LCCMedia Foundation's Seniors Magazine

Page 29

December, 2021

A Musical Soul


aughter is good medicine for the soul and that’s why Lorraine shares it with others. Born in Winnipeg in 1949, she was the baby of the family, being the 5th of 3 older sisters and a brother. Lorraine’s two favorite memories that make her smile are from very different periods in her life. The first memory trigger is from a photo of herself at the age of 4 sitting on a bicycle with her hair in ringlets. She still has that original trike in her garage but her hair is much shorter! The second memory is when she started dancing with “4 left feet” and at the end of 5 classes, endless Foxtrots and waltzes, she floated like a cloud on the dance floor with the instructor who was smooth as syrup. It finally clicked she says. As a student, Lorraine didn’t really like homework in school, until one day there was a 3-day storm and all she had to do was study. She paid attention to the little details and

Lorraine Nadeau

ended up with an 86% in algebra, her least favorite subject! Lorraine enjoys working alone but also spending time with her husband whom she has been with for 56 years. They have raised a son and a daughter and love their granddaughter dearly, nurturing her love of art and horses. Lorraine’s natural inclination at the age of 10 was to become a nun, as she was influenced by her family of clergy. She also sang in the church choir, listened to her mother and grandmother’s religious instruction and teachings and loved singing and playing the hymns. The youth of today lack that faith and respect, she believes. There are so many opinions these days. Even the music is different. Back in Lorraine’s years of growing up, there were the best of times and the worst of times, but there was music and dancing even during the war. Lorraine learned compassion at an early age, when her brother developed polio. Thus, when she became a hospital volunteer and later paid Seniors — Winter 2021

employee at the hospital later in life, she wondered if that had been her first career calling. Instead, she did stenography work and has had fun travelling and living in many different places in Canada with her husband. When they realized that the owner of the general store in Manitoba wasn’t going to sell, they moved to Alberta. Lorraine is content being at home. She enjoys watching movies, reading and is looking forward to a beautiful retirement with her husband. She has a few health issues, but manages to play the piano, do some pickling and gardening and generally balance her life. Her mother always told her that each time she tills the soil and gathers a handful of dirt, to offer up a prayer of thanksgiving. Lorraine does that each morning. Her generous, loving and positive aura are felt by all those who meet her.


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Articles inside

From East to West—Jan Lloyd

page 37

Mischievous Mainlander—Murray Lloyd

page 38

The Smiling Storyteller— Linda Rakos

pages 39-40

For the Love of Music— Amos Garrett

page 36

Social Sandi— Sandra Lee

pages 34-35

Alto Automan—Gerry Diemert

page 33

Gramma Molly—Molly Boyce

page 32

A Musical Soul—Lorraine Nadeau

page 29

A Driving Force—Ray Sampert

page 31

A Snownbird Senora—Doris Jones

page 30

Teacher Time—Sylvia Moore

page 26

Walk of Faith—Doreen Acton

page 27

Sunny Disposition—Noel Checkley

page 28

Endless Educator—Janice Ottewell

page 25

A Success Story— Mary Ann Reeves

page 24

Forever Young—Gilian Worsnop

page 17

A Life of Thanks—Stuart Ledlie Munro

page 16

World Traveller— Lois Harquail

page 19

A Need to Read—Judy Nielsen

page 18

Sunny Dabbler — Joanne Erickson

page 23

Road to Recovery—Syde Kidwai

page 22

Life-long Learner—Gordon Friedrick

page 15

Wise Words—Norman Quantz

page 14

Man of Many Traits— Jim Thompson

page 9

Everyday Joys — Connie Luchia

page 8

Adventurous Duo—Ralph and Susan Keith

page 11

Heart of Gold—Donna Thompson

page 10

LIfe to the Full—Ellen Nelson

page 12

Positive Vibes—Elna Bitu

page 13

Community Connector—Connie Jewell

page 6

Mountains and Miracles— Harald Froise

page 7
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