up to 18 months. This should ensure that Islanders who find work on the mainland won’t have to relocate”. A spokesperson for the Department of Work and Pensions commented “We very much welcome this initiative from Red Funnel which will widen the search area for jobs and help claimants find suitable and fulfilling employment”. Southampton Jobs Fair – 27 March 2014 In addition to the new scheme, Red Funnel and Jobcentre Plus are offering Island job seekers a special £5 Day Return fare to attend the bi-annual Southampton Jobs Fair at the Novotel Hotel on Thursday 27 March 2014. Red Funnel will have a stand at the Jobs Fair for anyone interested in seasonal work. To obtain the offer, job seekers should contact their local Jobcentre Plus. Outward travel is valid on sailings from 0900 hrs and return travel must be on sailings departing from Southampton before 1635 hrs.


01983 242095

The Train Now Arriving …

Photo Di Hollander/IWSR A very special model locomotive arrived at Havenstreet on Monday in readiness to take centre stage in the Isle of Wight Steam Railway’s forthcoming new Train Story Discovery Centre which is due to open on 6th April. Based on the Isle of Wight Steam Railway’s flagship locomotive W24 Calbourne, the model is part of a fascinating new interpretive display within the discovery centre, which will bring the locomotives and carriages to life, uncovering their impact on all our lives and showing what happened to them when no longer needed on the railways. Train Story, which has been part-funded by a £1m grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, will now house many of the Steam Railway’s historic locomotives, carriages and wagons. The interpretive displays, including the model locomotive, have been designed by Richard Fowler Associates from Halifax and built by The Workhaus from York. Chris Tagart, Interpretation Commissioner from the Steam Railway said,

“The idea for Train Story goes back many years, and now, thanks to the very generous Lottery funding, it’s nearing completion. We’re particularly pleased to have been able to bring in some of the best interpretive skills from within the UK to develop Train Story, and also to work with a number of local Island businesses, such as The Sign Company in Newport, to produce various elements of the displays”. With a floor area extending to a massive 27,000 sq ft, Train Story is located adjacent to Havenstreet Station on the Isle of Wight Steam Railway. Due to open at the beginning of the Easter break on 6t April, it will then open every day and is expected to attract 100,000 visitors each year. “The development of Train Story opens-up a whole new added experience for our visitors”, said IW Steam Railway General Manager Peter Vail. “In Train Story we will have a first class undercover attraction to thrill the many families that visit our Steam Railway.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Red Funnel to rescue Wight in Bloom Competition Red Funnel Ferries has stepped in to rescue this year’s popular Wight in Bloom competition which was destined to come to an end through lack of sponsorship. Wight in Bloom is similar to the Royal Horticultural Society's Britain in Bloom campaign, which sees local communities work together to plant, prune, and dress local gardens and communal spaces ready to be judged by the competition organisers. Red Funnel's sponsorship of Wight in Bloom will enable voluntary groups to buy plants for their communities, allow organisers to stage an awards evening, and give Islanders a chance to display the Isle of Wight at its colourful best to incoming visitors, offering a welcome boost to tourism. There will be 6 categories this year plus an overall winner: 1) Best Small Front Garden 2) Best Large Front Garden 3) Best Public House / Hotel / GuestHouse / Restaurant / Business 4) Best Senior Citizen Complex/Nursing Home/Care Home 5) Best Young People Initiative 6) Best Community Floral Project Jonathan Green, Sales & Marketing Director for Red Funnel commented: “I am delighted that our sponsorship has helped to safeguard this long

running competition and support initiatives to improve the environment for local communities and visitors alike. We look forward to seeing the Island full of colour this summer and to meeting the winners at the awards ceremony”. Peggy Jarman, Wight in Bloom organiser commented “The Wight in Bloom competition is a real crowd puller for the Isle of Wight, encouraging towns and villages to brighten up the whole Island. We are delighted that Red Funnel that has stepped in to support the competition.” Cllr Wayne Whittle (Ryde North East) who speaks on Tourism and the Economy for the Conservative Group of Isle of Wight Councillors commented “I would like to thank Red Funnel for coming forward to sponsor this great Island competition that encourages our Island residents and communities to strive for floral perfection throughout our Towns and countryside. Past entrants including Councils, schools, businesses and private residences, to mention a few who have enjoyed taking part over the years”. Green-fingered Islanders can enter the competition via or by phoning 615944.

Big Lottery Fund Bid - we need your projects! The Isle of Wight has been shortlisted and invited to bid for up to £6 million from the Big Lottery Fund as part of the Fulfilling Lives: Ageing Better initiative. The bid, if successful, will fund community led projects that empower older people (over 50 years old) to stay active, healthier and happier for longer and promote the positive role they play within society. The next stage of the bid is now here, the time for community organisations and groups to submit their project proposals, and outline how they would make life better for our older residents. This is an incredible chance to bid for funding to continue or expand an existing service, or bid for funding to put a great idea into action. Please note that any successful applications for funding rely on the Isle Engage bid being successful, which will be announced by the Big Lottery Fund in June 2014. This is an open invitation to everyone on the Isle of Wight to positively change the way we all grow older on the Island, and help make social isolation and loneliness a thing of the past. This is an opportunity not to be missed, so if you think your project or idea fills the brief below please do submit a project proposal, the more local groups invested and involved can only help strengthen the final application.

The Big Lottery Fund is looking for? “We want to fund community-led approaches that enable older people who are most at risk of social isolation and loneliness to lead more fulfilling lives.”All projects must have the Big Lottery Funds outcomes at the heart of their design: 1. Older people are less isolated. 2. Older people are actively involved in communities with their views and participation valued more highly. 3. Older people are more engaged in the design and delivery of services. 4. Services that help reduce isolation are better planned, coordinated and delivered. 5. Better evidence is available to influence the services that help reduce isolation for older people in the future. If you’re interested in submitting a project proposal: full details, guidelines, criteria and an application form can be downloaded from Alternatively please contact Ben Rust on (01983) 525282 or All completed proposals must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 21st March. *Please note that any successful applications for funding rely on the Isle Engage bid being successful, which will be announced in June 2014.

A HAND ONTO THE PROPERTY LADDER The Isle of Wight Council working in partnership with Lloyds Bank, has established and launched a £1 million first time buyer fund, to help Island residents take their first step on the property ladder and provide a much-needed boost to the local housing economy. Through a Local Authority Mortgage Scheme called Local Lend a Hand – already successfully underway elsewhere in the country – the Isle of Wight Council can help would-be home owners bridge the gap between the mortgage deposit they are able to raise and that required to secure an agreed mortgage. A £1 million returnable indemnity fund has been lodged by the council with Lloyds Bank, which is administering the scheme on the authority’s

behalf. This fund underwrites the deposits and remains with the bank earning interest that is reinvested in the scheme. The initiative is aimed at those people who are able to afford monthly mortgage payments on a property to meet their needs, but are currently unable to raise the level of deposit required to secure a mortgage in the first place. It is hoped that as well as offering vital help to potential homeowners, the scheme would also send positive ripples throughout the wider economy and in the housing market – releasing rented properties for those families in need of somewhere to live. Subject to Lloyds Bank's usual lending criteria, borrowers are able to select any existing property (excluding new builds)

in the area covered by Isle of Wight Council up to a maximum loan of £150,000. First-time buyers will put down a minimum five per cent of the property price, and Isle of Wight Council will provide a cash backed indemnity of up to 20 per cent as additional security. The local authority then earns interest on this amount. Councillor Gordon Kendall, Cabinet member responsible for health, community and adult wellbeing, said: “A major obstacle preventing Island people buying their first home is that they can often struggle to raise the size of deposit required by lenders before they will agree a mortgage. “This new scheme will help buyers overcome the hurdle of needing to save a very large deposit to put down on a property. With support from the Local Lend

a Hand scheme, the deposit they will need to raise could be as low as five per cent – rather than a prohibitively higher figure which might otherwise be required. “A further advantage with this initiative is that mortgage payments will be more affordable because those participating in the scheme will benefit from a lower interest rate than would normally be available to customers with a small deposit.” It is estimated that the scheme will initially help around 40 firsttime buyers onto the housing ladder, although if successful the released indemnity could be subsequently reinvested in support of additional home purchasers on the Island. Those interested in the local scheme should visit their local branch of Lloyds Bank.

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014



With a deeply ingrained sense of adventure, our four-day Robin Hill soiree this September 4th – 7th is set to be an enchanted universe of convention defying oddments, jaw-dropping spectacles and mindaltering experiences. A ravishing jewel in the crown of Bestival’s faraway fairyland is undoubtedly The Grand Palace of Entertainment; an inhibition eliminating, twisted wonderland, featuring dazzling queens and party-starting midnight cowboys, all waiting to take you on an unforgettable rainbow-coloured ride. Rob da Bank says, “I don’t know why, but Bestival has always had a little undercurrent of high camp, flamboyance and downright gay attitude running through it, which we've thoroughly embraced and encouraged. The last couple of years at the Grand Palace have seen this venue really pick up the pace with so many amazingly hysterical and hilarious drag acts, cabaret superstars and disco divas arriving in their droves. I love seeing very worried looking young men going in the door in their jeans and t-shirts and falling out the back door hours later festooned in sequins and pink feather boas with massive grins on their faces. What a place!” Giving Bestival an added dimension of outrageously original entertainment this year we have a host of festival exclusives, including Scottee’s Camp. A multi-award winning force of nature and a massive hit aboard HMS Bestival last year, Scottee brings the bestest, naffest, cabaret show, Camp, to our Desert Island, with turns from Figs in Wigs, Josephine Shaker, the yet to be decided winner of Hamburger Queen 2014 and DJ Josh You Are (Sink The Pink), hosted by our favourite fat man in sequins, Scottee! Polymath of the false eyelash & confetti scattered world of leisure, Scottee will also be bringing the finest drag artists from across the UK exclusively to Bestival, including Theo Adams, Mzz Kimberley, Ginger Johnson, Son of a Tutu and Titus Groan in his lauded show, Drag. The fiercely refined Jodie Harsh will also be back at Bestival this year taking over The Port with London and New York’s hottest gay party, the acclaimed Room Service. Presenting killer underground house, mixed up with GoGo boys and tranny madness, Room Service will be blowing the cobwebs off, as the first, and certainly the most glamorous, crew to test out The Port’s Funktion One rig this year. Helping to celebrate our shameless partying ways, Bestival are also delighted to announce that we have come together with Jodie Harsh & Scottee to present the first ever Cliché, a brand new party at The Scala in London on April 19th. Assembling the best of homo nightlife at one glitter-strewn banquet for your dancing feet, raving queens on the night will include Room Service’s Jodie Harsh, Severino, Hannah Holland and Jonathan Bestley, Sink The Pink’s Josh You Are and Daisy Confused, with Scottee’s Drag, featuring Johnny Woo, and Hot Breath Karaoke. Tickets for Cliché at The Scala are available from Jodie Harsh says, “I'm so hyped up about taking over The Scala with Bestival and Scottee to create Cliché - a tongue-in-cheek (if I get lucky!) party featuring iconic homo London club brands from the underground - Room Service, Camp, and the unstoppable force that is Sink The Pink. They're all different in terms of crowd and music, so it should be a nice cauldron of everything that's going on in the underbelly of this crazy city, and a taste of what's to come at Bestival. I'm so excited I could menstruate!” Back in Bestival-land the Cliché party will continue, starting this year’s four-day jamboree off in scandalously degenerate style, featuring the aforementioned Jodie Harsh and Scottee with special guests, bringing some unbridled queer action to Thursday night at Bestival. Cliché, will be a guaranteed highlight of the weekend and an eye-opener for the uninitiated. Also adding flamboyant flashes of brilliance to The Grand Palace of Entertainment across the weekend will be vibrant, messy, trannytastic club kids Sink the Pink who will host proceedings from 1:00

-4:00am on Friday and Saturday night. There will also be fabulous fashionista duo, Bourgeois & Maurice, performing musical cabaret meets theatre, legendary underground club night Gutterslut, for homos, heteros, trannies & slutty in-betweens, and, if throwing shapes is your thing, you can “rave your way into the day” with an immersive morning dance experience courtesy of Morning Glory. You can watch wild sketch comedy from Guilt and Shame’s new show Going Straight, featuring crazy Christians, sex mad zombies and a disco-loving Grim Reaper, roll with some ridiculously good homo hiphop party courtesy of rap loving gay dudes Hard Cock Life, catch our wonderful and wonky friends, Massive in China hosting daytime shenanigans again this year, presenting a selection of the silliest interactive games and daftest comedy and cabaret stars, be amazed by Spandy Andy’s zany dance moves, vibrant spandex outfits and a garish boombox and lend an ear to all-singing, all-dancing musical revue House of Blackwell’s House Party. Bear witness to shotgun weddings, audience exorcisms and absinthe baptisms with The Church, get your head down for a full house with London’s favourite interactive club night Musical Bingo, try out your knowledge and test your nerves with Last Man Standing, a brain probing interactive, fast-paced, multiple choice contest, be astounded by improv comedy from Robin And Partridge, or be a sinner with Legs Akimbo. So, make sure you don’t miss the cockeyed cabaret on our Desert Island Disco; come out to play at The Grand Palace of Entertainment. Disco knowledge c/o / Facebook / Twitter / Tumblr


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

POSITION OF HARBOUR SKREAMIZM AT BESTIVAL COMMISSIONER Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has two Commissioners reaching the end of their second term of office this May, and consequently a recruitment process is underway to seek replacements. Cowes Harbour is a Trust Port and the statutory harbour authority for Cowes Harbour. CHC also provides moorings and marine services on a competitive commercial basis. The Commission is managed by an independent board of nine Commissioners and a Harbour Master/Chief Executive Officer. The staggered appointment procedures set out in the constitution to ensure continuity, lead to the Commission seeking applications for two appointments as Harbour Commissioner. Cowes Harbour and the River Medina are currently in an exciting and challenging phase of their development and as a Commissioner you will play an important part in shaping the

future of the harbour and services. The Commission considers the continued successful management of the harbour is fundamental to the future prosperity of Cowes and the Island. The Commission wishes to attract applications from candidates with enthusiasm, relevant experience and expertise who can add 'real value' to the current Board. Commissioners are appointed for a term of three years; the position is voluntary, however, reasonable expenses will be covered. If you are interested in being considered for the position further details can be obtained from: Captain Stuart McIntosh, Harbour Master/Chief Executive, Cowes Harbour Commission Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 7AS. For more information, email: The closing date for applications is Monday, 24th March, 2014.

Pelican Crossing Proposed in Carisbrooke Road Speaking on the news that the Co-operative Group has submitted its plans for development of a convenience store on the site of the former Hartwell’s Garage site at the junction of Carisbrooke Road, Newport, Cllr Chris Whitehouse, who represents Newport West Ward said: “I recently convened a meeting with representatives of the Cooperative Group and their planning consultants, to which we invited representatives of the five schools based in and around Wellington Road Newport which lies at the heart of my ward of Newport West. I raised concerns about traffic management, parking and road safety given the literally thousands of children who attend school in and around Wellington Road on a daily basis and the impact that school run traffic already has on my local residents. “The planning application has now been submitted and I am

waiting for it to be available on the Council Website. In the meantime, I have been advised by the Co-op’s planning consultants that following our meeting they have incorporated into their application provision for the installation of a pelican crossing over Carisbrooke Road to allow a safe means of crossing for pedestrians, including pupils, from the south side of Carisbrooke Road to the north at a cost of around £110,000. This is a welcome addition to the application the details of which will now be considered on their merits by officers and elected members. “For my own part, I’ll be looking at the details very closely before reaching any view and consulting widely with the residents of Newport West, because there remain many, very real concerns about road safety and traffic management in what is already a congested area at key times of the day.”

With the coolest congregation of castaways ever at one party, September 4th–7th will see Robin Hill bouncing to irresistible energy from OutKast, Foals, Chic featuring Nile Rodgers, Beck, Busta Rhymes, Disclosure, Basement Jaxx, Major Lazer, Sven Väth, Annie Mac Presents, Chase & Status (DJ set), Eats Everything and many, many more. But you know we haven’t finished yet, not even close... The line-up keeps on getting better & better and, to prove it, here’s news of more shipwrecked mates joining our shorefront shenanigans, as well as news of a very special edition of Mixmag’s The Lab this coming Friday! Skream says, "I’m extremely proud/excited/over the moon to be able to say ‘I'm hosting a tent at Bestival this year!’ I’ve been playing at Bestival for the last 4-5 years (I think), and to be able to say ‘I took Skreamizm there’, I'll die a happy man!" Taking it back to the source, Skreamizm is all about ace tunes on fat soundsystems, like it should be... Bringing the unmistakably ecstatic vibes of funky little sweatboxes where the real action is, we’re over the moon that Skreamizm is coming to blow away Bollywood at Bestival on Friday 5th September. Blazing his own trail, Skream, aka Oliver Jones’, recent ‘Rollercoaster’ joint smashed disco into the future, so it’s more than fitting that he will be adding his own inimitable style to our Desert Island Disco.

Also adding his not inconsiderable presence to Skreamizm at Bestival is Chicago house leviathan Derrick Carter! Quite simply one of the greats, Derrick Carter’s sets are as edifying as they are electrifying, taking in underground house, soul, jazz and, of course, disco. His own ‘Derrick Carter Does Disco’ sessions have had dancefloor aficionados & those in the know begging for more, so this is a rare treat as Derrick joins Skreamizm to dig deep into his crate of disco classics and it is a total honour for us to welcome him back to Bestival. Completing the Skreamizm line-up at Bestival will be current UK Singles Chart No.1 hitmaker Route94, who has long enjoyed support from Skream and knows his way around a massive banger or two plus long-time Bestival party favourites Horse Meat Disco who will pump pure joy out of the soundsystem and into your bones. If, like us, you think that sounds amazing and can’t wait until September for some cheeky disco manoeuvres you’ll be very pleased to hear that this Friday March 14th Bestival will be having a special office rave-up bringing Skreamizm At Bestival to Mixmag’s Lab. Getting the weekend under starter’s orders, the live stream which runs from 4:306:30pm (GMT) will feature booty shaking sets from Skream, Derrick Carter and Bestival chief Rob da Bank. So don’t miss out and head to Mixmag at 4:30pm on Friday to stream the party.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Don't ignore a persistent cough A Be Clear on Cancer campaign, aimed at increasing awareness of the symptoms of lung cancer, has been considered so successful it is being repeated. The Public Health England campaign first ran nationally throughout England in May to July 2012. Recent data found that around 700 extra people were diagnosed with lung cancer in these months when compared to the same period in the previous year. Approximately 400 more people were diagnosed at an early stage, and around 300 more patients had surgery, giving them the best chance of prolonged survival. Adverts will now run on TV, radio and in the press until the end of April in a bid to make more people aware of the symptoms of lung cancer and encourage them to visit their GP if they have had a cough for three weeks or more – a key symptom of the disease.

NHS charges NHS prescription charge in will increase by 20p from £7.85 to £8.05 for each quantity of a drug or appliance from 1 April 2014. It is also intended that the single charge will increase by 20p to £8.25 in the following year. However, for the next two years the cost of a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) will remain at £29.10 for a 3 month certificate. The cost of the annual certificate will remain at £104. PPCs offer savings for those needing 4 or more items in 3 months or 13 or more items in one year. In England, around 90% of prescription items are dispensed free. This includes exemptions from charging for those on low incomes

Andrew Turner MP ‘cuts the ribbon’

To celebrate the launch of the new Yarmouth Post Office, Andrew Turner ‘cut the ribbon’ at an opening ceremony on Friday 7 March. Andrew Turner MP said: "With Bouldner Road closed for seven weeks this is a difficult time for Yarmouth, so I welcomed the news that Yarmouth Post Office was to be relocated in a bright modern open plan branch. I am delighted to be here to formally declare the new Yarmouth Post Office open. Like Yarmouth itself the Post Office is ‘open for business’. The Post Office is vital to the community around Yarmouth and I'm sure the new improved office, and the longer opening hours, will be warmly welcomed by all of my constituents." As part of plans to modernise and extend opening hours, the Yarmouth Post Office relocated to Holdings, Quay Street, Yarmouth. The new branch offers Post Office® services from two open plan tills at the retail counter, where Post Office services are available throughout shop opening hours. Customers benefit from opening hours being extended by 34 hours a week. The Post Office is open Mon to Fri: 6:30am-6pm; Sat: 7am-6pm and Sun: 7am-5:30pm.

Mark Donaldson from Holdings Ltd, new operators of the branch, said: “We were delighted to have the opportunity to open the new branch at Holdings and we are very pleased to be officially launching for the community. Customers have been very positive about the relocation and are very happy with how the branch looks. They really like the modern retail environment and the open-plan counters make it far easier for staff and customers to talk without the need to shout. Customers are also really pleased that the Post Office ATM has relocated to our premises. “We managed to carry out the work to add the Post Office without the need to close so that we did not inconvenience customers. Then we’d almost completed the refurbishment when we experienced flooding. We got the carpet tiles professionally dried and cleaned and to replace any damaged tiles. Again we managed to do this work without the need to close.” Doug Loxton, Post Office Field Change Advisor, said: “We understand how important having a Post Office is to residents around Yarmouth. I am confident this new modern Post Office will meet the needs of the local community

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st March 2014

Isle of Wight Sports

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