Quarterly | Issue 01 | January 2008 EUR 6, USD 9, GBP 4.50, AED 32, MYR 29, ZAR 60
A new focus on the world Malaysia: Dr. Mahathir, the man who supports the Dinar economy. Markets: Halal market analysis. The industry is undergoing a shift. Islam and the Poets: a Muslim perspective on European thought.
Civis Britannia sum. A legal essay by Ahmad Thomson, page 22
EDITORIAL By Abu Bakr Rieger.
COVER STORY Far from retiring: Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad.
FINANCE Dollar on a downward spiral. Seven countries that may abandon the US dollar.
INTERVIEW Mother of all money? Conversation about the financial system.
MARKETS Halal market analysis. The industry is undergoing a shift.
LAW Civis Britannia sum. A legal essay by Ahmad Thomson.
WORLD EURASIA The Western Balkans. An assesment by the European Union. Muslims in Croatia. Interview with Mufti Sevko Omerbasic.
Freiburg attracts many tourists, page 54
WORLD GLOBAL Modern politics. On the political consequences of terrorism.
GERMANY Forced to change. An evaluation of Muslim organisations.
38 42
PRINTING msk marketingserviceköln
LITERATURE A visit to Globalia. On the famous book by Jean-Christophe Rufin.
The poets and Islam. A Muslim perspective on European thought.
PUBLISHER IZ Medien GmbH Beilsteinerstr. 121 12681 Berlin Germany
Al-Andalus shines on. The new Mosque of Granada in focus.
Leagues ahead. Germany: Islamische Zeitung leads the discourse.
CHIEF EDITOR Abu Bakr Rieger
TRAVEL Pearl of the Black Forest. Europe is to be found in its smaller cities.
GLOBALIA Magazine reserves the right to shorten letters. Readers’ letters, guest articles and quotations do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Editors, nor do articles by named authors. PHONE +49 (0)30 240 48974 MOBILE +49 (0)179 967 8018 FAX +49 (0)30 240 48975 E-mail WEBSITE
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
a sinister world in which everything was
forbidden. In 2004 the French author JeanChristophe Rufin published a similarly eerie
novel entitled Globalia. In Globalia, Rufin describes a world devoid of history in which,
The new models which seek to explain our situation – be it the meaning of our lives, our cultures, or our sciences – must take a complete view. GLOBALIA strives to indicate some of these new views and ideas.
he explains, everything is allowed. Rufin is one of the great European thinkers who, in the age of technology, sees not only political sovereignty threatened, but human freedom itself. At a literary fair in Cologne, Rufin was asked where he saw hope for the human species.The Frenchman’s simple answer was, “We need a Book.”
Dear Readers,
People make history. Trade between people brings peace. One of our aims is to stimulate
I hope you enjoy this and the forthcoming
We are very pleased to present to you our new
discussion between the elites who trade
Issues of GLOBALIA Magazine.
magazine, which is published in Berlin:
globally.We will examine especially the points
GLOBALIA Magazine.
of view of important business-people, thinkers
Warmest regards,
and artists from the new urban centres of After some preparation we are finally ready
this world such as Berlin, Istanbul, Dubai and
Abu Bakr Rieger
to launch a media project consisting of
Kuala Lumpur.
traditional printed publications, a creative website, and a progressive multimedia offering.
Our editorial objective, and with that our journalistic goal, is to portray the latest developments on the great continents. As
Together with some new partners we hope to build a strong place in the market for this truly global magazine over the course of 2008. The world is in constant change, and to understand the way it is today we have to think in global terms. The extraordinary technical achievements of recent years have
Muslims we will of course be observing the new, constructive role that Muslims have to play. In this Issue we acknowledge the work of one of Asia’s great political figures, Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad. The success he brought Malaysia is undisputed. His efforts to defend its political sovereignty against the
expanded our horizons, yet they also threaten
machinations of global speculation deserve
our freedom, our traditions and our cultural
a review – for they too are a story of success.
distinctions. The relationship between
Like Tayyib Erdogan, the similarly successful
economics and politics has also changed
Turkish Prime Minister, Mahathir has often
dramatically over the past decades. The new
defended Islam against false accusations.
models which seek to explain our situation
Neither politician would accept the idea that
– be it the meaning of our lives, our cultures,
terrorism can be “Islamic”.
or our sciences – must take a complete view. GLOBALIA strives to indicate some of these
When the visionary George Orwell published
new views and ideas.
his famous future-novel 1984, he described
In 1981 there were only two universities, after Mahathir there were 16.
for this enormous land-mass, a peaceful order
which includes the vast numbers of Muslims
who are Europeans and Asians. 31 October 2003. At almost 78 years of age,
At almost 78 years of age, the head of the Malaysian government officially stepped down. As for what had been achieved in the country since Mahathir came to power, the press drew a positive balance.
the head of the Malaysian government officially stepped down from the post which he had taken up in 1981.As for what had been achieved in the country since Mahathir came to power, the press drew a positive balance. In 1981 there were only two universities, after Mahathir there were 16. The number of doctors rose from 2,000 to 15,300, hospitals
Istanbul 2007. Dr. Mahathir, former Head of
Istanbul – this time hosted by the European
from 88 to 374. “What he achieved for the
State, speaks about the role of European
Muslim Union (EMU) – Mahathir’s poised
development of our economy and infra-
Muslims and the future of the Eurasian
rhetoric captivated the audience at his first
structure was phenomenal,” claims Chandra
continent. Malaysia’s former Prime Minister
speech of 2007, which he used to forge an
Muzzaffar, Director of JUST World Trust, an
is a politician to whom the concept of
intellectual link between the continents. The
independent think-tank based in Penang,
retirement remains distant. Between lecture
Eurasian continent, stated the politician, is
northern Malaysia. His enthusiasm climbs to
tours and a series of honorary positions,
developing its own gravitational force
rapture-point: “He spoke out for the poor
Mahathir is now busy founding a think-tank
following the epoch of trans-Atlantic relations.
and the oppressed, but he also expanded
(GAPID) for Muslim developing countries. In
His thinking revolves around a new nomos
trade relations and brought foreign investors
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
into the country. He ensured that Malaysia was able to develop quickly and at the same time remain stable.” The analyst considers Mahathir’s greatest service to be his attempt to build up international relations. Mahathir,
continues Chandra, was always active on behalf of people who were oppressed, whether in Palestine, Bosnia or Iraq. During the Balkan War Malaysia stood firmly at the side of the persecuted Muslims. Though some years have passed since he left power, Mahathir’s advice is still sought throughout the world. He does not leave Istanbul before meeting in private with Turkish
On the war in Iraq
On capitalism
“What has this war gained for America and
“It’s quite obvious that when the Eastern Bloc
Britain? Nothing except the unnecessary death
was still there, it was a tustle between capi-
of American soldiers, destruction of Iraq and
talism and communism. Once communism
higher oil prices. There is no democracy in
was defeated, capitalism could expand and
Iraq, for which American soldiers were
show its true self. It is no longer constrained
supposed to die. Invading a country today
by the need to be nice so that people will
Prime Minister Tayyib Erdogan. The two
does not end in conquest and subjugation of
choose their so-called free-market system as
Muslim politicians may belong to different
the people. The occupying forces would be
opposed a centrally planned system. So
generations, but they both embody the
continuously attacked by guerillas and
because of that, nowadays there is nothing
possibility of a meeting between Islam and
terrorists.War is no longer an option for even
to restrain capital, and capital is demanding
modernity. Both agree that ‘Islamic terrorism’
the most powerful countries in the settlement
that it should be able to go anywhere and do
is nothing but a cynical neologism. Muslim
of international disputes.”
whatever it likes.”
terrorists may exist, but, both are convinced, there certainly can be no Islamic terrorism.
An appeal to the American people, Perdana Global Peace Initiative
Both of them are of the view that the Muslims
On “Collateral damage”
can achieve a real future only with an
“If the innocent people who died in the attack
economic concept, not with anarchic violence.
on Afghanistan and those who have been
Neither politician sees a contradiction in
dying from lack of food and medical care in
adhering to Islamic tradition while being open
Iraq are considered collateral, are the 3,000
to technical progress.
who died in New York, and the 200 in Bali also just collateral whose deaths are necessary
And indeed, Mahathir’s powerful political philosophy follows all of the categories of
for operations to succeed?” 2003, speech to the Non-Aligned Movement in Kuala Lumpur
reason. His thinking was put to the practical
1 February 2007, interview with the USAmerican broadcaster PBS
On currency trading “I mention all these because society must be protected from unscrupulous profiteers. I know I am taking a big risk to suggest it, but I am saying that currency trading is unnecessary, unproductive and immoral. It should be stopped. It should be made illegal. We don’t need currency trading.We need to buy money only when we want to finance real trade. Otherwise we should not buy or sell currencies as we sell commodities.” 20 September 1997, at the annual seminar of
test on at least one occasion in the economic
On suicide bombings
sphere. The assault on Malaysia’s national
“Suicide is expressly forbidden in Islam. It is
integrity in the 1990s was not by armies and
a grave sin. And the deliberate killing of
Prosperity and peace
tanks, it was by other methods. Currency
innocent civilians is either murder or an act
“Prosperous countries, on the other hand,
of terror. We should not shy away from
are more likely to be peaceful and less of a
accepting that. Once we have done that we
burden to the rest of the world. A prosper-
could, of course, explain and understand the
thy-neighbour policy would therefore give a
causes of suicide bombing and acts of terror.
better return than a beggar-thy-neighbour
understood that it was his country’s political
This is not difficult to do in the case of
sovereignty that was at stake. Mahathir, a
20 September 1997, at the annual seminar of
Muslim, followed the logic of the
23 May 2003, Interview with Amir Taheri
the World Bank in Hong Kong
speculators attacked the national economy and with it the ringgit. The Prime Minister’s response was to remain cool. Mahathir
the World Bank in Hong Kong
THE MUSLIM WORLD TODAY EXCERPTS FROM A TALK BY TUN DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD IN ISTANBUL incapable of even producing their own basic needs. In fact even for their own defence they have to source their weapons from the nonMuslims. (...) But there is also Fard al-Kifayah, which must be performed by a member or some members of the Muslim community. Failing which, the whole community would bear the sin, which the individual performance of Fard al-’Ayn cannot expiate. Thus it is incumbent upon a Muslim community to have experts in the fields of defence, in agriculture and food production, in medicine and so on, so That there should be European Muslims at all
see Muslims and Muslim countries languish-
that the community is well provided for and
is a blessing. I believe that many Europeans
ing in poverty and misery, unable even to
can look after its well-being.
are now accepting Islam because they have
feed themselves, much less to develop and
lost faith in Christianity or they themselves
prosper their communities and nations. (...)
(...) If we want Islam to be respected, to win
feel spiritually lost. We should be happy and
We see a state of denial among other Muslims
support – if not convert non-Muslims – we
grateful to Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, that
where they claim that although they are being
there are still Europeans who are Muslim.
oppressed and looked down upon, although
But there is little that is pleasing about the
they are poverty-stricken and miserable,
present situation of European Muslims and
actually they are better off than their
indeed of Islam and the Muslims generally.
tormentors and oppressors. In fact some contend that being miserable, poor and
Today we hear open condemnation of Islam
oppressed is what makes them good Muslims.
as a religion which promotes terrorism. (...)
(...) This is self-deception of a high degree. In
We see Muslim countries being invaded and
reality this world is as much for the Muslims
Muslims slaughtered. And we see Muslims
as it is for those of other faiths.
have to show that Muslims are good, successful people. In the first place we must develop a good capacity for governing our communities and countries. Most Muslim countries today are not well-governed and are not capable of development. They are largely consumer communities or nations incapable of industrialising and producing their modern needs. The education standards are low and as I said earlier they do not produce great
and their countries unable to help or protect
scholars as they did in the past. In a fast
their brothers and sisters because they are all
The question is, have we tried? The obvious
weak or they do not really regard other
answer is that we have not. If we look back
changing world they are not innovative,
Muslims as their brothers. (...)
we must notice that the greatness of the
always depending on others to come up with
Islamic civilization was due to the efforts
new ideas or products which they then buy
Yet we see many Muslim countries richer
made and work done by the early Muslims.
at inflated prices.
then they have ever been before, richer than
(...) We know that at one time the Muslims
even their rich detractors. We see Muslim
were the most successful people. They
Tun Dr. Mahathir’s lecture “The European
countries holding the key to the well-being
succeeded in building a great civilization. (...)
Muslims – Role and Responsibility” was
and prosperity of the world, but this has not
Muslims are certainly backward in this field.
given at the Eurasian Symposium of the
been used in the interests of Islam and the
They have become the consumers of the
European Muslim Union in Istanbul in
Muslims. (...) In the midst of this wealth we
products of modern knowledge and are quite
January 2007.
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
Enlightenment entirely, the tradition of reason
between the demand worldwide and in a
nation in soft tourism and in its power and
and rationalism. The country could not be
particular country, but these fluctuations are
water reserves. Bosnia needs a buyer for its
saved by amassing irrational debts. He did not
insignificant,” according to Mahathir. The
moribund national airline and investors for the
accept any of the IMF’s super-loan rescue
local gold price would determine the
expansion of modern transport routes. In
packages. Not without admiration, the elite
exchange rate between the local currency
Bosnia, people remember with respect the
of Europe watched his brilliant crisis-
and the Dinar, enabling the price of import-
politician’s efforts to ensure the state’s survival
management of the financial collapse of 1997
ed goods to be compared in Dinars and the
during the Balkan War. Today, threats to the
and 1998. His defence of political sovereignty
local currency, and also allowing local goods
country’s sovereignty are more of an economic
in the age of globalisation earned him the
to be exported. Furthermore, Dr. Mahathir,
nature.The juiciest cuts of the Balkan economy
respect of the whole world.
the Dinar could be used as a Central Bank
have long been sold off, and after the
reserve. This would mean that traders would
Conference it was still uncertain whether the
not need to deal with physical Dinars, and only
little nation could really look forward to an
the balance-sheet difference between the
economic future in the bitter wind of global
imports and exports of two countries would
In 2002, Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad actively began to apply the conclusions he had drawn from the currency crisis. He announced that his government had developed mechanisms for the use of the Gold Dinar in international trade. Mahathir was convinced that using a currency of this kind, which is based on the value of gold itself, would almost completely eliminate the
have to be paid in gold. “This will reduce the necessity to move the Gold Dinar around.The
After a life in politics, Mahathir knows the
surplus or deficit can be credited or debited
harsh rules of unfettered economics. In view
against future imports and exports.” Mahathir
of the difficult challenges of globalisation,
had linked his political experience to an
Mahathir finds himself very much in
economic vision.
agreement with the scepticism of those major European intellectuals who believe that
risk of speculation. “We have already established the methods for its use, and these can be applied to rectify any problems that occur,” ... “It will allow international trade to continue growing, since the cost of transactions will be reduced considerably because reserves to cover massive exchangerate fluctuations will no longer be needed,” stated Dr. Mahathir at the opening of the Islamic Capital Market Conference in Kuala
Scene-change, Sarajevo, summer 2007. At a
democracies are challenged less by Islamism
GAPID event, Mahathir attempts to make use
than by capitalism. What is becoming
of his excellent international contacts and
apparent, politically speaking – as under-
mobilise the economic strength of the Islamic
stood by some European thinkers – is the
world for the future of the little nation of
global threat of a totalitarian capitalism, a
Bosnia.A pragmatist, he believes that Muslims
capitalism which no longer stands in need of
are not so much born politicians as born
business-people. Mahathir sees great potential for the south-eastern European
Text Khalil Breuer
Lumpur. The proposal explicitly intended the gold currency as a means of exchange in
Putrajaya became a new administrative centre during Dr. Mahathir’s fourth tenure.
international trade, not in any way as a replacement for any country’s currency. With ingenuity, Mahathir thus linked tradition to modernity. The Islamic Dinar and Dirham were part of Islamic Law for more than 1,000 years.According to the standard of the second Khalif,‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, one Dinar equals 4.24 g of gold, while one Dirham corresponds to 3 g of silver. Gold has a particular value based on demand for the material. “Its value may fluctuate depending on the difference
The Greenback is losing more and more buying power.
seen as a signal that a break from the dollar
currency peg is imminent. The kingdom is
taking “appropriate measures” to protect itself from letting the dollar cause problems for its own economy. They are concerned
It is no secret that the dollar is on a downward spiral. Its value is dropping, and the Fed isn’t doing a whole lot to change that. As a result, some countries are considering a shift away from the dollar to preserve their assets. These states are considering a move from the dollar.
about the threat of inflation and do not want to deal with “recessionary conditions” in the US. Hans Redeker of BNP Paribas believes this creates a “very dangerous situation for the dollar,” as Saudi Arabia alone has management of $800 billion. Experts fear that a break from the dollar in Saudi Arabia could set off a “stampede” from the dollar in the Middle East, a region that manages
It is no secret that the dollar is on a down-
and how they will affect its value and the US
ward spiral. Its value is dropping, and the Fed
$3,500 billion.
South Korea
isn’t doing a whole lot to change that. As a
In 2005, Korea announced its intention to
result, a number of countries are considering
Saudi Arabia
a shift away from the dollar to preserve their
The Telegraph reports that for the first time,
other than the US. Although they are simply
assets. Here are seven of the countries
Saudi Arabia has refused to cut interest rates
making plans to diversify for the future, that
currently considering a move from the dollar,
along with the US Federal Reserve. This is
does not mean a large dollar drop isn’t in the
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
shift its investments to currencies of countries
works. There are whispers that the Bank of
recommended commercial banks, government
alternative to trading oil and other
Korea is planning to sell $1 billion of US bonds
departments, and private businesses to do
commodities in dollars. In 2006, Russian
in the near future, after a $100 million sale
the same. In 1997, the Central Bank of Sudan
President Vladimir Putin expressed interest in
this past August.
made a similar recommendation in response
establishing a Russian stock exchange which
to US sanctions from former President Clinton,
would allow “oil, gas, and other goods to be
but the implementation failed. This time
paid for in roubles.” Russia’s intentions are
After already dropping the dollar peg in 2005,
around, 31 Sudanese companies have become
no secret – in the past, they have made it clear
China has more trouble up its sleeve.
subject to sanctions, preventing them from
that they are wary of holding too many dollar
Currently, China is threatening a “nuclear
doing trade or financial transactions with the
reserves. In 2004, Russian Central Bank First
option” of huge dollar liquidation in response
US. Officially, the sanctions are reported to
Deputy Chairman Alexei Ulyukayev remarked,
to possible trade sanctions intended to force
have had little effect, but there are indications
“Most of our reserves are in dollars, and that
a yuan revaluation. Although China “doesn’t
that the economy is suffering due to these
is a cause for concern.” He went on to explain
want any undesirable phenomena in the
restrictions. A decision to move Sudan away
that, after considering the dollar’s rate against
global financial order,” its large sum of US
from the dollar is intended to allow the
the euro, Russia is “discussing the possibility
dollars does serve as a “bargaining chip”.As
country to work around these sanctions as
of changing the reserve structure.” Then in
we have noted in the past, China has the
well as any implemented in the future.
2005, Russia put an end to its dollar peg,
power to take the wind out of the dollar.
However, a Khartoum committee recently
opting to move towards a euro alignment.
concluded that proposals for a reduced
dependence on the dollar are “not feasible”.
Venezuela holds little loyalty to the dollar. In
Regardless, it is clear that Sudan’s intent is
fact they have shown overt disapproval,
to attempt a break from the dollar in the
choosing to establish barter deals for oil.
These barter deals, established under Hugo
They have discussed pricing oil in euros, a move that could produce a large shift away from the dollar and towards the euro, as Russia is the world’s second-largest exporter.
What does this all mean? Countries are growing weary of losing money
Chavez, allow Venezuela to trade oil with 12
Latin American countries and Cuba without
Iran is perhaps the most likely candidate for
using the dollar, shorting the US its usual
an imminent abandonment of the dollar.
subsidy. Chavez is not shy about this decision,
Recently, Iran requested that its shipments to
and has publicly encouraged others to adopt
Japan be traded for yen instead of dollars.
similar arrangements. In 2000, Chavez
Further, Iran has plans in the works to create
recommended to OPEC that they “take
an open commodity exchange called the Iran
advantage of high-tech electronic barter and
Oil Bourse. This exchange would make it
bi-lateral exchanges of its oil with its
possible to trade oil and gas in non-dollar
developing country customers,” or in other
currencies, the euro in particular. Although
words, stop using the dollar, or even the euro,
the oil bourse has missed at least three of its
for oil transactions. In September, Chavez
announced opening dates, it serves to make
instructed Venezuela’s state oil company
clear Iran’s intentions for the dollar. As of
Petroleos de Venezuela SA to change its dollar
October 2007, Iran receives non-dollar
dollar will be sorely missed if it is lost. The
investments to euros and other currencies in
currencies for 85% of its oil exports, and has
dollar’s status as a cheaply-produced US
order to mitigate risk.
plans to move the remaining 15% to
export is a vital part of the American economy.
currencies like the United Arab Emirates
Losing this status could rock the financial
lives of both Americans and the worldwide
Sudan Sudan is, once again, planning to convert its
Iran is not alone in its desire to establish an
protect their financial interests, and a number of them want to end the US oversight that comes with using the dollar.Although it’s not clear how many of these countries will actually follow through on an abandonment of the dollar, it is clear that its status as a world currency is in trouble. Obviously, an abandonment of the dollar is bad news for the currency. Simply put, as demand lessens, its value drops.Additionally, the revenue generated from the use of the
dollar holdings to the euro and other Additionally,
on the falling dollar. Many of them want to
Text The Muslim Observer
What do Muslims think about topics such as financial methods, globalisation, and alternatives to the predicted speculative crisis in the world’s finance markets? Until now, most of what we have heard has been about so-called ’IslamicBanking’. What do Muslims think about topics such
The enormous liquidity required for that is
as financial methods, globalisation, and
made possible through ever greater
alternatives to the predicted speculative
indebtedness – look at the USA – and through
crisis in the world’s finance markets?
a worldwide acceleration of growth in money
Until now, most of what we have heard
supply. Indebtedness and money supply
has been about so-called ’Islamic-
growth, in their turn, lead to inflation and a
Banking’, an attempt to re-create
loss of purchasing power. This is where gold
capitalism with an Islamic face. It was this
and silver come in – as documented protection
hot topic which we discussed with
against inflation and the decline of value. By
Mohamed Abbas, who is responsible for
their inherent value the precious metals
customer relations at e-dinar FZ LLC, a
remain inflation-neutral and protect their
Dubai-based Internet firm involved in
owner from depreciation.
gold and silver trading. The following views expressed by Mohamed Abbas are his own personal opinions and not necessarily those of his employer. Globalia: Mr Abbas, the whole world is talking about globalisation and all things associated with it. Do you see a
Globalia: So these money supplies are the fuel of globalisation, so to speak? Mohamed Abbas: Let me explain that in a bit more detail. The original ‘empowering’ of globalisation was based on the freely moveable utilisation of large capital sums for implementing consolidation and acquisition
connection between that and the re-
strategies that had to be coordinated
awakening interest in gold and silver?
internationally. In other words, globalisation causes unnaturally high liquidity, and world
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
Mohamed Abbas: I see only an indirect
economic growth, both of which are extended
connection, if any. The global consolidation
beyond what is naturally compatible – we see
of the world economy has caused the
this in the continual acceleration of
simultaneous management of large capital
environmental pollution and the associated
amounts in different markets and continents.
climatic catastrophes.This super-capital, which
For the Eurozone this means that in seven years, twice as many euros will be in circulation as there are today. Although this ought to provoke some reflection, no-one seems to resist. While the state uses this situation to finance its financial mismanagement, the citizen is left struggling with more and more cheap money, and in the long-term we as workers and normal salaried employees are the ones who suffer from this ruinous monetary policy. Globalia: Is that why the topic of gold is more popular than ever?
Source of wealth: South African worker in a gold mine.
Mohamed Abbas: As you might probably know, e-dinar works with Emirates Gold (the largest gold and silver producer in the Middle
today is in the service of fewer and fewer
Western countries are today creating new
East) to produce the Gold Dinar and Silver
people, is used as a means for total economic
money at a rate of up to 13 per cent per
Dirham as the traditional currency of the
consolidation (call it globalisation) and has
Muslims in accordance with the exact
successfully freed itself from the need to
historical standards. The Dinar and Dirham
satisfy any moral or ethical requirements. In
Globalia: Where does this money come
were used for more than 1200 years, all the
other words, the global use of capital is
way from China to Europe and Africa, as the
guaranteed through the ‘free market
most important means of payment, and are
economy’ and as such cannot be brought into
Mohamed Abbas: The new money doesn’t
the most significant and enduring bi-metallic
question. The necessary liquidity is based on
bring any new value along with it, since it is
currency in the history of humankind. The
increasing indebtedness and a growth of the
born in a magical fashion – it is created out
Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham are therefore
money supply, which have taken on alarming
of nothing – and it is not backed up by
highly symbolic in character. On a practical
proportions. While this steadily growing
inherent value like gold. Instead it ‘borrows’
level, gold and silver are ideal to avoid the
indebtedness forces a growing slice of the
its value, as it were, from existing money,
aforementioned inflation. Since gold and silver
gross domestic product to be spent servicing
with the result that every year the existing
are not created out of nothing, rather have
interest payments, money is being printed
money loses a corresponding share of its
to be wrestled out of the ground, then
without end – until the trees are used up, so
purchasing power. The M3 growth rate is
transported and refined, they have a
to speak – and the M3, as the broadest
clearly closer to real inflation than the too-
guaranteed inherent value which is based on
measure of money supply, grows at 12 to 13
low, glossed-over inflation figures that central
a combination of the cost of obtaining and
per cent annually in the USA and the
banks use for their official reports.
producing them, their rarity, and demand in
Eurozone. In poorer regions, money supply is
Interestingly, the US Federal Reserve (the Fed)
the market. This inherent value prevents a
growing considerably faster.
stopped measuring and publishing the M3 at
reduction in purchasing power. Historically,
the end of 2006, most likely in order to allow
gold and silver are regarded as immune to
In other words, in order to guarantee the
it to keep driving its miraculous reproduction
inflation.When inflation is high, gold and sil-
liquidity needed for globalisation and to
of money higher and higher, unencumbered
ver prices therefore rise more quickly – some-
finance the indebtedness it causes, the
by bothersome criticism.
thing we have certainly seen in recent years.
Globalia: Does this mean we should
worldwide paper value – including money,
for the flourishing of science, arts and trade
return to some kind of gold standard?
stocks and shares, bonds and derivatives – lies
in the European Renaissance.
somewhere between USD 250 and 400 billion, Mohamed Abbas:As you likely know, the last
depending on which estimates and sources
For Muslims the use of gold and silver is not
official gold standard, which was anchored
you choose. To give you a visual idea, all the
some kind of backwards-looking romanticism.
in the Bretton-Woods Agreement, was finally
gold in the world could be stored easily in a
This is demonstrated by the payment of Zakat
dissolved by President Nixon in 1971. That
medium sized hall.
(a 2.5% tax calculated on standing wealth), which has to be paid in gold and silver – and
meant the removal of what was then a partial backing of the US dollar by gold.At the same
One of the effects of a new gold standard
time this was the formal end of gold as the
would be that the retroactive backing of the
reserve currency.The wondrous reproduction
world’s paper money by gold would cause a
of paper money which began in 1971 resulted
50 to 100-fold increase in the gold price –
in extreme inflation and raging interest rates
something which in reality would not be
Mohamed Abbas: The Qur’an specifies that a
– up until 1980 both were well over 10 per
means of payment must possess an inherent
also by normal daily transactions. Globalia: Why is that?
value that corresponds to its purchasing
cent – and one of the biggest bull-runs on gold in history, in which its per-ounce price rose
A new gold standard can only be implemented
power.All types of promise of payment – and
by 2000 per cent in ten years; in 1971 gold
after the inevitable collapse of the world
our modern paper money is nothing other
cost 44 US dollars and by 1980 it cost 850.
financial system. The question is not if, but
than that – are forbidden and cannot be used
Although the only way to reconstruct the
when. Only then will gold find its way back
in payment transactions, because they are
necessary fiscal discipline would be to link
to its historical role as the ‘mother of all
inextricably linked to interest, and Muslims
money growth to gold – governments have
may not have involvement with interest. For example, as soon as new paper money is
amply demonstrated their inability to maintain such discipline themselves – such a process
Globalia: Can you tell us something about
created, it is ‘loaned’ at an internal interest
could no longer be implemented in the
the reality of the Gold Dinar and the
rate by the Central Bank to the commercial
developing world today. We have already
Silver Dirham in the past, and their basis
banks, who in turn lend it at higher interest
passed the point of no return and are on
in Islamic Law?
rates to their customers. In the context of the fractional-reserve system this business is
course for a financial collision in the world economy. Even if it were possible to reinstate
Mohamed Abbas: As I mentioned before, the
extremely profitable. The fractional-reserve
a partial gold standard, the resulting
Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham are the
system means that a commercial bank is able
deceleration in economic expansion and
traditional currency of the Muslims, and were
to lend out the same single euro between 20
money supply growth would tend to bring an
used as an accepted means of payment all
and 40 times. At five per cent interest per
economic and financial collapse forward in
the way from China to Europe and Africa for
year, the bank is earning 100 to 200 per cent
the West rather than delay it – something
more than 1200 years. They are the most
annually from the interest on loans covered
which, incidentally, does not apply to the
important and enduring bi-metallic currency
by its customer’s cash deposits. Such a
poorest countries in the world, as I will
in the history of man. A lesser known fact is
miraculous increase of wealth is of course
explain. Thus for the rich countries there
that the first European gold and silver
only possible if you accept money created
remains only the unattractive prospect of
currencies of the late Middle Ages were based
out of nothing, and would fail miserably with
confronting their own collapse with open
on, and also copied, the Muslim coins. The
a physical gold and silver currency. That is
Muslim coins quickly established themselves
why Islam prohibits promises of payment as
in the trading centres of that time such as
a means of payment. The Prophet
Let’s look briefly at some key figures. While
Venice and Barcelona, and found their way
Muhammad, may the blessings and peace of
the world’s above-ground gold stocks –
from there to the largest cities and royal
Allah be upon him, said: “A time will certainly
including all bullion, jewellery and coins –
houses of northern Europe. The spread of
come upon mankind when nothing will be of
amount to around 160,000 tons (nearly USD
European gold and silver currencies in the
use except a Dinar and a Dirham.” In the year
4 billion at today’s market price), the
late Middle Ages, in turn, laid the foundation
695 of the Christian calendar, the Khalif
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
‘Abdalmalik minted the first Dirhams, thereby
without inherent value, and so on – ‘Islamic
country with some 200 million Muslims. In our
establishing the official standard of ‘Umar
Banking’ is just as weak and sickly as the
work with developing countries we orient
ibn Al-Khattab. In the following years, on the
Western model.
ourselves around the motto: If you have
order of the Khalif, the Dirham was produced
nothing to lose you can only win. We are
in all the regions of Islam with the inscription,
Globalia: Do you see the Dinar as an
confident that Indonesia in particular will
“Allah is Unique,Allah is Eternal”. In addition
alternative for the peoples and regions
soon take definite steps towards a gold and
he ordered that all human and animal figures
which have been hit especially hard by
silver currency.
be removed from the coins and that these be
globalisation? If so, how do you think it
replaced by letters. This order was upheld for
will take shape?
the next 1200 years.Typical inscriptions were
Globalia: Can you give us some final words from your practical experience?
“La ilaha ill’Allah” (There is no god except
Mohamed Abbas: The gold and coin trade in
Allah) and “Alhamdulillah” (All praise is due
the Western world is naturally very strictly
Mohamed Abbas: It is interesting that the
to Allah) on one side with the prayer on the
regulated – for example through taxation.
Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham enjoy great
The Muslims must of course respect these
popularity with coin collectors and precious
laws. But we see a natural market for the
metal investors throughout the world. This
Dinar in the poorest countries of the world,
certainly has to do with their outstanding
in which a small stratum of extremely rich
quality, their cost-effectiveness, and the fact
individuals stand on top of the impoverished
that the coins can only be purchased through
masses. These lands have not yet had the
us. That gives them a certain exclusivity.
Prophet “sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam” (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and sometimes verses from the Qur’an on the other side. Gold and silver remained the official currency of Islam until the fall of the Khalifate at the beginning of the 20th century.
opportunity to form a middle class. As soon
Globalia: But have there not been many attempts to ‘islamicise’ the dominant financial
corresponding products into line?
as a middle class has formed, an ever larger proportion of the population profit from the continually expansive and, in the mediumterm, ruinous monetary policies, and so they take no interest in an alternative money system which tends towards being more
Mohamed Abbas: Yes, there is an outright euphoria
Interestingly, the Western banking giants such
We have been presenting our ideas and
as HSBC, Citybank and UBS can be seen
concepts in Malaysia and Indonesia since the
striving the hardest to attract previously
end of the 1990s, and now our work is
neglected Muslim customers with their
beginning to bear fruit. In Indonesia the
‘Islamic Banking’ schemes. From the reasons
interest is enormous. No wonder, given the
I gave earlier, we see ‘Islamic Banking’ as
Rupiah’s annual devaluation of over 30 per
nothing more than an insignificant variation
cent, and an average daily income of less
on the Western banking model, and in no
than one US dollar. If we set these key figures
way an acceptable alternative to it, from an
against an annual increase in gold price of
Islamic perspective. The only difference is in
20 to 25 per cent, then the advantages of a
the semantics and the calculation model
gold currency for Indonesia become obvious
through which the banks siphon off their
– and above all because they simply have
profits from the customer. Since they haven’t
nothing to lose.
changed the basics – such as the mythical reproduction of money, the means of payment
Indonesia is the most populous Muslim
Impression from the gold bazar in Kuwait
industry that will need to be tackled with a
great deal of skill and intelligence.These are:
As the Halal market continues to expand, we see it entering a new phase. The early adaptors have established their positions, and the floodgates are opening. The aroma of revenue is in the air, but there is more than just following your nose.
• Finance • Communication These four issues form the core components for the future development of the Halal industry,
governmental, corporate or private company perspective.The focus may shift, but the issues remain the same.
Halal is currently in the process of undergoing
poultry suppliers, ingredient suppliers,
a paradigm shift. With the staging of the 1
restaurant chains, shipping companies, banks
Malaysian International Halal Showcase,
and retailers are elbowing each other for their
Halal Integrity: the cornerstone
MIHAS, in August 2004, and the simultaneous
place around the Halal buffet table with their
Halal and Haram form a part of the
publication of the pilot of The Halal Journal,
eyes on the choicest cuts.
fundamental behavioural parameters sent down to us by Allah, via the final Messenger,
Halal became, for the first time, the defining factor for a new market. At the inaugural
Similarly, governments, NGOs and agencies
Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant
are shifting their attention onto the Halal
him peace, to mankind. Without the
representatives from every sector of the Halal
sector as a means of gaining market share for
Messenger, and the Deen of Islam, we would
not have this guidance, nor this opportunity.
industry assembled in Kuala Lumpur; at that point, Halal became an industry.
Halal and Haram form a
There are some Qur’anic verses in Surat
Indeed, if Halal lives up to its inherent
part of the fundamental
Ibrahim that are relevant to all of us in the
potential, it will represent a paradigm shift
behavioural parameters
Halal industry:
in the global market. Halal is a market
sent down to us by Allah,
parameter that is based on belief in, and
“Do you do not see how Allah makes a likeness of a good word: a good tree
consequent obedience to a Divine command.
via the final Messenger
whose roots are firm and whose branches
While kosher commands market respect in a
to mankind, Muhammad.
are in heaven? It bears its fruit regularly
similar field, it pales into insignificance when
by the permission of its Lord.Allah makes
placed alongside the emerging potential of
likenesses for people so that perhaps
the Halal market.With close to 2 billion people
their national produce, and in some cases as
they may pay heed. The likeness of a
having Halal as their number one choice – and
a means of developing their own national
corrupt word is that of a rotten tree,
the majority of the other 4.5 billion people
economies. While the market swirls with
uprooted on the surface of the earth. It
generally amenable to eating Halal – the
superlatives there are a host of not
has no staying power.”
market implications are staggering. It is small
insignificant hurdles to be surmounted before
wonder, therefore, that many of the biggest
Halal can make the critical metamorphosis
Given that the global food industry, for the
names in every sector of the market have
from an emerging bud into a fully-opened
most part, had little or no interest in the Halal
sharpened their focus on Halal.
sector until comparatively recently, most of the application of Halal has been based on
The biggest food manufacturers, meat and
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
There are four key areas within the Halal
converting existing procedures from non-
Halal to Halal, rather than building them as Halal compliant from the ground up. Halal compliance has in general been promoted and established by small independent Islamic bodies that have audited and certified the predominantly non-Muslim producers, thereby ensuring that the Muslim consumer has Halal meat available for purchase. While this arrangement has enabled a viable Halal market to emerge, it contains an inherent imbalance that has led to its own set of problems. Halal certification is a profitable and as yet unregulated activity; with Halal certification a pre-requisite to accessing the Muslim markets, food producers have generally, and understandably, taken the line of least resistance when it comes to getting Halal certification. In the last decade we have witnessed a proliferation of break-away Islamic bodies competing with each other, often fiercely, for a share of the lucrative certification market. Undercutting on price and turn-around time has become commonplace, often with insults and allegations following closely behind. Government-run certification agencies, where they exist, have fared only slightly better. Often bogged down in a maze of bureaucratic procedure, and with little or no incentive to be efficient, Halal certification – and even renewals – can take months, making efficient production almost impossible. This aspect of Halal integrity has become the most critical issue facing the Halal industry, and it is essential that we, as an industry, get it right. Halal certification must become an efficient, transparent and industry-compliant procedure in the Halal market, and the extent to which
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
A halal seal which has been issued in Malaysia
we succeed in establishing excellence in the
us, and the best choice from all points of
For these reasons, and others, the Muslims
arena of Halal integrity will determine our
have up until now been slow to recognise the
success in the overall market.
opportunities that exist in this market.
Developing Capacity Making profit is permitted, it is in itself Halal.
It is not just the corporate sector that is
This is not an easy challenge, as the causes
However, if we let the profit motive have too
gearing up to meet the expanding demand
of delay and inefficient channels of delivery
much power, and compromise the integrity of
in the Halal market; an increasing number of
are usually embedded in the actual structure
either our products on one hand or our
national governments have made Halal an
of government in many countries. Inefficiency
services on the other, we will have let slip the
actual, or a least a potential, tool for the
is an integral part of the system. Clearly, those
very component upon which this vast market
development of the national economy. And
Muslim lands still under the direct rule of an
rests. Quite simply, the market needs more
so they should. There are of course varying
Amir, King or Sultan have a certain advantage
Halal-certified products, and there is no way
approaches to Halal depending on where you
if they can give an order and then see it
to achieve this without improving the
look, but both the Muslim and non-Muslim
carried out without the all-too-familiar
certification process. With the right
majority countries have recognised that Halal
bureaucratic turf wars.
foundations in place, Halal can be developed
warrants a closer look in order to take it to
to overlap with many other market factors
the next level.
Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is
The biggest challenge for the non-Muslims
Ethical investment, environmental concern
involved in the Halal market is to gain an
and fair trade are terms that are showing up
authentic understanding of their Muslim
on Wall Street as well as the High Street.
customers’ beliefs, requirements and
Being a good corporate citizen has an effect
preferences.The best means of nurturing this
on the bottom line. It was at one time thought
understanding is through a genuine
that the average burger-eater or coffee-drinker
collaboration with the Muslims within their
did not care very much about ethical corporate
own borders, those who, at both the
behaviour. But it has been proven otherwise,
production and certification stages, are the
and there are a growing number of major
ones giving them access to the Halal market
brands that are following down those paths
in the first place. Certainly, in places such as
that were first cut through the corporate
Thailand and the Philippines, the development
jungle by men and women more at home in
of the Halal industry in the Muslim majority
dungarees and sandals than pin-stripe suits.
not stressed; they do not see the knife, nor
areas of the country has been put forward as
Doing good is turning out to be good business.
witness the slaughter, nor even the residue
an effective way to gain stability and
of slaughter, of other animals.
economic progress.
such as environmental and social compliance, health awareness, fair trade and animal welfare. All of these elements fall within the broader scope of the meaning of Halal, and they are all strengthening market forces in their own right. The stakeholders in the Halal industry must become leaders in these fields also. We cannot simply leave others to champion causes such as fair trade or animal welfare without constructive input and collaboration from the Halal industry. Animal welfare in particular is an issue of enormous importance to us.Animals must be well fed, watered and
However, at present, as in the Halal market, those organisations that are leading the way
Our scientific communities similarly have an
For the Muslim world in general, the
in energy conservation, environmental
obligation to test the hypothesis that Halal
challenges and opportunities that exist in the
concern, fair trade and animal welfare are all
treatment and slaughter, as well as being
Halal market are many and complex. Mostly
lead by non-Muslims. How many times do
kinder to the animal, also produces the best
underdeveloped, the Muslim countries are
we, as Muslims, ask Allah to give us good in
meat; safer, healthier, cleaner, and with a
primarily net importers of food. The Muslim
this world and good in the Next? The plot of
better shelf life. Allah has commanded
food producers have, for the most part, not
Allah, or if you prefer, circumstance and
mankind to eat ‘Halal and Tayyib’, and we
seen any need to develop Halal standards for
common interest have made the Halal market
therefore have a responsibility to demonstrate,
their own domestic use, nor the need to give
precisely the arena in which this supplication
by scientific methodology, why it is better for
Halal any definition or status under the law.
can be fulfilled.
Islamic banking is slowly waking up to the
However, this is the absolute baseline in terms
advantages; we have a much larger consumer
fact that it cannot just try to be usury without
of communicating a message. In this respect
base who do not need as much persuasion.
usury. We can of course take the alcohol out
we have much to learn from the pioneers of
They are already actively looking out for Halal
of the wine, but surely we can think of better
the organic, environmental and fair trade
products among the sea of all the rest, going
ways to use the grapes!
lobbies. In every case, these groups needed
out of their way to frequent specialist shops
to educate and inform the public about the
and markets to get what they are looking for.
Those Islamic financial institutions that realise
benefits – health, moral, social, environmental
that there is an emerging Halal market
– of the products and services on offer. In
Halal has the highest potential for brand value
economy where ‘value’ refers to more than
almost every case the price was higher than
and brand loyalty compared with all the rest;
something to be entered into an Excel sheet
normal, so the message needed to be
we have not even started to develop this
are the ones who are going to play the lead-
sufficiently compelling to convert the browser
aspect of our market. The brand specialists
ing roles in the next chapter of Islamic
into the purchaser. The message, over time,
now tell us that the successful brands of
had to generate a tipping point.
tomorrow will represent real cultural, social and religious values; they will have
Quality – of service, of product and of life – is going play as important a role as quantity in the years to come, and Halal is pivotal to this transition. Halal, in its fullest sense, provides the full set of parameters for a market arena in which ethical behaviour is as important as the numbers leading to the bottom line.
Delivering the Message
The Halal industry is today in a similar zone
authenticity and integrity; they will speak for
to the one occupied by these market sectors
the individual identity as well as the corporate
a decade or two ago in that they were niche
one; corporations will have to live their brand
product ranges aiming for the mainstream
and upmarket shelves. For their campaign they used every available opportunity, every
All of these key factors could have been
available surface and medium to get their
written for the Halal market. Halal scores very
message across.
highly in all of these areas, and it remains for the corporations and their marketing teams
Go to the supermarket; find the organic
to understand how to engineer this cross-
section; look at the packaging, read the box,
over of values into the Halal arena. In part,
examine the labels; there is a message there.
this will require a paradigm shift in attitude
Look at the fair trade message, it’s on the
– primarily to ourselves and our own products
packet, the leaflet, the merchandising, the
and services. We, the Muslims, have for too
T-shirt, the rock concert. Some of the
long seen ourselves as running to catch up,
question of how we deliver the message
messages have even become the wallpaper
or as minorities trying to fit in. No-one will
about the benefits and qualities of Halal
on coffee shop walls.
believe in your product if you do not believe
The issues connected to Halal and Haram, as core components of the Deen of Islam, are essentially parts of a message. Delivering, establishing and embodying this message are fundamental aspects of developing the Halal market. But beyond those three aspects, the
in it yourself, and there is nothing that is more
remains an almost totally unexplored area. In this respect, the packaging and marketing
convincing than being convinced yourself.
The main issue discussed today is whether or
of Halal products and services are critical
not putting a Halal logo on the product gives
issues for our industry, issues that are poised
When these values – whether it is from the
added value; overall, with a few marked
to go through an order-of-magnitude
outside in or the inside out, top down or
exceptions, the consensus is that clear proof
transformation. We have to change our
bottom up – permeate our directors, managers
of Halal certification adds value. Customers
mindset from one whereby we are quietly
and staff, then we will be able to nurture our
look for it and like to see it. It saves the
helping people to fulfill a religious obligation
industry through the next critical phase of
confusing, and sometimes almost impossible
to demonstrating convincingly why we are the
growth. It is all based on the people.
task of reading all the ingredients – micro-
best choice – for everyone. The brand manager of one of the famous
ingredients often appear in micro text! A Halal logo makes life easier.
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
In the Halal market, we have several
coffee chains wrote that he knew he had
Big producers find the new market attractive
succeeded when he heard on of the baristas
and, in principle, there are enough elements
worlds. We all have the opportunity to play
say,“We are not in the coffee business, serving
in harmonious alignment to move to the next
an active role in the development of a dynamic
people; we are in the people business, serving
stage of growth.
new market paradigm, one that transcends race, national boundaries and geography, one
coffee.� Stakeholders, large and small, representing all
that promises considerable financial reward,
Making the Transition
the elements of the Halal value chain want
and at the same time, most importantly, is
In order to enable our industry to shift gear,
to see growth and change. There are enough
pleasing to Allah.
we have to develop all of the pieces at the same time. Integrity; Capacity; Finance; Communication.We need all of them to move
The Halal industry is today in a similar zone to the one occupied
ahead in concert to allow the metamorphosis
by the organic, environmental and fair trade sectors a decade
to take place.
or two ago in that they were niche product ranges aiming for
This is where the hard work really begins. So
the mainstream and upmarket shelves.
far, we have talked; now we need to strategise, plan, commit, act.There are a host of obstacles in front of us; different standards; certification issues; competition, greed, indifference; government bureaucracy and political manoeuvring.All of these need to be overcome. But the wind and the tide are in our favour. Things move when there is a convergence of common interest towards a common goal,
committed individuals of high integrity who
We continually ask for good in this world and
would like to see this industry, and this market
good in the Next. Our chosen industry gives
succeed. For many of them, their commitment
us the opportunity to have that. Let us not
to Halal goes far beyond the limits of their
waste that chance.
job description, beyond their corporation and beyond financial consideration.
For more information, contact
For those fortunate ones, the Halal industry is, literally, giving them the best of both Text Abdul Hamid Evans
As with everything in life, empires come and
go. The Pax Britannica has gone the way of
the Pax Romana – and the Pax Americana is a far cry from its predecessors.
Indefinite detention without charge, without hope, without independent legal representation or trial; torture, and “evidence” obtained through torture used in court – we are all aware that these things happen.
President Bush has publicly declared that “those who murder innocent woman and children are evil.” He is right – and yet he appears to be oblivious of the hundreds of thousands of innocent woman and children who have been killed by means of the American military-industrial complex since
No-one in this day and age can begin an
him with rods. When the chief captain
the end of World War II in countries such as
article with a Latin title without providing a
commanded that Paul “should be examined
Vietnam, Argentina, Columbia, Peru, Chile,
quote or two: “In the bygone days of Empire,
by scourging”, Paul asked a centurion: “Is it
Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine – to name but
the Australian sheep farmer, the Gold Coast
lawful for you to scourge a man that is a
a few.
witch doctor and the Bengali peasant shared
Roman, and uncondemned?” (Acts 22:24-5) But then of course none of these victims had
a common bond. All owed allegiance to the British sovereign; all were British subjects by
“I therefore fearlessly challenge the verdict
given their allegiance to the United States of
virtue of that allegiance.As Edmund Burke put
which this ... House is to give,” said Lord
America – and therefore, following that
it, these were ties ‘which, though light as air,
Palmerston on the 25th of June 1850, quoting
ancient reasoning, they were not entitled to
are as strong as links of iron.’ In a moment
Cicero, “... whether, as the Roman, in days of
its protection.
of difficulty or danger, a man’s British citizenship could easily be his most valuable possession. In 1849, when Don Pacifico, a Jewish merchant of Malta, was refused compensation by the Greek government for injuries he had suffered at the hands of some of its citizens, Lord Palmerston, Britain’s Prime Minister, sent the British navy to blockade Piraeus. British subjects the world over, Palmerston told the House of Commons at the time, could boast as proudly of their citizenship as St. Paul did when he said: ‘Civis Romanus sum.’” (Time, March 8, 1971)
old, held himself free from indignity, when he could say “Civis Romanus sum”; so also a
And although international human rights law
British subject, in whatever land he may be,
is not based on any oath of allegiance and is
shall feel confident that the watchful eye and
meant to apply to everyone, equally,
the strong arm of England will protect him
everywhere – in practice it is often observed
against injustice and wrong.”
Implicit in this oath of allegiance and the
The human rights of the victims of Srebrenica,
protection afforded through it is that anyone
for example, did not save them from their
who had not given their allegiance was not
fate – and yet the UN troops who collected
entitled to such protection. If Paul had not
their weapons and then betrayed their trust
been a Roman citizen, there would have been
were immune from prosecution.
no restriction on his being “examined by This plea, “Civis Romanus sum” – “I am a
scourging”, that is, on his being tortured in
And although, for example, the Attorney
Roman citizen”, sufficed in ancient Rome to
order to elicit information.
General advised that regime change was not permissible under international law as a
stop arbitrary condemnation, bonds and scourging. No Roman citizen could be
If Don Pacifico had not been a British subject,
justification for the invasion of Iraq, the
condemned unheard; by the Valerian Law he
Lord Palmerston would not have ordered the
inevitable civilian ‘collateral damage’ of the
could not be bound; and by the Sempronian
blockade of Piraeus in order to secure justice
shock and awe bombing spree that was
Law it was forbidden to scourge him or beat
for him.
deemed necessary in order to have a tyrant
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
London: police and young Muslims in front of a Mosque in Brixton
and his henchmen ultimately hanged was
the precaution of being embedded – that is,
protect us, anyone can be arrested on the
accepted as unavoidable, with no remedies
of accepting to be told what they may and
grounds of a suspicion which does not even
or compensation either for the victims or their
may not report.
have to be reasonable – and if deemed
surviving relatives in accordance with human
necessary, we can, for example, be extradited
rights law.These are the harsh realities of the
Indefinite detention without charge, without
to the USA even when there is no prima facie
world in which we live – harsh realities which
hope, without independent legal representa-
evidence to support either the extradition
impinge on our daily lives even in the British
tion or trial; torture, and ‘evidence’ obtained
request or indeed a prosecution in the UK.
through torture used in court – we are all aware that these things happen.
A British citizen may say, “Civis Britannia
We are told that such measures are intelligence-led – but what if the intelligence
sum” – “I am a British citizen.” But for an
We all hope that we will not fall under
is mistaken, or worse still, cynically uncaring
unfortunate few, a combination of rendition
suspicion, maybe even be wounded or
or disinterested? What if being called
for torture and Guantanamo Bay style
executed by mistake – we are all aware that
Muhammad or Khan is enough to warrant
detention camps has guaranteed, inter alia,
these things happen.
and exchanged for a bounty of a few hundred
We all know that under the current legislation,
It is not surprising, in this climate, that neo-
dollars, and of journalists who did not take
which we are told has been promulgated to
con think-tanks seek to marginalise
the ‘arrest’ of people who were kidnapped
mainstream Muslims and misrepresent Muslim organisations in the name of promoting social cohesion, while knowing full well that the intended result of their strategy should result in the opposite, so that ultimately their quarry should be cowed into tolerating their intolerance. This is why I found the presentation of Justice Albie Sachs at the Minority Lawyers Conference 2007 such a source of inspiration and hope: Here stood a man who had been given a unique experience in life, who had not only witnessed what appeared impossible, but who had taken part in making what appeared to be impossible happen. He had spoken the truth in the court of a tyrant. He had spoken out against ignorance and bias, blind prejudice, inhuman treatment, arbitrary arrest, detention, torture and institutional murder – to the extent that the people whom he criticised tried without success to have him blown up and killed. And then when the apartheid state was dismantled, he did not busy himself with seeking revenge, but rather he busied himself with establishing justice and making his part of the world a better place. As Justice Albie Sachs humbly concluded, without a trace of bitterness in his voice, “If this could happen in South Africa, then it can happen anywhere.” Published in The Muslim Lawyer, Volume 5, Issue 1, Dhu’l-Qada 1428, November 2007.
Text Ahmad Thomson
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
reform agenda. This is blamed in part on
disregard of the Dayton Agreement, and
nationalist rhetoric.” Limited capacity has been recorded in democracy and the rule of
Despite some economic progress, the European Union says that corruption, organised crime and ethnic tensions are continuing to obstruct progress in the Western Balkans.
law, and politicians in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, the capitals of Bosnia’s two autonomous entities, are criticised for not demonstrating a willingness to take further political responsibility. “Urgent measures are needed to ensure effective functioning of state-level institutions,” the report says
The fight against corruption and organised
While Albania is recognised as a country that
crime is acknowledged by the Commission to
continuously played the constructive role in
have been in the focus of the Albanian
regional stability, the European Commission
leadership’s endeavours. However, it states
considers that the political system has not
that corruption remains widespread in the
the Bosnian Serbs’ Republika Srpska and the
improved because of the democratic culture
country.The report acknowledges that Tirana
Federation that brings together mostly
that dominates in Albania. “Political parties’
has continued to investigate and prosecute
Bosniaks (Muslims) and Croats. “Overall
lack of will to cooperate continued to hold
human trafficking vigorously, and that border
performance of executive and legislative
back reforms, particularly in the electoral and
controls have been strengthened. However,
institutions has remained poor. Discussions on
judicial field,” says this year’s progress report.
Albania remains a “significant transit country
constitutional reform have stalled,” the report
It notes that judicial reforms have made very
for human beings.” Civil society in Albania is
limited progress during the year, and the
described as weak. Its representatives, the
judiciary’s function has been of a poor standard
report says, are not sufficiently involved in
Bosnia has made little progress in the fight
because of “corruption and shortfalls in
policy-making, and they lack resources,
organisational capacity, advocacy skills and
widespread and constitutes a serious
regional links. Albania’s economy has been
problem.” The Commission considers that
growing fast, and the Commission considers
more determined action is needed, and notes
that macroeconomic stability has been
that the National Anti-Corruption Strategy
maintained even while the external deficit
has not been implemented properly. As in all
has further widened, due to the crisis in the
Western Balkans countries, the inadequacies
energy sector. However, the rule of law is
in the fight against organised crime and
seen as influencing Albania’s economic
corruption remain a cause of concern in
development. “Inadequate implementation
Bosnia. “The legal framework to fight
of the rule of law continues to impede the
organised crime is in place but law
smooth functioning of the market economy
implementation needs to be improved.”
independence, transparency and efficiency”.
At one of the mass graves in Srebrenica.
In addition, the Commission says it is not aware of any progress in coordination between the central state and its two entities,
and affects the business climate,” the progress report concludes.
While it is recognised that Bosnia has made strides in reducing its dependence on the
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
Bosnia and Herzegovina
international community through the
The Commission says that Bosnia and
replacement of international judges and
Herzegovina has been lagging behind in the
prosecutors by local ones, the report notes
that “the fragmentation of the judicial system and disparities in the legal framework continue to hamper the operation of the judiciary.” Human rights and the protection of minorities remain problem areas, due in part to religious intolerance. “Further efforts are necessary to combat intolerance and ethnic discrimination,” the report says. The report points out that cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, has improved and that “it is now at a generally satisfactory level.” However, it recalls that full cooperation with the ICTY is a precondition for signing a Stabilisation and Association Agreement as part of Bosnia’s integration with the EU, and to meet key European Partnership priorities. The report says that Bosnia has made little progress in establishing a functioning market economy. The economy itself has expanded rapidly, and overall macroeconomic stability has been maintained, but there are still threats to fiscal sustainability. “The persistence of very high unemployment remains a major cause of concern,” the report says. The slowdown in reforms is seen as the result of an unfavourable political climate and weak domestic consensus on the fundamentals of economic policy.
Macedonia Frequent tensions and problems in achieving constructive dialogue between major political actors have undermined the effective functioning of political institutions and led to a slowdown of reforms in Macedonia, according to the European Commission’s assessment of this EU candidate which has yet to start accession talks with Brussels. The report
communication between key leaders in the
country and the behaviour of the opposition
uneven. The report notes that while large
political parties representing the different
have had a negative influence on the work
quantities of drugs have been seized,
ethnic communities,” the report says.
of political institutions. “The boycott of
insufficient progress has been made in
Parliament by one of the major opposition
tackling human trafficking.
It is said that the country has been implementing administrative reform gradually,
parties as well as the poor quality of cooperation between the President and the
The report on Macedonia notes that the
while it is confirmed that the second phase
Prime Minister has hindered the effective
country has made some progress in political
which relates to fiscal decentralisation, has
functioning of the political institutions,” the
criteria, while implementation of the 2001
begun. “Public administration remains weak
report says. The Commission notes that the
Ohrid Agreement, which brought an end to
and inefficient, and civil service legislation is
fight against graft in the country has yielded
a six-month conflict between ethnic Albanian
little used,” the report says. The economy in
some results, but recalls that “corruption is
guerrillas and the security forces, continues
widespread and constitutes a very serious
to contribute to the consolidation of
problem.” The coordination of activities
democracy and the rule of law.“Further efforts
among the different institutions in the fight
are needed to implement the agreement fully
against organised crime is assessed as
and to consolidate confidence between the
Macedonia has registered a markedly accelerated growth, and the Commission’s assessment is that macroeconomic stability has been maintained as structural reforms have made further progress. It acknowledges that Skopje has made further efforts to improve its ability to assume the obligations of membership. However, it says that Macedonia still faces major shortcomings in implementing and enforcing legislation effectively. The report concludes that Macedonia cannot, as yet, participate fully in EU policies because its institutional and administrative capacity is insufficient.
Kosovo Despite delays determining its long-term status, UN-administered Kosovo has managed to maintain stability regarding democracy and the rule of law. “The status issue has continued to dominate Kosovo’s politics,” noted the report, which is the third in a row to be published separately from Serbia. The Assembly’s work has shown improvement during the past year, but the Commission considers that “the Assembly’s law-making and
strengthening.” The efficiency of public administration has Kosovo: Muslim grandfather with his grandson.
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
shown some improvement, but in the
assessment of the report’s authors, Kosovo’s central and local administration remains weak and inefficient. Civil servants are still
vulnerable to political influence,” the report
says. The judicial system in Kosovo also has serious inadequacies, according to the document. “It is weak and vulnerable, while
Globalia: How do you view the situa-
Mufti Sevko Omerbasic: Despite our
tion of the Muslims in your region?
considerable difficulties in Croatia we
operating in a complex legal environment in which there is considerable uncertainty.”
should not be discontented with the Mufti Sevko Omerbasic:The situation of the
situation. Fundamental changes in politics
Muslims in my Region is little different from
and in state structures demand a new
Responsibilities in the field of combating
that of the Muslims in other regions – it is
approach to religion. Even though we might
money-laundering have been transferred only
not very good. The period of transition has
be behind, we are striving to catch up with
partially from the UN administration to
produced shortcomings among Muslims,
the Muslim in Western Europe. Since the
Kosovo’s provisional institutions. “Uneven
even among intellectuals.The Muslims have
break-up of the former federation of
progress can be reported in combating
a wrong approach to their Deen. Ignorance
Yugoslavia, eight new madrasas, three high
money-laundering. Investigations in a number
about Islam and its discourse can be seen
schools and many Islamic institutions have
of cases were concluded but no court
both among the ‘Ulama and the common
sentences have been handed down yet,”
people.This requires a questioning of one’s
report says. It also notes the lack of specialised prosecutors to deal with money-laundering, and says that economic crimes remain a major challenge.
own relation to the Deen.
Globalia:What kind of assistance would you like to receive from abroad?
Globalia: With whom are the Muslims cooperating?
Mufti Sevko Omerbasic:The Muslims in the region are able to solve their problems with-
Mufti Sevko Omerbasic: Muslims in the
“Kosovo is one of the main traffic routes for
out help from others, as demonstrated by
Balkans have lived for a long time under
drugs to Western Europe,” according to the
the reconstruction of our Mosques in
communism, which has consumed both
Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Sanjak.
Commission. However, the report notes also
their material and their spiritual substance.
Cooperation with other Muslims is, however,
that there is no strategy to prevent or combat
After communism the Muslims of the
important to us to improve our activities and
the illegal transport and use of drugs. “Drug
Balkans experienced a lot of suffering. The
trafficking remains a serious problem.” The
Muslims in these regions have lived long
report recalls that the number of cases of
in isolation without knowing what other
Globalia: How do you view the situation
organised crime investigated increased
Muslims were doing in the rest of the world.
of the young Muslims?
substantially in the first half of 2007.
New forms of spreading Islam with new people are necessary in order to attain
Mufti Sevko Omerbasic:The situation of the
The economy has also been influenced by
future visions. The cooperation among the
young Muslims is quite serious because
Kosovo’s unresolved status. As the report
Muslims in the Balkans is better than among
they have come out of the war with
those in the West. There are communities
wounded souls. Those who grew up under
who are in contact with each other: Croatia,
communism had no education in the basics
Bosnia, Montenegro, Sanjak and Slovenia.
of the Deen.Young people are on the other
There is close cooperation with Macedonia
hand part of the Internet revolution, they
and Kosovo. We want to strengthen these
have a sounder, better approach to Islam,
so there may be conflicts with the older
notes, “economic development continues to be seriously impeded by political uncertainties, insufficient rule of law, limited production capacity and weak infrastructure.”The report concludes that Kosovo “has made little progress towards establishing a functioning market economy.”
generation. Globalia: What are the main problems in your Region?
Article Gjeraqina Tuhina, Brussels
Text Malik Sezgin
Newspaper headlines after the attacks in London.
IMF and WTO, a new and fundamental
question is being posed: what would happen
if capitalism, which economically encapsulates democracy, were to penetrate all of that system’s political institutions so deeply that
The political consequences of terrorism are especially devastating for the Islamic community – but also for non-Muslims.
its own purported political form no longer offered any kind of democratic correction to it? The problem, therefore, is not democracy, the problem is radically intolerant capitalism. Already the great majority of all conflicts are
There is little doubt that the mass murder of
21st century, were it not for the emergence
11 September 2001 represents a turning-
of new but very real opponents: archaic
point in recent political discourse. Since the
hordes of terrorists, the masses of the poor,
fall of communism, only democratic culture
anti-globalists, and a sprinkling of nationally
so-distant future, global capitalism no longer
and its big brother capitalism have really
operative despots.
were to need democracy?
a Western point of view at least. Political
And yet that supposed model of success,
The German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk
rivalry on a world scale has run out of rivals,
democracy and capitalism, is today the subject
describes the pressure to change that is clearly
political dialectics has no more adversaries.
of considerable suspicion, including in the
being exerted by global capital on the
The democratic culture, which by definition
West. While the Islamic world plunges into
nationally bound democracies. Sloterdijk
is without alternative, has now arrived in its
casino capitalism, over here many are
believes that, within a ‘world interior of
own totality. So it was that democracy’s
reflecting on the shadier aspects of that
capital’, even freedom (which in his view
triumph seemed assured at the opening of the
system. Quite aside from the debt-traps of the
could only be rescued by an unrealistic union
due not to a ‘Clash of Civilisations’ but to economic disorder. What then if, in the not-
remained to unfold across the planet – from
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
of asceticism and democracy) is a matter up
world’s new divide does not lie between
for debate. The space in which freedom can
cultures, it separates the Rich and the Poor.
operate, claims Sloterdijk, is shrinking, and we
Materially speaking we Germans still live in
are living through nothing other than a
a sheltered zone.The establishment of Camps
transition to post-liberal forms: “We have the
around the edges of our affluent society and
choice between a party-dictatorial mode, as
the emergence of the political figure of Homo
in China, a state-dictatorial mode, as in the
Sacer, who has nothing left but his body, is
Soviet Union, an electoral-dictatorial mode,
the fault of the modernism of our global
as in the USA, and finally a media-dictatorial
principles of order. Our corporations are
mode as in Berlusconi’s Italy. Berlusconism is
marauding in Africa and they are not
the European test-balloon of the emerging
establishing a Nomos. It is in our relationship
Neo-authoritarian Age.”
with the South that the gaping chasm is revealed between the Christian claim of
Today, professing a belief in democracy is
Europe and its actual policies.
conditional on an answer to the question, “What kind of democracy?” But the prevailing
In the Islamic world, it is widely known that
superficial debate does not wish to make
the political realm is cleft with deep
time for that. We as Muslims, however,
contradictions. In the Arabian lands, led by
required as we are to embrace democratic
despots and little more than makeshift
values obediently, are the very people to begin
dictatorships, the masses that democracy will
asking.What are human rights worth without
bring them civil rights and a just distribution
civil rights? What does global democracy
of prosperity. Zakat, which is an indicator of
mean today? Is China a democracy? Or is
the just distribution of prosperity from within
China perhaps a kind of new capitalist Ideal
Islam, has been degraded in the Islamic world
State with unfettered freedom for capital,
to a politically insignificant ritual. And yet
and with a government that undertakes the
the Muslim intellect remains unsettled by the
dirty work of monitoring the workers, as the
hypocritical question aimed at Islamic nations
Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek so
– whether they are capable of democracy? –
powerfully states. Zizek also identifies the
when everyone knows full well that barely a
creeping erosion of the democratic form in
despot would remain a day in power without
that enthusiastic role-model, the West. He
the support of the West. Our wealth depends
examines the weight of real possibilities for
to a considerable degree on the daily battle
political participation, comparing them with
for a share of scarce resources. What would
the “Close-doors” button in a lift. Involvement
happen if democratically elected governments
is becoming abstract, inconsequential; to the
in Riyadh or Tripoli were to sell their oil to third
politically minded human being, participation
appears almost illusory. The much-vaunted Enlightenment of which Of course, Earth remains an unsettled place,
we are so proud here in the West persists in
and compared with large tracts of our planet,
avoiding the economic realm.We still ‘believe’
life between Berlin and Baden-Baden is still
in endless growth, in the reduction of debt
fairly cosy. But this cosiness may be deceptive.
mountains and in our natural right to acquire
The Melilla refugee drama showed that the
the world’s resources.
The magical multiplication of money is one
community – but also for non-Muslims. One
of the absurd aspects of the capitalist religion.
accompanying symptom of globalisation and
has only to reflect on the obvious weakening
However, the limits of wealth have of course
a very modern entity indeed. They are the
of the important anti-globalisation movement
not disappeared, which is why good old
dismal children of modernisation; Muslims
– a movement which has invigorated the
geopolitics necessarily returns. We are no
who never knew the context of mosque,
political debate. As Muslims we do not just
longer fighting for Lebensraum, but for oil for
market and Zakat in their places of
bemoan the superficial loss of image; that
our cars. For Western democracies the problem
longing for recognition which can be observed
now is how to democratically ‘legitimise’ their
revolutionary ‘Shock Troops’ (one of Sayyid
among today’s Muslim functionaries is in fact
thirst for new resources. What is interesting
Qutb’s modernist terms).Their suicide appears
a secular activity. But this does not preclude
in all this is that the founding acts of
to Zizek more the action of someone in doubt,
democracy deliberately overlook the people’s
who simply has to know at last what he
right to self-determination – the sole
basically does not know and spiritually could
The limitless political term ‘Islamist’ is of
legitimate subject of democracy, that is.
never experience: whether there is another
course a gross simplification, and like every
room behind the door. As a modernist An analysis of terrorism today shows that as
other simplification it is one of the known
ideology, says Zizek in his brilliant analysis
a phenomenon it not only enhances the
preludes of a persecution which must be
Welcome to the Desert of the Real, they want
Global Security State, it also legitimises the
genuinely feared – quite aside from the
capitalism without capitalism. An imaginary
necessity of a global empire. John Gray
typical, inscrutable German incapacity to
land of orthodoxy, without economic
respect orthodox religious life-practices. The
alternatives, but with scarf-wearing women
political observer will also have noticed that
and a ban on alcohol. Meanwhile, even to the
the term racism has been silently removed
A reliable friend in the “war on terror”.
terrorists, the Dollar is the most highly prized cultural asset of all.
from the debate. But more to the point is the regrettable fact that, beneath Terror’s clouds of dust, even Islam itself is hardly
In liberalism, wanting to die for a political cause is unthinkable, hence in political theory and within the value-scheme, the terrorist or suicide bomber is a political figure of absolutely no worth whatsoever. He is not
recognisable. In the public arena, when advice is sought about Islam, it is as if all that exists were hair-brained fundamentalism or a banal esotericism. In either case, Islam loses its character as a credible alternative way of life.
even an enemy, he has no values, and since inhuman, he is basically an animal. Cage,
The denunciation of belief has now assumed
camp and leash are the reasonable civilising
shocking proportions. On the Muslim side
measures. The outrageous acts themselves
what is needed is a critique of Islamic
pursue an inescapable bio-political logic: the perpetrator utilises his body, but not his faith, against an opponent imagined to be overwhelmingly more powerful. He has nothing left other than this body, and in contravention to the Revelation he finally defiles that very existence which should have brought him to the Next World.All’s bad that ends bad. The political consequences of terrorism are especially devastating for the Islamic
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
modernism – but a critique which leads into Islam, not out of Islam. The key points are clear: Islam is neither an ideology nor a totalitarian life-form. Neither is it, as an organic life-pattern, a system with totalitarian ambitions. Islamic thinking lives from the autonomy of its own terminology. Even without the flowery language of tolerance, Islam respected other ways of life in close proximity and for hundreds of years on end. Text Abu Bakr Rieger, Berlin
Text Sulaiman Wilms, Berlin
Cologne: joint press conference with the heads of Muslim organisations in Germany.
The landscape of German Muslim now
comprises immigrants, their children (who
are noticeably better integrated into German society than their parents), and a growing number of new indigenous Muslims
Existing Islamic organisations will have to evolve if they want to represent the Deen and the next generation of Muslims in Germany. Creative projects are crucial.
(estimates range from 60,000 to 200,000). Observers estimate that there are currently 3.4 million Muslims in Germany, roughly three quarters of which are either Turkish citizens or their descendents. Representative polls show that 84 per cent of all Muslims want to stay in Germany; 600,000 of them are already
After decades of a somewhat informal
Introducing Muslims in Germany
existence, the Muslims have recently come
A notable Muslim presence emerged in
under the spotlight of public scrutiny, which
Germany with the arrival of the Gastarbeiter,
has triggered an interest in the subject of
or guest-workers. From the 1960s onwards,
In order to meet their religious needs, Muslims
Islam. Mounir Azzaoui, a former spokesman
workers from what was then Yugoslavia and
founded associations which went about
for the Central Council of Muslims in Germany
later from Turkey, Tunisia and Morocco came
opening temporary prayer rooms, and these
(Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland, ZMD),
to Germany. At first the influx was regulated
were the first visible signs of a Muslim
stated that “the last five years were
by restricting the duration of stay, but before
presence in Germany. Gradually, Muslims and
characterised by crises, terrorist attacks, a
long a more permanent immigration had
their organisations searched for more
debate about cartoons and statements by
evolved, the main factor in this process being
permanent places to practice their religion.
the Pope. Every three months or so we had
regulations governing the unity of immigrant
Today there are more than 2,000 prayer rooms
something even bigger to discuss.�
in which the daily prayers are established, and
German citizens.
159 recognisable mosque buildings have been erected. Another 140 large-scale mosques are currently at the planning stage.
Organised Islam in Germany Organised Islam has until now been dominated numerically by organisations that are constituted and separated along ethnic lines, and of these, four are currently setting the tone. The strongest of these are two Turkish mosque associations: the Turkishstate-influenced DITIB, which has the greatest number of Mosques, and the independent Union of Islamic Cultural Centres (Verband der Islamischen Kulturzentren,VIKZ). Two umbrella organisations also exist: the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland, ZMD) and the Islamic Council of Germany (Islamrat für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland), the dominant member of the latter being the Milli Görüs Islamic Community (IGMG), which has Turkish roots.The most important member of the Central Council is the Arab-rooted Islamic Community
Gemeinschaft in Deutschland, IGD). Both umbrella organisations have dozens of other members, but none of these rival the IGMG or IGD in membership numbers or political leverage. Dr. Ayyub Köhler, veteran German Muslim and President of the Central Council, sees the ‘internal tasks’ of his umbrella organisation in the “support of and care for the communities and member organisations.” These, he says, are “matters of religious and social education and training. Then there is the support we offer in legal and theological matters as well as activities to improve conditions for practising the religion.” The new mosque in Duisburg, a former industrial centre in the Ruhr Conurbation, is one example of more than a hundred in the coming years.
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
More and more young Muslims consider the
lingering ethnic focus to be an obstacle to
background.” In dealing with the case of
conference. In addition, the DIK coordinates
Islam in Germany. “It is a problem that the
institutionalised Islam, Zaimoglu is of the
three task forces with periodical meetings on
biggest group of Muslims originates from
opinion that one has to deal quite regularly
Homeland Security; media; questions of
Turkey, because it means that Islamic topics
with the concept of “representatives who
representation; and a future of Islam as a
become synonymous with Turkish problems,”
solidify a certain hierarchy”.
body of public law - a longstanding wish for
observes a young Muslim student from
Muslim organisations.
Cologne. Fairness demands the acknowledg-
Malik Sezgin, Secretary General of the
ment that there also other ethnic groups
European Muslim Union, confirms this critique
The Islamische Zeitung has pointed out on
which are at least partly under foreign
on the grounds of ethnical focus of the
numerous occassions that the discussions
influence. Especially the attempts by Muslim
existing bodies within Germany. Sezgin,
held during the course of the conference has
organisations to totally delineate Islam as
himself from an immigrant background,
been done over the heads of Muslims -
free from terror and suicide bombings have
explains that indigenous European Muslims
ignoring the process of consultation at a
been hampered by ideologies from the Middle
are going to play a role of increasing impor-
ground level. Muslims skeptical of the latter
East. Mounir Azzaoui assesses the given state
tance in spreading and maintaining Islam in
event, coupled with independent observers,
of Islamic teaching as ‘problematic’. ‘It is
Germany. In doing so, this body of people
are indeed doubtful about the given
indeed a central problem of the current
will find themselves having to be the key
combination of representation within the
platforms that there is no sophisticated
mechanism in effecting a positive change
conference - the dynamics of the DIK consists
teaching, which deals with the local situation
within the country’s Muslim community,
of only four practising Muslims in comparison
of Muslims’. Organisations are missing this
“because they understand the language of the
to more than 30 political, executive and
point when they think in political terms only.
place as well as the intellectual and spiritual
academic participants. This of course has led
heritage of the Germans”.
skeptics to question the fact that not enough leverage will be granted to them in the
It is confirmed amongst both the younger generation of Muslims and the new Muslims
Contacts with German Politics
process of actively progressing as a
that there is a basic backlog in the demand
Despite the partial increase of polarisation of
community. The success of the DIK, it has
for this teaching. There is further a growing
the German society by the media coverage
been stated, will manifest itself in years to
undercurrent as well as an outspoken critique
on Islam, the realisation that Muslims - also
come - if any at all.
on some of the positions of the Islamic
through their organisations - cannot be
organisations. In our encounters in Germany,
negated any longer is becoming evident.
The aforementioned Feridun Zaimoglu
the three main areas of this critique are
Political decisions in recent years have clearly
criticised the absence of a practising Muslim
facilitated around areas such as the lack of
demonstrated this. The country’s Home
woman in the conference. “It cannot be like
an independent teaching of Islam; the non-
Secretary, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, and
this. Women who value Islam as their belief
existence of a sustainable network of Awqaf;
incumbent Chancellor, Dr.Angela Merkel, both
and the core of their lives should not be
and the predominant focus of Islamic
conservative politicians, acknowledge this
organisations on their own structural needs.
Difficult Search for Unity
The opinion of the well-known GermanTurkish writer Feridun Zaimoglu can be seen
Dr. Schäuble illustrated his willingness to talk
Founding a new mechanism to achieve the
as the general consensus of the German sit-
with the Muslims in their presently organised
‘Unity of Muslims’, the four great Muslim
uation, when he stated: “Maybe it is time to
form by hosting the German Conference on
organisations in Germany established in April
ask what the so-called ‘organised Islam’ can
Islam (Deutsche Islam Konferenz (DIK)). The
2007 the “Coordination Council of the
do and can’t. I would rather place emphasis
DIK, held in May of this year, brought Dr.
Muslims” (KRM).All participating bodies have
on the younger generation of Muslim men and
Schäuble to the meeting table for the second
two votes in this new council, however due
women, which will soon be the avant-garde
time with representatives of the four biggest
to its size, the DITIB has three votes. The
Muslim organisations in a a one-day
councils chair speaker changes every six
months and is agreed upon by the four
Council is the development of a common
for the unity of the Muslims, as well as the
members. Complete mutual consent exists in
position for the training of future Imams in
constant demands of politics and the public”
all important Islamic communities in the
Germany. It would be helpful in this context
have been fulfilled.
rejection of terrorism and racism. Modalities
to have a stronger presence on the Internet
of how to apply the rules of Zakat and other
in order to publicly clarify the common
Concerning the question of Muslim
elements of the Islamic life-transaction
organisations, Feridun Zaimoglu holds a rather contrary position: “Institutionalised Islam? I
beyond the five daily prayers are much more difficult to agree upon. There is still
Already in the founding phase of the Council,
disagreement about the times of the
when its leading members stood in front of
beginning and the end of Ramadan.The unity
the press, all participants had been very
ends here - at least until now.
optimistic. “The time of the guest workers and also of the immigrants is over” says the
am not interested!”. Furthermore, he calls for more self-confidence of the Muslims.“They should not give in too easily to any pressure.” Ahmad Gross, teacher, author and Muslim activist, is optimistic about the prospects of
On the other side of the spectrum, there is
chairman of the Islamic Council,Ali Kizilkaya.
Muslims in Germany. “The pressure on
an overall growing will of the Muslims to
The majority of the Muslims were born in
Muslims is growing to a point where we have
coordinate their communities and to
Germany and did not migrate. “We are part
to understand our existence here as a chance
strengthen their daily Islamic lives. The main
of Germany. Bekir Alboga, the new spokesman
given by Allah. Leaving all propaganda and
arguments between the organisations are
of the Coordination Council, explains “that
madness of this time aside, the West is
based on old conflicts. They have almost no
the Council has proven its performance also
discovering Islam. Everyone passes through
reality any more, and it is only a matter of time
to the public.” He states further that with the
a different door, but people are in the end
before the new generation settles it. One of
“integration of the four Islamic umbrella
looking for the mercy of Allah.”
the most pressing task for the Coordination
organisations, the wishes of the Muslim base
Difficult, but necessary The generation of young and new Muslims has an exceptionally ambiguous stance towards ‘organised Islam’. They call for more activities for and by the Muslims of Germany. There is however, states Mounir Azzaoui in conclusion, a large reservoir of potential capable skills in the community. Until now, these positive faculties “have not been called up by the great structures.” Important fields of activity are economy; media; and everywhere else - “where there are Muslims who are willing to participate”. So far, there is a lack of independent and yet practising body of Muslims, including native German Muslims, who are able to develop visions for the future of Islam in Germany. First and foremost, it is the youth that want and need to have correct Islamic guidance, which leads neither into fundamentalism, nor into esotericism.
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
Granada: view on the New Mosque from its garden.
Globalia: What does it mean to the
An interview with Abdulhasib Casti単eira, Director of the new mosque in Granada, on the institution, its activities, and its importance for the Muslims of Europe.
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
Muslim world that Islam has re-entered Spain at a time when Islam is being degraded globally?
Abdulhasib Casti単eira: I think it is a sign of the vitality, validity and relevance of Islam in this modern age. Also it is a sign that Islam has not been erased from the hearts and minds of the people of Spain. Eight hundred years of Islamic civilisation in Al-Andalus left
Text Muhammad Dockrat
vast reserves of knowledge that are still drawn
the non-Muslim population towards this
natural and true to us as Muslims, but to the
upon today by the World Islamic Community
momentous undertaking of reviving the
Spanish people it is something very new. For
and by non-Muslims as well. As a living
Deen in Spain?
the last five hundred years we have been
element, a living existential element Islam
taught that the country was a Christian
has been erased from the surface of the Iberian
Abdulhasib Casti単eira: I would say in the last
country invaded by Islam, and that they
peninsula, so it is a sign of the vitality, validity
thirty years, since the death of General Franco,
destroyed our unity.This has been basically the
and relevance of Islam that people are taking
there has been an increase in sympathy
official Catholic version of history up until the
it on existentially in their daily lives.
towards Islam in intellectual circles, academic
1970s, but now it has completely changed, in
circles and among those knowledgeable about
the textbooks and even in the discourse of the
Globalia: The history of Spain is vast and
culture and history. The Islamic era was one
authorities. Last year, in 2006, the Prime
extraordinary.What are the sentiments of
of the greatest times in Spain.This may sound
Minister said that Spain is indebted to Islam
for its history. All this is very new. People will
Abdulhasib Castiñeira: Granada in history is
Muslims remained under Christian rule. They
now say Islam is not terrorism, Islam is not
the last place in which Islam held sovereign
suffered the genocide and religious
backwards, we know it in our cities, we know
power in Europe. It was a monarchy which
persecution of the Inquisition.They remained
it in our monuments, we know it in our own
surrendered power to the Christian monarchy
up until the middle of the seventeenth century
history.This is the truth and it can grow faster
in 1492, and then for another two hundred
in large communities.The Alhambra, because
in Spain then in any other European country.
and fifty years the indigenous Spanish
of its great beauty and extraordinary craft
Globalia: What is the role played by the Spanish Muslim community and the Mosque of Granada in establishing spiritual kinship throughout Europe? Abdulhasib Castiñeira: I think among everyone who comes to Granada – and there are many Muslims from the United Kingdom, Germany and France – who come for holidays and cultural visits, everyone recognises that Granada has a very strong meaning and a very significant place in the hearts and memory of the Muslims, and it is there that our mosque is located. Not only that but we are situated in the most historical quarter opposite the Alhambra Palace, and our mosque has become a model for all of Europe in that it is a mosque open to all people, not only Muslims. It fulfils the role of ‘Ibadah, which is the first role of a Mosque, and it is the heart of the community and also a place of interaction with society. Every day there are many activities. Every day of the year it is open to people, to the non-Muslims of Granada – but also to visitors, researchers, teachers, university groups and schools. The Mosque of Granada is one of the founding members of the EMU. We have attended all the assemblies and general meetings of the organisation. We have a strong contribution to make because we join history and the present day, and I think Granada will become a place of hospitality, meeting, protection and discussion for all European Muslims. Globalia: What sets Granada apart from other European cities?
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
A prominent place. The head of the Islamic Community of Spain Malik Ruiz is addressing visitors of a celebration.
and the talent of its architecture, was not
Globalia: Granada Mosque has one of
high calibre repository of correct knowledge.
destroyed.When Spain goes around the world
the finest Khatibs in Shaykh Muhammad
His advice individually, collectively, to the
and promotes itself at tourist fairs in New York
Kasbi. Can you tell me something about
authorities and to the leaders of the
or Singapore, the Alhambra is its symbol – as
him and his influence on the community?
community is of the highest value.
Muslim monument – the Alhambra is always
Abdulhasib Castiñeira: Shaykh Muhammad
Globalia:All across the non-Muslim world
the symbol for Spain.
Kasbi is a gift from Allah of incalculable value,
in countries such as South Africa,
to the Muslims in Spain and the community
Germany and many others, there are
Granada is a small provincial town with three
in Granada. He is extracted from another age.
divisions between the indigenous
hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants. For
His own life experience, he tells us, is exactly
Muslims and the migrant population. Is
the past twenty years it has also been a model
like that of the Sahabah, milking goats,
this the case in Spain?
city in all of Spain where immigrant Muslims
travelling on donkeys and going to get water
have been accepted and have made themselves
from the well. He comes from a very well
a niche in society and contributed to the
known area, which has dedicated itself
economy, but not as industrial workers. They
entirely to scholarship. One remarkable thing
have created an atmosphere and ambiance of
is how a man who never travelled out of
Islamic revival with their souks and bazaars,
southern Morocco speaks such a high Arabic.
and have somehow recreated a Moorish
Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula are
presence in the city, which is very beneficial to
dumbfounded when they hear him, he has so
the economy and tourism. They have also
much eloquence, poetry and sayings from his
somehow managed to integrate into society
language, which in itself is a miracle.
the Taj Mahal is for India, which is also a
without major clashes or difficulties.All of that makes Granada significant.
The region of the Souse where he comes from is known as the “spiritual reserve of the
Globalia: When I looked at the Granada
Maghrib”. They have nothing else, no
Mosque website [insert domain] I could
agriculture and no cattle so the land is
not help noticing that the community is
basically desert, but they have cultivated, at
very active. What are your expectations
a very high level, extraordinary Madrasahs
for the coming year?
that have maintained the same method and teachings for a thousand years. Allah has
Abdulhasib Castiñeira: That has never been the case in Spain, which remains connected with South America and North Africa. The condition of and relationships between the immigrant and indigenous populations are much better here than in other European countries. It is by taking a sort of moral and intellectual leadership that the immigrants will prevent themselves from being marginalised and ghettoised, which is what has happened to the economic immigrants of the UK. They have defined themselves in ghettos and allowed themselves to be put in a corner because they have not taken on their responsibilities as Muslims, to be role models with clear intellectual understanding of the challenges of the moment. We are trying to
Abdulhasib Castiñeira: We are, after three
given him the gift of discrimination and
take down the barriers by encouraging
years, becoming more organised and
wisdom and depth that enables him to
everyone to aspire to the highest responsibility
professional – if you want to call it that – in
understand perfectly and with great delicacy
of Islam in this age.
our approach, programmes, teaching, and
the realities of Europe today. We have succeeded in different ways. Last
reaching out to society intellectually in our publications. We are hoping to host more
So he is not just someone who knows the
year, twenty leaders from the Muslim
open local and international conferences at
books and laws and the Qur’an, he is someone
communities of Spain met with the Prime
the Mosque. We have an event in July on the
who judges and interprets and counsels,
Minister. We also visited the Ministry of
6 , 7 and 8 which is a summer celebration
always with great wisdom and with great
Justice, which deals with minorities and
of Islam in Europe which we do every year.
acuity. He has also been trained as a Qadi.
religions, and we are visited regularly by the
We also plan to invite scholars throughout the
He knows how to judge in contexts of place,
local governor. We are striving hard to
year, and we have a programme of talks and
time and people. He is not just a repository
establish that the Muslims have an important
of knowledge – although he is that – he is a
role to play in modern lives.
various cultural backgrounds as well as the
capacity to unify Muslim and non-Muslim
writers. Its regular interview feature in particular aims to facilitate ‘encounters’ with relevant non-Muslim voices.
For those who follow the newspaper it is a clear window into modern politics. The Islamische Zeitung analyses the present global and local situation. It reaches out to the Muslims and to non-Muslim communities alike.
The IZ aims to bring together Muslim communities of different origins, and hopes also to integrate Muslims and non-Muslims. It counters the stereotypes and negative images of Muslims presented in the general media by providing a positive image of Islam and Muslims. Islamische Zeitung was
The media has become the main tool to
through subscription, direct sales, and a
condemning terrorism and suicide attacks
transport and diffuse ideas, which is why the
system of distributing to selected outlets.
long before 9/11 and has continued to do so ever since. It has clearly defined itself outside
Muslims in Europe must assert themselves in the media to further their cause. Islam is a
The project is set up as a limited company.
of modern-day dialectics, but stays within the
Divinely ordained religion – not a culture or
The publishers and editorial staff are not
confines of true politics and gives a Muslim
a political ideology – yet it has acquired
under any particular national or foreign
view to the rapidly changing world.
something of a negative taint in mainstream
political influence. The Islamische Zeitung is
European media. For this reason the need is
also financially independent, not dominated
For those who follow the newspaper it is a
all the more pressing. Twelve years ago a
by foreign or local sponsors. Although the
clear window into modern politics. The
small group of young European Muslims
editorial perspective is broad, the team of
Islamische Zeitung analyses the present global
began an attempt to offer positive information
authors, chief and deputy editors and
and local situation. It reaches out to the
about the Deen to their German non-Muslim
publishers maintain certain boundaries to
Muslims and to non-Muslim communities
neighbours, and to unify the German-speaking
ensure a ‘Middle Path’.
alike. The IZ offers a fresh perspective – especially to non-Muslims – on subjects which
Muslims by means of a media project. The IZ is known to have been the first public
are otherwise usually depicted within a
Germany’s umbrella organisations aside, the
Muslim voice in Germany to denounce suicide
stereotypical framework.
Islamische Zeitung (or IZ) has now become
attacks, terror and other extreme, modernist
the independent voice of the German-
deformations of Islam. This is especially
Since the editorial team is multi-ethnic and
speaking Muslim community. Since its launch
important for the positive existence of
its binding factor is the German language,
it has established itself all over Germany,
Muslims in Europe. Likewise, the editorial
this newspaper functions as a bridge between
Switzerland and Austria. At present the IZ is
team has defended with similar vigour the
Islam and non-Muslim Germans. IZ is
the most read and widely distributed German-
Pillars of Islam, and never give voice to those
therefore perfectly positioned to demonstrate
speaking Muslim publication in Germany.
authors who would attack the Prophet or the
that Islam is not a culture of foreigners, but
basics of the Deen.
instead a thrilling phenomenon which is also relevant to people who may otherwise have
Currently the IZ has two main cornerstones of activity and is in the process of adding
The publisher and founder of the project is
overlooked it. The IZ has enabled German
more services.There is a daily updated website
Abu Bakr Rieger and its Chief Editor is
Muslims to show that Islam is not alien to
(with more than 5,000 visitors a day) as well
Sulaiman Wilms – both Muslims of German
Europe but rather its highest possibility – as
as a printed edition (10,000 copies every
origin. It is fundamentally diverse in that it is
demonstrated by the Islamic civilisations of
month). Readers receive the newspaper
a multi-ethnic newspaper, having writers from
Spain, Sicily, the Balkans and Eastern Europe.
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
Keeping in touch. Open communication is one of the cornerstones of Germany’s Islamische Zeitung.
Islamische Zeitung co-operates with Muslim
towards its good or bad aspects IZ discusses
IZ has taken an active part in many
organisations in various European countries,
pros and cons of modern-day globalisation,
conferences which aim to build a future
namely: the UK, Spain,Turkey, Russia and the
not from a puritanical view but rather from
generation of Muslims who know their time
Balkans, as well as many countries outside
a historical one. Islam has always known
and can secure the Deen of Islam in their
Europe such as Morocco and South Africa. It
globalisation. In a sense it is part of the
also works with media organisations in the
Muslim heritage if one considers the Hajj or
Middle East.
the spread of Islam through markets and
Educating and drawing in the youth –
especially in the case of Muslims, since we are sailing on troubled waters in every place
It pays close attention to meaningful events within the Islamic world, and broadcasts the
Apart from its intellectual offerings it contains
– is of the utmost importance.There are many
views of Muslim intellectuals from throughout
a mouth-watering section for those with a
aspects to building up young men and woman
the world’s Muslim communities.
liking for the spice of life, indulging the reader
who can take hold of the reigns of the future
with tastes of Far-Eastern,Arab and European
and understand their epoch and place, so
An important pillar of the content is an
Muslim lifestyles. This section covers the
that they may be able to contribute to the
adherence to correct Islamic teaching
different ways of life of Muslims in different
future of Europe. It is for this reason that
according to the traditional Islamic schools
regions. It explores the multi-cultural legacies
Islamische Zeitung has collaborated with the
of law, while maintaining that they are
of Islam from Sarajevo to Samarkand,
youth to establish firm grounds on which to
applicable to our times. In doing this the
featuring cuisine, clothes, cultural activities
Islamische Zeitung defends the Deen as a
(such as different celebrations) and behaviour-
living, dynamic phenomenon. The Islam
patterns, as well as contemporary subjects
Anyone interested in this dynamic approach
section includes articles by respected scholars
related to Muslim lifestyle and Islamic
to forming a basis for the Muslim community
and personalities from all over the Muslim
should feel free to contact the newspaper at any time via their website:
world. It investigates the biographies of modern and
The IZ incorporates Muslim scholars of varying
historical personalities such as Ibn Khaldun,
origin from Germany and Europe in order to
Ibn Rushd, Ibn Al-’Arabi and others. Of course
IZ also invites other newspapers, magazines
fulfil this aim.
there is a special emphasis on the feminine
and broadcasters to co-operate, and hopes to
aspect of the Deen, following the famous
make inroads into new and exciting avenues
One of its regular features looks at
saying: “Half of the Deen is from Aisha,” the
that have not yet been explored.
globalisation. Rather than a polarising
wife of the Prophet.
Text Mohammed Dockrat
Statue of the poets Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich von Schiller.
be one of the decisive factors, especially when
we discuss integration. The situation in
Germany, in terms of simple figures, is as follows:
A short talk given at Wolfsburg Islamic Centre on Sunday 2 September 2007 to mark the occasion of the Mosque’s one-year anniversary.
• 16 million Muslims in Europe • 3.4 million of these Muslims live currently in Germany – of those, 84 per cent wish to live in Germany permanently • More than 600,000 Muslims already possess
Ladies and Gentlemen,
deeper importance once again. It has always
a German passport
Of course, if I undertake to present the
been a key issue. Right back in 1814 Goethe
• 77 conventional mosques and more than
relationship between the German poets and
wrote in his West-Eastern Divan, “The actual,
Islam in the space of 20 minutes, I am bound
the only, the deepest theme of world and
to fail. But this implies at least that such a
human history, beneath which all other
relationship exists – and that it is much too
themes are subsumed, remains the conflict
complex and too multi-faceted to sum up in
between rejection and belief.”
just a few minutes.
2000 prayer rooms exist in Germany • 123 large mosques are currently at the planning stage in Germany. It would be naïve to believe that such an enormous integration process could take place without any difficulties whatsoever. But then
It is perhaps no coincidence that the subject
again there are voices that deny absolutely
There is no doubt that the dialogue between
of religion is gaining in import again. The
the possibility of integrating Islam into our
poetry, thought and belief is assuming a
religion we belong to appears once more to
polity. For example, Wehler, a philosopher of
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
history, published an article in the newspaper
The question with which one actually has to
I am sure we can safely say that the Moors
die tageszeitung in 2002 entitled Das
respond is:“Is Islam actually a culture at all?”
had more important things to do.
Türkenproblem – the Problem of the Turks –
It is my conviction that we must refute this
and sparked a debate which rages on bitterly
idea absolutely. Islam brings forth cultures;
We meet here today in this beautiful mosque,
to this day:
filters and influences cultures; but is itself not
and one of our intentions is to indicate some
a culture.You can be an American, a German,
of the spiritual inspiration that can emerge
an Afrikaner, an Asian or an Eskimo – belong
between thinkers and believers. By inviting
to the most diverse of cultural environments
each other in this way we are also doing the
– but still be a Muslim as well.
opposite of what terrorists and ideologues do,
“The example shows that it just doesn’t work. Germany does not have a problem with foreigners, it has a problem with Turks. This Muslim diaspora is in principle impossible to integrate. Federal Germany has, since its formation, coped gallantly with an immigrant population of what is now ten per cent. But
who must fear, avoid and fight against the To reverse the argument, so to speak, one of
Other in order to preserve their own identities.
the important contributions European Muslims must now make is to filter out
Unfortunately, Islam and terrorism are
actively those incidences in Europe wherein
mentioned today in the same breath, a fact
Islamic life is culturally hijacked and
for which we have the nihilism of suicide
This typical position is one which I would
transgressed against.This applies in particular
bombers to thank. But while we appreciate
dispute, and that on a very personal level. If
wherever culture is ‘sold’ to us too quickly as
fully the debate which has been going on
you will permit me this example – I myself
since 11 September, we should call to mind
at a certain point there comes a limit to what one can expect of a complex society.”
the observation of the thinker Peter Sloterdijk:
and my children, who all were born as Muslims, represent the error in the argument
To mention one example, the wearing of the
of Mr Wehler and anyone else who claims that
Burka is, for a German Muslim woman who
“We have in fact sanctified terrorism. One has
Europe is incompatible with Islam.
practices Islam correctly, fully untenable, both
only to think of the book Powers of Ten, in
culturally and Islamically. A study of the
which we witness a journey through the
Cannot my son Yusuf, who was born in
centuries-long periods during which Islam
cosmos – from the biggest to the smallest –
Weimar, a German Muslim, be integrated into
flourished in Al-Andalus shows that dress
in which the same image is retained, but
this Europe? Only because he, just like every
code was not only dealt with flexibly, but
enlarged each time by the power of ten. First
other Muslim, prays, fasts, or will one day
changed frequently – especially among
you see heaps of galaxies, then the Milky
pay Zakat and take the journey to Mecca,
Way, Earth, a country, a city, a garden, then
inshallah? If, like Ibn al-Arabi, we recognise the identity
The Austro-German Hugo von Hofmannsthal was fascinated by Islam.
of a person by his language, then it is of course absolutely scandalous not to welcome the young Muslims who live here – who often speak better German than Arabic or Turkish – just as one would welcome my children as German Muslims. When we hear Huntington speaking about a ‘Clash of Civilisations’, then, as far as Islam is concerned, we may be witnessing what will be an epoch-making misunderstanding – but hopefully not.
a couple lying there on the lawn. Finally the camera zooms into the microscopic world, bringing forth to our vision the elementary particles. We experience the power of enlargement in three dimensions. Something very similar is happening with Terror: pinpricksized effects that exist in real life are being magnified by our media to assume the magnitude of galactic phenomena.” Today let us take another perspective; let us think for once positively about the relationship between Islam and Europe, but not, of course, ignoring the problems of integrating millions of different Muslims. Let us simply hope together that the relationship between Germans and Muslims is viewed more and more not just as normal, but in the traditional manner of a forging of links. After all, if we think about Islam in Europe then we must immediately recall the great cities and places of European culture. One only has to think of Sarajevo, Cordoba and Weimar. Weimar especially, that city of German classics which is so close to the German heart, prefigured the encounter between Europe and Islam in the great figure of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Manfred Osten wrote an apt summary of this old-new dialogue with Islam in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on 22.05.2002: “A dialogue of an excelling modernity? Goethe was clearly aware of the cultural schism between Islam and the West at an early stage, and the concomitant necessity for the Great Dialogue. It may be that his attempt at such a dialogue, the cycle of poems entitled West-Östlicher Divan (West-Eastern Divan) which he wrote in 1814, must be viewed through Nietzsche’s verdict that Goethe was ‘an incident without further consequences in the history of the
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
Germans.’ Even today, many German scholars
of the smallest detail, and without Whose
the intellect to examine more closely and to
encounter his intercultural genius with
will and permission nothing can occur.”
ascertain; and, if performed correctly, from thence derives that certainty which is the
reservation. And yet, by writing this book all those 200 years ago, Goethe did nothing less
With these beautiful words, Goethe confirms
goal in which man finds complete
than prepare the ground for the dialogue
the connection between people who,
reassurance. You can see that this teaching
with Islam. The strategy which he pursued is
according to him, are anyway better described
lacks nothing, and that for all our systems we
based on a thorough examination of what is
as open-minded citizens of the world, not
are no further on, and that absolutely nobody
apparently foreign, which for him leads to
narrow-minded nationalists.
can get anywhere with them.”
Qur’an is the most important religious
Goethe, the creator of the West-Eastern Divan,
It is precisely this intellectual confidence, this
document in the history of mankind alongside
who famously “did not reject the suspicion
relishing in intellectual engagement, this
recognition, indeed in the conviction that the
the Bible.” What really interested Goethe about Islam?
After all, if we think about Islam in Europe then we must
This is a fascinating question, and still an
immediately recall the great cities and places of European
open one. Goethe, the genius of his century,
culture. One only has to think of Sarajevo, Cordoba and Weimar.
certainly found in Islam a confirmation of his
Weimar especially, that city of German classics which is so close
longing for Unity and his deep belief in
to the German heart, prefigured the encounter between Europe
and Islam in the great figure of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. To mention but one example, in his famous conversations with Eckermann, Goethe admired the integral Islamic approach to
that he himself was a Muslim,” reveals himself
composure and self-assurance in the face of
education. “...What is remarkable are the
as knowledgeable even of the Islamic
contradiction, that we Muslims now
teachings with which the Mohammedans
methodology of thought. He reminds us as
sometimes lack. Only in active engagement
begin their education. As the foundation of
Muslims that when it comes to our Revelation,
with thought, argumentation and the
their religion, they establish in their youth
we think not dialectically but in terms of the
contradictions of modernity can we as
the conviction that man cannot encounter
Muslims find and preserve our own intellectual position. That, at least, is the
anything but what an all-guiding Divinity has long ago decreed; this equips and reassures
Goethe argued: “The Mohammedans
them for their entire lives, and leaves them
thereupon begin their teaching of philosophy
needing little else.”
with the doctrine that nothing exists about
Of course, language and the capacity for
which you cannot say the opposite. They
language are essential for an encounter of this
Goethe therefore identifies belief in Destiny
exercise the minds of their youths by having
kind here in Germany, the land of poets and
as the actual link between all believers. He
them find and articulate the contrary opinion
thinkers.And which Muslim parents would in
continues: “... there is basically some of this
of every proposition, which inescapably leads
fact not want their children to speak our
belief in each and every one of us, without
to great skill in thought and speech.”
not have my name on it will not hit me’, says
He then continues to reflect on this superiority
Indeed, sometimes it is the language of the
the soldier in battle.And how should he keep
of Islamic thinking: “Then, once the opposite
Other that helps us to comprehend what is
up his courage and spirits under extreme
has been claimed about every proposition,
of value to us. For example, our world-famous
danger without such confidence? ...[It is] a
doubt arises as to which is actually true. But
poet Rainer Maria Rilke gave the following
doctrine of a Providence which remains aware
they do not tarry in doubt. Rather, it drives
quite beautiful insight defining the nature of
counsel of the poet of old.
us having been taught it.‘The bullet that does
religion: “[...] Religion is something infinitely
openness of Rilke’s is today truly exemplary.
awe about creation. And perhaps also an
easy, simple. It is not a knowledge, not a
And the enthusiasm is certainly mutual and
amazement at the common human ground
content of feeling [...], it is not a duty and not
not restricted to the German language. Rainer
which all great poetry reveals to us again
abstinence, it is not a limitation. Rather, it is
Maria Rilke wrote to Lou Andreas-Salome on
and again, regardless of confession.
in the perfected expanse of the universe: a
19.12.1912 from Ronda in Andalusia: “..I am
direction of the heart. [...] When the Arab
reading the Qur’an here and am in awe, awe,
It is precisely this awe which is opposed by
turns to the east at certain times and
awe – and once again my love of Arabic is
the experience of nihilism – whose basic
prostrates himself, that is religion. It is hardly
a ‘belief’. It has no opposite. It is being moved naturally within an existence through which
Is it anything other than this awe that we
the wind of God blows three times daily, by
Muslims now want to convey in our mosques?
being at the very least: supple [...]” This
An awe of Destiny, an awe of language, an
The Andalusian town of Ronda was one of the places where Rilke encountered Islam.
experience, according to modern German philosophy, is boredom. Only if our mosques are open, our prayers, thought and actions are alive, will we ensure that our young people do not become bored in our mosques. Ibn al Arabi, another great European figure, considered boredom something quite inconceivable in Islam. His motto is truly Greek: “Everything flows”. For this reason I would
philosophically important extract from Ibn al-Arabi’s Meccan Revelations: “Some people do not know that Allah reveals Himself anew in every moment, and that every one of these revelations is different from the last. If somebody is lacking this perception, he may dwell endlessly in a single revelation [of Allah], the witnessing of which seems prolonged to him. He is then overcome by boredom, yet boredom in this dwelling place is a lack of reverence for the Divine, since ‘they are dubious about the new creation’ in every moment (Qur’an 50:15).They imagine that the situation is not changing, so a veil is drawn in front of them and this causes a lack of reverence, once Allah has withdrawn from them knowledge about themselves and about Himself. They therefore imagine that they are the same in every moment.” Thank you very much for listening. Text Abu Bakr Rieger, Berlin
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
themselves politically incorrectly in Globalia
do not receive visitations from dark figures,
their careers are simply “accelerated a little”. What is so agreeable about Rufin is that he
Rufin sees his book as a continuation of the Orwellian theme of 1984. But, he says, the situation today is quite different. “Now everything is no longer forbidden, everything is allowed.” Yet his analysis goes a step further.
himself does not come from an intellectual non-zone. So far, the vigilant literary section of the newspaper Die Welt (‘A Life like d’Artagnan’) has only managed to accuse him personally of having sold too many books. All the more interesting for the discussion, then, if we can refrain from obscuring the uncomfortable thesis of this book by debating
A birdsong polyphonic chimes in the
Rufin sees his book as a continuation of the
about the author – if, that is, there is any
auditorium. Jean-Christophe Rufin smiles at
Orwellian theme of 1984. But, he says, the
discussion at all. In Cologne, after Rufin’s
this prelude to Globalia. The 53-year-old
situation today is quite different. “Now
friendly presentation, no questions were
chairman of Campaign Against Hunger has
everything is no longer forbidden, everything
allowed from the audience – “just in case”,
written a novel about a future world; or it
is allowed.” And yet Rufin’s analysis goes a
so to speak.
could be set once upon a time in the future-
step further. The system which in Orwell’s
present. While LitCologne (a limited liability
time could be mastered by the good or the
Rufin is no ideologist, rather a kind of modern
company) hopes to present him as a literary
bad, in this way or that, has now become
adventurer, someone who plies the non-zones
figure and aesthete – asks him to give
autonomous. Indeed, the old categories of
of this world, frequently visiting Brazil, for
readings of what he calls “the descriptive
good and bad have become questionable
example. Neither is Rufin a theorist among
passages” – the author would rather speak
since they have both been integrated into
arrogant idealists.An ‘Author sans Frontières’,
about his book’s political theses. Rufin
the political system. Globalia is a pleasingly
he has for years been dealing with the modern
proceeds to do so with typically French charm,
open book, written beyond good and bad. Its
contradiction between the First and the Third
subject is the sinister, emerging integrative
Worlds without intending to teach. He does,
power of modern states.
however, intend to think. “We now have,”
and, commendably, without wagging the moral finger.
states Rufin, “two humanisms.” One Refugee, trapped in Mellila
Globalia describes the end-station of the
humanism for the North and one for the
technological project, and Rufin casts it in an
enthralling literary mould. It is the totalitarian
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
form which has asserted itself in the
“Globalia,” Rufin explains, “is not a utopian
’protected’ zones of Globalia. Globalia makes
future novel. Globalia describes current
excessive use of the rhetoric of freedom,
situations, exaggerated, but still actual
human rights and, above all, absolute security,
possibilities.” Every time Rufin returns from
while the unquestionability of these absolute,
the Third World, where the scandalous
almost religiously transfigured concepts
biopolitical phenomenon of ‘bare life’ grows
means at the same time the end of any
ever clearer, his view becomes clearer too.We
genuine public debate about the political
already live, the author tells us, under a well-
substance of Globalia’s democracy. It is
supplied safety dome like in Globalia, even
accepted. And anyway, there are no
if in a permanent state of security-mania.
alternatives left. People who express
Rufin describes with sober directness the
peculiar effects of globalisation. For example,
people, he says, can no longer find orientation.
during a stay in Brazil he noticed that all the
He tells of an Albanian friend who, in the
undertakers were open day and night, and
time of Stalinism, used to transcribe by night
outside their shops were long queues of
books that were only allowed to be borrowed
children’s coffins. They cannot afford the
for one day, in order that he could own them
debate about shop opening times in Brazil.
Of course, Rufin also touches on our current
Globalia cannot defeat any enemy, it is
political landscape, allusions to which
threatened only from within. In Globalia,
permeate Globalia, most of which was written
boredom is the price and the prevailing mood
during the run-up to the Iraq War. An
of nihilistic existence. Rufin recounts a
atmosphere of manipulation dominates the
trekking tour in South Africa which inspired
world, to which Rufin, as former State
him to write the book. After walking a long
Secretary of the French Defence Ministry, is
way through the wilderness he came upon a
naturally attuned. In Globalia, manipulation
policeman who asked him for his entry card
becomes a recognised means of exercising
with a barcode. Rufin protested. The officer
media power, terrorist acts become an integral
explained to him that without the coded entry
part of domestic politics, the constant threat
card, they could neither search for him nor
of terrorism justifies absolute obedience, and
find him.The seed of the Globalia theme had
political enemies are needed in order to sound
found Rufin.
out the political mood among the home population. It is in today’s security mania that
Baikal and Kate, the heroes of the novel,
Rufin sees “the existential insecurity and
attempt to break out of the security zones
emptiness of the modern human being”.
while on a trekking tour, longing for love,
Terrorism is everywhere and nowhere, is not
adventure and exceptional experiences. The
accidentally without any recognisable political
immediate social contact with people outside
content, and acts without a tangible leader.
the artificial dome under which Globalia is situated, whether enemies or not, lifts their
What to do? It is not only a “certain critical
mood straight away. They can breath again,
distancing from democracy” which Rufin
despite the desolation of the non-zones.They
quietly advocates in Cologne, or the natural
are not terrorists, nor politicians, they are
French mistrust of the authorities which the
without nationality or citizenship, but within
experienced author embodies. Rufin does not
them an adventurous heart still beats audibly.
respond to the call for reform-debates; rather,
That suffices.
as befits a political author, he demands deeper reading. Books, to Rufin, as suggested by one
Change in Globalia can no longer be cast in
of Globalia’s central themes, are valuable
the mould of political programmes. Baikal
stores of treasure, bridges that lead to the past
and Kate save their youth by an intuitive flight
and to the future. Books produce social and
which must at first succeed without a definite
intellectual movements. “The readers never
objective, but which finds its meaning in its
write to me,” sighs Rufin, hinting the solitude
nature as a path, as a new beginning. Rufin
of a poet. In the modern bookstores, with
continuously plays on the necessary relation
their vast stocks of literature and science,
between poetic and political perception. Kate
and Baikal are neither sensible nor pragmatic, and are thus original figures. Not until they act together do they discover the possibility of love. Both want one thing above all else: to break out of Globalia and have a destiny at last. There is no doubt that Globalia is a European book. It reflects the European’s mistrust of the leviathan
technology. “Within the Gestell (framework), everything becomes stock,” perceived Martin Heidegger in his early and striking description of the integrative nature of planetary technology.The ‘Old’ Europe may be spiritually tired, but it is under no illusions, remains dangerous, and doubts the irrational thesis of our parties promising endless growth and global wellbeing. But where to? With his depiction of Globalia, Rufin dares cautiously to question the meaning of our historical existence. Globalia shows how it might end, but not how it must end. Because one understands every side and can recognise all the motives of modern life in Globalia, this end appears possible. In Globalia, history itself ends.Who, after all, can still make history? The former bearers of political sovereignty, be they nations, peoples, civil movements or trade unions, have long since dispersed. Man lives an atomised life. Globalia is full of abundance, and yet it is an eternal, aimless building site. The themes of the novel correspond with the here and now. Certainly one of the weaknesses of day-to-day politics is that it retains little contact with the timeless questions of political poetry. The German Federal President’s in 2005, which was supposed to “show the way forward”, was in the end mainly about man in his modern
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | January 2008
Heiligendamm: Surronding the conference centre with military barbed wire in advance of the G8 Summit. The rich nations are seperating themselves from the poorer rest.
Text Abu Bakr Rieger
Jean-Christophe Rufin
role as worker, and as a stock item of human
in sensing the real danger, that of the loss of
Protection” in Globalia). On the one hand it
capital, and was indeed nothing other than
one’s own right to decide.
is the watcher over the political enemies of
day-to-day politics. “Work more” – because
the state, on the other it serves powerful
of the imminent collapse – a constructive
Rufin has succeeded in triggering several
corporate entities, protecting them against
political vision? Whatever the case, such a
stimulating debates about the development
the threat of industrial espionage – a twin role
limited vision of the future human being will
of “democratic culture” in Germany.With the
and a self-image that throws up fundamental
not inspire anyone. Politics and voters
continue to be driven along by the pressing
There is no doubt that Globalia
questions of globalisation. Rufin, on the other
is a European book. It reflects
Do we need new protectors of the
the European’s scepticism
Constitution? Globalia’s modern relevance
hand, aims to push thinking to new adventures.
about technology.
Does politics act, or only react? Away from
also lies in the formulation of one of the core political questions of this time: can the global economy be controlled democratically at all?
the spotlight, the key political figure in
justification of historical experience, the
Unnoticed, the Nation State, or rather the
Globalia is honest and, when pressed by Kate,
founding fathers of the Grundgesetz,
Party State, has departed from that economic-
admits that politics is nothing more than
Germany’s Basic Law, recognised the threat
political neutrality imposed upon it by the
theatre. It is clear that Rufin is an important
above all in the political zone, and thankfully
Constitution. Increasingly, the victory of
inspiration for an overdue debate about the
mastered it. So far so good, and yet the new
capitalism is conceptually equated with the
nature of modern states – states which, as
dangers – and here one has to agree with
victory of democracy. Is it our victory? A
today’s service-providers to the unbridled
Rufin – are more of an economic nature:
society which daily celebrates the apocalypse
economic project, ever more frequently and
media concentration, democracy by public
of imminent economic break-down, however,
rashly categorise political and religious
mood, the political role of statistics, the
hardly has the strength for such critical
matters as “dangerous”, and neutralise them.
relationship between the parties and business,
analysis. The cohesion of Germany is built
The political biotope is wasting away, drying
and also the noteworthy, rarely discussed
increasingly on fear, not on a positive political
out. Anyone who wants not just to consume
new twin role of the Verfassungsschutz, or
vision. Globalia is built on precisely that same
politics but also to think politically, joins Rufin
Constitutional Protection Authority (“Social
connects Freiburg conveniently to the international air network. The traces of its dramatic history can be seen all over the old part of the town. In the centre itself stands the impressive Münster cathedral – which, as was common among medieval churches, is oriented towards Jerusalem – and the cobbled market square. On the evening of 27 November 1944, the British Royal Air Force bombed Freiburg, killing 3000 people and destroying the entire Old City. Only the Münster remained standing. It is of course the city’s most famous building and landmark, and its 380-foot-high tower is considered one of the masterpieces of Gothic Snowy winter landscape in the valley of Freiburg
architecture. The Swiss author Carl Jacob Burckhard is said to have described it as the most beautiful spire in Christendom. Today, the historical market square, with its unusual view onto the surrounding
woodlands, constitutes the old heart of the
city. At the famous weekly market you can find regional produce and hear the local dialect, known as Alemannische or Alemannic.
Not only does Freiburg itself deserve a visit, but also its environs. A peppering of little villages, the famous Titisee lake, and the rising mountains of the Black Forest await you. The region’s cuisine is rich with the influence of France.
Fascinating shops can be found nestling among the alleyways that diverge from the square,
watercourses, the city’s old cleaning system. If such a thing as typical old-world German Gemütlichkeit still exists, then it is here in the Old City that you will taste it.
Fed up of the chaos of the big cities? Berlin,
summer Freiburg attracts many tourists, yet
Not only does the city itself deserve a visit,
Paris and London? The smaller cities are where
it still offers plenty of peace and quiet – and
but also its environs. A peppering of little
you will discover the real charm of Europe’s
southern German Gelassenheit.
villages, the famous Titisee lake, and the rising
cultural regions. One prime example is the city
mountains of the Black Forest await you. If
of Freiburg in the south-west of Germany.
Freiburg being at the meeting-point of three
you don’t want to drive far you can take a
Built on the banks of the little Dreisam river
countries, you can use it as a base to visit other
cable car up Freiburg’s local peak, the 1284-
in the beautiful Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald
cities that are well worth seeing such as Basle
metre Schauinsland, with the reward of a
area, the town is today home to 215,000
in nearby Switzerland and Colmar in nearby
wonderful view of the city’s picturesque
people, 30,000 of which are students. In
France. The Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg Airport
surroundings.The region’s outstanding cuisine
GLOBALIA | Issue 01 | December 2007
is rich with the influence of France. In the
of the valley’s attractions was known even to
to spend his whole life in the provinces of the
neighbouring Glottertal there are numerous
the Romans: the hot springs that today supply
Black Forest. Once you have been there, you
hotels and well-known gourmet restaurants.
such famous bathing resorts as Baden-Baden
will understand why.
and Badenweiler. Situated at the edge of Freiburg is home to a number of universities
Freiburg, the Keidel Mineral Thermal Spa is
Some Muslims also live in Freiburg, many of
and colleges, and has a total of almost 30,000
unique in the region. Boasting 1,800 square
them students. Near the station is an
students.The Albert Ludwigs University, which
metres of water-area it offers a hot natural
accounts for around 20,000 of these, was
bathing lake, a ‘sauna landscape’, a fun-pool
founded in 1457 and is one of Germany’s
with water-chutes, and bubbling relaxation
oldest and most renowned institutions of
pools in the mineral thermal spa. A number
higher learning. In the early 1970s an
of clinics featuring the very latest medical
ecological movement which was critical of
technology have settled in the area around
technology arose around the University.
the Baths.
unremarkable building, an unassuming little house in which the Muslim community gathers for Friday prayers. Yet here too there are plans for expansion.The local Muslims are not looking for anything grand, but a real little mosque with a minaret would, they believe, fit well into the city. The local
Students, townspeople and farmers from the whole region combined to prevent the
At the beginning of last century the city
authorities have already acknowledged the
construction of a nuclear power station in
became famous for its philosophy teachers.
fact and are searching for a suitable piece of
the volcanic Kaiserstuhl hills that lie alongside
Husserl founded the school of phenomenol-
land. All that would then remain is to decide
the Rhine, only to be disappointed when
ogy, and his student Martin Heidegger is
how the new mosque would be designed to
subsequently an even larger nuclear plant
considered perhaps the 20 century’s most
blend well with the architecture of the city.
was built in Fessenheim, on the other side of
important philosopher. Heidegger’s work
the river in France. Since that time Freiburg
represents an attempt to re-claim, on behalf
has had the status of a centre of innovation
of German philosophy, Unity as the foundation
for alternative energy sources such as solar
of thinking. You can purchase his and the
power. The question of the ecological future
works of other German thinkers and poets in
of mankind remains a much-discussed topic
the small but classy Zum Wetzstein bookshop
in Salzstraße, where you will find Heidegger’s
Text Abu Bakr Rieger, Berlin
Waterfall at Stubenbach (Todtnauberg)
complete works, which encompass dozens of The current mayor belongs Germany’s
volumes. Certain unpublished works of the
alternative party, the Greens, and the city’s
century’s great thinker continue to be brought
environmental policies are considered
out at intervals.
exemplary. Rather than entering Freiburg by car you are better advised to use a bicycle or
His most famous book, Sein und Zeit (Being
the town’s efficient system of trams. Much like
and Time), was written in Todtnauberg, just
the rest of Germany, the environment is a hot
outside Freiburg. This small mountain village
topic in Freiburg. The city has set itself
became famous for the Hütte, a small cottage
ambitious targets for local climate protection,
in which Heidegger would retreat to think,
including 40 per cent cuts in CO2-emissions
often for weeks on end. Today you can take
by 2030. A 12-point plant details the main
a remarkable tour of the sites of his think-
areas of urban climate policy for the coming
ing, and enjoy not only the very particular
two years.
atmosphere but also plaques describing the thinker’s most important reference points and
People have been enjoying the mild climate
basic ideas. Heidegger himself never found
of the Upper Rhine for centuries, and another
himself drawn further afield, preferring instead