detoun Abby Aiyeleye is an innovator, entrepreneur and co-founder of Clavis Studio. Clavis Studio is an online design platform that simplifies the home design experience for professionals and design enthusiasts using immersive 3D technology. Through their interactive experience, the company is expanding market access for small businesses and creating opportunities for people who want simple, integrated and highly-effective tools to get their work done. At Clavis Studio, they are redefining the methods people use to approach design. They also showcase the immeasurable possibilities in design and infrastructure planning. Abby’s first recollection of her interest in this line of work and becoming an entrepreneur, was when she was in college, studying for her A-levels. She was also working by offering CD_ ROM installation and training services on new applications for small businesses in Southeast London. Because Clavis Studio processes were built for end-to-end online service delivery, the pandemic further highlighted the need for more virtual client interaction and 3D visualization tools within the design industry. They have completed projects for clients in Western and Atlantic Canada, Hong Kong, California and Georgia, USA, Sydney, Australia, and Lagos, Nigeria.
“It is important to share access to resources and create opportunities for women like myself...” Abby is proud of the amazing team at Clavis Studio and their success since their official launch in 2021. As it is for every growth-oriented company, there are always more milestones to be achieved and Abby indicates that “we have a 5-year roadmap that keeps us on track. It’s also beneficial that we have a great ecosystem rooting for our success.” Abby is an avid reader who keeps up-to-date with her favourite authors, including Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. She finds that Chimamanda has a palpable conviction in her approach to everything that interests Abby. It is not only through Chimamanda’s writing, but Abby is inspired by Chimamanda’s speaking engagements, her family, and her fashion. “You can sense that this woman enjoys what she does and this is parallel to how I approach my personal and professional goals.” Another favourite book Abby enjoys is Good Strategy, Bad Strategy by Richard P. Rumelt. Abby has had the opportunity to meet many innovative BIPOC women in the tech industry because women continue to become more involved in the industry. What’s important for her is sharing access to resources and creating opportunities for women like
Adetoun Abby Aiyeleye
herself to occupy spaces where others can thrive. Together they will expand the possibilities of a tech-driven Albertan economy. In a few weeks, Clavis Studio will open their platform to other professionals and aspiring designers to start creating their own beautiful spaces and collaborating with their clients through their web platform. They have seen that there is a shared vision within the industry and they would like to continue creating job opportunities and expanding market access for designers. Clavis Studio has ongoing digital media campaigns. They are giving a select number of people beta access to version 2 of their platform via clavisstudio.ca so, be sure to connect with them and be one of those selected few that can access their platform.