Issue 09 - The Isle of Wight Mail

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mail Isle of Wight

The island's free community newspaper -



Firm Brings Us Solar Power

Are you ready for the 1st major Music Festival of the year?

New Rules For Wind-Farms

The Isle of Wight Festival Maps

There's only a few days to go until this years Isle of Wight Festival so make sure you download the Official Isle of Wight Festival App for iPhone & Android! Plan your weekend, check out your favourite artists and share them with your friends! See Page 5


ISSUE NUMBER 09 Friday 7th June 2013


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Launch of the Isle of Wight ’s Ecoisland Energy Company On the 6th June 2013 at the House of Commons, the Ecoisland Partnership CIC launched their Ecoisland Energy Service Company, a community led ESCo that will be changing the face of the energy landscape in Britain. With the announcement of their partnership with Maingate Solutions, who are providing the energy management systems across the community, Ecoisland Energy will become the first energy company in the UK of its kind. Ecoisland will also become a blueprint for future community led providers of energy that will generate thousands of pounds of savings and reduce energy consumption as well as greenhouse gas emissions. By engaging the consumers with real time data of their energy consumption and allowing them remotely to manage and their consumption, Ecoisland and Maingate estimate that households and businesses could save an average of 20% on their energy bills. The launch of Ecoisland Energy coincides with the UK Government also announcing its renewed commitment to the renewable energy agenda, encouraging community led green energy projects, with a list of

benefits for communities who have renewable energy developments in their area. David Green said: We are delighted that the months of planning and financial modelling have eventually come to fruition. With the launch of the Ecoisland Energy backed by our private investors, 100 Club members, a newly formed executive and group of professional advisers, we are delighted to announce our partnership with Maingate and believe that we are in a perfect position to change the energy landscape in Britain. We welcome the government’s endorsement and that at last they recognise that without the community on board, many of the changes they are seeking within the sector will not be realised. With community at our heart fuelled by the new GREEN Economy Ecoisland Energy will be working with our partners to turn our sustainability dreams into reality. Baard Eilertsen (CEO Maingate): The inherent strength of consumer and community led innovations within the energy space is what we at Maingate see as an important part of the future and we are excited about partnering with Ecoisland for this ground breaking initiative. Our 15 years of experience and

extensive customer trials have demonstrated that when provided with real time usage information and the ability to proactively manage energy consumption remotely, consumers and businesses change their behaviour which leads to a reduction in consumption and important cost savings. Community is at the very heart of Ecoisland Energy and a percentage of all profits will be ploughed straight back into the community via the CIC. Some of it will go back into the renewable energy infrastructure helping the Islanders to own more of their energy real-estate whilst some of it will go into the Ecoisland Trust to provide funding for community projects and green business startups. This comes at a time when new national research shows that 80% of new homes buyers want energy saving measures to installed and more than 2/3 want to be able to buy their energy collectively and “improve the quality of life whilst reducing the cost of living” which is exactly what the Ecoisland Vision seeks to achieve. Ecoisland Energy plans to develop its unique model into a range of other customer offers which in time will including smart appliances, leases on electric vehicles, broadband

services and demand side management. This will put residents and business managers in total control of their properties whilst enabling loads to be shifted to off peak times and the savings will be shared with the customer. The expectation is that customers, once signed up to Ecoisland Energy, are likely to remain very loyal. Ecoisland will also be launching their 100 Club at the House of Commons whereby local businesses and individuals can support their work. The members in turn will benefit from the added revenues that Ecoisland Energy will bring particularly with the development of ECO and Green Deal funding. They will announce a new Eco Center at Ventnor Botanic Gardens further boosting the Eco Tourism offer on the Island along with some words of support from Keith Taylor Green MEP. There will be news of UK Farm Feed turning waste into high quality pig feed and updates on the TSB Hydrogen Project and alternative fuel Car Club on the Island. There will be news about the DNO SSE’s commitment to a smarter grid and the way Ecoisland Energy plans to become a £100m player in the energy industry in Britain by working with other regions.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Birmingham firm brings solar power to the Island Birmingham electrical services contractor JT Hawkes has brought renewable energy to thousands of homes in Dorset and the Isle of Wight after fitting out three solar farms. The environmental specialist battled successfully against the clock through one of the worst winters on record to design and install the electricity plant in only eight weeks. In doing so it was able to beat the crucial deadline for a reduction in the Renewable Obligation (RO) incentives for new generators that came into effect on March 31. JT Hawkes worked as the electrical subcontractor for German photovoltaic general contractor abakus solar AG on the £2.2m contract to fit out all three farms for Low Carbon Solar Ltd, which funded the projects by leading solar developer Inazin Power. abakus installed a total of 75,000 photovoltaic solar panels that now generate up to 18 megawatts (MW) of electricity per year. Mounted at a height of three metres on 120 acres of farmland split at three sites, the panels provide sufficient energy to power almost 4,000 homes as well as prevent up to 10,300 tonnes of

carbon emissions. The sites in Dorset and Freshwater all presented logistical challenges because of their remoteness. The 7MW Isle of Wight farm, for which all the material had to be ferried in, is the largest to be developed on the island, powering up to 1,652 homes. JT Hawkes designed and installed the entire power distribution network for each farm, which included building trenches for a total of 570,000 metres of solar cable and direct current supply cabling. It also fitted the inverters to convert the electricity from direct to alternating current to feed into the national grid via substations. Roland Wigger, Head of Sales for abakus, said: “Our success in delivering such challenging projects to our clients on time is down to the experience and expertise of highly valued partners such as JT Hawkes.” Jason Gerber, Project Manager for Inazin Power, commented: “As one of the UK’s leading solar developing companies - with an ambitious development programme - it was imperative that we met the RO deadline in order to maintain investor comfort and on

Freshwater Solar Farm

-going support in this ever changing industry. The success of our projects has been down to the immense effort from our EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contractors delivering projects in terrible conditions and timescales. Great thanks go to all who made it possible. “JT Hawkes worked in very difficult conditions to enable three solar farms with a combined capacity of 18 megawatts to become operational in a very tight timescale with time to spare. We were delighted with the company’s performance and quality of work,

Andrew Turner Welcomes new Rules for Wind-farms Andrew Turner, the Island’s MP, is welcoming new rules which will give local communities greater say on whether wind-farms should be built on their Island and further afield. The measures to be announced today will require communities to be consulted earlier, with preapplication consultation for significant onshore projects. It will also increase the value of community benefits that must be funded by developers for those projects that do go ahead. Although the Island has been able to prevent wind-farms being built so far, nationally many wind-farm projects have been approved that have flown in the face of local opinion. The new planning guidelines will give greater weight to local environmental issues such as heritage, landscape and local amenity considerations. The new planning framework from the Department for Communities and Local Government will also make it clear that the need to achieve renewable energy projects will not automatically override the planning policies of local authorities and environmental,

landscape and visual impact concerns. The new guidance will be available shortly. The Community Benefit Protocol will be increased fivefold – to £5,000 per year per MW installed for the life of the project. Developers and communities will work together to decide how that money should be used. Mr Turner said “Working with more than 100 Conservative colleagues I have lobbied the Government on this issue. I very much welcome these announcements. The most important change is that people will have the chance to have a real say on these projects very much earlier in the process.

After all it is their lives which will be affected. It is planned that this will discourage poorly-sited turbines and those which simply do not have proper justification. “On the Island the Council has worked very hard to ensure that wind-farms were kept at bay, but there was always a chance of appeals. This will be made much more difficult under these changes. “At the moment the financial benefits of on-shore wind are weighed far too heavily in favour of the developer. If local people do decide to accept wind turbines near to their homes they should also reap some of the benefits. I am sure these announcements will be welcomed here on the Island.”

which was completed to an extremely high standard.” John Hawkes, Managing Director of JT Hawkes, which completed its first solar farm for abakus and Inazin – at that time Britain’s biggest - in Wiltshire in 2011, said: “The success of these projects proves that we have become one of the UK’s leading contractors for new commercial solar power projects.” He added: “I am immensely proud of our engineers who were able to complete three solar farms in such a short period of time despite the arduous conditions that saw some working up to their waists in mud.”

Gas & Electricity Markets Protected The UK Government will become one of the first in Europe to implement a European Union Regulation to protect wholesale gas and electricity markets from abuse. Under the EU REMIT Regulation, Ofgem will have new powers to require access to information, inspect premises and impose unlimited fines for those who break the law. These powers will be put into place through Secondary Legislation and come into force from 29 June. Energy Secretary Edward Davey said: “It is vital that we have all weapons at our disposal in the fight against unlawful activity in the energy market. It is my role to protect consumers, particularly the most vulnerable, who can suffer the most when markets are abused.” “That’s why I have given Ofgem new powers to deal with market manipulation and insider dealing in wholesale gas and electricity. These include unlimited fines and new access to information, including the power to enter premises.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

MP Statement on Eurovia’s Letter Andrew Turner, the Island’s MP, has finally received a response to his letter of 7th March to Scott Wardrop, the Managing Director of Eurovia, and has made the following statement. “Given that Mr Wardrop has taken almost three months to reply to my letter and has been chased a number of times, this response is pretty poor. “What is most troubling is that he thinks Islanders will be fooled by his failure to give straight answers to straight questions. Regarding the proposed asphalt plant on the River Medina – he says on the one hand that Eurovia ‘are firmly of the view that it is needed’ and then goes on to agree that there is ‘no requirement’ for it. He doesn’t actually say whether the PFI contract can be fulfilled without an asphalt plant on the Island – which is the question he was asked. He has also failed to give clear answers to other points I put to him on behalf of local residents, such as whether he would move staff from elsewhere in the Eurovia Group to fill new local vacancies. However, I am pleased to hear that any additional cost implications relating to asphalt being brought over from the mainland will not fall on taxpayers – either locally or nationally.

“I have said in the past that that new housing should be located on brown-field sites (where development has taken place in the past), before undeveloped land is used. Mr Wardrop says those comments suggest that I should be supporting Eurovia’s inappropriate proposals for this sensitive site on the River Medina. He is clearly misrepresenting my comments and my views. “Mr Wardrop also claims the delay in responding to me is due to the purdah period before the Council elections, when controversial decisions should not be announced by central or local government. He doesn’t appear to understand that purdah has nothing to do private companies. His press office even told my staff that MPs are not allowed to raise controversial issues during elections. That is quite obviously wrong! “I will be responding to this letter in detail when I have had the opportunity to consult residents who have raised these concerns with me. In the meantime, if Mr Wardorp needs asphalt produced on the Island, I urge him to do the sensible thing and start talking to Bardon Vectis who have now received planning permission for a new asphalt plant on their existing site.”

Nearly half a million new sexual infections in 2012 New sexually transmitted infection diagnoses rose 5% in 2012 according to Public Health England (PHE), mostly due to improved data collection. However, the continuing high STI rates suggest too many people are still putting themselves at risk through unsafe sex, especially young adults and men who have sex with men (MSM). Chlamydia remained the most commonly diagnosed STI (46%), but considerable numbers of genital warts (16%) and genital herpes (7%) cases were also reported last year. New gonorrhoea diagnoses rose 21% overall (from 2011 to 2012), and by 37% in the MSM population. High gonorrhoea transmission rates are concerning as the global threat of antibiotic resistance grows. Ensuring treatment resistant strains of gonorrhoea do not persist and spread remains a public health

priority, and the Gonorrhoea Resistance Action Plan was launched by PHE to help tackle this threat in early 2013. Those aged under 25 experienced the highest STI rates, contributing 64% chlamydia and 54% of genital warts diagnoses in heterosexuals in 2012. Young adults are advised to test for chlamydia annually or on change of sexual partner, as part of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme to control the infection and its complications. In 2012, over 1.7 million chlamydia tests were undertaken and over 136,000 diagnoses made. Dr Gwenda Hughes, PHE head of STI surveillance, said, "There have been significant improvements in screening in recent years, particularly for gonorrhoea and chlamydia among young adults and men who have sex with men”

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013 IsleTheofIsleWight Mail – February 2012


Bestival adds more new music to line-up With the recent news that the Friday night headliner will be party-starter extraordinaire Fatboy Slim, playing a very special Bestival Birthday Bash set, the triumvirate of amazing must-see headliners is complete as he joins the previously announced Elton John and Snoop Dogg. And now, Bestival HQ’s attentions turn to adding yet more incredible new live music and DJs to the once again mammoth line-up. Scooping the UK Best Major Festival award last year yet retaining their boutique sensibilities, Bestival’s spectacular 10th birthday this September 5th8th is going to be the greatest show on earth with more fun per square metre than you’ll find anywhere else; it’s absolutely unmissable! Rob da Bank says, “HMS Bestival is well and truly under way, steaming across the high seas, picking up even more musical passengers. Crystal Fighters are Bestival stalwarts and about to go stratospheric, Jon Hopkins has made one of the electronic albums of the year and no party is a Bestival party without Hudson Mohawke and The Correspondents… All aboard you crazy landlubbers!” We’re very pleased to announce that Crystal Fighters are among our latest litany of vital new acts that are getting us all hot under the collar. With one of the most incredible and visceral live shows around they’re a truly mindblowing experience that you’d be mad to miss. With their second album Cave Rave out this week, the band are fully charged and ready to rain down their unique brand of mayhem on the Bestival crowd, making our 10th birthday bash that bit more special. But that’s not all as they’’ll also have live sets from sometime King Creosote cohort and purveyor of epic, widescreen bliss Jon Hopkins, everybody’s favourite raconteur Howard Marks, bassdriven swingers The Correspondents, Memphis soulstress Valerie June (whose debut album, ‘Pushin’ Against a Stone’ is out now on their sister label Sunday Best), much fancied aural architect East India Youth, Sunday Best’s secret weapon Tythe, Phil Kieran showcasing his psychedelic song-craft with new project Le Carousel, new voice of the people Sean McGowan, driving post-harcore force Signals, spectral acoustic electronic types

Golden Fable, the Isle of Wight’s own Cherishport, acoustic soloist Sarah Close, Essex songsmiths New City Kings, alt-folk Mancunians The Slow Show, hotly tipped B-Towners Troumaca, altpop rockers Velvet Stream, Bestival’s 2013 Island Choir Competition winners Wight Harmony and indie-banger-pop from Mr Tom. Keeping your feet moving long into the night will be an array of on-point selectors including Hudson Mohawke whose production prowess is so indemand he’s currently rubbing shoulders with the likes of Kayne West. An undoubted wonky genius who channels a seemingly endless array of goodtime grooves from hip-hop, dub, future RnB, downright dirty funk and beyond into a seamless dancefloor decimating spectacle, Hudson is working on the follow up to his acclaimed ‘Butter’ long-player and we can’t wait to see what wild new alloy of sounds he has in store for us. They’ll also have sets from Hacienda legend Greg Wilson, jungle don Micky Finn, glitchy electrofunk wunderkind Bobby Tank and the incredible JFB Scratch who recently mixed up a decade of Bestival goodness for us which you can watch here. Plus they’ll have Continental Drifts’ Chris Tofu, party destroyer Handsome Dave Rocker, beatbox champion Reeps One, Heavenly Records’ sublime Heavenly Jukebox, the previously mentioned Tythe rocking his Intros/Outros look, rave historian Jerome Hill, deep and warm techno fiend Ben Hoo, Bestival 2013 Island DJ Competition winner Long Jack, old skool electro disco chameleon Mojo Filter, Portsmouth’s Pete Callard, the genre-defying Rev Milo Speedwagon, house maestro Tom Williams, London DJ collective Warm, radio supremo Olli Dutton and eclectic mix warriors The Dudes. In the spirit of nautical adventuring, this August, HMS Bestival will be visiting another beautiful island to bring the seafaring party to W.A.R! at the Ibiza Rocks Hotel. Rob da Bank will have the Balearic beats on hand on Friday 16th August for the HMS Bestival x W.A.R! Ship voyage in the afternoon, then back on the island at the Ibiza Rocks Hotel, with the main event taking place in the form of a festivalfuelled royal knees-up with Jaguar

Skills, Shy FX and other special guests jumping aboard the decks for the first ever HMS Bestival x W.A.R! Event. Finally, they’re very sorry to say that The Child Of Lov has cancelled all of his summer dates, so he won’t be joining us at Bestival as previously announced.

Never fear, however, there’s still a truckload of ace stuff happening across the weekend, so hopefully no one will be too put out! And remember keep checking and our Facebook and Twitter for all the latest news. And don’t forget to tag your tweets #hmsbestival.

State of the art school ready ahead of new school year A new school that will become Gatten & Lake Primary’s new home from September has been completed. The state of the art building, which is close to the current primary school, will provide modern facilities for over 200 children. The school includes a large open area design which contains learning support spaces and a main hall. This allows the whole school to be used as a large flexible zone, maximising the available teaching space. The design, known in the industry as a ‘Sunesis Keynes’ design, lends itself to a variety of learning modes, from traditional teaching through to independent learning. The building features solar panels to help reduce energy costs, and it benefits from underfloor heating. Outside, it has a secure sports area and a modern CCTV system. The classrooms are organised in pairs and include modern facilities such as interactive whiteboards

and wireless networks for teaching devices. They also feature shared toilet and cloakroom provision and also have easy access to outside play areas, which have been designed to provide external learning zones. Richard Priest, Isle of Wight Council cabinet member responsible for children’s services said: “It is very important children have access to top quality educational facilities to support their learning. “This new building that will become Gatten & Lake’s new home later this year is a fantastic example of a modern, well designed school that will help benefit the local area.” A video, showing the new school and its facilities, has been made by the council and is available to view on its YouTube channel The school will begin occupation of the building from September 2013.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Breathe Easy Group complete 72 mile walking challenge Breathe Easy, the group based in the respiratory department of St. Mary's Hospital, has completed their Coastal Path Challenge that took place over 2 weekends and entailed walking the 72 miles around the Island. The group was led by Andy Savage and included colleagues from the Newport branch of Sainsbury's who have adopted Breathe Easy as their chosen charity for the year. Walkers started off at Appley and went around the Island in an anticlockwise direction - now and then being forced to make detours where the coastline was closed off because of land slip. Six people managed to complete the entire 72 miles, with many others joining in on different days. People were encouraged to sponsor the walkers in order to raise funds for the Breathe Easy and the British Lung Foundation as well as getting much needed publicity. Breathe Easy members were able to take part in this by attempting a Virtual Coastal Path during their circuit training sessions in the respiratory department gym. Rob da Bank very generously donated 2 camping weekend tickets for the Bestival to be given to the person raising the most money, and this was an added incentive!

The tickets were awarded to Breathe Easy member Wendy Wright who raised a magnificent £560.60 towards the final amount of £2,037.80. The next event will be a 'Get Breathless for Breathe Easy' session in Sainsbury's foyer, where people will be encouraged to have a go on rowing machines in an attempt to complete the 57 miles round the Island. This will take place on June 15th and 16th.'

Southern Water gets smart to deter thieves Security at hundreds of Southern Water sites across the region has been beefed up thanks to an invisible security tagging system. Called SmartWater, the product has been sprayed onto generators, cables and other equipment to deter thieves. The system works by coating items in an invisible, long-lasting layer of liquid containing a unique chemical code. The liquid is only visible under ultraviolet light and cannot be washed off. As well as identifying property and linking it back to specific sites and owners, SmartWater can also be used by police to identify criminals who come into contact with it – providing compelling evidence that can be used in court cases. Police and SmartWater investigators are also carrying out visits to scrap metal and recycling yards. Scrap dealers are being issued with UV lights so they can check for SmartWater and are

being warned that if they purchase SmartWater marked metal then they could potentially face a charge of handling stolen goods. Hundreds of Southern Water sites across Kent, Sussex, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight have now been tagged and signs warning would-be thieves have been put up. Phil Jackson, Southern Water’s Resilience and Security Manager, said: “This comprehensive tagging of Southern Water equipment with SmartWater will help deter thieves from targeting our sites. Our message is simple. Steal from us and you will get caught – so don’t even try.”


01983 280 099

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Council to host live Isle of Wight Festival Q&A event for residents Isle of Wight Council is giving residents an opportunity to directly ask questions to key organisations about arrangements for residents during the Isle of Wight Festival. On Monday 10 June between 6pm - 7pm, council officers will be joined by officers from Island Roads, Hampshire Police and Solo, and will respond live to questions posted on the council's Facebook page. The Facebook page can be found by going to The council has hosted similar Q/A sessions on its Facebook page in the past on the Highways PFI and the changes to household waste collections, each time attracting hundreds of postings. Stuart Love, the council’s director for economy and environment said: "The Isle of Wight Festival is one of the UK's largest festivals and it does mean there are around a week of changes to the local infrastructure before, during and after the event. This can be anything from

changes to the local road network to access to services. "Robust plans have also been developed to help prevent significant disruption to the highways network from the event. "I am sure many residents will have lots of questions and the council along with its partners at Hampshire Police, Island Roads and also Solo are very keen to give people a direct opportunity to ask us about the arrangements for this year's event. "Social media is a very useful tool to enable us to do this as it means people can question us from their own homes rather than coming to a public meeting with limited capacity. We are also holding it outside of usual work hours so as many people as possible can log on." Information for residents during the festival period, including public transport and access to downloadable maps, is available on the council's website. Simply log on to

Fundraising event for terminally ill cancer sufferer from the Island A Family Fun day is being held in Northampton on Saturday 15th June to raise funds for Mel Brooks, a terminally ill cancer sufferer from Newport. Mel was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago. The family has since found out that a defective gene was the cause and was responsible for the early deaths of her mother and sister. Mel, who is 44 and a mother of five, has been told that the treatment she was receiving is no longer effective and that she now has just months to live. The event is being organised by Mel’s sister Becky who works in Northampton for a charity that runs a Sports Centre that is going to host the event. “Everyone here has been so supportive”, she said “from planning the event to giving prizes I have been really pleased with the response and the possibility of making Mel’s dream come true. “She always wanted to go to Italy to see the Trevi fountain but never

had the opportunity. I want to give her that gift before it is too late. “We don’t know how long she has got so we are pulling out all the stops to make it happen. “There is a company that specialises in taking people with severe conditions on holiday but we have to raise the money oursleves.” The Family Fun Day will offer the opportunity to have a go at Archery, rock climbing and roller skating as well as enter competitions and a raffle. Prizes on offer include a family holiday, a spa day, sports passes, haircuts and more. There will also be face painting for children. Becky is also planning a sponsored cycle ride that will involve her and her friends cycling the equivalent distance from Northampton to Rome on exercise bikes. If anyone would like to give to the MIA appeal they can contact Becky on 07715 685807 or visit the Facebook page M.I.A - Mel’s Italian Appeal

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T: 01983 898 838 :: M: 07413 599 446


Support Carers Week at Sainsbury’s Newport Isle of Wight The team at Sainsbury’s Newport, Isle of Wight are set to raise awareness of the role of carers looking after an ill, frail or disabled family member or friend in the Isle of Wight area. Carers Week takes place between the 10th and 16th June and both Sainsbury’s colleagues and customers have the opportunity to find out more about the local support available as the Newport store holds activities during the national awareness week. In December 2010, Sainsbury’s began their partnership with carers’ charity Carers UK. The retailer has over 20,000 colleagues who combine their caring responsibilities with delivering great service as a Sainsbury’s colleague. The retailer is also one of just a few major UK companies with a carers policy, which includes flexible working. During Carers Week 2013 over 2,400 groups are arranging events and activities including hundreds of Sainsbury’s stores across the United Kingdom. The following charities will be at

the Newport store for awareness days: On Monday 10th - Wednesday 12th June - CareWatch, Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th Breathe Easy, Monday 17th & Wednesday 19th Age UK Tuesday 18th & Friday 21st IOW Stroke Club customers at Newport Store will be able to find out more about the work of CareWatch, Breathe Easy, Age UK & IOW Stroke Club as representatives will be in-store with an information stand. Sainsbury’s Newport Store Manager Paul Dyer added: “Carers play such an important part in our community and we’re proud to be working with Carers UK to help highlight the support that’s available in Isle of Wight area


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Get behind the wheel for charity Back by popular demand, Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service and Earl Mountbatten Hospice are hosting the second Driving Challenge with the hope of raising a massive £10,000 for both charities. The Fire Fighters Charity are the UK’s leading provider of services that enhance quality of life for serving and retired fire service personnel and their families, and the Earl Mountbatten Hospice are the only hospice on the Isle of Wight and lead provider of palliative care to the Island community. The Driving Challenge takes place on Saturday 13th July at the BAE Systems site in Cowes and will give participants the chance to experience life behind the wheel of a variety of vehicles they may not usually get the chance to drive – such as fire engines, double decker bus, lorry and even a tractor! All you have to do is secure your place with a £10 deposit, then raise a minimum of £90 for the two charities. Right across the UK, The Fire Fighters Charity Driving Challenge have proved extremely popular in previous years and we are delighted to be hosting one

again on the Island. We’re giving you the opportunity to get behind the wheel of some weird and wonderful vehicles and raise valuable funds for two worthwhile charities. It’s a great way of getting together with family and friends, celebrating a special birthday or Anniversary, or simply giving yourself something different and challenging to do. It costs £9m every year to meet the needs of The Fire Fighters Charity’s beneficiaries, and with no government funding, it relies entirely upon donations from the general public and the fire and rescue community. The Hospice has to raise £2.2m to continue the care for patients suffering from or affected by life-limiting illnesses and provide vital help and advice for their families, friends and carers. If you are over 17 years of age with a full driving licence, you can register for the Driving Challenge at or contact Kerry James at The Fire Fighters Charity on: 01256 368 840 or e-mail: .

Watch out for Stolen Bestival Tickets Detectives investigating a breakin at Robin Hill adventure park can confirm that a number of Bestival tickets were stolen after thieves smashed through an office wall and stole a safe. Along with the tickets the safe contained a limited amount of cash which thankfully did not include any bank holiday takings which had already been banked. A Bestival spokesman said: “Bestival organisers can confirm that a very small number of Bestival tickets were indeed stolen during this burglary. All of these tickets have now been cancelled and anybody attempting to use these stolen tickets to enter the Bestival site in September will be refused entry. This clearly illustrates the dangers of purchasing tickets via the secondary market and why tickets should always be purchased via our official ticketing partners, including Ticketline and our travel partners, listed at our website, as well as the County Press shop.” Anyone who has purchased or been given a Bestival ticket recently can check their tickets

against the list provided below: Adult Thursday Entry tickets: from 31625-31650 Adult Friday Entry tickets: from 33915-33942 Teen Age 13-17 Thurs Entry: from 9354-9400 Teen Age 13-17 Fri Entry: from 9358-9382 Child Age 12 & Under Thurs Entry: from 9109-9150 Child Age 12 & Under Fri Entry: from 9109-9131 Islander car park: from 4503-4530 Anyone with information can contact Newport DCID by phoning 101. Information can be given anonymously by phoning the independent Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Isle of Wight Festival traffic plans released by Council Contingency plans are in place to help ensure traffic flows smoothly during the Isle of Wight Festival. The Isle of Wight Council has detailed plans to manage the large influx of traffic and also to put into action should access problems arise or a major incident take place on the Island’s road network. The event’s traffic management plan complements the improvements that Solo, the festival organisers, have made to the entrances to its car parks and the new arrangement brought in to designate separate site entrances for Red Funnel and Wightlink traffic. These changes should help traffic move easily on and off site and also minimise disruption to other road users. It will also help the organisations associated with the event better manage any problems should they develop. The main route for festival traffic from the Red Funnel terminal at East Cowes will be up York Avenue and along Whippingham Road where it will turn right into the Red Festival Car Park. If there are any overly long hold ups on the Whippingham Road plans have been developed to turn festival

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traffic left on to Alverstone Road where it can be ‘stacked’ and released into the network when the roads to the festival site are less busy. Vehicles travelling from the Wightlink terminal at Fishbourne will be directed right on to Kite Hill, through Wootton, up Lushington Hill and right at the Racecourse roundabout and the left into the White Festival Car Park. Should any of the entrances to the car parks be blocked, or an incident occur on any of the roads being used by festival traffic, agreements have been reached with several private landowners with alternative suitable parking facilities. Spaces in several of the council’s own car parks will be reserved should traffic need to be diverted off the road network for any reason. Using traffic management measures successfully developed following last year’s Isle of Wight Festival, the council has arranged for dedicated traffic spotters to be positioned along the main travel routes and known pinch-points. These people will be able to provide real time information to the council’s event management team so that contingency plans

can be quickly activated. The council will be keeping residents up to date with traffic and travel information via, social media feeds – for updates follow @iwight on twitter and ‘like’ council. Messages will also be shared with local media. A communications officer will be based with Isle of Wight Radio to provide real time information to listeners. Stuart Love, strategic director for the economy and environment, said: “We hope that there will be no repeat of last year’s terrible weather, but if the worst does happen we are ready to put our alternative

traffic plans into place. The arrangements we have give us the flexibility to keep traffic moving and to get large numbers of vehicles off the road network in a wide variety of scenarios. “We would like to ask residents to help us by avoiding the designated festival traffic routes on the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Monday of the event when traffic volumes are at their highest. Maps are available on our website identifying the routes to the festival and all of the contingency arrangements that we have put in place so we would advise residents to plan their routes to avoid the busiest roads.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Rod serves up appetising goodwill for Cowes lifeboat crews Cowes restaurant proprietor Rod Ainge showed his support for the local lifeboat on the day of the classic Round the Island Race in the best way he knows how – by providing a free breakfast for the crews. Over a dozen lifeboat and shore crew members took up the generous invitation to his High Street restaurant early on the morning of Saturday June 1. The first RNLI personnel sat down to their meal at about 4 am, prior to them taking to the Solent half an hour or so later. Then later in the morning it was the turn of crew members due to take over the boat at 7.30 am. Mark Southwell, the Cowes

station’s operations manager, said, “We are very grateful to Rod for ensuring our two early crews did not go to work on an empty stomach so early in the morning. “Although our lifeboat had the quietest Round the Island for many years, the race generally was the best organised in terms of lifeboat cover. This was why our own lifeboat stayed in the central Solent area where very little untoward happened. Even so, it was still vitally important Cowes had a professional plan ready for when things do go wrong.” Cowes lifeboat had altogether three sets of crews during the day, with the final crew standing down at around 5 pm.

Round the Island Race keeps the RNLI busy Once again the Yarmouth RNLI lifeboat, The Eric and Susan Hiscock (Wanderer), was on prolonged standby for the J.P.Morgan Round the Island Race. They were called to assist at no less than six incidents on 1 June. At 7.20 in the morning the lifeboat was called to assist in a man overboard incident off the Needles. The crew member of a Sunsail yacht was quickly picked up by the Lymington inshore lifeboat and then transferred to the bigger Yarmouth lifeboat where

specialist first aid was available. Once the casualty had recovered sufficiently, he was tranferred to the Freshwater Independent Lifeboat and taken ahore. Shortly afterwards it was reported that a yacht was aground on Atherfield Ledge. The lifeboat went to their assistance and deployed their small inflatable ‘Y’ boat to lay out a kedge anchor. The yacht was later refloated. The Yarmouth lifeboat also assisted a non competitor. A RIB fouled a lobster pot off St. Catherine’s Point and was unable


to manoeuvre and was therefore a danger to other the competitors. The life boat freed the stern gear and the Rib was towed clear. The lifeboat assisted in four other incidents before returning to Yarmouth at 1.45pm having spent seven hours at sea.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013



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Children’s Lives being Jeopardised say MP & Councillors School children’s lives are being jeopardised every day as a result of a failure by the Isle of Wight Council to provide a proper pedestrian crossing in Gunville Road, Newport, say Island MP, Andrew Turner, and local councillors John Hobart (Conservative, Carisbrooke) and Chris Whitehouse (Conservative, Newport West). The three have visited the spot where hundreds of pupils every day cross the busy road to get to The Spar shop, both before and after the school day, as well as in break times. Cllr Hobart, who has been pressing for many months for a proper crossing to be installed says: “We need a proper pedestrian crossing to improve road safety at this busy location. In the interim we have also been arguing for a crossing patrol person to supervise at key times. The position of patrol person is vacant and, having queried the issue with senior Council Officers, we are now told that there is “no capital allocation set aside to undertake this work during the current financial year.” Island MP, Andrew Turner, supports the Councillors, saying: “John Hobart and Chris Whitehouse are right to highlight this danger. We simply

Anyone interested in enquiring about opportunities to be based at Arreton Barns should contact Andrew and Jane to arrange an on-site meeting and talk about opportunities in more detail. To contact Andrew and Jane Gibbs please email: Image: Back row, left to right: Jane Parsons of Ceramic Crafts,

cannot sit back and wait for a youngster to be seriously injured or even killed. Other people living in the area would also benefit from a pedestrian crossing, especially the elderly. I will be taking up this matter with the Council on behalf of local residents and all those who

attend the local schools.” The Councillors have already written to the Principals and Headteachers of all five local schools urging them to make representations to the Council and to encourage parents to do the same. The five schools in the area are

Paul Critchley of Diamond Isle Glass, Lynnette Corin of Rainbow Kingdom, Adrienne Wroath of Adrienne Wroath Jewellery, Nina Mackett of The Craft Cabin and Steven Smith of Wight Leather Craft. Front Row, left to right: Owners, Jane and Andrew Gibbs with Mandy Cufflin of Cufflin’s Floral Creations.

Carisbrooke College, Christ the King College, Newport Church of England Primary, Carisbrooke Church of England Primary and St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Safe stolen from Robin Hill Adventure Park Detectives are appealing for witnesses and information following major break-in at a tourist attraction on the Isle of Wight. A member of staff at Robin Hill Adventure Park called police just after 8am on the 30th May to a report that the office to the country park had been broken into and a safe stolen. Detective Constable Clare Crane, of Newport CID, said: “This burglary happened overnight and although the area would have been quiet somebody may have been disturbed and seen something.

“We believe that more than one person would have carried out the burglary and they would have travelled to the site in a vehicle. “If you saw anything suspicious in the area please contact us as soon as possible. “Police would like to thank Robin Hill Park for their co-operation and assistance.” Anyone with information can contact DC Crane at Newport DCID by phoning 101. Information can be given anonymously by phoning the independent Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Friends and Family Test helping to improve quality of care “Seeking and acting on patient feedback is key to improving the quality of healthcare services and putting patients at the centre of what we do,” says Alan Sheward, Executive Director of Nursing and Workforce at Isle of Wight NHS Trust. From 1 April 2013, all in-patients on wards and those visiting the A&E department at St. Mary’s Hospital, Newport, Isle of Wight have been offered a ‘Friends and Family Test’. The test was introduced in April 2013 across England to allow patients the opportunity to feed back their views of the care or treatment they have received at St. Mary’s Hospital, in near ‘real time’. Mr Sheward continued: “This provides us with valuable intelligence about the quality of healthcare provided by our Trust which we can then use to improve services.” When patients leave A &E or the inpatient setting, or within 48 hours of their discharge, they are invited to give their feedback which includes a simple question: “How likely are you to recommend our ward/A&E department to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?” The results for April 2013 show that the overall response rate across eight Trusts in the Wessex area indicated that Isle of Wight NHS Trust was achieving the highest (18.6%) response rate to the question (range 2.2% to 18.6%). Amongst eight Trusts across the Wessex area, in-patients using St. Mary’s Hospital scored the hospital at 64% (range 43% to 84%) whilst those attending A&E scored the department at 73% (range 43% to 80%). Mr Sheward continued: “We will be able to use this and the additional feedback we receive, alongside other information, to

identify and tackle concerns at an early stage, improve the quality of care we provide, and celebrate our successes. Indeed at the Trust Board meeting this week we had verbatim accounts from two patients about services in the Children’s Ward and the Coronary Care Unit. One of the comments made was about the absence of clocks on wards making it difficult for patients to tell what the time is. This is something we can fix quite quickly and without too much cost. Whilst our overall response rate is good compared to other Trusts and patients are scoring the A&E services highly we want to see an improvement on the in-patient score. Doing simple things like putting up clocks may help us do that.” Isle of Wight NHS Trust Board meets in public monthly and reviews extensive performance, quality, finance and workforce information every month. The Trust works in partnership with Sunshine Radio at St. Mary’s Hospital who as well as providing radio services to the patient bedside also film patient interviews for the Trust Board to view. Nationally, the ‘Friends and Family’ results for NHS Trusts and individual wards will be published on the NHS Choices website at, allowing the public to compare hospital performance and make choices about their care.

Top artists performing original electric and acoustic blues Amen Promotions in association with Quay Arts are pleased to announce the exciting Stompin’ Dave’s Blues3. Three of the UK’s top roots/blues artists performing original electric and acoustic blues as a trio at Quay Arts, Newport, on Friday 5th July from 7.30pm. Stompin’ Dave Allen vocals/guitar/banjo/harmonica/pi ano. A master of all kinds of American roots music, ranging from bluegrass to electric blues guitar and boogie piano. Earl Jackson – vocals/bass/guitar. Well known on the British Rock’n'Roll circuit with appearances on BBC TV including The Jonathan Ross Show. Sam Kelly - drums. Five times blues drummer of the year and

voted into the Blues in Britain ‘Gallery of the Greats’, Sam has recorded and performed with artists such as Gary Moore, Robert Plant, Dr. John, Paul Jones, Imelda May and many others. Support comes from popular Island bluesman Damien Paul and his band who will kick the evening off with a set of original material from his latest album, ‘Mostly True’. Don’t miss this night of great music and supreme entertainment! Tickets £12 advance, £14 on the door. Box Office 01983 822490 or online at Doors 7pm. Support Act 7.30pm in the Café. Main act 8.30pm in the Theatre.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Company relocates to develop pioneering tidal energy platform

Isle of Wight MP Andrew Turner has run up the flag to celebrate the arrival of innovative technology company Sustainable Marine Energy (SME) at its new offices and workshops at Trinity Wharf, East Cowes. The company has relocated from London because it believes the Isle of Wight has the right support and businesses to enable it to build a pioneering new tidal energy turbine platform. Called PLAT-O, the platform is designed to cut the high installation and maintenance costs and risks traditionally associated with tidal energy devices. It will be built with the help of local companies and is expected to create jobs on the island as the project progresses. SME is aiming to make clean tidal energy a realistic alternative

to electricity generated using fossil fuels, and the company hopes to help the Isle of Wight Council achieve its ambition for the island to become selfsufficient in locally generated renewable electricity by 2020. PLAT-O’s prototype platform will be undergoing sea trials supported by Yarmouth Harbour, and ongoing discussions with the Isle of Wight Council and TB Partners will continue in relation to longerterm test and demonstration opportunities. Opening SME’s offices Mr Turner MP said: “Building stable and sustainable power supplies is one of the key challenges that face our country. Tidal energy has real potential to be a key part of achieving our aims and around the Island we have the natural resources to provide both test

facilities and production capacity as the new technology matures. “I am delighted that SME have decided to relocate to the Island; in doing so they have recognised the history we have in advancing innovative technologies, and even more importantly the opportunities for the future. I am sure the company will go from strength to strength.” Jason Hayman, Managing Director of SME, said: “We are delighted and excited to be opening our new offices and workshops here in the Isle of Wight, and we are looking forward to making a real contribution to the local community by helping to provide cost efficient and green electricity generated using our PLAT-O devices. “We are very grateful to the Isle of Wight Council for supporting us in our relocation to East Cowes, and to Yarmouth Harbour for enabling us to carry out our sea trials. “We have also been extremely impressed by the technical capabilities and can-do attitude of businesses on the

island. This really is a hub of engineering innovation and expertise with a history I know the people of the Isle of Wight are proud of & this will help us in developing PLAT-O.” Chris Lisher, Harbour Master of Yarmouth Harbour, said: “Yarmouth Harbour Commissioners are delighted to support Sustainable Marine Energy by providing a test site and help for its tidal turbine trial. “The Commissioners are fully supportive of all types of tidal and wave energy, both for use by the harbour and the local community, but also for the greater good in the UK. “This initiative adds to Yarmouth Harbour’s green credentials following its use of solar energy to produce electricity and to supplement its water heating.” Pictures: Island MP Andrew Turner and Jason Hayman, MD of Sustainable Marine Energy (right) after running up the flag to celebrate the opening of Sustainable Marine Energy’s new offices and workshops at Trinity Wharf, East Cowes.






The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Constabulary thanks volunteers who work alongside police Hampshire Constabulary is taking the time to thank all of the volunteers who work alongside the police to help make the two counties a safer place. The Police Support Volunteer Scheme was launched in 2009, and there are now almost 700 police volunteers across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Inspector Julie Rawson, Extended Police Family lead said: “The Police Support Volunteers give up their time to assist the force, they enable us to enhance the service that we provide and free up officers time to enable more time to be spent out on the streets. “The Police Support Volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds and ages and volunteer for a variety of reasons from wanting to ‘give back’ to

their local community to refreshing skills after being out of the workplace, some have always had an interest in the police and see it as a way of finding out more about the organisation and if they would wish to pursue a career with the constabulary.” As a small thank you, Police Support Volunteers who have been working with the constabulary for over a year will be receiving pin badges. There are a number of different roles and schemes across the force taken up by police support volunteers, this includes Community Speedwatch and Student Watch. Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Hayes said: “The responsibility for creating safer communities does not lie solely

Cowes Enterprise College set to become an academy Cowes Enterprise College have announced that following the decision of the Full Governing Body, that they will shortly start the consultation stage towards becoming an academy with their chosen sponsor Ormiston Academies Trust. The Ormiston Trust is a well respected charitable educational trust, with significant experience in working with all children and particularly those who are most vulnerable. The Ormiston Academy Trust, who operate under the Ormiston Trust, already sponsor some very successful Academies across the country and claim to have the highest proportion of OFSTED recognised ‘outstanding’ Academies compared to other Academy sponsors. Following this decision there will be a process in which the sponsor will engage in consultative meetings, with major stakeholders including parents, staff and the community. This process will probably start towards the end of June. This will then lead to a final decision on the College’s Academy status. The change of status will be at the earliest January 2014. Ormiston have already stated that they will not change the College name or uniform and have been clear in their support of the original vision for the College and the full involvement of the community. Rachael Fidler, the Chair of the College Governing Body said, “The Governing Body and the

College leadership are pleased to have reached this decision and would encourage parents, the staff and community to fully engage with Ormiston in the forthcoming consultation. This decision, together with the opportunity our new building will give the College, offers an exciting future for all our pupils and the community” Christine Hardman, the College’s Interim Executive Principal said, “This is an important stage in improving the quality of provision at the College. It is really important that we all work together to raise standards and improve the life chances for all of our pupils. Ormiston have a good record of supporting staff and raising standards for all.” Ormiston have already expressed their excitement at working with Cowes Enterprise College and to help us to realise the full potential for all pupils, particularly with the opportunity that the new building brings. They look forward to an open consultation period, in which all stakeholders can play their part in ensuring the best provision for our pupils and the community. The Governing Body acknowledge that there will continue to be questions raised by interested parties, particularly the teaching unions who are understandably cautious about the academy process. However, the Governors are confident that all questions raised can be answered so that an open and honest debate can occur.

with the police, but is the shared responsibility of other agencies, communities and each individual citizen. “The residents that volunteer with Hampshire Constabulary, be it in a supportive role or serving as a Special constable, contribute in a very direct way to combating and preventing crime. At a time when many organisations are seeking the support of volunteers, it is encouraging to see that so many people have chosen Hampshire Constabulary to volunteer with. “There are many other voluntary organisations out there that play an equally important part in keeping communities safe and that assist the police in preventing crime and protecting the most vulnerable members of our society – for example street pastors,

victim support services, and organisations working with young people. To all of them as well as to all Police Support Volunteers and Special constables working with Hampshire police directly goes a big thank you.” There are also over 500 Special constables working in the two forces. Special constables have exactly the same powers as regular police officers, however they take on the role as a volunteer. Special constables support a number of key events and were involved in providing a policing presence at events relating to Euro 2012, the Diamond Jubilee and the 2012 Olympics torch relay events. The amount of duty hours they performed during the period April 2012 – March 2013 amounted to 135,701 hours.

Trips to the seaside now even easier for short breaks families

The Isle of Wight Council’s Short Breaks service is extending the range of activities it offers to eligible families by offering the use of a specially adapted beach hut. The accessible hut, which is available for use by families of children and young people with additional needs, is based on Hope Beach in Shanklin and can be rented for just £7.50 a day. It has been adapted to include a large door on its side and a ramp, allowing easy access into the hut. It is also closed to disabled facilities such as a dedicated parking bay and an accessible toilet. The hut also features a ‘Landeez’ wheelchair, which is designed to go over difficult terrain such as sand, meaning families can experience a day out by the seaside without any barriers. Richard Priest, Isle of Wight Council cabinet member responsible for children’s services said: “It is wonderful news that children and young people with additional needs can now use this excellent facility and enjoy days out on the beach.

“Both Shanklin Town Council and Cllr Jon Gilbey (cabinet member for resources) were very keen for an accessible facility to be available on the seafront and it is pleasing this has now been made possible. I am sure the hut will be enjoyed by many people and the availability of an all terrain wheelchair is also a very important addition which will be well used.” A minimum of 48 hours booking notice is required, and no more than two consecutive days can be booked at any one time. It is limited to groups of no more than six people and is available between 15 April and 1 September each year. Any eligible families who wish to book the beach hut, or find out more information, should contact the Short Breaks team on (01983) 823168 or speak to Lesley Forde on 821999.

Isle of Wight Mail is Mobile Friendly



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Island Commissioners to hold Suicide Prevention Workshop

Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has commissioned the development of a suicide prevention strategy. The Island’s 2011/12 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment states that the mental wellbeing of the population and the social and other factors which influence people’s mental health will also have an impact on the rate of mortality from suicide. On average 16 Island residents each year die this way, and relatively small changes in year-on-year numbers can result in a considerable percentage changes in the mortality rate. The Island’s rate was relatively high between 1999-2003, then fell (improved), but has increased again since 2004-06 and in 2007-09 was one of the highest in England. Dr Sarah Bromley, a local GP and Isle of Wight CCG Clinical executive Member said: “We want to engage with stakeholders, organisations and individuals with experience in this area to identify what is working well on the Island, what particular issues IoW residents face and what actions need to be taken to reduce suicide rates and better support individuals and communities bereaved or affected by suicide.” Dr Bromley continued: “Stakeholders will also have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the strategy by completing a questionnaire at tsuicide. For a copy of the

questionnaire please e-mail or telephone (01983) 822099 ext 5660.” This workshop is aimed at organisations and services that work with people who may be feeling vulnerable or feeling distress, despair or suicidal thoughts and to individuals who have been affected by suicide. The workshop is being held as follows: Date: Wednesday 26th June 2013-05-20 Time: 13.00 – 16.30 Venue: The Lakeside, High Street, Wootton Bridge, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 4LJ Registration is free. Anyone interested in attending should register their attendance please at iowsuicideprevention.eventbrite.c Anyone without access to the internet should telephone (01983) 822099 ext 5660 or write to Prevent Suicide, Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group, Ground Floor South Block, St Mary’s Hospital, Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5TG. ‘Help is at hand’, a useful resource for people bereaved by suicide and other sudden, traumatic death can be downloaded from the DH Publication Orderline at quoting product code 302314. More useful information can also be found on the Health Talk website at

Coldest spring for more than 50 years The UK’s mean temperature for the season (March-April-May) is currently 6.0 °C, based on figures from 1 March to 28 May, and assuming average conditions for the final 3 days of the month. The figures are unlikely to change much with such a short time left. That would make this the 5th coldest spring in national records dating back to 1910 and the coldest spring since 1962. Earlier figures from 1 March to 15 May suggested spring 2013 was on track to be the 6th coldest on record and the coldest since 1979, but cooler than average weather in the second half of May has pushed the mean temperature for the season slightly lower. The provisional temperature for this spring goes against recent form for the season, with eight of the past ten years seeing warmer than average springs compared to the long-term (1981-2010) average of 7.7 °C. The main reason for the low temperatures this season was the exceptionally cold March which had a mean temperature of 2.2 °C, which is 3.3 °C below the longterm average. This made it the

This suggests spring overall will be slightly drier than average – but not as dry as the springs of 2010 and 2011.



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coldest March since 1962. April’s mean temperature was slightly below average, but was actually the same as 2012. Lower than average temperatures at times through May so far have led to a provisional mean temperature of 9.3 °C. If there is no change after the last three days have been included, this would make it the coldest May since 1996. The colder than average conditions have been caused by different weather patterns at certain times, but generally this season has seen frequent easterly and northerly winds which have brought cold air to the UK from polar and northern European regions. Rainfall amounts for March and April were below average, but May is already wetter than average, having notched up 86mm of rain up to the 28th of the month, which is higher than the 70mm average.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

RNLI Benefits from Student’s Sea-Worthy Digs

Southern Co-operative and IW Council join forces for Foodbank The Isle of Wight Council and The Southern Co-operative are working in partnership to make a combined donation of £2,000 worth of food to the Isle of Wight Foodbank. The move comes in response to the Island’s foodbank plea that their reserves of food for distribution were running worryingly low. At the request of Independent Councillor Luisa Hillard, the Isle of Wight Council has donated £1,000 to support those in crisis. This has been match funded by £1,000 of food supplies from The Southern Cooperative which runs 12 community food stores on the Island. Councillor Hillard is the Island’s recently appointed cabinet member for sustainability, and wants to ensure that a longer-term solution to support the foodbank is also investigated. She said: “When I read that the foodbank was in trouble I immediately raised the issue at County Hall as our Framework for Change states that we will be a more compassionate council. “There are two issues here. Firstly there is an urgent need to replenish foodbank stocks and I am very pleased that The Southern Cooperative has generously agreed to match fund the council’s £1,000.” Councillor Hillard added: “Secondly, we are working with The Southern Co-operative to look at the feasibility of running collection points in their larger Island stores. The aim of this would be to provide ongoing support for the foodbank and avoid the situation we saw over the bank holiday when stocks came close to running out.” “I am very pleased the council has been able to provide assistance to

the Isle of Wight Foodbank which provides valuable, much needed support to many Island households. I would also like to thank The Southern Co-operative for their swift, positive and practical response. This will be a good example of how the public, private and voluntary sectors are able to work together to find effective community solutions to local issues.” Gemma Lacey, head of sustainability at The Southern Cooperative, said: “We are pleased to help Isle of Wight Council with this emergency situation and are keen to work with the council to find a sustainable solution that will give long term support to those in need on the Island. A similar scheme in six of our Portsmouth stores, with the generous support of our customers, provides a much needed service to their local communities.” Hannah King, Manager of the Isle of Wight foodbank said, “We were thrilled to get this help from the council and from The Southern Co-operative and I am looking forward to working with as many people as possible in making the Isle of Wight Foodbank sustainable. “There is a tremendous need for foodbank here on the Island and to date local people have generously donated over an amazing 62 tonnes of food. Our current figures show that we are feeding around 100 people per week who are finding themselves in crisis – 45% of these are children. “This gift and support from the Council and The Southern Cooperative will help us greatly with the needs that we are meeting here at present. This additional offer of help at this time is most welcome.”

Joe Pearce’s family turned out in force at the quayside of Newport Harbour today to welcome him back to the Isle of Wight after a challenging sail from North Wales in his 42 year old yacht, in which he sought to raise funds for the RNLI. He first purchased his 23 foot Falmouth Gypsy class boat, Golden Cloud, while a physical geography student at Aberystwyth University. “He had the idea that living on a boat had more attraction than the usual student accommodation, so purchased the yacht on line for £800, the equivalent to two months rent,” explained his mum, Bridgett Pearce, who lives in Moons Hill, Totland. Then Joe, now 23, decided after getting his degree he would sail his sea going ‘house boat’ the 450 miles to the Isle of Wight, calling at eight ports on the way. At each port he would display boards and relevant flags, seeking donations for the RNLI and the Isle of Wight Society for the Blind. This second charity was because his carpenter father, Nigel Pearce, was now registered blind. He admitted that the yacht, although sea-worthy, had seen better days; even his tender was a kayak, secured to the deck. The boat’s age became especially apparent when his engine broke down. “I was ready to make for

the nearest port under sail, but Milford Haven Coastguard persuaded me that, because of the sea conditions, to take a tow from the RNLI inshore lifeboat at Newquay. It just happened to be out on exercise and apparently would welcome the practice. So I then had personal reason to be grateful to the RNLI!” Although he had an advanced level powerboat qualification his previous experience of sailing boats was confined to Optimist dinghies. “That’s why I was initially accompanied on my voyage with someone who had experience with a jib. But for most of the 120 hours of sailing I was on my own. And because I was single-handed I kept in contact each day with the nearest coastguard station.” He has now secured a mooring in the River Medina for the Golden Cloud, and is interested in adding to his growing knowledge of RIBs by touring the RNLI’s nearby Inshore Lifeboat Centre at East Cowes. Before that he wants to see Cowes’ new RNLI lifeboat station and its Atlantic 85 RIB ‘Sheena Louise’. With his Totland home not far from the RNLI lifeboat at Yarmouth he fully appreciates the work of the charity. “That’s why I thought it only right I should become an offshore member before I embarked on the trip.”

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Inherited Numbers Deliver Win 17 Years Later A retired couple from Ventnor are celebrating after the numbers they inherited in 1996 came up in the Lotto draw on Saturday 18 May 2013. The happy pair were on a Scottish road-trip when they discovered they had matched five numbers and the bonus ball to scoop a stunning £115,486. The couple, Robert, 67, and Carrie McDowell, 63, were holidaying in Scotland when they discovered that the numbers Carrie’s mum had played when she was alive had seventeen years later netted them a life-changing windfall. Despite bursting with excitement at the news, they continued their week’s touring holiday in their beloved MX-5, named Lulu, keeping the ticket safely in Robert’s wallet during the day and under his pillow at night. The couple were settling into their accommodation in Pitlochry after a long days’ drive when they decided to watch the draw show. A delighted Robert said; “We were both pretty tired when we settled down in front of the telly. When the draw show came on we decided to check the tickets we had bought in Ventnor on the Wednesday when we left the Isle of Wight to head north. As the numbers came up I said to Carrie, ‘You won’t believe this, we’ve got all five, that’s got to be about £2,000.’ Carrie was over the moon and said, ‘That’ll do me nicely’. It was only when the bonus ball came up and we matched that too our jaws dropped to the floor. We just couldn’t believe our numbers had come up!” An excited call to Camelot followed to verify the win, followed by a celebratory beer for Robert and orange juice for Carrie. It was Carrie who said they should carry on with their planned road-trip, saying to Robert ‘It will still be there when we get back.’ So the couple, who have been happily married for 38 years, continued their Scottish adventure, joining in an MX-5 Club meet on the Sunday before taking in a few of the country’s finest distilleries and enjoying the balmy weather. While sunny days and stunning scenery are enough to give anyone a beaming smile, Robert and Carrie’s were just that bit brighter as they knew a £115,486 nest egg was waiting for them when they got home. “The win is slightly bittersweet because we inherited the winning numbers because Carrie’s mum

passed away. Obviously we would rather have her here but we like to think that she is smiling down on us as we come to terms with this wonderful news. We have worked hard all our lives and saved for retirement so the wolves were not quite at the door but like many people, we have had to be careful with our money, being mindful every time we turn up the heating or decide to take the ferry over to the mainland for an MX-5 Club meeting or to see friends. This win has changed all that. Feeling financially secure is the most amazing feeling.” While Robert and Carrie used to talk about what life would be like if their numbers ever came up, they openly admit they are a couple with simple pleasures. Although it’s certainly within their budget to do so, they won’t be trading in Lulu for a newer model although they have already upgraded their TV and Carrie has a new camera. The only other decadence might be new curtains in the lounge! Robert said “Like everyone, we always hoped to win something on The National Lottery but I can honestly say, the best thing that ever happened to me was forty years ago in a pub in Stevenage when Carrie and I met, she is the best thing that ever happened to me. She says I am the most precious thing to her but I’m not sure if that still stands now we’ve had a Lotto win?!” Robert and Carrie have lived on the Isle of Wight for ten years and are active members of the community. Each week they volunteer with the Green Gym helping the island’s countryside through conservation work and once a month they help manage local nature reserves as Wildlife Warriors. When not up to their arms hedge laying, pond clearing or helping the island’s environment in a myriad of ways, they visit the RSPCA home two or three times a week spending time and walking the dogs who are waiting to be homed. Robert and Carrie play Lotto every Wednesday and Saturday using their own numbers. The winning ticket was bought in the Co-Op in Rookley and the winning numbers on Saturday 18 May 2013 were 3, 5, 24, 31, 48 and 49 and the bonus, 15.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Adult learning achievements celebrated

This year’s Adult Learners’ Week celebrations ended in a high with an awards ceremony to recognise the outstanding achievements of Island individuals and innovative learning projects. Following a successful week of learning events organised by the council’s community learning team, an awards ceremony was held on Friday 24 May at the Community Learning Centre in Ryde. Awards were presented to 11 individuals and one organisation by Councillor Richard Priest, Isle of Wight Council cabinet member for children’s services. Island adult learning organisations nominated award winners for their outstanding contribution to learning. Councillor Richard Priest, said: “It was fantastic to meet those who have given so much of their time to help inspire others to learn new skills as well as those who have shown determination and drive to further their learning against the odds. I would like to congratulate all of the winners as well as the organisations that have played an important role in

people’s learning.” Adult Learners’ Week happens in May every year and is a national celebration of the benefits of lifelong learning for adults whatever their age or background. This year it ran from 18 to 24 May and provided an opportunity for local organisations to showcase their involvement in adult education. It also provides adults with the opportunity to try different taster classes. This year’s award winners were: Kevin Cleightonhills, who has participated in many adult education classes as part of his recovery from a traumatic head injury. Amanda Coyle, who has participated in learning and volunteering opportunities over the past ten years. Determined to show her children that anything is possible, she is now nearing completion of an Open University degree. Catherine Coeshott for her involvement in carnival workshops which has led her to performing at the Paralympic closing ceremony and being part of the committee for the VIVA carnival group. Tamsyn Seymour and Michelle

Crutcher were recognised for the support and encouragement of others to take part in family learning activities within schools. Judy Martin and Tina Hughes were recognised for their roles as Community Learning Champions, encouraging others to take part in formal and informal learning and showing great enthusiasm. Claire Kay and Leanne Urry for supporting others to gain computer skills to be able to access online services. Brading Roman Villa were recognised for their ‘Under the Sea’ community art and mosaic project. Olivia Faber, for her achievement of OCN qualifications with Bodster Equine Assisted Learning Centre, where she has since gone on to work as a volunteer. Olivia also won the South East Individual Learner Award at a prestigious ceremony in London. Brian Bamford was also presented with a framed photograph of his entry for the Adult Learners’ Week photo competition. Brian has been attending the Bodster Equine Assisted Learning Centre as part of their ‘Never Too Old’ project.

Row yourself fit over the festival weekend Supporters from Breathe Easy are pleased to inform you that they will be at Sainsbury’s Newport over the Festival Weekend for a row yourself fit event! As well as an awareness day to give advice and support to people with Breathing and lung

conditions, they will also be there to encourage customers to support them in our 1st ever Rowathon. A spokesperson for the event said ”We will be asking people to come and have a go at rowing.” “We’re hoping that with the support of a small donations and

enough rowers we’d be able to row around the whole islands 91,733 meter’s using rowing machines! The big row takes place on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June at Sainsbury’s Newport’s Foyer. All proceeds will be going to Breathe Easy IW Branch.

Classic Boat Museum Makes The Grade

The Classic Boat Museum and Gallery, in East Cowes, has been awarded Full Accreditation as a Museum, by The Arts Council of England. Joining many of the countries top museums The Classic Boat Museum was recently visited by an assessor and judged to have demonstrated best practice in a long list of criteria including planning, management, care and conservation, documentation, display and presentation, recording, and customer service. Jessica Hart, Chair of Trustees at the Museum, said “We are manned entirely by volunteers and this award, by confirming us as a leader in our sector, gives recognition to the tremendous time and effort put in by so many. Whilst it is always gratifying to get positive feedback from our visitors, this is the ultimate ‘official endorsement’, which we are very proud to receive.” The Classic Boat Museum is open every Tuesday – Saturday. 10am until 4pm, located on East Cowes seafront. For more details email, visit or call 01983 290006/244101

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

£4 million windfall after action by HM Revenue and Customs More than 26,000 workers denied the National Minimum Wage by their employers have received a £4 million windfall after action by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). In 2012/13, HMRC investigated 1,693 complaints against employers for allegedly breaching minimum wage rules. This resulted in 708 employers receiving automatic penalty charges of up to £5,000 and 26,519 employees receiving an average of £300 in back pay, topping up wages that had previously been paid below the legal minimum rate. HMRC has ten National Minimum Wage compliance teams across the UK, working from 18 locations. In the 2012/13 financial year the South Central team, based in Oxford and Portsmouth, handled cases resulting in arrears of £1,184,453 being paid back and charged 56 employers with penalties. Employment Minister, Jo Swinson said: “Paying less than the minimum wage is totally unacceptable. Whenever we find examples of businesses breaking the law we will crack down on them. “Supporting fairness in the workplace is one of our key priorities and the National Minimum Wage is one way of making sure this happens. It supports as many workers as possible without damaging their employment prospects, which is why effectively enforcing the minimum wage is critically important in making sure it stays a success. “The figures from last year show that HMRC can really help individuals who have been underpaid to claim back the money they are owed.” Cases where HMRC have taken action against employers in the past year include: A Hampshire distribution company that required its workers to carry out door to door deliveries for less than the National Minimum Wage. They were ordered to pay arrears of wages exceeding £60,000 for over 600 workers. A Hampshire further education establishment incorrectly treating their workers as volunteers. They were ordered to pay wage arrears exceeding £690,000 to over 100 workers.

A Berkshire retailer making deductions from wages which reduced National Minimum Wage pay. They were ordered to pay arrears exceeding £12,000 to seven workers. A Berkshire advertising agency that incorrectly paid their workers below the National Minimum Wage. They were ordered to pay arrears exceeding £15,000 for five workers. A major fashion chain ordered to pay their 90 unpaid interns almost £60,000. A multi-outlet retailer, which required employees to purchase specific items of clothing from their range, ordered to repay almost £170,000 for over 6,000 workers. Michelle Wyer, Assistant Director of HMRC’s National Minimum Wage team, said: “Paying the National Minimum Wage is not a choice – it’s the law. HMRC enforces the rules, protecting workers in the South and South East from rogue employers, ensuring they get at least the wage to which they are legally entitled. “Where an employer ignores these rules, we will take steps to ensure arrears are paid out in full and the employer fined. In the most serious cases, criminal prosecution can follow.” The vast majority of National Minimum Wage abuse cases are dealt with by HMRC using civil penalty powers, as this route is usually the most appropriate and provides the most cost effective resolution for taxpayers. However, in more severe cases HMRC will take criminal action and seek a prosecution. Anyone who believes they are not being paid National Minimum Wage can call the Pay and Work Rights Helpline on 0800 917 2368. Currently calls to the helpline from interns, who are working for nothing or for “expenses only”, are being fasttracked to HMRC enforcement officers for investigation. In 2012/13, 17,775 people called the Pay and Work Rights Helpline for advice or to report an illegal wage, leading to HMRC opening 1,408 enquiries into employers.



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Educating drivers on the effects of speeding Residents on the Isle of Wight are joining a scheme called Community SpeedWatch, which aims to educate drivers on the effects of speeding and help prevent motorists speeding through towns and villages. The launch of the first SpeedWatch scheme took place on Friday in Brading High Street. The speed of traffic will be monitored and volunteers will record the details of those vehicles that exceed the speed limit. These details are then passed to police officers and letters are sent to the registered owners advising them that their vehicle was seen exceeding the speed limit and warning them of the risks this poses to themselves and others. Superintendent Will

Schofield said: “Many people on the Isle of Wight tell us that speeding vehicles are an important community concern. This initiative allows volunteers to address the issue of speeding by becoming actively involved in road safety. “SpeedWatch is about education primarily, but if there is a consistent problem then we will ensure police enforcement actively supports the educational activity so we can slow people down, improve peoples knowledge and reduce road death and injury. “This approach to dealing with speeding does not replace what police officers already do, it actually means more preventative activity can take place in areas.”

More red tape will mean fewer homes to rent The CLA has warned the Government that extra regulations on landlords could lead to a housing shortfall in the private rented sector. Giving evidence on behalf of private rural landlords at a housing inquiry for the influential Communities and Local Government Select Committee, CLA President Harry Cotterell said: “Mandatory registration of landlords and rent controls proposed by the Government would be a disincentive for landlords to rent out properties and could lead to a decrease in supply in the private rented sector. “CLA members let more than one third of housing in rural areas, often choosing to let

property at sub-market rents or on long-term tenancies to secure longer rental revenues and ensure community sustainability.” South East regional director Robin Edwards added: “Tax is a major barrier that stops more housing being made available on private land. The CLA also advocates a series of tax reliefs to encourage more private rental properties being brought to the market.”

New commissioner for harbour Simon Treherne has been invited to join the Board of Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC), following the announcement of the departure of Jamie Clark who will be standing down as a Commissioner at the end of May after completion of his second term of office. Simon is an experienced corporate solicitor who has worked across many industry sectors, including marina development and yacht manufacturing. The Commission will benefit from Simon’s experience of working on several large infrastructure projects, which will undoubtedly strengthen its ability to deliver the proposed Cowes Outer Harbour Breakwater, as well as his impressive record as a board member and partner of Blake Lapthorn, one of the UK’s leading law firms. Following the news of his appointment as a Commissioner for CHC, Simon commented: “Cowes Harbour is one of the jewels of the Island, with Cowes’ yachting heritage giving the Island a worldwide reputation. I believe that the development of Cowes Harbour represents one of the ‘big bets’ for the Island as both an opportunity to further enhance the profile of Cowes in the yachting world and an opportunity to bring business and jobs to the Island.” Simon and his wife have two children and decided to make the Isle of Wight their home seven years ago when they moved to Horringford, near Arreton: “The Island is a wonderful place to live with a family if you have money or a job, but the Island is desperately short of job opportunities,” continued Simon. “We need projects like the Cowes Breakwater Project to

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succeed not only to benefit Cowes Harbour and its existing users but also to benefit the wider community by encouraging the development of the harbour, making the harbour more attractive to business and the creation of new jobs.” This Commissioner appointment was made from a strong short-list of five candidates following a new and more open selection process. The panel included both a stakeholder representative from the CHC Advisory Committee and an external independent, and had a majority of non-CHC members. Chairman of Cowes Harbour Commission, Roger Mathias said: “I’m delighted to welcome Simon to the CHC Board and look forward to working with him. With his broad commercial experience, both as a lawyer and as a board member running his own firm, he will be a great asset to the Commission and to Cowes.” Roger added: “I would also like to express my thanks to Jamie Clark for his highly valued contribution over the last six years as Commissioner.” The new Commissioner will be introduced to the Board at their June meeting.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Councillor Hits the Ground Running Newly elected councillor for Newport West Ward, Chris Whitehouse, has tabled a written Activity Report for the Newport Parish Annual Meeting today at the Riverside Centre. His predecessor struggled to find much to report, but Chris has hit the ground running with two detailed sides of A4 after less than 4 weeks in office, including speeches at Full Council, meeting the Minister for Schools, speaking in local schools and fundraising for local charities and primary schools as well as his appointment as Conservative Group Secretary and Education Spokesman. The Report was delivered to every household in Newport West. Chris adds: “It has been a steep learning curve with a Ministerial meeting just a few days after being elected, a full Council

Meeting and several new responsibilities to live up to. There is so much work to be done after such a long period of inadequate representation in the ward but I am determined not to let my local residents down.”

Ticket sales are going well for Newport Jazz Weekend Ticket sales are going well for the second Newport Jazz Weekend which takes place from 19-21 July. The “early bird” discounted ticket prices are available up until 31 May after which tickets will only be available at full price. The organisers are looking to top the tremendous success of 2012 which saw larger than expected crowds attend the inaugural running of the event. Organised on a voluntary basis by a group of musicians and jazz lovers, Newport Jazz Weekend aims to bring the very best of UK Jazz to the Island. There will also be jam sessions, jazz film and a wide selection of gigs by local musicians in venues around Newport. In 2013 there will be an expanded number of Jazz Workshops and Masterclasses to give a unique opportunity for musicians to learn from top professionals and to see them in

action at close quarters. It is expected that a Grant from the Arts Council will enable tuition to be provided free of charge to young musicians. The tuition will be provided by Martin Taylor (guitar), David Newton (piano) and Gary Plumley (sax/horns). It is possible that a big band workshop might also be available along with a rhythm section workshop for piano/bass/drums depending upon demand and availability of tutors. Places will be limited and enquiries can be made to and to 01983 614075. Early enquiries are recommended as the workshops are filled on a first come, first serve basis. All offers of sponsorship or support, and any offers of assistance by way of stewarding, are most welcome. Full details of the Jazz Weekend appear on the website which is updated regularly. The weekend’s resident guest will be leading saxophonist Alan Barnes, who will appear in three headline gigs. Top UK jazz vocalists Georgia Mancio and Zoe Francis will appear along with Sax Appeal, Martin Taylor, Craig Milverton and UK jazz legends such as Jim Mullen, Digby Fairweather, Roy Williams, Dave Shepherd and David Newton.

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Two youths arrested in connection with café break-ins Detectives have arrested two youths in connection with a recent spate of overnight café break-ins on the Isle of Wight. The latest incident led to the arrests after vigilant members of the public reported seeing suspicious behaviour, and doors open and alarm sounding at a café in the Shanklin area. Detective Constable Jessica Hughes of Newport PCU said: “In addition to thanking the members of public who contacted the police, we would like to advise shop owners that by making some simple adjustments they can help to protect their property from unwanted visitors. “There are quite a few cafés and gift shop in isolated locations across the island and this can leave them vulnerable as a target for thieves. “Although it may be an additional expense consideration should be given to an alarm system which would notify a keyholder if a burglary has occurred. This can be either the traditional alarm system linked to mains and telephone or alternatively there are inexpensive battery operated systems available that would alert

the owner by text. “Please ensure that doors and windows are kept in good condition. Doors can be strengthened to prevent them from being kicked in and ideally windows should be protected by metal shutters. “Security gates could also be considered for the doors. Where applicable, the gap between the leading edge of the door and the door frame should be protected with an anti-thrust plate to prevent items from being inserted in the gap and jemmying them open.” Anyone with information can contact police on 101. Information can be given anonymously by phoning Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

lifeboat called out three times The Sandown and Shanklin Independent lifeboat was called out three times on Sunday the 26th May 2013. The first at 13.20 when crews were tasked by the Solent Coastguard to report they have received that a small tender was spotted drifting and was capsized, a nearby vessel also proceeded. It was found that no one was in it and returned to the correct owner in Whitecliff Bay. The Second at 14.00 hrs was a call on the radio whilst the lifeboat was on training, to recover 2 walkers cut off by the tide in Luccombe. Ventnor coastguard team were also tasked and found the man and women and directed the lifeboat in. The casualties and Coastguards were brought on board and taken to Hope beach in Shanklin where the couple were very grateful for the ride home. The third was at 20.31hrs when crews were paged by the Solent Coastguard for an immediate launch to a broken down fishing

vessel off Shanklin with 2 persons on board in failing light, Ventnor Coastguard team were also tasked and again helped guide us to the Casualty. The Vessel was put on a tow and taken in to Shanklin where the Coastguard team helped to retrieve the boat when on shore, everyone was well and we returned to station. Mark Birch Operations manager said. We would like to thank all the public that reported incidents to the coastguard and if you do see something that you are not happy or unsure please dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard, and if you are taking a walk on the shore line please watch the tide as being that close to allot of unstable cliffs could be extremely dangerous.

Teenager sexually assaulted walking home in Newport Police investigating an assault on an 18-year-old girl in Newport have arrested a man in his 20s in connection with the attack. The teenager had spent the evening at Lloyd’s Bar with friends before leaving alone. She was walking along Fairlee Road in Newport when she was approached by a man who grabbed her and sexually assaulted her. The victim managed to get away and once she got home she contacted the police. The attacker is described as about 5ft 11ins tall. He was wearing a grey hoody and possibly dark hat or balaclava and gloves.

Police searching the area arrested a 25-year-old Newport man a short time later. Detectives are also appealing for witnesses to the incident which happened at about 1.20am on Sunday, May 26. They would like to hear from anyone who saw a man following the teenager, the attack itself or a man acting suspiciously in the area around that time. Anyone with information can contact DC Andy Cooper of Newport CID by phoning 101. Information can be given anonymously by phoning the independent Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.

High Standards and Good Service at IW Steam Railway

The Isle of Wight Steam Railway is pleased to announce it has been awarded membership of the Isle of Wight Council’s ‘Buy With Confidence’ scheme. Membership of the scheme, which is aimed at reassuring visitors and customers that a business maintains high standards of customer care while offering good service and value for money, followed a rigorous and detailed assessment of the Railway’s food and retail outlets undertaken by the Isle of Wight Council’s Trading Standards Department. “The Trading Standard Officers were both challenging and supportive in assessing the Railway,” said IW Steam Railway General Manager Peter Vail. “Detailed assessments were undertaken of our pricing, customer feedback and policy for dealing with any complaints. It’s great to get this recognition and to be accepted on to the scheme.” Membership of the ‘Buy With Confidence’ scheme follows a considerable investment in upgrading and refurbishing the Railway’s food and retail outlets. Two years ago, at a cost approaching £40,000, the Railway fully refurbished its shop at Havenstreet Station. Retail & Catering Manager, Nick Boycott said, “The layout of the shop and all the fittings were completely renewed to give a much more appealing visitor experience, and

a new range of items was introduced to cater for casual visitors and for the railway enthusiast. Immediately the takings increased by 34% and the shop has been transformed from something very average to one of the best railway shops in the country!” Similar work has also been undertaken on the Railway’s main catering outlet, and at Easter the newly refurbished Refreshment Rooms at Havenstreet opened for business. The new layout is designed to display and serve freshly cooked food with minimal delays, and, working in partnership with Mingellas, there is also a new Ice Cream Parlour offering traditional Isle of Wight ice cream. As the winner of many awards, the Railway is always keen to give all visitors total confidence in their experience and value for money when visiting. “It was natural for the Railway to want to be part of the ‘Buy With Confidence’ scheme,” said Peter Vail. “Membership is excellent news for us and for our visitors who can be reassured when they see our ‘Buy With Confidence’ signs!” In formally accepting the Railway on to the scheme a certificate was presented to the Railway by Principal Trading Standards Officer Julie Woodhouse, during April.

Rehearsals for production of Hamlet Original Theatre is about to begin rehearsals for its own summer production of Hamlet. It's a major event for the theatre and the Island is in for a real treat as they present their own 90 minute version. It will be premièred with two performances at this year's

Ventnor Fringe, and will then be shown in two very special and atmospheric locations - Chale Church (August 23) and the Depozitory in Ryde (August 30). Keep in touch with Original Theatre, and get the latest ticket news at


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

Island Roads staff raise £670 for Earl Mountbatten Hospice

Keen to support Earl Mountbatten Hospice, eight Island Roads staff ‘Walked the Wight’ as part of a team entry on Sunday 12th May. The team raised £370 from sponsorship and Island Roads donated a further £300 in recognition for the team’s passion for supporting this local charity, giving a total of £670. Staff took part in the gruelling 26.5 mile main walk which is broken down into two stages; the 12.5 mile stretch from Bembridge to Carisbrooke, and 14 miles from Carisbrooke Castle to the finish at Alum Bay. Three of the team members walked from Bembridge to Carisbrooke but the other five managed the marathon distance up and down some of the Island’s biggest hills to the finish line. Andy Marsh, Island Roads Performance Manager said: “After battling through the wind and

rain, we all felt we’d accomplished something to be proud of. The event was extremely well organised, with a really friendly atmosphere and it gave us all a good opportunity to work together as a team to do something positive for the community.” In addition to supporting charitable events such as this in their own time, all Island Roads employees have an allowance of two days per year to volunteer for community projects, charities and good causes. This is part of Island Roads commitment to being very much part of the local community throughout the 25 year lifetime of the highway project. Photo: From left, Karen Eeles (Hospice Fundraising Team Leader), Vicky Keefe, Nikki Hunter, Andy Marsh, Alan Ransom and Mike Clarke.

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Island Roads receive ‘Good Lighting Award’ Last week Island Roads received a local Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Award in recognition of the work they carried out to improve the street lighting systems in Cowes. A key part of the new highways service provided by Island Roads is the programme to enhance or replace all street lights across the Island by 2016, converting existing lights to energy-saving, carbon efficient LED units. Over 100 lights and columns have already been replaced or enhanced since 1 April 2013. These can be seen in a number of streets in Cowes, East Cowes and

Gunville. Dave May, Island Roads Business Manager said: “We are delighted to receive this ‘Good Lighting Award’ so early on in our programme from such a reputable body. The CPRE has recognised that the new lighting respects the “Dark Skies” commitments in place to protect the Island’s unique environment whilst improving the look and feel of roads and pavements, and directing light where it is most needed, without creating light pollution.” LED stands for Light Emitting Diodes – a modern lighting technology that uses a large number of highly energy efficient, tiny light emitting units (diodes) grouped together to provide a light source. Longer term benefits of the new system mean that the lighting will be more energy efficient and will be able to be controlled – dimming and enhancing our streets and public spaces in accordance with the Isle of Wight Council’s requirements. Photo: Neil Brown – CIP Street Lighting Supervisor with the award.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 7th June 2013

BMC Return for choir leader Last year he packed the Newport Minster leading a singing workshop and concert with his mixed voice choir. On Saturday July 6 Grenville Jones, of the UK’s leading choir conductors, will be back with his famous Bath Male Choir to sing at All Saints’ Church, Ryde. The concert will feature talented local teenager Grace Crumplin as guest soloist. Grenville lives in Bath and has been featured on TV and Radio across the World. Last July he received an honorary doctorate from Bath Spa University for his contribution to music. He is founder conductor of the famous ‘Last Choir Standing’ Bath Male Choir who reached the finals of the BBC show three years ago singing to an audience of millions. Grenville enjoys the reputation for ‘getting people of all ages to sing’. He works regularly for the BBC and has linked with Gareth Malone in London as the choir leader who took the West Country’s representative youth

Registrar service to move during Festival The registrar service will move to County Hall until Monday 24th June. This is because the offices at Seaclose Park are being closed due to the Isle of Wight Festival. The registrar service will be based on the ground floor at County Hall and customers requiring the service should go to reception. Opening times are 8.30am to 5pm on Mondays to Thursdays and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. Registration appointments are held between 9am and 4.30pm daily. The service will return to its usual offices at Seaclose from Monday 24 June.

choir in a BIG SING which bought together choirs from across the UK for Children in Need. The evening concert will raise money for the church and the Earl Mountbatten Hospice. Admission is free with a retiring collection. Also appearing will be Lizz Lipscombe a brilliant young violinist from Bristol who is at home performing either classical or jazz music. Doors open at 7pm, everyone welcome.

It’s wrong to blame farmers for loss of wildlife The CLA said it is wrong to place the blame on farmers for the loss of wildlife – in response to the newly released conservation report State of Nature. The Association said the findings of the report would surprise farmers who have worked hard to improve farming practices and enhance the environment. CLA South East rural adviser Megan Cameron said: “Farmers have made a huge effort both voluntarily and through agrienvironment schemes to encourage wildlife populations to grow.

there are so many other contributing factors such as climate change, urbanisation and predation.” Miss Cameron welcomed Natural Environment Minister Richard Benyon’s comments at the launch of the report last night that “we must start paying for our natural world rather than take for granted what we get from it”. She said: “The Minister’s statement was welcome, but we “More than two-thirds of address how farmers will be able farmland is now managed under to afford to do environmental environmental schemes. It is management work as CAP unfair to blame farmers when support falls.”

Families can enjoy time away at local holiday park Families of children and young people with additional needs can now take a relaxing break in a lodge at an Isle of Wight holiday park. The Isle of Wight Council’s Short Breaks team have secured a specially adapted lodge at Nodes Point Holiday Park which is available all year round to families eligible under the Short Breaks scheme. The lodge has been adapted to include two large bedrooms, wheelchair accessible ramp, a roll

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in shower, alarm sensor and safety equipment. It also has a large TV complete with DVD player, a fully equipped kitchen and an outside decking area. The lodge is available to families under the Short Breaks scheme and sleeps a total of six people. Prices range from £40 per night to £75 per night with a maximum four night stay. The costs are lower than a typical lodge on the resort and cover essential costs only, meaning it is non-profit making.

Families who book the lodge also benefit from access to Nodes Point resort entertainment facilities including indoor swimming pool with waterslides, direct beach access, adventure playground, amusements and evening entertainment. For more information on the lodge and to book a stay, eligible families should contact Kelly Quinn on 823168 in the Short Breaks Unit, or by email to

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