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Damilola is the founder of Brown Skin Naturals, which makes natural, safe products for hair and a few products for the skin. Black hair is beautiful, but the shampoo and oils are beneficial for all types of hair – from kinky and relaxed hair to Caucasian hair.

Damilola’s experience with her mother’s alopecia allowed her to discover the necessary oils to cure her mother’s condition through research and training. During the pandemic, Damilola had time to take courses, gain knowledge and collect resources to find the right combination of ingredients and create a natural, effective formula, not only for personal care but for her business as well.
Damilola focused on safety and natural ingredients when making the products she gave to her mother. “We saw a drastic change, and she was able to start growing her hair back.” They took photos of each stage of the process to document the success.
The active ingredient for curing Damilola’s mother’s alopecia was onion oil. For those clients who are averse to the smell, they use the onion oil as a base and then wash it off.
Damilola offers simple steps for hair care to women. First, determine what kind of hair you have. Is it kinky or relaxed? Knowing what type of products to use is also essential. Low-porosity hair does not absorb products very quickly, so visiting a salon or steaming your hair at home is good hair maintenance for keeping hair soft and preventing breakage. The spray bottle is essential for keeping hair moist. Light hair oils such as peppermint, Tea Tree, or natural oils on your scalp or hair are beneficial. Protective hairstyles such as braids for this time of the year is also a good idea, but ensure the tension on the braids is not too tight for the scalp.
The LCO method (liquid, cream and oil mixture) and the LOC (liquid, oil and cream), are techniques that help maintain hair. The liquid is the water which could be from the spray bottle. The oil is the hair oil, and the cream is your butter or conditioner. Using the kind of products that suit your hair porosity is like finding a pair of shoes. Anywhere the climate is humid, dry or cold, one needs to keep the hair moisturized weekly. Other protection for the hair would be wearing satin bonnets or using silk pillowcases at night. Discovering tools, techniques and products that enhance hair care, are ideas Damilola has explored.
When dealing with children’s hair, the same porosity test used with adults can be used with children and “the steamer works wonders” to help moisturize and soften. Protective styles such as cornrows and products like Detanglers are also effective. On wash days, the hair can be broken down into more manageable pieces using a wide-toothed comb. Using the LOC or LCO method every two to three weeks is fine, and a scalp massager can also be beneficial. Damilola also has a few “don’ts,” such as the use of rubber bands and tight extensions.
Damilola’s products are organic and available in stores in Edmonton and Calgary. As proprietor of Brown Skin Store, Damilola has hair and skin products available. Visit her website at www.brownskinstore.com for more information.