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Project Team II
Helena Kosková (Trainer, Czechia)
With educational background in sociology, social work and psychotherapy she has 17 years of experience as a freelance trainer focused on personal and organisational/community development and long term programmes of non formal education – for 12 years she was member of Youth in Action / Erasmus+ trainers pool in Czechia. Recently she is active in education, facilitation of group processes and Councils, nature guiding and moderating of traditional feasts and contemporary rituals connected with natural and life cycles within Natural Spirit platform. You can often find her walking in landscape or in labyrinth, listening to stories in circles or gardening – which is her second profession.
Bogdan Romanică (Trainer, Romania)
His mission is to guide people find their true meaning in life and empower them to live it. He manifests his life mission by being a nature based human development guide, mentor, trainer and inspirer. He sees himself as an active agent of cultural evolution, while serving the human Soul, the Earth and the Great Mystery. He believes that rewilding humans is an essential part of the restoration of human culture He developed his craft by engaging consistently in deep and meaningful work and training with the Animas Valley Institute from the USA (organisation founded by Bill Plotkin), the Mankind Project, Illuman and other organisations and teachers. Born in Romania, he feels deeply connected with the lands where he lives, the hills, mountains and forests that spread not far from his city, Cluj-Napoca