Rate Card (Winter 2013-2014)

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mail Isle of Wight

The FREE Fortnightly Newspaper


The Isle of Wight Mail Newspaper Advertising | Winter 2013 / 2014






1 Page 1/2 Page 1/2 Page 1/4 Page 1/4 Page 1/8 Page 1/8 Page 1/16 Page 1/32 Page

Portrait Horizontal Portrait Horizontal Box Horizontal Box Box Box

184mm 184mm 91mm 184mm 91mm 184mm 91mm 45mm 45mm

271mm 135mm 271mm 65mm 135mm 32mm 65mm 65mm 32mm

Payments we accept: -

Bank Transfers – You can make a payment using internet banking or by paying over the counter in any Barclays bank.

1+ ISSUE 3+ ISSUE 6+ ISSUE £30.00 £18.00 £18.00 £12.00 £12.00 £8.50 £8.50 £7.00 £4.00

£27.00 £16.00 £16.00 £11.00 £11.00 £8.00 £8.00 £6.50 £3.75


£24.00 £14.00 £14.00 £10.00 £10.00 £7.50 £7.50 £6.00 £3.50

£21.00 £12.00 £12.00 £9.00 £9.00 £7.00 £7.00 £5.50 £3.25


Bank: Barclays PLC Account: Isle of Wight Mail Acc No: 73844331 Sort Code: 20-60-55

Credit & Debit Cards – Call us on 01983 898 838 to make a card payment or purchase online via www.sales.iwmail.co.uk Paypal Payments – You can now make a payment using funds from your Paypal account. Send payments to isleofwightmail@gmail.com

£10 per Month / £50 for 6 Months / £90 for 12 Months Banner Rotates with others. (Max 1:10 Ratio)


All adverts should be saved as a high quality jpeg, tiff or press ready PDF at 300dpi to ensure your advert looks its best. Microsoft programs such as Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and Word do not produce print ready files and are therefore not acceptable unless prior notice has been given from our design team. Artwork should be emailed to: sales@iwmail.co.uk or uploaded via our site at http://www.sales.iwmail.co.uk

£12 per month / £60 for 6 Months / £100 for 12 Months Banner will be displayed 100% of the time

The Isle of Wight Mail Newspaper Advertising | Winter 2013 / 2014

1/2 Page Horizontal 184mm x 135mm

1/8 Page (Box) 91 mm x 65mm

1/4 Page (Box) 91mm x 135mm

1/32 Page (Box) 45mm x 32mm 1/16 Page (Box) 1/16 Page (Portrait) 45mm x 65mm 1/32 Page (Box) 45mm x 32mm

The Isle of Wight Mail Newspaper Advertising | Winter 2013 / 2014

1 Page (Portrait) 184mm x 271mm

The Isle of Wight Mail Newspaper Advertising | Winter 2013 / 2014

If you need an advert designed for your newspaper campaign then our in-house computer geeks can create one for you from just ÂŁ20. Please contact our sales team on 01983 898 838 or email sales@iwmail.co.uk to discuss your requirements.


1/2 Page (Portrait) 91mm x 271mm

Newspaper Circulation: 2000 Facebook Weekly Reach: 20,000 Monthly Website Hits: 400,000 Facebook Likes: 2888 Twitter Followers: 2264 -

The Isle of Wight Mail is the FREE fortnightly newspaper for the Island Mobile & Eco-Friendly Community Paper. 1st page on Google for 'Isle of Wight News', 'Isle of Wight Newspaper' & 'Isle of Wight Paper'

Articles Published on Google News.

Isle of Wight Mail – February 2012

The Isle of Wight Mail Newspaper Advertising | Winter 2013 / 2014

1/8 Page (Horizontal) 184 mm x 32mm

1/4 Page (Horizontal) 184 mm x 65mm

NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following sets out the terms and conditions for advertising in The Isle of Wight Mail and all customer orders are accepted subject to these terms and conditions. By submitting your advertisement copy to us, you agree to these terms and conditions. You warrant to us that your advertisement is compliant with advertising rules, and will not breach any contract or infringe any copyright, trademark or any other right of any third party or render us liable to any claim or proceedings whatsoever. 1. In these conditions; (a) "We", "our" or "us" means Isle of Wight Mail Newspaper (b) "You" means the person placing the order for the insertion of the advertisement with us, whether such person be the advertiser of the product or service promoted thereby or making the announcement therein ("the Advertiser") or the advertiser's advertising agency or media buyer; (c) The "rate card" means our rate card in effect for the time being which may include, among other matters, our scale of advertisement rates, technical specifications, copy and cancellation deadlines (Job advertising, newspaper display) and setting styles, and further terms and conditions; and (d) An "advertisement" means matter to be printed on the page or otherwise published. 2. You (and the advertiser, if applicable) hereby grant us the right to publish the advertisement in the relevant newspapers and in any other of our publications (including reprographic and digital cuttings and page images) in any medium, whatever the means or system of production delivery. 3. You warrant that: (a) In relation to an advertisement, you contract with us as a principal notwithstanding that you may be acting directly or indirectly for an advertiser as an advertising agent or media buyer or in some other representative capacity; (b) The reproduction and/or publication of the advertisement as originally submitted will not breach any contract or infringe or violate any copyright, trademark or any other personal or proprietary right of any person or render us liable to any claim or proceedings whatsoever; (c) Any information supplied by you in connection with the advertisement is accurate, complete and true; (d) In respect of any advertisement submitted for publication which contains the name or pictorial representation (photographic or otherwise) of any person whether alive or dead, and/or any part of any person and/or any copy by which any person is or can be identified, you or the advertiser has obtained the authority of such living person to make use of such name, representation and/or copy; (e) The advertisement complies with the requirements of all relevant legislation (including subordinate legislation, the rules of statutorily recognised regulatory authorities and the law of the EU); and (f) All advertising copy submitted to us is legal, decent, honest and truthful and complies with any guidance or codes of practice issued by the national consumer agency, by the data protection commissioner or by the financial regulator and all other relevant codes under the general supervision of the advertising standards authority. Each of the above warranties applies to each publication of an Advertisement during a campaign. 4. We may reject, or require to be amended, any artwork, materials and copy for or relating to an advertisement so as (a) To comply with legal or moral obligations placed on us or you or any advertiser; or (b) To avoid infringing a third party's rights, the manual of advertising self-regulation with the code of standards for advertising and all other codes under the general supervision of the advertising standards authority or the production and quality specification stipulated or referred to in the rate card; or (c) To comply with any decision of the Press Ombudsman and/or the press council. 5. We have the right at our discretion to decline to publish, or to omit, suspend or change the position of, any advertisement otherwise accepted for insertion. We do not guarantee any position within the publication. However, we will use reasonable efforts to comply with your wishes although we give no representation, warranty or undertaking as to the date of insertion, the wording, or the quality of the colour or mono reproduction of the advertisement. 6. Where you are the advertiser's advertising agency, you warrant that you are authorised by the advertiser to place the advertisement with us and you will indemnify us against any claim made by the advertiser against us arising from the publication thereof. 7. We shall have the right to change our scale of advertisement rates 8. Any stop order, cancellation or transfer of the advertisement other than prior to the relevant deadline shall not (even though it be followed by us) affect your liability for payment for the advertisement. 9. In the absence of any other specific arrangement between you and us, payment in respect of the advertisement is due in advance of publication, except where we have agreed to allow credit to you, in which case the due time for payment shall be no later than 5 working days 10. It is your responsibility to check the correctness of the advertisement (and of each insertion of the advertisement if more than one). We assume no responsibility for the repetition of an error in an advertisement ordered for more than one insertion unless notified within 48 hours of publication of the error. Any other matter of complaint, claim or query (whether in relation to the advertisement or the invoice) in relation to the quality, content, publication of, or charge for an advertisement must be raised with us in writing within seven days following the insertion of the advertisement or the date on which it is claimed the advertisement should have appeared. Any queries in relation to invoices must be raised within 7 days of the date of the invoice. In any such circumstances (without prejudice to our entitlement to be paid for the advertisement as published a sum representing a reasonable proportion of the charge agreed at the time the advertisement was booked) our liability is strictly limited either (at our option) to giving you a credit against our charge for the advertisement or (in an appropriate instance) publishing the advertisement for a second time without charge. Such complaint, claim or query shall not affect your liability for payment by the due time of our charges for that and all other advertisements. In the event that a query is raised in relation to an insertion, we accept no liability until a formal investigation has taken place and a written conclusion has been Produced. 11. If we agree to pay or credit you a rebate, refund or other benefit, you may not query or dispute any invoice to which that benefit applies after the benefit has been paid or credited to you. 12. You will indemnify us and any publisher of an advertisement and agree to keep us and any such publisher indemnified against all claims, costs, proceedings, demands, losses, damages, expenses or liability whatsoever arising directly or indirectly as a result of any breach or nonperformance of any of the representations, warranties or other terms herein contained or implied by law. 13. The placing of an order for insertion of an advertisement shall amount to an acceptance of these terms and conditions and any terms and conditions stipulated on an order form or elsewhere by you shall be void insofar as they are inconsistent with these conditions, unless they have been agreed and acknowledged by us in writing as taking priority over these terms and conditions. 14. These terms and conditions set out the full extent of our obligations and liabilities in respect of publication of any advertisement. In particular, there are no terms as to satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other kind whatsoever, except as specifically stated in these terms and conditions, and any condition or other term which might otherwise be implied into or incorporated into a contract, or any collateral contract, whether by statute, common law or otherwise, is hereby excluded to the fullest extent permissible at law. Except where not permitted by applicable law, we are not liable to you or any third party for loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss of anticipated savings, data, goodwill and revenue or any other indirect or consequential loss, arising from breach of contract or howsoever, and, to the extent permitted by law, our maximum liability to you for any loss or damage arising out of the contract between you and us relating to any advertisement, its publication or non-publication (except in respect of injury to or death of any person caused by our negligence) is limited to the amount paid or payable by you in respect of such advertisement. 15. No waiver or indulgence by us shall be effective save in relation to the matter in respect of which it was specifically given. Any refunds, or compensation or benefits applied to an advertisement will apply to that insertion only and will not apply for an entire campaign. 16. These terms and conditions shall apply to each contract for the insertion of an advertisement, together with such additional terms and conditions (if any) as may be set out in our rate card and, in the event of any variations or inconsistency between these terms and conditions and the terms and conditions set out in the rate card, the latter shall prevail. 17. Any personal data that we collect in connection with booking advertisements will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy, found at www.iwmail.co.uk which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by this reference.

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