Quarterly | Issue 05 | March 2009 EUR 6, USD 9, GBP 4.50, AED 32, MYR 29, ZAR 60
A new focus on the world Cover story: Eastwards or Southwards? Europe’s search for its destiny.
History: The man who moved the world. Frederick II, one of the wonders of his time.
Image: dpa/
Business: Building up steam. A new era of rail on the Arab peninsula?
Guantanamo – a symbol of excess, page 22.
EDITORIAL By Abu Bakr Rieger.
COVER STORY Eastwards or southwards? Europe’s search for its destiny.
INTERVIEW The power of language. Dr. Asadullah Yate on the impact of Arabic.
BUSINESS Building up steam. A new era of rail on the Arab peninsula?
Recognised store of value. Investors demand more and more gold.
LAW A symbol of excess. The camp and democracy: not mutually exclusive.
Investigating war crimes. ICC anounce preliminary analysis.
GLOBAL Onwards to foreign shores. ‘Neo-Mercantilism’ and the economic integration.
The silent conflict. AFRICOM, China and the Congo resource wars, page 38.
GLOBAL Providing a successful model. The Egyptian SEKEM Group, founded 1977.
Alternative UN? NATO and its global ambitions.
AFRICA The silent conflict. AFRICOM, China and Congo resource wars.
43 44
Genocide and hidden conflicts. Africa’s forgotten wars shame the media.
ASIA “Strategic partnership”. Karzai scares Obama, with Russia.
46 48
CHIEF EDITOR Abu Bakr Rieger PUBLISHER IZ Medien GmbH Beilsteinerstr. 121 12681 Berlin Germany ASSOCIATE EDITOR Sulaiman Wilms DISTRIBUTION IZ Medien GmbH PRINTING msk marketingserviceköln GLOBALIA Magazine reserves the right to shorten letters. Readers’ letters, guest articles and quotations do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Editors, nor do articles by named authors.
One year after. Kosovo: celebrating limited independence.
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The end of an alliance? Analysis of Turkish-Israeli relations.
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The man who moved the world. Frederick II, one of the wonders of his time.
The former Anna Amalia Library (burned down two years ago), which was once directed by the German author Goethe.
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
Anyone wanting to learn more about Islam
in Europe, aside from Weimar, Cordoba and Sarajevo, should visit Italy too. As Sulaiman
Wilms shows us in his article, the figure of Frederick II has pre-occupied generations
Dear Readers, We are very pleased to present to you the fifth
unbridled capitalism and backwards-looking
of historians down the centuries. The
communism, Europe is looking for other
Emperor’s famous scientific study of falconry
approaches to economic activity.
is of particular interest to the Arab world. If you visit ever the Castel del Monte in
edition of Globalia Magazine. Every age has its dangers. “Thrones crack,
Apulia, the legendary castle built by
Everyone has been witnessing the dynamic
empires tremble” wrote Goethe in his famous
Frederick II, not only will you witness its
transformation of political affairs over recent
poetic anthology, West-Eastern Diwan, written
months. The financial and debt crisis – which
between 1814 and 1819. Having just wit-
any reasonable, thinking person could have
nessed the destruction of the Napoleonic
seen coming – is being followed by specu-
Wars, he not only contemplated the geopo-
lations on the geopolitical effects of the
litical events of his time in this work, he also
financial collapse. The consequences of the
constructed an important bridge to Islam.
global crisis remain unclear. Who will win and who will lose? Will it bring forth new
Goethe hoped that his work would achieve
alliances and a new balance of power?
widespread distribution. Not only did he recognise a fascinating intellectual world in
We are naturally interested in the effects of
Islam, he also approved of the idea of a free
the crisis on the latest conflicts in Iraq and
world-citizen, a person without inner limits
Afghanistan. NATO is looking for a new
or outer limits restraints.
legitimacy for its global role, as we discuss
spectacular natural setting, but you will also derive a clearer understanding of the fascinating relationship between Europe and the Arab world. Our new website,, shows another aspect of our magazine’s strategy. We want are aiming to publish more in-depth analyses and longer background reports which go beyond the scope of a printed magazine, and by so doing, enable readers, as well as journalists interested in working with us, to study the Magazine’s theses, themes and arguments in greater detail.
in this edition. Yet the financial crisis may not
His intellectual and spiritual journey through
just impinge on the old balance of power, it
the Orient was to set a trend of dissent from
We are always on the look-out for intelligent
will also affect the financing of the current
the prevailing nationalism and rejection of
people to build upon the philosophy of this
conflicts; political will has already been
Islam emerging all over Europe. Today, at the
magazine. At the moment we are engaged in
surpassed as the most effective means of
beginning of a century very much coloured
discussions with universities and think-tanks
disarmament by simple want of money.
by the discussion about Islam, we would be
all over the world on potential collaborations
well advised to read Goethe’s West-Eastern
on content. We will of course need to find
There is no doubt that the unfettered
Diwan as one of the most important attempts
donations and sponsors for this work, in order
financial system is one of the reasons why
at a European dialogue with the Muslim
to enable our journalists and academics to
it is possible in the first place to invest
engage in this kind of research work. Recently
enormous sums of money in the dangerous
we facilitated already a number of young
arming of whole continents. What solutions
Goethe was eager to learn about – and
Muslim journalists to undergo periods of
might lie in store for the future? Islam’s
astonishingly open towards – Islam; in fact
practical training with our editorial office.
prohibition on interest and some elements
he “did not reject the idea that he was himself
of the principles of Islamic economics are
a Muslim.” This edition further examines the
already being discussed widely in Europe as
intellectually stimulating spiritual encounter
a model in search for an answer. Torn between
between Europe and Islam.
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the European Union has been steadily expanding towards the East. But this trend is not uncontested, with comparable plans to enlarge the Union along the shores of the Mediterranean sea. This not merely a politicals question but concerns the future geo-political shape of the whole continent. “Whenever Europe has blossomed, its
can primarily be seen to have emerged above
cultures were always a plurality and
all out of an exchange with others – this in
never stood still. The only constant has
contrast to high civilisations like India and
been change, as the saying goes. People
China, which grew up largely as ‘standalone’
who want to seal Europe off believe in
the end of history. They believe that our system is the best and the last, that our
Intercourse with Muslims on the other side
culture is complete and finished. They
of the Mediterranean, which the Romans and
are doomed to die.” (Ilja Trojanow)
later peoples referred to affectionately yet condescendingly as ‘Mare Nostrum’ (Our Sea),
In a way the Europeans are a funny breed.
was especially important in the formation of
Geographically speaking they are situated at
today’s Europe, up until the historical phase
the edge of the huge landmass of Asia. Yet
of imperialism. That this is not a purely
in terms of their history and their thinking they
academic matter debated in closed circles is
consider themselves the hub of the earth,
proven by current EU plans and resolutions
describing themselves, from an enlightened
for a ‘Mediterranean Union’ aimed at building
classic antiquity down to the present day, as
up more stable relations with those nations
leaders. Despite this, their origins (as well as
of North Africa and the Middle East that lie
their name) lie in what is known today as Asia
‘on the other side’. The Paris Declaration of
Minor – Turkey, that is – which is still not
17 July 2008 set down and defined its
even a member of the European Union and
approximate delineation, despite the fact that
perhaps never will be.
the EU’s inner contradictions have watered down its original goals.
While the diverse continental societies strive to find a uniting identity for their reluctant
The still unanswered question is whether
elements, their history, culture and economies
Europe will centralise along an East-West
axis towards Russia, or along a North-South
Fernand Braudel differed from others in that
through its colonial expansion and an
axis across the Mediterranean and beyond?
he saw the Mediterranean not as a division
enormous accumulation of capital. After World
The leading proponents of these two
between the various nations or states, but as
War II, however, people began to think again
philosophies are Germany and France res-
an element connecting the areas bordering
about the bonding nature of the Sea. As
pectively, who in spite of their recent decades
the sea. Braudel did not consider the sea one
decolonialisation progressed, a merging of
of accord, they harbour quite contrary
uniform entity, but rather a “wide, complex
Western Europe and Africa was viewed by
outlooks on this issue.
expanse” within which humans moved
some as a way of balancing the ideological
around. Life on its coasts went on: people
The history of a region One of the most original thinkers to tackle the
Recall how Europe’s
opposition between East and West, with a Euro-African bloc as a counterweight to the two big players in the Cold War.5 France under
history and character of the Mediterranean
great thinkers and poets
President De Gaulle tried repeatedly to
region was the French historian Fernand
have often harboured
distance itself politically and geo-strategically
Braudel (1902-1985), whose habilitation
an inner longing for the
from the United States.
thesis on the subject was published in 1949.
His monumental work is divided into three sections, each corresponding to a particular
South and the shores of the Mediterranean.
plane through time by which Braudel
Such plans were quick to emerge yet largely ineffective especially with Germany , which was turning itself into Europe’s economic
approaches the past in a different way. The
travelled, fished, fought in wars and drowned
motor-force as it incorporated into the
first deals with the history of the people in
in the waters. The Mediterranean reaches out
Western European and NATO structures,
the landscape and in relation to their
to other regions and islands, where life was
having no political or economic interest in
geographical setting, while in the second
equally diverse and complex. The poorer South
Africa or the Mediterranean region what-
part, Braudel investigates the history of
was influenced by the religious difference
soever. Geopolitical ideas in that category
larger phenomena such as states and
between Catholicism and Islam as well as by
carried no weight at the time.
cultures. The third part is based upon
invasions, cultural and economic, from the
traditional historiography.
more affluent North. According to Braudel, the Mediterranean cannot be understood in
Developments so far under the auspices of the EU
Unlike scholars who have taken a conven-
isolation from what lies on its shores. Seeing
After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the
tional, specifically historical approach,
rigid borders leads to a false analysis.
evaporation of Moscow’s control over the
Braudel examined the whole region, taking
states of central and eastern Europe, what was
as his time-frame not the urgency of political
To claim that his thinking is a thing of the past
the then European Community found itself
decision-making but the emergence of
would be to overlook Braudel’s continued
moving inexorably towards the East. Fresh
natural phenomena. The Frenchman was
influence in France today, where you can
from their experience of the Warsaw Pact,
fascinated by the slow rhythms of the
barely speak about the Mediterranean
the newly independent states received
Mediterranean. It is interesting to follow his
without reference to this historian. A 2007
overtures from the West with open arms. The
long-term view which sees a slow ‘river’ of
survey by the military’s general staff, for
new Baltic members, as well as nations like
history in the Mediterranean shaping an
example, pleads the case for a Mediterranean
Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic,
attitude towards life defined in particular
Union on security grounds and reasons, begins
became not only suppliers of cheaper labour
by similarities in cuisine, climate, and
with a chapter about Braudel.4
and sales markets (for German industry
relationships with the common space. It was
especially), they also began to influence
the pioneering Muslim thinker Ibn Khaldun
The region moved in the ranks of world history
who had previously recognised and
once the north of Europe, strengthened by
formulated the effect of climate on human
burgeoning capitalism and its plunder, began
There had been, back in the early 1990s,
to outstrip the actual European cultural realm
informal collaborative structures between the
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
Europe’s geopolitical orientation.
European Community and other countries bordering the Mediterranean, which, it was hoped, would be put on a more permanent basis in Barcelona in 1995. The 15 members of the European Community of the time and the 12 countries around the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean agreed to found a Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EUROMED), hoping, with the Cold War a thing of the past, to create a zone of “peace, security and mutual prosperity.”
The Eurabia Complex From the identity-defining search for Europe’s future geopolitical realm has also emerged, as a consequence of the dominant political method, the delineation of elements perceived as being “non-European”. It was obvious that the continent’s Muslims, and their way of life, should be now prime candidates. The highly polemical term ‘Eurabia’ can now be seen to be doing the rounds in today’s media. In actual fact the name derives from the title of an ideologically unsuspicious study called Eurabia, which was published in Paris by the European Committee for the Coordination of Friendly Relations with the Arab World in conjunction with various European research institutions. In June 1975, the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation, a Strasbourg gathering of more than 200 Western European parliamentarians bridging the whole political spectrum, passed a resolution appended to the second version of the study. Almost three decades later, relentless critics of Islam such as the commentator Bernard Lewis6 used the same label to denounce a supposed takeover of Western Europe by the Muslims living there, which, it was further claimed, was being actively assisted by European politicians. According to this tangled
The EU currently views the Mediterranean Sea as a frontier against ‘aliens’.
conspiracy theory, the EU’s leadership,
states, “Those who use the term Eurabia
had to be folded over double and triple and
interested in Middle East resources and keen
invoke a mutating European continent which
sewn down firm. It was the creative and
to create a geopolitical counterweight to the
has, under pressure from oil producing states
productive heart, a web of relationships and
USA, are actively permitting demographic
and devoid of a political vision of how to
new creations. We tend to interpret the
change in favour of European Muslims. In an
stem the Arab influx, abandoned all its values.
cartographic blue of the sea as a border, when
interview with a German newspaper in 2004,
The aim of our book is to investigate this
for a long time it formed a fluid bridge. The
Lewis even went as far as to predict that the
position by laying out the actual development
foundations of European culture would not
European Union would become a part of the
of French policies towards Muslims and
have been possible if it had not been for the
Arabian West.8
organised Islam since the 1970s. We have
permeable, fluctuating and sometimes even
attempted to refute the false assumptions of
symbiotic quality of the edges.” Thus wrote
So many aspects of this paranoid scenario are
Eurabia, which are essentially that the French
the German Muslim author and essayist, Ilja
false that it hardly merits in serious debate.
and European governments, driven by a self-
Its proponents forget that not only the USA
despising multicultural politique, have
is one of Saudi Arabia’s biggest allies, but
capitulated to the cultural and religious
According to Trojanow, the European debate
that also the majority of Muslims living in
demands of the Muslims.”
is demanding a “categorical clarification of
the characteristics of membership.” The
Europe are not of Arab extraction, but from Turkey, North Africa, the Balkans or the
What is Europe?
impression is almost one of ‘racial profiling’
“Where the edge is and where the centre is
to decide what is European and what is not.
depends above all on where you stand – and
Trojanow claims, however, that there can only
The two Brookings Scholars Justin Vaisse and
the direction in which you are moving. There
be a future if “borders are understood as
Jonathan Laurence investigated the Eurabia
were times in which the Mediterranean region
confluences.” These, and the Mediterranean
conspiracy in their study. Professor Laurence
did not represent the hem of Europe which
is an example, have always been crucial
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
pollinators in the continent’s development. It
about the geopolitical orientation of Europe st
Russia, Europe’s big neighbour to the east, is
was the German philosopher Nietzsche who
in the early 21 century. Both are conservative,
assuming a growing role in the provision of
opposed the sterile idea of cultural “purity”.
convinced Atlanticists, and they share many
energy to Germany and other members of
Divisions, say both Trojanow and Braudel, are
views on domestic security, the Middle East
the EU, a fact made plain by the recent gas
only a fleeting aspect of history.
conflict and the treatment of Muslim and
dispute between Russia and the Ukraine.
immigrant minorities. But a more careful look
The geo- and energy-political situation of
Recall how Europe’s great thinkers and poets
reveals the true orientation of these two prime
Germany and the entire Baltic region is
have often harboured an inner longing for the
EU members, not only in cultural terms but
therefore a high priority for Berlin in terms
South and the shores of the Mediterranean.
also and especially in terms of the politics of
of regional development and the stabilisation
From Goethe and Byron, to Nietzsche and
security and energy.
of relations with Russia.
19th century – all were drawn to the
In the debate about a possible Mediterranean
France’s extrovert President Sarkozy, a
landscapes of classical Italy and Greece, as
Union, Germany’s head of government Angela
contrast to the dry character of the Protestant
well as the Muslim cultural regions of the
Merkel has warned of the perils of the splitting
Merkel, sees the Mediterranean Union as the
Mediterranean. But it was not only esteemed
Europe into northern and southern countries.
natural continuation of French interests
Rilke, and through to the famous artists of the
European figures whose existential longing and hunger for education drove them to the Mediterranean. For many generations the affluent considered the it done thing to visit various parts of the region. The Germans in particular seeing the Mediterranean as a counterpoint to the sober, dry spirit of the North. Yet it would be wrong not to mention the longing for Eastern Europe landscapes, the Baltic or Russia which existed in the European
Despite the Paris declarations, it is doubtful that the dispute over the orientation and geopolitical development of the EU will be all that easy to resolve. The outlooks and needs of the member states involved are too disparate.
already at work in the EU. Not only is the Med common water between France and the countries on the southern shores, many of France’s government’s geopolitical and military initiatives are oriented to the region. Energy supplies from Algeria and Libya; the silent war against immigration from Africa (author Jean-Christoph Rufin speaks of Europe’s New Frontier) carried on in the EU by the FRONTEX agency; the fear of extremism within the country’s own borders; and the securing of French interests around
intellectual psyche up until the beginning of Soviet communism. Their expansiveness and
She considers the project “very dangerous”
the Mediterranean coast – all may have
calm were viewed as a dreamt-of contrasts
and she believes it possible and raises the
motivated France to push on alone with the
to the homeland. In a similar same way to
spectre that the EU could collapse “at its
Mediterranean Union. And it’s no flash in
the much larger Mediterranean, the Baltic
core” if Berlin turns towards the east and
the political pan: Sarkozy presented similar
Sea played its part in connecting the cultural
Paris towards the south of Europe. Such a
plans at the start of 2007 as part of his
realms of the Baltic states, Scandinavia,
scenario could have a number of effects.
presidential election campaign.11
on its shores and you will see more
For one thing, the position of the German
Sarkozy’s generous offers, however, certainly
commonality than differences.
government has become more important than
did not find favour with everyone. Algeria,
before with the European Union’s eastward
which Sarkozy believed to be a decisive player
EU dispute over future orientation
expansion. Germany plays a key economic
in a future Mediterranean Union, found his
Their public political postures would never
role for many of the new EU member states
equating the perpetrators of the Algerian
betray the fact that Nicolas Sarkozy and
in the east and north, which for their part
War with its victims was called as
Angela Merkel have become major and main
represent appreciable markets for the
“unbelievable cynicism” according to the
adversaries in the European Union debate
expansion of German industry. Furthermore,
daily El Watan.12
Germany, Poland and Russia. Visit the cities
According to the publicist Rudolf Maresch13,
Mediterranean Union became a matter for the
resistance can also be expected from Turkey.
whole EU. On 13 July 2008, 44 states – the
Ankara, promised entry into the EU’s
27 EU members states, 15 Mediterranean
predecessor as far back as the 1960s, views
countries in North Africa and the Middle East,
the initiative as an attack on its possible
and the Palestinian National Authority,
acceptance into the European Union. The
Mauritania and Jordan – resolved to launch
fact too that Sarkozy is the chief proponent
a new initiative entitled ‘the Barcelona
of Mediterranean Union’s does not help
Process: Union for the Mediterranean.’
matters, since the French President has been one of Europe’s most vocal critics of Turkey’s
The countries of the Mediterranean Union
inclusion into the EU – especially during his
have agreed on where it should be based, and
election campaign.
also to involve the Arab League. Its Secretariat
energies; and higher education in the form
will be in Barcelona, Spain, and the post of
of a Euro-Mediterranean University to be
Diluted resolutions
General Secretary will be taken by one of the
based in EU member state Slovenia.
Merkel asserted herself contrary to Sarkozy’s
countries in the south. And Israel, in return
push for leadership, and the future
for the much-debated concession to the Arab
Which direction will Europe take?
League, will assume one of at least five
Despite the Paris declarations, it is doubtful
representative positions. The Arab League
that the dispute over the orientation and
may not vote. “The Arab League has the right
geopolitical development of the EU will be all
to participate in all meetings and express its
that easy to resolve. The outlooks and needs
views at all levels,” said Egypt’s Foreign
of the member states involved are too
Minister Ahmed Abdul Gheit – yet the
disparate. As with previous matters the
organisation may not take part in ballots.
Mediterranean conflict reveals the systematic
Before the meeting’s conclusion, diplomats
weaknesses in the EU when it comes to acting
had been speaking of “membership” for the
together over and beyond economic issues.
League, but this was not granted.
In spite of its enormous economic power, the
Footnotes: Entitled La Méditerranée et le monde méditeranéen à l’epoque de Philippe II 1
Wolf Lepenies, Fernand Braudel wiedergelesen, DIE WELT, March 2008 4
political influence which the EU has been
Rudolf Maresch, Europas Zukunft liegt im Süden, telepolis, 31.01.2009
In spite of the generally festive and also
German journalist Jürgen Elsässer described him as a “Professor of Islamhatred”.
sweeping declarations of intent, the actual
Aside from that, Europeans must ask
measure taken have not lived up to
themselves whether their identity is to be
expectations, especially for the part of
built up solely through a rejection of the
France and other neighbouring states. The
Other, especially Muslims, or whether they
Declaration’s preamble may contain far-
should rather to be able to define their own
reaching statements, but the Annex of the
values. As these values evolve, Islam must be
Agreement only contains a very limited
allowed to assume the place it deserves as a
number of actual steps.
European religion. The crisis of purpose which
DIE WELT, Interview with Bernard C. Lewis, July 2004
Ilja Trojanow, “Wovon reden wir eigentlich, [...]”, Islamische Zeitung, 28.03.2007 9
Rudolf Maresch, Europas Zukunft liegt im Süden, telepolis, 31.01.2009
DER SPIEGEL, 5.12.2008
Rudolf Maresch, Europas Zukunft liegt im Süden, telepolis, 31.01.2009
Tagesspiegel, 4.11.2008
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
able to exert so far remains limited.
official atmosphere of the summit, and its
German and French conservatives are going These include cleaning up the Mediterranean;
through – to define what they actually want
establishing faster and safer transport routes
in positive terms – has prevented this process
on the Sea in order to improve relationships
from taking place.
and facilitate regional trade; disaster management; the promotion of alternative
Text By Sulaiman Wilms
Globalia: Where and when was your first encounter with the Arabic language? Dr. Asadullah Yate: My first encounter with Arabic was in North Africa, in Morocco. What immediately fascinated me was the overflowing vitality and friendliness of the people. Linguistically this manifested in an energy which was quite different from what I had experienced in Europe: the people seemed to speak more loudly and of course the various consonants absent in European languages rendered it all the more exotic; when speaking the people came physically much closer, almost nose to nose; one saw vividly the colour of their eyes, their facial features, while from their mouths poured this other means of communication; another body language, with words accompanied by other, different movements of the head, of the hands, and body and while speaking they would often touch you to emphasize a point. The language and their bodies expressed
themselves in unison. The language was an inseperable but key part of this other way of being with each other. Europe in comparison appeared reserved, cool and distant. Of
Languages are undergoing tremendous changes: globalisation, the internet, the demand of eco-
course, the more European an Arab becomes the less such features manifest.The Arabic of an Arab banker in his bank is quieter, more
nomy and communications for an International-
reserved and cooler. It taught me in an
English-Speak mean that more and more non-
existential way that language was the
English languages are having to submit to the
outward expression of an inward core identity: that Arab nationhood is not determined by
parameters of this IES. Arabic has not remained
cartographic borders but by a common
unaffected. However, because it is irrevocably
anchored in the two divine sources of the Qur’an
Globalia: What is particularly fascinating
and the language of the Messenger, sallallahu
about this language?
alayhi wa sallam, the changes have been less intrusive, less destructive.
GLOBALIA | Issue 04 | December 2008
Dr. Asadullah Yate: One learns since the Lord of the Worlds chose this language to
reveal to mankind the last acceptable form
various efforts have been made to ‘purify’
The same applies to the word deen: when an
of behaviour, of worship, the last acceptable
these languages of their Arabic element, not
educated Arab Muslim uses this word he is
form of society, the last form of sovreignty,
least of the Arabic alphabet. But it has had
incapable of looking out onto the world and
then it cannot be – as it is sometimes argued
a major influence also on European langu-
dividing it up into separate categories of state
– that all languages are of equal worth.
ages, such as Portuguese, Spanish, Italian,
and religion. The word just does not admit of
Goethe, despite his difficult situation, realised
Albanian and Bulgarian, to name but a few.
such a division. Of course if he has studied
this and strove accordingly to acquaint himself
And this process necessarily continues at an
at a European University he may try to do so,
with this language.
ever increasing rate as more and more
but it would be disingenuous on his part.
Europeans become Muslim. European Muslims use the word zakat for
The Arabic language and Islam are inseparable, just as German and English are
It has proved necessary for European Muslims
the same reason: when Islam first came to
incomprehensible – at a more profound level
to take the same path as the peoples of those
Europe it was incorrectly translated as ‘alms’
– without a knowledge of Greek and Latin
languages mentioned above – to adopt Arabic
because the priests responsible for the
culture. If you were to try and remove Islam
terms when no corresponding terms exist in
translations chose deliberately or otherwise
from Arabic, it would be like removing Islam
their own language. People will say wudu, for
to reduce its meaning to this level. Alms of
– i.e. all the vocabulary of the Quran and the
example, because the word ablution
course evokes charity, pity, peity and a
Rasoul, sallallahu alayhi was sallam – from
immediately reminds one of a specific church
voluntary donation whereas the pillar of zakat
Urdu. You would end up with Hindi, i.e.
practice. Just as Heidegger was obliged to
is a political and social institution of an
another, albeit cognate, language. When
redefine – or rather purify his vocabulary of
obligatory nature, with precise rules,
people speak Arabic or Urdu they are led into
christian colouring in order to describe Dasein,
demanding gold and silver currencies –
the realm of Islam by the nature of its
so Muslims in Europe have been obliged to
without whose pillar the house of Islam
structure, history and vocabulary – whether
use the Arabic terms lest they too end up
they like it or not.
imitating christian practice. Words, as Carl Schmitt realised, are carried over from one
Sawm is used in preference to ‘fasting’
Globalia: The globalised world today
system to another. So, for example, the demise
because fasting in its current wellness-age use
speaks English. Does the Muslim world
of the church, all aspects of the current state
often means abstaining from certain foods,
speak Arabic? Is Arabic increasing in
system in Europe are in fact still denominated
or drink on days of one’s choice – while sawm
as secularised categories of the church.
is a majestic, social event initiated at the sighting of the new moon by the leader of the
Dr. Asadullah Yate: The influence of Arabic
Further examples will illustrate this point. The
community, with precise rules and times. Hajj
can, by Allah, never diminish. It can only
Muslim will say salat instead of prayer: if he
is hajj because the use of the word
increase. Generally speaking, the stronger the
were to say ‘prayer’ one might be led to
’pilgrimage’ evokes Rome or Santiago de
deen, the stronger the Arabic influence. The
believe that his practise means a being-alone,
Compostela and has little to do with these
influence of Arabic on Bahasi Indonesie,
a raising one’s hand on high and imploring
events. This is not a denigration of the christian
Malay, Persian, Urdu, Kurdish, Turkish, Bengali,
God at times of one’s choosing during the day
terms, only a reminder that the terms used
Berber and numerous other languages has
or night whereas the word salat has in fact
by Allah ta’ala in Arabic came to abrogate the
been tremendous, upwards of 40 or 50 per
a very strictly defined meaning, i.e. a body of
previous language of ‘Isa, alayhi as-salam.
cent of the vocabulary of some of these
men, standing shoulder to shoulder, following
languages coming from Arabic.
in unison the bowing and prostration of an
Naturally this phenomenon is to be observed
imam at precise moments during the day and
working the other way round. When the Arabs
Its importance can be measured by the
night. Prayer evokes an essentially spiritual,
import the word demokratiya they bring with
violence with which on various occasions in
meditative and solitary experience while salat
it – or not as the case may be – all of its
history – but above all in the last century –
is a physical and social experience.
portmanteau meanings accumulated through-
Biographical notes:
level. The alleged freedom of the Europeans
immediately recognised its divine, miraculous
Dr. Asadullah Yate was born 1951 in London. He obtained a PhD on Ibn Rushd from the University of Cambridge in 1992.
for each individual to have their opinion has
nature. Their language was at such a high
now been granted the Arabs with all the
level that they were equipped to recognize
terrible divisiveness associated with it and
its sublimity. Allah ta’ala says: “We have sent
the subsequent creation of ‘parties.’
it down as an Arabic Qur’an.” 5 As-Sawi
Among his many translations from Persian and Arabic are The Secret Garden of Shaykh Mahmud ash-Shabistari, Islam in the School of Madina by Shaykh Ahmad ibn Bashir ash-Shinqeeti and the commentary by al-Maydaani on Qudouri’s Mukhtasar fi’l-Fiqh al-Hanafi. He has been teaching Arabic and fiqh at the Weimar Institute, Germany since 2000. He has travelled and lectured extensively in Europe, Asia and Africa.
reminds us that ‘Arabic is the clearest and Globalia: What are the particular qualities
most eloquent language because it is the
of the Arabic language?
language of the people of the Garden in the Garden’.6
Dr. Asadullah Yate: More than any other people, the Arabic language defines the Arabs
Muslim records that the Rasoul, sallallahu
– or at least it did until they were mercilessly
alayhi was sallim, said: uteetu jamwaami’u’-
divided, geographically, by the colonialists
kalim – ‘I have been given all modes of
and separated from their traditions by the
expression.’7 In other words, because of the
new language of socialism and petty
inimitability of the Qur’an and the superiority
nationalism and when local Arab dialects
of the speech of Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi
were ‘academically’ raised in status.
was sallam, these two linguistic sources will
always serve as linguistic precedents. They
out its 2,000 year old history and development. They have been taught that it corres-
Qadi Iyyad in ash-Shifa says the following:
can never be surpassed because of their divine
ponds more or less to shura2 – a Qur’anic
“The Arabs were the masters of linguistic
term meaning ‘consultation with, or advice
expression, having been given eloquence and
given to an Amir’ – who while participating
aphorisms not given to any nation. They were
Arabic means literally “what is clear, to
in such consultation or listening to such
given a sharpness of tongue not possessed
express clearly.”8 Allah taala says in ash-
advice, retains the right to decide and act as
by other peoples and an incisiveness of
Shuara – The Poets, 195, that He has revealed
he thinks fit. The collision of these two realms
speech penetrating right to the heart of the
it in a “in a clear Arabic tongue;” in sura
of meaning is responsible for many of the
meaning. Allah gave them that as part of
an-Nahal – The Bee, 103, “in a clear and
misunderstandings, indeed conflicts in the
their nature and character. They use it
lucid Arabic.” This primal meaning defines
Arab world today.
spontaneously to evoke amazement and it
best how the Arabs saw themselves vis-à-vis
enables them to deal with any situation,
the ‘ajam, the non-Arabs: they were the
speaking extemporaneously.”
masters of clear communication.
Arabic word has been used for a European
For the Arabs, their language is so powerful
Globalia: Tawhid – why is it that the
meaning. Implementation of this word has
that it has always been treated on a par with
Arabic language can express unity
splintered the Arabic world. Originally it meant
action itself. Qadi Iyyad continues: “They
particularly well?
‘to examine and arrive at a judgement’, but
compose poems […] to raise [people] up and
now means ‘opinion’ in a quiz-show sense.
bring [them] low. By use of language they
Dr. Asadullah Yate: It should be noted in
Never has ‘divide and rule’ been more
work permissible magic […] with it they can
passing that the word tawhid itself has been
effectively applied than in the media-machine
deceive the intelligent, make what is difficult
devalued nowadays as it is more often used
of al-Jazeera whose logo is ar-ray wa-r al-
easy, heal ancient feuds, bring ancient ruins
to denote unification in a social or economic
akhir – ‘This opinion and that opinion’. Since
to life, make cowards brave, open up clenched
sense than its original sense of “recognising
its inception, it has completed at a national
hands, make the imperfect perfect and reduce
the oneness of the Creator in the creation.”
level the atomisation of the Arab people who
the highborn to obscurity.” It was for this rea-
However, if one returns to the Qur’anic
had already been separated at a pan-Arabic
son that when the Qur’an came to them, they
definition, one sees that Allah has equipped
The word ray is another kind of import,
although this time a meaning-import: an
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
us with a vocabulary which allows us to
they feel obliged to translate the word
and these are undoubtedly the ‘ulama –
accurately speak of Him, His creation and our
‘occurred’ as well from the original English.
whether in Iraq, Lebenon, Morocco or Sudan.
position within it.
Again, for an article entitled ‘Iranians start
Thus the matter is not so much geographical
reactor test run’ we have ‘badu tajribati
as social. One notices, even today, that when
We realise, for example, that the language of
tashgheel mafaa’il al-Irani’ which is bizarre.
a well-educated Arab speaks fus-ha the rest
tawhid is part of fitra – the natural make up
It is not, technically speaking, grammatically
of the company will naturally revert to fus-
or being of man – described in the Qur’an.
wrong, its just ‘unarabic’ in its noun-overload
ha. It is clear that the so called MSA (Modern
In other words man, has been created in such
in the absence of a verb.
Standard Arabic), introduced during the last
two generations into the education system,
a way that tawhid is natural to him, instinctive to him. Tawhid is a description of the ‘way
Whereas at one time the Arabic Academies
has severely curtailed the scope and richness
things are’. By submitting to Allah, by using
of Damascus and Cairo made an effort to
of traditional Arabic.
the terminology in the Qur’an to describe
find Arabic terms for new things or concepts,
Him, His creation and oneself, one is only
the English vocabularies of science, economics
This new form of Arabic is used in the media,
aligning oneself with one’s necessary situation
and computers are now imported wholesale
universities and schools. Crudely speaking, it
in the world. Conversely if one does not use
and merely transliterated.
is an amalgamation of Arabic and concepts from Western languages, translated or
the language of the Qur’an and the language of tawhid, to describe how things are, then
The classifications of the world, as seen from
transliterated into Arabic with a prescriptive
one is denying this fitra, covering up the
the West are also transferred to the Arabs.
value: a language which interlocks with the
reality of things.
Thus even the Arabs living in Amman are
media-, economics- and computer-speak
living in the ‘Middle East’. They are not
English which supplanted the language of
Globalia: There is a process of moderni-
allowed so to speak to be at the centre of
Shakespeare. A study of the relationship of
sation going on in the Arabic language
things – that centre is still Greenwich. Of
MSA/traditional Arabic with the Osmanlija of
– to what extent is this dangerous?
course this is ‘normal’ in the sense that the
pre-Kemalist times/modern Turkish would be
language of a more aggressive system will
Dr. Asadullah Yate: There is no doubt that
always influence another – what is dangerous,
Arabic has undergone huge changes since, for
however, is if this process is not perceived and
example, BBC and CNN started their Arabic
one fails to distinguish between a more
language broadcasting. On a very crude level
aggressive system and a superior system. The
one notices the way the verb is often relegated
so called current Western model is not
to second place after the subject. The
superior, but is supremely more aggressive.
dynamism of the verbal opening is lost. Most of the news is translated from English: instead
Globalia: How and where can one best
of rendering it in concis Arabic by using one
learn the Arabic language?
of the ten or more available verbal forms for each meaning-stem – and we are not simply
Dr. Asadullah Yate: Most Arab countries
talking about tenses or verbal modes such as
claim that in their territories the best Arabic
indicative or subjunctive – the language now
is spoken – and it may well be that in certain
mimics the English.
parts of Arabia, Jordan and Syria one hears a tongue which is closest to the fus-ha Arabic,
So to give a very banale example, while one
i.e. the highest or clearest Arabic. However,
single word would render ‘an explosion
a more accurate definition of where to find
occurred’ in Arabic in BBC-speak it is rendered
the best Arabic would be amongst the circles
with two words – waqa’ al-infijaar – because
of the best-educated, traditionally speaking,
Footnotes: 1
This interpretation of the word salat is by no means theoretical: certain Muslims of the Lebanon, through their keeping excessive company with the christians will argue that this is in fact the meaning of salat. 2 Or sometimes it is equated with the word majlis, which is made to appear as a parliament. 3 See Letter to an Arab Muslim, Shaykh AbdalQadir as-Sufi, chap. 11, Mallorca 2000. 4 Ash-Shifa bi-tareef Mustafa, English Translation, Granada 1991. 5 Sura Yusuf 2. 6 Tafseer Saawi, vol.3, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, 2001. 7 Sahih Muslim, Bab Masaajid. 8 Al-Qaamous Al-Muheet, vol.1, p. 107, Cairo 1952. 9 BBC, Arabic on-line, 26.02.09
improvements. “People have accepted that
transport problems cannot be solved simply
by building more and more new roads.”
Tracks for the ‘Empty Quarter’
In spite of its wealth in energy resources and
Saudi Arabia, the largest country in the
capital, the Arabian Peninsula still lags behind
Peninsula by area, currently has three projects on the go: the Saudi Landbridge Project, the
in its regional infrastructure. One element as still
Haramain High Speed Rail Project, and a
missing is a functional rail system for transporting
freight line for transporting phosphates from
freight and passengers. Several large-scale projects are in the pipeline, especially in Saudi Arabia, a country which can look back on to the
the Al-Jalamid deposits in the north and the bauxite mines in the south of the country to the industrial region of Ras Azzour. All three projects were offered out separately
impressive the Hijaz Railway, built at the
to tender. The Saudi Landbridge Project was
beginning of the previous century.
awarded to the Tarabot Consortium which consists of seven Saudi firms and Australia’s Asciano. As well as construction, the 50-year
Today, you cannot travel from Marrakech to
transport, has not always kept pace with other
concession includes owning and operating
Riyadh by train, but experts believe that a
countries. But with increasing amounts of
the route. The line will run from west to east,
trans-Arabian railway need not remain a
freight as well as higher fuel and transport
connecting Jeddah on the Red Sea to the
dream, and it is now a feasible vision in the
costs and the ecological consequences of
capital Riyadh and then continuing to the
long term. Journalists like David Briginshaw,
individualised transport, even the energy-rich
city of Dammam on the country’s east coast
Editor-in-Chief of International Rail Journal,
nations around the Persian Gulf are consi-
and from Damman in the east on to Jubail.
see reason for hope in the massive
dering permanent alternatives to the relatively
The newly built freight line will be single-
investments currently being made in rail
expensive individual modes of travel.
track at first, although features such as tunnels
infrastructure in countries such as Morocco,
are to be laid out to enable double-track
Egypt and Saudi Arabia. After a succession of
A railway link for heavy transport already
accidents, Egypt is having its railways
connects the Jordanian port of Aqaba to Syria.
revamped at a cost of around 14 billion USD.
Syria is connected in turn to Turkey, which is
High-tech Hajj
Railways have a long history in the Middle
currently investing 1.3 billion USD in bringing
Mecca and Madinah will also be linked by
East. Egypt was one of the first countries in
trains from Ankara to Sivas and on to Iraq.
a high-speed line going via Jeddah. Building
the Middle East to use trains to transport
The next gap is from Iraq down to Kuwait then
work will begin in March 2009 according to
passengers. The International Rail Journal
steadily southwards all the way to the
reports in the press. Involved in what is
mentions plans announced by the Kingdom
Emirates. There have been plans to build
being called the Haramain High Speed Rail
of Morocco in 2007 to build a 1,500 km, high-
railways along this route for a long time. The
Project are Chinese construction companies
speed line for the national railway company
International Rail Journal admits that a trans-
as well as France’s Alstom – the French
ONCF, using France’s TGV as a model.
Arabian railway is still some way off, but says
manufacturing the high-speed trains for the
that governments are on the right track, so
futuristic connection.
operation in the future.
On the Arabian Peninsula, as in many areas
to speak. There has been some promising
of the Muslim world, the development of
progress, and thanks to the oil boom there
Constructing the approximately 444 kilo-
domestic infrastructure, especially public
are enough funds for infrastructural
metre-long railway is predicted to take around
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
three years, and with the first trains scheduled
from the Masjid al-Haram. A second Meccan
involved in the Haramain High Speed Rail
to commence operation in 2013. According
station is also planned near the university
Project. While Alstom, together with its
to statements, the journey between Madinah
and the business district.
divisions and parent Bouygues, are busy with construction and Thales tackles the electronics
and Jeddah will then take just two hours. The Saudi Transport Minister, Al-Seraisry stated
Saudi Arabia has hoped for some time to
and communications, a division of France’s
that the infrastructure project represents an
generate more income by promoting tourism,
national railway organisation, SNCF, has been
“ideal solution to the transport problems –
and the country’s planners expect the
asked to provide feasibility studies and
experienced during Hajj” and one which will
Haramain Railway to precipitate a greater
technical consulting for the project.
“lessen the workload enormously.”
influx of travellers by connecting Jeddah –
On 3 February, Middle Eastern Business
home to the Kingdom’s national airport and
“This project will make Saudi Arabia the first
sea port – to Mecca and Madinah.
country in that part of the world to enjoy the benefits of a high-speed network,” explains
Intelligence reported that the Al Rajhi
Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Chairman of SNCF
winner of the Hijaz rail link tender process,
Others hoping for profits in the Kingdom
the company’s 6.9 billion-riyal bid being the
As we have mentioned, the China Railway
state railway company. Getting a foothold
lowest made for the railway contract. The
Engineering Corporation is one of the com-
in the markets of the Middle East is not
final result will be announced by the Saudi
panies involved in building the Haramain
always easy though. Although the French
Railways Organisation.
High Speed Rail Project. To some, however, it
were able to clinch the job in Saudi Arabia,
seems anomalous that China’s corporations
their German rivals Deutsche Bahn AG have
This consortium is led by the Mada Group and
should receive a lucrative order for restruc-
scooped up profitable contracts for the
includes Alstom Transport/Bouygues (France),
turing the transport of the annual flood of
development of high-speed lines and freight
Al Arab Contracting, and the China Railway
pilgrims between Islam’s two most important
lines in the Emirates, and, in summer 2008
Engineering Group. Its price was considerably
cities while its government continues to
also in Qatar.
below the joint offer made by the Saudi
oppresses its local Muslims.
Alliance would probably emerge as the
International, the global division of France’s
Text By Sulaiman Wilms
Binladen Group and Spain’s Obrascon Huarte Lain. But the Saudi Binladen Group did not
According to the journalist Tim Wang at
walk away empty-handed: since, together, Chinese engineers are hoping to
with French-based arms and high-tech group
be involved in other plans to expand Middle
Thales, they received the two billion-riyal
Eastern railway networks. “Plans in Riyadh to
contract for the line’s signal and communica-
invest around USD 120 billion in improving
tions systems. The Haramain High Speed Rail
Saudi infrastructure” could prove a gold-mine
Project is due to proceed in two phases, with
for Chinese construction companies. The fact
only the start of the first so far being
that China’s President Hu Jintao made Saudi
announced. The first step (scheduled for three
Arabia his first port of call for the year 2009
years with completion set for 2012) is to build
indicates, says Wang, Beijing’s interest in
the link from Jeddah to Madinah. The second
improving relations with the world’s leading
step involves connections between Mecca,
oil producer.
Jeddah, Jeddah Airport, King Abdullah Economic City and Knowledge Economic City.
But it is not just Far-Eastern business that wants to profit from the expansion of the
The station in Madinah is to be three
Middle East’s railway network, European
kilometres from the Prophet’s Mosque, while
companies also want a piece of the action.
the station in Mecca will be just 500 metres
Currently there are three Chinese companies
The most striking trend across the year was
the reawakening of investor interest in the
holding of physical gold. Demand for bars and coins rose 87 per cent over the year with shortages reported across many parts of the
Investor interest in gold held against heavy
plunges on the stock markets. Identifiable gold demand in tonnage terms rose 4 per cent on
The figures compiled independently for WGC by GFMS Ltd., showed jewellery demand up
previous year levels to 3,659 tonnes. The most
11 per cent in dollar terms at almost 60 billion
striking trend across the year was the
US-Dollars for the whole year, but down 11
reawakening of investor interest in the holding
per cent in tonnage terms at 2,138 tonnes. The adverse economic conditions across the
of physical gold. Demand for bars and coins rose
globe, coupled with a high and volatile prices,
87 per cent over the year.
impacted jewellery buying in key markets, with resilient spending on gold jewellery however indicating the strength of underlying
Sustained interest in gold over the course of
As shares on stock markets around the world
demand, reflected in strong buying when the
2008 against the backdrop of the worst year
lost an estimated 14 trillion US-Dollars in
market offers attractive price points.
on record for global stock markets and many
value, identifiable investment demand for
other asset classes, helped push dollar
gold, which incorporates Exchange Traded
Industrial demand in 2008 was another
demand for the safe-haven asset to 102 billion
Funds (ETFs), bars and coins, was 64 per cent
casualty of the global economic turmoil, down
US-Dollars, a 29 per cent increase on the
higher in 2008 than in 2007, equivalent to an
7 per cent to 430 tonnes from 461 tonnes in
previous year levels. According to the World
additional inflow of 15 billion US-Dollars.
2007. In the electronics sector, the main source
Gold Council’s (WGC) ‘Gold Demand Trends’,
Over the year as a whole, the gold price
of industrial demand, reduced consumer
gold demand in tonnage terms rose 4 per
averaged 872 US-Dollars, up 25 per cent from
spending on items such as laptops and mobile
cent on previous year levels to 3,659 tonnes.
695 US-Dollars in 2007.
phones had a knock-on effect on gold demand. Aram Shishmanian, the new CEO of the World Gold Council, said: “These figures confirm that investors around the world recognise the benefits of holding gold during this time of unprecedented global financial crisis, recession and the spectre of future inflation. Gold has again proven its core investment qualities as a store of value, safe haven and portfolio diversifier and this has struck a chord with nervous investors. Whilst current market conditions have impacted consumer spending on jewellery, purchasers in many of the key gold markets understand the intrinsic
GLOBALIA | Issue 04 | December 2008
investment value of gold and continue to buy.
cent increase. ETF holdings broke new records
earlier levels, with strong growth in the bar
The economic downturn and uncertainty in
during the quarter. Although the net quarterly
and coin market (up 139 per cent) offset by
the markets, that has affected us all, is unlikely
inflow was down on the levels of the previous
a 7 per cent decline in jewellery demand,
to abate in the short term. Consequently, I
quarter, the growth rate in the fourth quarter
which makes up 90 per cent of the market in
anticipate that gold, as a unique asset class,
2007 was as strong as 18 per cent.
this region. A combination of gold price volatility, a sharp fall in the local currency and
will continue to play a vital role in providing stability to both household and professional
Total demand in India, the world’s largest
exchange rate uncertainty led to a 59 per
investors around the world.�
gold market, in the fourth quarter was up 84
cent fall in overall gold demand in Turkey in
per cent in tonnage terms, led by a very strong
the fourth quarter.
Total demand remained very strong in the
107 per cent rise in jewellery demand,
fourth quarter of 2008, up 26 per cent on the
underpinned by the investment attributes of
In the United States, the deteriorating
same period last year at 1036 tonnes, or 26.5
gold. This phenomenon has to be set against
economic conditions produced a mixed
billion US-Dollars in value terms.
a very weak fourth quarter generally, in 2007,
result for gold demand. Fourth quarter
however. Total gold demand in Greater China
jewellery demand was down 35 per cent as
The biggest source of growth in demand for
in the fourth quarter was resilient to the global
consumer spending plummeted. In stark
gold in the fourth quarter was investment.
turmoil. Total off-take was up 21 per cent on
contrast, demand for gold bars and coins
Identifiable investment demand reached 399
the same period last year, with investment the
rocketed by 370 per cent in the fourth quarter,
tonnes, up from 141 tonnes in the fourth
main contributor to growth but jewellery
representing 35 tonnes of gold.
quarter 2007, a rise of 182 per cent. The main
demand also holding up well. Gold supply in the fourth quarter was up 5
source of this increase was net retail investment, which rose 396 per cent from 61
Investment demand in Thailand soared during
per cent relative to the previous year levels
tonnes in the fourth quarter 2007 to 304
the quarter, from a net outflow of 8 tonnes
and year-on-year, declined 1 per cent. Slightly
tonnes in the fourth quarter 2008.
in the fourth quarter 2007 to a net inflow of
lower mine production, higher levels of scrap
21 tonnes in the fourth quarter 2008. As with
and lower levels of gold producer de-hedging,
The most dramatic surge was in Europe, where
many other parts of the region, this
were partly offset by lower net central bank
bar and coin demand increased from just 9
turnaround was underpinned by safe-haven
sales in the fourth quarter 2008, totalling 71
tonnes in the fourth quarter 2007 to 114
buying. Demand in the Middle East in the
tonnes, down from 97 tonnes in the fourth
tonnes in the fourth quarter 2008, a 1,170 per
fourth quarter 2008 was up 1 per cent on year
quarter 2007. (gm)
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
– in politics or in the press – who are willing
to go against the grain to help the innocent
and persecuted, are urgently. The camp in Guantánamo came to symbolise
The camp in Guantánamo, the network of
the global crisis of law and the failure of the
American secret prisons, and the practice of
West to abide by legal standards in its fight against terrorism. The question is certainly
torture in Iraqi penitentiaries serve as a reminder
not whether to counter terrorism, but how.
that democracies, too, can fall into the forms and
The lack of reason and balance in all the
the language of the “state of emergency” at any time. Guantánamo has come to symbolise the global crisis of law and the failure of the West
affronts to terrorism are in fact a fundamental measure of the legal situation. If you respond to terror with excessive counter-terror, then you are at the same level. The fate of the thousands of innocent
to abide by legal standards in its fight against
civilian victims and the excesses of aerial
bombardment – whether in Iraq, Gaza or Afghanistan – have become a warning monument in their own right.
In theory, we Europeans learned in school
rule of law. On such points, we can see that
after the Second World War to resist whenever
a re-run of barbarism threatens us at all times
With the kinds of scenarios we have seen in
an obvious injustice was perpetrated, not to
recent years, should not the government, like
stand by and watch when minorities are
the citizen, if it wants to retain its moral
persecuted, and never to accept general
In that respect the Italian philosopher Giorgio
integrity, also demonstrate a minimum of
lawlessness. This kind of civic courage is
Agamben was unfortunately right when he
civic courage as well? If we are sensible
expected of European citizens, not just at the
not only associated camps with unjust regimes
enough to say yes, then the verdict on
level of rhetoric but in practical resistance
of the century past, but described them as
European governments must perforce be
against the Right and against ideologies in
“places without order” and an integral part
general. It is this courageous ideal which we
of the modern nomos. To Agamben, camps
must demonstrate daily, be it on the street,
and democracy are not mutually exclusive
Europeans may exhale in relief today as the
in our railway stations or in our buses,
terms – even if Guantánamo has one day
new American President announces his
whenever foreigners, the old, or minorities
disappeared off the map.
intention to end the unjust methods of his
ever again come under threat.
predecessors, yet for years, all the European Neither are we talking about a one-off
politicians have been doing is precisely to
The existence of the camp in Guantánamo,
situation. Today camps appear not only in
hold their breath. In Berlin, Paris and London,
the network of American secret prisons, and
war zones but increasingly on the periphery
not a single European head of government
the practice of torture in Iraqi penitentiaries
and in the centre of our regions of affluence.
or foreign minister confronted President Bush
serve as a reminder that democracies, too, can
As Foucault has reminded us, we can discover
with an energetic or vociferous stance on
fall into the forms and “state of emergency”
the real state of our societies by looking into
human rights. The new American president,
language at any time. It is this breaking of a
our asylums, hostels, prisons, old-age homes
Barack Obama, has now finally ordered the
modern taboo, which will have long-term
and police stations.
closure of the notorious camp on Cuba within
effects, since, as we now realise, it cannot be stopped by modern states founded on the
the year. But for an innocent man that year For this reason, a new generation of ‘heroes’
will be long. The secret prisons and unatoned
The current situation in Guantánamo is
not without reason: his career as Foreign
known. Around 245 terror suspects are still
Minister continues only on account of the fact
imprisoned there. According to estimates, at
that the German populace was never
least 50 to 60 of these people are obviously
particularly interested in his failure, ignorance
innocent yet cannot return to their home-
and coldness, towards Guantánamo victim,
lands because, absurdly, they are at risk of
Murat Kurnaz. The tragic case of this utterly
persecution there. They remain “buried alive”
innocent Bremen man, whom Steinmeier, in
in that dubious penal institution.
his position as Head of the Kanzleramt, knowingly allowed to languish in Cuba,
The Algerian Ahmed Belbacha, for example,
embroiled the Minister in a scandal.
spent five years of his life in a windowless
Nowadays Steinmeier, who is a candidate
solitary cell in the Guantánamo prison camp,
for the position of Kanzler, supports the
until even the American military was
acceptance of prisoners.
convinced of his innocence. In February 2007 the army sent an e-mail to the human rights
“We aren’t fighting to take in prisoners, but
organisation Reprieve. It stated: “Your client
it is a question of our credibility – whether
is permitted to leave Guantánamo.” Two years
we really support the USA’s closing of the
later the 40-year-old is still sitting in the
camp or not,” said the Vice-Chancellor
military prison camp in Cuba, criticised
recently on the sidelines of an EU foreign
throughout the world for its inhuman methods
ministers’ meeting in Brussels. For his new
of interrogation.
credibility he is even willing to accept trouble from Christian Democrats with whom he
The reason is staggeringly simple: apart from
shares government. The conservative Minister
his home country Algeria, where Belbacha is
for the Interior, Wolfgang Schäuble, a major
at risk of persecution and torture, no other
player in the German governing coalition,
‘renditions’ through Europe by ‘torture flights’
country will take him. His story is not unique.
has often rejected the proposal of taking in
are also to cease. It is natural that Obama,
According to human rights organisations, 60
foreign terrorist suspects incarcerated at
especially given his purported philosophy of
of the current 244 Guantánamo inmates have
‘change’, has had to draw a line through the
been detained for several years even though
controversial methods of the American
the Bush administration has categorised them
But this cold refusal by the German Minister
as harmless. As they are too faced with torture
for the Interior did not trigger any kind of
in their home countries, they are not allowed
debate in Germany about the principles or
It seems however unlikely that Obama will
to be deported. Other countries have so far
credibility of European human rights.
really close all the camps, including all the
been unprepared to take them in.
Important European intellectuals have also
unnamed ones around the world: the ones in
remained silent on these subjects for years.
Afghanistan for example. Obama has certainly
Given the political will, some of these pri-
One of the few people in Germany who was
not stopped the combination of the War on
soners could be given a new home in Europe.
quick to abandon a passive position on
Terror with the geopolitical objectives of the
The German government, for example,
observing American outrages is the German
USA. The fact that the Democrats are hardly
intends to decide quickly, following the
author Roger Willemsen, who several years
likely to permit criminal proceedings against
expected request by the new US government,
ago publicised the fate of Guantánamo’s
Rumsfeld or Bush indicates that there is to
whether Germany could receive former
prisoners and their stoicism attitude under
be no swift return to the non-partisan legal
Guantánamo detainees. The Foreign Minister
extreme injustice in a shocking book based
principles of a law, now extinct.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier is visibly active, and
on interviews with ex-inmates.
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
American President Barack Obama signed a decree abolishing the camp at Guantánamo.
Willemsen now considers the government’s
Meanwhile there are new rumours circulating
apparently with two Yemeni commanders of
waiting approach as “obscene”. In the daily
about former inmates of Guantánamo which
Al-Qaida cells in Yemen. The four men call for
press he commented scathingly: “Let’s get
may increase European scepticism towards
“holy war” and criticise Lebanon’s Hizbollah
this straight: the Americans are ready to
taking in former prisoners. Supposed new
because they failed to shoot “their many
release people from the camp they have
terrorist activities by former inmates of the
rockets” at Israel during the latest Israeli
declared innocent – after having tortured
controversial US prison camp are causing a
military offensive in the Gaza Strip.
them. And then along comes the German
stir, and not just in the Arab world. Whether all this is true or not, there is nothing
Interior Minister and declares, “These victims are dangerous, I don’t want anything to do
The European media have reported in detail
left for the Islamic world to do but to turn to
with them.” That is obscene. You have to
on the following case. An official of the Interior
the correct Islamic education of its believers.
keep saying it over and over: they are
Ministry in Riyadh confirmed in the Arab
Now countries are planning programmes
newspaper Al Hayat, that two men seen in a
based not on secular or religious ideology,
video broadcast by the Al-Qaida terrorist
but simply on the study of Islamic law. The
But that is not all. Roger Willemsen believes
network from Yemen are two former
solution is simple: someone with a sound
that in the end, Europe’s passivity and the
Guantánamo inmates from Saudi Arabia. Said
Islamic education cannot become a terrorist.
lack of an “uprising of the upright” against
Al-Shihri and Mohammed Al-Aufi even
Guantánamo and its inmates have become
the American policy in Afghanistan and Iraq
underwent a ‘rehabilitation programme’ in
therefore also a symbol of the necessity to
is in reality “widespread anti-Muslim
the kingdom after their release.
overcome a crisis in Muslims not knowing their own understanding of law.
animosity.” To him it is a scandal that the camp was allowed to remain open for so
The video, excerpts of which have been shown
long in the eyes of the world.
on Arab TV channels, shows the pair
Text By Abu Bakr Rieger
be considered Israeli territory and the ICC
would have no jurisdiction to investigate.
Moreno-Ocampo indicated that one focus of his preliminary investigation would be to determine whether the ICC has the authority
Following a war that claimed an estimated 1,300 Palestinian lives, hundreds of them civilians, the
to proceed further. “The office of the prosecutor will carefully investigate all relevant issues, including on jurisdiction,” he
issue of proportionality became a pressing one
said in a statement. Sean Murphy, a law
for obvious reasons. But many scholars have
professor at George Washington University,
argued that determining how much civilian harm
consensus about the PNA’s status meant that
is “excessive” with reference to a given military
the success or failure of the Palestinian move
told IPS that the lack of international
might depend on authorities in The Hague.
objective is so difficult that the proportionality standard is largely useless in practice and that
“It’s possible to file a declaration on an ad
violations of it are unlikely to result in any
Statute,” Murphy said. “The question is
successful prosecution.
whether the registrar would accept it, given
hoc basis, in accordance with the Rome
that they would be having to make a decision on statehood in the face of widespread international disagreement”. Asked if he thought that the PNA’s move would lead to The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The
Justice Minister Ali Khashan recognising the
any tangible results, Murphy said that he
Hague announced a preliminary analysis
ICC’s authority. The ICC can only pursue
found it “unlikely - but stranger things have
into whether Israel committed war crimes
investigations in states that have signed the
happened”. Human Rights groups have called
during the recent Gaza war, following the
Rome Statute, which created the Court, but
for an investigation into alleged Israeli war
Palestinian National Authority’s (PNA) move
from which Israel has abstained. Khashan’s
crimes during the three-week Gaza war,
to recognise the ICC’s authority. Whether
letter was intended to give the ICC jurisdiction
including the killing of civilians and the use
the ICC has jurisdiction in Gaza is expected
to launch an investigation into Gaza. But the
of white phosphorus against human targets.
to be a highly contentious legal issue, and
Palestinian move to recognise the court raises
the ICC investigation comes at a time of
a set of murky legal issues, the foremost of
But debate over the war’s legality has gone
heightened debate over the legality of Israel’s
which is whether the PNA can be considered
beyond the use of specific tactics by Israeli
Gaza campaign under international law. This
a state. The PNA has argued that it can be
commanders on the ground, to the question
renewed debate has come about in large part
considered the de facto sovereign authority
as to whether the campaign as a whole was
due to statements made by former Israeli
in the Gaza Strip effective from Israel’s
in violation of international law. This broader
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on 1 February,
withdrawal from the territory in 2005.
debate became far more contentious, with Olmert responding to continued rocket attacks
in which he appeared to enshrine the ”disproportionate” response as a provocation
If so, then Israel’s non-recognition of the court
from Gaza into southern Israel by promising
to official Israeli government policy.
would not prevent a war crimes investigation,
a “disproportionate” Israeli military response.
since the only relevant factor is whether the
“The government’s position was from the
ICC chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo
alleged violations occurred in the territory of
outset that if there is shooting at residents
made public a Jan. 21 letter from Palestinian
a signatory. If not, then the Gaza Strip would
of the south there will be an Israeli response
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
that will be harsh and disproportionate by its
compared to the conduct of the conflict itself,
enshrined in Article 51, Section 5 of the 1977
nature,” Olmert said.
the results of which are so clearly unlawful,”
First Additional Protocol to the Geneva
University of Notre Dame law professor Mary
Conventions. It bans any “attack which may
Ellen O’Connell told IPS.
be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian
Although Olmert’s remarks might be taken as mere bluster intended to deter further rocket
life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian
attacks, his claim that the disproportionate
Still, it was clear that Olmert’s remarks marked
objects, or a combination thereof, which
use of force had been government policy
a major shift in the debates over the
would be excessive in relation to the concrete
“from the outset” has been read by some as
proportionality of Israeli military action. The
and direct military advantage anticipated”.
an acknowledgement that the Gaza campaign
term “proportionality” has been used
was disproportionate by design - and
inconsistently and often inaccurately in these
Although Israel is not a signatory to the
therefore in violation of international law.
debates, but has generally referred to two
Additional Protocols, the Israeli Supreme Court
Law professors interviewed by IPS were
criteria: whether the use of force is
has recognised the proportionality standard
unsure as to whether Olmert’s statement
disproportionate to the threat that it responds
as binding, and during the Gaza campaign
would have implications for any future
to, or whether the civilian collateral damage
itself, the Israeli government always
criminal investigation. “Of course a statement
in an attack is disproportionate to the military
maintained that it met the standard. A Dec.
like that could be used to show his knowledge
objective. Israel has primarily been criticised
29 statement by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign
and intent, but it would be small potatoes
according to the second criterion, which is
Affairs stated that “Israel has adopted the
Living in a prison. The main legal issues of Gaza go beyond the latest campaign.
principles of international humanitarian law [...] and the Israel Defense Force (IDF) has enshrined them in its training, operational planning, and orders [...] (I)n relation to the question of proportionality, IDF doctrine requires a commander to refrain from an attack” that is expected to inflict excessive incidental harm. Similarly, a few of Israel’s defenders in the media have dismissed the proportionality standard entirely, but most - including prominent commentators such as Alan Dershowitz and Michael Walzer - have accepted the standard and argued that Israel’s campaign adhered to it. Following a war that claimed an estimated 1,300 Palestinian lives, hundreds of them civilians, the issue of proportionality has become a pressing one for obvious reasons. But many scholars have argued that determining how much civilian harm is “excessive” with reference to a given military objective is so difficult that the proportionality standard is largely useless in practice and that violations of it are unlikely to result in any successful prosecution. Still, although the proportionality debates have been largely unproductive to this point, Olmert’s statement was noteworthy for its apparent abandonment of the proportionality standard altogether. In doing so, he risks setting Israeli government policy on a course opposed to both international law and the rulings of the Israeli Supreme Court. As the ICC mulls its potential investigation of the Gaza war, and the outcry against alleged human rights violations during the war increases, the debate about the latest campaign’s overall legality is likely to become more contentious rather than less. (IPS)
Text By Daniel Luban
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
Text By Dawud Stewart Hurrell
In October 2008, the NGO Grain published a
report titled “Seized! The 2008 land grab for
food and financial security.” The report documents ominous trends which have the
The financial crisis has had an effect on the present direction of capitalism. Since the profitrate on paper-bound markets and virtual assets
potential to drive up food prices up further and spell the end of small-scale farming. One trend is that countries which have a shortage of arable land, or with high population growths, are resorting to buying up or leasing
is dropping into a bottom-less pit, there is –
farmland abroad in order to secure necessary
according to Dawud Stewart Hurrell – a drive
food production. The report also points towards corporations and private investors
into land-wealth. And what is more promising
who are looking towards investing in foreign
for profiteers than control of agricultural land,
farmland as new sources in revenue in the
itself the source of the most basic needs?
midst of the financial crisis, as an alternative to meagre returns on the crumb ling paper asset model. The result is fertile agricultural
The rise in food prices correlated with energy
oil’ and ‘food shortages’ add fuel to the fire.
land becoming increasingly privatized and
price hikes since the beginning of the War on
Whether or not threats exist to the free-
concentrated in fewer hands, which could
Terror, has led to widespread speculation that
movement of these goods, the perception
“spell the end of small-scale farming and
the world is heading into a period marked by
that commodity supplies are vulnerable to
rural livelihoods” around the world.
conflict and competition between states for
disruption is leading to active state support
access to limited supplies of energy and food-
of initiatives aimed at securing access to these
Parallels have been drawn between local real-
stuffs. The misunderstood concepts of ‘peak
goods, with foreign policy implications.
estate owned by foreign governments or
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
corporations and colonialism. However, the
governmental level which has resulted in
demand for the nation’s toys, textiles and
control of local territory by foreign entities
debt-to-GDP levels of 190 per cent in the US
electronics.” Economist Michael Pettis wrote,
today is sanctioned by the host government
today and similar levels in Europe. The
that “Korean exports contracted year-on-year
and is of a contractual nature with legal
Economist noted in 2002 that “on some esti-
in November by 18 per cent, and Taiwanese
provisions, which has led to the concept of
mates, by 2050, government debt could be
exports also contracted, by 23 per cent.”
‘neo-mercantilism’. For example, 15 Saudi
equivalent to almost 100 per cent of nation-
Arabian investors operating as the ‘Middle
al income in America, 150 per cent in the EU
It is with this financial downturn in mind,
East Foodstuff Consortium’ and headed by the
as a whole, and over 250 per cent in Germany
that the ‘neo-mercantilism’ being pursued by
BinLaden Group have been ‘tasked’ by the
and France”. The loss of purchasing power in
foreign governments should be viewed. The
Saudi Arabian government to deal with the
the US and the EU following the financial
decline in Asian exports is leading to lower
country’s long-term food supply problem
crisis originating in the US is having an
growth rates, which translates into less wealth
through overseas ventures. The group signed
adverse affect on Asian nations’ economies.
circulating amongst the masses and
an 4.3 billion US-Dollar agreement with
With Chinese exports contracting month-on-
increasing domestic discontent in the
Indonesia to develop 500,000 ha of rice land
month and factories on China’s ‘Golden Coast’
countries affected. UN World Food Programme
with the aim of producing Basmati for export
shutting down, the decline in US purchasing
Executive Director, Josette Sheeran told the
to Saudi Arabia.
power is causing economic problems for Asia’s
US Senate on Foreign Relations in May of last year: “News reports and images from
This convergence of commercial and governmental interests is not always the case, however, Morgan Stanley, the giant US
Parallels have been drawn between local
deadly riots in Haiti, triggering the collapse of the government, and in more than 30 nations throughout the globe are stark
investment bank recently purchased 40,000
real-estate owned by
reminders that food insecurity threatens not
ha of farmland in the Ukraine. A Russian
foreign governments or
only the hungry but peace and stability itself.
investment house, Renaissance Capital has
corporations and colo-
Some say there are only seven meals between
also acquired land in Ukraine, acquiring the rights to 300,000 ha of farmland in ‘the bread-
nialism. However, the
civilization and potential anarchy - at the seventh meal most people are reduced to
basket of Europe’. Russia in turn has seen
control of local territory
fending for their survival - and the survival
some 331,000 ha of its fertile land in the
by foreign entities today
of their children, fraying the very moorings
south bought by Black Earth Farming, a
is sanctioned by the
of society. Ensuring access to adequate,
Swedish investment group. The Grain report notes, “all of these land acquisitions are to produce grains, oils, meat and dairy for those
host government and is of a contractual nature
affordable food and nutrition is certainly one of the fundamental roles of government, and, indeed, of civilization itself.”
in the hungry world market [...] that is, for
with legal provisions,
those who can pay.”
and this has led to the
The need for governments to secure food
concept of ‘neo-mer-
supplies independent of the ‘global market-
This brings us to the crux of the matter; the failed policies of neo-liberal globalization.
place’ is leading to efforts to acquire equity stakes in food production sources worldwide.
The privatization of government services and the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs to
“They see this as an innovative long-term
foreign nations has led to a situation where
export economies. Bloomburg online reported
strategy to feed their people at a good price
in people are seeing inflation rising without
that: “The government has already unveiled
and with far greater security that hitherto,”
any corresponding check on falling wages. The
a 4 trillion Yuan ($582 billion) stimulus
the report notes, adding that; Saudi Arabia,
maintenance of living standards has entailed
package and cut interest rates by the most
Japan, China, India, Korea, Libya and Egypt
extensive borrowing on a local and
in 11 years as the global recession cuts
all fall into this basket. High level officials
Egypt based SEKEM Group is a unique
from pedagogies, to the arts, to economics
manufacturing products that meet customer
model of an organization which combines
from Islam.”
needs. SEKEM was the first entity to develop
commercial success with social develop-
biodynamic farming methods in Egypt. In
ment. This combination has led to its
In the beginning, the project faced
return, these methods improve the agro-
sustainability and growth over 30 years to
difficulties in trying to convince people of
biodiversity situation without producing
be Egypt’s market leader of organic
the consistency of its approach. The concept
any unusable wastes. All products from the
products and phyto-pharmaceuticals with
of environmental care was not appreciated
method can be either sold or re-used in
a growing international presence. Since its
at the time of its inception. Four years later,
cultivation, thus creating a sustainable
inception, SEKEM has flourished alongside
SEKEM sent the first shipment of medicinal
the organic plants: first building an adult
herbs and food ingredients to the USA. In
training center, then a kindergarten and a
addition, skilled labor was scarce; all
In Recognition of its achievements, SEKEM
literacy programme.
training had to be undertaken as in-service
was awarded the ISO 9001certification in
training over a long period.
1997 and was selected “World Wide
The company was established by Dr. Ibrahim
Project” of the EXPO 2000. In 2004, SEKEM
Abouleish in 1977. His vision was linking
Dr. Abouleish, however, introduced a key
was chosen as the Social Entrepreneur of
healthy foods to development in a three-
solution to these obstacles through a
the Year for Egypt by the Schwab Foun-
fold project. Dr. Abouleish highlights the
’compressive development project’ on a
dation. Later, SEKEM became the first
consistency of the approach with Islam:
170-acre land of desert, 60 kilometers
economic institution to receive the
“All the aspects of the company, whether
outside Cairo. The two most important
Alternative Nobel Prize, also known as the
cultural or economic, have been developed
objectives of the Group are “curing the
Right Livelihood Award. (Dinar Standard)
out of Islam. We believe that it is possible
environment through the application of
to derive guiding principles for everything
biodynamic agricultural methods “and
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
Text By Sherin Deghedy
Image: Yaseer Booley (2008)
from many of these nations have been on
120,000 hectares (296,000 acres), relying on
The head of the UN Food and Agriculture
the road since March 2008 in a diplomatic
a largely South African workforce. Production
Organisation, Jacques Diouf, has warned that
treasure hunt for fertile farmland in places like
would be mainly earmarked for South Korea,
the controversial rise in land deals could
Uganda, Brazil, Cambodia, Sudan and
which wants to lessen dependence on
create a form of ‘neo-colonialism’, with poor
states producing food for the rich at the expense of their own hungry people.
This is the first aspect of this ‘neo-mercan-
The Gulf states – Bah-
tilism’, the second involves private investment
rain, Kuwait, Oman,
firms seeking high and secure returns on their investment; and what product is better guaranteed to sell than food? The Grain report notes that since the financial crisis, “investment houses that manage workers pensions, private equity funds looking for a fast turnover, hedge funds driven off
Qatar, Saudi Arabia and
Countries and Companies China’s Ministry of Agriculture has reportedly drafted a central government policy on
the United Arab Emir-
outsourcing food production, placing food
ates face similar food
alongside minerals and energy in terms of
insecurity issues. For
strategic importance. The Grain report notes
them the problem lies in their inability to grow
that the Chinese government’s promotion of the so-called ‘Go Abroad’ outward investment strategy has led to no fewer than 30
the now collapsed derivatives market, grain
food due to the lack of
agricultural cooperation deals being signed
traders seeking new strategies for growth-are
sufficient water resour-
with willing countries, often with the added
turning to land, for both food and fuel
ces in the area.
benefit of Chinese “technologies, training
production, as a new source of profit.” Getting
and infrastructure development funds.” The
a return on a stable investment like land
process involves Chinese companies “leasing
involves raising the productive capacities of
“These deals can be purely commercial
or buying up land, setting up large farms,
the land, and with food and energy prices
ventures on one level, but sitting behind it is
flying in farmers, scientists and extension
high, the potential for great profits exists, not
often a food security imperative backed by a
workers” and then producing crops. “Most of
least in the production of bio-fuels. In many
government,” said Carl Atkin, a consultant at
China’s offshore farming is dedicated to the
cases, however, as the BinLaden Group deal
Bidwells Agribusiness, a Cambridge firm
cultivation of rice, soya beans and maize,
illustrates, private corporations are given the
helping to arrange some of the big
along with bio-fuel crops like sugar cane,
mandate to seek out lucrative deals on behalf
international land deals.
cassava or sorghum.”
of the government they represent. South Korea which recently acquired an enormous 1,200,000 ha of land in Madagascar, is represented by Daewoo Logistics, a shipping and natural resource development company from Korea. London’s Guardian Newspaper recently reported that, “Rising food prices have already set off a second ‘scramble for Africa’. This week, the South Korean firm Daewoo Logistics announced plans to buy a 99-year lease on a million hectares in Madagascar. Its aim is to grow 5m tonnes of corn a year by 2023, and produce palm oil from a further lease of
The Gulf states – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,
production. This drive towards securing food
Investment Opportunities
Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
production in foreign countries was addressed
“The single best recession hedge of the next
Emirates face similar food insecurity issues.
by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) where
10 or 15 years is an investment in farmland,”
For them the problem lies in their inability to
the idea of “a collective strategy of out-
wrote Reza Vishkai in Insight Investment,
grow food due to the lack of sufficient water
sourcing food production” was formulated,
(July 2008)
resources in the area.
namely with neighbouring Muslim countries such as Pakistan and Sudan, where the UAE
Investors are usually considering two things
These states have compensated for this in
and Saudi Arabia collectively own around
when looking for a place to put their money;
the past through the importing of food, made
1,400,000 ha of land. Countries in South-east
returns and security. With the massive losses
possible by their petrodollar wealth, which has
Asia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, the
in the financial market, it is becoming clear
been dubbed ‘virtual water’.
Philippines, Uganda, Ukraine, Georgia and
that speculative bubbles are unsustainable
Brazil are also being ‘targeted.’
and are bound to burst. And this is where
The report indicates that
investing in tangible assets such as farmland
“governments have lost
An important aspect of these economic
faith” in markets and
relationships lies in the effects it has on the
BlackRock Inc, “one of the world’s largest
politics of the countries involved, for example,
money managers with nearly 1,5 trillion US-
that “local communities
New York-based
the UAE now has an interest in the political
Dollars on its books, has just set up a massive
will inevitably lose access
stability of Pakistan to protect and guarantee
200 million US-Dollar agricultural hedge
to land for local food
the efficiency of its investments. Deeper
production,” and con-
economic integration might well translate
cludes by asking the
into stronger political relationships.
The returns on these investments are positive and depending on the political climate of the
question: “What hap-
South Korea and Japan, which both import
countries concerned, of a low-risk nature.
pens over the long term
around 60 per cent of their foodstuffs, are big
Expected returns on investment in European
when you grant control
players in this ‘scramble for land’. South Korea,
agricultural production lies between 10-40
over your country’s
which ‘owns’ 2.300.000 ha of land, more
per cent over a ten year period, while return
than any other country, announced in early
on African investments could be as high as
2008 that it was “formulating a national plan
400 per cent over the same period, the report
to facilitate land acquisitions abroad for
notes. This move towards ‘harvesting money’
Korean food production, with the private
has suddenly gained momentum during what
sector anointed as the main player.” Korean
is being termed the ‘present financial crisis’,
The report cites the rise in food imports from
companies are even buying up land in
and as mentioned before, the significance
8 billion US-Dollars to 20 billion US-Dollars
Mongolia and eastern Russia to facilitate this
lies in investing in tangible assets connected
in the last five years.
to crucial commodities.
Saudi Arabia decided recently that “given
Japanese corporations are not allowed to
The report indicates that “governments have
impending water shortages, it would make
own farmland in Japan, which protects family
lost faith” in markets and that “local
sense to stop producing wheat, their main
farms. On the other hand, most food imports
communities will inevitably lose access to
food item, by 2016” and instead opt for food
into Japan are handled by private corpora-
land for local food production,” and concludes
production in foreign countries, on land that
tions. Japanese firms already own 12,000,000
by asking the question: “What happens over
was under Saudi control. Saudi Arabia now
ha of farmland around the world, much of it
the long term when you grant control over
controls approximately 1,600,000 ha of land
in China, while land ‘run’ by the government
your country’s farmland to foreign nations
in Indonesia which it utilizes for crop
totals around 325,000 ha.
and investors?”
farmland to foreign nations and investors?”
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
anywhere on the Internet, but alongside the
numerous politicians they had of course
invited major lobbyists from the European arms industry. Peace activist and NATO critic Thomas Mohr, tolerated at the conference for
The Cold War is over. NATO’s new enemies are
the first time, noted “that the two, three-
employing asymmetrical tactics globally and
course meals, to which I was invited, were
threatening the supply routes of the industrialised
sponsored by two arms companies, EADS and Krauss-Maffei.”
world. But can NATO interfere in the sovereignty of individual, strategically important nations?
When the conference got down to business, the real future of NATO remained blurry. Behind the scenes, political advisors are still
NATO is the most powerful military alliance
costly missions have to be paid for by tax-
wavering between a range of possibilities. To
in the world, and, since no-one can take
payers. The best guarantee of disarmament
some, NATO is out of date and a child of the
NATO to court, it has long been its own
could, in the end, be sheer lack of money,
Cold War, to others it should, in the long-
judge and jury above every existing law. But
although for the time being, the arms industry
term, assume global tasks as an “alliance of
since the fall of communism NATO has been
remains a major factor in the economy.
democracies”, and in so doing overcome the
faced with new questions: now what is the
tiresome stalemate in the UNO Security
actual purpose and meaning of the
The European arms industry, therefore, has at
Council. The latter would mean nothing short
organisation? This and other issues were up
least an indirect interest in new NATO “peace
of the establishment of an alternative to the
for discussion at the annual “Security
missions”. France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy
UNO, and thus a direct declaration of war
Conference” in Munich.
summed it up nicely at the Munich
against the existing role of the UN. Whatever
conference: “We need more arms and more
the case, NATO is keen to define a new
There has been talk of the defence alliance
money for defence, even if the population
foundation from which to legitimise its global
needing new aims and tasks for almost a
doesn't see it that way.”
There was no official guest list to be found
Of course, a globalised NATO which goes “out
decade. The financial crisis is also affecting the alliance’s coming strategic options, since
US vice-president Biden (left) and French president Sarkozy (right) at the Munich conference.
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
of area” will be suspected of trying to secure
– “neo-conservatism with a human face” –
access to the world’s energy resources. This
of a handful of industrial states.
geopolitical aim has a long tradition – at least in the USA. The USA’s strategy in the Middle
Through all of this, the word “security” has
East has been defined for three decades by
acquired a dominant, almost magical
what is termed the ‘Carter Doctrine’. In
meaning in domestic and foreign policy.
The situation in the Hindu Kush could quickly
January 1980, President Jimmy Carter made
What is certain is that both versions of the
become one of a key issue for the new NATO.
the following statement: “Let our position be
new security doctrine will bring losses of
Canada’s Prime Minister Stephan Harper
absolutely clear: An attempt by any outside
freedom. The real meaning of “security” as
commenting on the menacing contradictions
force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region
a geopolitical objective is intentionally left
recently; said he expects neither democracy
[and thereby endanger oil transport] will be
open and relatively undefined in NATO
in Afghanistan nor military success: “NATO
regarded as an assault on the vital interests
circles. American Vice President Biden links
cannot win against the Taliban.”
of the United States of America, and such
an assault will be repelled by any means
security”. Therefore in Biden’s view, free
At the same time public opinion threatens to
necessary, including military force.”
access to the world’s energy resources is
tip the scales. Acceptance of the military
also a matter of security.
campaign is declining rapidly because of the
high number of civilian casualties. But then
What connects the Carter Doctrine and the current President Barack Obama? Carter’s
In this respect the new NATO theory seeks a
again, in spite of the increased number of
security advisor, who basically formulated the
way of legitimising the obvious limits it impos-
troops, some kind of change in strategy is
doctrine back then, was Zbigniew Brzezinski,
es on the sovereignty of states that own cru-
supposed to be imminent. More civic projects
and this Brzezinski is today one of Obama’s
cial energy reserves. The alliance is increas-
are to be launched to increase the popularity
most influential advisors; during the election
ingly concerned with the securing of trans-
of the Allies, and democratic institutions are
campaign he was the main authority for his
port routes and pipelines as well.
to follow later, once the population has been educated. The latest opinion polls, however,
position on foreign policy. The role of Western military policy in
show that the majority of the population
In the end, the idea of a global NATO
Afghanistan and Iraq will of course go a long
want neither Taliban nor occupying forces in
demonstrates continuity in American foreign
way towards defining the future relationship
their country.
policy thinking. In the USA, Republican John
between the West and the Islamic world.
McCain canvassed for a new league of
People are hoping that the new American
The first casualty of the policy of “change”
democracies, and advisors of the new
administration will pursue new diplomatic
and a results-based understanding of
president have also long been arguing for a
initiatives, instead of giving the US army free
democracy could be Afghanistan’s President
new global role for NATO. In the medium
Karzai. At the conference, Karzai brought up the high number of civilian casualties. He
term a kind of “NATO common law” could well displace the old international law which
A clear strategy has not yet emerged. The
also intimated that he could build up his
is bound up with the UN.
Afghan strategy remains a mixture of “War
army with Russian help. This statement
On Terror” objectives with the interests of the
alarmed the USA, which is eyeing Russia and
According to the Princeton Project, a work-
arms companies involved, and mundane
China’s heightened military engagement in
group led by the new Obama advisor Anthony
geopolitical interests. The fact that Russia
Central Asia with suspicion. The Shanghai
Lake, the new democratic alliance should also
and China are not included in the task
Cooperation Organization (SCO) is already
be able to decide – over the head of the UN –
demonstrates that the USA is not concerned
one powerful alliance standing against the
on the legitimacy of military missions. Critics
only with peace in the region, but also with
interests of NATO in the region.
already consider NATO a “club of the rich”,
its own dominance of this important Central
engaged in securing the geopolitical interests
Asian country.
Text By Abu Bakr Rieger
Text By F. William Engdahl
Training African soldiers within the framework of America’s AFRICOM.
Ocean. The legitimate question is whether it
is mere coincidence that Africa is emerging
as a new geopolitical ‘hot spot’ or whether it has a direct link to the formal creation of AFRICOM.
The scavenging for resources in the region now known as the Democatic Republic of Congo and its neighbours like Rwanda and Burundi is a long
What is striking is the timing. No sooner had AFRICOM become operational than major new crises broke out in both the Indian Ocean-
and bloody process. It was portrayed by the
Gulf of Aden involving spectacular incidents
english novelist Joseph Conrad in his famous
of alleged Somali piracy, as well as the
“Heart of Darkness.” Several wars which have
eruption of bloody new wars in Kivu Province in the Republic of Congo. The common thread
barely been noticed by a wider public, more
connecting both is their importance, as with
obsessed by the Middle East, are being waged for
Darfur in southern Sudan, for China’s future
the resources of this region.
strategic raw materials flow. The latest fighting in the eastern part of the
Just weeks after President George W. Bush
the son of a black Kenyan to focus US
Congo (DRC) broke out in late August when
signed the Order creating a new US military
resources, military and other, on dealing with
Tutsi militiamen belonging to the Congrès
command dedicated to Africa, AFRICOM,
the Republic of Congo, the oil-rich Gulf of
National pour la Défense du Peuple (CNDP,
events on the mineral-rich continent have
Guinea, the oil-rich Darfur region of southern
National Congress for the Defense of the
erupted which suggest a major agenda of
Sudan and increasingly the Somali ‘pirate
People) of General Laurent Nkunda forced
the incoming Obama Presidency will be for
threat’ to sea lanes in the Red Sea and Indian
loyalist troops of the Forces armées de la
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
République démocratique du Congo (FARDC,
gobernment in Washington is clearly not
The USA role and AFRICOM
Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of
happy about.
Evidence which was presented in a French
Congo) to retreat from their positions near
court in a ruling made public in 2006 claimed
Lake Kivu, sending hundreds of thousands of
Nkunda is a long-standing henchman of
that Kagame was responsible for organizing
displaced civilians fleeing in the process and
Rwandan President and US-trained, Kagame.
the shooting down of a plane carrying the
prompting the French foreign minister, Dr.
All signs point to a heavy, if covert, USA role
Hutu President of Rwanda, Juvénal Habyar-
Bernard Kouchner, to warn of the imminent
in the latest Congo killings by Nkunda’s men.
imana, in April 1994, the event that set off
risk of ‘huge massacres.’
Nkunda himself is a former Congolese Army
the indiscriminate killing of hundreds of
officer, teacher and Seventh Day Adventist
thousands of people both Hutu and Tutsi.
Nkunda, like
mentor, Rwanda’s
Washington-backed dictator, Paul Kagame, is
pastor. But killing seems to be what he is best at.
an ethnic Tutsi who alleges that he is
The end result of the gruesome killings, in which perhaps as many as a million Africans
protecting the minority Tutsi ethnic group
Much of Nkunda’s well-equipped and
perished was that US- and UK-backed Paul
against remnants of the Rwandan Hutu army
relatively disciplined forces are from the
Kagame – trained at the US Army Command-
that fled to Congo after the Rwandan
bordering country of Rwanda and the rest
General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth
genocide in 1994. MONUC UN peacekeepers
have been recruited from the minority Tutsi
Kansas – was firmly in control as dictator of
reported no such atrocities against the
population of the Congolese province of North
Rwanda. Since then he has covertly backed
minority Tutsi in the northeast, mineral rich
Kivu. Supplies, finance and political support
repeated military incursions by General
Kivu region. Congolese sources report that
for this Congolese rebel army come from
Nkunda into the mineral-rich Kivu region on
attacks against Congolese of all ethnic groups
Rwanda. According to the American Spectator
the pretext it was to defend a small Tutsi
are a daily occurrence in the region. Laurent
magazine, “President Paul Kagame of Rwanda
minority there. Kagame had repeatedly
Nkunda’s troops are responsible for most of
has long been a supporter of Nkunda, who
rejected attempts to repatriate those Tutsi
these attacks, they claim.
was an intelligence officer during the Rwanda
refugees back to Rwanda, evidently fearing
leader’s overthrow of the despotic Hutu rule
he might lose his pretext to occupy the mineral
in his country.”
riches of Kivu.
was set in September when the Democratic
As the Congo News Agency reported on Octo-
Since as early as 2001, according to reports
Republic of Congo’s 83-year-old Prime
ber 30, “Some have bought the pretext of an
from Congo sources, the US military has also
Minister, Antoine Gizenga, resigned after two
endangered Tutsi minority in Congo. They
had a base at Cyangugu in Rwanda, built of
years. Then, at end of October, with quite a
never fail to mention that Laurent Nkunda is
course by Dick Cheney’s old firm, Halliburton,
dubious timing, the commander of the United
supposedly fighting to protect ‘his people.’
conveniently near to the border of Congo’s
Nations peacekeeping operation, the Mission
They have failed to question his true motives
mineral-rich Kivu region.
de l’Organisation des Nations-Unies au Congo
which are to occupy the mineral-rich North-
(MONUC, Mission of the United Nations
Kivu province, pillage its resources, and act
The 1994 massacre of Tutsi and Hutu civilians
Organization in the Congo), the Spanish
as a proxy army in eastern Congo for the
was, as Canadian researcher, Michel
Lieutenant General Vicente Diaz de Villegas,
Tutsi-led Rwandan government in Kigali.
Chossudovsky described it, “an undeclared
resigned after less than two months on the
Kagame wants a foothold in eastern Congo
war between France and America. By
job, citing, ‘lack of confidence’ in the
so his country can continue to benefit from
supporting the build up of Ugandan and
leadership of DRC President Joseph Kabila.
the pillaging and exporting of minerals such
Rwandan forces and by directly intervening
Kabila, the Congo’s first democratically elected
as coltan. Many experts on the region agree
in the Congolese civil war, Washington also
President, was involved in negotiating a major
today that resources are the true reason why
bears a direct responsibility for the ethnic
9 billion US-Dollars trade agreement between
Laurent Nkunda continues to create chaos in
massacres committed in the Eastern Congo
the DRC and China, something which the US-
the region with the help of Paul Kagame.”
including several hundred thousand people
Strange resignations The stage for further political chaos in Congo
who died in refugee camps.” He adds, “Major
or ‘coltan’ – a primary component of computer
the entire population in abysmal poverty. They
General Paul Kagame was an instrument of
microchips and printed circuit boards,
precluded from the outset a meaningful,
Washington. The loss of African lives did not
essential for mobile telephones, laptops and
post-war economic reconstruction, thereby
matter. The civil war in Rwanda and the ethnic
other modern electronic devices.
contributing to fuelling the continuation of the
massacres were an integral part of US foreign
Congolese civil war in which close to 2 million
policy, carefully staged in accordance with
America Minerals Fields, Inc., a company
precise strategic and economic objectives.”
heavily involved in promoting the 1996
people have died.
accession to power of Laurent Kabila, was,
Laurent Kabila was succeeded by his son,
Now Kagame’s former intelligence officer,
at the time of its involvement in the Congo’s
Joseph Kabila who went on to become the
Nkunda, has leads his well-equipped forces
civil war, headquartered in Hope, Arkansas.
towards Goma in the eastern Congo as part
Major stockholders included long-time
President, and appears to have kept a closer
of an apparent scheme to break the richest
associates of former President Clinton from
eye to the welfare of his countrymen than
minerals region away from Kinshasha. With
his days as Governor of Arkansas.
did his father.
Africa under AFRICOM since 2007, the stage
Several months before the downfall of Zaire’s
At this point, in comes the new US AFRICOM.
is apparently set for the latest round of
French-backed dictator, Mobutu, Laurent
Speaking to the International Peace
resources grabing.
Desiré Kabila, based in Goma, Eastern Zaire,
Operations Association in Washington, D.C.
had renegotiated the mining contracts with
on Oct. 27, General Kip Ward, Commander of
Today the target is China
several US and British mining companies
AFRICOM, defined the command’s mission
If France was the covert target of US ’surrogate
including American Mineral Fields. Mobutu’s
as, “in concert with other US government
warfare’ in 1994, today it is clearly China,
corrupt rule was brought to a bloody end
agencies and international partners, [to
which is the real threat to US control of
with the help of the US-directed International
conduct] sustained security engagements
Central Africa’s vast mineral riches. The
Monetary Fund.
the US military beefing up its presence across
Republic of Zaire was renamed Democratic
military-sponsored activities, and other
Republic of Congo in 1997 when the forces
Washington was not entirely comfortable
military operations as directed to promote a
of Laurent Désiré Kabila brought Mobutu’s 32
with Laurent Kabila, who was finally
stable and secure African environment in
year reign to an end. Locals call the country
assassinated in 2001. In a study released in
support of US foreign policy.”
April 1997 barely a month before President Mobutu fled the country, the IMF had
The “military operations as directed to
The Kivu region of the Congo is the geological
recommended “halting currency issue
promote a stable and secure African
repository of some of the world’s greatest
completely and abruptly” as part of an
environment in support of US foreign policy,”
strategic minerals. The eastern border
economic recovery programme. A few months
are today, clearly aimed at blocking China’s
straddling Rwanda and Uganda, runs on the
later upon assuming power in Kinshasa, the
growing economic presence in the region.
eastern edge of the Great African Rift Valley,
new government of Laurent Kabila was
believed by geologists to be one of the richest
ordered by the IMF to freeze civil service
In fact, as various Washington sources state
repositories of minerals on the face of the
wages with a view to “restoring macro-
openly, AFRICOM was created to counter the
economic stability.” Eroded by hyperinflation,
growing presence of China in Africa, not least
the average public sector wage had fallen to
the DRC, to secure long-term economic
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
30,000 new Zaires (NZ) a month, the
agreements for raw materials from Africa in
contains more than half the world’s cobalt.
equivalent of one US dollar.
exchange for Chinese aid and production-
It holds one third of its diamonds, and,
sharing agreements and royalties. By all
extremely significantly, fully three-quarters
According to Chossudovsky, the IMF’s
accounts, the Chinese have been far shrewder.
of the world’s resources of columbite-tantalite
demands were tantamount to maintaining
Instead of offering only savage, IMF-dictated,
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
austerity and economic chaos, China is offering large credits and soft loans to build roads and schools in order to create good will. Dr. J. Peter Pham, a leading Washington insider who is an advisor to the US State and Defence Departments, states openly that among the aims of the new AFRICOM, is the objective of “protecting access to hydrocarbons and other strategic resources which Africa has in abundance [...] a task which includes ensuring against the vulnerability of those natural riches and ensuring that no other interested third parties, such as China, India, Japan, or Russia, obtain monopolies or preferential treatment.” In testimony before the US Congress supported creation of AFRICOM in 2007, Pham, who is closely associated with the neoconservative Foundation for Defence of Democracies, stated: “This natural wealth makes Africa an inviting target for the attentions of the People’s Republic of China, whose dynamic economy, averaging 9 percent growth per annum over the last two decades, has an almost insatiable thirst for oil as well as a need for other natural resources to sustain it. China is currently importing approximately 2.6 million barrels of crude per day, about half of its consumption; more than 765,000 of those barrels – roughly a third of its imports – come from African sources, especially Sudan, Angola, and Congo (Brazzaville). Is it any wonder, then, that […] perhaps no other foreign region rivals Africa as the object of Beijing’s sustained strategic interest in recent years. Last year the Chinese regime published the first ever official white paper elaborating the basis of its policy toward Africa.
Last year, ahead of his twelve-day, eight-
oil-rich western coastline – will increasingly
construction, two hydroelectric dams,
nation tour of Africa – the third such journey
becoming a theatre for strategic competition
hospitals, schools and railway links to
since he took office in 2003 – Chinese Presi-
between the United States and its only real
southern Africa, also to Katanga and to the
dent Hu Jintao announced a three-year, 3 bil-
near-peer competitor on the global stage,
Congo Atlantic port at Matadi. The other 3
lion US-Dollars program in preferential loans
China, as both countries seek to expand their
billion US-Dollars is to be invested by China
and expanded aid for Africa. These funds come
influence and secure access to resources.”
in development of new mining areas.
and 2 billion US-Dollars in export credits that
In late October Nkunda’s well-armed troops
Curiously, US and European media neglected
Hu announced in October 2006 at the opening
surrounded Goma in North Kivu and
to report that small detail. It seems AFRICOM
of the historic Beijing summit of the Forum
demanded that Congo President Joseph
is off to a strong start as the opponent to
on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) which
Kabila negotiate with him. Among Nkunda’s
China in Africa. The litmus test will be to see
brought nearly fifty African heads of state
demands was that Kabila cancel the 9 billion
who President Obama selects as his Africa
and ministers to the Chinese capital.
US-Dollars joint Congo-China venture in which
person and whether he tries to weaken Congo
China gets rights to the vast copper and cobalt
President Joseph Kabila in favour of backing
Intentionally or not, many analysts expect
resources of the region in exchange for
Nkunda’s death squads – naturally in the
that Africa – especially the states along its
providing 6 billion US-Dollars worth of road
name of ‘restoring democracy.’.
on top of the 3 billion US-Dollars in loans
The mineral coltan – used in modern telecommunications – is one of the elements fuelling the ongoing wars in Africa.
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
After three weeks of violence and a shock-
22 days when a thousand cameras focused
cared. It was a story for a few days, not more
ing numbers of casualties, the world was
on the Israel-Gaza border, human tragedies
than that.”
holding its breath, hoping that the cease-
were unfolding on another continent. Many
fire between Israel and Hamas held.
thousands were killed in the Democratic
Genocide in Africa rarely makes breaking-
However, the casualties pale in comparison
Republic of Congo as rebel fighting
news headlines. Many agree that the
to the numbers killed in Africa’s many wars
continued. In Darfur, 3,461 people died in
decision from where to report and what to
– many of which go unreported.
the same time; while in Zimbabwe, 1,500
report has nothing to do with the journalists
alone died from cholera. However, very few
but about money and politics. “Nobody
cameras were recording these tragedies.
wants to touch Africa. People just want to
The UN Secretary-General had travelled to Gaza beore Israel completed the pull-out
make money in Africa, that’s it. No country
of its troops. Ban Ki-Moon was the high-
Yossi Meuller, an NBC producer, has covered
wants to be there. France ran away, Italy
est-ranking visitor to the region when 22
news around the world. He has filmed
ran away, everybody ran away from Africa,”
days of fighting ended with separately
Palestinian intifadas, the Yugoslavian civil
said Meuller.
declared ceasefires by Israel and Hamas.
war and has spent a few weeks in Africa. He says that Africa remains of little interest.
After the conflict in Gaza, the world’s cam-
Leaving with the soldiers was an army of
“Most of the time it was really a small
eras were all turned on Washington to
journalists – about 1,500 had been report-
story. Somalia was a story just because
record, for the first time in history, a black
ing on Israel’s war, mostly from the same
there was starvation and the interests of
man become the leader of a superpower.
spot on the Israeli-Gaza border. The ques-
the USA were at stake. Nobody cares about
It remains to be seen whether Barack
tion is: where would they be heading next?
what happens there,” he said. “In Rwanda,
Obama’s policies can alter the media’s
we arrived after 30,000 or 60,000 people
agenda - turning cameras onto Africa and
were killed. And we didn’t care, nobody
keeping them there. (Russia Today)
Not to Africa, for sure. Although in the same
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
Sherzai. Analysts think that the White House
will withdraw support for Karzai because it blames him for the drug-based economy, corruption, and embezzlement of donors’ funds.
It is likely that the re-organisation of American
In principle, Karzai’s plan is correct. At one
strategy in Afghanistan will come too late.
time, the Soviet-trained Afghan army was
According to a poll, conducted by international news channels, the Afghans are losing any remaining confidence in the present course of
considered one of the most powerful in the region. It was also well-armed in comparison to other regional forces. However, little has been achieved in recent
affairs. People are frustrated by the consistently
years. From 2002 to 2005, Russia rendered the
bad security. More than a half of all Afghans
Afghan army 200 million US-Dollar in aid,
want the foreign troops to leave their country.
but this cooperation was later curtailed. Neither the United States nor NATO as a
58 per cent view the Taliban as the “biggest
whole has made much progress in building
threat”. Just four per cent favour their return.
an Afghan army during the last seven years. There is no aviation or heavy armament, and the army itself is far from ready to guarantee
Russia may become a major factor in the
has declared “strategic partnership” with the
presidential ambitions of the leading Afghan
United States and the rest of the democratic
politicians during the country’s presidential
world, whereas Russia has been allotted a
In Afghanistan, the army has been tradi-
elections next summer. Speaking to the
modest place among regional countries, after
tionally allotted a leading role in politics, and
graduates of the Kabul Military Academy,
India and China.
a stake in the army has always been failsafe,
domestic stability.
which is why Karzai has appealed to Russia
Afghan President Hamid Karzai said that if Americans did not speed up the imple-
This intrigue is easy to understand. New U.S.
for aid. Whether this will help him during the
mentation of the program to supply armed
President Barack Obama has declared
election or not is another matter. (RIAN)
forces, this task would be carried out by
Afghanistan to be the main U.S. counter-
other countries. Last week, the press service
terrorist front, and is bent on doubling U.S.
of the Afghan President published Dmitry
troops from 30,000 to 60,000. Moreover, he
Medvedev’s reply to Karzai. The Russian
intends to streamline the Afghan political
President expressed readiness to help the
Text By Pyotr Goncharov
Afghan armed forces. An Afghan delegation consisting of high-level civil and military
While Karzai was scaring the West with “other
officials will visit Moscow in the near future.
countries” in the above-mentioned speech,
Expansion of bilateral military-technical
Obama was holding talks with influential
cooperation will be the main subject of the
Afghan leaders and potential hopefuls at the
forthcoming presidential elections, including ex-Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah,
What has compelled Karzai to turn to Russia,
ex-Interior Minister Ali Ahmad Jalali, former
a country he did not much care for until
Finance Minister Ashraf Ghani, and current
recently? In its foreign policy concept, Kabul
Nangarhar Province Governor Agha Gul
divided northern city, people say the past year
has not brought positive change to their lives.
Most Kosovars would perhaps have liked to have celebrated the country’s first anniversary, but many feel little cause for festivities.
Although Kosovo is now a partially independent country
Ramadan Fejza, an Albanian from Mitrovica,
with an absolute majority of Muslim citizens, Arab
drives a blue ‘Nori’ cab for eight hours a day,
states are still hesitating to recognise the new nation.
month. In his family of four he is the only one
There are many problems, especially Kosovo’s economic crisis and rampant organised crime, both part of the sobering legacy of recent years.
for which he earns about 90 to 100 euros a bringing any money home, and he finds it hard to think of any positive developments in Kosovo’s northern city since the declaration of independence. “There are just a few more new buildings around,” he says.
On 17 February 2009, Kosovo Albanians held
called the first anniversary of Kosovo’s
In the Serb-run north it is much the same. As
events to mark the first year of their unilateral
independence, “the anniversary of an illegal
one local cab driver said, there are more new
declaration of independence from Serbia. The
act,” words echoed by the Serbian minister
buildings around, especially in Bosnjacka
main ceremony took place in the Republic’s
for Kosovo, Goran Bogdanovic, who re-
Mahala (Bosnian District), one of a few multi-
parliament in Pristina and was attended
affirmed Belgrade’s position that Kosovo is
ethnic neighbourhoods in the north, where
by Kosovan President Fatmir Sejdiu and
an “indivisible part of Serbia.”
Belgrade’s government is financing the
Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. Parades and
erection of new apartments for Serbs – acts
processions also moved through the capital,
The republic may have rejoiced on 17
and other cities. “We have waited for this
February 2009, but unemployment is around
day for a very long time,” Thaci told a packed
40 per cent and although there have been
The Albanian mayor, Bajram Rexhepi, says he
parliament at the start of an emergency
no major outbreaks of violence, tensions
never expected rapid change, but he hoped
session a year ago to the day. Shortly
remain high in and around Kosovo’s ethnic
the rule of law would be seen to prevail more
afterwards, after the declaration of inde-
Serbian enclaves. Two bombs exploded and
than it had done in the north.
pendence had been approved unanimously
injured six people in early January in
by a show of hands, Kosovo Albanians took
Kosovska-Mitrovica, the last divided city in
to the streets to celebrate what the world’s
Europe and the largest Serbian enclave in
media was soon calling “the world’s newest
Kosovo. NATO troops and the recently
state”. Serbia and its ally Russia reacted
deployed European Union police (EULEX)
angrily to the declaration, with Belgrade
have since increased their presence and
stating that “Kosovo will forever remain a part
patrols in the area. A year on from its
of Serbia.” Moscow immediately called for
unilateral declaration, Kosovo has been
emergency UN Security Council consultations
recognised by most Western states. Yet
on the issue.
globally, only 54 countries have acknowledged its independence.
Tension at the time of inception crowds attacking and setting fire to the US
Divided Mitrovica – symbol of the new freedom?
embassy. The Serbian President Tadic recently
On both sides of the ethnic border in this
The declaration saw riots in Belgrade, with
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
Pristina views as illegal.
The city of Prizren.
Unfortunately, he says, things have moved
Nedzad Ugljanin, an inhabitant of Bosnjacka
about reason for delay on the side of the
slowly, possibly because of the delayed
Mahala and a member of the Bosniak Party
Arab member states of the OIC to officially
reconfiguration of Kosovo’s former UN
of Democratic Action in Kosovo, commenting
recognise an independent Kosovo, is their
administration, UNMIK. On the municipal
on how little the town has changed makes
own internal politics. Many of those who
level, says Rexhepi, there have been improve-
him very frustrated; “It’s getting even worse,”
sided in the past with the Yugoslavian regime
ments in infrastructure. Central government
he maintains, with obvious frustration. “We
in Belgrade have multi-ethnic situations in
has donated more than 10 million euros for
don’t experience the independence, or the
their own territories, and are therefore afraid
upgrading roads in Mitrovica. The municipality
constitution. And Bosnjacka Mahala is like
of the precedent set by Kosovan indepen-
is also trying to solve its water supply problem
an Indian reservation.” He explains how
dence. This reluctance has been noticed by
and rebuild the houses destroyed during the
many Albanians and even some Bosniak fam-
many Muslims, not just inside Kosovo but in
1999 conflict.
ilies have sold their homes and moved south,
South Eastern Europe generally.
though he himself plans to stay together with People in Mitrovica, like people throughout
other Bosniaks no matter what. Maja Ficovic,
Kosovo, are also facing the same old problems
a Serbian journalist living just outside of
Were Russia’s warnings proven by events?
of joblessness and poverty which they
Mitrovica, believes both Albanians and
On the Friday before Kosovo made the split
struggled with before independence. Mayor
Serbians in Kosovo are essentially pawns in
from Serbia official, Russia’s Foreign Ministry
Rexhepi used to meet local citizens in his
the hands of others. “This is all a game for
said that any declaration of independence
office every other Monday. He stopped this,
the great leaders and this generation is paying
would be “taken into account in [Russia’s]
he says, because 97 per cent of the visitors
for it,” she states.
relations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia,”
only came to ask for a job or a place to live.
both of which split from Georgia in bloody
“I saw this as very counter-productive because
A reluctant Muslim world
post-Soviet conflicts and whose residents
I wasn’t able to help those people,” Rexhepi
While Islam is by far the dominant faith
have enjoyed Russian citizenship for many
says. “I am not the kind of person to try to
among Kosovo Albanians, only one Arab state,
years. The Russian Federation subsequently
please people when I know I can’t.”
the United Arab Emirates, has so far
stepped up support for the two republics,
recognised Pristina. “Kosovo will only be
and recognised both South Ossetia and
Valdete Idrizi, an Albanian from Mitrovica
recognized by the Arab world in the event of
Abkhazia as independent states two weeks
and director of Community Building Mitrovica,
a fundamental change in the nature of US
after the end of a five-day war last August
a local NGO, spends a lot of her time talking
foreign policy,” Vyacheslav Matuzov, the
that began when Georgian forces attacked
to Albanians and Serbians and as well as
President of the Russian Society for Friendship
South Ossetia in a bid to bring it back under
visiting ethnic enclaves, to find out what those
and Business Cooperation with Palestine, told
central control.
people need. She too has seen few signs of
RIA Novosti on 17 February 2009.
change since the declaration of independ-
Kosovo has refused to recognise Abkhazia
ence. “Albanian people were in a dream,”
“Leading political analysts in the Arab world
and South Ossetia, saying it is on the side of
Idrizi claims. “We were brought up on the idea
saw the event as an attempt by pro-NATO
“the leading world powers” on the issue.
of being independent, but since then noth-
forces to strengthen NATO’s position to the
Russia has said that its decision to recognise
ing has changed in our lives and nothing has
detriment of the Russian Federation. They
the two republics has no parallels with the
changed in Mitrovica either. Everyone is to
consider this to be an American-Russian
West’s recognition of Kosovo. “Drawing
blame: the international community, EULEX
confrontation, rather than an attempt by
parallels is irrelevant here, and the difference
– which is still not in the north – and our
Orthodox Christians in Serbia [...] to prevent
is evident between Belgrade’s policy towards
leaders for not having a plan for Mitrovica.
the creation of a new Islamic state in Europe,”
Kosovo and how Saakashvili’s regime
People are very tired of all this and this is why
he added.
behaved towards South Ossetia and
we have to use this momentum and do something,” she says.
Abkhazia,” Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Another fairly obvious, yet seldom talked-
said last August. (gm/RIAN/BIRN)
telling Ignatius: “You gave him 23 minutes
and only 13 to me”and stormed out.
ANALYSIS OF TURKISH-ISRAELI RELATIONS In a reported telephone call to Erdogan after the incident, Peres praised longstanding
Turkey and Israel once considered building a
Turkish-Israel ties, and expressed the hope
pipeline or a tanker route to ship fresh water from
they would continue unhindered. But for the
Turkey to Israel, but the project was found too
time being, and for some time to come, gone are any major joint Israeli-Turkish projects in
costly. From his second term of office as prime
many fields, certainly the military one. “There
minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey has been
is a storm, but it will blow over,” said Istanbulbased French author Jerome Bastion. “Turkey
determined to play a larger and more independ-
and Israel are too important to each other,
ent role in the region of the Greater Middle East.
and Turkey is too important for the Middle East.”
For decades, Israel could count on Turkey as
Peres defended Israeli strikes as a response
its only Muslim friend, if not ally, in the Middle
to rocket attacks by Hamas. Erdogan
East. After Israel’s assault on Gaza, that
denounced Israeli raids and the death and
repair,” said Ilter Turan, political science
friendship is in doubt. And Turkey, a bridge
destruction among civilians, many women
professor and a former vice-president of the
between East and West, was seen as a credible
and children among them, and on UN
International Political Scientists Association.
broker in mediating a settlement in the region.
Turkey is now seen as taking sides in the
That, too, is now in doubt.
Some consider that view too optimistic. “There is damage and it will take time to
Israel-Palestine quagmire to a degree that its The fine print of the confrontation was that
potential as an ‘honest broker’ has been
The ties between Turkey and Israel that had
Erdogan, despite reports in most media, did
questioned. Until a few weeks before Israel’s
been simmering for a few weeks suddenly hit
not storm out of the meeting because of
Gaza onslaught, Turkey was acting as go-
boiling point at the usually sedate World
Peres. He had said his bit to Peres in no
between in negotiations between Israel and
Economic Forum in Davos. Israeli President
uncertain terms (“Israel knows how to kill
Syria over the Golan Heights.
Peres and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan got
well”) and was elaborating when moderator
into a public showdown over Gaza; Erdogan
David Ignatius of The Washington Post said
Following his walkout, Erdogan has become
stormed out of a discussion with UN
that the panel discussion was running over
a folk hero to the Arabs, particularly in Gaza,
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Arab
the allocated time, and persistently attempted
unlike other “conservative and cautiuns”
League Secretary-General Moussa.
to cut Erdogan off. He collected his notes,
leaders in the region, writes chief editor of the daily Sabah, Mehmet Barlas. The opposite,
More cordial times: Turkish and Israeli officers at a NATO conference.
inevitably, is the response among Jews. David Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee was quoted as saying in Turkey’s English language Daily News. “There has been a worrying surge of anti-Semitism in Turkey in recent weeks.” Through the assault, the Turkish public sided squarely with Palestinians in Gaza,
| Issue 05 | March 2009
denouncing Israel at demonstrations and collecting funds. There was little in the protests that could be construed as anti-Semitic. Normally, as a token of sympathy with the Jews, Turks point out that their forbearers, the Osmanlis, accepted Jews into the Empire after they were expelled from Spain in the 15th century. Turkey, which now has a thriving Jewish community of some 20,000, recognised Israel long before Egypt did. Turkey and Israel once considered building a pipeline or establishing a tanker route to ship fresh water from Turkey to Israel, but the project was found to be too costly. The Davos spat has suddenly called into question such assumed ties. Through his outburst, Erdogan has certainly raised his stature at home. He was welcomed home with signs of ‘World Leader’ and ‘Conqueror of Davos’. The flap may have a little to do with personality, and not just politics. Erdogan is known to be a firebrand – with impulsive mood swings from charming to damning. As he said after Davos, he does not belong to the ‘Mon Cher’ (‘My Dear’) crowd of affable and cautious diplomats trained in the best tradition of the French diplomatic lexicon. Rather he comes “from the seeds of politics,” telling it as it is. In a sharp break from the past, Palestinian flags were hoisted at the boisterous postmidnight welcome for Erdogan at Istanbul airport, and Turkish flags fluttered in Gaza in gratitude. It will be a long time before Turkish and Israeli flags adorn each other’s countries. The “Mon Cher” diplomatic world has its work cut out. (IPS) Text By Hilmi Toros
Emperor’s affinity to Islam lay in his childhood.
The Italian Muslim historian Dr. Ali Azzali
agrees: “Certainly, yes; You have to remember that Frederick not only grew up among Muslims, they looked after him in the various
The legends surrounding Frederick II von
districts of Palermo and protected him from
Hohenstaufen are many and various. Some even
those who wanted to prevent him from ascending the throne. It was there that he
say he and his son secretly became Muslims.
learned to speak fluent Arabic and acquired
What is certain is that he was very close to Islam.
his taste for Arab culture, and also where he
He was a man of impressive stature and
probably obtained an objective basic knowledge of Islam itself. The Palermo of the time
capabilities, from his rational politics, his
was full of markets, mosques, madrassas and
extensive building work, to his deep knowledge
other institutions in which the Deen could still be exercised, largely under protection.”
of falconry. Today, many centuries on, the Emperor remains an inspiring example of leadership.
The Muslims of Sicily had lived in mixed areas before Frederick’s rise to power, but since the Norman conquest they had had no political
“That was the year in which Emperor
than any other Christian ruler. Frederick II
power. Neverthless a succession of Norman
Frederick died ... It is said that the Emperor
was known as “stupor mundi” or Wonder of
and Staufen leaders had allowed them to
was secretly a Muslim.” Ibn Al-Furat
the World. He was highly educated and
practise their religion. When Frederick
mastered several languages: Italian, French,
ascended the throne in Palermo the majority
“(...) all of those peoples who belonged
Latin, Greek, Middle High German and Arabic
of the population of his capital were Muslim.
to Emperor Frederick II, whom he claimed
among others.
“There were Muslims among the great men
as his (...) still boast about him to this day.
of his court who did much to cultivate the
In the memory of the Germans he long
The Swiss cultural historian Burckhardt called
royal environment. The Emperor himself spoke
remained the man whose death in 1250
the inheritor of the Hohenstaufen and Norman
fluent Arabic. When he came to power he
people did not want to accept and did
Dynasties “the first modern person to ascend
formed his bodyguard from Muslim soldiers
not want to believe (...).” Dr. Reimund
a throne,” while philosopher Nietzsche wrote
who were to protect him throughout his life,”
about Frederick II’s relations with Islam: “‘War
explains Dr. Azzali. He later re-settled these
to the Knife with Rome! Peace, friendship
Muslims and their families – around 25,000
“I have been the anvil long enough,
with Islam’: thus that great free-spirit, that
people – in the Apulian town of Lucera.
now I want to be the hammer.” Emperor
great genius amongst German emperors,
Frederick II after his frustrating experiences
Frederick the Second.”2 It remains debatable
with papal claims to power.
whether the Emperor was a “modern person”
At war with the Popes: Frederick’s role as leader
as Burckhardt claimed, but as far as his
The Hohenstaufen Emperor’s greatest
Emperor Frederick II, of the House of
political and legislative decisions go, Frederick
challenges, in brief, were to establish a stable
Hohenstaufen, grew up in Sicily during a time
II was certainly, for his time, a remarkably
state in Southern Italy and Sicily, to extend
in which the Roman Catholic, Byzantine and
rational and far-sighted man.
and secure the power of the House of
Islamic worlds were engaged in a dynamic
Hohenstaufen in the German kingdom, and
encounter. He had direct contact with Islam
Formative influences
to pursue a life-long and often frustrating
and the Muslims, to an extent perhaps greater
It is likely that one of the roots of the
struggle with various Popes for ultimate rule
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
Apulia’s Castel del Monte, one of the Emperor’s most remarkable legacies.
over the Empire. Fredrick 11 had a majority
took on great importance under Emperor
In Sicily and Apulia he organised the first
of German princes confirm him as German
Frederick II – especially when it came to his
modern bureaucratic state. Frederick II funded
king on 5 December 1212. His decisive
rights as ruler. He founded towns and
and reformed the world-famous Medical
assumption of power in Germany and in
established trade routes in order to de-
School of Salerno, and founded the University
Norman-Staufian Sicily drew in other Euro-
populate neighbouring principalities and
of Naples, which was given the task of
pean centres of power – the Hohenstaufen
extract customs duties from princes. The
training civil servants.
regions of Germany, Sicily and Apulia, the
Assizes of Capua in 1220 and the
Papal States, England and France.
Constitutions of Melfi in 1231 helped to
The most defining and also the most dramatic
establish positive norms in law and state
aspect of his rule was his struggle for power
The struggle for power between him and the
order, setting an example for the rest of
with the totalitarian papacy of the time, a
rival dynasty of the Guelphs was decided in
Europe. Frederick II passed strict laws
deadly conflict over revolving around which
1214 by the Battle of Bouvines at which a
preserving the countryside and protecting
had the higher authority vested in it by God:
Guelphic-English army was defeated by the
women and minorities.
the papacy or the office of Emperor. Towards the end of his life, after numerous campaigns
French allied to the Staufens. Frederick II was crowned Roman-German King in Aachen in
Frederick may have been known as ‘King of
of different magnitudes – in Northern Italy
1215, and annointed Emperor by the Pope in
the Romans’ and ‘Roman and German
against allies of the Pope and in Germany
Rome on 22 November 1220. According to tra-
Emperor’, but in fact he spent most of his life
against his opponents there – Frederick’s
dition he wore a red coronation robe for the
in Apulia and Sicily, including the periods
prospects were looking dismal, when in early
from 1221 to 1235 and 1237 to 1250, during
1250 the situation changed quite suddenly.
which these times he had his sons represent
In Germany, his son Conrad held off an
him in Germany.
offensive by the rival king William, and a
Legislation and the dispensation of justice
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
string of Northern Italian towns changed over
artistic and creative abilities. None of his
his book on Frederick II. However, historians
to the Emperor’s side.
numerous construction projects was done
specialising in the field argue about the
without his personal input. It was in
intention behind the castle.
But on 13 December 1250, at the age of 55,
architecture that he sought and found respite
Emperor Frederick II died during peace
from state affairs and campaigns, and
Goldmann disputes David Abulafia’s historical
negotiations with the Pope in his home region
wherever he found himself, be it in Sicily or
theory that the Castel del Monte was a mere
of Apulia. As with other great leaders, an
in the north, he always kept himself up to date
hunting lodge. Neither its considerable
epoch ended with the end of his personal
on the progress of building work. The Maniace
dimensions nor its comparatively luxurious
in Syracus, a bridge-fort at Capua and the
furnishings fit the image. To Goldmann, the
incomparable Castel del Monte all flowed
Crown of Apulia was neither a place of
Emperor and architect
from his own pen. Many of the great
relaxation nor an esoteric symbol as some
Much to the exasperation of his treasurers,
Renaissance structures would be unthinkable
people claim, rather it was a “testimony in
the Emperor designed and had built countless
without Frederick and his architecture.
stone to the credo of the great medieval ruler.”4
castles which have since vanished in the storms of time. His Castel del Monte, however,
The various references to Islam that can be
still exists today and is considered the ‘Crown
found in the Castel del Monte could, if viewed
of Apulia’. In it can be seen the influence of
in isolation, be considered purely coincidental.
Echos of Arabia: Frederick’s love of falcons
major Christian churches, such as the Charle-
But to this date, few if any to have attempted
When he was not busy with the affairs of his
magne’s Palace Chapel, Arab architectural
to link them together with other aspects of
empire, Frederick enjoyed watching birds; an
influences - There are clear similarities with
Frederick’s relationship with Islam. The
erudite scholar of them, he had a particular
the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.
octagonal footprint of the Castel del Monte,
love of falconry. His life-long observations
as stated, points to the Muslim cultural world,
culminated in a book on falconry which has
Frederick II made his mark not only as a
where the octagon was already known and
since been considered a unique classic of the
statesman and politician, but also as the
used in architecture – examples including the
genre: De arte venandi cum avibus (The Art
initiator and founder of a new artistic style –
Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, the Qubbat
arte sueva: Swabian Art, or Staufen Art. In
As-Sulaibiya in Samarra, the tomb of Shah
Southern Italy, Frederick II’s initiatives lay very
Rukn-e-Alam in Multan and the Taj Mahal in
much in the political and military realm. He
India. Indeed, the Emperor knew the Dome
had castles, towns and fortifications built on
of the Rock from his own time in Jerusalem.
mountains, passes and river-crossings so as
There are also numerous buildings based on
to dominate the surrounding areas and secure
octagons in the North African regions lying
his military roads; he built dams and
across the Mediterranean from Sicily.
The empire under Frederick II.
hermitages in Sicily, fortified river-crossings, reinforced the ports, and constructed lakeside
The impressive, pale limestone structure
forts to protect his borders with the Papal
which, beginning in 1240, Frederick had built
States. His letters and certificates document
in Apulia incorporates a whole series of
these far-reaching defensive measures in
octagons. The eight-sided ground-plan
detail. The Staufen Kastell or fort, which
encloses an octagonal interior courtyard, and
emerged within a very specifically intended
octagonal towers stand at each of its eight
style of architecture, is a reflection of the
corners. “The similarity between its structural
chivalrous Hohenstaufen world.
form and visual effect on the observer and that of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is
Frederick himself was possessed of great
remarkable,” writes Gerhard Goldmann in
of Hunting with Birds), which he wrote
realistic view of objects, is the fact that the
well as Arab and Muslim officials – especially
between 1245 and 1248 on the insistence of
highest philosophical authorities, such as
in Palermo. It is certainly almost inconceivable
his favourite son Manfred, after decades of
Aristotle, opposed such methodology. Seeing
that Frederick could have acquired his deep
birdwatching. The book has been described
things the way they really are, without
knowledge of all things Arabian – the
as one of the summits of occidental thought,
speculating, without drawing conclusions,
language, the philosophy, the culture and the
marking as it does the genesis of empirical
and leaving questions unanswered, was
spiritual world – without having been
science. “Our intention is to make visible the
reminiscent of the clinical exactitude with
systematically introduced to them and
things that are, the way they are.”
which the Arab physicians of the same period
instructed in them. His contemporaries,
described diseases.
especially his avid critics, were no less quick
The book goes far beyond mere falconry. In
to note the “unfolding of his Oriental
its first part it contains a general treatise on
Exchange with the Muslim world
ornithology, dividing birds up into land-based,
Sources do not allow us to say anything really
aquatic and marsh-dwelling; it describing the
conclusive about the Emperor’s innermost
Another counter-argument raised is that
anatomy of birds and their technique of flight
religious preferences. Some modern (and
Frederick, as ruler of an enormous entity
before discussing hunting with birds. As a
somewhat dry) German historiographers cast
stretching from the Mediterranean to the
book of falconry it superseded all its prede-
doubt on his proximity to Islam. They argue
North Sea, relied on Catholicism as the
cessors, and remained authoritiative in its
among other things that he actively waged
mutually binding factor. Any form of public
field until into the 18 Century.
war against Muslim factions in Sicily and
acceptance of or even sympathy towards
that his claim to universal rule was strongly
Islam would have certainly meant political and
characterised by Christian concepts of power.
even personal suicide.8 The Italian historian
The Arab influences in De arte venandi cum
avibus are inescapable. The Emperor intro-
tendencies” and his “Arab” outlook on life.
Dr. Azzali concurs: “His greatest struggle was
duces and describes in his book the falcon
This viewpoint, however, does not quite
with the Catholic Church with which he was
hood, which until then had been used only
explain why the Emperor surrounded himself
constantly at war. Had the Church got its
by Arabs; but of greater significance is his
so thoroughly with an Oriental way of life as
hands on such a declaration it would have completely destroyed him and his whole
The noble art of falconry has not lost its fascination.
dynasty. I believe that the Emperor was in the same position as the Byzantine emperor Heraclius, who was called to Islam by legates sent by the Prophet Muhammad.” Frederick drew the best Muslims in his country into the innermost circles of his court, entrusting them with issues of financial administration and naval matters. He also maintained a regular exchange with their scholars, who were able to answer many of his pressing questions. According to Dr Azzali, special attention is due by the exchange of letters between Frederick and the scholar and Sufi Ibn Sabi’un. In these letters the Emperor poses the same questions he had previously put to his Empire’s Latin
GLOBALIA | Issue 05 | March 2009
and Greek scholars. When they failed to
the prayer call of the Muslims and their
Anjou could quite extinguish the memory of
provide satisfactory answers, he sent a letter
worthy God.”
this brief blossoming. When visiting Luceras in 1998, the author unexpectedly met a town
to the court of the Muwahid Khalif Abdul Wahid in Andalusia, who forwarded it to the
Another aspect of Frederick II’s dealings with
planner who not only showed him traces of
Sufi Ibn Sabi’un in 1217.
Muslims was the settlement of Muslim
the Muslims presence, but also declared his
soldiers and their families in the Apulian
conviction that both the Emperor and one of
The Emperor’s letters discuss fundamental
town of Lucera. Goldmann says this re-sett-
his sons had died as Muslims.
matters of philosophy and the natural
lement was “a stroke of luck” for the Muslim
sciences, and, even more importantly, ques-
community; the new settlement was under
The winds of destiny may soon have swept
tions about a hadith of the Prophet and the
the direct protection of the Emperor. Luceria
away Frederick II’s life-work – a modern-
immortality of the soul. This reference to a
Saracenorum was granted its town charter in
style state with rational rule of law and an
Prophetic tradition is further proof of
1234 and the Muslims were able to live by
economically flourishing Southern Italy. The
Frederick’s intimate knowledge of Islam. “The
their own laws and practise their religion.
House of Anjou may have ended Staufen
series of letters is one of the most fascinating
Frederick had the Norman state treasury of
power with the active assistance of the
documents in European intellectual history.
his forefathers moved to the town, indicating
Church, yet Emperor Frederick II remains an
He begins his letters to Shaykh Ibn Sabi’un
just how close the place was to his heart.
inspiration to this day – especially for those who does not accept the artificial distinction
with the Basmala, and ends them with greetings of Salam for his teacher. Another
The chronicler Jemal Ad-Din, who was part
between Islam and Europe which is erected
indicator is Ibn Sabi’un’s comment that Allah
of the entourage of the Egyptian emissary
on a daily basis.
had guided the Emperor on the Straight
Fakhr Ad-Din, described Luceras as follows:
Path,” says Dr. Azzali.
“The town’s population is Muslim through
Text By Sulaiman Wilms
and through. Friday is celebrated just as other Despite excommunication by the Pope,
Muslim customs are upheld.” For his own
Frederick set off on the Fifth Crusade in 1228,
Muslim retinue, the Emperor selected Muslim
whereupon the Pope reinforced the order by
soldiers for his bodyguard as well as a number
releasing the nobility in Sicily and his empire
of scholars and treasurers. The craftsmen in
from their oath of loyalty to the Emperor.
Luceras were expert in producing the
Frederick found little support in the Holy Land,
renowned Damascene blades as well as
but he did not seem particularly bent on
armaments and the notorious ‘Greek fire’.
Footnotes: Arab Chronist, quoted in Gerhard Goldmann, Deutscher Kaiser und Muslim?, Books on Demand GmbH, 2006 1
fighting the Muslims. Instead he quickly
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist
The cloak shows a date tree and two camels being held down beneath the paws of tigers. It is said to bear an Arabic benediction on its hem.
opened diplomatic relations with Sultan
In addition to the town’s own rules, the
Al-Kamil of Cairo.
Constitutions of Melfi granted the Muslims and also the Jews of the Empire the
Frederick achieved a peace accord, the Peace
Emperor’s general legal protection. The
of Jaffa, not by force of arms but by
Constitutions stated: “We do not wish them
negotiating with the Sultan, and this resulted
to be persecuted when innocent, just
in Christian sovereignty over large parts of
because they are Jews or Saracens.”9
Gerhard Goldmann, Deutscher Kaiser und Muslim?, Books on Demand GmbH, 2006
Intentio vero nostra est manifestare ea quae sunt sicut sunt, quoted from Kantorowicz, p. 332 5
the city. During the negotiatons, the Sultan
Schaller and Leder, for example
“Furthermore, the re-settlement should not be considered an arbitrary act, but a political necessity,” interview with Gerhard Goldmann
invited him to Jerusalem. When the muezzin
In 1300, after the death of Frederick and his
refrained from the morning call to prayer
descendents, the Muslims of Luceras were
out of consideration for Frederick, the
killed. A church which still stands to this day
Emperor is said to have declared: “I stayed
was erected on the ruins of the mosque there.
overnight in Jerusalem in order to listen to
But neither the Church nor the House of
Abulafia, p. 218